WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.240 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: Name is Jeffrey Lawton. 2 00:00:02.150 --> 00:00:11.039 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: and I am the library senior advisor to the chief human capital officer, and I'm just thrilled to be here with you today for this Library of Congress career showcase. 3 00:00:11.190 --> 00:00:18.890 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: It's designed to tell you more about the largest library in the world and to describe the director for preservation role. 4 00:00:19.120 --> 00:00:23.269 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: The job posting is currently open and it remains so until December the 30.th 5 00:00:23.510 --> 00:00:39.430 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: We have with us today, Kate Zward. She is the associate librarian for discovery and preservation services, and joining her is Roberto Salazar, chief operating officer for the Library Collections and Services Group. They will tell you more about the position. 6 00:00:39.860 --> 00:00:50.310 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: We'll provide an opportunity for you to ask questions near the end of the presentation, and one note on that. Please use the Q. And a function to submit questions. 7 00:00:50.520 --> 00:01:03.890 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: In addition, you'll see that there's an option to submit your question anonymously. So you may also go into your settings and change the identifier on your profile to anonymous 2024. 8 00:01:04.400 --> 00:01:10.040 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: We will do our very best to answer as many questions as we can during the hour that we have together 9 00:01:10.070 --> 00:01:26.280 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: on our website@loc.gov. Slash careers. You'll find general information about being a Federal employee within the legislative branch, including Federal pay and compensation, retirement, and other important details. 10 00:01:26.470 --> 00:01:38.580 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: and at the end of today's showcase you'll be invited to participate in a brief 3 question survey before you sign off. We really appreciate and value your feedback, we hope you can participate in that. 11 00:01:39.170 --> 00:01:53.220 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: Now on to the presentation. Dr. Carla Hayden, the Librarian of Congress, recorded a virtual video tour of the library, and she also describes 3 imperatives that inform our actions and focus our energies each and every day 12 00:01:53.400 --> 00:01:54.939 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: over to you, Dr. Hayden. 13 00:01:58.910 --> 00:02:11.369 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: Hello, everyone! I'm Carla Hayden, the Librarian of Congress, and I could not be more pleased that you're considering the Library of Congress as your new work home. We are the largest library in the world. 14 00:02:11.540 --> 00:02:13.479 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: but we're so much more than that. 15 00:02:13.880 --> 00:02:23.649 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: In addition to our vast and varied collections, we're the home to the main research arm of the United States Congress and to the US. Copyright Office. 16 00:02:24.550 --> 00:02:31.980 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: Without question. We're an essential resource to scholars and researchers as diverse as the disciplines they represent. 17 00:02:32.420 --> 00:02:35.220 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: But we are also the People's Library. 18 00:02:35.540 --> 00:02:40.450 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: a place where everyone who loves learning can experience the joy of discovery. 19 00:02:40.510 --> 00:02:43.240 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: the delight of a story well told. 20 00:02:43.260 --> 00:02:46.599 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: and the wonder of the wisdom of the centuries. 21 00:02:46.930 --> 00:02:49.599 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: That's the Library of Congress in a few words. 22 00:02:49.670 --> 00:02:52.989 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: but as someone who's considering joining our rigs. 23 00:02:53.010 --> 00:02:55.650 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: I'm sure you want to know more. 24 00:02:56.030 --> 00:02:58.499 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: 3 imperatives drive us every day. 25 00:02:58.510 --> 00:03:04.529 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: informing our actions and focusing our energies. The 1st is to engage 26 00:03:04.700 --> 00:03:10.310 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: we're in the business of engaging with writers, researchers, and the public at large. 27 00:03:10.400 --> 00:03:22.430 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: with our unparalleled collection of original manuscripts, ancient maps, rare books, photographs, films, sound recordings, journals, newspapers, and more. 28 00:03:22.840 --> 00:03:33.590 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: whether they are recounting and interpreting current events for future generations. Writing the next bestseller or diving into family genealogy, we engage. 29 00:03:34.040 --> 00:03:44.540 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: and that includes the millions of Americans who are blind, or live with other disabilities, providing contemporary literature in a variety of accessible formats. 30 00:03:44.560 --> 00:03:48.629 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: The second of our 3 imperatives is to inspire. 31 00:03:49.370 --> 00:03:59.189 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: We provide an impressive range of programs, exhibitions, knowledge centers, and marquee library events, to extend our reach and inspire learners of every. 