Class F_1L'L___ Cojjyiiglitl^^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. THE ALASKA FRONTIER British Admiralty Chart, Published June 2ist, 1S77, under the Superintendence of Captain F.J. Evans, R. N., Hydrographer, and Corrected to August ist, 1901. MAP No. 1. THE ALASKA FRONTIER Thus we wish to retain, and the English Companies wish to acquire. — Count Nesselrode. BY THOMAS WILLING BALCH A. B. (Harvard) Member of the Philadelphia Bar Philadelphia ALLEN, LANE AND SCOTT 1903 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received MAR 17 1903 Copyiit;ht tii'ay CLASS Ci~ XXc. No. COPY B. Copyright, igo2, by THOMAS WILLING BALCH a- ^^ N^ \ Press of ALLEN, LANE AND SCOTT, Philadelphia, Pa. > <.«■•• ft » « < C C €>-« e*e K To THE Memory OF WILLIAM H. SEWARD AND CHARLES SUMNER TO WHOM The United States owes Alaska INTRODUCTORY NOTE. This monograph was prepared with the object of stating briefly but emphatically the title of the United States to a continuous, unbroken lisiere or strip of territory on the north west American con- tinental shore between Mount Saint Ehas and fifty- four degrees forty minutes north latitude. In Au- gust, 1898, the Anglo-American Joint High Commis- sion assembled at Quebec, and soon after Canada formally made claim to a large slice of the Terri- tory of Alaska. These demands put forth by Can- ada to the territory of a neighboring and friendly power are a serious thing, and would imply that the Canadian Government possesses substantial facts upon which to base its claims. But up to the pres- ent time the Canadians have not advanced in sup- port of their contentions anything but a nebulous maze of alleged facts. Their whole argument is founded upon a quibble. If the Canadian Govern- ment has any serious and tangible proofs with which to support its claims, it has not yet made them public. Nevertheless, owing to the frequent repetition of the myth started in Canada about 1884 — that the Xll INTRODUCTORY NOTE. United States have usurped along the eastern side of the Alaskan lisiere territory which legally be- longs to Canada — a large part of the Canadian people, especially in British Columbia and Ontario, have gradually come to believe that this fiction is true and based upon sound facts. And within the last few years in England, likewise, some people are beginning to credit the Canadian claims upon Alaska. The growth of this sentiment, however, is founded upon a partial knowledge of the facts in- volved. This is due to the imperfect manner in which, up to now, this subject has been presented to the Canadian and the English peoples. The public men and publicists who have argued in fa- vor of the Canadian demands have curtailed and omitted important and vital facts. For instance, when they review the negotiations that resulted in the Treaty of 1825, they do not consider those ne- gotiations as a whole, but only parts of them. They do not rebut the evidence afforded by the many Canadian, English, French, German, Russian and other maps which mark the frontier line claimed by the United States. Why has no Canadian con- sidered chart number jZj of the British Admiralty, which in 1901, three years after the Quebec Confer- ence assembled, marks the frontier so as to give the United States a continuous, unbroken lisiere above fifty-four degrees forty minutes ? The facts and the evidence upon which this work INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Xlll is based were collected in Alaska, London, Edin- burgh, Paris, Berlin, Saint Petersburg and many Other places. The authorities are cited so that in case I have made any mistakes or fallen into any errors, they may be pointed out and corrected, A paper. La Frontier e Alaska- Canadiemie, which was printed in the Revue de Droit International, January, 1902 (Bruxelles), and another, the Alasko- Canadian Frontier, which was published in the yournal of the Franklin Institute, March, 1902, (Philadelphia), are in part incorporated in this work. Re-prints of this latter paper were sent in the spring of 1902 to all the members of the Fifty- seventh Congress : ten thousand copies were dis- tributed throughout the United States ; and from many newspapers I received vigorous editorial sup- port. In the preparation of the present monograph I have received most courteous aid from every one to whom I applied at the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris, the Sachsische Konigliche Offentliche Bibliothek at Dresden, the Library of Congress at Washington, the Library Company of Philadelphia (including the Ridgway Branch,) the Harvard University Library, the University of Pennsylvania Library and the Philadelphia Law Library. I have received also help and encour- agement in one way or another from C. L. Andrews, Esq., of Alaska, Colonel William R. Holloway, our Consul-General at Saint Petersburg, Walker Ken- nedy, Esq., of Memphis, Tenn., Frank Nicholls XIV INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Kennin, Esq., a Barrister at Toronto and a member of the Illinois Bar, A. L. McDonald, Esq., of San Francisco, T. C. Mendenhall, Esq., President of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, Monsieur le Juge Nys, Vice-President of the Court of Brussels, P. Lee Phillips, Esq., of the Library of Congress, John Wallace Riddle, Esq., our Charge d' Affaires at Saint Petersburg, the Hon. PVederick W. Seward, ex-Assistant Secretary of State, of Mont- rose-on-the-Hudson, the Hon. Charlemagne Tower, recently our Ambassador at Saint Petersburg and now Ambassador at Berlin, O. H. Tittmann, Esq., Chief of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, George W. Van Siclen, Esq., of Cornwall, N.Y. ; and Edwin Swift Balch, P2sq., Wharton Barker, Esq., Colonel Augustus C. Buell, Charles H. Cramp, Esq., L. Clarke Davis, Esq., George Peirce, Esq., and Harvey M. Watts, Esq., of Philadelphia; and other gentlemen at home and abroad whom I am not at liberty to name. On page 46 on the seventh line from the bottom the J^ussi'an American Company is meant. The language of the treaty which is given both in the orioinal French and in the EnoHsh transla- tion, is of itself sufficient to maintain the American claim ; but the history of the negotiations which re- sulted in the execution of that instrument, the con- temporary facts, and the maps which are here for the most part for the first time grouped together. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. XV exclude the possibility of honest doubt as to the validity of the American title. It is not extrava- gant to say that any one who will take the trouble to master the facts, will agree that the pretence that the question of right should be submitted to an Inter- national Joint Commission or to an International Arbitration is as unreasonable as would be such a demand for the settlement of the question of the ownership of one of the original Thirteen States. This work was undertaken with the purpose of placing in a concise form before the American people the facts involved in this case. And I hope that every good American will take a real interest in not seeing this question settled in the dark and will lend a hand in waking up the American people to what is going on. For the question is well summed up in the words of Count Nesselrode, "Thus we wish to retain, and the English com- panies wish to acquire." T. W. B. Philadelphia, January loth, 1903. THE ALASKA FRONTIER. THE advance of the United States and of Eng- land across the continent of North America towards the Pacific Ocean, of Spain along the Pa- cific coast towards the north, and of Russia across Siberia to the east, brought about in the first quarter of the nineteenth century a clashing of interest between these powers over the owner- ship of the north-west coast of America and its hinterland. The Americans, Lewis and Clark, crossed the con- tinent and discovered the Columbia River, and thus by right of discovery, began the claims of the United States upon the north west coast. What- ever rights France had in the far north west reverted to the United States by the Louisiana purchase in 1803. The claims of Spain to the ter- ritory lying to the north of California were merged by treaty in 18 19 in those of the United States. The Hudson's Bay Company in the quest for furs sent its trappers and advanced its trading posts further and further west ; and, as the author- ized agent of the British Crown, it carried the sov- ereignty of the English King across the continent 2 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. nearer and nearer to the Pacific. Cook, Vancou- ver and other English seamen, too, sailed along the North American shore washed by the Pacific Ocean. The Russian Cossacks, first under an ataman named Yermak, gradually bore, in their search for the valuable sable skins, the sway of the " Great White Tsar " across Siberia to the waters of the Pacific, thus proving that Bishop Berkeley was only half right when he wrote — ''Westward the course of empire holds its way." Then with the exploring expedition commanded by the Cossack, Deshneff,^ who probably sailed through Bering Strait in 1648,^ and with that led in 1741 by Bering, the 'A. Faustini : Una Questione Artica, Roma, 1902 : Estratto della Rivista Italo- Americana, Anno I., Fasc. II., Luglio, 1902. * The Strait of Anian or Bering Strait was known to the Euro- pean world apparently long before Deshneff's expedition, for on a number of maps of the second half of the sixteenth and the first half of the seventeenth centuries the strait is marked, and Alaska itself is drawn approximately correctly. \/ Theatrum orbis terrarum Ant. Abrah. Ortellii. Antwerpia MDLXX. (The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia.) The map entitled " Typus Orbis Terrarum" gives the Strait of Anian about where Bering Strait is. Theatrum Orbis Te?'rarum. Abrahamus Ortelius Antverpianus, eius Majistatis Geographius [1579] (Kon. Oef Bib. Dresden). In the map " Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni typus ' ' Asia runs up beyond 80° N. lat. America on the contrary only goes to about 55° N. lat. They are divided by the " Stretto di Anian." The shape of both Asia and America is very like the reality and the "Stretto di Anian " in its shape and position, strongly suggests Bering Strait. Oost ende West- Indische Spieghel waer in beschreven werden de twee laetste navigatien * * * de eene door den vermaerden 4 EARLY EXPLORERS. 3 Dane, across the Pacific to the great land, the bolshaid zemlia, to the east, the Russians began to explore and then to settle on the American continent. The United States, England and Russia continued to affirm their sovereignty to greater and greater areas of land in the north-west part of the Amer- ican continent. And Russia even went so far as to assert her right to the absolute dominion over Bering Sea and a large extent of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. These pretensions to the ex- clusive sovereignty of a part of the high seas were made in an Ukase issued in 1821 by the Em- peror Alexander the First. In addition to claiming Zeeheldt /oris van Spilbers^en ***'-third degree of west longitude (Meridian of Green- wich), the said line shall ascend to the north along the channel called Portland Channel, as far as the point of the continent where it yrepared in the Office of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Treastiry Vefiartmenl . United States and English Boundary Claims. MAP No. 2. 8 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. For more than half a century the British Empire la c6te, jusqu'au point d'intersec- tion du 141° degr^ de longitude ouest (m^me meridian) , et, finale- ment,du dit point d'intersection, la m^me ligne ni^ridienne de 141^ de- gr^ formera, dans son prolonge- ment jusqu'a la Mer Glaciale, la limite entre les possessions Russes et Britanniques sur le continent de I'Amdrique nord-ouest. "Article IV. " II est entendu, par rapport a la ligne de d(§marcation d(5terniini5e dans r Article prt^cedent : "i". Que rile dite Prince of Wales appartiendra toute enticre h la Russie. "2°. Que partout oh la crete des montagnes qui s'^tendent dans une direction parallele ^ la cote depuis le 56® degrd de latitude nord au point d'intersection du 141* degr^ de longitude ouest, se trouveroit h la distance de plus de 10 lieues marines de I'ocean, la limite entre les possessions Britan- niques et la lisi^re de c6te men- tionnt^e ci-dessus comme devant appartenir a la Russie, sera formt^e par une ligne parallele aux sinu- osit^s de la c6te, et qui ne poura jamais en 6tre ^>Ioign^e que de 10 lieues marines." strikes the fifty sixth degree of north latitude ; from this last mentioned point, the line of de- marcation shall follow the sum- mit of the mountains situated parallel to the coast, as far as the point of intersection of the one hundred and forty-first degree of west longitude (of the same me- ridian) ; and, finally, from the said point of intersection, the said me- ridian line of the one hundred and forty-first degree, in its prolonga- tion as far as the Frozen Ocean, shall form the limit between the Russian and British Possessions on the continent of America to the northwest. "Article IV. "With reference to the line of demarcation laid down in the pre- ceding Article, it is understood : "First. That the island called Prince of Wales Island shall be- long wholly to Russia. "Second. That, wherever the summit of the mountains which extend in a direction parallel to the coast, from the fifty-sixth de- gree of north latitude to the point of intersection of the one hundred and forty-first degree of west long- itude, shall prove to be at the dis- tance of more than ten marine leagues from the ocean, the limit between the British Possessions and the line of coast which is to belong to Russia, as above men- tioned, shall be formed by a line parallel to the windings {^sitiuos- ites"] of the coast, and which shall never exceed the distance of ten marine leagues therefrom." THE ANGLO-RUSSIAN NEGOTIATIONS. 9 never contested the interpretation openly proclaimed by both the Muscovite and the United States Govern- ments that under Articles three and four of the treaty of 1825, first Russia and later — after the cession of Russian America or Alaska in 1867 to the American Union — the United States were entitled to a strip of territory or lisiere on the mainland from the Portland Channel or Canal in the south up to Mount Saint Elias in the north so as to cut off absolutely the British possessions from access to the sea above the point of fifty-four degrees forty minutes. In August, 1898, for the first time, the British Empire formally claimed at the Quebec Conference that the proper reading of those two articles entitled Canada to the upper part of most or all of the fiords between the Portland Canal and Mount Saint Elias.^ (See Map No. 2.) A review of the negotiations during the years 1822, 1823, 1824 and 1825 between Count Nesselrode and M. de Poletica in behalf of Russia, and first of Sir Concerning the importance of French as the language of diplo- macy, see : Regies Internationales et Diplomatie de la Mer par Theodore Ortolan, capitaine de Frigate, Chevalier de la 1' Legion d' Hon- neur : Second edition, Paris, 1853, Volume I., page no. Precis du Droit des Gens moderne de l' Europe par G. F. Martens: Paris, 1804, Volume II., §179, page 25. ^ The Alaskan Boundary by the Hon. John W. Foster: The Natio7ial Geographic Magazine, November, 1899, Washington, page 453. lO THE ALASKA FRONTIER. Charles Bagot and afterwards of Mr. Stratford Can- nine, later Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, for Great Brit- ain, shows clearly that the agreement finally reached as embodied in the treaty of 1825 was intended to ex- clude the British North American territory from all access to the sea above the point of fifty-four degrees forty minutes. From the ver}' inception of the negotia- tions, the Russians insisted upon the possession for Russia of a strip or lisiere on the mainland from the Portland Canal up to Mount Saint Elias expressly to shut off England from access to the sea at all points north of the Portland Canal. Sir Charles Bagot, on behalf of England, fought strenuously to keep open a free outlet to the sea as far north above the line of fifty-four degrees forty minutes as possible. (See map No. 3.) First he proposed that the line of territorial demarcation between the two countries should run "through Chatham Strait to the head of Lynn Canal, thence northwest to the 140th degree of longitude west of Greenwich, and thence along that degree of longitude to the Polar Sea."*^ To this Count Nesselrode and M. de Poletica replied with a contrc-projct in which they proposed that the frontier line, beginning at the southern end of Prince of Wales Island, should ascend the Port- land Canal up to the mountains, that then from that point it should follow the mountains parallel ^Fnr Seal Arbitration^ Volume IV., page 424. Prepared in the Office of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Treasury Department. Sir C. Bagot's Three Proposed Boundaries, 1824. MAP No. 3. 12 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. to the sinuosities of the coast up to the one hun- dred and thirty-ninth degree of longitude west from Greenwich, and then follow that degree of longitude to the north.' At the next conference Sir Charles Bagot gave Count Nesselrode and M. de Poletica a written modi- fication of his first proposition. In this new pro- posal he first stated that the frontier that they de- manded would deprive Great Britain of sovereignty over all the anses and small bays that lie between the fifty-sixth degree and the fifty-fourth degree forty minutes^ of latitude; that owing to the prox- imity of these fiords and estuaries to the interior posts of the Hudson's Bay Company, they would be of essential importance to the commerce of that Company ; while on the other hand, the Russian American Company had posts neither on the main- land between those degrees of latitude, nor even on the neighboring islands. Sir Charles proposed that the line of separation should pass through " the mid- dle of the canal that separates Prince of Wales Island and Duke of York Island from all the islands situ- ated to the north of the said islands until it [the line] touches the mainland." Then advancing in the same direction to the east for ten marine leagues, the line "^Fiir Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., page 427. * In the American edition, Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV. , page 428 "45"' is printed ; this is certainly a typographical error for "40'." SIR CHARLES BAGOT's THREE PROPOSITIONS. 1 3 should then ascend towards the north and north- west, at a distance of ten marine leagues from the shore, following the sinuosities of the coast up to the one hundred and fortieth degree of longitude west from Greenwich and then up to the north.^ At the succeeding conference the Russian plenipo- tentiaries again insisted upon their original proposal that the frontier line should ascend the Portland Canal and then follow the mountains bordering the coast line. Sir Charles Bagot then brought forward a third boundary line that, passing up Duke of Clarence Sound and then running from west to east along the strait separating Prince of Wales Island and Duke of York Island to the north, should then advance to the north and the north-west in the way already proposed.^" But again the Russian diplomats insisted on their original proposition. On April 17th, 1824,^^ Count Nesselrode addressed to Count Lieven, the Russian Ambassador at London, a long and exhaustive re- view of the negotiations with Sir Charles Bagot, and instructed Count Lieven to press the Russian views upon the English Cabinet. In that communication, ^ Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV. , page 428. " Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV. , page 430. " Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., page 399. In the Ameri- can edition this letter is dated 1823, but as the context shows, it should be 1824. 14 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. after speaking of Russia's declaration at the begin- ning of the negotiations that she would not insist upon the claim to the territory down to the fifty- first degree put forward in the Ukase of 1821, and that she would be content to maintain the limits assigned to Russian America by the Ukase of 1799, he went on to say "that consequently the line of the fifty-fifth degree of north latitude, would con- stitute upon the south the frontier of the States of His Imperial Majesty, that upon the continent and towards the east, this frontier could run along the mountains that follow the sinuosities of the coast up to Mount Saint Elias, and that from that point up to the Arctic Ocean we would fix the limits of the respective possessions according to the line of the one hundred and fortieth degree of longitude west from Greenwich. " In order not to cut Prince of Wales Island, which according to this arrangement should belong to Russia, we proposed to carry the southern fron- tier of our domains to the fifty-fourth degree for- tieth minute of latitude and to make it reach the coast of the continent at the Pordand Canal whose mouth opening on the ocean is at the height of Prince of Wales Island and whose origin is in the lands between the fifty-fifth degree and fifty-sixth degree of latitude." Russia, by limiting her demands to those set forth in the Ukase of i 799, simply defended claims against NESSELRODE TO LIEVEN, 1 824. 1 5 which, for over twenty years, neither England nor any other power had ever made a protest. England, on the contrary, sought to establish her right to ter- ritory which she had thus passively recognized as Russian, and which lay beyond any of her settle- ments. Count Nesselrode contrasted the policy of the two states in the pithy sentence : " Thus we wish to retain, and the English Companies wish to ac- quire." The negotiators were thus brought face to face with their rival claims. The Russians insisted, on the one hand, that they must have possession of a lisiere or strip of territory on the mainland in order to support the Russian establishments on the islands and to prevent the Hudson's Bay Company from having access to the sea and forming posts and set- tlements upon the coast line opposite to the Russian Islands ; while Sir Charles Bagot maintained, on the other hand, that Great Britain must have such part of the coast and inlets north of fifty-four degrees forty minutes as would enable the English Com- panies and the settlements back from the coast to have free access to the fiords and estuaries open- ing into the ocean. After a few months, Mr. George Canning, the English Foreign Secretary, instructed Sir Charles Bagot to agree to the Portland Canal as part of the frontier line ; but with the reservation, first, that the eastern line of demarcation should be so defined as 1 6 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. to guard against any possibility, owing to subsequent geographical discoveries, that it could be drawn at a greater distance from the coast than ten marine leagues, and second, that the harbor of Novo-Arch- angelsk (now Sitka) and the rivers and creeks on the continent should remain open forever to British commerce. During the course of the new negotiations be- tween Count Nesselrode and M. de Poletica in behalf of Russia, and of Sir Charles Bagot for Eng- land, the second of these two points was the main object of discussion. Sir Charles was unable to con- clude a treaty with the Russian diplomats, for the latter refused to agree to open forever the port of Novo-Archangelsk to British commerce. Neither were they willing to grant to the subjects of Eng- land the right forever to navigate and trade along the coast of the lisiere that it was proposed Russia should have. The British Ambassador, realizing that it was impossible for him to negotiate a treaty in accordance with his instructions, soon thereafter left Saint Petersburg. In the latter part of the year 1824, Great Britain appointed Mr. Stratford Canning, later Lord Strat- ford de Redcliffe, one of the ablest of her diplomats, to continue the negotiations left unfinished between Sir Charles Bagot, and Count Nesselrode and M. de Poletica. When Canning took up the negotiations. Great Britain had receded from all her contentions THE MOTIVE OF ENGLAND. 