LAWS NEW CAPITOL AT ALBANY. NT. Y. ALBANY: WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1874. I « V I \ r « s > ■ J « \ 1 ( » tf NI, I^AWS KET.ATINC TO THE W CAPITOL ALBANY: WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANA^ PRINTERS. 1874. / n. of D. AUG 8 1918 I J J T\ A . fcp»' I ' . w. i - > lid ■A <3^ rs: .;Y3 LAWS HE TO THE NEW ('Al'lTOJ. Chap. ()48. Ax Act authorizing the erection of a new Capitol. Passed May 1, 1865; three-fifths l)eing present. The People of the State of New Yorl\ represented in Senate and Assemljhj, do enact as follows : Section 1. Whenever, Avitliin three years from tlie pass¬ age of this hill, the city of Albany or the citizens thereof, shall deposit with the commissioners of the land office of this state, a good and sufficient deed conveying to the ])eople of the state of Kew York, in fee simple and uner- cumbered, all that certain piece or jiarcel of land generally known as Congiess Hall block, in the said city of Albany, and bounded as follows : northerly by Washington avenue ; easterly l)y Park Place ; southerly by Congress street and westerly l)y Hawk street; and furnish the proper evidence that tlie common council of said city of Albany, has closed and discontinued that part of Park Place south of Wasl - ingtoii avenue, and that part of Congress (late Spring) street, east of Hawk street, which said common council are hereby autliorized to do, and thereupon, the streets so closed shall become the jiroperty of the state, and be included in, and form a part of the capitol grounds : the governor shall nominate, and by and Avith the consent of the senate, appoint a board of three commissioners, to be knoAvn as “ The New Capitol Commissioners,” for the pur- ])ose of erecting a new capitol for the use and accommoda¬ tion of the executive, legislative and judicial departments of the state, and such other objects and purposes as may 4 1)L^- coiiiiected therewith ; and in case ot a vacancy in the othce ot* tlie said cominission, the governor is liereby author¬ ized to till the vacancy l)y appointment by and with the consent ot* the senate. In case the mayoi*, aldermen and commonalty ot* the city ot* All>any shall be unable to agree for the purchase of any real estate required tor the ])ur- ]>oses of this act, the state shall have the right to accj^uire the title thereto, and in case application shall be made therefor l)y the municipal authorities of said city ot Albany, to the aftorney-general, it shall be his duty for and in behalf of the ])eople of the state, and in their name, forth¬ with to present a petition to the supreme court of the third judicial district, at any general or special term thereof, for the appointment of three commissioners of appraisal, and acquire title to such land in the same manner as railroad companies are authorized to acquire title to land in and by the provisions of cha])ter one hundred and forty of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty, and all the ])rovisions of said acts, so far as the same relate to the acquiring of ])roperty, are hereby extended and made applicable to the acquiring title to any [iroperty Avhich may be needed for carrying out the jirovisioiis ot tliis act, and on the payment into the state treasury by the municipal authorities of the city ot Albany, of the amount awardeil the owners of said ])roperty, it shall lie deemed equivalent to depositing tlie deed named in the first section hereof But notliing in this section contained shall lie held or construed to oblige this state to ])ay any part of the money awarded for the said lands. And if the said mayor and commonalty of the city of Albany shall not comply with the provisions of the said award by paying the money named therein, according to the terms thereof, the state may abandon the proceed¬ ings for accpuring the title to said lands. § 2. The commissioners shall, liefore entering upon the discharge of their duties, respectively take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution, and de[)osit the same in the office of the secretary of state. 