32 00:03:59.390 --> 00:04:15.040 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: whether through the veterans. History Project, the National book Festival, our digital learning labs, the Storycorps Archive, or a host of other initiatives. We are focused on igniting imaginations and feeding the hunger for knowledge. 33 00:04:15.650 --> 00:04:20.170 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: Number 3, we are here to inform. We provide Congress. 34 00:04:20.190 --> 00:04:28.440 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: judiciary, and Federal agencies across the board with round the clock access to a vast storehouse of knowledge in print 35 00:04:28.670 --> 00:04:32.209 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: online and via consultation with scholars 36 00:04:32.220 --> 00:04:41.740 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: and deeply experienced subject matter. Experts from the Congressional Research Service, the Us. Copyright office, the Law Library and the Kluge center. 37 00:04:42.480 --> 00:04:45.399 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: informing our constituents is what we do. 38 00:04:45.480 --> 00:04:47.069 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: Why, we are here. 39 00:04:47.720 --> 00:04:49.920 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: So what does all of this mean to you? 40 00:04:50.040 --> 00:04:53.819 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: Someone, considering making the Library of Congress your work home. 41 00:04:54.580 --> 00:04:57.449 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: it means that you'll be a guardian of knowledge. 42 00:04:57.490 --> 00:05:02.439 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: a gateway to access, a guide to people of every age and background. 43 00:05:03.050 --> 00:05:05.570 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: I can think of no higher calling. 44 00:05:06.350 --> 00:05:12.400 LOC - Jeffrey Lofton: And now I turn the proceedings over to some of my much valued colleagues. 45 00:05:18.010 --> 00:05:42.099 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Thank you, Dr. Hayden. Hi, everybody! I'm Kate Sward, and I'm really glad to have this opportunity to introduce you to the Director of preservation and the scope of the preservation directorate here at the Library of Congress. My name is Kate Sward. I'm the associate librarian for discovery and preservation services, and the direct supervisor of the person in this role. I've been at the library for about 13 years in various positions, and I'm thrilled to be able to talk to you today. 46 00:05:42.690 --> 00:05:50.700 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The library is a large and complex organization. So I really like to start by situating the vacancy within a larger organizational start chart 47 00:05:50.750 --> 00:05:52.109 LOC - Kate Zwaard: next slide, please. 48 00:05:54.260 --> 00:06:03.420 LOC - Kate Zwaard: This is the org chart for the entire library. You can see that we're responsible for many programs and activities, including the Congressional Research Service and the United States Copyright Office. 49 00:06:03.430 --> 00:06:11.620 LOC - Kate Zwaard: But where we work is in Lcsg. The library part of the library, as we colloquially, colloquially call it. Next slide, please. 50 00:06:12.880 --> 00:06:25.749 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I've outlined in purple the Library Collections and Services Group. This group is led by Robin Dale, the Deputy Librarian for Discovery and Preservation Service for for collections and services to whom I directly report. Next slide, please. 51 00:06:28.260 --> 00:06:41.290 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Here we've tightened our view to just look at the Collections and services group that that Robin leads. I've used purple to outline my office. The discovery and preservation services and the director for preservation vacancy is is outlined in the dashed line 52 00:06:41.430 --> 00:06:42.670 LOC - Kate Zwaard: next slide, please. 53 00:06:44.870 --> 00:06:52.070 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Now we've centered my office discovering preservation services, or what we call Dps Dps, consists of about 600 staff. 54 00:06:52.140 --> 00:06:55.640 LOC - Kate Zwaard: nearly half of the library questions and Services group staffing. 55 00:06:55.800 --> 00:07:11.079 LOC - Kate Zwaard: As you can see, there are 3 directorates in Dps, each with a number of divisions. The Preservation directorate for which we are seeking. This director consists of 4 such divisions. I'm currently acting as the director of preservation while we conduct this this search. Next slide, please. 56 00:07:12.850 --> 00:07:28.420 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I wanted to outline you to the activities. I'm breaking this presentation up basically into 2 pieces. One is what each one of those divisions are which kind of gives you an overview of the operational work. And then what? The what? The work of the office of the director is. So we're going to start there. 57 00:07:28.801 --> 00:07:41.439 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Each of the each. The office of each director under my office consists of a director and a special assistant. The special assistant serves as a senior advisor, special project manager, and executive assistant to the director. 58 00:07:41.480 --> 00:07:47.469 LOC - Kate Zwaard: and each of the directors is responsible for oversight of the overall operations of the director of the Directorate. 59 00:07:47.570 --> 00:07:56.119 LOC - Kate Zwaard: and we can think about this work as being described under 2 broad umbrellas, administration and operations work. And then strategic work. 60 00:07:56.500 --> 00:08:17.379 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The administration and operations work focuses on the oversight of the core activities that support the day-to-day management of the preservation directorate. And this includes things like human resource management responsibilities. And so that's the supervising and coaching of all direct staff, which is the chief of the divisions as well as leadership and guidance for supervisors and staff at all levels. 61 00:08:17.510 --> 00:08:23.380 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The director may choose to serve as a mentor to staff through one of the Library's career development programs. 