1 7 except as to the width of the Hsiere. In his instruc- tions he received power to arrange for a line of demarcation that should run along the crest of the mountains, except where the mountains were more than ten marine leagues from the shore, in which case the frontier should follow, at a distance of ten marine leagues inland, the sinuosities of the shore. With these new instructions, Stratford Canning was able to conclude a treaty to which Sir Charles Bagot could not have agreed. And on the 16/28 of Feb- ruary 1825, Stratford Canning on behalf of Great Britain and Count Nesselrode and M. de Poletica for Russia, signed a treaty definitely dividing Can- ada and Russian America. George Canning, towards the end of his instruc- tions to Stratford Canning, showed what was the chief motive of England in the pending negotia- tions with Russia. He wrote : ** It remains only in recapitulation, to remind you of the origin and principles of this whole ne- gotiation. " It is not on our part, essentially a negotiation about limits. " It is a demand of the repeal of an offensive and unjustifiable arrogation of exclusive jurisdiction over an ocean of unmeasured extent; but a demand qual- ified and mitigated in its manner, in order that its justice may be acknowledged and satisfied without soreness or humiliation on the part of Russia. 1 8 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. ** We negotiate about territory to cover the re- monstrance upon principle. " But any attempt to take undue advantage of this voluntary facility, we must oppose." ^'^ Thus the chief concern of the English Govern- ment was to obtain from that of Russia an official disclaimer of the assertion in the Ukase of 1821 that the waters of Bering Sea and parts of the north- ern Pacific were exclusively Russian waters. Russia would not assent to formally recognize the right of English ships freely to navigate those seas, unless the boundary question was also arranged, and settled so as to insure to Russia an unbroken lisiere from the Portland Canal up to Mount Saint Elias. And on this last point, England, after a long and stub- born resistance, finally yielded. Much of the trouble that the negotiators of the Anglo-Muscovite treaty of 1825 had in agreeing upon the eastern boundary of the lisiere was due to a lack of knowledge respecting the mountains along the northwest American coast. According to Vancouver's chart (See Map No. 4), a Russian map published in 1802 (See Map No. 5), and other avail- able information a mountain range ran along the coast not far from the sea.^^ When Stratford Canning VI 13 'Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., page 448. ' We know from the correspondence of Sir Charles Bagot that the negotiators knew of the map of 1802. Fur Seal Arbitra- tion ^ Volume IV., page 409. Vancouver's Chart of the Northwest Coast of America, copied from the French Edition of 1799. MAP No. 4. a^oas as a^jpjcs t V*- / / C ^ t^vr*^ "BT" '"^(L^ji^ay^ <^>v;^r*y<-' t» . , - 'I ^ " - Ai^. ^o Ca*»*' ^ I de la Keine ^^ CKirl otters itSnffle/iad Imperial Russian Map : " Dresse par M. de Krusenstern, Contre-Amiral * * * PUBL16 PAR ordre de Sa Majeste Imperials Saint Petersbourg, 1827." MAP No. 6. >^ ^- «r ^ \ ^ \ - Carte Genekalk * * * de la cotk N. W. [su-] de lAmkkkue.' rKEPARED AT Saint Petersburg in 1S29, by Functionary Piadischeff "AU Dep5t ToPOGRAPHIQUE jnHTAIRE." MAP No. 7. EARLY MAPS. 27 Again on the map of Russian America in the Atlas of the Russian Evipirc pubHshed b\- the Russian War Office in tlie years iS-iO to iS^s. the frontier of Alaska is marked as Krusenstern and Piadischeff had drawn it.^' (See map No. S.) The British Government made no protest agninst the way Krusenstern and Piadischeff had marked the boundan-. On the contran,-. a few years later, in I S3 1, a map \\'as prepared by Joseph Bouchette, Jr., " Deput}- Surveyor General of the Province of Lower Canada," and published the same year at London by James Wyld. geographer to the King, and " with His Majest}-'s most gracious and special permission most humbly and gratefully dedicated * * * to His Most Excellent i^tajest}' King Will- iam I\'th H: •<: :i^ compiled from the latest and most approved astronomical observations, authori- ties, and recent surveys." It reaftirmed the bound- Map "No. 60° (a) " of this atlas is entitled. " Carte G^nerale de r Empire de Russie," etc. This is a map o{ the whole Russian Empire in 1S29. and in the left hand lower corner the boundary of the Russian American lisiere is given as on map "No. 58." Charles Sumner used this general map of the Empire, "No. 60," in preparing his speech in support of the purchase of Alaska in 1S67. The copy that he had is now in the Har\'ard University Librar)*. '^^ Atlas of Uu Russian Empire. (In Russian.) Map No. S is reproduced from "Map No. 63 " of a copy of this atlas, now in the possession of the writer, which belonged originally to Count Dimitry Petrowitsch Severin. at one time Minister Pleni- potentiary of the Emperor of Russia to the King of Bavaria. 63 ]9o 995 Q30 935 mar mii'iiiiir 94o 94: -95o M'lllll lll'IIM.H "IIU1«< ' 'g •MiMiwi iimir .\ E A O li M T I>I II o K]i: A H :[j M E P M -r70 '^!" f 11,1..: I' < i"ii'!i|iN' tr. !i -tn^ 990 995 G3o LI.'lJil'H BTIIIIil I'lMJIli tiniiMi nmiiN']! m.iiii! fiH.'ini Tmn Im»,iw 935 <24o 945 g5o Map of Russian America published in the years 1S30-1835 by the Russian War Office. MAP No. 8. Canadian Map of 1831 : " Compiled * * * by Joseph Bouchette, Jr., Deputy Surveyor General of the Province of Lower Canada." MAP No. 9. 30 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. ary as given upon Krusenstern's Imperial map. (See Map No. 9.) Duflot de Mofras, who was an attache of the French Legation to Mexico, gives upon his map of the western coast of America, pubHshed in 1844, the same frontier Hne between the two empires.^® (See Map No. 10.) Again in a " Narrative of a Journey Round the World, during the years 1841 and 1842, by Sir George Simpson, Governor-in-chief of the Hudson's Bay Company's Territories in North America" pub- lished at London in 1847,^^ a map in volume one, showing the author's route, gives the line of de- marcation between the Russian and the English ter- ritories as it was laid down by Krusenstern in his map of 1827. (See map No. 11.) Likewise on the map prepared by Captain Teben- koff of the Imperial Russian Navy, which was pub- lished in 1849 (see Map No. 12), and on an English map to accompany S. S. Hill's Travels in Siberia, published at London in 1854 (see Map No. 13), the frontier of the Alaskan lisiere is given as Krusen- stern and Piadischeff drew it. Three years later, in 1857, an investigation into the ^® The title of de Mofras' s map is : Carte de ta cote de V Amerique sur l^ ocean Pacifique septentrional * * * dress^ par M^' Dufiot de Mofras, Attache a la Legation de Fraiice cL Mexico pour servir h V intelligence de son Voyage d^ exploration, public par ordre du Roi * * * Paris, 1844. '' London ; Henry Colburn, 1847 : there is a copy in the British Museum. Map of Duflot de Mofras, "Public par ordre du Roi, sous les Auspices de M. le President du Conseil des Ministres et de M. le Ministre des Affaires EtrangSres, Paris, 1844." MAP No. 10. Map in " Narrative of a Journey Round the World," BY Sir George Simpson, London, 1847. MAP No. 11. =%»^ ■- , '/^u~',<^ Map prepared by Captain Tebenkoff, of the Imperial Russian Navy, 1849. MAP No. 12. Map of the Russian Empire to accompany Hill's Travels, 1854. MAP No. 13. IMPORTANT MAPS. 35 affairs of the Hudson's Bay Company was held by a special committee of the House of Commons. At that investigation, Sir George Simpson, who was ex- amined, presented a map of the territory in question, and, speaking for the Company, said : " There is a margin of coast, marked yellow on the map, from 54° 40' up to Cross Sound, which we have rented from the Russian Company." (See Map No. 14.) This map shows that the strip of land on the con- tinent extended far enough inland to include all the sinuosities of the coast so as to exclude, ac- cording to the United States claims, the British territory altogether from any outlet upon salt water above fifty-four degrees forty minutes. Also on a Russian Imperial map published in 1 86 1 (see Map No. 15), the Russian Government again claimed, without calling forth any protest from the British Government, for its American possessions an eastern frontier identical with that it had asserted soon after the treaty of 1825 upon the maps of Kru- senstern and Piadischeff. John Arrowsmith's map of the Provinces of Brit- ish Columbia and Vancouver Island, published at London in 1864, gives eloquent testimony of what English cartographers thought was the eastern boundary of the Russian lisiere a year or two before the Emperor Alexander the Second sold Russian America to the United States (See Map No. 16). By a number of overt acts, too, the British Empire W-T ^"^ ""tiTT^rv"^ IT'''''"^"^ '"''"'"^''^ '■ " '"'^^"'^^^ ^^ ^"^ "°^^^ °^ Commons to be printed 72rLr '''■" '""l^' ''^7- '^"'^ ^"^^'^^ Territory, which is Darker than THE Canadian in this Reproduction, is Colored Yellow on the Original Map. MAP No. 14. Imperial Russian Map, i86i. MAP No. 15. Arrowsmith's Map of the Provinces of British Columbia and Vancouver Island, 1S64. MAP No. 16. THE DRYAD. 39 recognized the right of Russia to a continuous lisiere on the continental shore above fifty-four degrees forty minutes. One of these acts, for example, was the case of the British brig Dryad. In June 1834, notwithstanding that by Article six of the treaty of 1825 ^^ the Muscovite and the British Governments had agreed that British traders should have the right forever to navigate freely all rivers crossing the Russian lisiere, the Russians turned back, near the entrance of the Stikine River, the British brig Dryad while on its way to establish a trading post in the interior on the Stikine River above the limit of Russian territory. Sailing from Vancouver, the Dryad, after passing through Clar- ence Strait, reached near the north end of Wrangell Island, the Russian post, called Fort Saint Dionis- sievsky, at the mouth of the Stikine River. When the Dryad arrived off the Russian fort, the com- mander of the English expedition, Mr. Ogden, who i« "Article VI. " II est entendu que les sujets de Sa Majesty Britannique, de quel- que c6t^ qu'ils arrivent, soit de I'oc^an, soit de I'int^rieur du con- tinent, jouiront ^ perp6tuit6 du droit de naviguer librement, et sans entrave quelconque, sur tons les fleuves et rivieres qui, dans leurs cours vers la Mer Pacifique, traverseront la ligne de demarca- tion sur la lisiere de la c6te indi- qu^e dans I'Article III. de la pr^s- ente Convention." "Article VI. "It is understood that the sub- jects of His Britannic Majesty, from whatever quarter they may arrive, whether from the ocean, or from the interior of the continent, shall forever enjoy the right of navigat- ing reely, and without any hin- drance whatever, all the rivers and streams which, in their course to- wards the Pacific Ocean, may cross the line of demarkation upon the line of coast described in article three of the present convention." 40 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. had to use row boats to send on his expedition to its intended destination up the river, asked the Russian commander, Lieutenant Larembo, for per- mission to proceed. But this the Muscovite officer refused, basing his reply on the eleventh article of the treaty of 1825.^^ Mr. Ogden then proceeded to Novo-Arkhangelsk, where he discussed the mat- ter with Baron Wrangell. But the latter refused his consent to the proposed settlement. Thereupon the Dryad returned, and Mr. Ogden reported to his Company what had happened. The Hudson's Bay Company lodged, for the losses it had suffered, a complaint with the British Government against the Russian-American Company, and claimed twenty-one thousand pounds sterling or about one hundred and thirty-five thousand roubles damages. During several years the Muscovite and the British Governments exchanged many communications on the subject. Finally Lord Palmerston pressed upon 19 " Article XI. " Dans tous les cas de plaintes relatives a I'infraction des Articles de la pr&ente Convention, les au- torit^s civiles et militaires des deux Hautes Parties Contractantes, sans se permettre au pr^alable ni voie de fait, ni mesure de force, seront tenues de faire un rapport exact de I'affaire et de ses circonstances ^ leurs Cours respectives, lesquel- les s'engagent a la regler ^ I'ami- able, et d'apr^s les principes d'une parfaite justice." "Article XI. " In every case of complaint on account of an infraction of the articles of the present convention, the civil and military authorities of the high contracting Parties, with- out previously acting or taking any forcible measure, shall make an exact and circumstantial report of the matter to their respective courts, who engage to settle the same, in a friendly manner, and according to the principles of justice." THE DRYAD. 41 the attention of the Russian Government that in 1834 the term of ten years granted in Article seven of the treaty of 1825^° to EngHsh subjects and ships freely to navigate and trade along the estuaries of the Russian lisiere had not expired when the officers of the Russian American Company turned back the Dryad in 1834. Lord Palmerston also in- sisted that, as by the terms of Article six of the treaty of 1825, the English were guaranteed the free navigation of all the rivers [Jleuves) which, taking their rise in British territory, crossed the Rus- sian domains, the Russian colonial authorities had transgressed their powers in causing the Dryad ex- pedition to turn back. The Russian Government was thus hard pressed upon this question, especially by the latter argument of Lord Palmerston. Finally, with the full consent of Count Nesselrode and Lord Palmerston, Baron Wrangell, on behalf of the Rus- sian-American Company, and Sir George Simpson, 20 "Article VII. " II est aussi entendu que, pen- dant I'espace de dix ans, ^ dater de la signature de cette Conven- tion, les vaisseaux des deux Puis- sances, ou ceux appartenant ^ leurs sujets respectifs, pourront rdciproquement frequenter, sans entravequelconque, toutes les mers int^rieures, les golfes, havres, et criques sur la cote mentionn^e dans I'Article III, afin d'y faire la p^che et le commerce avec les in- digenes." "Article VII. "It is also understood, that, for the space of ten years from the signature of the present conven- tion, the vessels of the two Powers, or those belonging to their respec- tive subjects, shall mutually be at liberty to frequent, without any hindrance whatever, all the inland seas, the gulfs, havens, and creeks on the coast mentioned in article, three for the purposes of fishing and of trading with the natives." 42 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. acting for the Hudson's Bay Company, met in Ham- burg in the early part of 1839 for the purpose of amicably arranging the incident. After a few days' negotiations, these eminent representatives of their respective companies made an agreement with a view to settle not only all past differences, but also to eliminate all chances of future difficulties. For this purpose, they agreed on February 6th, 1839, that for a term of ten years beginning the 1st of June, 1840, the Russian American Company should lease to the Hudson's Bay Company all of the lisiere, including Fort Saint Dyonissievsky extending from Cape Spen- cer at Cross Bay and the Mount of Good Hope down to fifty-four forty. The Hudson's Bay Company was to relinquish all claims for damages against the Russian Company, and was to pay as rent to the latter two thousand Columbian sea-otter skins. This agree- ment was renewed in 1849 for ten years and in 1859 for two or three years more, and again in 1862 for three years, and finally was extended to 1867.-^ " Tikhmenief 's Historical Review of the Development of the Russian American Company and of its operations up to the pres- eyit tim£. Saint Petersburg, 1861. (In Russian.) Volume I., page 264 et seq. Parliamentary Papers, i8^j. Accounts a — Rep. XV. Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay Com- pany together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, Appendix and Index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed 31 July and 11 August, 1857. LEASE OF THE LISIERE. 43 The first article of the lease of the lisiere by the Russian American Company to the Hudson's Bay Company was in these terms : " Article I. It is agreed that the Russian Ameri- can Company, having the sanction of the Russian Government to that effect, shall cede or lease to the Hudson's Bay Company for a term of ten years, com- mencing from the first of June, 1840, for commercial Second Session, 1857. Veneris, 8" die maii, 1857. Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed " to consider the state of those British Possessions in North America which are under the Administration of the Hudson's Bay Company, or over which they possess a License to Trade," (page II.), pages 59, 91. Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume II. ; Appendix to the Case of the United States, Volume I., 1892, page 10. Memorandum relative to the treaties of 1824 and 1825. Memorandum of Baron Wrangell. Memorandum of the Russian American Company concerning the Dryad incident. Report of the Board of the Russian American Company con- cerning the case of the Dryad, November 14, 1835. Letter of Count Nesselrode to Count Kankrin, December 12th, 1835. Letter of Sir George Simpson to Baron Wrangell. Letter of Count Nesselrode to Count Kankrin, December 9th, 1838. Report of the Board of the Russian-American Company, De- cember 20th, 1838. Text of Agreement between the Russian American Company and the Hudson's Bay Company, signed at Hamburg, February 6th, 1839. Letter of Baron Wrangell to Sir George Simpson, 1839. 44 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. purposes, the coast (exclusive of the islands) and the interior country belonging to His Majesty the Em- peror of Russia, situated between Cape Spencer, forming: the northwest headland of the entrance of Cross Sound and latitude 54° 40' or thereabouts, say the whole mainland coast and interior country be- longing to Russia, together with the free navigation and trade of the waters of that coast and interior counti-y situated to the southward and eastward of a supposed line to be drawn from the said Cape Spen- cer to Mount Fairweather, with the sole and entire trade or commerce thereof, and that the Russian American Company shall abandon all and every station and trading establishment they now occupy on that coast, and in the interior country already described, and shall not form any station or trading establishment during the said term of ten years, nor send their officers, servants, vessels, or craft of any description for the purposes of trade into any of the bays, inlets, estuaries, rivers, or lakes in that line of coast and in that interior country. It shall neither have any trading relations with the Indians living on that coast or inland, nor shall receive as traffic, or in any other manner furs, skins, or any other products of the aforementioned coast and continent. And in good faith and in a literal sense we cede and give up to the Hudson's Bay Company all trading and barter on the aforesaid strips of land and will pro- tect the Hudson's Bay Company during ten years by LEASE OF THE LISIERE. 45 every possible means, in case any other Russian subject or foreigner might prevent or injure the Company in its trade, inasmuch as if the coast and continent were not ceded, but were occupied by the Russian-American Company itself. And that the Russian-American Company will allow the Hud- son's Bay Company to take and keep possession of the Russian redoubts on Cape Highfield, near the estuary of Stikine, and also to occupy other points of the aforesaid coast and continent, by establish- ment of other trading stations, according to their own wish. And in case this treaty should not be renewed after the expiration of a term of ten years, it is agreed, that the Hudson's Bay Company deliv- ers to the Russian-American Company the afore- mentioned post on Cape Highfield, as well as all other posts, which the Company will in this lapse of time establish in the limits of the aforementioned Russian dominion. In return for these concessions and this protection and in consideration of the com- mercial advantages the Hudson's Bay Company may have therefrom, it is agreed that the Company will pay yearly or deliver to the Russian-American Com- pany, in form of a rental, two thousand otters — (not counting those with torn and damaged skins) — taken on the east side of the Stone ridge, dur- ing ten years ; the first rental payment of the 2000 skins of otters is to begin on June ist or before 1841, and is to be delivered to the agents 46 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. of the Russian-American Company on the North- east coast." By article ninth of this agreement, the Hudson's Bay Company rehnquished all its claim for dam- ages against the Russian-American Company in these terms : " The Hudson's Bay Company shall relinquish their claim now pending on the Russian Govern- ment, the Russian American Company, or whoever else it may concern, for injury and damage said to be sustained by the Hudson's Bay Company arising from the obstruction presented by the Russian authorities on the North-West coast of America to an expedition belonging to the Hudson's Bay Com- pany at the entrance of the river Stakine on the North-West coast of America in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four, outfitted and equipped by the Hudson's Bay Company for the purpose of form- ing a commercial station in the interior British terri- tory on the banks of the said Stakine river." It was clearly understood at the time that Sir George Simpson and Baron Wrangell made the agreement whereby the American Company leased the lisiere to the English Company, that owing to this strip or lisiere, the territories of the Hudson's Bay Company were shut off from access to tidewater. This is proved absolutely by the testimony that Sir George Simpson gave himself in 1857 — he was for thirty-seven years Governor of the Hudson's Bay Com- SIR GEORGE SIMPSON S TESTIMONY. 47 pany — before a " Select Committee "^^ of the House of Commons of the British Parhament which was ap- pointed " to consider the state of those British Pos- sessions in North America which are under the Ad- ministration of the Hudson's Bay Company, or over which they possess a License to Trade." The Com- mittee consisted of nineteen members in all, among whom were Mr. Secretary Labouchere, the chairman, Lord John Russell, Lord Stanley, Mr. Edward Ellice, a native of Canada and a Director of the Hudson's Bay Company, Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Roebuck and Sir John Pakington. Part of Sir George Simpson's tes- timony was as follows : " 1026. Besides your own territory, I think you administer a portion of the territory which belongs to Russia, under some arrangement with the Russian Company? — There is a margin of coast marked ■■'^ Parliamentary Papers, iS^y. Accounts a — Rep. XV. Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay Com- pany together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence. Appendix and Index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed 31 July and 11 August, 1857. Second Session, 1857. Veneris, 8° die maii, 1857. Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed " to consider the state of those British Possessions in North America which are under the Administration of the Hudson's Bay Company, or over which they possess a License to Trade," (page II.). 4^ THE ALASKA FRONTIER. yellow in the map from 54° 40' up to Cross Sound, which we have rented from the Russian American Company for a term of years. " 1027. Is that the whole of that strip? — The strip goes to Mount Saint Elias. " 1028. Where does it begin ? — Near Fort Simp- son, in latitude 54°; it runs up to Mount Saint Elias, which is further north. " 1029. Is it the whole of that strip which is in- cluded between the British territory and the sea ? — We have only rented the part between Fort Simpson and Cross Sound. " 1030. W^hat is the date of that arrangement? — That arrangement, I think, was entered into about 1839. " 103 1. What are the terms upon which it was made ; do you pay a rent for that Land ? — The British territory runs along inland from the coast about 30 miles ; the Russian territory runs along the coast; we have the right of navigation through the rivers to hunt the interior country. A misun- derstanding existed upon that point in the first in- stance ; we were about to establish a post upon one of the rivers, which led to very serious difficulties between the Russian-American Company and our- selves ; we had a long correspondence, and, to guard against the recurrence of these difficulties, it was agreed that we should lease this margin of coast, and pay them a rent ; the rent, in the first instance, SIR GEORGE SIMPSON's TESTIMONY. 