'They shall not receive any compensation for tlieir services; but their disbursements and expenses, to be audited by the comptroller, shall be allowed and paid. § The said l)oard of eoiniinssioiiers sliall iininediately ])roceed, in such uiaiiner as tliey may deem best, to procure, nt the ex|)eiise of the city of Albany, or tlie citizens thereof, tln^ recjuisite plans for a new capitol, and the necessary accommodations and arrangements connected therewith ; and upon the a[)proval of such plan or plans by tlie com¬ missioners of the land office, shall as soon as, and not before an appropriation shall be made by law, proceed wdtli the work in accordance with the plans and specifications approved, as lierein provided. ^ 4. The new capitol sliall ])e located in the city of Albany, upon tlie site of tlie present capitol, and such grounds adjacent thereto as shall have been secured for that purpose, and conveyed to the state, as provided in the first section of this act, and built of such material and in such manner, in all respects, as will, in the judgment oi said commissioners and state officers, liest jiroinote the ])ublic interest and secure the completion of a substantial and commodious edilice for the use and purposes herein mentioned. But the present ca[)itol shall not be removed until suitable rooms are completed in the new building for the accommodation of at least one branch of the legislature. ^ o. The new capitol commissioners shall kee])just and ti'ue accounts of all their recei]:>ts and disliursements, wdiich shall be made u[) and rendered to the comptroller monthly, to be audited and allo^ved l)y him, and such audits shall discharge the said commissioners to the extent thereof. (j. The sum of ten thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby ap])ropriated out of any moneys in the treasuiy, not otherwise apiirojiriated, for the commencement and prosecution of the work herein con¬ templated, ami the necessary expenses attending the same, which sum the treasurer is hereby directed to pay, upon the wari'ant of the comptroller, to the order of the com¬ missioners from time to time, and in such sums as shall be necessary. § 7. This act shall take effect immediately. (Iliap. 583. Ax Act confirming’ the location of the Ga})itol at Albany Passed April 14, 186(). 'Hie People of the State of JS'eio Yorh\ represented ai Senate and Assernhlij, do enact as follows: Sectiox 1. The city of Albany having fully complied with the provisions of chapter six hundred and forty-eii^ht of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, the location of the capitol and the site of the caj)itol l)uild'ng at Albany, are hereby ratified and confirmed. (Jffk'e of tjie Seciietaiiy of State, / OF THE State of New Yoiuv. ) It is herelyy certified. That Ilamilton llurris of Albany, . L. Pniyn. of Albany, and O. 7>. of Seneca Falls, were appointed by the governor ’with the consent; of the Senate of the State of Ne^v York, as new Ca])itol Commissioners, on the 18th day of April, 18()(), and that the oath of office of John V. L. Pruyn, \vas filed in tliis office. May 1, 1860, and the oath of office of Hamilton Karris, and of O. if. Latham, as new Ca])itol Commissioners Avere filed in this office, JMay o, 1800. Witness my hand and the seal of office of the I L. s.J Secretary of State, at the city of Albany. 1). WILLERS, Jn., Pej). Secretary (f State. i Chap. 485. An Act appropriating moneys for tlie building a new Capi¬ tol. Passed April 1867 ; three-fifths l)eing ])resent. 27ie People of the State of Neio Yorh^ represented in Senate and Asseinhly^ do enact as folloins: Section 1. The sum of two hundred and fifty thousand, dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, towards the erection of a new capitol, authorized ])y chapter six hundred and forty-eight of the la^rs of eighteen hundred and sixty-hve, and the necessary expenses attending the same. But no part of the amount hereby appropriated shall be exj^ended, nor shall the capitol commissioners incur any expense on account of the said capitol, until a plan of the caj)itol shall be adopted and approved by them, and approved by the governor, not to cost more than four millions of dollars ^vhen completed. 2. The treasui*er is hereljy directed to pay, from time to time, upon the Avanvant of the comptrollei*, to the order of “The New Capitol Commissioners,” appointed pursuant to the provisions of said chapter six hundred and forty- eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, from the moneys above apjiropriated, such sum or sums as shall be necessary as the Avork progresses, and as may be i*e- quired liy the said commissioners in the jirosecution of the same; provided, however, that no sum shall l)e paid at any one time, exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, and that no additional sum or sums shall be ad\mnced until all prior payments shall lie accounted for to the comptroller, in the manner pro Added by section five of the aforesaid act of eighteen hundred and sixty-five. § 3. The buildings known as the Congress Hall build¬ ings, shall not be interfered Avith, removed or taken down until after the final adjournment of the constitutional convention, if said convention is held this year. § 4. This act shall take eftect immediately. 