62 00:08:23.843 --> 00:08:29.979 LOC - Kate Zwaard: And I should mention that staff non non-management staff belong to 2 units and 2 unions. 63 00:08:30.000 --> 00:08:38.360 LOC - Kate Zwaard: and part of our job is to be conversant in their collective bargaining units, collective bargaining agreements, and help your supervisors to be compliant. 64 00:08:38.950 --> 00:08:43.439 LOC - Kate Zwaard: And then we have administrative administration related to compliance activities. 65 00:08:44.039 --> 00:08:48.390 LOC - Kate Zwaard: This includes not only Us. Government regulations, but also Library of Congress. Directives. 66 00:08:48.990 --> 00:08:56.780 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Work in this area includes evaluating proposed policies and directives related to preservation program areas and making recommendations to changes. 67 00:08:57.260 --> 00:09:02.979 LOC - Kate Zwaard: And then we have fiscal responsibilities. It's a pretty significant fiscal. 68 00:09:03.080 --> 00:09:05.639 LOC - Kate Zwaard: a pretty significant budget that this person oversees 69 00:09:06.142 --> 00:09:08.800 LOC - Kate Zwaard: in Fy. 24. Excuse me. 70 00:09:08.950 --> 00:09:13.630 LOC - Kate Zwaard: the director was responsible for about 30 million of the library's total budget. 71 00:09:13.670 --> 00:09:19.629 LOC - Kate Zwaard: which which was about 9.5 million in non-pay and about 20 million in pay. 72 00:09:19.870 --> 00:09:32.850 LOC - Kate Zwaard: And this work includes developing annual staffing plans for the directorate in collaboration with the chiefs and ensuring budget execution for our annual appropriations and contracting work across the directorate. 73 00:09:33.560 --> 00:09:46.149 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Now we'll move on to the bottom part, the strategic work, and this is about driving change for the organization. Generally the change making work is accomplished through major initiatives and priorities identified during a fiscal year. 74 00:09:46.610 --> 00:10:00.760 LOC - Kate Zwaard: These priorities are developed during an annual strategic planning cycle, and the initiatives are usually managed and staffed by a division. The director works in close collaboration with the chiefs and stakeholders across the unit or the library in providing support and accountability to accomplish this. 75 00:10:01.210 --> 00:10:13.490 LOC - Kate Zwaard: to give you an example of what this might look like in this fiscal year. The Preservation Directorate's initiatives include launching an on-site inventory management project to increase physical control over the general collections 76 00:10:13.800 --> 00:10:20.490 LOC - Kate Zwaard: contributing preservation expertise to the planning and development of a new high density, storage facility with the architect of the capital. 77 00:10:20.530 --> 00:10:27.510 LOC - Kate Zwaard: and planning and managing the implementation of our new collection, safeguarding plan in partnership with our folks in physical security. 78 00:10:27.970 --> 00:10:36.070 LOC - Kate Zwaard: It's envisioned that the new director will lead and contribute significantly to the library's vision for preservation programs and strategies. Through the next strategic planning cycles. 79 00:10:36.600 --> 00:10:40.729 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Lastly, I want to mention the education and outreach components of the Preservation Directorate 80 00:10:40.800 --> 00:10:49.790 LOC - Kate Zwaard: preservation staff share their work with the general public, with peer groups and Congressional members and staff through dozens of tours every year, some of which involve involve media outlets. 81 00:10:50.160 --> 00:11:01.009 LOC - Kate Zwaard: staff share their research findings and their developed expertise through professional peers, with professional peers, through publications, scholarly presentations and workshops, as well as through our blog 82 00:11:01.350 --> 00:11:06.399 LOC - Kate Zwaard: and staff, continue to train the next generation of conservation conservators and preservation specialists 83 00:11:06.440 --> 00:11:13.479 LOC - Kate Zwaard: through various conservation internships and fellowship programs, the 1st of which was started incredibly 45 years ago. 84 00:11:13.990 --> 00:11:23.109 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Basically, the job of the director is to make the place hum, to drive operational excellence, to lead change-making initiatives, and to coach and mentor your staff. 85 00:11:23.280 --> 00:11:29.969 LOC - Kate Zwaard: And it's also to be part of the leadership team of the library to work in partnership with your peers. To make this the best library we can make it 86 00:11:30.360 --> 00:11:31.609 LOC - Kate Zwaard: next slide, please. 87 00:11:34.070 --> 00:11:47.309 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Now I'd like to go over the day-to-day work of the of the Directorate in which the director for preservation will lead. These are best reflected in the scope of responsibilities for each of the Directorates divisions next slide. 88 00:11:49.408 --> 00:11:53.349 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I'd like to start with the Collections management Division next slide, please. 89 00:11:54.790 --> 00:12:05.100 LOC - Kate Zwaard: This is the largest of the division, and in terms of number of staff. It currently consists of 84 members of full-time staff and 65 contractors across 2 sections mentioned here. 90 00:12:05.490 --> 00:12:19.729 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The library's collections are unique in their scope and scale. In numbers. There are about 22.6 million total items in the general collections, of which 6.5 million are stored in 2 off-site facilities. 91 00:12:20.320 --> 00:12:33.849 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The collection management division provides many stewardship, delivery and storage services for collections stored on the Capitol Hill campus and in the library's offsite storage facilities at in various locations. Next slide please. 