49 in otters; I think we gave 2,000 otters a year; it is now converted into money ; we give, I think, 1 500^ a year." It will be observed from the foregoing questions and the replies of Sir George Simpson, that the Hud- son's Bay Company in 1839 recognized by an official act, to wit, a lease of Russian territory, that Russia had a lisiere on the continent from Mount Saint Elias almost down to Fort Simpson, and that owing to this strip of land the British territory was pushed back about thirty miles "inland from the coast." In addition it will be noted that Sir George Simpson in describing the positions and extent of the land rented by his Company from the Russian company, referred to a map (see map No. 14) that he showed the committee, and upon which the lisiere belonging to Russia was marked so as to include the sinuos- ities of the coast, the Lynn Canal and all the other fiords above fifty-four degrees forty minutes, entirely, and so cutting off the British territory absolutely from all contact with tide water. More than that, owing to the community of inter- est of both companies in the peaceful develop- ment of the fur trade brought about by the lease and its renewal. General Politkovsky, a director of the Russian American Company, addressed, early in 1854 — when it seemed likely that the strained relations between Russia and England would re- sult in actual war between them — a note on 50 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. behalf of the Russian American Company to Privy Counsellor L. G. Seniavin, of the Russian For- eign Office. In this communication, he pointed out that in case of war with England, the posts and prop- erty of the company in America would be liable to capture and destruction ; and that, as the Hudson's Bay Company was likewise in an exposed position on the northwest American coast, it would be to the mutual interest of the two companies to obtain the consent of their respective Governments to agree to recognize the possessions of both com- panies along the northwest American coast as neutral territory in case of hostilities. General Po- litkovsky requested, therefore, for his company, authority to enter into correspondence with the au- thorities of the Hudson's Bay Company upon this subject. Towards the end of January the Emperor Nicholas approved of this proposition. Accordingly, the management of the Russian American Company communicated with that of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. This latter company thought likewise that it was for its best interest that the fur trade should go on without the interruption that war would cause. And the management of the Hudson's Bay Company, therefore, urged upon the attention of the British Government the plan of neutrality proposed by the Russian American Company. About the mid- dle of March, 1854, the British Government gave its approval to a territorial neutrality along the north- AGREEMENT OF NEUTRALITY, 1 854-56. 5 1 west American coast, provided the Russian Govern- ment reciprocated. But the British Government re- served the right to stop all ships on the high seas, and to blockade the coast. After some further cor- respondence on the subject between the two Com- panies, and between them and their respective Gov- ernments, the neutralization of the territoral posses- sions of both companies along the northwest Amer- ican coast was satisfactorily arranged. And this agreement of neutrality, sanctioned by both Govern- ments, was loyally carried out during the period of the Crimean War. "^ ^* Letter of General Politkovsky of the Russian American Com- pany to Privy Counsellor L. G. Seniavin of the Russian Foreign Office, January 14, 1854. Letter of Privy Counsellor Seniavin to General Politkovsky, January 25, 1854. Letter of H. U. Addington of the British Foreign Office, March 22, 1854. Letter of Sir A. Colvill, Governor of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, to the management of the Russian American Company, March 24, 1854. Letter of Privy Counsellor Seniavin to General Politkovsky, March 31st, 1854. Letter of Mr. Hilferding to the Consul General at London, April ist, 1854. Letter of John Shepherd, Deputy Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, to the management of the Russian American Company. Testimony of Sir George Simpson before a Select Committee of the House of Commons, 1857. Parliamentary Papers, 18^7. Accounts a — Rep. XV. Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay Com- 52 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. Thus by another official act the British Govern- ment recognized officially that the British territory in North America was cut off above fifty-four forty on the north west coast from access to tide water. Independently of the fact that the lease was made in 1839 to begin June ist, 1840, and that it was several times renewed, thus extending the agree- ment to 1867, when shortly thereafter Russia sold Alaska to the United States, this arrangement be- tween the two companies is proved by what took place in the course of Sir George Simpson's examin- ation in 1857 before a Committee of the House of Commons. When the question of the lease in 1839 by the Hudson's Bay Company of the Russian lisiere came up a second time during Sir George's examina- tion, the following questions and answers were asked and given : " 1732. Chairman. I think you made an arrange- ment with the Russian Company by which you hold under a lease a portion of their territory ? — Yes. pany together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, Appendix and Index. Ordered, by the House of Com- mons, to be printed 31 July and 11 August, 1857. Second Session, 1857. Veneris, 8''diemaii, 1857. Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed ' ' to consider the state of those British Possessions in North America which are under the Administration of the Hudson's Bay Company, or over which they possess a License to Trade," sections 1 738-1 742. SIR GEORGE SIMPSON S TESTIMONY. 53 ** 1733. I believe that arrangement is that you hold that strip of country which intervenes between your territory and the sea, and that you give them 1 500^ a year for it ? — Yes. "1734. What were your objects in making that arrangement? — To prevent difficulties existing be- tween the Russians and ourselves; as a peace offering. " 1735. What was the nature of those difficul- ties? — We were desirous of passing through their territory, which is inland from the coast about 30 miles. There is a margin of 30 miles of coast be- longing to the Russians. We had the right of navi- gating the rivers falling into the ocean, and of set- tling the interior country. Difficulties arose between us in regard to the trade of the country, and to remove all those difficulties we agreed to give them an annual allowance. I think, in the first instance, 2000 otter skins, and afterwards 1500/ a year. ****** " 1738. During the late war [the Crimean] which existed between Russia and England, I believe that some arrangement was made between you and the Russians by which you agreed not to molest one another ? — Yes, such an arrangement was made. "1739. By the two companies? — Yes; and Gov- ernment confirmed the arrangement. " 1740. You agreed that on neither side should there be any molestation or interference with the trade of the different parties ? — Yes. 54 'I'HE ALASKA FRONTIER, "1 74 1. And I believe that that was strictly ob- served during the whole war? — Yes. "1742. Mr. Bell. Which Government confirmed the arrangement, the Russian or the English, or both ? — Both Governments." This additional information shows that the Eng- lish Company rented the lisiere from the Russian Company, because the lisiere shut off the English Company from access to the fiords of the sea that advanced into the continent. And further, these questions and replies prove that the English Govern- ment — by confirming the agreement of the English Company with the Russian not to interfere with each other while their respective Governments were busy waging war in other parts of the world during the years 1854, 1855 and 1856 — recognized and sanctioned the claim of Russia that she had an unbroken lisiere on the mainland extending far enough inland so as to envelop within her own do- mains the Lynn Canal and all the fiords that pene- trate into the continent above the Portland Canal. Sir George Simpson exhibited in 1857 before the Committee a map, which was subsequently printed by order of the House of Commons, (See map No. 14.) He referred to the agreement between the two companies and showed on this map the area of the leased strip, and the inland boundary of the lisiere as marked on that map agrees with the boundary claimed by the United States. It was in order to gain "FIFTY-FOUR FORTY OR FIGHT. 55 access to the sea and to avoid the possibiHty of any clash between the agents of the two companies re- sulting from the long Alaskan pan handle that cut off the Canadians from the sea above fifty-four forty, that the Hudson's Bay Company was willing to pay a rental : it was, as Sir George Simpson said, paid as a " peace offering." Forty-one years later Canada, as the successor of the Hudson's Bay Company, pre- sented to the United States at the meeting of the Anglo-American Joint High Commission at Quebec a territorial claim radically at variance with the boundary of Alaska as publicly exhibited to the world in 1857, by the Hudson's Bay Company through its Governor-General. But previous to the Crimean War, back to the time of the controversy over the northwest boundary between the United States and Great Britain, during Polk's administration, when the cry of " Fifty-four forty or fight" so famous in our history was raised, Russia offered us her American possession, provided that we should maintain our claims up to fifty-four degrees forty minutes north, the most southern point of her territory.-* If we had accepted her offer and "^^Papers relating to Foreign Affairs, accompanying the annual message of the President to the second session of the Fortieth Con- gress, 1867, Part I., Washington: Government Printing Office, 1886, page 390. Seward at Washington as Senator and Secretary of State, by Frederick W. Seward, Volume III., pages 346-347. Fur Seal Arbitration: Volume IV., pages 276-277. 56 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. persisted in our claims, the North American British possessions would have been practically shut out from access to the Pacific Ocean. But President Polk's administration, after the death of Andrew Jackson, ^^ backed down in the north to seek an ex- tension in warmer lands in the south. England thus gained a large outlet on the Pacific coast. Time wore on. In 1859 the subject of a transfer of Russian America to the United States was re- vived. At that time Senator Gwin of California, in behalf of the Buchanan administration, had some in- terviews with the Russian minister at Washington ^5 Governor William Allen of Ohio or " Old Bill" Allen as he was known in his State, told many years since Colonel Augustus C. Buell, the author of a " Life of Paul Jones," the following in- cident about the territory west of the Rockies. He said that once when Andrew Jackson was President, the British Minister, in an interview with Secretary Van Buren, informally referred to the question of arranging the northwest boundary west of the Rock- ies along the forty-ninth degree ; Van Buren at once reported the matter to General Jackson, who replied that he had fought for the southern end of the Louisiana Purchase, and that though he was then pretty old, yet there was still enough blood in his veins to enable him to fight if necessary for the northern end. The British Government did not reopen that question until Jackson was dead. Colonel Buell, in a letter to the writer, says that "Old Bill Allen, then a Senator from Ohio, was the author of ' Fifty four forty or fight ' ! And the speech in which he uttered the phrase so endeared him to Jackson that the old man always afterwards, so long as he lived, used to call him ' My son, William.' " Concerning Polk's character see Martin Va?i Bu- ren, by Edward M. Shepard in the American Statesme^i series, New York, 1899, page 412. PROPOSED SALE OF RUSSIAN AMERICA, 1 859. 57 in reference to buying Alaska.^*^ In these conversa- tions, " while professing to speak for the President unofficially, he [Senator Gwin] represented * that Russia was too far off to make the most of these possessions ; and that as we are near, we can derive more from them.' In reply to an inquiry of the Rus- sian Minister, Mr. Gwin said that ' the United States could go as high as 5,000,000 dollars for the pur- chase,' on which the former made no comment. Mr. Appleton, on another occasion, said to the Minister that ' the President thought that the acquisition would be very profitable to the States on the Pacific ; that he was ready to follow it up, but wished to know in advance if Russia was ready to cede ; that if she were, he would confer with his Cabinet, and influential members of Congress. All this was un- official ; but it was promptly communicated to the Russian Government, who seem to have taken it into careful consideration. Prince Gortschakow, in a dis- patch which reached here [Washington] early in the summer of i860, said that the 'offer was not what might have been expected ; but that it merited ma- ture reflection ; that the Minister of Finance was about to inquire into the condition of these posses- sions.' The Prince added for himself that * he was by no means satisfied personally that it would be for the interests of Russia politically to alienate these possessions ; that the only consideration which could 26 Fur Seal Arbitration : Volume IV., 1895, page 277. 58 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. make the scales incline that way would be the pros- pect of great financial advantages ; but that the sum of 5,000,000 dollars does not seem in any way to represent the real value of those possessions,' and he concluded by asking the Minister to tell Mr. Appleton and Senator Gwin that the sum offered was not considered 'an equitable equivalent.'"^ Soon afterwards, the momentous Presidential elec- tion of i860 and the beginning of the Civil War of 1 86 1, brushed aside the subject of the purchase of Alaska.^^ During the four years that the war raged, Russia was the one great nation that consistently from the beginning of that struggle favored the Union cause.^ While other great Powers were either luke-warm towards or even hostile to the mainte- nance of the integrity of the United States, the Mus- covite Empire was the open friend of the Union. Soon after the commencement of hostilities, Prince Gortschakoff, on July loth, 1861,^'' addressed a note "^"^ Fur Seal Arbitratio7i : Volume IV., page 278. "^^ Fur Seal Arbitratioji : Volume IV., page 278. " Seward at Washington, as Senator and Secretary of State, by Frederick W. Seward: New York, 1891, Volume III., pages 40, 49. ^"Prince Gortschakoff's letter of July loth, 186 1, to M. de Stoeckl, Senate Ex. Doc. No. i, jyth Congress, 2nd Session : Washington, Government Printing Office, 1861, page 308. Mr. Cameron to Mr. Seward, St. Petersburg, June 26th, 1862. House Ex. Doc. No. i, jyth Congress, jd Session, pages 447- 448. Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward, October 29th, 1862 ; id. page RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, 1861-65. 59 to M. de Stoeckl, the Russian Minister at Washing- ton, in which he instructed him to assure Secretary Seward of the friendly feehngs that the Russian Government held for that of the United States. In various other ways the Russian Government evinced its sympathy with that of the United States. So much so, in fact, that L. Q. C. Lamar, whom Presi- dent Davis intrusted in 1862 with the mission of representing the Confederate States at the Court of Saint Petersburg, never found it worth while to pro- ceed beyond Paris on his mission.^^ While the 463. Prince Gortschakoff to Mr. Bayard Taylor, Charge d' Af- faires, ib. page 464 : " Russia has declared her position and will maintain it. There will be proposals for intervention. We be- lieve that intervention could do no good at present. Proposals will be made to Russia to join in some plan of interference. She will refuse any intervention of the kind. Russia will occupy the same ground as at the beginning of the struggle. You may rely upon it., she will not change. ' ' *^The letters that passed between Judah P. Benjamin, the Secretary of State of the Confederacy, and Lamar, concerning the latter' s mission, are in the Diplomatic Correspondence of the Confederacy, in the keeping of Judge Lewis Jordan at the Treas- ury Department at Washington. Benjamin in a letter dated at Richmond, November 19, 1862, says that because of the note that the Cabinet of Saint Petersburg addressed to that of Wash- ington, early in the war, to which an extensive publicity was given, the Confederate Government did not think it worth while to send sooner a representative to Russia. Lamar in a letter to Benjamin dated at London, March 20, 1863, notes the fear of the British Government in September 1862 to openly interfere in the war. Lamar writes : ' ' The events of a day may reverse it [the policy of the Gov- ernment] entirely, as the following facts will illustrate : 60 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. English Government permitted — in spite of the pro- tests of the American Minister to England, Charles Francis Adams — the building of the Alabmna and other Confederate cruisers in English ports and allowed them to sail, armed with English guns and [On Lamar's letter, the following paragraph has been copied by the Confederates on to a blank space where Lamar evidently intended that a translation of his narrative in cypher should be placed,] "Name given "^ Cypher in the original My informant states the declara- Uonabi'^"^^ tion of a leading member of the Government party (the intimate confidential friend of L*^- P. [Palmerston] ) that the Confederacy would be recognized in a few days & that he would be appointed minister to the C. S. A. All the names given iyi the original. This took place in September last [1862]. Only a few days after, the same distinguished- personage said to my informant, 'the game is up. We have had to take another tack.' " Evidence from the Confederate side, and, therefore, of much importance, showing how the Emperor Alexander the Second, threw his influence into the international scales in favor of the United States Government during the Civil War, is found in the following memorandum of an interview between Justice Lamar and Louis Napoleon. It was written September 12th, 1901, by Colonel Augusus C. Buell, and addressed to Charles H, Cramp, Esq. It proves, as the Diplomatic Correspondence of the Con- federacy also shows, that the late Justice Lamar, who was ap- pointed in 1862 to represent the Confederate States at the Court of Saint Petersburg, never found it worth while to proceed fur- ther on his mission than Paris. Colonel Buell says : "The late Lucius Q. C. Lamar, shortly after he had been ap- pointed an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court by President Cleveland, related to me at his apartments in Washington the following : "Early in 1862 when the military fortunes of the Confederacy were at their zenith and when Jefferson Davis had reason or thought he had reason to believe that the independence of the Confederacy would be recognized by England and France, he ENGLAND AND THE UNITED STATES, 1 86 1 -65. 6 1 manned with English crews, and to receive aid and comfort in Cape Town, Singapore and other EngHsh ports, in order to attack the commerce of a friendly nation, the Government of the Tsar not only did not sent Mr. Lamar, in the capacity of special envoy and plenipoten- tiary, to St. Petersburg for the purpose of enlisting the good will of the Russian Government, if not its open co-operation with Eng- land and France in the expected recognition. * :{: * H< * * * " After two or three interviews with de Morny, Mr. Lamar was informally presented to Louis Napoleon. >(; Hs * * * * * "Touching the object of Mr. Lamar's mission to Europe the Emperor said that it would be worse than fruiriess for him to ap- proach the court of Saint Petersburg. ' ' He said that the Emperor of Russia and all his advisers were hopelessly prejudiced in favor of the United States ; that was due, he said, to two causes : " First, that Russia, still smarting under the sting of her defeat by France and England in the Crimean War, would not make common cause with them in anything : but would be impelled by her resentment and wounded pride to antagonize any policy which her late enemies were known or believed to favor ; and she had reason to believe that France and England at that time viewed the effort of the Confederacy with benevolence. "The second and more important reason was that the effort of the Confederacy to disrupt the Union and establish independence represented to the minds of those in control of Russian affairs the doctrine of separatism, than which no doctrine could be more odious at Saint Petersburg. "He said that the Emperor of Russia was at that moment struggling with a movement in his own dominions in the shape of a Polish insurrection, the aim of which was cognate to that of the Confederacy. "This the Emperor Napoleon HL elaborated according to Mr. Lamar's narrative, with great force and perspicuity and com- pletely convinced him that it would be perfecdy idle to ask the Emperor of Russia to favor in the United States a movement 62 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. recognize the belligerency of the Confederate States, but in addition, when the Emperor Louis Napoleon and Lord Palmerston and Lord John Russell were anxious to intervene in the struggle in behalf of the based upon a principle cognate to that which he was at that time bringing all the resources of his Empire to crush in Poland. "On his part, Mr. Lamar represented to the Emperor that there would be nothing in common between the Government of the United States and that of Russia on the grounds of political principle ; on the contrary the doctrines on which the two Gov- ernments were based were diametrically diverse to each other in every respect. "The Emperor Napoleon said that, while that might be true in the academic sense or speculatively, it cut no figure in the exist- ing situation. ' ' On the other hand, there was a similarity between the re- spective aims and interests which easily produced a sentimental friendliness and that the step from such a state of feeling to acts was a very short one. At any rate, the Emperor Napoleon said it was doubtful whether Mr. Lamar would be cordially received in any capacity in Saint Petersburg at that time and it was per- fectly certain not only that he would not be received there as the accredited envoy of the Southern Confederacy but that the right of the Confederacy to ask recognition of its envoy would be denied at the outset. ' ' Such action on the part of the Russian Government at that time, the Emperor Napoleon said, would have a more or less decisive influence adverse to the interests of the Confederacy at other Courts of Europe and might embarrass the efforts of the friends of the Confederacy in France and in England. ' ' On the strength of these representations Mr. Lamar re- mained in Paris and proceeded no farther towards the execution of his mission. " He represented to the Government at Richmond what he had learned from de Morny and Louis Napoleon with the result that he was soon after recalled to the South and no further attempt was made by the Confederate Government to communi- cate in any manner with the Imperial Russian Government." THE RUSSIAN FLEETS, 1 863. 63 Confederacy,^^ the Emperor Alexander the Second refused to join any combination for intervention in the American Civil War, and took good care to make it known that in case any Power actively sided with the Confederate States, Russia would support the Union Government.