8 Cliap. 830. Aii Act making ap 2 ^ro]:)riations for tlie 8 ii 2 )port of Govern¬ ment. Passed May 10, 1808; tliree-fiftlis l)eing present. The People of the State of Neio Yorl\ represented in Senate and Assembly^ do enact as follows : Section 1. The several amounts named in this act are hereby appropriated and autliorized to be paid from the several funds indicated, to the respective public officeivs, and for the several purposes specihed, for the fiscal year ])egin- ning on tlie first day of October, in tlie year eighteen linn- dre(l and sixty-eiglit, namely: For the new capitol, two hundred and fifty tliousand dollars. Hamilton Harris, Jolin Ab L. Pruyn, Obadiali B. Latham, James S. Thayer, Alonzo B. Cornell, William A. Hice, James Terwilliger, John T. Hudson, are liereby apjiointed commissioners for the purpose of erecting a ne^v ca])itol in place of the present lioard. They shall proceed to take additional land, comprising Hawk street and one-half of tlie block of land adjoining such street on the west thereof, lietween Washington avenue and State street, in the name of the state, and lay out a street running tlirough from Washington avenue to State street, of such widtli as they may deem proper, on the west end of the land so taken, which land is hereby appropriated for the purjioses of such new capitol and street, and declared to be taken for public use. The commissioners are hereby authorized to take possession of the said lands and tenements; and if they cannot agree with the owner or owners for the purchase thereof, they shall cause ajiplicatioii to be made to the su])reme court, for a ’writ of inquiry of damages, and such proceedings shall thereupon be had as is provided in the fourth article of title two of chapter nine of the third pai t of the Revised Statutes. The said commissioneivs shall review the plans ’wliich have been adopted for the new 9 Capitol, and may change and modify the same, or adopt others in their place, as they may deem advisable and ]:)roper, provided, however, that they shall not proceed to the construction of the said new capitol, unless they shall l)e satisfied that the expense thereof shall not exceed, when completed, the sum of four millions of dollars. The buildings known as Congress Hall buildings, and the ])res- ent capitol and state library buildings, shall not be removed or disturbed until further directions by the legis¬ lature. Chap. ()45. An Act making appropriations for the support of the Government. Passed May (>, 1809; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of Aew Yorh^ represented in Senate and Assembly^ do enact asfolloios: Sectiox 1. The several amounts named in this act are hereby a]3propriated and authorized to be ]ni\d from the several funds indicated to the respective public officers and for the several purposes specified for the fiscal year begin¬ ning on the first day of October, in the year eighteen hun¬ dred and sixty-nine, namely: For the new Caj^itol, to pay for lands taken for the purposes of a new capitol, two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars or so much thereof as may l)e necessary after applying the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the appropriation made by chai^ter eight hundred and thirty of the laws of eighteen liiindred and sixty-eight, foi* 10 tlie purposes of u new capitol, and the sum of two liundred and fifty tliousand dollars, aj^propriated by the said elm])ter, shall be applied to tlie payment for the said lands. •jj -ir cj -i? v- ^ %5> w w Chap. 822 . An Act making appropriations for certain expenses of (xovernment and for supplying deficiencies in former approj)riations. Passed May 10, 1809; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of JVeio YoiT, represented hi Senate and Assembly, do enact asfolloics : •js- Cf -Jr The sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dol¬ lars is hereby appropriated for the erection of the new capitol and the further sum of one hundred and twenty- five thousand dollars, the unexpended balance of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars appropriated by cliaj)- ter four hundrecl and eighty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixt 3 ^-seven, to^vards the erection of a new capitol, is hereby re-apj^ropilated for the same purpose. The new capitol commissioners are hereby authorized to make such compensation to their secretary for services as in their opinion shall be just. * vj * 11 Chap. 492. An" A(t making ap])ropriatioiis for certain expenses of