92 00:12:35.860 --> 00:12:41.110 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The responsibilities of the collection management division include inventory management and transportation 93 00:12:41.130 --> 00:12:50.429 LOC - Kate Zwaard: collections, integrity and maintenance, collection, security, retrievability and circulation of collections and planning and management of the library's collection, storage spaces and facilities. 94 00:12:50.700 --> 00:12:56.029 LOC - Kate Zwaard: collection management staff also manage the transfer of and access to special collections that are stored. Off-site 95 00:12:56.290 --> 00:13:03.050 LOC - Kate Zwaard: service points include circulation of collection materials to both internal and external patrons, including Congressional patrons. 96 00:13:03.080 --> 00:13:07.820 LOC - Kate Zwaard: interlibrary loan partners and staff at 3 charge stations on Capitol Hill 97 00:13:08.280 --> 00:13:20.749 LOC - Kate Zwaard: staff. Also perform collections, maintenance in the stacks of the Jefferson and Adams Buildings, including arranging shelving shelf, reading, deck, maintenance, deck, grooming, distribution, and sorting incoming materials from various locations. 98 00:13:21.150 --> 00:13:33.449 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Special projects this group has led this year include contributing to the development of the library's new library system and completing development of a new open source inventory management software system that we'll share with libraries and implement ourselves 99 00:13:34.070 --> 00:13:35.160 LOC - Kate Zwaard: next slide, please. 100 00:13:37.080 --> 00:13:40.029 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Now we'll dive into the work of the Conservation Division. 101 00:13:40.300 --> 00:13:46.300 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The Conservation Division safeguards, the physical manifestation of the library's general and special collections 102 00:13:46.380 --> 00:13:49.060 LOC - Kate Zwaard: with staff of oh, I'm sorry. Next slide, please. 103 00:13:50.660 --> 00:13:59.149 LOC - Kate Zwaard: With staff of 55 conservators, preservation specialists and library technicians. They ensure the preservation of 164 million collection items. 104 00:13:59.370 --> 00:14:03.139 LOC - Kate Zwaard: the collection, the Conservation Division is made up of 5 105 00:14:03.390 --> 00:14:12.569 LOC - Kate Zwaard: of 5 sections, book conservation, general questions, conservation Collection, stabilization Paper Conservation and Photo conservation. Next slide, please. 106 00:14:15.260 --> 00:14:25.540 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The Conservation division's main responsibility is the assessment, stabilization, treatment and housing of the library's special and general questions. Items in order to make those accessible to users 107 00:14:25.800 --> 00:14:30.579 LOC - Kate Zwaard: in consultation with the library's custodial units, who are ultimately responsible for their collections. 108 00:14:30.700 --> 00:14:39.670 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The Conservation Division staff develops annual plans, plans to tackle projects that range range between the treatment of individual items to the preservation of entire collections. 109 00:14:39.780 --> 00:14:41.399 LOC - Kate Zwaard: This division. 110 00:14:41.750 --> 00:14:49.400 LOC - Kate Zwaard: the division is also critical to supporting the digitization process, stabilizing and treating items that will be digitized by staff or contractors. 111 00:14:49.740 --> 00:14:53.550 LOC - Kate Zwaard: We also work to prepare the collection items for exhibition and loan. 112 00:14:53.850 --> 00:15:00.469 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Additional critical functions include the monitoring of storage spaces and working closely with facilities to optimize those environments. 113 00:15:01.630 --> 00:15:13.010 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Conservation staff also monitor the conditions of exhibit spaces and review the fabrications of fabrication specs for display cases to ensure the use of safe case, construction materials. 114 00:15:13.690 --> 00:15:21.569 LOC - Kate Zwaard: conservation staff oversee, the library's emergency collections, emergency response management through planning, mitigation, response and recovery. 115 00:15:21.670 --> 00:15:26.770 LOC - Kate Zwaard: A 24, 7 team of dedicated staff responds to any event that threatens the collection 116 00:15:27.130 --> 00:15:41.140 LOC - Kate Zwaard: conservation staff coordinate the procurement, storage, logistics, logistics and distribution of preservation housing supplies, they safeguard the Library's national treasures and conduct conservation research to further the conservation field. 117 00:15:41.450 --> 00:15:42.880 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Next slide, please. 118 00:15:45.260 --> 00:15:49.540 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Our next division is the Preservation services. Division next slide. 119 00:15:50.920 --> 00:15:53.300 LOC - Kate Zwaard: This is a group of about 20 staff 120 00:15:53.420 --> 00:16:00.499 LOC - Kate Zwaard: that have primary responsibility for providing preservation services. The library requires for maintaining its collections in usable formats. 121 00:16:01.030 --> 00:16:05.399 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The division is also custodian of the microfilm master negative Collection. 122 00:16:05.990 --> 00:16:13.620 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The Preservation Services Division is divided into 2 sections, business operations support and preparation and processing. Next slide, please. 123 00:16:15.570 --> 00:16:22.929 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The staff of the business operations support section have skills in preservation, assessment, planning and contract administration 124 00:16:22.940 --> 00:16:30.820 LOC - Kate Zwaard: staff provide directorate, wide workflow reporting and database support to increase the discoverability and collection care of physical items. 125 00:16:30.920 --> 00:16:35.099 LOC - Kate Zwaard: This includes supporting microfilm service, copy duplication for all reading rooms. 