^^ The most tan- ^'^ Autobiography of John Stuart Mill, New York, 1879, page 268. Wordsworth and the Coleridges by Ellis Yarnall, New York, 1899, page 256. August Belmont in a letter dated at London, July 30, 1861, to William H, Seward wrote that Lord Palmerston had told him : ' ' We do not like slavery but we want cotton, and we dislike very much your Morrill tariff." England and France agreed to act in common. Senate Ex. Doc. No. I, syth Congress, 2d Session, pages 106, 225. '^Concerning the attitude of Russia towards the United States during the Civil War, see : Memoir of Thurlow Weed, edited by Thurlow Weed Barnes ; Boston, 1884, Volume IL, pages 346-347. Thurlow Weed re- lates a conversation between Admiral P'arragut and Admiral Lessovsky during the winter of 1863-64 as follows : — ' ' Admiral Farragut lived at the Astor House, where he was frequently visited by the Russian Admiral, between whom, when they were young officers serving in the Mediterranean, a warm friendship had grown up. Sitting in my room one day after din- ner. Admiral Farragut said to his Russian friend, ' Why are you spending the winter here in idleness? ' ' I am here,' replied the Russian Admiral, * under sealed orders, to be broken only in a contingency that has not yet occurred.' He added that other Russian war vessels were lying off San Francisco with similar or- ders. During this conversation the Russian Admiral admitted that he had received orders to break the seals, if during the Re- bellion we became involved in a war with foreign nations. Strict confidence was then enjoined." Jj^ J|5 'l^ ^^ ^p 3K #1C "Louis Napoleon had invited Russia, as he did England, to unite with him in demanding the breaking of our blockade. The 64 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. gible proof that the Muscovite Empire gave to the Russian Ambassador at London informed his government that England was preparing for war with America, on account of the seizure of Mason and Slidell. Hence two fleets were immediately- sent across the Atlantic under sealed orders, so that if their services were not needed, the intentions of the Emperor would remain, as they have to this day, secret. It is certain, however, that when our government and Union were imperiled by a for- midable rebellion, we should have found a powerful idly in Russia, had an emergency occurred." Mr. Barnes then immediately adds : — "The latter revelation is corroborated by a well-known New York gendeman, who was in St. Petersburg when the Rebellion began, and who, during an unofficial call upon Prince Gort- schakoff, was shown by the Chancellor an order written in Alexander's own hand, directing his Admiral to report to Presi- dent Lincoln for orders, in case England or France sided with the Confederates. ' ' The Alabama Arbitration by Thomas Willing Balch, Phila- delphia, 1900, page 28 et seg., for an account by George Peirce, Esq., of an interview in 1872 between Ex-Govenior Curtin, then United States Minister at Saint Petersburg, and Prince Gortscha- koff. The Russian Chancellor showed Governor Curtin the orders to the Russian admirals, and other important correspondence. A letter of Secretary Seward to John Bigelow, Consul-General at Paris, dated June 25, 1862, published in the New York Sun, January 5th, 1902. Mr. Seward said : " Between you and myself alone, I have a belief that the European state, whichever one it may be, that commits itself to intervention anywhere in North America, will sooner or later fetch up in the arms of a native of an oriental country not especially distinguished for amiability of manners or temper." A letter from Wharton Barker, Esq. , about the policy of Russia during the Civil War, printed in the New York Su7i, January 9th, 1902. Mr. Barker, for many years a financial agent of the Russian Government in the United States, relates an interview to which he was called in August 1879, at the Palace of Pavlovsk, by the Emperor Alexander the Second, and says in part ; THE RUSSIAN FLEETS, 1 863. 65 world at large of its readiness to aid the Govern- ' ' Witli great earnestness and some sadness he [the Emperor] said that in the autumn of 1862 France and Great Britain pro- posed to Russia in a formal but not in an official way the joint rec- ognition by European Nations of the independence of the Confed- erate States of America. He said his immediate answer was, ' I will not co-operate in such action and I will not acquiesce, but on the contrary I shall accept recognition of the independence of the Confederate States by France and Great Britain as a casus belli for Russia, and that the Governments of France and Great Britain may understand this is no idle threat, I will send a Pacific fleet to San Francisco, and an Atlantic fleet to New York. Sealed orders to both Admirals were given,' After a pause he proceeded say- ing, ' my fleets arrived at the American ports, there was no rec- ognition of the independence of the Confederate States by Great Britain and France, the American rebellion was put down and the great American Republic continues. All this I did because of love for my own dear Russia rather than for love of the American Republic I acted thus because I understood that Russia would have a more serious task to perform if the American Republic with advanced industrial development was broken up and Great Britain left in control of most branches of modern industrial development.'" Narrative of the Missio7i to Russia, in 1866, of the Ho7i. Gustavus Vasa Fox : New York, \%']'i, passim. The New York Tribiine, October 2nd, 1863, page 3. The Life ofLordfohn Russell, by Spencer Walpole, London, 1889: second edition, Volume II., pages 344, 349-352. Papers relating to Foreign Affairs accompanying the Arinual Message of the President to the Second Session of the Thirty- eighth Congress : Part III. ; Washington, 1865, page 279. lb., Part II., Washington 1864, pages 'j62,-']'j9 passifn. Abraham Liiicoln by John G. Nicolay and John Hay : New York, 1890, Volume VI., pages 63-66. Quelques Pages d' Histoire Contemporaine : Lettres Politiques, by Provost- Paradol: Paris, 1864-1866, Volume II., pages 201 et seq., Volume III., page 166. 66 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. ment of President Lincoln, if foreign nations inter- fered with the American Government in its efforts to preserve the integrity of the United States, was the assembHng during the autumn of 1863 in the harbors of New York and San Francisco of two Russian Fleets. That which collected at New York was under the command of Admiral Lessovsky and that which assembled at San Francisco was under the orders of Admiral Popoff. ^* " The squadron of Admiral Lessovsky consisted of the flag- sliip Alexander Nevski, the Osliaba, the Peresvet, the Variag, and the Vitiaz. The Variag arrived in September, and Ad- miral Lessovsky with his other ships reached New York during October. The authorities of the city gave the Russians a grand welcome. They showed the Russian officers over the fortifica- tions of the port, gave them a public reception and held a mili- tary review in their honor. The significance of these festivities were the more marked in that an English fleet, to whom only the usual courtesies were extended, was also in the harbor at the time. In October, a committee of leading citizens gave the Russian Officers a ball at the Astor House. A few of the gentle- men on the committee in charge of the ball were George Opdyke, Mayor of New York, Charles P. Daly, W. H. Aspinwall, J. W. Beekman, Elliott F. Shepard, Hamilton Fish and Royal Phelps. (The Daily Alia California, San Francisco, Nov. 18, 1863.) Afterwards Admiral Lessovsky took his squadron into Chesa- peake Bay and up the Potomac River ; and President Lincoln and Secretary Seward gave the Russians a most cordial welcome at Washington. It is a curious coincidence that, as in 1 863 the then Variag was the first of the Russian war vessels to reach an American port, so, too, a generation later, a new Variag was the first of the two war ships — that the Messrs. Cramp of Philadelphia were then build- ing for the Russian navy — that was launched (1900) and put into commission (1901). PURCHASE OF RUSSIAN AMERICA. 67 In January 1866, the Legislature of the Territory (now the State) of Washington sent a memorial to President Johnson in reference to the fishing question in Russian American waters. This Memorial, on its presentation to the President in February 1866 was referred to the Secretary of State, by whom it was communicated to M. de Stoeckl, the Russian Min- ister, with remarks on the importance of some early and comprehensive arrangement between the two Powers in order to prevent the growth of difficul- ties, especially from the fisheries in that region. About this time Mr, Cole, newly elected Senator from California, sought to obtain, in behalf of individ- uals in his State, a license or franchise from the Rus- sian Government to gather furs in a part of Russian America. The charter of the Russian-American Com- The fleet of Admiral Popoff at San Francisco consisted of the Flagship Bogatyre, the Abreck, the Calevale, the Gaidamack, and the Rynda. The Gaidamack arrived first on the i6th of October, 1863, and the Rynda came last on the 7th of the follow- ing month. On the 17th of November, 1863, the civil and mili- tary authorities of San Francisco and California gave Admiral Popoff and his officers a grand ball. " It was not," to quote the Alta Calif orttia, "a mere ball, but also a political demonstra- tion." The committee that had the ball in charge consisted of the Hon. F. F. Low, Governor-elect of California and chairman ; the Hon. Ogden Hoffiiian, United States District Judge ; Ad- miral C. H. Bell, in command of the United States Pacific Squad- ron ; Brigadier General George Wright, in command of the De- partment of the Pacific ; the Hon. Charles James, Collector of the Port of San Francisco ; the Hon. H. P. Coon, Mayor of the city ; and many representative citizens. 68 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. pany was about to expire. That Company had already sublet all its franchises on the mainland, from fifty- four degrees forty minutes up to Cross Sound, to the Hudson's Bay Company. This lease would ex- pire in June 1867.^ Senator Cole had repeated con- ferences with M. de Stoeckl. The latter, however, had not authority to act ; and accordingly a com- munication was sent to Mr. Clay, the United States Minister at St. Petersburg, who brought the subject to the notice of the Imperial Ciovernment. During the winter of 1866-67, Secretary Seward — who even as early as i860 had expressed in public the hope that Russian America would become a part of the American Union ^*"' — quietly conducted with M. de Stoeckl, the Russian Minister at Washington, ne- gotiations for the purchase of Russian America.^^ In renewing, through M. de Stoeckl, the pourparlers that representatives of the two friendly nations had had on the subject years before, " Seward found the Gov- ernment of the Czar not unwillino- to discuss it. Rus- sia would in no case allow her American possessions to pass into the hands of any European power. But the United States always had been and probably ^ Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., page 279. ^^ Seward at Washington as Senator and Secretary of State, i86i-i8y2, by Frederick W. Seward, New York, 1S91, Volume III., page 346. ^^ Sercard at Jias/iington as Senator and Secretary of State, iS6i-iSj2, by Frederick W. Seward, New York, 1891, Vokmie III., page 346. PURCHASE OF RUSSIAN AMERICA. 69 always would be a friend. Russian America was a remote province of the Empire, not easily defensible, and not likely to be soon developed. Under Amer- ican control it would develop more rapidly, and be more easily defended. To Russia, instead of a source of danger, it might become a safeguard. To the United States it would give a foothold for com- mercial and naval operations, accessible from the Pacific States. Seward and Gortschakoff were not long in arriving at an agreement over a subject which, instead of embarrassing with conllicting in- terests, presented some mutual advantages." ^^ In October, 1866, M. de Stoeckl, who enjoyed the confidence of our Government, returned home on a leave of absence. While he was at Saint Petersburg, the subject of leasing to an American Company the rights that Russia had formerly rented to the Hud- son's Bay Company, was under consideration. The Russian Government, however, was opposed to any such minor arrangement. It wished to hand over to the United States for a fair consideration the whole of Russian America. The possessions of distant Ameri- can territory, lying across the seas, was an element of weakness to Russia, and the Empire was anxious to part with it to the United States, a friendly power. Besides, Russia, in withdrawing her flag from the *® Seward at Waslmigton as Senator and Secretary of State, 1S6T-1872, by Frederick W. Seward, New York, 1891, Vol- ume III., page 347. yo THE ALASKA FRONTIER. New World to the Old, and in preferring the United States to England as a purchaser of Russian Amer- ica, evinced once more, as upon former occasions, her friendship for the United States. "As M. de Stoeckl was leaving in February [1867] to return to his post, the Archduke Constantine, the brother and the chief adviser of the Emperor, handed him a map with the lines in our Treaty marked upon it and told him he might treat for this cession." ^^ The two Governments agreed upon seven millions two hundred thousand dollars ($7,200,000.) in gold as the purchase price. The final settlement was ar- ranged at the State Department between Seward and de Stoeckl on the night of March 29-30, 1867.'"' " The treaty was then and there engrossed, signed, sealed and prepared for transmission to the Sen- ate." ^^ The morninof after Seward and de Stoeckl had come to an agreement about the purchase, Charles Sumner, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, arose in the Senate, and, although an opponent of President Johnson, moved after the clerk had read the treaty, that favorable action should be taken upon it. ^' Sumner's Speech 1867 : Fur Seal Arbitration^ Volume IV., page 280. " Seward at Washington as Senator and Secretary of State, by Frederick W. Seward, New York, 1891, Volume III., page 348. *' Information received from Frederick W. Seward, Esq. SUMNER S SPEECH. 7 1 Sumner immediately began to prepare to speak in the Senate in favor of the ratification of Sew- ard's policy of purchasing what was then known as Russian America. The Massachusetts Senator, in the great speech that he delivered in the United States Senate in the spring of 1867, referred at the outset of his remarks to the boundaries of the ter- ritory which the administration proposed to buy as clear and definite. He began by saying r''^ "Mr. President: You have just listened to the reading of the treaty by which Russia cedes to the United States all her possessions on the North American continent in consideration of $7,200,000., to be paid by the United States. On the one side is the cession of a vast country with its jurisdiction and its resources of all kinds; on the other side is the purchase-money. Such is the transaction on its face. " In endeavoring to estimate its character, I am glad to begin with what is clear and beyond question. I refer to the boundaries fixed by the treaty. Com- mencing at the parallel of 54° 40' north latitude, so famous in our history, the line ascends Portland Channel to the mountains, which it follows on their summits to the point of intersection with the 141'' west longitude, which line it ascends to the Frozen Ocean, or, if you please, to the north pole. This is the eastern boundary, separating this region from " Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., page 269. 72 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. the British possessions, and it is borrowed from the treaty between Russia and Great Britain in 1825 establishing the relations between these two Powers on this continent. It will be seen that this boundary is old ; the rest is new." Thus Sumner, who had devoted much time and study in preparing for this speech, spoke in no un- certain terms about the bounds of the territoiy which it was proposed to add to the Union. The services that the Russian government had rendered to that of the Union during the Civil War by sending two fleets across the seas to American ports in order to neutralize the desire of other gov- ernments to join in an attempt to aid in the disrup- tion of the United States, undoubtedly was a potent element in rallying support in America for the pur- chase of Alaska.''^ " The following letter, written in 1901, from the son of Secre- tary Seward helps to clear up some of the Russian-American relations. The Honorable Frederick W. Seward was himself Assistant Secretary of State from 1861 to 1869 and took part in the negotiations for the purchase of Alaska. " montrose-on-the-hudson, " Dec id, 1901. " My dear Sir : ' ' Your letter of the 6th has been received. You are quite right, both in your statements and in your conjectures. ' ' There was no connection between the visit of the Russian Fleet to the United States in 1863, and the purchase of Russian America in 1867, — except that each was the manifestation of Russia's friendship and good- will, at diiferent periods. STATE DEPARTMENT MAP, 1 867. 73 The Senate confirmed the Treaty. Then without waiting- for Congress to pass the necessary appro- priation to enable the United States government to pay the purchase money, the Muscovite government, during the autumn of 1867, formally and officially transferred Russian America to the United States ; and the new territory became from that time known by the name chosen by Secretary William H. Sew- ard — Alaska. In buying Alaska, the United States understood that they obtained from Russia a continuous, unin- terrupted strip of land on the continent from Mount Saint Elias to the Portland Canal, whereby Great Britain was shut off from access to the Pacific Ocean ' ' There was no request, no arrangement, no equivalent in ref- erence to the Russian Fleet. Prince Gortschakoff was a very sagacious diplomatist. He sent over the Fleet and said it was here ' for no unfriendly purpose.' Of course we knew that we might count on its aid, if needed, but fortunately we did not need it. The exchange of public hospitalities showed how it was regarded on both sides. " I have endeavored in my ' Life and Letters of W. H. S.' to narrate the events and incidents of 1863 and 1867, just as I saw and heard or took part in them. But all histories are apt to get embroidered with a fringe of romantic fiction, as time goes on. I do not know who invented that about Alaska. Probably it 'just grew.' ' ' Your information from Russian sources about the Emperor Alexander's views, entirely accords with my own understanding of the matter. * ' Very sincerely yours, "FREDERICK W. SEWARD. "Mr. T. W. Balch." ■\ 74 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. above fifty-four degrees forty minutes. Secretary Seward and Senator Sumner so interpreted the pur- chase. The State Department, on a map it issued at the time, gave a visual effect of what the United States thought they had bought from Russia. (See Map No. 17.) This map, which Sumner used, was published, together with his speech, in pamphlet form. Upon this map, the eastern boundary of the pan-handle or lisiere of Russian America or Alaska — which latter name, meaning in the local tongue " Great Land," Secretary Seward gave to the purchased territory after it had come into the possession of the United States — was drawn so as to include within the bounds of Alaska all the sin- uosities that cut into the mainland between fifty- four degrees forty minutes north and Mount Saint Elias. The frontier line as thus laid down fol- lowed the eastern boundary of Alaska as Krusen- stern (1827) and Piadischeff (1829) and Bouchette (1831) and Arrowsmith (1834) had drawn it on tlieir maps ; and to the frontier as thus marked the English Government made no protest. General Banks, chair- man of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the House so understood it.'*^ The British Government made no protest to the territorial claims asserted in ** Speech of Hon. Natha?iiel P. Banks of Massachusetts, de- livered in the House of Rep7-esentatives, fune jo, 1868. F. & J. Rives and Geo. A. Bailey, Reporters and Printers of the Debates of Congress, page 6. ^ A SS^pA ^ j^. t> V Map published by the State Department of the United States, 1867. MAP No. 17. 76 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. Sumner's speech itself or to their exempHfication on the map of the State Department. Besides, by subsequent acts and maps, the British Government confirmed the United States Govern- ment in its behef that it had bought from Russia, along with the rest of Alaska, a tongue of territory that, extending from Mount Saint Elias to the Port- land Channel, passed around all the sinuosities of the coast and sufficiently far inland to altogether exclude Canadian territory from touching tide water on the Pacific coast at any point above fifty-four degrees forty minutes north latitude. A notable instance of what English cartographers thought was the area of Alaska was given in 1867, at about the time of the sale by Russia to the United States of Russian America. In that year Black's V General Atlas of the World was published at Edin- burgh. In the introduction of this work, the fol- lowing description of Russian America is given : " Russian America comprehends the N. W. portion of the continent, with the adjacent islands, extend- ing from Behring Strait E. to the meridian of Mount St. Elias (about 141° W.), and from that mountain southward along the Maritime chain of hills till it touches the coast about 54° 40'." Then, on three maps of this adas, "The World," No. 2, " The World on Mercator's Projection," No. 3, and " North America," No. 39, the Russian territory from Mount Saint Elias down to the end of the 1/ IMPORTANT MAPS. "]"] Portland Canal at fifty-four degrees forty minutes is marked so as to include within the Muscovite pos- sessions all the fiords and estuaries along the coast and thus to exclude and cut off the British territory entirely from all access to tide water above fifty-four degrees forty minutes. In addition there is given a small map marked at the top, " Supplementary sketch map, Black's General Atlas, for plate 41," and at the bottom, " United States after Cession of Rus- sian-America, April 1867, Coloured Blue." On this sketch map the territory purchased by the United States is marked, " Formerly Russian America," and, like the rest of the United States, it is colored blue. And the boundary of the new territory of Alaska is given as upon the other three maps of this Atlas, Nos. 2, 3 and 39, already cited, according to Brue's map of 1825, Krusenstern's map of 1827, and the Canadian and the English maps already referred to, and in accordance with the territorial claim that Russia and the United States have always maintained and acted upon. Many other maps can be mentioned in addition to those above quoted against Britain's recent claim. For examples, Petermann's map in the Mittheilungen of April, 1869; Hermann Berghaus's " Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection," 1871^^ (see Map No. 18); Alexander Keith Johnston's map of " North America " in his Handy Royal Atlas of Modern ^ *^ Published by Justus Perthes, Gotha. sy \y MTT?^?^ Hermann Berghaus's Chart of the World, 1S71. MAP No. 18. IMPORTANT MAPS. 79 Geography published at Edinburgh and London, in 1881 ; E. Andriveau-Goujon's map of" TAmerique du Nord," published at Paris in 1887, and finally the wall map (1897) o^ ^^ " United States" by Edward Stanford,^^ an important map maker of London to- day, give to Alaska the limits always claimed since 1825 by Russia and the United States."*^ **77/(? United States : London ; published by Edward Stanford, 26 and 27 Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S. W. , 15th July, 1897. *'The following maps support the United States claim to an unbroken lisiere : America : A new General Atlas, Edinburgh, printed by John Stark, 1830. Nord-Ameyica, verlag von L. Pabst, Darmstadt, ante 1846. America, Verlag des Geographischen Instituts, Weimar, 1853. Nord-Amerika, politische Ubersicht von E. von Sydow, Justus \/ Perthes, Gotha, 1856. Nord- America, Berlin bei Dietrich Reimer, i860. y^ AUgemeine Welt Karte in Mercator's Projection von Hermann / Berghaus, 1868. Map of the Yukon or Kwich-Pak River at the end of Travel a7id Adventure in the Territory of Alaska by Frederick Whym- per: London, John Murray, 1868, Map in Alaska, Reisen und erleb7iisse im hohen Norden von Frederick Whymper, 1869 (German translation). Sibirien 7md Russich Amerika von Spruner-Menke : Hist. \y Handatlas, No. 72: Justus Perthes, Gotha, 1871. Nord-Amerika von K. Bamberg, Weimar ; verlag der Deutschen Reichsbuchhandlung C. Chun, Berlin, 1881. General Map of North America by W. & A. K. Johnston, y^ Geographers to the Queen, Edinburgh and London, 18S7. Amerigue du Nord par F[r^re] A[leiis] M[arie] G[ochet] des E [coles] Chr^tiennes : Paris and Orleans, 1891. Amerigue du Nord : Institut National de G6ographie, Brux- elles, 1 89 1. 