Government and for supplying deficiencies in former appropriations. Passed April 28,1870; three-fifths being present The People of the State of Sew York, represented in Senate and Asseniblij, do enact as foil oios : The sum of one million three hundred thousand dollars is lierel)y ap})ropriated towards the erection of the new ca])itol. So much of this appropriation as may be neces¬ sary shall 1)8 applied to the repayment of the sum of three hundred thousand dollars advanced to the commissioners the last year beyond the appropriation of that 'year, Avith interest. No money shall hereafter l)e paid, by the com¬ missioners for building the new capitol, unless the money shall have been actually appropriated sufficient therefor. Chap. 715. Ax Act making appropriations for certain expenses of Government, and for supplying deficiencies in former a]:)propriations. Passed April 2(), 1871 ; by a two-third vote. The People of the Slate of New York, represented in Senate and Assernbhj, do enact as follows : The sum of six hundred and fifty thousand dollars is lierel))' appropriated towards the erection of the ueiv capitol. 12 and Ilaniiltoii Harris, William C. Kingsley, AYilliani A. Kiee, Cliauneey M. I)epe\y, Delos DeWolf and Edwin A. Merritt are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose of erecting the new capitol in the place of the present board. No percentage or compensation shall l)e paid to con¬ tractors or other persons upon the value or amount of any day labor performed on said building, or any labor which shall be done and l)e paid for by the day, week or month under the j^retence of superintending such lalior or otlun’- tvise, except final and entire compensation to necessary fore¬ men or superintendents tor their services by the day, week or month. And said commissioners shall not employ as superintendent or foremen upon such building, any person or pei’sons tvho, during the time of such employment are, or may be engaged or interested in the construction of any other building, or in carrying on any other tvork. And the mechanics and laborers of this state shall have the preference in doing the work on said building, provided it shall not increase the cost of said work, and the labor to be performed l)y day’s Avork and not by contract. Chap. 738. Ax Act making ajiprojiriations for certain exjienses of Government and tor supplying deficiencies in former appropriations. Pas.sed May 15,1872; by a two-third vote. The People of the State of JTeve Yorh^ represented in Senate and Assembly^ do enact as follows: The sum of one million dollars is hereliy a[)})i*opriated towards the erection otthe new capitol, whicli shall be jiaid l)y the treasiii*er upon tli(‘ ^varr^lnt of tlic coin])troller, to the order ot tlie iieAV ca])itol conuuissioiiers ns tliev shall require the same. AVheuever there is a deficieuey in the treasury ot moneys a])plical)le to the payment of this a])})ro- l)riation, the comptroller is hereby authorized and required to l)or]*o\v, from time to time, such sums as the said commis¬ sioners may require, and the money so borrowed, shall be refunded from the moneys received from the taxes levied to meet this appro])riation. (Hiap. 7(H). Ax A(t making appropriations for certain expenses of Government and supplying deficiencies in former aj)prc- ])riations. Passed June 1873; by a two-third vote. Tlte Peojyle of the State of Neio Yorlx^ rejjvesentcd in Senate and Asscmhly^ do enact as folloics: The sum of one million dollars is here1)y appropriated toward the erection of the new capitol, wdiich shall be paid by the treasui'er u])on the warrant of the comptroller, to the order of the new capitol commissioners as they shall re(piire the same. Whenevei* there is a deficiency in the treasury of moneys a|)plical)le to the ])ayment of this a])pro ])riation, the comptroller is hereby authorized and required to l)orrow, from time to time, such sums as the said commis¬ sioners may require, and the moneys so borrowed shall be 1 ‘efunded from the moneys received from taxes levied to meet this appropriation. The new capitol commissioners are hereby authorized to remove that part of the dining room of Congress Hall, projecting west of the main build¬ ing to some other part of said hall, and to make ])rovision 14 to secure the new capitol l)uil(liiig against dainago froiii fire, (‘ither ])y means of a l)lank wall or hy iron sliutters upon the rear windows of Cono’ress Hall. Ax Act making ap])]‘ 0 ])riations for certain expenses ot (fovernment and sii})plying deficiencies in former aj)])ro- ])riations. Passed May 5, 1874; by a two-third vote. The People of tlio State