11 * / ' * flf V / 7rf ; 7-h THE SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN FLOWING WATER. By ELON HUNTINGTON HOOKER. A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Cornell University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ITHACA, N. Y. MAY, 189G. I < < <■ < < Cornell Uuiv. Lib. Bxehsng, *AR 28 »*i)8 6 C v 1896. AUGUST. No. 6. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. INSTITUTED 18 52. PAPERS. Note.—T his Society is not responsible, as a body, for the facts and opinions advanced in any of its publications. THE SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN FLOWING WATER.* --;-— 4 »’*• By Elon Huntington Hooker. Considerable sjiace in this paper is devoted to the historical side of the subject because the sources of information are widely scattered, and it is desired to indicate, so far as possible, the origin of the ideas and observations upon sedimentary movements which have become common knowledge. In the second part of the paper a comparison of particular facts and observations leads to certain general conclusions with reference to the manifestation of the phenomena studied. The concluding portion is devoted to an analysis of the different explana¬ tions of the cause of suspension, for the purpose of building ujj a satis¬ factory theory. To conduce to uniformity and clearness, the following symbols will be used throughout this discussion : * Printed by the American Society of Civil Engineers in advance of its publication in Proceedings. 4 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. g — 32.2 ft. per second = acceleration of gravity. F = area of right section of body considered. h = head of water corresponding to the velocity v. d z=. mean velocity of the stream in the vertical considered. v = surface velocity at the vertical considered. x> n = bottom velocity at the vertical considered. i = inclination of the water surface. /' = tangent of the angle of sliding friction. / = tangent of the angle of rolling friction (properly a distance). y = heaviness of the liquid considered. For the purposes of this article, y = 62.5 lbs. per cubic foot = heaviness of % fresh water. y' = heaviness of the solid considered. P = resultant thrust, in the stream direction, exerted by a moving liquid upon a solid. V = volume. G = weight. M = mass. Jc = constant determined by experiment. Z = mean depth of stream. z = variable depth below surface. b = width of stream. r = radius of sphere. q =z liquid discharge per unit width of stream. cl = solid discharge per unit of width. Part I. —Historical Development of the Problem 1 . The varied phenomena incident to the flow of rivers have demanded the consideration and even the anxiety of riparian owners from a time far antedating the development of the modern science of hydraulics. Wherever rugged slopes discharge their melted snows or heavy rains are gathered from steep, impervious water-slieds, a mountain torrent has its birth, and the householder in the valley early learned to study its varying humors. The rapid descent of the Apennines to the sea and the consequent turbulent character of the streams of northern Italy, made this a fruitful field of study to a people w T hose scientific 1 It is proposed here to select, from the mass of literature touching upon this problem, only those discussions and observations which seem to mark a distiuct step toward ils final scientific solution. HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 5 spirit had already gone far toward establishing the fundamental laws of fluid motion. During the latter part of the seventeenth century means were sought for the amelioration of these mountain rivers. Dominique Gruglielinini, physician and hydraulician, was employed by Venice and other Italian cities to prepare plans looking toward the prevention of their ravages. His greatest work was the building of the levees on the Po above Plaisance, and his writings 1 gave the first impetus to a scientific study of fluvial phenomena. In 1773 Johann Silbersclilag produced his comprehensive treatise on hydraulics 2 , covering this field to some extent, but it was left to Dubuat ’ in 1786 to publish the first experimental studies which can be considered authoritative. These experiments were made at Paris by order of the French government. His determination of the different velocities at which solid particles begin to be moved by flowing water has been accepted by subsequent writers, and with his work begins the scientific knowledge of the movement of alluvions in sedimentary rivers. Dubuat’s artificial canal was- formed of planks 12 pieds 4 in length, 3 pouces thick and 18 pouces wide, so fitted that the form could be altered from rectangular to trapezoidal by the addition of supple¬ mentary bracing. Its total length was 132 pieds, and in the trapezoidal form it had a clear bottom width of 5f pouces to a surface width of 3 pieds. Water was discharged into the canal under a maximum head of 7 to 8 pieds. Surface velocities were measured with floats, noting the time of < . • • traversing 10 toises . For determining bottom velocities a small ball of mastic was first adopted. Its specific gravity was such that it lost yf of its weight in water, and w'as thus very easily moved. Later, more satisfactory results were obtained with red currants. These were smoother, moving with less friction, and could be more easily seen. The time of passing through a distance of 60 pieds was noted. 1 “ Della natura di fiumi trattato fisico matematico. ” Guglielmini, Bologna, 1697. 2 “ Hydrotechnik oder des Wasserbaues.” Johann Silbersclilag, Leipzig, 1773. Copy at Zurich Polytechnikum. 3 “Traite d’Hydraulique.” Dubuat, Paris, 1786. Page 57, Volume I. Third edition published in 1816. Copy at Zurich Polytechnikum and at Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris. \ “ Systeme ancien ” of France— 1 pouce = 1.066 ins. 1 pied = 1.066 ft. 1 toise = 6.395 ft. These units were in use previous to 1812. Between 1812 and 1840 the “systeme usuel ” was in vogue. Its values are slightly larger.—1 pouce = 1.093 ins. 6 HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. The bottom velocities at which various materials began to be moved by the current were as follows: Potter’s clay (beginning -with a velocity of 45 pouces, it continued to be carried away as the velocity was gradually de¬ creased to 7 pouces. At 7 pouces a deposit of fine sand took place, which continued on down through a velocity of 4 pouces, until at 3 pouces per second the clay ceased to show action) 3 pouces per second. Gravel (size of anise seed). 4 pouces. Gravel (size of peas).. 7 Coarse sand (sand remained stable while bottom velocity was increased from 3 up to 7 pouces. At 8 pouces it began to be entrained and for veloci¬ ties of 12 to 45 pouces per second it continued to be entrained and suspended). 8 “ Sea pebbles (1 pouce diameter).24 “ Dubuat’s experiments also showed that a current velocity of 10 or 12 pouces per second was sufficient to produce sand waves in a bot¬ tom whose grains were large enough to be easily visible. He describes these furrows as perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cur¬ rent with a short steep down-stream face and a long gentle posterior slope. Each sand grain was slowly rolled along the up-stream incline » and fell of its own weight down the crest, thus advancing the wave by steps equal to the diameter of the grains. 1 2 He computes a velocity under these circumstances which requires two years to cover a length of 2 400 toises. The expression now universally used to represent the thrust exerted by a current against a solid of any form was deduced by Dubuat' and the coefficients experimentally determined. He argued that the pressure on the up-stream face (pj) would be greater and that on the down-stream face (p 2 ) would be less than the 1 For a similar description see “ Report of Chief of Engineers, U. S. A.,” 1875,11, pp. 502- 504. Also “Handbuch der Wasserbaukunst.” G. Hagen, 1871,'Zweiter Tlieil, “ Die Strome,” S. 161-162. 2 See Flamant, “ Hydraulique,” 1891, p. 561. I HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. <*• t pressure ( p ) at the corresponding points if the solid were removed. Therefore, the total impelling force would be P = F ( Pl —p 2 ) = F [( Pl — p) + (p —p 2 )]. These pressures can be written as functions of the velocity height h, w r hence v 2 9 9 P\ p XT p —p 2 7 2 g y when m and n are experimentally determined. By substitution, 9 / C~‘ P = (in -f- n) y F-— or, as usually written, *9 ft P = k y F 2p The fact that floating solids move with a velocity superior to that of the current which bears them was noted by Dubuat 1 . His expla¬ nation of it was inaccurate, but the phenomenon itself has an import¬ ant bearing on the present discussion. Of interest in this connection is the experimenter’s statement with reference to the theoretical form of bed best adopted for flowing streams. He rejects the rectangle and semicircle as being unable to sustain their own weight in soft soils and chooses the trapezoidal cross- section as offering a proper talus. These right lines will be rounded by the stream itself, the slope being proportioned to the diminishing velocity from center to sides. 2 Dubuat’s work further includes various studies into the regime of rivers and the development of rules for that radius of curvature at bends which will best conduce to stability. To him belongs the honor of inception along these lines. J. A. Fabre was the next to publish systematic studies 3 on the movements of solids in torrents and rivers followed in 1811 by the voluminous encyclopedia of Wiebeking. 4 These men extended the range of observed data without making material additions to the theory of fluvial action. In the year 1845, Bouniceau 5 discussed at considerable length the i“Principes d’Hydraulique,” Dubuat, No. 220. Quoted by Durand-Claye, Annales des Fonts et Chausst^s, 1886, 1, 530. 2 See "Principes d’Hydraulique,” Dubuat, 1786, Vol. I, p. 119. 3 “ Essai sur la tbeorie des torrents et des rivieres,” J. A. Fabre, Paris, 1797, Premiere Partie. 4 “ Wasserbau.” C - F. Wiebeking, Munich, 1811-1817, 4 volumes. » “ Etude sur la navigation des rivieres a marees et la conquete de lois et relais de leur embouchure.” Bouniceau, Paris, 1845. 8 HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. shifting of sands in tidal estuaries, and showed himself a close student of the laws of erosion by water action. His excellent little volume brings to light and discusses a number of anomalies in this form of action. He gives a set of values of the bottom velocities at which erosion begins to take place with different materials : 1 Clay.0.08 — 0.15 m. per second. Coarse sand. 0.22 — 0.30 “ Coarse gravel.0.11 — 0.61 “ Ordinary pebbles . 0.65 — 1.00 “ Stones (size of an egg). 1.00 — 1.20 “ Conglomerates.1.52 “ •' Sedimentary rock.1.83 “ Solid rock.3.00 The River Garonne for a length of 45 miles below the embouchure of the Lot was made the object of a series of observations covering 11 years by M. Baumgarten. 2 These measurements deal with the varying discharges from month to month, with the constant changes in form of cross-section and maximum depths, determinations of the fall and heights of water as well as with geological and meteorological studies of the valley. It has formed the model for later fluviatile studies. Here are given the first measurements of discharge of detritus 3 which the author has been able to find. Daily samples were taken at Marmande from the surface of the river in a vessel containing 4.6 liters. This w r as allowed to stand for nine or ten days, the clear water decanted and the sediment filtered until thoroughly dry. After weighing, a simple calculation gave the weight in grams of mud per cubic meter of water. These measurements were continued from 1839 to 1846 continuously, and the average monthly solid discharge of the river at this point computed. 4 M. Baumgarten distinguishes three different methods of movement common to these solids. 1 “Etude sur la Navigation/' etc., p. 19. 2 “ Navigation fluviale, Garonne.” M. Baumgarten, Ingenieur ordinaire. Annales des Fonts et Chausstcs, 1848. 2, 1-157. 3 Same, pp. 47, 140. 4 In order to see if the water contained the same amount of suspended matter at all depths, Baumgarten made a series of tests of specimens from different depths and taken from points where the velocity was different. From the results given in the table in the continuation of this note on the opposite - page he decided that a surface specimen gave a fair average. HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 9 First. —A discontinuous rolling motion along tlie bed of the stream which takes place when the velocity of the current is limited or the materials large. Second .—TVith greater velocities or smaller particles, a discontinuous suspension in the lower laminae of the current. Third .—Movement in continuous suspension when the particles are carried throughout the entire length considered. The sand waves which M. Dubuat had observed on a small scale are reproduced in the Garonne on a large scale in gravel shoals, and M. Baumgarten made careful measurements of the yearly progress of one of these crests. In 1840 the talus down stream had a vertical height of 1.3 m., a base of 2.8 m., while the length of the crest was 180 m. In 1841, the form was nearly the same, but the crest had moved down stream parallel to itself about 30 m. In 1842 the forward motion was 20 m. These gravels were of about the size of a walnut, and the velocity of the water averaged 2.25 m. per second. Thus far attention had been especially directed towards the phe¬ nomenon of dragging, and the laws it follows had been, to some extent, investigated. Inspecteur-General Dupuit, 1 in 1848, emphasized the true imjjortance of suspension in the movements of soft river bottoms, and to him is due the first scientific study of the causes which pro¬ duce this action. Dates. Depth at which the water was taken. Weight of Filtered Sediment. In dead water of a bv idge or in a gentle current. In a stroi g current. rat the botiom at 7.0 m_ Grams. 0.72 Grams. March 25th, 1847.. | at 3 5 m . 0.75 • • • • ( at the surface. 0.82 • • • • (at the bottom at 8.0 m.... 0.34 • • • • March 27th, 1847.. | at 4.0 m. 0.32 . • • . ( at the surface . 0.19 • • • • (at the bottom at 8.75 m... 1.29 0.93 April 9th, 1847- 1.43 1.18 (at the surface. 1.13 1.22 (at the bottom at 9.0 m_ 1.89 1.90 April 15th, 1847.... jat 4.50 m . 1.78 2.15 ( at the surface. • • • • 1.60 (at the bottom at 8.0 m.... 0.94 0.90 April 18th, 1847.... | at 4.00 m. 0.87 0.68 (at the surface. 1.33 0.87 \ 1 “ Etudes tlieoriques et pratiques sur le mouvement des eaux." Paris, 1848. Second edition, Paris, 18C3, pp. 214-229. J. Dupuit, Inspecteur-General. 10 HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIOS IN RIVERS. Dupuit calls attention to the exjDeriment of revolving rapidly a glass of water containing sand grains. He notes that there is a direct relation between the velocity of the water and the amount of sand in suspension, and that the grains tend to arrange themselves in succes¬ sive laminae according to the order of their size; as the velocity is decreased, they descend successively to the lower strata. These facts had all been observed before his time, but Dupuit goes farther than his predecessors in noting that the maximum amount of suspension, i. e., that in the lower layers, corresponds, not to the greatest absolute velocity of the current, but to the maximum relative velocity of con¬ tiguous molecules. This is a distinct step in advance. Dupuit finds here his explanation of the phenomenon of suspension. Starting with the fact first noted by Dubuat that the velocity of a float exceeds that of the current, 1 he calls attention to the tendency of such bodies to move toward the filaments of greatest velocity and ex¬ plains this upon the principle of least work. Assuming the resistance to its motion to vary with the direction of its path, this direction will necessarily be that which offers the least resistance. Therefore an oblique path toward the most rapid current in the stream line will result, since this will offer the least difference in velocity between the solid and the fluid and so the least frictional work. Dupuit derives a law for this lateral movement as follows: Let v = the absolute longitudinal velocity of the body. u = the absolute transverse velocity of the body. w = absolute velocity of filament at shore side of body. ✓ w’ = absolute velocity of neighboring filament toward center of stream. The relative velocity of the body as regards the liquid surrounding it may be expressed by: y/ u 2 v' 2 w -f- w 1 (1) Considering the resultant of the resistances which the body suffers as approximately proportional to this relative velocity, the value of u may be found for which this resultant is a minimum. Calling Q the angle of inclination of the tangent to the curve of velocities at the point considered, w' = w -(- u tan. Q .(2) 1 Dupuit, in common with Dubuat, ascribes this excess of velocity to the accelerating force represented by the component of the bodies’ weight parallel to the surface of the cur¬ rent. M. Du Boys, Annales des Fonts et Chaussees, 1886, 1, 199-242, has clearly demonstrated he incorrectness of this explanation. t HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 11 Substituting (2) in (1) and putting the first differential coefficient of the expression equal to zero, he finds that the resistance will be a mimi- mum for tan. 0 , - « = •— i. c., the transverse velocity should decrease with the tangent of the curve of surface velocities, or, in other words, from the banks to the center of the stream. This is equivalent to saying that the maxi¬ mum lateral velocity will correspond to the maximum relative velocity of the filaments. 1 Applying this same law to the velocities considered in a longitudi¬ nal section, he finds a resultant force acting obliquely upward, which produces the phenomenon of suspension. As this force will be greatest where the relative velocities are greatest, i. e., near the bottom, the lower laminae will carry the heavier load of particles. Solids of equal density will arrange themselves from bed to surface in the order of their volume. Suppose, now, the relation of a solid to neighboring ones is considered. The presence of another will tend to decrease the relative velocities of the filaments, and so the two will be obliged to descend to a lov r er lamina than would the one alone. Descent or ascent will follow according as the bodies approach each other or separate. Dupuit formulates these laws as follows: “ First .—A w r ater current can suspend solids of a density superior to its own. “Second .—The power of suspension depends upon the relative velocity of the filaments and is greater according as this relative (l V velocity is greater. In general, it is proportional to the quantity —— Cv z (where v == velocity of current and z = depth below surface) so that lover layers can carry either more solids or those of greater volume. “ Third .—The power of suspension of a bed is limited, i. e., a square meter of cross-section can only carry a certain number of solids of a definite volume. Thus each lamina has a different degree of saturation.” 