8o THE ALASKA FRONTIER. Some maps — for example, " The World " by James Gardner, published in 1825 and dedicated "To His Most Gracious Majesty George the IVth " ; " Nord America, Entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Wei- land," 1826 ; and a " Carte Physique et Politique par A. H. Brue," 1827 — bring the Russian boundary on the mainland from Mount Saint Elias down only to a point about half way opposite Prince of Wales Island at about fifty-six degrees and then along the fiords so as to include all of Prince of Wales Island in the Russian Territory, instead of carrying the frontier to the top of the Portland Canal and then down to the sea at about fifty-four degrees and forty minutes. But for all the territory above the point on the continent about half way opposite Prince of Wales Island up to the one hundred and forty-first degree west from Greenwich, these maps give the divisional line between the Muscovite and the Brit- ish territories far enough inland and around the sinuosities of the coast so as to cut off the British territory from all contact with tide water. Besides, Weiland, in a map of 1843 corrected his error in his map of 1826, in stopping a little short of the Port- Amirigzie Septentrionale : Institut National de Geographic, Bruxelles, 1892. ^ The British Colonies and Possessions : Edward Stanford, London, May 24th, 1897. v/ Puissance du Canada: Atlas de Geographic Moderne par F. Schrader, directeur des travaux cartographiques de la librairie Hachette et Cie, Paris, 1899. Brum's Map of 1833. MAP No. 19. 82 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. land Canal in marking the Russo-Canadian bound- ary ; and in Brue's maps of 1833 (see Map No. 19) and 1839 (see Map No. 20) the divisional line is given as it was marked on his map of 1825. Gard- ner's map is overwhelmed by the multitude of Eng- lish and Canadian maps — governmental and private — that followed Krusenstern's delineation of the line of demarcation. And additional proof of how far south the negotiators of the treaty of 1825 in- tended that the Russian lisiere should extend when they used the phrase, " la dite ligne remontera au nord le long de la passe dite Pordand Channel, jusqu'au point de la terre ferme ou elle atteint le 56"" degre de latitute nord," is clearly shown by Van- couver's chart upon which he inscribed the name - Portland Canal." ^« Time passed. In 1871, British Columbia became a part of the Dominion of Canada. And from 1872 to 1884 Canada, by a number of acts and maps, recognized the validity of the American claims to an unbroken strip or lisiere upon the continental shore. In 1872, Sir Edward Thornton, acting on his in- structions from the British Foreign Office, which was serving as the intermediary for the Government of Canada, proposed to Secretary Hamilton Pish, the ad- V *^ A Chart showing part of the Coast of N. W. America with the tracks of His Majesty' s Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham commanded by George Vancouver : London, 1 798. Brum's Map of 1839: "Nouvelle Carte de l'Am6rique Septentrionale. ' ' MAP No. 20. 84 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. visability of having a survey made of the territory through which the boundary ran, so that the frontier could be located exactly, and Mr. Fish thought well of the idea and said that he would urire Congress to provide funds for such a survey. On December 2d, 1872, President Grant, in his annual message to Congress, said, after referring to the then recent settlement of the San Juan boundary dispute : ^^ " Experience of the difficulties attending the de- termination of our admitted line of boundary, after the occupation of the territory and its settlement by those owing allegiance to the respective Govern- ments, points to the importance of establishing, by natural objects or other monuments, the actual line between the territory acquired by purchase from Russia and the adjoining possessions of Her Britan- nic Majesty. The region is now so sparsely occupied that no conflicting interests of individuals or of juris- diction are likely to interfere to the delay or embar- rassment of the actual location of the line. If de- ferred until population shall enter and occupy the territory some trivial contest of neighbors may again array the two Governments in antagonism. I there- fore recommend the appointment of a commission, to act jointly with one that may be appointed on the part of Great Britain, to determine the line between *^ Senate Ex. Doc. No. 14J, 49th Congress, ist Session, page 3. SURVEYOR-GENERAL DENNIs's OPINION. 85 our territory of Alaska and the coterminous posses- sions of Great Britain." It was estimated that a survey of the Alaskan boundary line would cost the United States some- thing like a million and a half of dollars ; and that it would probably require nine years in the field and another year to map the result. The suo^gestion of President Grant was not acted upon by Congress. At that time no mention was made of Canada's present claim that she is entitled to the upper part of many or all of the fiords or sinuosities that cut into the mainland above fifty-four degrees forty minutes. On the contrary, the Surveyor-General of Canada, J. S. Dennis, in a written communication in 1874 to the Minister of the Interior of the Dominion, gave his opinion that it would be sufficient at that time to determine exactly the points at which the frontier crosses the rivers. He wrote at length : "The undersigned is of opinion that it is unneces- sary at present (and it may be for all time) to incur the expense of determining and marking any portion of the boundary under consideration other than at certain of the points mentioned in the extract alluded to in the dispatch of Sir Edward Thornton to the Earl of Granville, dated the 15th of February, 1873, that is to say : — "I. The head of the Portland Canal or the intersec- tion of the same by the 56th parallel of north latitude. 86 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. "2. The crossing of the following rivers on the Pa- cific coast by the said boundary, that is to say : The Rivers ' Skoot,' * Stakeen,' * Taku/ 'Isilcat' and 'Chilkaht' " 3. The points where the one hundred and forty- first meridian west of Greenwich crosses the rivers Yukon and Porcupine. "There is no object to be gained of which the un- dersigned is aware in fixing the intersection of the boundary along the coast with the 141st meridian as- sumed to be on Mount Elias, that expenditure, there- fore, may be saved." He added further, "the United States surveys of the coast could be advantageously used to locate the coast line in deciding the mouths of the rivers in question, as points from whence the necessary triangulation surveys should commence in order to determine the ten marine leagues back." In addition a United States Coast Survey map, " Certi- fied Dom" Lands Office, January i6th, 1878," by Sur- veyor-General Dennis, was published in connection with this letter, with the boundary line starting from the top of the " Portland Canal " and crossing the Skoot, Stikine and Taku Rivers ten leagues back from the coast.^° (See Map No. 21.) The fact that Mr. Dennis said that the boundary crossed the Skoot River and also that he approved *" Sessional Papers, Volume XI., Fifth Session of the Third Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, session 1878 (No. 125) page 28 and the map vis-a-vis. Tlie BurlanJ ncNbarals Liili C Monircal. Certified Df/m^ Zaiids Office Jan. /6^^ /S7S. s. G\ n. L. Map published in Canadian Sessional Papers, 1878. MAP No. 21. 88 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. of a map which showed the boundary crossing the Skoot River, are especially noteworthy evidence against the Canadian demands. For the Skoot River does not come to tidewater at all, but flows into the Stikine some distance from the sea. Again, in the case of Peter Martin in 1876, the British and the Canadian Governments recognized through the settlement of that incident by the British Foreign Office that on the Stikine River Canada did not touch tide water. It was in 1876, while taking a prisoner named Peter Martin, who was condemned in the Cassiar dis- trict of British Columbia for some act committed in Canadian territory, from the place where he was con- victed to the place where he was to be imprisoned, that Canadian constables crossed with the prisoner the United States territory lying along the Stikine River. They encamped with Martin at a point some thirteen miles up the river from its mouth. There Martin attempted unsuccessfully to escape, and made an assault on an officer. Upon his arrival at Vic- toria, the capital of British Columbia, he was tried and convicted for his attempted escape and attack upon the constable ; and the court sentenced him. The Secretary of State, Hamilton Fish, protested against this infringement of the territorial sovereignty of the United States in the Territory of Alaska. In a letter to Sir Edward Thornton, the English Minister at Washington, he said: "I have the honor, there- PETER martin's CASE. 89 fore, to ask again your attention to the subject and to remark that if, as appears admittedly to be the fact, the colonial officers in transporting Martin from the place at which he was convicted to his place of imprisonment, via the Stickine River, did conduct him within and through what is the unquestioned territory of the United States, a violation of the sovereignty of the United States has been committed, and the recapture and removal of the prisoner from the jurisdiction of the United States to British soil is an illegal act, violent and forcible act, which cannot justify the subsequent proceedings whereby he has been, is or may be restricted of his liberty." The transit of the constables with their prisoner, Martin, through American territory was not due to a mistake on their part as to the extent of Canadian territory, for J. B. Lovell, a Canadian Justice of the Peace in the Cassiar district of British Columbia wrote to Captain Jocelyn in command at Fort Wran- gel, saying : " The absence of any jail here (Glen- ora, Cassiar), or secure place of imprisonment neces- sitates sending him through as soon as possible, and I hope you will excuse the liberty we take in forward- ing him through United States territory without spe- cial permission." After an investigation into the facts of the case, the Dominion Government acknowl- edged the justness of Secretary Fish's protest by " setting Peter Martin at liberty without further delay ;" and thus recognized that the Canadian con- 90 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. stables who had Martin in their charge when they encamped on the Stikine thirteen miles up from the mouth of the river, were on United States soil, and so that Canada's jurisdiction in that region did not extend to tide water.*"^ Another recognition by the British Empire that the lisiere restricted Canadian sovereignty from contact with the sea, occurred shortly after the case of Peter Martin. Owing to a clash between the United States and the Canadian customs officials as to the extent of their respective jurisdiction on the Stikine River, their two Governments agreed in 1878 upon a pro- visional boundary line across that river. The Ca- nadian Government had sent in March 1877 one of its engineer officers, Joseph Hunter, " to execute," in the language of Sir Edward Thornton to Secretary Evarts, "a survey of a portion of the Stikine River, for the purpose of defining the boundary line where it crosses that river between the Dominion of Canada and the Territory of Alaska." This Canadian engi- neer, Hunter, after measuring from Rothsay Point at the mouth of the Stikine River, a distance ten marine leagues inland, determined — in the light of Articles III. and IV. of the Anglo-Russian Treaty of February 16/28, 1825, which two Articles he was instructed ex- ^^ Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the U^iited States: Washington ; Government Printing Office, 1877, pages 266, 267, 271. HUNTER S SURVEY. 9 1 pressly " by direction of the minister of the interior " to consider in locating the boundary — that the fron- tier crossed the Stikine at a point about twenty-five miles up the river and almost twenty miles in a straight line from the coast. Without considering whether, owing to the break in the water shed caused by the passage of the Stikine through the mountains, the United States territory extends inland to the full extent of thirty miles, Hunter decided that the line should cross the river at a point twenty miles back from the coast, but still far enough back from the mouth of the river to shut off Canadian territory from contact in that district with the sea. He came to this decision, because he found that at that point a range of mountains, parallel to the coast, crossed the Stikine River, and, as he stated expressly in his report to his chief, he acted upon the theory that this mountain range followed the shore line within the meaning of the treaty of 1825 as he understood it. In his report to his Government he said : '* Having identified Rothsay Point on the coast at the delta of the Stikine River, a monu- ment was erected thereon, from which the survey of the river was commenced, and from which was estimated the ten marine leagues referred to in the convention." The Canadian Government sent a copy of this report together with a map explaining it through the British Foreign Office tro Sir Edward Thornton at Washington, who c-ommun<:ated it 92 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. to Secretary William M. Evarts, with the purpose of obtaining his acceptance of this boundary. Mr. Evarts agreed to accept it as a provisional line, but with the reservation that it should not in any way prejudice the rights of the two Governments, when- ever a joint survey was made to determine the fron- tier. By this voluntary proposal of a provisional boundary across the Stikine River, the British and the Canadian Governments showed that in 1877 and 1878 they considered that Canadian territory above the point of fifty-four degrees forty minutes was re- stricted by the meaning of Articles III. and IV. of the Anglo-Muscovite Treaty of 1825 from access to the sea.^^ More recent explorations in the valley of the Stikine as well as the fact that Surveyor- General Dennis of Canada recognized in 1874 that the boundary line should cross the Skoot River, shows that the point fixed by the Canadian, Hunter, in 1878 was too near the coast line. The frontier should be drawn still further inland. In 1885, President Cleveland, in his first annual message to Congress, recommended with prudent foresight, a preliminary survey of the Alaskan-British Columbian boundary line, with a view of locating ex- actly where that frontier should run before the devel- *" Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States: Washingtou; Government Printing Office, 1878, page 339- CLEVELAND S MESSAGE. 93 opment of immediately local interests complicated the settlement of the boundary. He said : ^^ " The frontier line between Alaska and British Columbia, as defined by the treaty of cession with Russia, follows the demarcation assigned in a prior treaty between Great Britain and Russia. Modern exploration discloses that this ancient boundary is impracticable as a geographical fact. In the unsettled condition of that region the question has lacked im- portance, but the discovery of mineral wealth in the territory the line is supposed to traverse admonishes that the time has come when an active knowledge of a boundary is needful to avert jurisdictional compli- cations. I recommend, therefore, that provision be made for a preliminary reconnaissance by officers of the United States, to the end of acquiring more pre- cise information on the subject. I have invited Her Majesty's Government to consider with us the adop- tion of a more convenient line, to be established by meridian observations or by known geographical fea- tures without the necessity of an expensive survey of the whole." In accordance with the President's instructions, Mr. Bayard, the Secretary of State, wrote at length on November 20, 1885, to Mr. Phelps, United States Minister at London, concerning the advantages of *' A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1 789-1897, by James D. Richardson, a Representative from the State of Tennessee : Washington, 1898, Volume VIII., page 332. 94 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. settling exactly where the boundary between Alaska and British Columbia ran.^^ Mr, Bayard instructed in his communication Mr. Phelps to ask the Marquis of Salisbury for " an early expression of his views touching the expediency of appointing an interna- tional commission " to fix at the earliest possible op- portunity upon a " conventional boundary line " in substantial accord with the provisions of the Anglo- Muscovite treaty of 1825. On January 12, 1886, Mr. Phelps in an interview with the Marquis of Salisbury, discussed thoroughly the boundary line between Alaska and British Co- lumbia ; and he proposed to the English Secretary of Foreign Affairs that the two nations should appoint a joint commission for the purpose of ascertaining how the line should run.^^ Lord Salisbury received the proposition with favor, but he desired before pro- ceeding further with the discussion of the subject, to communicate first by mail with the Government of the Dominion. The Canadian Government, while unwilling that the British Empire should agree with the United States for a joint commission to investigate where the boundary line ran, looked with favor upon President Cleveland's suggestion of a preliminary survey of the *' Senate Ex. Doc. No. 14J, 4gt/i Congress, ist Session, page 2 et seq. °^ Senate Ex. Doc. No. 14^, 4gth Congress, ist Session, page 13, etseq. BAYARD AND SALISBURY. 95 country in question. And the British Government in April 1886, announced to the United States its will- ingness to agree to such a preliminary reconnais- sance.^'' In this correspondence both Mr. Bayard and Mr. Phelps, realizing the great difficulty of locating exactly the boundary along the eastern side of the Alaskan lisiere,^' showed their willinsfness to consent to some mutual agreement with Great Britain of "give and take" in running that line. But they made it perfectly clear in their communications upon the subject — Mr. Bayard in his letters to Mr. Phelps, and the latter in his to the English Ministers — that they understood that the United States had in any case an unbroken and continuous lisiere on the mainland.^ And in the whole correspondence no hint, even much less any formal statement, was made on the part of the British authorities that the English Empire had any right to any territory touching tide water above fifty-four degrees forty minutes. Apparently as a result of this interchange of views between the two Governments, the subject was taken ^•^ Lord Rosebery's letter of April 15, 1886, to Mr. Phelps: Senate Ex. Doc. No. 14J, 4.gth Congress, ist Sessioti, page 19. " " The coast proves, upon survey, to be so extremely irregular and indented, with such and so many projections and inlets that it is not possible, except at immense expense of time and money to run a line that shall be parallel with it." Mr. Phelps to the Mar- quis of Salisbury, January 19, 1886, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 14J, page 14. ^^ Senate Ex. Doc. No. 14.3, 4gth Congress, ist Session. 96 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. up during the session of the Fisheries Conference of 1 887- 1 888 that was held at the City of Washington and it was suggested " that an informal consultation between some person in this country (the United States) possessing knowledge of the questions in dis- pute and a Canadian similarly equipped might tend to facilitate the discovery of a basis of agreement between the United States and Great Britain upon which a practical boundary line could be established." Accordingly a number of informal conferences were held early in 1888 at Washington, D. C, between Professor William H. Dall of the United States Geological Survey and Dr. George M. Dawson, for many years head of the Dominion Geological Survey. These gentlemen, who were acquainted with the gen- eral features of the country through which the line of demarcation must pass, held, it appeared when they talked the matter over, widely different views as to how the frontier should be drawn. While Professor Dall thought that there was not a shadow of doubt that the frontier should pass around the sinuosities of the mainland above fifty-four degrees forty minutes and thus at every point shut off Canada from tide water, Dr. Dawson maintained that the line of de- marcation should cut across most if not all of those same sinuosities. Mr. Dall based his opinion on the wording of the Treaty of 1825 and the historical de- velopment of the Russian-American settlements. Dr. Dawson founded his contention upon a mistaken DALL AND DAWSON. 97 reading of the same Treaty. He argued that where the mountains failed to provide a natural watershed within the ten leagues limit from the shoreline, the coast from which the ten leagues inland should be measured was not the shoreline of all the sinuosities that cut into the mainland, but the outer edge of the territorial waters of the lisiere ; and that within those territorial waters were included all parts of the sinu- osities above the point where they were only two leagues or less wide from shore to shore. In ad- vancing this argument in support of his contention, he failed thoroughly to comprehend the language of the Treaty. He said in his Report to Sir Charles Tupper, a copy of which he handed to Mr. Dall, that the Treaty of 1825 stipulates: " Que partout ou la crete des montagnes qui s'etendent dans une direction parallele a la cote .... se trouverait a la distance de dix lieues marines de I'ocean .... la limite .... sera formee par une ligne parallele a la cote, et qui ne pourra jamais en etre eloignee que de dix lieues marines." Then he went on to say : " The word ' ocean ' is wholly inapplicable to inlets ; consequently the line, whether marked by mountains or only by a survey line, has to be drawn without reference to inlets. ^ ^ ^ ilf ^ ^ " None of the inlets between Portland Channel and the Meridian of 141° west longitude are six miles in 98 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. width, excepting, perhaps a short part of Lynn Canal ; consequently, with that possible exception, the width of territory — on the coast assigned under the Con- vention to Russia — may not be measured from any point within the mouths of the inlets. All the waters within the mouths of the inlets are as much territorial waters, according to an universally admitted interna- tional law, as those of a fresh-water lake or stream would be under analogous circumstances." Unfortunately for the strength of the above argu- ment, Dr. Dawson failed to take into account the actual wording of the Treaty and misquoted it in the citations above given. For the last sentence of the Fourth Article of the Anglo-Muscovite Treaty of 1825 that Dr. Dawson quotes, reads not as he gives it, but as follows : " Sera formee par une ligne parallelle aux sinuosi- tes de la cote et qui ne pourra jamais en etre eloignee que de dix lieues marines." When the sentence, " parallele aux sinuosites de la cote " is written and read as it is actually in the Treaty, and not as Dr. Dawson wrote it to Sir Charles Tupper, "parallele a la cote," it is perfectly apparent that in the Treaty itself it is expressly provided that the frontier line shall never pass across any of the sinuosities, but always around them at some distance inland. ^^ *® Probably the most important aid which has been given to the crystallization of a public opinion in England favorable to the Ca- ARGUMENT OF CANADA. 