126 00:16:35.730 --> 00:16:49.169 LOC - Kate Zwaard: the preparations and processing section prepares collections for commercial binding, and performs quality assurance on bound materials after they return from the vendor to include accuracy of inventory records before the materials are transferred to the stacks 127 00:16:49.600 --> 00:16:50.770 LOC - Kate Zwaard: next slide, please. 128 00:16:52.430 --> 00:16:56.920 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The last division we'll talk about is the preservation Research and testing division next slide. 129 00:16:58.140 --> 00:17:01.440 LOC - Kate Zwaard: This division consists of 13 staff with one section. 130 00:17:01.570 --> 00:17:09.370 LOC - Kate Zwaard: It's responsible for research and analysis of collection materials and treatment protocols, testing of supplies and materials and development of specifications. 131 00:17:09.599 --> 00:17:10.579 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Next slide. 132 00:17:13.800 --> 00:17:22.609 LOC - Kate Zwaard: the division leads 3 program areas, long-term research projects, preservation, science and analytic requests and finally quality assurance. 133 00:17:23.079 --> 00:17:25.510 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Let's 1st talk about these long-term research projects. 134 00:17:25.599 --> 00:17:39.719 LOC - Kate Zwaard: These are research programs that lead to that relate to large scale, more in-depth projects that enable collection and discovery of, for example, hidden information and collection items and focuses on preservation science to investigate issues of material degradation. 135 00:17:40.080 --> 00:17:49.909 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Prtd offer also offers curatorial and research staff services through new methods of analysis, using portable instrumentation that can be taken to collections and reading rooms 136 00:17:50.880 --> 00:17:53.660 LOC - Kate Zwaard: in terms of preservation, science and analytic requests. 137 00:17:54.160 --> 00:18:08.870 LOC - Kate Zwaard: These are service requests that are shorter and and more immediate analyses that are object-based and include the analysis of specific materials found in or on individual items, including the identification of degraded and non-original materials. 138 00:18:08.970 --> 00:18:17.240 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Analytical methods have a non-invasive focus and increase the understanding of the object's condition and historical context quality assurance. 139 00:18:17.280 --> 00:18:31.969 LOC - Kate Zwaard: The quality assurance and materials testing program involves testing of materials used for housing storage exhibits, conservation treatments and for and for assessment of building construction items. This testing is used for the development of specifications for housing and storage materials. 140 00:18:32.050 --> 00:18:39.939 LOC - Kate Zwaard: We also test all materials that are procured for preservation use to make sure they meet meet our rigorous standards for permanence and durability 141 00:18:40.750 --> 00:18:54.759 LOC - Kate Zwaard: on your right. Here the scientific laboratory section is responsible for the operations for 2 scientific laboratories stocked with an array of benchtop and portable science instrumentations to enable the scientific analysis of collections, materials, and reference materials. 142 00:18:54.970 --> 00:19:01.730 LOC - Kate Zwaard: This collection also maintains and builds an internal study collection of reference materials that replicate the materials of the library's collections. 143 00:19:01.990 --> 00:19:03.150 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Next slide, please. 144 00:19:06.410 --> 00:19:20.910 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I hope this brief overview has helped orient you to the library, and how this role fits in the Director of Preservation is an important part of our leadership team, and I hope you will consider applying, even if you're just thinking about it. Put your application in, and we can talk once the interviews happen. 145 00:19:20.970 --> 00:19:27.029 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I'll now hand it over to Roberto Salazar for a few words before we move on to Q. And A. I look forward to your questions. 146 00:19:29.130 --> 00:19:30.319 LOC - Roberto Salazar: Thank you, Kate. 147 00:19:31.243 --> 00:19:41.610 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I'm Roberto Salazar and I serve as the chief operating officer for the Library Collections and Services Group, and as the director of the Organization Management Directorate. 148 00:19:41.810 --> 00:19:50.170 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I work closely with the director of the Preservation Directorate, as they are a strategic partner and a very important customer to me. 149 00:19:50.820 --> 00:19:57.379 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I'd like to share with you my perspective about serving as a senior level leader at the library 150 00:19:57.510 --> 00:20:07.579 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I joined the library in 2,010, and I've had the privilege of serving in a variety of roles here, including having served as the Assistant Law Librarian of Congress 151 00:20:07.970 --> 00:20:18.919 LOC - Roberto Salazar: prior to joining the library team. I served at the pleasure of the President in the Senior Executive service as the administrator of the food and nutrition service for the United States. 152 00:20:19.630 --> 00:20:33.779 LOC - Roberto Salazar: serving as a senior level leader at the Library of Congress has truly been a rewarding and continuous professional development experience for me. I find the work to be very challenging in that it is never routine 153 00:20:33.800 --> 00:20:42.890 LOC - Roberto Salazar: and never slow paced. Now that's not to say that we don't have our share of bureaucracy. After all, we are a government agency in the legislative branch. 154 00:20:43.070 --> 00:20:44.230 LOC - Roberto Salazar: However. 155 00:20:44.240 --> 00:20:56.079 LOC - Roberto Salazar: we are working with the largest library in the world, with millions of items in our collection, serving the Congress 1st and foremost, and serving the American people. 156 00:20:56.720 --> 00:21:09.830 LOC - Roberto Salazar: collecting, preserving, and serving the largest collection of human knowledge ever assembled, requires us, as senior level leaders to constantly find or innovate solutions to very complex challenges. 