1 Observations made by Major CunniDgham in the Ganges Canal seemed to indicate a current from the shore to mid-stream whose intensity followed this same law (see Proceed¬ ings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXXI, p. 66.) As this current was indicated only by the behavior ol certain floats, it is more in consonance with present knowledge to believe their action due to the cause given here by Dupuit than to suppose au actual lateral motion of the water. 12 HOOKER OX SUSPENSION OP SOLIDS IN RIVERS. Dupuit assumes a river flowing with section and fall unchanged, and saturated with sediment. The entire load will be carried to the embouchure. Suppose the section to vary. At each change will come a change in the curve of velocities and a consequent change in the # 4 power of suspension. When this power is reduced, there will follow a deposit, and when it is increased, erosion will take place. He makes it clear also that these results are dependent, not only upon the section at the point where the change takes place, but also upon the anterior portion of the river as affecting the state of saturation in which the river reaches the section in question. These effects can be brought about at any point whatever by suitably changing the up-stream section. When a deposit occurs the material comes wholly from the lower laminae, and they, in turn, receive from the upper ones the material in excess of their power of suspension. This exjdains the lamination of river-beds in materials increasing in size with depth below the bottom. The frequent presence of beds of finer particles interrupting this structure he explains by the principle that saturation may be obtained either by the size of the particles or by their nearness together. The numerous variations to which this laminated movement is subject is noticed, and explains the constant rising and falling of particles from one lamina to another, while the nature of the horizontal curve of velocities is such as to cause a constant movement of particles from the banks toward the center. To this mav be attributed the %/ tendency of a river to form islands in the middle of its bed at the expense of its banks. Among the German writers of this period, the discussion of the transportation of stones by torrents was especially taken up by Joseph von Gumppenberg Pottmes 1 , but no further experiments were pub¬ lished until 1857, when Blackwell 2 , in England, extended the investi¬ gations of Dubuat to solids of larger dimensions. The velocities given in the table on the next page are those at which movement began: 1 “ Der Wasserbau an Gebirgsfllisten,” Joseph Freiherrn von Gumppenberg Pbttmes, Augsburg, 1834. 2 See “Report of tbe Referees upon the Main Drainage of the Metropolis,’’ July 31st, 1857, Appendix IV. Also, fur table here quoted, see rroceedivgs of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 82, p. 48. HOOKER OK SUSPENSION - OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 13 Description of substance. Cubic Contents. 1 . Cubic inches. a. Cubic inches. Brickbats. 2.59 18.5 Brickbats. 4.76 18.5 Oolites. 2.39 17.68 Flints. 1.95 10.37 Slate. 2.38 9.06 Velocities. 1. Feet per second. 3. Feet per second. ( 1.75 2.75 ! to to ( 2.00 3.00 ( 2.25 2.75 to to ( 2.50 3.00 ( 2.00 2.75 to to ( 2.25 3.00 ( 2.50 3.00 to to ( 2.75 3.25 ( 2.00 2.75 to to ( 2 25 3.00 Increase of contents of substances moved. 7.14 3.97 7.40 5.32 3.81 Increase of velocities. Sixth root ot increase of contents. 1.37 to 1.70 1.10 to 1.33 1.22 to 1.50 1.09 to 1.30 1.22 to 1.50 1.38 1.26 1.39 1.32 1.25 The inqiortant idea of saturation with solid material is definitely stated 1 by M. Scipion Gras in a valuable paper 2 3 published at this time. He defines saturation in a stream as that state at which the least addition to the solid material already carried will cause a deposit, and its power of entrainment as the total weight of material which a given stream in a state of saturation can carry. He assumes this power of transport to vary directly with the velocity, density and depth of the water, and, these quantities remaining constant, to vary with the volume, density and form of the solids submitted to its action. Upon these principles he explains erosion as a necessary consequence, when the saturation corresponding to the actual velocity is incomplete, un¬ less the bed offers too great a resistance. Measurements of the advance of the crests of shoals, similar to those undertaken by Baumgarten in 1840, were made by Hiibbe 4 in 1861 on sand bars. His observations show the same wave form on a large scale, which Dubuat had noticed in the minute form, and con¬ firm Baumgarten’s statement of the forward motion of the crests. The results of the exhaustive study of the Mississippi Biver 4 and 1 Probably first stated by Frisi, “ On Rivers and Torrents,” 1732. See Report on Missis¬ sippi River. Humphreys & Abbot, pjj. 190, 415. s “Etudes sur le torrents des Alpes.” M. Scipion Gras , Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, 1857, 2, pp. 1-96. 3 Zeitschrift fur Bauweseu, Jahrgang xi, 1861. Abstracted in Zeitschrift des Architekten und Ingenieur- Vereins, Hauover, 1863, p. 518. . 4 “Report on the Mississippi River.” Humphreys and Abbot, 1861. Reprinted with additions, Washington, 1876. 14 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. its delta were published in 1861, and contain a wide range of data on the distribution of sediment. Observations along the same lines as those of Baumgarten were instituted at Carrollton in 1851, and lasted throughout two years. They were conducted by Prof. Forshey. Sam¬ ples were taken from a point near the east bank, where the high-water depth was 100 ft., from the middle of the river, and from a point near the west bank, where the high-water depths were 100 and 40 ft., respect¬ ively. These tests were made daily (except Sundays) and samples taken from surface, mid-depth and bottom by means of a small weighted keg, with valves opening upward, which was designed to allow free passage to the water until it reached the desired depth. At the station near the west bank only surface and bottom samples were taken. An average value was obtained for the weight in grams of sediment to 600 grs. of water at each of the positions, 100 grs. of the water being measured out into its proper precipitating bottle for each of the six working days of the week, and corresponding to each of the eight positions. During the second year samples were taken only from the surface and at the position near the east bank. The tabulated results of these measurements are given in Humphreys and Abbot’s Report (edition of 1876, pp. 134, 417). From the study of these results, Humphreys and Abbot drew the following conclusions: “ This table is fruitful in results. It establishes that the Mississippi water is not charged to its maximum capacity with sediment, because the distribution of the material is different from what must have place were this the case. Dupuit demonstrates that the power of sus¬ pension is due to the fact that the different layers of water are actuated by different velocities, and thus exert different pressures upon the dif¬ ferent sides of the suspended atoms. Hence, the greater the difference in the velocity of consecutive layers, the greater will be the power of suspension. Now, it is conclusively proved in Chapter IV 1 that the change of velocity from layer to layer is in horizontal planes, greatest near the banks and the least near the thread of the current; and in vertical planes, parallel to the current, the greatest near the bottom and surface, and the least at a point about 0.3 of the depth below the surface, where the absolute velocity has its maximum value. If, then, the water be either charged to its maximum capacity or overcharged with sediment, we must find the greatest amount near the banks and 1 “ Report on the Mississippi River.” Humphreys and Abbot. hooker ok suspension of solids in rivers. 15 neai the surface and bottom, and the least amount near the thread of the current and near the layer 0.3 of the depth below the surface. If the water be undercharged, on the contrary, the distribution of sediment will folloAv no law, the amount at any point being fixed by the acci¬ dental circumstances of whirls, boils, etc., although, of course, there 'will be an accumulation of material near the bottom, where the sus¬ pending power is very much greater than elsewhere. Bearing these well-established principles in mind, an inspection of the preceding tab±e must convince any one that the Mississippi water is under¬ charged with sediment, even in the low-water stage. A most im¬ portant practical deduction may be drawn from this fact, namely, the error of the popular idea that a slight artificial retardation of the cur¬ rent, that caused by a crevasse, for instance, must produce a deposit in the channel of the river below it.” Sediment observations were also made at Columbus bv the Mis- «/ sissippi survey from March to November, 1858, but, as only surface specimens were taken and no tabulated results give a means of com¬ parison between the amounts in suspension near the banks and at the thread of the current, they can be of little service in the scientific study of the distribution of sediment in the cross-section of the river. Curves are shown, however, on Plates XII and XIII of their Report, 1 2 from which the relation between the mean velocity of the river and the corresponding mean amount of suspended matter at Carrollton and Columbus may be seen.“ The values from which these curves are plotted are given at page 417 of the same report (edition of 1876). From them Humphreys and Abbot are led to the same conclusion as before, i. e., that the Mississippi water is not saturated with sedi¬ ment, using the term in the sense in which it is used by M. Scipion Gras. 3 Their line of reasoning is as follows: If the water be at all times - charged with sediment to the maximum capacity allowed by its veloc¬ ity, then the amount of sediment at different stages must vary pro- jmrtionately with the mean velocity. “ At the date of highest water, both in 1851 and 1858, the river held in suspension but little more sediment per cubic foot than at dead low water. * * * Moreover, it will be seen that an analysis of the dis¬ tribution of sedimentary matter held in suspension leads to the same 1 “ Report on the Mississippi River.” Humphreys and Abbot. 2 See page Gl. 3 See page 13. I 1G HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. conclusion, by establishing that the river is never charged to its maxi¬ mum capacity of suspension.” Extreme care was taken in all these measurements determining the amount of sediment in the sample obtained. It was shown that deter¬ minations of sediment must be made by weight and not by volume, as the latter method introduced discrepancies. These were due to the difference in density of the sediment, resulting from different methods of manipulation by various observers. An extended series of measurements had been in progress on the Elbe, at Harburg, during the years 1837 to 1855, by Baurath Blohm. 1 The data obtained were minutely examined and formed the nucleus for a work treating of the subject in all its bearings. The early death of Herr Blohm prevented the publication of anything but the introductory part of the proposed book. Reference will be made to these observations later. In 1871, M. Partiot published studies 2 on the movement of sands in the Loire, and enriched the knowledge of the subject by minute observations and extensive measurements. This monograph deserves especial mention, as it brings out strongly the importance of vortices and eddies in the suspending power of water. Attention is called to the interaction of the suspended particles in changing their forms by friction, to the suspension and disin¬ tegration of the clays in the higher layers and their mixture with vegetable matter to form the rich alluvial deposits which settle on the summit of the shoals at the embouchure of the Loire. The slower moving sands are carried only intermittently in suspension. Measurements are given to show that the quantities of sediment de¬ crease toward the river mouth, and the interesting point is determined by exjjeriment that the amount of silt varies not only with the height of the flood, with reference to others, but also with its own relative state. Increasing as the flood crest approaches, it reaches a maxi¬ mum at its summit and descends to a lower point at the middle of the posterior slope than at the corresponding point of the anterior slope. Partiot emphasizes the idea that the sands are only sustained by 1 “ Ueber die in fliessenden Wasser suspendirt erhaltenen Sinkstoffe.” Zeitschrift dtt Architekten und Ingenieur Vereins, Hanover, 1867, pp. 240-297. 5 “ M6moire sur les Sables de la Loire.” M. Partiot. Annales des Ponts et Chaussies, I., 1871. HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 17 eddies and vortices. He refers to experiments made at Nantes in 1869. Samples were taken at different depths at a point where the river was straight and free from eddies. Sand was not found in suspension, though when introduced 60 ft. above, in a surface velocity of 1.4 ft. per second, its presence was readily detected. At another point, where there was a marked eddy, grains of sand and mica were seen to surge to the surface and glitter in the sunlight, while grains of quartz were brought up in the receptacle from all depths. When the vortices were rapid, grains could even be taken in the hand. The production of these vortices and eddies is attributed to the in¬ equalities of the bottom, the solids deposited there, the deflecting ac¬ tion of concave banks and the action of floods. As the flood moves down a river in the form of an attenuated wave, the water flows down the front incline with an accelerated velocity. It overtakes the surface water down stream and flows over it, causing eddies. These grow greater as the crest of the wave is approached, since the fall increases, reach a maximum at the summit and decrease on the posterior portion, where the fall is decreased. This view is cor¬ roborated by the corresponding measurements of sediment in sus¬ pension. The great velocities which these vortices reach in time of flood ex¬ plain the movement of boulders, which could not be taken up by ordinary waters. M. Partiot calls to mind the lifting strength of whirl¬ winds as a parallel case. An interesting point is brought up in the ref¬ erence to the action of ice in the movement of these solids. The sand grains and pebbles, as w’ell as large stones, at times become frozen into the ice forming at the bed and banks of streams. With the least rise in the water this may become detached and carried to great dis¬ tances. It is to dragging rather than suspension that Partiot attributes the motion of sands in the Loire, and quotes some valuable researches made by M. Sainjon in this connection. A body immersed in a moving liquid is subjected by the current to a thrust which may be expressed by k y Fli — k y F -f —. 2 g M. Sainjon takes the constant k = 1.46 for a prism, and k = .60 for a sphere, or as an average k = 1 for the particles making up gravels. 18 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. The action of gravity upon this immersed body tending to roll it down stream is put equal to Since i rarely reaches the value it is neglected and the approximate expression becomes — V O' — r)f, whence the resultant force in the direction of the current becomes P = yF v O' — r)f assuming k = 1. To determine the value of f, M. Sainjon uses the results of the ex¬ periments of Dubuat. In this case the bottom velocities were determ¬ ined at which the various materials ceased to be moved by the current 1 2 and at this point he considers that the approximate resultant force obtained above may be put = o, i. e., 2 r F — v O' — r)f= whence V v 2 f-pir'-r) = r ¥ -, 1 This value is inexact. The correct value is derived as follows: Represent the resultant weight in water of the body rolling down the inclined river-bed by W — V (y' — y). Let 0 = the angle of the inclination of the bed. The gravity component parallel to the bed = IVsin . 0. (1) The normal component of W = N = W cos. 0. The rolling friction = F = N tan. Q — W cos. 0 tan. Q . (2) Therefore the resultant force acting is: W sin. 0 — W cos. 0 tan. Q. or since tan. 0 = i and tan. Q =f, this becomes v (V — y) (--- P q - — cos. 0 tan. q) = V(y' — y ) ( — — D ‘ — cos. 0 tan. sec - P ' Vyi + tan.2 0 J = r, = >/ 0.11 = 0.331; v e = 0.7 X 0.33 A HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 23 Substituting the value = 1.016 m. and the values Z = mean depth = 0.5 m. = 1.0 m. = 2.0 m. he derives the corresponding values v = 0.71, 0.75 and 0.78. By combining Darcy and Bazin’s equations v \ — v + 14 V Z i and ©i = v 0 -}- 24 V Z i he obtains v 0 = v — 10 's/ Z i . which combined with (a) gives 4 (d) = 1 — 10 I 0.00028 -f 0.00035 («) v \J 1 Z . Substituting the values of v which correspond to the assumed values of Z, the values of v 0 are obtained— v Q = 0.49, 0.56 and 0.61. M. Lechalas adopts a mean of these values, v 0 = 0.55 m., as the upper limit of the bottom velocity corresponding to transport by rolling on the bed of the Loire. Since the range of velocities for which the table on page 21 gives indications of a combined mode of transport occupies such a small part of the velocity scale (from = 1.016 m. to < 1.03 m.), he assumes the same value, v 0 = 0.55, as the lower limit of the bottom velocity corresponding to transport by sus¬ pension. To show more clearly the actual relation of these velocity limits to the variables of the current, an ideal canal is assumed, of constant width and of a flow equal to 3 cu. m. per unit of width, so that 5 = 1 and q = 3. Equations (a) and (d) preceding combined with the equation q = Z v, which expresses the definition of liquid discharge when b is put equal to 1, give, for v 0 = 0.55 in., i = 0.000035, Z = 4.50 m., and v = 0.67 m. and, for v 0 = 0.25 m., i = 0.000003, Z = 10.00 m. and v = 0.30 m. To express these results in the words of M. Lechalas: “A bed of regular width, filled with sand which is not renewed, and which lies at an inclination exceeding a certain limit, receives a 24 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION" OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. discharge of 3 m. of water per second per unit of width. After a length of time, greater or less, according to the fall and the length of the canal, a state of unstable equilibrium establishes itself. The mean depth is then 4.50 m., the mean velocity 0.67 m., the fall 3.5 cm. per kilometer, and the bottom velocity 0.55 m. “ The sand, however, is still transported, but in quantities smaller and smaller each second. After a considerable time a new state of equilibrium is established. This is final; it corresponds to a mean depth of 10 m., a mean velocity of 0.30 m., a fall of 3 mm. per kilo¬ meter, and a bottom velocity of 0.25 m. Although these computations apply only to an ideal channel, yet they are of interest as showing what an important role is played by the consideration of these velocity limits in the study of alluvial rivers.” Returning to the equations— d = in ( v 0 2 — 0.06) for 0.25 m. < v 0 < 0.55 m.