99 The weakness of the Canadian claims becomes clearly evident by a comparison and examination of the Canadian demands from their inception until the Quebec Conference. It then becomes apparent that nadian myth, is the article from the pen of Mr. Thomas Hodgins, King's Counsellor, Master in Ordinary of the Supreme Court of Ontario, that appeared in the Contemporary Review for August, 1902, The Alaska- Canada Boimdary Dispute, Mr. Hodgins in his presentation of the question entirely passes over many vital facts at variance with the Canadian argument and others he states in such a meagre way that they have a semblance of supporting the Canadian view of the question instead of the United States side of it as they really do. He never mentions any Canadian or English maps, evidently because they are evidence against the Canadian contentions. He gives one or two extracts from the instructions of the British Government to their representatives to show that in the negotiations that resulted in the treaty of 1825, the English plenipotentiary forced the Russian diplomats to recede from the contention the Muscovites had made originally. As a matter of fact, a careful examination of the whole correspondence leading up to that treaty clearly establishes the fact that England was forced to recede from one proposition after another until she finally agreed to the demand of Russia that the Muscovite Empire should have on the continent an un- broken lisiere including all the sinuosities in their whole extent above fifty-four degrees forty minutes. Mr. Hodgins gives three short quotations from Count Nessel- rode : '' Etroite lisiere sur la cdte^' ''d'une simple lisiere du con- tinent;' ''d'unmHiocre espace de terre ferme." He does not say in what book, nor at what pages they may be found. They are all three taken from Count Nesselrode's letter to Count Lieven, the Russian Ambassador to England, dated April 17th, 1824. {Fiir Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., page 399.) From these short extracts Mr. Hodgins attempts to argue that the Russians were only fencing to retain so narrow a strip on the mainland that it would give them merely the land around lOO THE ALASKA FRONTIER. the Canadians have advanced two sepamte and dis- tinct claims with a later modification of one of them, to the territory that both the Russian and the United States Governments have always openly contended the mouths of the sinuosities that advance into the continent : in other words, that they would be satisfied with a broken lisiere. But when those quotations are examined with their complementary contexts in Count Nesselrode's note to Count Lieven, it is seen that the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs instructed the Russian Ambassador at London to make it known to the English Government that Russia would never be content with less than a strip or lisiere on the continental shore above fifty-four forty of sufficient width to include all the sinuosities in their entire extent. Count Nesselrode distinctly insisted that the eastern frontier of the lisiere should be drawn along the top of the mountains that follow the sinuosities of the coast. For example, the context with which the first of those short citations is connected is as follows. Speaking of the proposition that Sir Charles Bagot had made relative to a frontier, Count Nesselrode said, " that upon the continent and towards the east, this frontier could run along the mountains that follow the sinu- osities (sinuosit6s) of the coast up to Mount Saint Elias, and that from that point up to the Arctic Ocean we would fix the limits of the respective possessions according to the line of the 140 degree of longitude west from Greenwich. " In order not to cut Prince of Wales Island, which according to this arrangement should belong to Russia, we proposed to carry the southern frontier of our domains to the 54° 40' of latitude and to make it reach the coast of the continent at the Portland Canal whose mouth opening on the ocean is at the height of Prince of Wales Island and whose origin is in the lands between the 55° and 56° of latitude. ' ' This proposition only assured us a narrow strip upon the coast itself, and it left to the English establishments all the space necessary to multiply and expand." The original French text of the above quotation is as follows : "qu' en consequence la ligne du 55^ degr6 de latitude septentri- ARGUMENT OF CANADA. lOI was part and parcel of Russian America or Alaska. The first of the two claims pressed by Canada to Alaskan territory was that the part of the third article of the Anglo-Russian Treaty of 1825, which onale, constitueroit au midi la frontiere des Etats de Sa Majesty Imp^riale, que sur le continent et vers Test, cette frontiere pour- roit courir le long des montagnes qui suivent les sinuosit6s de la cote jusqu'au Mont Elie, et que de ce point jusqu'a la Mer Glaciale nous fixerions les bornes des possessions respectives d'apres la ligne du 140''' degr6 de longitude ouest meridien de Greenwich. "Afin de ne pas couper I'lle du Prince de Galles, qui selon cet arrangement devoit rester a la Russie, nous proposions de porter la frontiere m^ridonale de nos domaines au 54° 40' de latitude et de la faire aboutir sur le Continent au Portland Canal, dont 1' em- bouchure dans 1' Oc6an est a la hauteur de 1' He du Prince de Galles et I'origine dans les terres entre le 55° et 56° de latitude. " Cette proposition ne nous assuroit qu' une ^/rt^zV^ lisiere sur la cote memc, et elle laissoit aux Etablissemens Anglois tout I'espace necessaire pour se multiplier et s'^tendre." {^Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., page 399.) The object of the Russians in having such a strip was to pre- vent the English from establishing trading posts on the mainland opposite the Russian islands which could compete with the Russian establishments in the quest for furs. Had the Russians allowed the English to have the upper part of the sinuosities above fifty four forty, the Hudson's Bay Company could have established posts on the upper reaches of the estuaries to com- pete with the Russian settlements on the islands. In support of the Canadian argument that the outward edge of the territorial waters should be used in computing the ten leagues inland, Mr. Hodgins intercalates in the English version of several of the articles which he quotes of the treaty of 1825 a few extracts from the French original, but he does not place after the word xvindings of the English text, the French word sinuosites of the French version. The French copy of the treaty is the official text, and the British Imperial Government I02 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. reads, "La elite ligne remontera au nord le long de la passe dite Pordand Channel jusqu'au point de la terre ferme ou elle atteint le 56^ degre de latitude Nord," did not mean that body of water which has recognized it as such ; and the use of the word sinuosites gives a somewhat different meaning from the word windings. The meaning of sinuosite is more accurately rendered in English by the word indentation. The word sinuosite alone is proof enough to overthrow the Canadian argument in support of meas- uring the ten leagues inland from the outer edge of the territorial waters instead of from the shores of the sinuosities of the coast. As the phrase " parallele aux sinuosites de la cote" goes to the very heart of the boundary question, it is certainly simpler for a Canadian to omit that sentence altogether and so avoid all dis- cussion of it. In reference to the case of Peter Martin in 1876, Mr. Hodgins fails to show that, in the final settlement of that incident between the United States Department of State and the British Foreign Office, the British and the Canadian Governments recognized that on the Stikine River, Canada did not touch tide water. Mr, Hodgins cites Chief Justice Marshall — who never heard of the Alaska boundary question — and other jurists of repute to show that the United States in this dispute are acting in a wrong and immoral way. For instance, he quotes two extracts from ex-President Cleveland. {The Century, New Series, Vol- ume XL., 1 901, pages 283 and 290.) An examination of these passages shows that in them Mr. Cleveland did not condemn the international morality of the United States either generally or in this particular instance, but on the contrary sharply attacked the policy of Lord Salisbury towards Venezuela. Mr. Hodgins states that ' ' the free navigation of the waters in the strip of coast was proffered " and he quotes from the Russian Plenipotentiaries to prove his point. When, however, the note " Observations of Russian Plenipotentiaries on Sir C. Bagot's Amended Proposal" {Fur Seal Arbitration, WoXnm^ IV.j pages 428-429) is read in full, it is evident in the first place that the Russians meant rivers, not waters, since the word they used PORTLAND CHANNEL. 103 Vancouver had named Portland Channel or Canal, but several other stretches of water a long dis- tance away known severally as Duke of Clarence Strait and Behm's Canal or Channel and Burrough's is fleuvesy and in the second place the note shows also that the Russians wished an unbroken, continuous strip on the mainland. Mr. Hodgins also cites a passage from Secretary Blaine {Fur Seal Arbitration^ Volume II., page 273) in support of the claim that Canada now makes to the upper part of the sinuosities such as the Lynn Canal. But the quotation from Mr. Blaine does not support the Canadian contentions, for Mr. Blaine in no way gives up our right to the whole of the Lynn Canal and the envelop- ing strip of land on the continent. What Mr. Blaine does say is that which is specially provided for in the treaty of 1825, that all rivers which take their rise in Canadian territory and then flow through the Russian or American lisiere, shall be open to the Canadians for navigation. For example, the Stikine River takes its rise in Canadian territory, and passing through the American strip of land, empties into the sea near Fort Wrangell. In so far as the Stikine is navigable, the Canadians have the right of through navigation, just as the Rhine and the Danube are open to the international navigation of the several adjoining powers. In addition Mr. Hodgins makes the following remarkable statement : ' ' The United States have acquired their present great territorial domain partly by Revolution and partly by the voluntary gift of Canadian territory from Great Britain ; by pur- chase from France, Spain and Russia ; and by conquest from Mexico and Spain. Under what guileless title should be placed their unsanctioned appropriation of the Canadian Naboth's vine- yard, on the British side of the boundary line ? Perhaps as an American sequel to the Fashoda incident." In a note Mr. Hodgins says that the ' ' gift was that part of old French Canada now the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, comprising about 300,000 square miles of Cana- dian territory ceded by France to Great Britain in 1763." I04 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. Bay. And that consequently the frontier line should not be drawn eastward from the southern end of Prince of Wales Island through Dixon's Entrance and then up the estuary that opens at that point into the ocean as the Russian and the United States and the great majority of English and Canadian and other cartographers have marked it, but northward up part of Duke of Clarence Straits and then north-eastward along Behm's Canal to Burrough's Bay and then overland in a generally northward and north-westerly direction. Besides, it is a fact that that body of water which the United States have and do claim is " Port- land Channel " or " Canal " has been so marked on several official Canadian and English maps, as for in- stance a map of the " Northwestern part of the Do- minion of Canada," which was published by the Sur- veyor-General at Ottawa in 1898. In addition, upon a number of these maps, the generic names "chan- nel " and " canal " are used interchangeably to denote bodies of water of a similar formation or nature. This is notably the case on the British "Admiralty Chart No. 787," published in 1877, and reissued at intervals with corrections up to 1898 (see Map No. 22) and again in 1901 (see Map No. i), which gives "Portland Canal" and "Lynn Chan."^'* GO Admiralty Chart No. 787 was first issued in 1877 and re- issued with corrections in June 1885, D^c. 1886, March 1889, July 1889, Dec. 1889, June 1890, March 1891, Sept 1891, Nov ■ < >iii|iiiii]iiitiiii|iiinH .1,1 . >i|""iiF" i| '""! i " ' V i ' i ' -T-^' "brok J86S Iff.OS )63 .os.Uk.a *--. JDrson EntraDce '-K^f rp ^if^ British Admiralty Chart, Published June 2IST, 1877, under the Superintendence of Captain F. J. Evans, R. N., Hydrographer, and Corrected to April, 1898. MAP No. 22, I06 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. Unfortunately, too, for the adroit Canadian argu- ment that the "Portland Channel " and the "Portland Canal " cannot possibly mean the same estuary, it is conclusively proved by comparing the English texts and the authorized French translation of Vancouver's Voyages that the name of " Portland Channel " and the "Portland Canal" mean one and the same iden- tical body of water. In the English originals of Vancouver's Voyages the text reads : " In the forenoon we reached that arm of the sea, whose examination had occupied our time from the 27th of the preceding to the 2d. of this month. The distance from its entrance to its source is about 70 miles ; which, in honor of the noble family of Ben- tinck, I named Portland's Canal." "^^ Again, in the edition of 1801, the text runs thus: " In the forenoon we reached that arm of the sea, whose examination had occupied our time from the 27th of the preceding to the 2d of this month. The distance from its entrance to its source is about 70 miles ; which, in honor of the noble family of Bentinck, I named Portland's Channel." ^- 1891, Oct. 1892, June 1893, March 1894, Oct. 1894. Dec. 1894, April 1895, January 1898, April 189S, August 1901. ^^A Voyage of Discovery, by Captain George Vancouver: London, 1798, Volume II., page 371. *^ A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Oceati, arid Round the World * * * under the command of Captain George Vancouver: London 1801, Volume IV., page 191. (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.) PORTLAND channel: VANCOUVER S TEXTS. ID/ The French translation published at Paris at about the same time reads thus : " L'apres-midi, nous atteignimes le bras de mer, dont la reconnaissance nous avait occupes, depuis le 27 juillet, jusqu'au 2 de ce mois. La distance de son entree a son extremite interieure est d'environ 70 milles. Je I'ai nomme Canal-de-Portland, en I'honneur de la famille de Bentinck."*^ Also in the drafts and counter drafts that passed between Sir Charles Bagot and Count Nesselrode in their efforts to agree upon a boundar)'line, the names ♦' Portland Canal " and " Portland Channel " are used intercha7igeably . " To-day, partly because on many maps the name Portland Canal is given and partly because the "wish is father to the thought" some Canadians would have the world believe that Count Nesselrode, Monsieur de Poletica and Mr. Stratford Canning when they in- serted the name " Portland Channel " in the treat)' of 1825 did not mean that body of water that Vancouver had named Portland Channel, but that they intended to designate thereby some other stretch of water 65 ^^ Voyage de Decouvertes, a V Ocean Pacifique du Nord et Autour die Monde ^ * * par le capitaine George \'ancouver : traduit de r anglais par P. F. Henry' : A Paris, de \ Imprimerie de Didot Jeune, an X., Volume III., page 370. (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.) ^ Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., pages 427-430. ^ On this point see a letter by Mr. Arthur Johnston in the New York Nation, January 23d, 1902, and a reply to it by Professor I08 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. And yet the negotiators of the treaty of 1825 knew of Vancouver's charts, and so of his voyages of discovery. This first claim by Canada to United States territory is thus thoroughly well met by the work of the discoverer and the name given by him to the Portland Channel, even had not the British Imperial Government in its formal demand at the Quebec Conference to the United States, for what is clearly the latter's domain, acknowledged that the United States contention as to what is the Portland Channel is right. In addition, the debates of the Dominion Parlia- ment show that Sir Wilfred Laurier, the Premier of Canada, himself acknowledged the unsoundness of the British Columbian claim as to what body of water Count Nesselrode and Sir Stratford Canning meant by inserting in the Anglo-Muscovite treaty of 1825 the name "Portland Channel." Colonel Prior, mem- ber in the Dominion Parliament for Victoria, British Columbia, asked in the spring of 1901 the Govern- ment a number of questions and obtained replies as follows : — The Hon. E. G. Prior (member for Victoria, B. C.),«6sai^^. " Before the Orders of the Day are called, I would William H. Dall of the Smithsonian Institution, in the Nation, January 30th. ®* Debates of the Hotise of Commons, Sessions of igor : Vol. LV., page 4407 — The Alaskan Boundary. PORTLAND CHANNEL : PRIOR AND LAURIER. IO9 ask the right hon. leader of the House to give his attention to some correspondence I have received concerning the Alaskan boundary dispute. * * * Last year I asked in the House : " 'Has the large map of the Dominion, which was latterly exposed to view in the vestibule of this build- ing, been sent to the Paris exhibition as an official map of Canada exhibited by the Government ? " ' Is it true that the boundary between Canada and Alaska, commonly known as the 'Alaska Boundary,' is marked on that map according to the United States contention, and that the boundary according to the Canadian, or British Columbia, contention, is not shown at all ? ' " To this question, the Hon, the Minister of Agri- culture replied : '"The map in question was sent to Paris as one of the exhibits of the Department of Public Work, but not as an official map. It is true that the boundary between Canada and Alaska, commonly known as the 'Alaska Boundary' is marked on that map in two ways, marking the American contention and the Canadian contentions as to the boundary, and each of those markings is distinctly stated to be what it represents, so that I do not think there can be any possible difficulty or doubt as to what is meant.' " Colonel Prior continued :—" Last year I wrote to Mr. Begg, who has taken a great deal of interest in this question, and we both wrote to Mr. Brymner, no THE ALASKA FRONTIER. who was then in Paris, asking him to go to the ex- position and examine the map. I have not got Mr. Brymner's answer to myself, as I unfortunately left it at home, but I have a letter here from Mr. Begg on the same subject, dated 17th April 1901 : — " ' I have been looking over the letter sent to me by Mr. Brymner of Paris, who visited the exhibition at your request, and mine, to see if it was as repre- sented — one provisional boundary for British Colum- bia and another for United States. In his letter to me dated July 17th, 1900, he says : — " I had your note re the frontier question, also a letter from Col. Prior, House of Commons, Ottawa, asking me to go and see if it was really as you stated, that the boundary marked ran up Portland Canal, and not up Clarence Sound, and if two boundaries were given and marked * provisional.' There is but one boundary marked, and that is the one claimed by the United States, and there is absolutely no mention made of its being pro- visional. There is no distinct colour between Amer- ican and Canadian territory, so it is very difficult to trace the line, the area being so great (covered by the map) that nearly all the names have been left out, so that neither Portland Canal nor Clarence Sound are mentioned, Wrangel being the only name given in that neighbourhood. My object in alluding to this matter now is that this map may be sent to the Glas- gow exhibition, and it would be well to know if the erroneous boundary is marked running up Portland PORTLAND CHANNEL : PRIOR AND LAURIER. I II Canal, and if the British Columbian provisional boundary along Clarence Straits, as shown on Brit- ish Columbian maps, is entirely left out.' " ' Mr. Brymner's statement is undoubtedly correct, and it agrees with what I supposed were the facts of the case.' " Colonel Prior then said : " Of course, I have not seen the map myself, but if Mr. Brymner's statement, both to Mr. Begg and myself be correct, namely, that the only boundary marked on the map is that which the Americans con- tend for, the Government is greatly to blame for having allowed such a map to be put on exhibit. No doubt if on this map only the American conten- tion is shown, that will be brought in as an argument in favour of the United States whenever the matter goes to arbitration. " I would ask my right hon. friend whether he will find out if it be true that the American boundary is the only one indicated on this map, or whether there are two distinct boundaries marked on it and both stated plainly to be provisional?" The Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfred Laurier, replied to Colonel Prior: — *T shall call the attention of my colleague the Minister of Agriculture to the representations of my hon. friend. I may say, however, that in view of the advice we have received from our law offices, it is very hard to maintain that the boundary runs up Clarence channel. The treaty 112 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. says in so many words the Portland canal, but there is a difference in opinion between the Americans and ourselves as to where that channel is. We claim that it is west of Pearse Island. They claim that it is Ob- servatory Inlet. As to endeavouring to have the line pass along Clarence channel, which is a pretention Mr. Begg has often submitted to me, I do not think any one, who will take a careful view of the matter, can be convinced of the correctness of that preten- tion. The point on which we and the Americans do not agree, is as to what is Portland channel. They want to make it run up Observatory Inlet and then to the west, making out that Observatory Inlet is only a small inlet running into the interior. We, on the other hand, contend that Portland channel is as it is described on the map of Vancouver on which the treaty of 1825 seems to have been based, namely, all that channel of water which runs west of Pearse Island." '' " Mr. Alexander Begg, ' ' author of the History of British Columbia," reprinted at Victoria, British Columbia, from the British Columbian Mining Record for June, July and August, 1900, an article entitled. Review of the Alaskan Boundary Ques- tion. Mr. Begg also contributed to the Scottish Geographical Magazine for January and February, 1901, very much the same article under the title of Review of the Alaskan Boundary Ques- tion. In these two papers, Mr. Begg devoted much space to show that the Portland Channel and the Portland Canal were separate and distinct bodies of water. The replies of Sir Wilfred Laurier to Colonel Prior on that subject thoroughly answer that part of the Canadian claim, except that the Canadian Premier was in PORTLAND CHANNEL : PRIOR AND LAURIER. I 1 3 Colonel Prior then remarked : — " I do not think that this has anything to do with the question whether the map is wrongly marked. Whatever boundary is described on it, should be marked provisional." To this comment Sir Wilfred Laurier answered : — " The only provisional line we have agreed upon is error in claiming that the opening of the Portland Channel into the ocean lay north instead of south of Wales and Pearse Islands. Mr. Begg also has something to say about the negotiations pre- vious to the treaty, but he does not refer to many vital passages that show that the English negotiators — first Sir Charles Bagot and afterwards Sir Stratford Canning — had to concede one point after another, until they finally agreed to the original proposition of the Muscovite negotiators that Russia should have a lisiere on the mainland above fifty-four forty expressly to shut off England from access to the sea at all points north of the Portland Canal. Li spite of Sir Wilfred Laurier' s statement in the spring of 1901 in the Dominion Parliament that Mr. Begg's contention of running the frontier line north instead of east from Cape Chacon, which is at the southern extremity of Prince of Wales Island, was untenable, Mr. Begg appears to stand by his former as- sertions in the following letter which appeared in the