157 00:21:10.060 --> 00:21:17.679 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I particularly appreciate the mutual respect and camaraderie among the library's senior level leaders. 158 00:21:17.950 --> 00:21:26.790 LOC - Roberto Salazar: We achieve much of our success through collaborative committees, working groups and ad hoc project teams. We truly are a family here. 159 00:21:27.090 --> 00:21:34.880 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I also have certain autonomy and independence to direct work and to make decisions in my area of responsibility. 160 00:21:35.670 --> 00:21:59.029 LOC - Roberto Salazar: Although I came to the library with many years of professional senior level experience, the library continues to invest in me as a senior level leader through an ongoing series of professional development courses that are designed to focus on me, to be results driven enhance my skills to lead, change, and make me the best leader that I can be. 161 00:21:59.600 --> 00:22:14.450 LOC - Roberto Salazar: Having worked the whole of my career for State government and Federal Government agencies. Coming to the Library of Congress was completely different for me. The library is very similar to an academic institution. In my opinion 162 00:22:14.890 --> 00:22:21.830 LOC - Roberto Salazar: it's filled with experts from a multitude of disciplines, individuals who are at the top of their game. 163 00:22:22.520 --> 00:22:27.100 LOC - Roberto Salazar: Sure there may be other organizations that offer higher salaries. 164 00:22:27.220 --> 00:22:28.980 LOC - Roberto Salazar: but I don't do this for the money. 165 00:22:29.230 --> 00:22:37.970 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I do this for a greater purpose, to inform national policy through our engagement with and service to the Congress of the United States. 166 00:22:38.310 --> 00:22:52.259 LOC - Roberto Salazar: to provide researchers and innovators around the world access to information that is not available anywhere else in the world, and being able to brag that I work in the most beautiful building in the nation's capital. 167 00:22:53.060 --> 00:22:58.699 LOC - Roberto Salazar: As a senior level leader. I've been encouraged to share my expertise, knowledge and passion. 168 00:22:58.720 --> 00:23:20.070 LOC - Roberto Salazar: and I've been empowered to influence the direction and trajectory of the Library of Congress through an inclusive and comprehensive directional planning process. As a senior level leader. I have a seat at the strategic planning table, and in turn I'm able to effectively engage my staff to achieve our goals 169 00:23:20.920 --> 00:23:28.939 LOC - Roberto Salazar: for me. One of the best things about being a senior level leader at the Library of Congress is the fact that I'm part of something much bigger than myself. 170 00:23:29.630 --> 00:23:35.329 LOC - Roberto Salazar: And yet this is a place where I can stand out and be recognized for my achievements. 171 00:23:36.060 --> 00:23:41.640 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I know that I'm contributing to a legacy that will live long past my role here. 172 00:23:42.510 --> 00:23:51.150 LOC - Roberto Salazar: This isn't the day at the beach. This is the Library of Congress, where Senior Level leaders are made and Senior Level leaders make a difference. 173 00:23:51.960 --> 00:23:55.779 LOC - Roberto Salazar: I look forward to working with the next director of preservation. 174 00:23:56.050 --> 00:23:57.710 LOC - Roberto Salazar: Perhaps that will be you. 175 00:23:58.770 --> 00:24:05.670 LOC - Roberto Salazar: And now Tara Dupre, from the library's human capital directorate, will tell you more about the application process. 176 00:24:10.120 --> 00:24:21.449 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): Thank you, Roberto, and a big thanks to you and to Kate for sharing such great background and context about the director for preservation position. 177 00:24:21.490 --> 00:24:37.089 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): Hello, everyone! My name is Tara Dupre, and I'm part of the human Capital Directorate team here at the Library of Congress. In a moment I'm going to feel some of your questions for our presenters. But before I do, I want to go through a few key reminders about this role. 178 00:24:37.230 --> 00:24:45.350 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): The 1st is that this session is being recorded and will be available to you on our website within the next 3 business days. 179 00:24:45.690 --> 00:24:51.929 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): The second is that we want to remind you that you must apply for this position online via U.S.A. Jobs 180 00:24:52.030 --> 00:25:02.989 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): on the screen. There is a QR code that will get you directly to the position description, which is the best resource for finding out about specific qualifications for the role 181 00:25:03.090 --> 00:25:19.289 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): at the library selection panels take great care and thought when building a job description, and as a result, valuable information can be found in the vacancy announcement related to eligibility. So we really encourage those of you who are interested to read it carefully 182 00:25:19.370 --> 00:25:32.230 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): again. The position closes on December 30, th and if you have questions or need help submitting your application material, you can reach out to our team by emailing jobhelp@loc.gov. 183 00:25:32.810 --> 00:25:36.540 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): Now for the question and answer portion of the session. 184 00:25:36.560 --> 00:25:58.940 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): If you've not already done so, we invite you to submit your questions to us via the Q. And a button at the bottom of your zoom screen. We'll get through as many as we can in the time we have remaining in order to make the most of our time together, we want to focus on questions that are specific to this role, and that will be useful to the broadest audience. So with that in mind. 185 00:25:59.230 --> 00:26:01.799 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): the 1st question we have 186 00:26:02.050 --> 00:26:07.639 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): throughout the presentation, we heard about the scope of the work for the person in this role. 187 00:26:07.790 --> 00:26:13.170 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): What are the biggest priorities in the 1st year for the person who was selected. 