(1) and d = m v 0 2 for v 0 >> 0.55 m.(2) M. Lechalas uses the following method to determine the value of m. By combining equations (c) and (e) of pages 22 and 23. v V 1 0 1 + 14 1 — 10 0.00028 + 0.00028 + 0.00035 z 000035' z which gives the ratio between the surface and bottom velocities in the artificial canal used by Darcy and Bazin. The bottom velocity ought to be less dependent upon the depth than that at the surface. If a formula is expressed in terms of the bottom velocity, it may properly be transformed into terms of the surface velocity and mean depth, or of mean velocity and mean depth. On the other hand, when the formula is in terms of the surface velocity, and it is desired to express it in terms of the bottom velocity, it is necessary to assume the ratio a constant for all values of the mean depth. This introduces an approximation unavoidable without a new series of observations. Assuming Z = 1 meter 1 in equation (/) - 1 = 1.80 2 . 1 The mean of the values of Z used to obtain the critical value v 0 — 0.55 m., and hence the most consistent value to use in determining m. 2 For Z = 3 m., — = 1.60. v HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 25 Equation (o) page 22, which is based upon M. Sainjon’s empirical foimula, may be considered reasonably accurate for the range of velocities for which it is intended, as can be seen from a study of the computed results in the table of page 21. Equation (o) and equation (1) of page 22 may now be written d == 0.0001 (v 2 — 0.11) = m {v 2 — 0.0G) and, by introducing the approximate value v l = 1.80 v 0 from page 24, the value found 0.0001 \1.8 v 0 — 0.11/ v,/ — 0.06 For v 0 = 0.50 m. per second. m = 0.00037 1 and M. Lechalas’ equation (1) becomes d = 0.00037 (v 2 — 0.06).(3) and (2) becomes d = 0.00037 v 2 .(4) The objections to the introduction of the uncertain value of the 'V ratio — in obtaining these final equations are all admitted, but M. v o Lechalas maintains that if a numerical coefficient can be used when the discharge d is expressed in terms of v y at the surface, 2 one can be much more reasonably used when the equation is in terms of the bot¬ tom velocity v 0 . The years 1874 to 1879 marked the arousal of a great popular inter¬ est in the United States in the question of silt movements in the Mississippi. The bitter controversy between the Government engineers and Captain James B. Eads with his associates over the improvement of the mouth of the river need not be entered into here. Suffice it to say that the many spirited articles written on the subject during those years were not of great scientific value and left the knowledge of the dis¬ tribution of the sediment in the river in the same state of incompleteness in which it was left by the report of Humphreys and Abbot in 1861. Mr. Eads states his views in a letter 3 of March 15, 1874, with refer¬ ence to these sediment movements in the following words: 1 For values of Vo between 0.40 m. and 0.55 m., the corresponding values of m range between 0.00041 and 0.00036. 2 As is done in the equation (o) based on M. Sainjon’s formula; displacement = 0.00013 X (u 2 —0.11). 3 To William Windom, United States Senate, Chairman of Committee on Transportation Routes to the Seaboard. See “The Mississippi .Jetties,” p. 28, E. L. Corthell, New York, 1881. 26 HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. “ By far the greatest portion is, however, transported in suspen¬ sion. The amount of this matter and the size and weight of the particles which the stream is enabled to hold up and carry forward depend wholly upon the rapidity of the stream, modified, however, by its depth. * * * A certain velocity gives to the stream the ability of holding in suspense a proportionate quantity of solid matter and when it is thus charged it can sustain no more. The fact that a given current will keep in suspension a corresponding quantity of solid matter; that at a less velocity a portion of it will be deposited and taken up again at a greater, is fully recognized in experimental science and has been extensively made use of for analysis of soils. An eminent investigator of this subject, Prof. E. W. Hilgard, of the University of Michigan, now of the University of California, Oakland, Cal., has classified silts according to the different velocities at which they deposit. 1 This independent line of research fully confirms the view herein advanced in explanation of the phenomena presented through the alluvial bed of the Mississippi.” Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, expresses his views in a report 2 to the Secretary of War, dated April 15, 1874, in the following words: “It has been recently stated by a civil engineer, 3 in a pam¬ phlet concerning the improvement of the mouths of the Mississippi River by jetties, that the amount of sedimentary matter carried in suspension by the Mississippi River is in exact proportion to the velocity of its current; and that, as a given velocity of current will keep in suspension a corresponding quantity of solid matter at a less velocity a certain portion of it will be dropped. * * * The first statement is in direct conflict with the results of the long-continued measurements made upon the quantity of earthy matter held in sus¬ pension by the Mississippi River at Carrollton, near New Orleans, and at Columbus, 20 miles below the mouth of the Ohio, one of the chief objects of which was to determine this very question, whether any relation existed between the velocity and the quantity of earthy matter held in suspension. These results prove that the greatest velocity does not correspond to the greatest quantity of earthy matter 1 American Journal of Science III, VI, 337. “ The classified table of Prof. Hilgard gives the relative velocities created in a mechanical contrivauce made for test purposes in a laboratory in which coarse sand is dropped at a cer¬ tain velocity of the machine, which may be represented in nature as a current of about 2.5 ins per second; the finest sand when the current is 0.3 of an inch per second; the coarsest silt when the velocity is 0.14 of an iuch per second; the finest silt when the velocity is 0.02 of an iuch per second.” “ Report of Chief of E lgineors, 0. S. Army,” 1874, Part I, p. 865. * “ Report of Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army,” 1874. Part I, p. 863. 3 James B. Eads. HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 27 held in suspension; on the contrary, at the time of the greatest veloc¬ ity of the current at Carrollton, the river held in suspension but little inoie sediment per cubic foot than when the velocity was least. When the quantity of earthy matter held in suspension was greatest the velocity was 2 ft. per second less than the greatest velocity, the quan¬ tity of earthy matter in the one case being three times as great as in the othei. We find at another time, when the velocity was one-half the greatest velocity the quantity of earthy matter held in suspension was double the amount. Again, we find the quantity of earthy matter in susjmnsion the same, the velocity in the one case being 6.75 ft. per second and in the other, 1.5 ft. per second. I. —Carrollton, 1851. Date. Weight in grains of sediment in 1 cu. ft. of water. Mean velocity of river in feet, per sec¬ ond. Remakes. February 20th. 450 6.5 March 20th. 200 6.2 April 15th. 150 5.6 May (last week of). 100 3.75 June 20th. 650 4.3 July 10th to 30th. 450 4.8 August 1st to 20th. 450 From 4.8 to 3.5 Change in velocity regularly decreasing, while suspended matter remains the same. September 8th . 300 3.0 October and November. 100 1.75 December. 175 1.85 January 20th, 1852. 400 2.75 II.— Columbus. Twenty Miles below the Mouth of the Ohio, 1858. Date. Weight in grains of sediment in 1 cu. ft. of water. Mean velocity of river in feet per sec¬ ond. Remarks. April 1st . 300 7.00 April 10th . 300 5.25 April 25th. May 1st. 450 300 7.25 7.50 Mav 10th. 300 5.75 Mav 22d. 160 6.75 June 16th. 330 8.25 July 16tb-17th. 650 3.75 August, 2d. 350 4.75 Aupust. 9th ... 250 4.00 fipntftmlier 2d. 600 2.50 9t,h to 93d. 200 2.25 October (all of). 200 to 100 1.50 t Uniform decrease in amount | of sediment, the velocity ( remaining the same. 28 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. “ The tables (on page 27) illustrating what has just been said, have been prepared from the report on the Mississippi River. The figures given express the conditions not only on the day noted but on several successive days. “It is to be remarked that the investigations respecting the sedi¬ ment in suspension show that the quantity depended on the river from which the volume of discharge was at the time chiefly derived. “The cross-sections, both at Carrollton and Columbus, remained unchanged during the above observations.” In order to define still more clearly the position of General Hum¬ phreys on this question, the following quotation is made from his re¬ port of 1875 1 1 “It has been sometimes stated that every velocity of current is capable of carrying in suspension a certain fixed quantity of earthy matter, and that the water of a muddy river is always thus charged with the maximum quantity of earthy matter it can carry. * * * But this assumption as to the carrying power of currents is utterly disproved by long series of exact measurements upon the Mississippi River. * * * These measurements upon the quantity of earthy matter suspended in the Mississippi River show that at no time has the w r ater been so heavily charged with it that the current could not carry it along in suspension to the same extent as it did when the quantity of earthy matter was least; and they further show that the current of the Mississippi River, when most feeble, can carry in suspension the greatest quantity of suspended earthy matter found in it to the same extent that it can carry the least quantity found in it. “It was undoubtedly the observation of facts similar to these that led to the conclusion, entertained by some, that the suspending power of the current of a river did not depend upon its absolute rate of mo¬ tion, but upon the difference of velocity between the adjoining fillets of water. There is good reason to conclude that this is one of the causes or sources of the suspending power of a stream. “This proposition, therefore, respecting certain velocities of cur¬ rent always carrying certain fixed quantities of earthy matter, and always adjusting those quantities according to its own variations of strength is so entirely disproved by facts that it will not be considered again.” 2 1 Annual Report of Chief of Engineers. U. S. A..” 1875, Part I., pp. 959-975. Reprinted in Humphreys and Abbot’s “Report on the Mississippi River.” Edition of 1876. Appendix M. p C84 2 Those readers who wish to go farther into the details «>f this somewhat amusing cou- troveisy are referred to Humphreys and Abbot's Report on the Mississippi River, Edition of 1876. Appendices. Review of same by James B. Eads, M. Am. Soc. C. E. in Van JVostrand’s Engineer inq Maq azine, Vol. XIX. 1878, pp. 211-229. Answer to Mr. Eads’ attack by General Henry L. Abbjt, Van Nostrand’s Engineerinq Maq azin“, Januaiy, 1879, Vol. XX, pp. 1 6. Auswer tj General Abbot by Mr Eadi, Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine, Vol. XXI, 1879, p. 154. HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 29 An article by Mr. G. K. Gilbert, 1 upon the erosion of the Colorado canons, appeared in the American Journal of Science, July and August, 1876. While subject to some criticism, it may be regarded as a most valuable contribution to the knowledge of the laws of transport of solid bodies by water currents. It is believed that Mr. Gilbert is the only writer who has called attention to the fact that the same expendi¬ ture of energy will transport a greater weight of tine particles than of coarse ones of the same density. A series of observations was conducted by Assistant Engineer J. B. Johnson at Helena, on the Mississippi River, in 1879. 2 Longitudinal and transverse soundings were made to determine the existence and movement of sand waves in the river bed, and the results plotted 3 4 so as to show clearly the presence of these undulations. From the obser¬ vations Mr. Johnson deduces the following facts: “ Average length of waves from crest to crest, about 100 m. “Extreme length of waves from crest to crest, about 150 m. “ Average height of waves from crest to valley, about 5 ft. “ Extreme height of waves from crest to valley, about 8 ft. . “ Average velocity of motion of crest, 5.41 m. per day. “ These results were obtained in a depth of water varying from 13 to 30 ft. The stage of the river varied from 12 to 18 ft. above low water at Helena. The waves decreased in size for a falling river and vice versa. Their rate of motion down stream is a function of the velocitv of the %} water. They do not extend from bank to bank at Helena but disap¬ pear about 200 m. from each shore, covering about 1 000 m. of the cross-section of the river.” Sediment measurements were made by the same party from March 1st to June 18th, 1879, and deserve special mention because of the in¬ troduction of an improved sediment can for bringing up specimens from the bottom. Samples were taken each day from the surface and 1 ft. above the bottom at points one-fourth and three-fourths of the distance across the river. Proportions of sediment were determined by weight in the later experiments and the mean velocity of the river was determined by floats upon five occasions during the extent of the observations. 5 1 See digest in Engineering Ne.ws, August 19, 1870. 2 See “ Report of Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1879, Part III, pp. 1963- 1970. 3 See Plate I. p. 1966. “Report of Chief of Engineers,” 1879, Part III. 4 For sketch, see “Report of Chief of Eugineers, United States Army,” 1879, Part III, p. 1965. 5 The tabular result of these observations is given at p. 1969 of above Report. 30 HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. Simultaneous observations of a like nature were conducted at St. Louis 1 by R. E. McMath. Tbev are more satisfactory in that they offer a slight opportunity for study of transverse distribution of sedi¬ ment. Both sets give velocity measurements. The most extended set of observations published upon sedi¬ ment movements and sand waves are those instituted by the Missis¬ sippi 2 and Missouri 3 Commissions in 1879-1881. These were made at St. Louis, Carrollton, Prescott, Winona, Clayton, Hannibal, Grafton and St. Charles. They are wide enough to put at rest certain debated questions, but yet fail in several points to be completely satisfactory— notably in failing to give data on horizontal distribution. These measurements will be again referred to. Major Allan Cunningham made a series of observations on the Ganges Canal 1 to determine the amount of sediment carried and its distribution in the cross-section. A tube 12 ft. long, open at both ends, was thrust down vertically from a floating boat until the bottom was reached. It was then closed at the bottom, by a lid worked by a spring, and the column of water, extending from bed to surface, carefully separated from its sediment by decantation and filtration. This sediment, when weighed, gave a result, called silt-density, which represented the average density in the vertical examined. To determine the distribution of silt, two collections were made, by the method indicated, at each of nine points in the width of the canal at two different cross-sections. Each set was completed as rapidly as possible. The mean silt velocity past each vertical was computed by multiplying this silt density by the corresponding mean velocity. Cajitain Cunningham then plotted three transverse curves on a common base, using as ordinates the silt density, the mean silt velocity, and the mean velocity past each of the nine verticals. From the want of relative connection between these curves he concludes that in the Ganges Canal there is no close relation between the silt and the velocity at different parts of the channel, and that the silt density at any point varies from instant to instant. 1 Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, 1883, p. 33. 2 “ Report of Chief of Engineers United States Army,” 1883, Ilf. 3 “ Report of Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1887, IV. ■i " Roorkee Hydraulic Experiments,” Roorkee, 1881, Chap. XXIV. Abstracted and discussed in Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 1882, Vol. LXXI, pp. 1-94. Same reproduced in Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine, April and May, 1883. HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OE SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 31 In continuation of these measurements, 73 collections were made at four of the cross-sections, the depth and velocity at two of them being very different. These results led to the conclusion that the mean silt density in no way depended upon the depth or velocity in this canal, but rather upon the state of the supply water from the Ganges. The best known formula for the determination of the size of parti¬ cles dragged by a current of a given velocity is that proposed by Mr. Wilfred Airy, and derived by him as follows: 1 Let a = the length of the largest cube the current could move. Then weight of cube = y' a 3 * (y' const.). Friction of cube on bed of river =/' y< a 3 (p const.). Total pressure of current on exposed face of cube = k a 2 v * (k const.) For equilibrium— /' y' « 3 = k v 0 2 a 2 whence therefore the weight of the largest cube which a current with a bottom velocitv v„ could move would be «/ it y' a 3 — y k v. f> If G' and G" were the weights of cubes of silt, etc., which could just be moved by currents of bottom velocities v 0 ' and v 0 " respectively, then G’ G" or, numerically: If v 0 is increased by £ of itself, it will move particles of twice the / 1 V 5 1 weight, since / an( l ^ velocity v 0 is doubled, it will z 1 \ 6 1 move particles of 64 times the weight, since ( —- j = — . 1 See condensed description in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 82, p. 25. Notation changed. See Church’s “ Mechanics of Engineering,” p. 831. A formula, showing that the scouring power of a natural stream is proportional to the seventh power of the velocity, is said to have been proposed about 1855, by W. Hopkins, of Cambridge, England. See Baldwin Latham in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 82, p. 43. 32 HOOKER OH SUSPEHSlOH OF SOLIDS IH RIVERS. Mr. Henry Law shows this formula to be also applicable to the case of a cube rolled along instead of sliding, and to be true for a sphere as well as a cube. 1 His proof follows: The moment of resistance of the cube to turning about its edge is , 3 a t a y a ’ = = r The turning moment of the thrust of the current is 7 2 2 k a v 0 a k a 3 v, At the instant of turning the equation of equilibrium gives , a k a 3 v 0 2 whence k o a =y v ' Following the same process used by Airy above, this leads to his formula (1). In the case of spheres, assume each one to be resting upon three others. Weight of sphere = n r 3 y'. 