Colonist of Victoria, British Columbia, December 4th, 1902. The able and forcible letter of Mr. Seward to which Mr. Begg refers will be found in note 108 on page 175. "THE ALASKAN BOUNDARY. "Sir:— ' ' Two mighty men of war have recently appeared to bolster up the forlorn hope of the boundary question. One is a Phila- delphia lawyer, of some note, judging from the numerous spread- eagle titles attached to his name in a book called ' The Alasko- Canadian Frontier ' — the titles are as follows : ' Book, by Thomas Willing Balch, A. B. (Harvard), Member of the Philadelphia Bar ; the American Philosophical Society ; the American Histori- cal Association, etc. ; Author of the Brooke Family of Whit- 114 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. around Lynn canal, and if my hon. friend will look carefully at the relief map which is exhibited in the library, he will see that that is the only provisional line we have agreed to." But as is seen from Sir Wilfred Laurier's answers to Colonel Prior, acknowledging the untenableness church, Hampshire, England,' etc. The paper was read at the annual meeting of the Franklin Institute, January 15th, 1902. "Mr. Balch quotes a portion of the Treaty of 1825, but he does not apply it in the least degree in the book he has published. Without referring to the Treaty in his arguments the controversy is futile, and I take leave of Mr. Balch and his beautiful printed brochure. " The other warlike hero who comes forward, is plain Frederick W. Seward, heralded as the ' son of the great War Secretary, who negotiated the purchase of Alaska.' Young Mr. Seward, in a recent letter to the New York Tribune, tells us that he visited Alaska last summer, and discussed the claim put forward by Can- ada, as a monstrous one, without a shadow of foundation. But if Mr. Seward will ' trot out the Treaty ' in connection with an honest, unbiased tribunal, without any subterfuge, Canada will be found quite willing and ready to submit the question. Let us be judged by the Treaty and no subterfuge. Mr. Seward concludes his remarks by stating ' the only thing which is open to discussion or which requires settlement in connection with the Alaskan bound- ary, is its delineation in place, on a line corresponding in all essen- tials with the line which has been recognized since the boundary was first defined by treaty between the government of Russia and Great Britain. When Canada is prepared to have this done,' says he, ' the United States will cheerfully co-operate in the work. There is no Alaska boundary question in any respect, save this.' What about running east from Cape Chacon, instead of north, according to the Treaty ? "ALEXANDER BEGG. "December 2nd, 1902." ENGLISH AND CANADIAN MAPS. II 5 of the contention that the Portland Channel and the Portland Canal were not one and the same sinuosity, the Canadian Premier did approve the claim that Can- ada advanced at the Quebec Conference in 1898 that the opening of the Portland Channel into the ocean was not through the natural thalweg that flows be- tween Port Simpson on the south and Pearse and Wales Islands on the north, but through a much narrower and practically unnavigable channel to the north of these two islands. On many maps, including Canadian and English maps, the line was drawn to the south of Wales and Pearse Islands. For instance, Arrowsmith, on his map issued in 1864, marked the line south of Wales and Pearse Islands. (See Map No. 16.) The Canadians on an official Government map of the " Railways of Canada," published in the year 1884, distinctly drew the frontier through the passage of water south of Wales and Pearse Islands, and this channel is marked on that map " Portland Inlet." (See Map No. 27.) These maps locate this part of the frontier in opposition to the British claims by the evidence of their own cartographers. Furthermore, the opening of Portland Channel into Dixon's Entrance is shown by two official maps of the British Government. Chart number 2431 of the British Admiralty, pub- lished on the 13th of July, 1865, corrected to Feb- ruary, 1 90 1, on which Observatory Inlet is marked according to " Staff Commr. Pender's Survey, 1868," British Admiralty Chart, No. 2458, published December 15TH, 1S96, and corrected TO March, 1900 : prepared under the direction of Rear Admiral Wharton. MAP No. 23. ENGUSH AND CANADIAN MAPS. II7 gives the north west coast of America from Port Simpson to Cross Sound. Chart number 2458 of the British Admiralty, pubHshed on the 15th of De- cember, 1896, corrected to March, 1900, shows the coast Hne about Port Simpson and the inner chan- nels opposite Prince of Wales Island. (See Map No. 23.) On both these charts the passage of water south of Pearse and Wales Islands opening into Dixon's Entrance is marked " Portland Inlet," and the channel to the north of Pearse and Wales Islands is marked "Pearse Canal." But in addition, it is a rule of International Law that where a water boundary is a frontier between two States, unless it is expressly otherwise pro- vided the line of demarcation between these two powers shall pass through the deepest part of the water area, that is through the thalweg. The word thalweg itself literally means, the way through the valley, that is through the deepest part of the channel. ^^ As far back as 1625, the great Huig van Groot, or Grotius, approved the rule that where a river was the boundary between two peoples, the frontier was understood, unless otherwise provided for, to run along the middle of the stream. He said : ®^ Concerning the historic development of the rule of the Thalweg, see the article of Judge Ernest Nys of Brussels in the Revue de Droit International (Bruxelles, 1901, page 75) entitled, ' ' Rivieres et fleuves fronti^res — La Ligne M6diane et le Thalweg — un Apergu historique." . . Il8 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. " In land defined by a river, its natural boundary, if the river changes its course gradually, it changes also the boundary of the territory ; and whatever the river adds to one side belongs to him to whose land it is added ; because each people must be supposed to have settled their claims on the understanding that the river, as a natural terminus, should divide them by a line drawn along its middle. So Tacitus speaks of the Rhine as a boundary, so Diodorus of another river; and Xenophon calls such a river simply the Horizont, the boundary." ^^ In recent years, William Edward Hall, an Eng- lish Barrister, in his Treatise of International Law, says : " Where it [a boundary or frontier] follows a river, and it is not proved that either of the riparian states possesses a good title to the whole bed, their territo- ries are separated by a line running down the middle, except where the stream is navigable, in which case *® " In arcifiniis flumen mutato paulatim cursu mutat et terri- torii fines, et quicquid flumen parti alteri adjacit, sub ejus imperio est, cui adjectum est : quia scilicet eo animo populus uterque im- perium occupasse primitus creditur, ut flumen sui medietate eos dirimeret, tanquam naturalis terminus. Tacitus dixit : Certum jam alveo Rkenum, quique terminus esse sufficiat. Diodorus Siculus, ubi controversiam narrat, quae inter Egestanos et Seli- nuntios fuit, norauov, ait, t^ x<^pav opl^ovTo^, amne fines discrimi- nante. Et Xenophon talem amnem simpliciter rov Spii^ovTa, id est, fimtorem, vocat." De Jure Belli ac Pads : Lib. II., Cap. III., XVI., 2. PORTLAND channel: THE THALWEG. II9 the centre of the deepest channel, or, as it is usually called, the Thalweg, is taken as the bound- ary." '' The Swiss, Alphonse Rivier, for many years and at the time of his death, Consul-General of his country to Belgium, in his Treatise, Principes du Droit Des Gens, says : "When a water course is a frontier, the bed can be entirely in one of the territories [adjoining], the frontier following one of the banks. « >1* »!■ *Z* *^ *Z* v^ w^ w^ «^ *i* "This frontier must be proved, it is not presumed. In case of doubt, the frontier line shall be the middle of the bed. Such at least is the ancient rule, still in vigor as a general rule for non navigable water courses, simple brooks, while it is absolute (deroge) for rivers and streams owing to a more and more constant usage, which numerous treaties have sanc- tioned for almost a century. According to this cus- tom, the limit is in the middle, not of the bed but of the current or thread of water, which is called to-day the Thalweg, a German word which signifies chemin du val, in English mid-channel. This system has the advantage of giving to the two countries equal facili- ties to use the water course ; besides, the thalweg, although variable owing to the continuous action of ^"Fourth edition, Oxford, 1895, page 127; this edition was printed after Mr. Hall's death, but the first two hundred and seventy-two pages were already in type when he died. I20 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. the running water, is less so, however, than the me- dian Hne."'^ Halleck, an American, in his hiteriiational Law, says : '^^ "Where a navigable river forms the boundary of conterminous states, the middle of the channel — the filuni aqtiae or thalweg — is generally taken as the line of their separation, the presumption of law being that the right of navigation is common to them both. But this presumption may be rebutted or destroyed by actual proof of the exclusive title of one of the ri- parian proprietors to the entire river. Such title may have been acquired by prior occupancy, purchase, " " Lorsq'un cours d'eau forme fronti^re, le lit peut etreen en- tier sur I'un des territoires, la frontiere suivant I'un des bords. * ^ * * * * * ' ' Cette frontiere doit etre prouvee ; on ne la presume pas. En cas de doute, la ligne frontiere serait le milieu du lit. Telle est du moins la r^gle ancienne, encore en vigueur conime regie gen^rale pour les cours d'eau non navigables, les simples ruisseaux, tandis qu'il y est d6rog6 pour les fleuves et rivieres par un usage de plus en plus constant, que des traites nombreux ont sanctionn6 depuis pr^s d'un siecle. D'apres cet usage, la limite est au milieu, non du lit, mais du courant ou fil de I'eau, qu'onappelle aujourd'hui le thalweg, mot allemand qui signifie chemin du val ; en anglais mid-cJiannel. Ce systeme a I'avantage de donner aux deux pays limitrophes des facilit6s %ales pour utiliser le cours d'eau ; en outre, le thalweg , tout variable qu'il est en suite de Taction con- tinue de I'eau courante, Test cependant moins que la ligne m6- diane. ' ' Principes du Droit des Gens par Alphonse Rivier, Paris, 1896, Volume I., pages 167-168. '■^ Halleck' s Inteniatio?ial Law: Third edition revised by Sir Sherston Baker, Bart., of Lincoln's Inn and Barrister-at-Law, London, 1893, Volume L, page 171. PORTLAND channel: THE THALWEG. 121 cession, treaty, or any of the modes by which other public territory may be acquired. But where the river not only separates the conterminous states, but also their territorial jurisdictions, the thalweg, or middle current, forms the line of separation through the bays and estuaries through which the waters of the river flow into the sea. As a general rule, this line runs through the middle of the deepest channel, although it may divide the river and its estuaries into two very unequal parts. But the deeper channel may be less suited, or totally unfit, for the purposes of navigation, in which case the dividing line would be in the middle of the one best suited and ordi- narily used for that object. The division of the islands in the river and its bays would follow the same rule." Bluntschli, a Swiss, who for many years taught the Laws of Nations at the University of Heidelberg, says in his Code of International Law: "298. " If a river is the boundary between two States and it has not become the exclusive property of one of them, the frontier, in case of doubt, is taken to pass through the Thalweg. " In the case of navigable rivers, the Thalweg is considered in doubtful cases as the middle of the river. *•!• •£> «b «Ja aSft •I* Sfm •{• *!• ^* 122 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. "301 " In the same way, the middle of a lake serves as the line of demarcation between the opposite ripa- rian States, unless another boundary is designated by usage or treaty. The free navigation of the lake is therewith as a rule accorded to the inhabitants of both shores. •' In this case the middle must be measured from both shores, as there is no Thalweg, or at least it is not as distinct in lakes as in rivers. ****** " 303- " When two States, which touch the high seas, are so close to one another that the territorial waters [Kustensajwi) of the one overlaps the terri- torial waters of the other, both States are bound to accord to each other the right of sovereignty [Kustensc/mtz) in the common area or else to agree upon a dividing line. " The two States are in this case in about the same position as the Riparian States of a river or a lake. They are both concurrently sovereign."^ 18 ,, 298. "Bildet ein FIuss die Grenze und ist derselbe nicht in den ausschliesslichen Besitz des einen Uferstates gelangt, so wird im Zweifel angenommen, die Mitte des Flusses sei die Grenze. "Bei schieffbaren Flussen wird im Zweifel der Thalweg als Mitte angenommen. ******* ARGUMENT OF CANADA. 1 23 The other or second important demand of Canada, which seems to have originated about 1884, and which was formulated a year or two later by General Cameron, is that the boundary line shall not pass inland around all the sinuosities that bulge into the mainland between Mount Saint Elias and fifty-four degrees forty minutes, but that it shall run close along side of the coast-line and across most or all "301. ' ' Ebenso wird die Mitte eines Landsees als Grenze zwischen den entgegengesetzten Uferstaten vermuthet, wenn nicht dutch Vertriige oder Uebung eine andere Grenze bestimmt ist. Dane- ben wird die freie Schifffahrt auf den See fur beiderlei Uferbe- woliner als Regel anerkannt. " Hier muss die Mitte von beiden Ufern ausgemessen werden, da es einen Thalweg nicht gibt, oder wenigstens derselbe nicht ebenso deutlich ist, wie bei Flussen. He :(c He * i|: * H: "303- "Wenn zwei Staten, welche an das freie Meer Grenzen, einander so nahe sind, dass der Kiistensaum je des einen Stats in den Kiistensaum des andern hiniiberreicht, so sind sie ver- pflichtet, einander in dem gemeinsamen Gebiet wechselseitig den Kiistenschutz zuzugestehen, oder iiber eine Scheidelinie sich zu vereinbaren. "Das Verhaltniss der beiden Uferstaten wird ahnlich wie in den Fallen der Fluss- oder Seegrenze. Es tritt eine concurri- RENDE Gebietshoheit ein." Das Moderne Volkerrecht der Civilisirten Staten als Rechts- buch Dargestellt von Dr. J. C. Bluntschli : Nordlingen, 1878. In the authorized French translation by M. Lardy (1870) Le Droit International Codifi^ the above paragraphs are rendered in these terms : 124 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. of the estuaries that cut into the continent above the Portland Channel or Canal. Canada bases this demand upon the rule of International Law, that all sea waters along a coast line are for one league or three miles territorial waters, and that where even a fiord or arm of the sea is only two leagues or six miles across from shore to shore, from that line in- land the rest of the estuary is territorial waters. "298. " Lorsqu'une riviere forme la limite, et qu'elle n'est pas deve- nue propri6t6 exclusive d'un des 6tats riverains, on admet dans le doute que la fronti^re passe par le milieu de la riviere. ' ' La thalweg des rivieres navigables est dans le doute regard6 comme le milieu. 4c * 4c ♦ :(( * :|( "301. * * Le milieu d' un lac sert 6galement de ligne de demarcation entre les deux 6tats riverains, a moins qu'une autre limite n'ait 6t6 consacr^e par 1' usage ou par les trait6s. On reconnait dans la r^gle aux habitants des deux rives le droit de libre navigation. * ' On doit prendre ici pour ligne fronti^re le milieu du lac, parce qu'il n'y a pas de thalweg des lacs. ♦ He 4c >tt * ♦ 4t "303- " Lorsque deux 6tats sont situ6s au bord d'une mer libre, mais si 6troite que la bande de mer faisant partie du territoire de Tun, empiete sur la bande de mer qui depend du territoire de r autre, ces deux 6tats sont tenus de s'accorder r^ciproquement les droits de souverainet6 sur I'espace commun, ou de fixer ensemble une ligne de demarcation. ' ' Les deux 6tats se trouvent ici a peu pr^s dans la m^me posi- tion que les etats riverains d'un fleuve ou d'un lac. lis sont tous deux concurrement souverains." ARGUMENT OF CANADA. I 25 Consequently, they say that as In the treaty of 1825 it was provided that the frontier between the British possessions and the Russian lisi^re should be a line drawn along the crest of the mountains "situees parallelement a la cote " and that in case at any point the summit of the mountains should prove to be further than ten marine leagues from the ocean, that then the line of demarcation should be drawn by a line parallel to the sinuosities of the shore, from which it shall be never further than ten leagues — the Canadians say that in estimating the coast line the outer edge of the territorial waters must be taken, and that from this imaginary line the ten league limit must be computed. Thus they main- tain, that the line of frontier does not pass around all the sinuosities of the coast, but across many of them, leaving the upper reaches, as the greater part of the upper extremity of the Lynn Canal, for example, within Canadian Territory.''^ " From the first the Canadians have veered and changed about continually in their demands. Canadian writers by suppressing some facts and twisting and manipulating others to suit their wishes, have managed to present to their countrymen and their kindred in Britain some apparently plausible arguments in sup- port of the Canadian claim. The Canadian method of citing evidence brings to mind the following anecdote from the pen of Charles Reade's The Cloister and the Hearth. (Chapter XXXVI. Note) : ' ' Sinclair was a singer : and complained to the manager that in the operatic play of Rob Roy he had a multitude of mere words to utter between the songs. 'Cut, my boy, cut ! ' said the manager. On this, vox. et p. n. cut 126 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. In support of this proposition they invoke the well known principle of International Law that a State has jurisdiction over its marginal waters to the distance of one marine league from the shore. And they cite Bluntschli and other world famed authorities in support of their position. An argument pressed to support the Canadian wish that the outer edge of the territorial waters should be taken instead of the shore line of the sinuosities of the coast in measuring the ten marine leagues inland, is that in both the English and the Russian draft treaties, the word vier was used in the French copies, while in the French version of the actual treaty the word vier has given place to ocean. In the draft convention that George Canning sent July 12, 1824, to Sir Charles Bagot as a basis for ne- gotiations, among the words used in Article III. of that draft to designate how the eastern boundary of the lisiere should run occurs the expression, " depuis la mer vers Tinterieur" (from the sea towards the in- terior). In Article II. of the Russian counter-draft, in which the eastern boundary of the lisiere is described, the expression used is " a partir du bord de la mer" Scott, and doubtless many of his cuts would not have discredited the condensers of evidence. But only one of his master-strokes has reached posterity. His melodious organs had been taxed with this sentence : ' Rashleigh is my cousin ; but, for what reason I cannot divine, he is my bitterest enemy.' This he con- densed and delivered thus : ' Rashleigh is my cousin, for what reason I cannot divine.' " MER AND OC6aN THEORY. 1 27 (starting from the sea shore). Finally in the treaty of 1825 itself, among the words used in Article IV. to describe the limits to the east of the lisiere occurs the expression, "se trouveroit a la distance de plus de 10 lieues marines de I'ocean." It is argued that from this substitution of the word ocean in the treaty for the word mer that was used in the two draft- conventions the limit of the ocean was intended as the line from which the ten marine leagues inland should be measured, and it is urged that by the use of the word ocean instead of mer the salt water outside of the islands was meant. The absurdity of this argument, however, is proved by the fact that the words ocean and mer in French geographies and in International Law are used in- terchangeably to mean the salt water that encircles all the land on the earth. To begin with the words mer and ocean are both used in the treaty itself to mean the same thing, to wit: in Article I., Ocean Pacifique, and in Arti- cle VI., Mer Pacifique. Then in the Petite Geographie Ancienne of Meissas and Michelot published at Paris in 1857, the mers of Europe are described on pages three and four as follows : "4 Mers. "On comptait en Europe treize mers principales, dont trois grandes et dix petites. "Les trois grandes etaient: 1° I'Ocean Hyperboree 128 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. (ocean Glacial du nord) ; 2** I'ocean Atlantique ; 3° la mer Interleure (Mediterranee). Les dix petites etai- ent: 1° la mer Germanique (mer du Nord); 2° la mer Hibernienne (mer d'Islande), formee par I'ocean At- lantique;" and so on. In this quotation it is seen that the two words are used interchangeably. In the Petite Geographie Methodique, by the same authors, published at Paris in 1896, the watery mass of the earth is thus described: " On donne le nom d'ocea?i ou de 7ner a la vaste etendue d'eau salec qui couvre les trois quarts du globe. "On appelle encore mers diverses parties de I'ocean auxquelles on donne des noms particuliers." A litde further on Meissas and Michelot say : " L'Ocean-Glacial du nord et celui du sud s'ap- pellent aussi mers Glaciates ou mers Polaires!' How the two words are used interchangeably in International Law is well expressed by Rivier who was a thorough master of his native language. "La mer, ou I'Ocean," he says,"^^ "est I'immense etendue d'eau salee qui entoure et relie les continents. 5i* ■!• JjS SjS •!* H* " Elle est libre. " La mer libre est done la haute mer, qu'on nomme aussi la pleine mer. Le langage juridique use de ces divers termes indifferemment, et le meme sens est " Pri7icipes du Droit des Gens par Alphonse Rivier : Paris, 1896, Volume I., pages 234-235. MER AND OCEAN. I 29 generalement attribue aux mots mer et Ocean em- ployes sans qualificatif. Quant on enonce le principe de la liberte de la mer, ou des mers, il s'agit de la haute mer." Of the meaning of mer and ocean, Littre, who was a member of V Academie Fran^aise, says in his Diction- naire de la Langue Fraiigaise : " REM. Le mot mer, au singulier, se prend dans deux sens : i*' I'amas des eaux qui environne la terre ; 2° dans une acception plus restreinte, une certaine etendue d'eau salee contigue aux cotes et portant un nom particulier comme la mer d'Irlande, la mer du Nord, etc." "REM. Ocean prend un O majuscule quand il signifie la vaste etendue d'eau salee qui entoure le globe, ou quand il est dit absolument pour ocean Atlantique, ou pour le dieu mythologique ; et un o minuscule quand on parle des parties de cet ocean : I'ocean Atlantique, ou quand il est pris figurement: un ocean de feux. On observera que les adjectifs qui determinent les parties de I'Ocean prennent une majuscule : I'ocean Atlantique, I'ocean Pacifique, I'ocean Indien." Then defining the adjective Ocea7ie, Littre says : " REM. L' Academie [Frangaise] ecrit mer oceane, par un o minuscule ; il faudrait un o majuscule, mer Oceane, puisqu'on ecrit avec une majuscule mer Mediterranee, mer Atlantique, mer Pacifique, etc." In the first French dictionary which V Acadimie 130 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. Franfaise published in 1694, the interchangeable use of mer and ocea7z is dius attested at that time : '^ " Mer. s. f. L'amas des eaux qui composent un globe avec la terre, & qui la couvrent en plusieurs endroits. La grande mer, ou la mer Oceane. mer Medi- terranee. mer Atlantique. 7ner Germajiique. mer Bri- tannique. mer Pacijique. mer Glaciale. ^ ^ « .