188 00:26:14.340 --> 00:26:17.199 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Thank you, Tara, and thank you for those inspiring words, Roberto. 189 00:26:17.220 --> 00:26:27.710 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I think that the good news is there's a lot to do together. I'll say that one of the biggest priorities for the person in this role is to get acclimated. It takes quite a bit of time. 190 00:26:27.750 --> 00:26:46.759 LOC - Kate Zwaard: There's no job quite like this one. I mean the scope and scale of the collections and of the of the responsibility. There are a few jobs that match that in the world, but also add on that it's a Federal institution. There's a lot to learn. The onboarding process takes some time. 191 00:26:46.760 --> 00:27:00.719 LOC - Kate Zwaard: and I just want to assure you all that I will be there with this person throughout that process, making sure that they have all the resources they need to onboard. And also we're prepared to be patient, knowing that that onboarding process really does take some time. 192 00:27:00.790 --> 00:27:03.660 LOC - Kate Zwaard: but onto the work itself 193 00:27:03.690 --> 00:27:33.479 LOC - Kate Zwaard: the good news is, there's plenty to do together, I think in the 1st year of the role we'll be focusing on our febs, which is the Federal employee viewpoint survey. So the library does a library. Wide analysis survey of staff and all staff at all levels about their workplace experience. And I'll be digging in with this director on the results of that survey and making a work plan to address some of the strengths and some of the opportunities for improvement. 194 00:27:33.580 --> 00:27:58.280 LOC - Kate Zwaard: We're also working on the new collection security plan. So there's a new collection security plan at the Library of Congress, which was implemented last year, and we've got some work to do to meet our commitments put forth in that plan that's in partnership with our physical security components of the library which live in a different organization. It's a really strong partnership that 195 00:27:58.280 --> 00:28:18.430 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I'm really grateful for I mentioned earlier that we're replacing our inventory management system. So that is a really exciting project that will both replace the inventory management system that we use here. But it's new software that we'll be releasing open source for use in other libraries. 196 00:28:18.440 --> 00:28:31.050 LOC - Kate Zwaard: So that's I'm really thrilled about that one. And then there are inventory management projects that I also mentioned in my talk. So getting a more comprehensive view of our inventory on our stacks on Capitol Hill. 197 00:28:33.430 --> 00:28:35.669 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): That's great, Kate. Thank you so much for that. 198 00:28:36.100 --> 00:28:40.649 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): So another question that's come through. What are some of the unique 199 00:28:40.920 --> 00:28:47.949 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): challenges or differences that will face the person who, in this role, when you compare it to role that may not be in the Federal government. 200 00:28:48.450 --> 00:28:53.679 LOC - Kate Zwaard: That's such a great question. And I think Roberto really eloquently touched on some of these. 201 00:28:53.710 --> 00:29:07.010 LOC - Kate Zwaard: There are a lot of rules in the Federal Government that ensure that we're using our money to the best best purpose that the taxpayers intend. And so the bureaucracy can be a little bit higher than most places, even at public universities. 202 00:29:07.020 --> 00:29:11.620 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I think that's really buttressed by the or at least 203 00:29:11.860 --> 00:29:17.590 LOC - Kate Zwaard: to me, the amount of impact you can have here is sort of outweighs that. 204 00:29:17.760 --> 00:29:24.450 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Also I mentioned also our our unions. So working with our unions is something that you know in some universities they may not 205 00:29:24.580 --> 00:29:41.889 LOC - Kate Zwaard: have the same sort of Union interaction. But I think, overall we we work together to make the mission work, and procurement isn't spending money having the annual procurement cycle is another thing that that some people kind of 206 00:29:43.650 --> 00:29:52.530 LOC - Kate Zwaard: takes a while to acclimate to. But, as I mentioned, I'll be right here with that person the entire time they're onboarding, as will their fellow directors, who 207 00:29:52.540 --> 00:29:58.999 LOC - Kate Zwaard: want to make sure this person is successful in the role and knows all the things they need to do to do the job in in a great way. 208 00:30:02.030 --> 00:30:03.860 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): Great. Thank you so much, Kate. 209 00:30:03.910 --> 00:30:14.809 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): So another question, how is success measured in the role? How might someone be able to identify themselves being successful in that in that 1st year in particular, but even beyond that. 210 00:30:15.500 --> 00:30:28.169 LOC - Kate Zwaard: We have some great news on that, and it's that we do performance manage. We take performance management really seriously here. And so it is really spelled out for that person. early into their days when they come here. 211 00:30:28.170 --> 00:30:47.790 LOC - Kate Zwaard: And so in the government, we have executive core qualifications which, if you Google, that you can get the Opm site that spells them all out, they are the things that all of our senior level leaders, including myself, are rated on at the end of the year, and that is leading change, leading people. 