6 Let r sin. ft — lever arm of weight about point of turning. Then moment of resistance to turning is 4 4 — tc r s y’. r sin. ft = — tc y ] r 4 sin. ft o o Thrust of the current = k it r 2 v 2 . Its lever arm about the i^oint of turning would be r cos. ft. Then the turning moment due to the thrust would be k it r 3 v 2 cos. ft. For impending motion, the equation of equilibrium gives 4 k 7t r 3 v 2 cos. ft = — 7r y' r A sin. ft o whence 3 k n - „ r = —;-- v n cot. ft. * * 4 y' This again leads to Mr. Airy’s equation (1) as above, ft being con¬ stant as r varies. 1 See Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 82, pp. 29-30. Notation changed. * Through an oversight, Mr. Shaw has obtained an incorrect numerical coefficient for this last equation in having used, for the value of the section of the sphere normal to the current, % it d 2 instead of j n d 2 . It is corrected here. HOOKER, OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 33 Mr. Shaw then concludes that the weight of particles moved by a current, whether cubes or spheres, and whether the action be sliding or rolling, will vary as the sixth power of the mean velocity of the current impinging on them, if cohesion between the particles be dis¬ regarded. t M. J. Thoulet, Professor of Science, at Nancy, published in 1884 the results 1 of some experiments made to determine the force required to keep particles of different sizes and densities suspended in water. The apparatus used consisted of a glass tube placed in a vertical position and connected at its lower end by a rubber tube with a stop¬ cock to regulate the velocity of a water-current ascending through the glass tube. The water was led away by a waste-pipe connected near the top, and the velocity for each experiment determined from the weight of water flowing. The details of the experiments were carried out with scientific exactitude. 2 M. Thoulet computed the mean velocity of the current required in tubes of four different diameters (2.2, 4.775, 6.75 and 8.0 mm.) to hold unmoved, at a fixed point, spheres of different sizes and densi¬ ties. These spheres were lead bullets of different calibers and balls of wax containing, in their interior, grains of tin, lead or copper. Their sphericity was tested under the microscope, and in all cases they were kept at the specified height for a length of time not less than 30 seconds. From his results M. Thoulet has computed a table giving in milli¬ meters per second the velocities of vertical currents of water capable of holding in suspension, at a fixed height in the tube, spherical grains of known radii and of given densities. These radii vary from 1 to 2.5 mm. and the densities from 1.5 to 4. The table 3 also gives, in milli¬ grams, the thrust of the current against the grain. This thrust is equal to the resultant weight of the grain immersed in water, i. e., -f it r 3 (y' — 1) = thrust and M. Thoulet has computed the values corresponding to the differ¬ ent values of r and y' from this formula. Making the assumption of spherical grains in a stream bed, he con¬ siders that each one may be regarded as resting on three others, and 1 Ann ales des Mines, 1884, I, pp. 507-530. For digest, see Annates des Fonts et Chaussees, 1885. I. pp. 492-500. 2 See description in Annalesdes Mines, 1884, I, pp. 507-530. 3 The same, p. 621. See p. 76 of this paper. 34 HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. shows graphically that for a horizontal movement a force will be required sufficient to move the grain up a slope of about 37°. 1 This force = $ 7t r 3 (y r — 1) sin. 37°. By referring to his table M. Thoulet determines the bottom veloc¬ ities required to exert a force equal to that demanded by this formula for the three cases given below. Material. Diameter of grains in millimeters. Velocity required in millimeters per second. Coarse mud.. 0.40 40 00 Fine sand. . . 0.70 69.68 lliver sand. 1.70 109.58 M. Vautliier, in a valuable paper 2 before the French Association for the Advancement of Science, in 1884, developed mathematical ex¬ pressions for the velocity, at any instant, of a solid body falling through a liquid, and for the path described in a given time. His method consists in writing the accelerating force equal to the mass multiplied by the acceleration of the body, assumed to be a sphere. Accelerating force = weight of body — - resisting force = - 3 -nr (y* — 1 ) — it r k When the motion has become uniform the accelerating force will be zero, and one may write for this case. -L. X r* (y’— 1) — n r 2 k 0 . (1) «L/ whence, r g (r'~ i) ( 2 ) where v' represents the limiting velocity, after which motion is uni¬ form. For any stage of the motion -Q- Tt r 3 (y 1 — 1) — 7 r r 2 k v 2 4 n r 3 t civ 2 g 3 g ^ dt = mass X acceleration. (3) 1 This is the value of the angle /3 iu Mr. Shaw’s analysis preceding. 2 “ Do l’entrainement et du transport, par les eaux courantes, des vases, sables et gra- viers." L. L. Vauthier, “ Memoires de 1’ association fran^aise pour 1* avancement des sciences,” Blois, September 8, 1884. Abstracted at length in the “ Memoires de la Sqciete des Ingeuieurs Civil-* de Franre,” 1885, 2, pp. 29-35. General results also given in Engineering News, November 1, 1884, p. 211. HOOKER OK SUSPENSION - OF SOLIDS IN' RIVERS. 35 Subtracting (1) from (3) and simplifying k (V*- V 2 )= 8 dv 4 (it Separating the two variables A ^ ^ * d v '8 r y' r —v 2 * . ( 4 ) Since v = o for t = o one may write: C —~ ( n = r dv J o 8 r y' J 0 v ,a — V * Integrating by partial fractions jl * = _Lf r _£*_ n -dv 8 r r' 2 v 1 \J 0 v' + v J „ — 2 *' og ' e \zrz~i) whence, e 4- ~ V < = - +P . 4 )7' — -y Putting Ar 3 it N= ~ivy v .( 5 ) and transforming , — 1 * = * e «T"l .. (6) and, since cl s — v cl t e Nt _ 1 ds = v 'wr+-i dt .. (?) whence, by integration, since when s — o, t = o : s = *' [* - w Iog -« 2 + w Iog -« ( 1 + -^ r )] 1 .(« 1 Put eNt — 1 = u and e^t l — u + 2. Then eNt — u -f- 1. Differentiating, du = eNt Ndl, du 1 du or ’ ~ nTm - -jt ir+i • Substituting these values in (7) above , u 1 du ds = v 1 __ i~\ u + 2 N u -f 1 . ( a ) Separating into partial fractions by the method of indeterminate coefficients (cf. Osborne’s “ Differential and Integral Calculus,” p. 189). u 2 1 (u + 1) (u + 2) ~ u -J- 2 — u -f 1 Substituting this value in (a) and integrating N r du r du VT s = 2 J r+2~-> JT+1 + C ’ or N — s = 2 log., (u + 2) — log., ( t + 1) + C . (6) (Foot note continued on next page.) 36 HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. Assuming k = 0.5 and y' = 2.0 for a mean of the particles moved in river beds, and g — 9.8088 = 10, approximately, M. Yauthier obtains from (2) and (5) (for meter measure). v’ = 5.16393 \/ 2~r". (9) N = 1.93648 \/ 2 ( 10 ) This last equation shows that for particles of slight diameter, the value of AT, and consequently of e , is very large. Writing equation (6) in the form 1 1 — v = v’ - 1 + it is at once seen that the fraction in the second member rapidly ap¬ proaches the value 1 as the diameter of the particle is decreased, i. e ., as N approaches oc. Therefore v approaches v' asymptotically, and at the limit the two will be equal. For the same reason given above the transcendental term in equation (8) will be so small as to be negligible for particles of slight diameter. By numerical substitution in equations (9), (10), and (8). M. Yauthier shows that, for a block as large as 1 m. in diameter, at the end of the first second the velocity will be only about $ of the velocity limit v', and the transcendental term in (8) will be too large to be neglected, but that, with succeeding seconds, it tends rapidly to approach the value v', while the transcendental term tends rapidly toward o. When s = o, t = o, and hence u — o, since u = e*t — 1. Substituting these values in (b) and solving for C C — — 2 log.e 2. Substituting this value in (b) and introducing the values of (u -f 1) and (u -f 2) s = 2 w log.e (e Nt 4- 1) — it' 08 * eN - — 2 log.e 2 («) To the second number of (c) adding and subtracting 2 tb ~N log.e eNt f and collecting similar terms 5 = 1)1 [^JL (log.e (eM + 11 — log e eNl) -|_ (-JL-L-) log.e eV<-l og . e 2 ] Since log.e — Nt, and log.e (eV< -f 1) — log.e eNt — log.e there results finally j = »> [« log., 2 4 los -* ( 1 + -Jm) ] ern -f 1 = l08 -* ( 1 + -Jin) Compare Riihlmann’s “ Hydromechanik,” p. 699, for a similar solution. HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OE SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 37 To determine the length of the period of time required before the velocity of particles of different sizes becomes practically uniform, M. Yauthier has expanded equation (6) by division into For all but very large bodies all but the first two terms may be neglected. To find the length of time before the actual velocity will differ from the velocity limit by T - 0 V 0 -, one may put 2 _ _ 1 _ eNt ~ 1000 ’ where e Nt = 2 000, and _ log. 2 000 N log. e (ii) From equations (5) and (11) M. Vauthier has prepared a table for particles of different diameters, showing the length of the path de¬ scribed in the first four seconds, and the length of time elapsing before the actual velocity lacks only twoo °f the velocity limit v'. This table shows how rapidly the velocity of fall approaches the velocity limit in each case, especially with the smaller particles. It is not until the diameter of the particle becomes as great as 1 m. that there is an appreciable difference between the two at the end of the third second, and even then the difference is slight. Assuming a particle free to descend with a vertical velocity v in a current of water whose mean horizontal velocity is u, its vertical velocity, except in the case of very large bodies, may be put equal to the corresponding velocity limit v'. The direction of its path, while not a straight line because of the relative velocities of the filaments of water, will yet, in general, form v' an angle with the horizon whose tangent is —. XL If the height above the bottom at starting was Z it will reach the bed of the stream after a time 2 and at a distance down stream With numerical values M. Yauthier obtains the following results: 38 HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OP SOLIDS IN RIVERS. Diameter of particle 2 r (in meters). l Velocity of current u (in meters). Original heiglit above bed z (in meters). Time in sinking to bottom t (in seconds). Distance traversed down stream l (in meters). 0.0001 (mud) 1.00 1.00 19.38 19.38 0.001 (sand) 1.00 1.00 6.12 6.12 0.01 (gravel) 1.00 1.00 1.94 1.94 Suppose this body, falling through the water w r ith a vertical velocity v\ meets an upward accidental current with a vertical com¬ ponent equal to v'. It would be kept in suspension so long as the current endured. This is held by M. Vauthier to explain the phenom¬ enon of suspension. He draws the following conclusions from his study: “ (a.) Water does not possess a special property by virtue of which it holds in suspension minute particles of a density superior to its own. “ ( b .) These particles always move toward the bottom with a velocity which depends upon their density and wdiicli is inversely as the square root of their transversal dimensions. “ (c.) From the value of these velocities, for materials of a density similar to those which form the surfaces of the beds of water courses, the effects of displacement and of transport observed in streams and rivers is very well explained by the single fact of accidental or per. manent currents which act upon the bottom.” In his “ Hydraulique” 1 M. Flamant has brought together the most valuable parts of the theories advanced by Dupuit, Vauthier, Partiot, Sainjon and Leclialas. His work is of especial interest in that he calls attention to the bearing upon this question of an article by M. Du Boys 2 intended to complete Dupuit’s explanation of the increased velocity of a surface float over that of the mean of the surrounding filaments of water. M. Du Boys has completed the explanation of Dupuit by adding that, while the displaced water and the floating body are alike subjected to the accelerating force due to gravity, yet the resistances, to which they are subjected are different. In the dis¬ placed water, a portion of the gravity work is lost from the non¬ parallelism of the filaments and the consequent internal frictions while in the floating body all the accelerating force due to gravity is used in overcoming the friction on the sides and in producing the increased velocity. ■ 1 “ Mecanique Appliquee, Hydraulique” pp. 290-311. M. A. Flamant, Paris, 1891. Baudry k Cie. J 2 Annales des Fonts et Chans sties, 188G, I, p. 199. HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 39 In summing up tlie lesults of liis study, M. Flamant expresses the belief that the power of suspension increases with the quantity — with the mean or bottom velocity and with the depth. Experiments reported by Mr. G. F. Deacon in connection with studies for the Manchester Ship Canal give an accurate description of the detailed action of flowing water upon a bed of sand. His sum¬ mary of results 1 will be reproduced here. “ The observations were made in a long flat-bottomed trough with glass sides by means of which the behavior of the sand could be accurately observed. The sand was from the estuary of the Mersey, the quantities moved were weighed and the surface velocities of the water carefully measured. When water flowed with a steadily increas¬ ing velocity over a surface of such sand, fine pieces of broken shell were first moved, and the surface velocity required to produce such movements was considerably less than 1 ft. per second. At such velocities, however, the sand proper was perfectly stable, and however long the flow continued it remained undisturbed; but the fine pieces of shells at the surface of the sand moved in spasmodic leaps, accumu¬ lating wherever the velocity was somewhat less. “ The first movement of sand began at a surface velocity of 1.3 ft. per second. This movement was confined to the smaller isolated grains; and if the same velocity was maintained, the grains so moved ranged themselves in parallel bands perpendicular to the direction of the current, each band taking the form of the well-known sand rip¬ ples of the sea shore or sand-bottomed stream, with its flat slope up¬ wards and its steep slope downwards in the direction of the current. At this velocity the profile of each sand ripple had a very slow motion of translation, caused by particles running up the flatter slope and toppling over the crest. The steep downward slope was, therefore, being constantly advanced at the expense of the denudation of the less steep upward slope. At a surface velocity of 1.5 ft. per second the sand ripples Avere very perfect and traveled with the stream at a speed of about tito of the surface velocity. At a surface velocity of 1.75, the ratio was reduced to about -robot and at a surface velocity of 2 ft. to tsw- A critical velocity was reached when the surface of the water moved at 2.125 ft. per second, when the sand ripples became very irregular, indicating greatly increased unsteadiness of motion of the water. Uii to this point the whole amount of scour was represented by the volume of the sand waves multiplied by an exceedingly low velocity, always less than the 4 ^ part of the surface velocity of the water. At about this critical velocity of 2.1 ft. per second, the particles rolled by the water up the flat slope, instead of toppling over the steep 1 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1894, Vol. 118, pp. 93-95. 40 HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. slope, were occasionally carried by the water direct to the next crest; and as the velocity of the water was gradually increased, an increasing bombardment of each crest by the crest behind it took place. “ At about 2.5 ft. per second, another critical velocity was reached and many of the little projectiles cleared the toj) of the first or even of the second crest ahead of that from which they were fired. At surface velocities of 2.6 to 2.8 ft. per second, the sand ripples became more and more ghost-like, until, at 2.9 ft. per second, they were wholly merged in particles of sand rushing along with the water in suspen¬ sion. After this the scour was of a totally different character ; the sand and water became mixed, and a constant process of lifting, car¬ rying and depositing of individual particles ensued, the sand being stirred to a depth and lifted to a height dependent upon the velocity.” Mr. Deacon refers to the theory that the weight of sand moved is proportional to the sixth power of the velocity of the water and believes the method of determination of this law to be fallacious. His observa¬ tions showed that, within the limits of the experiments, the weight of material transported was proportional to the fifth power of the surface velocity or possibly a little more. Two curves are given expressing the results. One shows the relation between the surface velocity and the solid discharge in pounds of sand; the other, the ratio between the surface velocity of the current and the velocity of translation of the crests of the sand ripples. M. Gallois has described 1 a method of experiment, 2 which throws light upon the problem of suspension. A glass bottle 3 ins. in diameter is used and its flat bottom covered to a depth of 0.2 in. with clean sand. By corking so as to exclude all air and rotating rapidly by means of a twisted cord or a turn-table, the sand is thrown by centrifugal force against the sides of the bottle. The motion of the bottle is communicated to the water progressively from the sides to the center, the sand remaining at the outside. If the bottle be suddenly stopped when the velocity of the water has come to equal its own, the sand will at once project itself from the sides to the center in a cloud, gradually subsiding to form a cone at the bottom, with a vertical axis, whose length increases with the velocity of rotation. This cone flattens with decrease in velocity, until in still water it assumes the corresponding slope of equilibrium for sand. M. Gallois 1 Le Genie Civil. See Engineering News, March 23, 1893, for a brief digest. 9 Suggested by Dupuit in 1848. See page-, and also “ Etudes sur le Mouvement des Eaux,” Dupuit, pp. 216-217; Elamant “ Hydraulique,” 1891, p. 302. Foot note. HOOKER OK SUSPEHSIOK OE SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 41 explains this phenomenon as follows : When the rotation of the bottle is stopped, the water continues to revolve, but is gradually brought to rest by the fiiction from the sides of the bottle. Since this retarding force communicates its action progressively from the outside inward, the inteiioi filaments soon attain a relative velocity with reference to the outer ones which increases toward the axis of rotation. The sand is pushed toward the center with a force which is proportional to the velocity of the fluid. Consequently the cone flattens as the velocity of rotation decreases. M. Fargue has recently described 1 some experiments of a similar nature started by him in 1872 and repeated lately at Rouen and Langon. The apparatus used consisted of a circular disc upon which a zinc annular ring, about 0.80 m. high, was fixed. The internal and external radii were respectively 0.50 m. and 1.0 m. The disc was so mounted upon a vertical axis as to be given any desired rate of rotation. By partly filling the ring with water and carefully increasing the rate of rotation a paraboloid of revolution was soon formed by the water surface. If a uniform bed of sand and gravel was placed on the bottom be¬ fore rotation began, and a number of floats at the surface, certain phenomena were seen to occur. Up to a velocity of 1 rotation in 4 seconds the solids remained un¬ moved on the bottom. When the time of revolution had decreased to 8.5 seconds, isolated grains of sand and gravel moved to the concave side. This radial movement increased with the speed until, at a velo¬ city of 1 turn in 2£ seconds, the entire mass of gravel was collected on the concave side and showed a somewhat regular surface. The floats, on the other hand, gradually descended the surface of the paraboloid until certain ones became stranded on the convex side or the bottom. After the conditions had become fixed, the disc was suddenly stopped. The water continued its motion in a state of agitation cor¬ responding to the angular velocity at the moment of arrest. The hollow formed toward the axis was at once filled and the surface be¬ came horizontal. The gravel was carried toward the center, with a rapidity corresponding to the angular velocity at which the disc was stopped. 