-H :!: « " On appelle, La mer Mediterranee, Mer du Le- vant, & rOcean, Mer du Ponatit!' "Ocean, s. m. La grande mer qui environne toute la terre." From the above quotations from Littre, backed by the first dictionary of the French Academy, it is clear that not only the first authority to-day on the meaning and value of French words, says that mer and ocean can be used interchangeably to mean the salt water that envelops the continents, but also that he actu- ally uses himself the expressions mer Pacijique and r ocean Pacijique. Consequently the attempt to draw a distinction as to the meaning of the words mer and ocean used '* Z,t» ■!» «S» •Z> aZ* *{* •{• •{• *]• Wf* Ati plur. Les contrees voisines de la mer." Thus Littre shows that cote means the general shore line along salt water. In the first dictionary of the French language that V Academie Frangaise published in 1694, the mean- ing of sinuosite is thus expressed : '^ " Sinueux, euse. adj. Qui est tortueux; qui fait plusieurs tours & detours. II n' a guere d'usage que dans la poesie. Les replis si7tueux cV un serpent, d'une couleuvre. le coiirs sinueux de Meandre. " Sinuosite. s. f. Estat d'une chose sinueuse. Les sinuositez d'un serpent, cette riviere a beaucoup de sijtu- ositez, fait beaucoup de sinuositez. "On dit aussi, En termes de Chirurgie, qu' Une playe a beaucoup de sinuositez, pour dire, qu'EUe fait '^ Le Dictio7inaire de V Academie Frangoise dedie aii Roy. A Paris ; Chez la Veuve de Jean Baptiste Coignard, Imprimeur or- dinaire du Roy, & de I'Acad^mie Franfoise, rue S. Jacques, a la Bible d'Or: et Chez Jean Baptiste Coignard, Imprimeur & Libraire ordinaire du Roy, & de 1' Academie Franyoise, rue S. Jacques pres S. Severin, au Livre d'Or.— M.DC.LXXXXIV. Avec privilege de sa Majeste. "PARALLELE AUX SINUOSITES DE LA COTE. 1 33 des tours & des detours. On dit de mesne, qu'//j)/ a des endroits sous la terre oil il y a beaucoup de sinuos- itez!' Then Littre defines sinuosite as meaning : "Qualite de ce qui est sinueux. Cette riviere fait beau- coup de sinuosites. II allait dans une chaloupe avec deux ingenieurs cotoyer les deux royaumes de Dane- mark et de Suede, pour mesurer toutes les sinuosites, Font. Czar Pierre. Les jeunes Deliens se melerent avec eux (les Atheniens) pour figurer les sinuosites du labyrinthe de Crete, Barthel, Anach. ch. 76." Web- ster defines sinuosity to mean : " i. The quality of being sinuous, or bending in and out. 2. A series of bends and turns in arches or other irregular figures ; a series of windings. ' A line of coast certainly amounting with its simtosities, to more than 700 miles.' S. Smith." Thus back in 1694 ^he men who were officially empowered by the State to declare the meaning of French words and to regulate French grammar, and the great authority' of to-day on the same sub- ject, have said that a sinuosity was an indentation or a pouch. Such a meaning exactly fits the con- figuration of the Lynn Canal or Channel, for instance, which is a sinuosite de la cote of the northwest coast of North America. The water of the Lynn Canal is salt or sea water, not fresh water. And the shores that enclose the Lynn Canal are part of the general coast line or cote to use the word of the French text of the treaty of 1825. Consequently, in 134 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. finding the frontier line according to the expression •* parallele aux sinuosites de la cote," the shore line passing around the Lynn Canal must be taken as the basis from which to measure the ten marine leagues inland and not some imaginary water line cross- ing near its mouth. And so in the same way with all the other sinuosities or fiords or estuaries that cut into the mainland above fifty-four fort)% their shore lines must be taken as the lines of depart- ure from which to measure the ten marine leagues inland. Thus by inserting the words sinuosites and cote, the negotiators made it perfectly clear that — in directing that the eastern line of demarcation of the lisiere should be drawn " parallele aux sinuosites de la cote," — they meant that the frontier should pass around all the sinuosities that advance into the mainland and not cut across any of them, so that the whole of the Lynn Canal and all the other fiords above the Portland Canal would be included within the Russian lisiere. For if the line cut across the sinuosities of the shore, how could it be parallel to them f Besides, Mr. William H. Dall of the United States Geological Survey has pointed out that the Cana- dian argument, that the ten leagues inland should be measured from the outer line of the territorial waters as the basis of measurement, disproves itself through a reductio ad absurdum. DALLS ARGUMENT. I 35 "It happens," he says/^ "that there are none of the islands in the archipelago north of Dixon's Entrance which do not at some point approach within six miles of one another or of the conti- nental shore. They are all mountainous. As Gen- eral Cameron, if he applies his hypothesis, has no right to apply it partially or imperfectly, it will fol- low that all the archipelago for that purpose will become solid land. Of this ' land ' there would be a strip, excluding all of the continent, in no place less than fifty and sometimes eighty miles wide. Under the treaty not over thirty miles from the ocean could be possessed by Russia when not mountainous, and as the mountains come to the sea nearly all the way from Cape Muzon to Cape Spencer, the only property possessed by Russia in the archipelago would have been (i) Prince of Wales Island, which in the treaty is absolutely given to her, and (2) a strip a mile or two in aver- age width on the ocean shores of the most sea- ward islands. It is perfectly easy to verify this if one would take such trouble, and it is certainly absurd enough for anybody." The Canadians, moreover, overlook that rule of International Law, that two States can agree by treaty or otherwise, to suspend as between them- selves any rule of the Laws of Nations, provided "^^ Senate Ex. Doc. No. 146, 50th Co7igress, 2nd Session, page 25. 136 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. that they do not thereby trespass upon the rights of other Powers. Grotius recognized that two Nations can, as be- tween themselves, alter the rules of the Laws of Nations. Thus he said : " For peoples as well as individuals may by com- pact concede to another not only the Rights which are theirs specially, but also those which they have in common with all men : and when this is done, we may say, what Ulpian said when an estate was sold on condition that the purchaser should not carry on a thunny fishery to the prejudice of the seller, namely, that there could not be a servitude over the sea, but that the bona fides of the contract required that the rule of the sale should be observed ; and therefore that the possessors and their successors were under a personal obligation to observe the condition."*" Von Martens, a representative of Hanover at the Diet of the Germanic Confederation, who taught the study of International Law at Gottingen in the latter part of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nine- ^" ' ' Possunt enim ut singuli, ita et populi pactis, non tantum de jure quod proprie sibi competit, sed et de eo quod cum omnibus hominibus commune habent, in gratiam ejus cujus id interest decedere : quod cum fit, dicendum est quod dixit Ulpianus in ea facti specie, qua fundus erat venditus hac lege, ne contra vendi- torem piscatio thynnaria exerceretur, man servitutem imponi non potuisse, sed bonam fidem contractus exposcere, ut lex vendi- tionis servetur. Itaque personas possidentium et in jus eorum succedentium obligari." De Jure Balli ac Pads, Lib. II., Cap. III. XV., 2. INTERNATIONAL LAW. I 37 teenth centuries, held, concerning the ability of two States to change as between themselves the Laws of Nations, this opinion : " In the same way, it depends upon the free choice of a nation to conclude or not treaties with another, without that a third power is authorized to stop her, so long as these treaties do not injure the right of the third power, and without especially that she is authorized to force her to conclude a treaty, or to accede to it against its will." ^^ Phillimore, an English authority on the Laws of Nations, says : " No treaty between two or more Nations can affect the general principles of International Law prejudicially to the interests of other Nations not parties to such covenant." ^^ He says also : " Moreover, the Right to enter into lawful Conven- tions or Treaties with other States is as unquestion- ably inherent in every independent State, as the right ^' " De meme, 11 depend du libre arbitre d'une nation de cimen- ter ou non des trait^s quelconques avec une autre, sans qu'une tierce puissance soit autorisee a I'empecher, tant que ces trait^s ne blessent pas ses droits, et sans que surtout elle soit autorisee, a la forcer de conclure un traits, ou d'y acceder contre son gre." Precis du Droit des Gens moderne de V Europe., par G. F. de Martens : Paris, 1864, Volume I., § 119—" De la liberty de con- clure des Traites," page 320. 82 Commentaries upon International Law by Sir Robert Philli- more, London, 1879. Third Edition, Volume I., page 46. 138 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. to make lawful covenants is inherent in every indi- vidual" «3 In recent years, Bluntschli writes : "402. " States, in so far as they are independent, can regulate by treaties the questions which specially concern them, and thus create between themselves a purely conventional law." ^* In addition, the Duke of Wellington in a note to Count Lieven, the Russian Ambassador at London on November 28th, 1822, also recognized this rule. Speaking of the exclusive sovereignty that Russia had claimed in the Ukase of 1821 over Bering Sea and a considerable part of the Pacific Ocean he said: ** Commentaries 7ipon International Law, by Sir Robert PhilH- more, London, 1882. Third Edition, Volume II., page 69. ^* Das Moderne V olkerrecht der Civilisirten Staten als Rechts- buch Dargestellt von Dr. J. C. Bluntschli: Nordlingen, 1878. The original German text of Bluntschli is as follows : "402. ' ' Die Staten konnen als selbstandige Personen ihre besondern Rechtsverhaltnisse durch Vertrage unter einander ordnen, so dass daraus eigentliches Vertragsrecht entsteht." In the authorized French translation of Bluntschli, by M, de Lardy, first Secretary to the Swiss Legation at Paris (1870), this paragraph is rendered thus : "402. " Les 6tats, en tant que personnes ind^pendantes, peuvent regler par des trait^s les questions qui les concernent sp^cialement, et cr6er ainsi entre eux un droit purement conventionel." INTERNATIONAL LAW, I 39 " We contend that no Power whatever can ex- clude another from the use of the open sea. A Power can exclude itself from the navigation of a certain coast, sea, etc., by its own act or engage- ment, but it cannot by right be excluded by another. This we consider as the law of nations, and we cannot negotiate under a paper in which a right is asserted inconsistent with this principle." ^^ Thus an English statesman of world wide note is in accord with the masters of International Law that two Nations can, as between themselves, change the Laws of Nations. Consequently, according to the Laws of Nations and the interpretation placed by the Duke of Wel- lington upon the rules and regulations in force be- tween Nations, the Muscovite and the British Empires had ample and perfect authority to disregard, as between themselves, a rule of International Law, provided that they did not thereby trespass upon the rights of other States. Russia and England could agree then, as they did by the treaty of Feb- ruary, 1825, to take — irrespective of the theory that for purposes of sovereignty territorial waters are " land" — the shore line of the mainland as the basis of computation in measuring ten marine leagues in- land. And the evidence is abundant to show that the shore of the continent itself was exactly the 85 Fur Seal Arbitration, Volume IV., page 35 and also page 391. 140 THE ALASKA FRONTIER. base line that they intended should be used to compute the ten leagues towards the interior and not an imaginary water line passing from headland to headland. Ex-Secretary of State, John W. Foster, has shown too, that the negotiations that resulted in the treaty of 1825 cut off the British Traders from all access to the interior waters of the lisiere except by special license. The seventh article of the treaty provided, " that, for the space of ten years from signature of the present convention, the vessels of the two Powers, or those belonging to their respective subjects, shall mutually be at liberty to frequent, without any hin- drance whatever, all the interior seas, gulfs, havens, and creeks on the coast mentioned in article three for the purpose of fishing and of trading with the natives," The negotiations were broken off a second time because the Russian plenipotentiaries refused to make perpetual this right to frequent without hin- drance the inland waters. When the negotiations were renewed, they were resumed upon the basis of the fourth article of the Russo-American treaty of 1824.^^ In referring to this point. Secretary George 86 "Article Quatri^me. " II est n^anmoins entendu que pendant un terme de dix ann^es, h compter de la signature de la pr^- sente Convention, lesvaisseaux des deux Puissances, ou qui appartien- droient k leurs citoyens ou sujets respectifs, pourront r 12, 13, H, i5, 16 Anian, Strait of ^ Appleton, Mr 57 Arbitration, International . . 168, 173, 174, 176, ^77, 178, i79 Arbitration of the z«/a/z^ boundary 172, 1 73 Arrowsmith, John 35, 38, 74, 1^5 Article Fourth of the Treaty of 1824 . ...... .140, Hi Article III. of the Treaty of 1825 6, 8 Article IV. of the Treaty of 1825 8 Article VI. of the Treaty of 1825 39 Article VII. of the Treaty of 1825 4i Article XI. of the Treaty of 1825 4° Bagot, Sir Charles . 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, ioo> io7, 126, 142 Bagot's three propositions 10, 12, 13 Balch, Mr. Edwin Swift x»' 1^2 Balch, Mr. T.W ii3, "4 Balls given to Russian officers 66, 67 Banks, General ^" Barker, Mr. Wharton ^4 (187) 1 88 INDEX. PAGE Barnes, Mr. T. W 64 Bayard, Thomas F 93, 94, 95 Begg, Mr. Alexander 109, no, m, 112, 113, 114 Behm's Canal 104 Benjamin, Judah P 59 Bennett, Lake 169, 170 Bentinck, Family of 106, 107 Bering 2 Bering Sea 3, 5, 18 Bering Strait 2, 76 Bigelow, Mr. John 64 Blaine, James G 103 Bluntschli 121, 122, 123, 138 Boers, The 172 Bouchette, Joseph, Jr 27, 29, 74 Boundary Commission appointed 183 British Admiralty upholds American claim 151, 181 British Admiralty Chart No. 787 . Frontispiece, x, 22, 104, 105, 182 British Admiralty Chart No, 2431 115 British Admiralty Chart No. 2458 116, 117 British Columbia 82, 88, 93, 94 British Empire 8, 9, 35, 95, 1 39, 178 British Government, see English Government. British Government upholds American claim . 22, 148, 151, 152 Brue, A. H 23, 80, 81, 82, 83 Brymner, Mr 109, no, in Buell, Colonel Augustus C xii, 56, 60 Burke, Edmund 160, 161 Burrough's Bay 104 Bynkershock • • 154 Cameron, General 146 Canada 82, 90, 124, 157, 163, 175, 176, 178, 179 Canadian arguments 99, 125, 131 Canadian demands . x, 55, 85, 88, 99, 100, 108, 109, 115, 123 125, 146, 163, 173, 174 Canadian Government . . ix, 82, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 143, 144 146, 148 INDEX. 189 PAGE Canadian maps, . 23, 27, 29, 36, 54, 86, 87, 109, no, in, 115 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 Canadian writers 22, 125 Canning, George 15, 17, 21, 126, 142, 152 Canning's hundred miles lisiere 143 Canning, Sir Stratford 5, 16, 17, 18, 21, 107, 108 Cape Town 61 Cartright, Sir James T 163 Cassiar district, The 88, 89 Chilkoot Pass, The 169, 170, 172 Church Missionary Society, The 144, 145 Civil War, The 58, 63 Clay, Mr 68 Clarence Sound, Duke of 13, no, in, 112 Cleveland, President 92, 102 Cole, Senator 67 Colonist^ The 113 Confederate States, The 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65 Cook, Captain 2 Coolidge, Mr. T. Jefferson 163 Cote, the 131, 132 Cramp, Mr. Charles H xii, 60 Cramp, Messrs 66 Crimean War 5i> 53. 54. 55. 61 Dall, Professor William H 96, 97, 108, 134, 135 Dalton Trail 170, 172 Davies, Sir Louis 162, 163 Davis, Jefferson 60 Davis, Mr. L. Clarke xii Dawson, Dr. George M 96, 97, 98 Dennis, Mr. J. S 85, 86, 88 Deshneff, The Cossack 2 Devine, Mr. Thomas 146, 147 Dingley, Representative 163 Diodorus Siculus 118 Dionissievsky, Fort Saint 39, 42 Dyea 178 190 INDEX. PAGE Edward the Seventh, King 183 Em6ric Cruce 173 England x, i, 3, 4, 16, 18, 21, 23, 176 English Cabinet 13 English Government . 5, 27, 35, 39, 40, 51, 52, 54, 60, 74, 88 92, 94, loi, 143, 148, 154, 163, 169 English Maps . Frontispiece, x, 19, 30, 32, 34, 35, 38, 76, 77, 79 80, 82, 104, 105, 115, 116, 144, 145, 148, 151 Evarts, William M 92 Explorers, Early ; i, 2, 3 Farragut, Admiral 63 Fifty-four forty 6, 22, 44, 55, 71, loi, 173 " Fifty-four forty or fight " 56 Fisheries Conference 96 Foster, The Hon. John W 140, 141, 163 France i Frontiere Alaska- Canadienne, La xi, 182 Glenora 89 Gortschakoff, Prince 57. 58, 59, 64, 69 Grant, President 84, 85 Granville, Earl of 85 Gray, Senator 163 Great Britain 4, 12, 15 Grotius, Hugo 117, 136, 154, 173 Gwin, Senator 57, 58 Hague Court of Arbitration, The 173 Hall, W. H 118 Halleck, General 120 Hay, Secretary John 183 Herbert, Sir Michael 183 Herschel, Baron 163, 176 Hill, Mr. S. S 30 Hodgins, Mr. Thomas 98, 99, 100, loi, 102, 103 Holloway, Colonel William R xi House of Commons 35, 47, 54 INDEX. 191 PAGE Hudson's Bay Company . i, 12, 15, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45 46, 47, 49, 50, 68 Hunter, Mr. Joseph 90. 9 1 Inland boundary ^73 International Law . . .118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 135 136, 137, 138, 139, 152, 153, 158, 159, 160, 161 Jackson, General Andrew 5^ Johnston, Mr. Arthur i07 Joint High Commission, Anglo-American . . . . 144, 162, 163 164, 165 Journal of the Franklin Institute xi, 151, 182 Kasson, Mr. John A 162, 163 Kennedy, Mr. Walker xii Kennin, Mr. Frank NichoUs xii Krusenstern, Admiral de 23, 24, 25, 27, 74, 77, I55 Lamar, Lucius Q. C 59,60,61,62 Lardy, Monsieur 123 Laurier, Sir Wilfrid 108, 109, iii, 113, 114. 163 Lessosvky, Admiral 63 Lewis and Clark i Libraries xu Lieven, Count 13. 100. 138 Lindeman, Lake 169, 170 Lincoln, President 66 Lisi^re, The . x, 10, 18, 21, 30, 39, 4i> 53. 54, 82, 95, 100, loi 125, 155,156, 157, 158, 162, 178, 179 Littre 129, 130, 131, I33 Log Cabin 170 Lynn Canal 10, 49, I33, i34, 169, 175, 178 Marshall, Chief Justice 102 Martens, von 136 Martin, Peter 88, 89, 90, 102 McDonald, Mr, A. L xii 192 INDEX. PAGE Meissas and Michelot 127, 128 Menace from Canada 175, 176 Mendenhall, Mr. Thomas C xii Mer and Ocean 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 Middleton, Mr 4 Milner, Sir Alfred 168 Modus Vivendi, The • • 169, 170, 171, 172 Mofras, Duflot de 30, 31 Muscovite Government, see Russian Government. Napoleon the Third, The Emperor 60, 61, 63 Nesselrode, Count . . 4, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 41, 99, 100 107, 108, 152, 168 Nesselrode, Letter to Lieven 13. 14 Nicholas the First, The Emperor 50 North America i> 52 Novo-Archangelsk 16, 40 Nys, Monsieur le Juge xii, 117 Ocean, see mer. Occupation and use 152, 153, 154 Occupation of lisiere by Russia 155, 156 Occupation of lisiere by United States 156, 157, 158 Pacific Ocean i, 2, 3, 4, 5 Palmerston, Lord 40, 41 " Parallele aux sinuosites de la cote " . . . 97,98, loi, 102 131, 134, 184 Paris Tribunal 174 Paul, The Emperor 4 Pauncefote, Sir Julian 162 Pearse Channel or Canal 115, 163 Pearse Island 112 Peirce, Mr. George xii, 64 Petermaiin' s Mittheilungeii 77 Phelps, Mr 93. 94. 95 Phillimore 137. i53. i54. 158. i59 Phillips, Mr. P. Lee xii INDEX. 193 PAGE Piadischeff, Functionary 24, 26, 27, 30, 74, 155 Poletica, Monsieur de 4, 5, 9, 12, 16, 17, 107 Politkovsky, General 49 Polk, President 55, 56 Popoft", Admiral 67 Portland Channel or Canal . . 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 23 24. 71. 73. 77. 82, 85, 86, 87, loi, 102, 103, 104, 105 106, 107, 108, no, 112, 115, 124, 148, 151, 163, 178, 184 Prescription 158, 159, 160, 161, 162 Prior, Colonel E. G 108, 109, in, 112 Pyramid Harbor 11, 164, 178 Quebec Conference, The .... 9, 55, 143, 144, 151, 162-169 Reade, Charles 125 Revue de Droit International ix, 1S2 Riddle, Mr. John Wallace xii Rivier, Alphonse 119, 128, 160 Roosevelt, President 181 Root, Secretary 181 Russell, Lord John 47 Russia ... 3. 4. 9. 10. 14. 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 49, 55, 57, 58 63. 69, 70. 71. 73. 93, 139 Russian America . 9, 14, 35, 39, 56, 57, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73 Russian American Company . . 12, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 67 Russian fleets 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 72, 73 Russian Government . . . 5, 9. 27, 35, 39, 40, 41, 51, 54, 59 62, 64, 69, 72, 144, 155 Russian official maps ... 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 33. 37, 70 Russian War office 27, 28 Saint Elias, Mount ... ix, 9, 14, 18, 21, 22, 24, 48, 163, 17S Saint Petersburg xi, 4, 5, 20, 23, 24, 60, 68 Salisbury, The Marquis of 94 Severin, Count 27 194 INDEX. PAGE Seward, Mr. Frederick W 70, 72, 73, 175, 176, 177 Seward, William H 64, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74 Shepard, Mr. Edward M. 56 Siberia i, 2, 24 Singapore 61 Sinuosities 98, loi, 102, 131, 132, 133, 134, 173 Simpson, Sir George . . 30, 32, 35, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53 54, 55, 156 Sitka 16 Skoot River 86, 87 Spain I Stikine River 39, 45, 86, 90, 91 Stoeckl, Monsieur de 59, 67, 68, 69, 70 Strategic value of a port to Canada 175, 177 Sumner, Charles 70, 71, 72, 74 Tacitus 118 Tagish, Lake 169 Taylor, Bayard 59 Tebenkoff, Captain 30, 33, 155 Thalweg, The 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122 Thornton, Sir Edward 82, 85, 88, 91 Tittmann, Mr. O. H xii Tower, The Hon. Charlemagne xii Transvaal, The 168 Treaty of 1824 4, 140, 141 Treaty of 1825 ... x, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 18, 21, 22, 39, 40, 41 90, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, loi, 131, 139, 156, 183 Treaty of 1867 70, 73 Tsar, The 2, 61, 68 Tupper, Sir Charles 97 Ukase of 1799 4, 14 Ukase of 1821 4, 14, i8, 138, 152 United States, The . . i, 3, 4, 9, 22, 35, 52, 68, 69, 88, 141 157, 178 United States Government . . 9, 63, 66, 67, 70, 76, 144, 155 INDEX. 195 PAGE United States map, certified and published by Canadian Government 86, 87 United States maps 7, 11, 74, 75, 156, 171 Use and settlement 153 Vancouver, Captain George .... 2, 18, 19, 106, 107, 108 Van Siclen, Mr. George W xii Variag, The 66 Vattel 159 Victoria 108 Wales Island, Prince of .... 10, 12, 13, 14, 100, 104, 163 Wales Island 115, 117 Washington, Conference at 162 Watts, Mr. Harvey Maitland xii Weed, Thurlow . .' 63 Wellington, Duke of 138, 139, 152 Wheaton, Henry 159 White Pass, The 169, 170 Winter, Sir James T 163 Wrangell Island 39 Wrangell, Baron 40, 41, 43, 46 Xenophon 118 MAPS PAGE. No. I. British Admiralty Chart No. 787, published June 2ist, 1877, under the superintendence of Cap- tain F. J. Evans, R. N., Hydrographer, and corrected to August ist, 1901 . . . . Frontispiece No. 2. United States and English boundary claims ... 7 No. 3. Sir C. Bagot's Three Proposed Boundaries . . n No. 4. Vancouver's Chart, 1799 i9 No. 5. Russian Pilot Chart, 1802 20 No. 6. Admiral de Krusenstern's Map, 1827 25 No. 7. Functionary Piadischeff's Map, 1829 26 No. 8. Map published by the Russian War Office, 1830- 1835 2^ No. 9. Bouchette's Canadian Map, 1831 29 No. 10. Duflot de Mofras's Map, 1844 31 No. II. Sir George Simpson's Map, 1847 32 No. 12. Captain Tebenkoff's Imperial Russian Naval Map, 1849 33 No. 13. Hill's Map, 1854 34 No. 14. Map shown in 1857 by Sir George Simpson ... 36 No. 15. Imperial Russian Map, 1861 37 No. 16. Arrowsmith's Map, 1864 38 No. 17. Map Published by the State Department of the United States, 1867 75 No. 18. Berghaus's Chart of the World, 1871 78 No. 19. Brum's Map of 1833 81 No. 20. Brum's Map of 1839 83 No. 21. Map Published in Canadian Sessional Papers, 1878, 87 No. 22. British Admiralty Chart, No. 787, published June 2ist, 1877, under the superintendence of Cap- tain F. J. Evans, R. N., Hydrographer, and corrected to April, 1898 105 No. 23. British Admiralty Chart, No. 2458, published De- cember 15th, 1896, and corrected to March, 1900 116 (197) 198 MAPS. PAGE No, 24. Map in the Church Missionary Society Proceed- ings, 1901 145 No. 25. Canadian Government Map, 1877 147 No. 26. Official Canadian Map of British Columbia, 1884 . 149 No. 27. Canadian Government Map, 1884 150 No. 28. Map showing the Modus Vivendi, October 20th, 1899 171 MAR 17 1903