212 00:30:49.050 --> 00:31:08.139 LOC - Kate Zwaard: business, acumen, building coalitions and results. And so those are all spelled out what that means in terms of excellence in those domains. And then there's the results driven component, and that is where this person and I will sit down and look at the work plan for the year and think about the things that they really want to drive progress on and in partnership with 213 00:31:08.210 --> 00:31:19.949 LOC - Kate Zwaard: my my boss, Robin Dale, will put together a performance plan that that person will be held accountable to at the end of the performance cycle, and those likely will be related to the big 214 00:31:20.130 --> 00:31:25.789 LOC - Kate Zwaard: initiatives that I mentioned earlier. So collection, safeguarding, inventory management, those sorts of things. 215 00:31:28.830 --> 00:31:54.230 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): Wonderful, and we want to invite folks if you haven't already submitted your question to go ahead and submit it via the Q. And a feature. In the meantime, another question, as you think about what's important to know about the role you've gone through a lot of things throughout the presentation. Is there anything in particular that you want to underscore? That you think is really important for anyone who's considering their role to think about 216 00:31:54.320 --> 00:32:02.369 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): in terms of the possibility of applying and adding to the to the whole team. In this role. 217 00:32:02.790 --> 00:32:15.589 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Well, the Preservation directorate has a wonderful blog called Guardians of memory, so I would encourage any interested applicants to scroll through the blog to get a sense of the routine work of the directorate. I think 218 00:32:16.190 --> 00:32:30.869 LOC - Kate Zwaard: one of the things that really excite me about this position is both the impact this person can have. I mean, it is care of the tangible collections of the largest library on Planet Earth, and some of the most amazing humans work in this directorate. I mean, really, just 219 00:32:31.370 --> 00:32:38.350 LOC - Kate Zwaard: it's it's a joy to get to spend time with the leadership and staff of this directorate. 220 00:32:38.800 --> 00:33:06.159 LOC - Kate Zwaard: I think the other thing is that it's such a mixture of highs and lows. It is, you know, budget spreadsheets. But it's also talking to members of Congress about about the directorate. So you get really get to work in at all levels, the collections themselves are unparalleled. And so the opportunity to work directly with some of these materials is, and hear the story behind them, and hear the story behind the conservation, care that the library has taken 221 00:33:06.180 --> 00:33:07.133 LOC - Kate Zwaard: with them. 222 00:33:07.660 --> 00:33:19.559 LOC - Kate Zwaard: Those are some of the highlights of the position. And it really is a national leadership role. But I think it also could really appeal to somebody who is interested in in operations. You know, we we move 223 00:33:19.560 --> 00:33:38.069 LOC - Kate Zwaard: hundreds of thousands of pounds of books across Capitol Hill every year and thinking about that from, you know, a process. Engineering perspective is really fascinating. So I think there's a lot of opportunity here for the right person to find some real, interesting, and and helpful efficiencies. 224 00:33:41.560 --> 00:33:51.960 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): Wonderful. Thank you, Kate. You mentioned highlights. So I'm curious. Do you have a career highlight since working at the library that you'd like to share with attendees. 225 00:33:52.620 --> 00:33:55.810 LOC - Kate Zwaard: One of the things, though, about working with the live. I mean, it's 226 00:33:56.820 --> 00:34:05.770 LOC - Kate Zwaard: You really never know what's going to happen to you next you really never know. Oh, such and such member of Congress called, and they'd like a tour, and you've got to go down and say hello to them, and 227 00:34:05.790 --> 00:34:31.139 LOC - Kate Zwaard: or I think, one of my highlights. This is more personal, less related to the job was we, as you all may know, we do, the National Book festival every year, and the preservation directorate generally does a couple of talks and does a couple of displays. And people really love it. They really love to hear. It's really neat to see the general public so engaged with the work of preservation. 228 00:34:31.139 --> 00:34:48.780 LOC - Kate Zwaard: But we for the 1st year we established a children's floor, and I got to dress up as a pirate with some of my fellow colleagues and give stickers out to kids to encourage reading. And that was really fun. And I think that's 1 of the interesting things about working here is there's there's always something interesting happening beyond the beyond your day job. 229 00:34:51.409 --> 00:35:12.389 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): Well put, absolutely. So. We have gone through all of the questions. So I'm going to go ahead and thank you again, Kate, and to you, Roberto, for all of your efforts and time to sharing insights with the attendees about this position. So on behalf of all of us here at the Library of Congress. I want to thank you for your thoughtful questions 230 00:35:12.389 --> 00:35:23.749 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): and for tuning into today's career showcase for the director for preservation vacancy. We hope it provided you with some great insights on the position and to the library as a whole. Before you leave us. 231 00:35:23.789 --> 00:35:45.139 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): We are all about continuous improvement at the Library of Congress, and as such your feedback is really important to us. So we ask that you take just one more moment to take a very short 3 question survey by taking a picture of the QR. Code on the screen or by clicking on the survey link that's being dropped into the chat. 232 00:35:45.359 --> 00:35:54.239 LOC - Tara Duprey (She/Her): So again, our thanks to each of you for taking time out of your day to attend today's career showcase, and for considering a career at the library.