1 “Experiences relatives a, l’Action de l’Eau Courante sur un Fond de Sable.” Paris. M. Fargue, Inspecteur-General des Ponts et Chaussees, Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, March, 1894. 42 HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. When this velocity was 0.74 (time of rotation, 8.5 seconds), the materials covered the bottom almost uniformly. The disc was only bare for a discontinuous strip afc the outer edge. When the velocity of stoppage was 1.11 (time of rotation, 5f seconds), the sand and fine gravel moved rapidly to the convex wall and the average gravel spread itself almost uniformly, except that only a few of the large particles remained at the concave wall. When it was 3.14 (time, 2 seconds), all the gravel was violently thrown toward the center and the fine sands followed in spirals of varying lengths. There was little regularity in the motion of the floats though they generally kept to the concave bank. Part II.— Discussion of Observed Data. The extent of the erosive action of water courses marks it as the greatest factor in that definite movement of the materials of the earth’s surface from the high toward the low latitudes, which the modern “ Doctrine of Isostacy ” has sought to explain by a reverse movement underneath and a subsequent elevation 1 . The study of the torrents of Switzerland and Italy suffices to show the size of individual blocks which may be moved along the bed of a stream 2 3 or even carried freely in suspension. The burden of detritus brought down in the middle and side moraines of the Unteraargletscher in the Bernese Oberland is spread over a wide area by the headwaters of the Aar Biver, forming a waste of heavy boulders and coarse gravel covering \ square mile. Through this wilderness of stone, the milky waters of the river find a tortuous path, carrying in suspension to the Lake of Brienz below, the particles of powdered rock ground from the sides of the valley by the daily motion:! of the glacier. It is the pres¬ ence of this so-called “ gletschermilch,” which gives to the Swiss lakes a part of their peculiar and beautiful coloring. These short but destructive torrents divide themselves naturally into a “ sammelgebiet or erosionsgebiet,” where the water and solid material is gathered, the “ gebiet des murgangs ” 4 forming a canal 1 Compare “Theory of the Earth’s Rotation and its Interior Heat,” pp. 26-32, Eton Huntington. Rochester, N. Y., 1895. 2 For a graphic description of the descent of material in a mountain torrent, see Lechalas, “Hydraulique Ftuviale,” Annexes, pp. 424-428. 3 The Unteraargletscher has a velocity down the valley of 0.50 m. per day. It was here that Agassiz made his glacier measurements. The Rhone Glacier, separated from the valley of the Aar only by the Niigelisgriitli divide, has a daily velocity of 1.0 m. 4 For examples of dangerous “ murgiinge,” read Riedel’s “ Ueber Geschiebe Fuhrung und Murgange der Wildbiiche.” Zeitschrift des Oesterridi-Ingen- und Arch.- Vereins, 1871, pp. 113 and 151. HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 43 through which the semi-fluid mass passes at considerable velocity and with little deposit, the “ ablagerungsgebiet,” where the solid material is deposited in the main valley, forming a clearly defined cone, with its apex at the point where the torrent issues from the mountain. Lastly, the “ablauf ” l or bed through which the water, relieved of the mass of its burden, finds its way to the main water course. A photograph, taken during the summer of 1895, shows clearly these lines of demarcation in the two torrents close above Guttannen on the west side of the lower Haslithal. The axis of each is approx¬ imately at right angles to the Aar, into which they discharge. At the foot of this same valley on the eastern slope, above Brienz, lies the small Swiss village of Neuschwanden. At its edge, through an abrupt chasm in the mountain side, and so close as to render the danger to the village an imminent one, issues the cone of de¬ jection of the Lammbach, probably the most destructive in Switzer¬ land. The huge mass of stone and boulders covers a fan-shaped area of approximately a square mile and is largely devoid of vegetation. The slope is nearly uniform from the apex to the banks of the Aar, which it has forced against the further side of the Haslithal. An ap¬ proximate measurement, made by the author in August, 1895, showed this slope to be about 8 degrees. At that time the side toward Neu¬ schwanden was overlaid with the fresh “ murgang ” or lava-like mass of gravel and boulders of the preceding autumn which had formed a semi¬ circular cordon about the village and was only deflected from the houses by heavy guide walls. The upper surface is nearly plane and the stream does not, as might be expected, thin out gradually to the edges. It forms a bed of nearly uniform thickness, forking into various divisions at the apex of the cone, while each edge is sharp and clearly defined, marking an abrupt descent to the bottom. In general one may liken the form of these streams to that of those beds of broken stone carefully arranged in prismoidal form one sees in American cities. That something of an analogous nature takes place in all larger water courses is certain. The difference is one of degree and not of kind. The variance of opinion among authorities now hinges on the ratio between the total amount so moving, in a given river, and the amount carried in intermittent or permanent suspension. 1 The French writers use only the first three divisions and the corresponding terms “ bassin de reception,” “canal d’ecoulement ” and “cone de dejection.”—See Surell, “ Etude sur les Torrents des Hautes-Alpes.” Paris, 1870-72, Dunod. 44 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. Piles driven up stream from a caisson of the St. Charles Bridge over the Missouri are said to have been found under the caisson when it reached bed rock. 1 Jas. B. Eads describes the sand on the bed of the Mississippi at the St. Louis Bridge as moving for at least 3 ft. in depth, with a velocity decreasing below the surface. 2 A pile embedded up¬ right in the sand has been seen to move bodily down stream. 3 The velocity of movement in this sense has been determined by means of stakes driven in the bed of the Loire. 4 Other recorded cases are numerous and need not be multiplied here. The transportation of coarse gravel in free suspension is but an¬ other order of the same phenomenon. It has been observed in the Garonne, when dikes have been broken through, and gravel, borne in the upper laminae of the current, has been carried over the breach and deposited in the fields beyond. 5 In a similar case, masses of gravel were carried over a dike below Pittsburgh 1 ’ and deposited down stream, filling up hollows which had previously existed there. The law of decrease in mean velocity from the rise to the em¬ bouchure of rivers is closely followed by the steady decrease in size of the particles forming its bed and strewn along its banks. The ratio betrveen the amount of solid matter entrained and that of the liquid at any point in a stream has been called by M. Fargue its torrential coefficient. This should decrease from source to mouth with the fall and the mean velocity. M. E. Charlon 1 has made use of the larv in the deduction of a formula, by means of which he computes the velocity of a stream from the size of the materials transported by it. The question of corresponding decrease in amount of suspended matter, per cubic foot of water, is a disputed one. M. Fargue 8 holds the view that rivers become more and more muddy toward their embouchures, due to the accumulated transformation of the coarse into fine materials by frictio n. M. I artiot," on the contrary, states that 300 measure- 1 “ The Mississippi as a Silt Bearer.” K. E. McMath. Van Aostrand's Enqineerinq Ma¬ gazine, Vol. XX, 1879, p. 227. y 2 “ Report of Chief Engineer of St. Louis Bridge.” J. B. Eads, June, 1808, p. 21. Quoted by It. E. McMath in above paper Engineering News, Feb. 9, 1881, p. 65. 4 See Partiot. “ Les Sables de la Loire,” p. 43. fi The same. p. 23. c “ Report of Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1870. IT. p. 5. 1 See Le Genie Civil, Vol X\ II, 189J, p. 170. Note giving formula in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Eugiueers, Vol. 102, p. 350. 8 “ Etude sur la Largeur du Lit Moyen de la Garonne,” pp. 12, 13. M. Fargue Annales des Ponts et ChaussCes, October, 1882. o “ Memoire sur les Sables de la Loire.” M. Partiot, p. 21. HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 45 ments in the Loire, during the floods of 1856, showed the turbidity to deeiease regularly toward tlie sea. Measurements continued through¬ out the flood showed, j)roceeding down stream, the weights of sedi¬ ment per cubic meter of water to be— At Feurs ... .300 grs. At Nevers .. .210 grs. At Tours 212 grs. Roanne... 242 “ Gien 223 “ Saumur...l77 “ Digouin . . 191 “ Orleans ..237 “ Nantes.... 150 “ M. Partiot explains the anomalies shown between Nevers and Orleans by the entry, between those points, of tributaries heavily charged with silt. A comparison of various measurements in the Mississippi was un¬ dertaken by the author. The results would seem to bear out M. Par- tiot’s view. The available data are the Carrollton and Columbus measurements of 1851 and 1858, the measurements of 1879, at Helena and at St. Louis. 1 The two former were taken during floods. The two latter at a medium stage. The Columbus measurements represent only surface speci¬ mens. The Carrollton samples were taken with a defective apparatus. These facts render it impossible to draw any conclusions from a com¬ parison of the 1851 and 1858 results with those of 1879, which seem more reliable. However that may be, a mean of the results at Columbus and at Carrollton, from the second week of March to the second week of No¬ vember of their respective years (1851, 1858), shows the proportion of sediment to water, by weight, to be— Columbus.000749 Carrollton.000601 an evident decrease in sediment at the lower station. 2 There is an apparent co-ordination between the two 1879 measure¬ ments which gives more weight to the results obtained. Taking the mean only of the top and bottom measurements, as no mid-depth quantities were taken at Helena, and covering the iieriod from April 1 See a valuable article by R. E. McMatb iu Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, Vol. 28, 18S3, p. 33. 2 During these measurement the mean velocity of the river ranged at Carrollton from 6 to 1.7 ft. per second and at Columbus from 8 to 1.5 ft. per second, being, as a whole, con¬ siderably higher at Columbus. 46 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 10th to June 18th, 1879, at Helena, and April 14th to June 25tli, at St. Louis, the proportions of sediment to water, by weight, are — St. Louis.002046 Helena.001079 a much greater decrease toward the river mouth. 1 The law cannot be demonstrated from the measurements now avail¬ able. That the effect of interaction among the solids moved on the bed should show a cumulative effect in the increased number of fine suspended particles down stream is to be expected, and is shown in Nature by the increased fineness of the deposits. That it should man¬ ifest itself in an increased weight of suspended matter per cubic foot, as held by M. Fargue, 2 does not appear to be substantiated by the limited number of observations at hand. The question is: Will a stream moving at a given velocity sustain a greater weight of fine particles per cubic unit of water than of large ones of the same density? If so, then a heavier load per cubic foot may be carried at the embouchure of rivers with the same expenditure of energy than in their higher reaches. Mr. G. K. Gilbert 3 has shown that the same consumption of energy will hold in susiiension a greater load of fine than of coarse material of like density. This may be shown as follows: Assume a stretch in the lower course of a river bounded by the cross-sections A and B. Assume the kinetic energy at the two points to be the same, so that the whole gravity work done by the weight of the stream in its descent is used up in external and internal frictional resistance. Suppose an inch cube of stone introduced at the surface at A. The total energy of the stream has now been increased. The cube reaches the bottom at B. It can only act on the bed between the two points by pressure, but as the friction on the bottom is independent of fluid pressure, this fric¬ tion is not increased. If the cube sinks at the same rate it would have chosen in quiescent water, it makes no demand upon the energy of the 1 At Helena, the mean velocity ranged from 4.26 to 3.23 ft. per second, while at St. Louis it varied from 7.21 to 4.0 ft. per second, averaging considerably higher than at Helena. 2 M. Fargue says (“La Largeur du Lit Moyen de la Garonne,” p. 13): “II s'op&re done, de l’amont vers d’aval, une transformation dans la qnalite et dans le mode de transport du debit solide: le debit eu gros materiaux traines sur le fond, qui n’a lieu que sous l’influence de vitesses notables, va en diminuant; celui des materiaux tenus, en suspension dans l’eau et obeissant aux faibles vitesses, va au contraire en augmentant. * * * les eaux devien- nent en effet de plus en plus vaseuses a mesure qu'ou se rapproche de la mer.” 3 American Journal of Science, July and August, 1876, Part II; also abstract in Enaineerinn Neivs, August 19th, 1876. HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OE SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 47 . stream. If it sinks more slowly, tlie difference between the distance actually sunk and the distance which would have been covered in quiet water during the time of transit from A to B, multiplied by the weight of the cube in water, measures the demand upon the stream’s energy. Suppose the same stone to be pulverized into small cubes and again introduced at A. The weight in w r ater is unchanged. The draft upon the stream s energy between A and B is computed in the same w r av as before and found to be less, because the difference be¬ tween the distance sunk in quiet water and in the actual case is less. The reason why the small particles sink more slowly is because the collective area at right angles to the motion is greater, and so requires a smaller value of the velocity of sinking in order to keep the total resistance to motion, p = *r F Tg a constant in the two cases. This is required because the work done by the cube in sinking to the bottom must be the same as that done by its component parts in covering the same distance. It is shown, then, that a less consumption of the stream’s energy between A and B is required to suspend the same weight of small par¬ ticles than where the grains are of the same density and larger size. It follows that the same expenditure of energy will suspend a greater weight of the small particles per cubic foot of water. This may offer an explanation of the phenomenon observed at Col¬ umbus and advanced by General Abbot 1 to prove that no relation ex¬ ists between velocity and weight of sediment per cubic foot of water. He states that the Ohio and Missouri Rivers move side by side at Columbus in the bed of the Mississippi without mingling their waters, and that, while their velocity is common, the Ohio water has only three-fourtlis as much sediment per cubic unit as the Missouri water. If they are actuated by the same velocity it may be assumed that there is the same amount of energy per cubic foot in each case diverted to the suspension of sediment. The sediment of the Missouri is much more comminuted than that of the Ohio, as shown by the appearance of the two streams. An excess in weight of sediment per cubic foot is to be expected, then, in the Missouri water, as the measurements showed, even though the velocity is the same in both. 1 Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, Vol. XX, 1879, p. 3. 48 HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. The problem now becomes one dependent upon the circumstances of each case. If the energy available for the work of suspension per cubic unit of water is the same at the mouth as at the head waters of a stream, the weight of sediment per cubic unit will be greater. This excess will diminish and finally become negative as the ratio of the available energy at the mouth and head waters becomes less. In general, it would seem that the available energy should decrease rapidly toward the embouchure and be accompanied by some slight decrease in the weight of sediment carried per cubic foot of water. 1. Minor Agents Influencing Sedimentation. Temperature. —Chemical precipitation, in general, takes place more easily at higher temperatures. The same law appears to obtain in the case of matter in mechanical suspension. The author’s attention was first directed to the question by Mr. Allen Hazen, of Boston, who had noticed an appreciable increase in deposition of suspended matter at higher temperatures in the sewage at the Lawrence, Mass., Experiment Station. Bouniceau 1 and Partiot 2 are agreed that river deposits are greater in summer than in winter. The sediment observations of Prof. Riddell 3 , and those of Prof. Forshey 4 , at Carrollton, on Mississippi water both give corresponding temperatures. The former lasted from May 21st to August 13th, the temperature gradually rising from 72° to 84° Fahr. The corresponding amounts of suspended matter show an irregular but still perceptible decrease. They follow, however, much more closely the fluctuations in the river surface above low water, so that the element of decreased depth and consequent decrease in velocity of flow enters in as a more potent factor in producing the same result. The sediment curves at both Columbus and Carrollton 5 seem to show an increase in suspended matter during the summer months of June, July, August and September, the temperature of the river water at Carrollton reaching a maximum of 86° Fahr. in August and descend¬ ing very regularly to a minimum of 39° in February. 1 " Etude sur la navigation des rivieres ;i marees.” M. Bouniceau, 1845. Quoted in Pro¬ ceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 66, p. 5. 2 “Memoire sur les Sables de la Loire," p. 22; M. Partiot. Annales des Fonts et Chaus - sets, I, 1871. a “ Report to American Association of Geologists and Naturalists, 1846. Quoted by Humphreys and Abbot, “ Report on Mississippi River," p. 142. 4 “ Report on Mississippi River," Humphreys and Abbot, pp. 134, 148. 5 The same, Plates XII and XIII. hooker ok suspension oe solids in rivers. 49 It is evident that river observations are little fitted for the study of this question because of the complexity of the elements involved in fluvial motion. A simple laboratory experiment on the length of time acquired foi mechanical precipitation in quiescent water under differ¬ ent temperatures would determine the matter. The yearly range in temperatuie in rivers is not great, and its influence on sedimentation will be veiy limited. In the case of flow in sewers it may assume more of practical importance. A laige number of different measurements in the Elbe 1 , made under various conditions, failed to show any change in temperature with depth. In the Mississippi River the difference between surface and bottom temperatures is usually too small to be registered by an ordi¬ nary thermometer. The maximum difference is a small fraction of a degree. 2 Herr Blohm 1 has assigned an important place among the causes of suspension of finer particles to a system of circulation set up by the differences in temperature. He calls attention to the fact that water reaches its greatest density at 3.5° R. (39° Falir.) and that laminte at a less temperature than this would tend to rise to the surface, as well as those at higher temperatures. The result would be a mixture tendiDg to produce the uniformity actually observed at all depths. The tend¬ ency of the warmer laminae to rise would be equal, in his opinion, to the tendency of the finer particles of sediment to sink in obedience to gravity. The Mississippi may be taken as an index of the rivers of the tem¬ perate zones. Its waters at Carrollton during two years’ observations never exceeded the temperature of maximum density, so that, in this case at least, there could have been no circulation, from this cause, of colder water from below to the surface as an equalizer of temper¬ atures. Light .—The slight molecular agitation caused by the penetration of light has been shown to be sufficient to affect the rate of sedimenta¬ tion in quiescent water. Mr. Andrew Brown 3 found that a phial of turbid water had a uniform tendency to deposit its sediment most 1 “Ueber die in fliessenden Wasser suspendirt entlialtenen Sinkstoffe,” Blohm. Zeit- schrift des Architekten und Ingenieur-Vereins, Hanover, 186/, pp. 277-278. 2 Lieutenant Marr in “Report on Mississippi River,” Humphreys and Abbot, 1876, p. 149. 3 Proceedings American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1848; also, Hum- phrey and Abbot's "Report on the Mississippi,” 1876, p. 144. 50 HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. rapidly in the portions protected from the light, the surface of the de¬ posit showing a corresponding inclination. Viscosity. —At low water, under a hot sun, M. Partiot 1 has seen the rising tide, at the embouchure of the Loire, float off patches of sand from the bars and carry them upon its surface so long as it re¬ mained undisturbed by waves. A similar phenomenon is noted in the American Journal of Science, December, 1890 . 1 3 Blotches of sand, 1 in. in diameter at first, which later joined themselves into 6-in. squares, were eroded from a bank forming an angle of 150° with the water sur¬ face. These were seen floating on the surface half a mile down stream, and, if disturbed, would rapidly sink to the bottom. An oiled needle will float on the surface of water if carefully placed in position. Phenomena of this nature are due to what may be called superficial viscosity, which has a greater intensity than the viscosity in the in¬ terior of the fluid. That this latter influence has a part in the suspension of sediment is shown by the length of time required for quiescent turbid water to clear itself. Experiments showed turbidity in water taken from the Garonne after eight days and muddy water from the Elbe made no perceptible deposit until after a lapse of 24 hours.' 1 In water taken from the Mississippi at St. Louis in 1865, Mr. Flad 4 5 6 found that for a total of 1 000 parts in suspension at the beginning of the experiment, 944.50 parts had settled during the first 24 hours. 22.35 “ “ “ “ “ second 24 “ 2.92 “ “ “ “ “ “ 48 “ 30.23 “ were still in suspension after 96 “ Changes in viscosity and consequent suspending power are a prob¬ able concomitant of changes in temperature. Salt Water. —Observations made in 1839 by Sidel!’ at the mouths of the Mississippi showed that the river water alone required from 10 to 14 days to settle. The admixture of salt in any form reduced the time of settling to between 14 and 18 hours. Mr. Gould 1 ’ found that a few 1 “Sables de la Loire,” p. 36. 2 Noted in Engineering Record, December 27, 1890, p. 65. 3 Blohtn in Zeitschrift des Arcldtekten- und Ingenieur- Vereins, Hanover, 1867, p. 245. 4 “ Silt Movement by the Mississippi,” R. E. McMath. Tan JVoslrand’s Engineering Magazine, 1883, p. 33. 5 “ Report on the Mississippi River,” 1876. Appendix A, p. 500. 6 ** Report of Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1875, II, p. 36. HOOKER OK SIJSPEKSIOK OE SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 51 pinches of salt thrown into a tumbler containing muddy water from the bottom of the Savannah River caused a much more rapid deposit. Mr. Fargue 1 has found that the same amount of mud introduced into a glass of fresh water and into a glass of salt water shows a difference in the period of settling. The salt water is clear after six hours of re¬ pose. To attain the same result requires eighteen hours in the fresh water. This property of saline solutions has an important bearing on the formation of bars at mouths of rivers discharging into salt seas. The load of detritus will be dropped sooner than if the receiving body were fresh water. Action of Waves .—The formation of bars in deep water at the mouths of tidal estuaries has in late years come to be attributed to wave action upon the detritus discharged by the river rather than to the simple process of deposition itself. It is the dynamic effect of the waves which heaps up the bars. 2 All sea beaches show this action so clearly that there can be little doubt as to its influence, in a lesser de¬ gree, on the movement of detritus in rivers. Observation has shown that sands are often moved when the bottom velocity is such as to be an insufficient cause. Mr. P. O’Meara 3 has observed this motion by diving to the bed of a tidal channel where the bottom velocity was too slight, unaided, to move the sands. He found that the sand at and near the bottom, under a depth of 10 ft., had an oscillatory motion corresponding to the 6 and 8-in. waves passing above. At the center of the wave passage the sand reached a considerable velocity; at its end the motion ceased and even seemed to be reversed. He holds that this action may be perceptible to depths of 40 or 50 ft. Waves of transla¬ tion stir the water to an infinite depth, theoretically, their velocity of translation being dependent upon the depth. Such waves will be confined to tidal estuaries. Waves of oscillation, such as the wind ripples in rivers, are felt, however, to considerable depths. At Cherbourg 4 these waves cease to act on the piers at a depth of 1 “ Etude sur la Largeur du Lit Moyen de la Garonne.” Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, Oct., 1882, p. 21 (foot note). 2 A formula for the scouring power of waves, giving relation between height of wave and size of particle moved, is developed by Mr. W. Smith in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 100, p. 201. 3 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 118, pp. 81, 85. Noted, also, in Engineering Record, Feb. 23, 1895, p. 219. 4 “ Les Marees Fluviales,” M. Comoy, 1881, p. 23. 52 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. about 25 ft. At Algiers tlie limit is 35 ft. There the sands cease to be moved at depths between 50 and 100 ft., while the limit for muds is 450 ft. A visit to the harbor of Algiers during a heavy blow showed its peculiarly exposed position so that these figures may be reasonably considered maxima. Action of Ice .— The removal to great distances of boulders which neither ordinary nor flood velocities could move has been attributed to the transporting power of ice. There is a tendency in rivers to form what is called anchor ice at the bed and sides when the water is shallow. This ice attaches itself to the solids in its vicinity, and, because of its slight specific gravity, is easily detached by flood velocities and carried with its load down stream. M. Partiot 1 calls attention to this action on sand shoals barely covered by water from which the surface layer is detached by the floating away of the ice. Action of Sediment in Diminishing Velocity. —Mr. Baldwin Latham reports 2 3 observations covering a series of years which seem to show that the velocity of turbid water for the same depth and fall is less than that of clear water. He holds that this difference bears a ratio to the amount of turbidity, and is caused by the work used in trans¬ porting the material. The discharge of clear water multiplied by its velocity corresponded closely to the combined weight of sediment and water in the corresponding case, multiplied by its mean velocity. Mr. G. K. Gilbert has reached the same conclusion/ He states that the total energy of a clear stream is used up in friction on its bottom; that this friction is directly proportional to its velocity. When detritus is carried a certain amount of the energy of the stream is used to keep it in suspension, and this takes place at the expense of friction and consequently of velocity. It is to be remembered, however, that the total energy of the stream has, in the meantime, been increased by the addition of the energy represented by the vertical fall of the solid particles. The law of the conservation of energy will not admit of any other 1 “ Les Sables de la Loire,” p. 36. 2 Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Vol. 71, p. 46. 3 “ The Colorado Plateau Province as a Field for Geological Study,” American Journal of Science, July and August, 1876. Part II. Abstracted in Engineering Neivs, August 19th, 1876. HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIYERS. 53 decision in this matter, though the statement has sometimes been made that such a retardation of velocity does not exist 1 . Mr. Gilbert’s statement that the work done by a clear stream is entirely used up in friction on the bed is somewhat at variance with the attitude of the best science of the present day. 2 The energy con¬ sumed by intermolecular resistances caused by the complex motion in the interior of the liquid is much greater than that actually used at the earth and air profiles. It should be added, however, that these intri¬ cate movements are induced by the bed’s rugosities. In general, it may be said, that the total energy is used in friction, through which it is transformed into heat energy. Assume a portion of a clear stream between the sections A and B. Suppose no difference of kinetic energy between the two stations, then the total energy of the stream expended is used in work done on fric¬ tion. Introduce a mass of sediment in suspension at A and a demand 1 See “ Silt Movement by the Mississippi,” R. E. McMath. Van Nostrand’s Engineering Maga¬ zine, 1883, p. 36, Mr. McMath says: * We have seen that transportation of silt (up to the point of impaired fluidity) is not at the expense of the stream’s motion. The work of erosion and suspension is done by the stream, whose velocity must be diminished compared with flow under a like head in a smooth channel, but if the now-yielding bed should suddenly become rigid, the same or eveu greater force would be expended upon the obstructing roughness. Therefore though suspension consumes a part of the stream’s force the velocity is not necessarily lessened beyond what it would be in the ODly alternative condition that can be considered, a rigid bed equally rough.” This line of reasoning would seem to hold, so far as the actual work done upon the bed of the river between any two points is concerned. The work which would have been expended upon a rigid bed equally rough is now in part expended upon the mobile bed in the same way as before, while the residue is free to be used in carrying into suspension whatever is eroded from the bed between the sections considered. But this theory fails to take account of those external forces of Nature which are continually wearing away cliffs, disintegrating hillsides and introducing at the surface of the stream a mass of debris to be carried, for which the stream’s own mechanical action is not account¬ able. Gravity acts as an external force where bauks cave in and throw upon the stream’s energy an additional burden. The burden already in suspension at the entrance to the stretch considered must be carried in addition to that considered by this theory. It is to this additional burden that a consumption of energy and consequent retardation of velocity may be attributed. 2 See Boussinesq “Theorie des Eanx Courantes,” Paris, 1872, introductory chapter. M. Boussinesq has shown that neither the friction, rightly called, upon the bed nor the added internal friction due to relative velocities of parallel filaments following stream lines is suf¬ ficient to explain the transformation of the energy of the stream, in its descent, into heat energy. He shows that if the velocity at the walls were assumed to be zero so as to attribute the whole work to friction between parallel filaments, the coefficient of interior friction is so small that the central filament, in a semicircular conduit of 1 m. radius and a fall of 1 in 10 000, would acquire a velocity of 187 m. per second before equilibrium was established between the accelerating force and the fluid resistances. It is, then, to the vortices that must be at¬ tributed the largest share in this transformation. They largely increase the total inteiior friction. See “ Journal de M Lionville,” t. XIII, 1868. Also “ Theorie des Eaux Courantes,” B jus- sinesq, pp. 2-6. Compare, also, Prof. Uuwin in “Encyclopedia Brittannica,” article on Hydromechanics. 54 HOOKER OH SUSPEHSIOH OF SOLIDS IH RIVERS. is made on tlie stream’s energy to keep it suspended to B. The thought at once suggests itself that the total energy has, in the mean¬ time, been increased. In answer, it may be said that the addition has also increased the friction at the bed since the formula v 2 P = kFy 2 g show's this friction to be a function of the heaviness of the fluid, which in its new compound state has been increased. These two changes tend to counteract each other and to leave still an increased demand upon the energy originally used in the passage from A to B. In con¬ sequence, there will result a retardation of velocity at B accompanied by an increase of depth if the supply be constant. For particles of a uniform size and density, this decrease in velocity will increase w T ith the w r eiglit of the load per cubic unit of w r ater. The decrease will be less for a given weight of fine particles than for the same weight of large ones, other conditions remaining the same. The presence of silt, then, retards velocity in tw r o ways: First .—It uses an amount of the stream’s enel’gv in suspending it. Second .—It increases the heaviness of the composite fluid and so in¬ creases friction. 2. Influence of Depth on Transporting Power. It was once believed by hydraulicians that the adhesion between a liquid and its bed was stronger than the internal cohesion of the fluid itself. It seemed the natural deduction from the decrease in velocity observed near the banks and bed. The hypothesis then took form that the particles next the banks remained stationary, w r hile the main current flow r ed by in a fluid bed of its own consistency. 1 The experiments of Darcy on deteriorated pipes showed that velocity w r as a function of roughness, and the incorrectness of the former assumption. Even the outermost particles of the fluid substance have a motion relative to the bed. Is this velocity influenced by the depth ? Increased depth means increased weight per square unit of bed, and consequently in¬ creased pressure, but experiments have shown that not only the co¬ efficient of fluid friction, but also the friction itself, is independent of the pressure. 2 3 1 This has been shown to be true for capillary tubes by M. Duclaux, of Clermont. 8ee Annalesde Chemie et de Physique, 4e Serie, t. XXV, i872. For flow in streams and large pipes it appears inadmissible. See also “ Theorie des Eaux Courantes.” J. Boussinesq, pp. 1-2. 3 “ Encyclopedia Brittannica,” Article Hydromechanios. HOOKER OH StTSPEHSIOH OF SOLIDS IH RIVERS. 55 In the case of a homogeneous solid sliding down an inclined plane the coefficient of sliding friction is independent of the normal pressure, but the friction itself P=fN .( 1 ) is a function of both quantities, and remains unchanged at all veloc¬ ities. The liquid prism, sliding down an inclined bed, acts according to other laws so far as frictional resistance is concerned. Here again, p = (kr) ( p £) or P =/, N, .( 2 ) an equation of the same form as before, but made up of quantities formed in a different way. In equation (1) N represents the normal component of the body’s weight, is proportional to depth when the prism is homogeneous, and is independent of velocity. In (2) again represents weight, but this weight is directly proportional to a velocity height, and is independent of depth. Increased depth, velocities re¬ maining constant throughout, will have no effect on friction and hence produce no change in scouring action. The case is sometimes cited, as a substantiation of the view that depth increases transporting power for the same velocity, of the in¬ creased difficulty in wading a deep stream. The example is not a good one. A man’s foothold is lost sooner in this case than in a shallow ford because of his increased loss of weight rather than from an increase of transporting power, properly called. The statement has been made 1 that in practice observation shows the scouring power of a shallow stream at a high velocity to be much less than that of a deeper river running at a slower velocity. The ex¬ planation offered by Prof. Unwin 2 3 would seem to account for a portion of this difference. He attributes to the deep stream the advantage that the particles of its bed may be thrown up to a greater height, and, since the velocity of descent again to the bed should be the same in both cases, will be thus carried farther down stream before being de¬ posited. Flood waters offer great variations of depth which may be used in the determination of comparative amounts of sediment per unit volume. 1 See Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. 82, 1884, p. 31. Mr. Law’s explanation of the phenomenon is based on the incorrect assumption that fluid friction increases with pressure. 3 “ Encyclopedia Brittannica,” article Hydromechanics. 56 HOOKER OH SUSPEHSIOH OF SOLIDS IH RIVERS. These weights will vary for the same depth with the relative stage of the flood, and so complications are introduced. The earlier stages of a heavy rainfall wash down the surface particles loosened by weather¬ ing. The later portion of the storm finds a more resisting surface. M. Partiot found traces of this fact in the relative weight of sedi¬ ment at different stages of the same flood. A safe basis of comparison would seem to be the same relative stages of floods of different heights when the same tributaries are discharging high water. M. Partiot 1 has been able to detect only a slight increase in the sedi¬ ment per unit volume in the Loire, with the importance of the flood. M. Fargue 2 3 states that the suspended sediment is very feeble at low water and reaches its maximum intensity at the flood crest. Major Allan Cunningham 1 bases the statement that no relation exists between depth and silt intensity, upon a series of observations on the Ganges Canal. A study of the data at hand will throw the most light on the sub¬ ject. Fig. 1 gives a graphic representation of data bearing upon this point. Further curves might be added from the extensive measure¬ ments of the Mississippi Commission 4 made in 1879-81 at Carrollton, Prescott, Winona, Clayton, Hannibal and St. Louis. The Carrollton and Columbus sediment ordinates are taken from the “Report on the Mississippi ” by Humphreys and Abbot, page 417—one for each week of the year. The corresponding mean gauge readings were taken from Plates XII and XIII of the same volume. The St. Louis co-ordinates are from Mr. McMath’s paper in Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, 1883, page 33. The Helena co-ordinates are from the “ Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1879, Part III, page 1968. The Elbe and Maas measurements are taken from the Zeitschrifi ties Architekten unci Ingenieur Vereins, Hanover, 1867, pages 290 and 291. The method of plotting these curves must be distinctly understood. They start from no common origin. They have no quantitative relation to each other. Each represents only the general trend of direction of the number of points from which it is constructed. These are in most cases widely scattered, but their general direction is clearly defined and 1 “ Sables de la Loire,” p. 22, 1871. 2 " La Largeur du Lit Moyen de la Garonne, p. 14, 1882. 3 See Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Eugineers, Vol. 71, 1882, p. 35. " Roorkee Hydraulic Experiments.” 4 “ Report of Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army,” 1883, III, pp. 2209 and 2266. HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 57 is fairly represented by the lines shown. It is seen at once that their direction, in each case, is such as to show an unmistakable increase in sediment per cubic foot with higher stages. 1 * 3 Each is independently constructed and all show the same thing." The author can find no other values to contradict them. ' This seems to show satisfactorily that weight of sediment per cubic foot increases as the river rises and depth increases. That it proves that transporting power in¬ creases with depth is not claimed, for velocity increases with stage also, and either one or both together may be the cause of increased 1 In the curves shown on Plate VIII of the “ Report of the Mississippi River Commis¬ sion,” 1879-81 (see " Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1883, III), this relation is only slightly traceable in the Carrollton measurements of 1879-80. 9 Since the above curves were plotted the author has found a plate showing a series of points plotted in an analogous manner from the extensive observations of Assistant Engineer Seddon at St. Charles, Mo., 1879 (see “ Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1887, Part IV, pp. 3090-96. For description of apparatus used see same report, pp. 3121-23). These points show how a curve similar to those in Fig. 1 could be drawn and are clearly confirmative of the conclusions here deduced. 3 The results of Prof. Riddell’s measurements are confirmatory. See Humphreys and Abbot’s “ Report on the Mississippi,” 1876, p. 142. 58 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. transport. If, however, one were to join with Humphreys and Abbot in denying any fixed connection between velocity and suspending power, then this might be looked upon as j3roof. The influence of a gradual or sudden decrease in depth upon trans¬ porting power offers a range of experiment and observation which is yet to be made. There is little definitely known from measurements about the influence of such shoaling upon the curve of velocities. For unchanged width, decrease in depth means decrease in sectional area and consequent increase in mean velocity for constant discharge. Such a shoaling may be likened, in its action, to a submerged weir. When the change is sudden there will be a mass of dead water above the weir, at the bottom, forming a fluid bed upon which the discharged water flows. This would seem to indicate conditions favorable for a deposit above the obstruction, upon the same principle upon which Humphreys and Abbot explained the formation of delta bars by de¬ posits in the dead angle caused by the fresh water flowing over the heavier salt water. The case of movable dams in many of the conti¬ nental rivers is in point. Experience, however, fails to show any shoaling of consequence above these structures. 1 The natural conclusion is that this dead water, so called, must be in a lively state of agitation, its eddies and vortices carrying up deposited material to the higher laminae whose movement of translation carries it over the obstruction. 2 In a gradual shoaling, with banks widening to form a pool, there is no sudden accession of vortex motion and the decrease in velocity due to enlargement of section is followed by deposits until equilibrium is established between the velocity of the stream, the resisting power of the banks and that of the bed. The question of changes in the form of the curve of velocities, as affected by obstructions, is still in need of experimental research by measurements made at varying distances above the obstruction to de¬ termine the velocities throughout the range of the back-water. That the friction of the air has some effect in influencing the form of this curve has been generally accepted since the Mississippi meas¬ urements were made. It is only the extent of the influence which was then claimed for this factor which has since been called in question by 1 For substantiation of this statement see Flamaut, Annates des Fonts et Chaussees, 1882, quoted by Lechalas, “ Hydraulique Fluviale,” 1884, p. 64. * See “ Report of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army,” 1876, II, p. 6. HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 59 those who have other theories for the cause of the depression of the maximum velocity below the surface. 1 That its retarding effect is less than that of the friction on the bed is usually conceded. That both are greater than the internal friction due to laminated flow is a reasonable conclusion from the actual form of the vertical curve of velocities, substantiated by Boussinesq’s demonstration 2 of the slight value of this friction of laminated flow. Suppose any cause produces a sudden increase of roughness in the bed and so increased bottom friction. If the hypothesis of parallel filaments 3 is adopted as representing the general trend of flow, the natural conclusion is that the parabolic curve of velocities in a vertical will be tipped down stream. In other words, the lower filaments will be more retarded than the upper ones. That a gradual shoaling with a corresponding increased surface fall has the opposite effect on the curve of velocities has been shown by Dupuit 4 for the case of un¬ changed width. There, by a simple numerical calculation, the bottom velocity is shown to take on a much more rapid increase than the surface velocity, so that, at the crest of the shoaling, they have become more nearly equal than before. In the contracted section below the crest the curve will have been tipped uji stream, though the rapid increase of bottom friction (varying as the square of the velocity) will soon force it back to the normal position for steady flow at that velocity. He attributes to this disproportionate increase in bottom velocity with the mean velocity, the larger part of the scouring action seen immediately down stream from hydraulic constructions. This view would seem to throw additional light on the cause of non-slioaling above submerged weirs. Experiments are needed on this subject. % 3. Influence of Retardation of Velocity. What, if any, is the relation between velocity and suspension? This is a vital question in the discussion. Assume a sedimentary stream 1 See Prof. James Thomson, “Encyclopedia Brittannica,” Article Hydrodynamics. Also, P. P. Stearns. Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 12, p. 331, aud Vol. 7, pp. 122-130. 2 Seepage 53, foot note. 3 In spite of the statement often seen, that this in no wise corresponds to the complex motion seen in rivers, especially the Mississippi, an ordinary inspection of streams, even in times of flood, shows it to be more reasonable than any other supposition yet advanced, and to represent, in an average sense, the phenomena observed. 4 “Etudes sur le mouvement des eaux,” 2d Edition’ 1863, pp. 58-68. I 60 HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. flowing between regular banks. Does any fixed connection exist between the velocity of the mean of all the cubic feet passing a given section per second and the weight of sediment contained in that ideal cubic foot of water? If so, is the relation one of cause and effect? To the first of these questions Humphreys and Abbot give an emphatic negative, 1 based upon a comparison between the Carrollton and Colum¬ bus sediment and velocity curves. Captain Ead’s criticism of this view was founded on a misconception. He proves conclusively in his article that the total weight of sedi¬ ment passing a given point in the river is proportional to the velocity of the current. This, however, was not the question at issue, and is settled by a moment’s reflection. The debatable problem is: Does an increase of velocity increase the transporting power per cubic foot of water passing a given cross-section? The vital question in the problem of jetties is not as to the ability of the contracted stream to carry throughout their length and beyond the sediment contained per cubic foot in the water of the river above. Their success hinges upon the capacity of the stream to take an additional load per cubic foot from its increased velocity until the increasing depth has again estab¬ lished equilibrium. The consensus of opinion of writers seems to answer in the affirmative as opposed to the position of Humphreys and Abbot. Partiot says 2 * that sediment in floods follows the same law as the velocities, increasing up to the highest stage and decreasing after¬ wards. Referring to the Missouri, Major Ruffner 2 says: “The water is so heavily charged with sediment that decrease in velocity is immediately followed by a deposit, but the converse of scour following an increase of velocity, although apparent, is not so well marked nor so extensive. * * * When from any cause the velocity of the current is suddenly increased, the most rapid erosion takes place; and the greatest deposit occurs when the velocity is sud¬ denly checked.” Captain Eads and Mr. Corthell 4 state that the current of the Mis¬ sissippi cannot be checked in the slightest degree in flood time, when its waters are heavily charged, without causing a deposit; that an 1 See p. 26. 2 “ Sables de la Loire,” p. 22. s “Improvement of Non-Tidal Rivers,” 1886, pp. 78, 138. -» Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. xi, pp. 262, 263. HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 6 iron netting, with meshes 1 ft. square, set in a shoal on the Missouri, caused a deposit of 16 ft. in one flood. Mr. Ockerson 1 claims that the river is not always fully charged with sediment and so may at times be retarded to some extent without deposit. Major Allan Cunningham - ’ states that, in the Ganges canal, measure¬ ments have shown that silt density is independent of velocity. Mr. R. E. McMatli" says the cause of suspension commonly varies with the velocity. Fig. 2. These views represent all phases of opinion. General statements are not convincing so it is advisable to analyze the available measure¬ ments. Fig. 2 gives a graphic representation of five different series of measurements in the Mississippi. Other data at hand are unaccom¬ panied by velocity determinations. These curves are plotted with mean velocities as abscissas and amounts of sediment as ordinates. As 1 Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. xi, p. 273. 2 “ Roorkee Hydraulic Experiments.” See Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engi¬ neers ; Vol. 71, p. 35. 3 “ Silt Movement by the Mississippi.” Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, 1883. p. 38. 62 HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. in Fig. 1 they are not suitable for quantitative comparison. There is no co-ordination in vertical scales. Each represents only the general trend of direction of the points from which it is drawn. The points for the Columbus and Carrollton curves were the most scattering, as would be expected from an examination of the same values plotted in Plates XII and XIII of Humphreys and Abbot’s “Report on the . Mississippi. ” There, time is introduced so as to form two curves. Here, a general relation is expressed by one curve, omitting the time element and plotting each observation as a separate point fixed by its sediment and velocity co-ordinates. An examination of the two curves as plotted by Humphreys and Abbot seems to indicate a relation, especially in the case of Carrollton where samples were taken from three depths and averaged. The rela¬ tion is not, however, invariable. From the points as plotted here there can be no doubt of the existence of a law. Another set of measurements was instituted at Carrollton by the Mississippi River Commission in 1879-80 which remove all doubt as to the existence of a relation between velocity and sediment at that point. 1 The investigations made by this commission at Prescott, Winona, Clayton, Grafton, Hannibal and St. Louis in 1880 and 1881 are the most extensive ever conducted and offer the data for plotting addi¬ tional curves. 2 3 Those made by the Missouri Commission at St. Charles 1 in 1879-1880 offer similar facilities. Of the curves shown in Fig. 2, the most reliable are those repre¬ senting the Helena and St. Louis measurements because of the im¬ proved methods used. In both these cases the law is clearly marked. The curve marked Ockerson is plotted from some measurements pub¬ lished by J. A. Ockerson, 4 M. Am. Soc. C. E. In Fig. 2 it might seem reasonable to have started each curve from the origin on the ground that stagnant water would carry no sedi¬ ment. On the other hand, such a proceeding would have been open to objection as an cirgumentum in circulo , and so was avoided. The curves, however, place themselves in a significant arrangement. 1 See “ Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1883, III, pp.2209-2266 and Plate VIII. * These curves have all been plotted by the author and show the same result as those drawn on Fig. 2 3 “Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1887, IV, pp. 3090-3096. 4 Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. xi, p. 273. Mr. Ockerson’s values for sediment as given above show a marked departure from other determinations in the Mississippi. However, as only the relative quantities are required here, they are used without question. HOOKER OK SUSPEKSIOK OF SOLIDS IK RIVERS. 63 The curves are believed to show that the sediment by weight in a cubic foot of water does obey a general law of increase with the velocity in the Mississippi River. As such a relation has been largely conceded to exist in other rivers it is believed that it is general. That instant deposit always follow the least retardation is not proved or claimed. 4. Distribution of Sediment in the Cross-Section. Distribution of Sediment in the Vertical .—Sufficient data is at hand to settle this question in its general bearing. That it has been a matter of dispute is shown by the different opinions expressed. M. Baumgarten, 1 from measurements in the Garonne, came to the decision that surface measurements were a fair index of the amount of sediment at all depths. Herr Blohm 2 quotes a number of varying opinions from English, German and Italian engineers ; but, from his own measurements in the Elbe at Harburg, finds somewhat of an excess in the surface quantities. He, however, gives it as his opinion that the distribution of sediment is about equal throughout. Andrew Brown" decided, after repeated trials, that sediment in the Mississippi was equally distributed at all depths, provided the samples were taken in the main current. M. Partiot 1 4 * takes the other view, stating that measurements in the Loire have shown the ratio of surface, middle and bottom quantities to the mean of all, to be represented by the numbers 90, 100 and 110. M. SurelP found that the silt intensity in the Rhone increased rapidly with distance from the surface. He expressed the ratio be¬ tween surface and bottom amounts by the relation of the numbers 100 and 188. In the measurements on the Mississippi at Columbus, 6 only surface specimens were used, the ratio 100 to 120 being used to reduce the sur¬ face values to the mean for all depths as determined at Carrollton in 1 “ Navigation Fluviale, Garonne.” M. Baumgarten. Annates des Fonts et Chausstes, 1842, 2, p. 49, See also page 8 of this paper. a Ueber die in fliessenden Wasser suspendirt enthaltenen Sinfcstoffe.” Baurath Blohm. Zeitschnft des Aichitekten und Ingenieur Vereins, Hanover, 1867, p. 276. 3 Humphreys and Abbot’s “ Report on the Mississippi,’' 1876, p. 143. 4 “Sables de la Loire,” 1871, p. 24. 8 M Guerard on “Mouth of the River Rhone.” See Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 82, p. 309. 8 See Humphreys and Abbot’s “Report on the Mississippi,” 1876, p. 136. 64 HOOKER OH SUSPEHSIOH OF SOLIDS IH RIVERS. 1851-1852, The following table has been prepared from all the data which could be collected upon this matter : Distribution of Sediment with Regard to Depth. Place of observation and observer. Parts of Sediment in 1 000 000 Parts of Water at the Depths Indicated. Date. Reference. Surface. (Mean.) Mid depth. (Mean ) Bottom (usually 1 ft. above). (Mean.) Mississippi at St. Louis— McMath. 1879 Van Nostrand Eng. Mag., 1883. 1 847 2 009 2 117 Mississippi at Helena— Johnson.... 1879 Rep’t Chf. of EDg’rs U. S. A , 1879, III. 799 1 266 Mississippi at Carrollton —Forshey. 1851-52 Rep’t on Miss. Hum¬ phreys and Abbot, 1861 648 802 842 Sacramento at Kersche¬ val’s—Le Conte.. 1879 Rep’t Chf. of Eng’rs U. S. A 1879, II. 5 525 9 051 5 618 Mississippi at Prescott— Miss. River Com. 1880-81 Rep’t Chf. of Eng’rs U. S. A., 1883, III. 123 167 159 Mississippi at Winona— Miss. River Com. 1880-81 Rep’t Chf. of Eng’rs U. S. A., 1883, III. 34 32 36 Mississippi at Clayton— Miss. River Com. 1880-81 Rep’t Chf. of Eng’rs U. S. A 1883, III . 40 42 41 Mississippi at Hannibal— Miss. River Com. 1880-81 Rep’t Chf. of Eng’rs U. S. A., 1883 III . 165 208 224 Mississippi at Grafton — Miss. River Com .... .... 1880-81 Rep’t Chf. of Eng'rs U. S.A 1883, III . 319 322 345 Mississippi at 8t. Louis— Miss. River Com . 1880-81 Rep’t Chf. of Eng’rs U. S. A., 1883, III . 686 906 995 Mississippi at Carrollton Rep’t Chf. of Eng'rs U. “ The means of surface, mid-depth — Miss. River Com . Missouri at 8t. Charles — Missouri River Com. ... 1879-80 1879 S. A., 1883, III . Rep’t Chf of Eng’rs U S. A., 1887, IV . and bottom observations are in the ratio of 100, 144 and 183, respectively.” Vide Rep’t Chf. Eng'r, 1883, III, p. 2216. 2 418 | 2 473 | 2 548 Garonne—Baumgarten _ 1847 Anna],, des Ponts et Chauss6es, 1848, II. ... The surface, mid-depth and bot¬ tom quantities are in the ratio Elbe at Harburg — Blohm.. 1837-54 ( Zeitschrift des Arch. } und Ing. Ver., Han- of the numbers 100,141 and 125. Surface mid-depth and bottom quantities are in the ratio of the , ( over, 1867 . numbers 100, 93.8 and 98.2. A study of the table shows only one case in which the sediment per cubic unit is not greater at the bottom than at the surface. This is that of the Elbe at Harburg. There are two cases where the mid¬ depth amounts are less than the surface values, the Mississippi at Winona and the Elbe at Harburg. There are three cases where the bottom values are less than those at mid-depth, the Sacramento at Kerscheval’s, the Mississippi at Clayton, and the Garonne. In all other cases there is a marked increase from surface to bottom. When it is considered how extensive a range of measurements is repre¬ sented in these means and due weight is given to the careful and far- HOOKER OH SUSPEHSIOH OF SOLIDS IH RITERS. 65 reaching observations of the Mississippi and Missouri commissions, it is thought that the law of increase from surface to bottom may be con¬ sidered as established. The table shows two other facts. First, that surface observations are not an accurate index of the mean amount of sediment. Second, that no general coefficient should be used to reduce surface observa¬ tions to mean \alues for all depths, since this coefficient will vary in different livers and for different stages of the same river. It was hoped that data might be found from which a relation could be established between the form of the velocity and sediment curve in the same vertical. Measurements at all points of the vertical are needed with simultaneous velocity observations at the same depths. The only ones obtained at all partaking of this nature are those in the Sacramento Eiver, which are too limited to be of service. 1 The observations at Carrollton in 1880 showed little change in the surface sediment with change of stage. Law of Distribution in the Horizontal .—In this study the data avail¬ able are still more limited. Of the extensive measurements carried on by the Mississippi and Missouri commissions, the author can find no single case where the samples from the eight positions in the trans¬ verse sense were kept separate and the weights published. Mr. Seddon 2 states that nothing of special interest was shown by these measurements at St. Charles, so the data were not published. The Carrollton observations 3 of 1880 are said to have shown a uniform dis¬ tribution from side to side of the channel and so are not published. Major Cunningham 4 obtained no data from which a law could be pre¬ dicated in his measurements on the Ganges Canal. Those at Columbus in 1858 are not printed in detail, but the Car¬ rollton observations of 1851-52 give the single satisfactory set. The measurements made in 1879 by Mr. McMath at St. Louis are not pub¬ lished in detail, but give some facts of interest. The last two sets are represented in the table on the next page by their means for such positions as are indicated. 1 An article by C. C. Babb, Jun. Am. Soc. C. E , abstracted in Engineering News, August 10th, 1893, is said to give curves representing sediment at different depths in the Potomac River. a “Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army," 1887, IV, p. 3090. 3 “Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1883, III, p. 2216. 4 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 71, p. 34, “ Roorkee Hydraulic Experiments.” 6G HOOKER OK SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. Distribution of Sediment in the Horizontal. Place of observation and Date. Reference. Parts of Sediment in 1 000 000 Parts of Water at the Positions Indicated. observer. Bank. Middle. Bank. Mississippi at Carrollton —Forshey. 1851-52 Rep’t on Miss, Hum¬ phreys and Abbot,1861 542 (300 ft. from e. 573 543 (400 ft. from w. Mississippi at St. Louis - Me Math. 1879 Van Nostrand Eng. Mag., 1883. bank). Mean ofsedii parts; me from Mo. s of sedimen 1 523 parts Dentin t an of set] bank). be river, 2 062 liment, 281 ft. ide, 2 736 parts; mean 11291 ft. from Ill. side. These meager measurements are offered rather to show the need of attention to this matter than as a proof that the maximum of sediment is near the thread of the stream. Mr. McMatli 1 found the maximum in nearly every case several hundred feet on the Missouri side of the line of maximum velocity. This could, perhaps, be accounted for by the fact of the Missouri water being more highly charged since its sediment is finer. If the Ohio and Mississippi flow side by side with¬ out miugling their waters 2 it may be that a similar phenomenon occurs at St. Louis. Surface Convexity and the Lateral Movement of Suspended Matter .— It has been stated 3 that crevasses in the Mississippi show a marked swelling or convexity at the thread of the current, where it crosses the levee, and that this convexity, which is due to the excess of velocity, has the effect of drawing floats to a narrow line at the filament of max¬ imum velocity. Major Cunningham 4 could measure no sensible curvature at the center of the Ganges Canal. He had expected to find such a swelling on the ground that increased velocity would be accompanied by de¬ creased pressure. He quotes the statement of General Rundall that the surface of the Godavery and Malianuddy Rivers was obviously con- 1 " Silt Movement by the Mississippi,” R. E. McMatli. Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine, Vol. 28, 1883, p. 36. 3 See “Report on the Mississippi,” Humphreys and Abbot, 1876, p. 136. Compare, also, the statement made by McMatli in “ The Mississippi as a Silt-Bearer,” Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, 1879, p. 222. The Missouri water was found to contain 2£ times the amount of sediment carried by the water of the upper Mississippi where the two streams were running side by side, with a common velocity, past Bissell’s Point. 3 “ Report on the Mississippi,” Humphreys and Abbot, 1876, p. 284. 4 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 71, pp. 11 and 12. HOOKER OH SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 67 cave, plane or convex, according as the rivers were falling, stationary or rising. Mr. Flamant 1 shows that there should be no such difference in pressure since a fluid transmits pressure equally in all directions and the surface should be level for permanent motidn. He explains the convexity measured by Baumgarten 2 3 4 in the Garonne in one case on the ground that it did not correspond to a permanent state, but to a con¬ dition of rise when the center would show the increase before the sides. M. Baumgarten' 5 6 7 8 9 io concludes from his two measurements on the Garonne that the changes are scarcely sensible. The experiments of Darcy and Bazin* showed no results which could be said to express a law. Prof. De V olson Wood 5 states that the water is highest where the velocity is greatest, but gives no substantiation for the statement. M. Debauve 5 accepts the idea as true and explains its apparent disagreement with the hydrostatic law on the ground of viscosity, the water tending to the form which will offer the least resistance at the banks. Major Cunningham' found that surface floats placed near the banks were uniformly drawn out to the thread of the stream, while subsur¬ face floats maintained a direction sensibly parallel to the banks. Mr. McMatlC holds that suspended material is borne from the sides toward the center. The same statement is made by Dupuit'* with reference to bodies floating at the surface. M. Lagrene"* considers the upper surface in straight sections to be sensibly horizontal so far as present knowledge reaches. In general it may be said that the movement of surface floats shows a tendency toward the line of maximum velocity. That the difference 1 See Annales des Ponts et Chausstes, 1882, IV, p. 56. Also Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers,*Vol. 71, p. 66. 2 See Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 71, p. 12, or Annales des Ponts et Chausstes, 1848, 2, pp. 28-30. 3 Annales des Ponts et Chausstes, 1848, 2, p. 30. 4 See “ Recherches Experimentales.” Darcy and Bazin. Plates XIX to XXVI. Also Pro¬ ceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 71, p. 12. 5 Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, 1879, p. 370. He claims that the cause lies in the reduction of pressure with increase of velocity. 6 Navigation Fluviale et Maritime.” V. Debauve. 7 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 71, p. 23. ‘‘Roorltee Hydraulic Experiments.” 8 Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, Vol. 28, p. 35. 9 “ Etudes sur le Mouvement des Eaux,” p. 218. io ** Cours de Navigation Interieure,” p. 53. 68 HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. in height of surface between center and sides is a concomitant phe¬ nomenon cannot be said to be proved. There are many statements that the fact exists, but such measurements as are available fail to substantiate them. Does Suspended Matter Move Faster Than the Current? —The ques¬ tion of the existence of a relative velocity between surface floats and the surface current may be said to be settled. It has been considered a source of error in the measurement of surface velocities by floats for some time past. The velocity of the float is greater than the mean velocity of the displaced water. For the same float, this rel¬ ative velocity will increase with increase in depth of flotation. 1 Major Cunningham 2 3 takes the contrary view, claiming that the velocity of a submerged rod is somewhat less than the mean velocity past its immersed length, so that it should only extend -jVo °f the total depth to the bottom in order to give a true indication of the mean velocity in a vertical. The experiments of M. Du Bovs" upon the Rhone may be said to settle the matter beyond dispute. He found from experiments upon boats that they moved sensibly faster than the current, and that this relative velocity varied with the form of the boat and increased with its size and with the velocity of the current. Experiments by M. Berard, 4 in 1886, on an artificial canal, showed that a float moved faster than the surface velocity, but almost identi¬ cally at the same rate as the mean velocity of the displaced water. M. Du Boys, 5 however, gives the case of a boat which had a velocity of 4.46 m. in a current whose surface velocity was only 2.75 m. These differences are too great to be attributed to the fact that the maximum velocity is below the surface. A block of wood and a floating canal-boat will not remain side by side in a river, but gradually draw away from each other, the boat taking the lead. 1 Noted and incorrectly explained in Zeitschrift des Architekten- und Ingenieur- Vereins, Hanover, 1887, p. 628. 2 “ Roorkee Hydraulic Experiments.'' Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 71, p. 22. 3 “ La Marche des Bateaux dans les Courauts Rapides.” Annulet des Fonts et Chausseet 1886, I, pp. 199-242. * “ Marche des FJotteurs dans les Courauts.” Anniles des Ponts et Chausstes 1886 II p 830. s “ Hydraulique.” Flamant, p. 299. HOOKER OH SUSPEHSIOH OF SOLIDS IH RIVERS. 69 The Question of Lateral and Vertical Flow in Rivers. —Islands are said to be formed at the center of rivers at the expense of the banks, indicating a transverse flow of the particles toward the middle. Is there a regular lateral flow of the water obeying a law as fixed as that which determines the general law of translation ? If so, it will enter as an important factor in governing sedimentary movements. Prof. James Thomson 1 has demonstrated the presence of such a flow at curves where the motion at the surface is outward and at the bed is inward. This offers a suitable explanation of the cause of shoals opposite sharp bends. In a regular channel centrifugal force does not enter in to pro¬ duce these effects. Are they present ? Mr. McMath says 2 that obser¬ vation has failed to detect any division of a stream into ascending or descending areas other than local motions due to eddies. Major Cun¬ ningham 3 claims to have detected a surface flow toward the center in the Ganges Canal as indicated by the motion of the floats near the banks, while a sub-surface flow in the contrary sense was indirectly shown by the fact that the deeply immersed floats showed no general transverse tendency. Experiments made by J. B. Francis 4 in regular canals with white¬ wash discharged through a tube opening near the bed, seemed to show a vertical movement of the water from the bed to the surface, the whitewash appearing at a distance down-stream varying from 10 to 30 times the depth. Mr. Francis offers this vertical movement as the cause of suspension of sediment. Prof. De Volson Wood, 5 upon the ground of these observations of Mr. Francis, adopts the idea of a lateral surface movement toward the banks, with a corresponding bottom current toward the center. F. P. Stearns, M. Am. Soc. C. E.,° on the other hand, holds the view that there is a motion of bottom water to the surface at the sides and toward the center at the surface. The observations of Mr. Francis might seem to be corroborated by the positive statement 7 that the Mississippi water is constantly rising from the bed to the surface. __ 1 “ Encyclopedia Britannica ” Article Hydr 'dynamics, p. 498. 2 “ Silt Movement by the Mississippi,” Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, Vol. XXVIII, p. 35 3 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXXXII, pp. 23, 24. " Roorkee Hydraulic Experiments.” 4 Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. VII, p. 109. 6 Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, Vol. XXI, 1879, p. 369. Also Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, June 17th, 1879. 6 Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. XII. p. 331. 7 "Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1883, III, p. 2 218, 70 HOOKER ON SUSPENSION OF SOLIDS IN RIVERS. 5. Solid Discharge of Rivers. In many articles on river correction and in most of the treatises on river hydraulics will he found statements of the amount of silt carried by streams in various parts of the earth. The amounts are unreliable in some cases and in many are expressive of only suspended matter to the exclusion of the more or less extensive movement along the bottom. A collection of such non-homogeneous data is not deemed of value for the purposes of the present paper. 1 Proportionate Amounts Suspended and Dragged. —The quantitative relation existing between the amounts moved at or near the bottom and those carried in free suspension has offered another opportunity for diversity of opinion. Dupuit 2 looks upon transportation in suspension as the most important element, on the ground of the slight velocity of the ma¬ terials dragged. Prof. Forshey 3 concludes that the matter pushed along the bed of the Mississippi forms about three-fourths of its total solid discharge. M. Guerard 4 is persuaded that the greater portion of the solid matter discharged by the Rhone is pushed along its bed. The Missis¬ sippi River Commission, 5 6 after a series of careful measurements of sand waves at Carrollton, decided that not more than .08 of 1 per cent, of the total solid discharge was moved along the bed of the river at this point. Major Ruffner *’ states that the movement of material at the lower laminae of the Missouri at St. Charles was believed to be as great as that in all the rest of the river. He refers 1 also to observa- 1 The following list gives a few sources of information upon this point: “Report on the Mississippi,” Humphreys and Abbot, 1876, p. 146. ZeUschrift des Arch.- und Ing - Verexns, Hanover, 1867, pp. 245-50. Proceedingt of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. XXI, pp. 15, 27, 459; Vol. LIU, p.18; Vol. LI, pp. 216, 217; Vol. LVII, pp. 272-4. The Engineer, October 25th, 1889, p. 343. Annates des Ponts et Chaussees, 1848, II, pp. 46-48; 1860, I, p. 137; 1860, II, p. 374; 1869, I, p. 588; 1871, I, p. 15. “Canal and River Engineering,” Stevenson, p. 318. “ Improvement of Non-Tidal Rivers,” Ruffner. “Cours d’Hydraulique Agricole et Urbaine.” M. Bechmann, 1895, pp. 109, 120. Also treatises on general geology. 2 “ Etudes sur les Mouvements des Eaux,” p. 216. 3 Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Nashville, 1877. See also Van Nostrand's Engineering Magazine, Vol. XX, p. 227. 4 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 82, p. 309. s “ Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army,” 1883, III, p. 2218. 6 “ Improvement of Non-Tidal Rivers,” p. 78. " The same, p. 138. * / HOOKER OH SUSPEHSIOH OF SOLIDS IH RIVERS. 71 tions at Lake Providence, La., which indicated that a large amount was moving along the bed of the Mississippi at that point of which the moving sand waves represented only a small portion. Captain Eads and Mr. Corthell 1 join with the Mississippi River Commission in the statement that nearly all the solid matter in the Mississippi is carried in suspension, while but a small proportion is dragged on the bottom. It is believed that this last statement represents the actual case in most sedimentary rivers. 6. Tabulation of Observed Data on Dragging. A tabulation of the best known results of experiment on velocities at at which dragging begins is given on the next page. Those given by Bouniceau appear to be taken from the results of Dubuat’s and Tel¬ ford’s experiments. The others are believed to represent original measurements or computations. In some cases the published results do not state whether the velocity measured was that at surface, mid¬ depth or bottom. Further statements of velocities are given by Weisbach, Unwin, Church, Bechmann and others, but they are all based upon the measure¬ ments detailed in this table. A limited collection of similar data is given in the Report of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1885, I, pages 569-570. The detail of Dubuat’s and Sainjon’s measurements has been given in a preceding part of this paper. The measurements in the Upper Rhine were made near Alt-Breisach, with a smooth river-bed. In the cases so marked, motion did not take place until the particles were subjected to a slight disturbance from the outside. Login’s experiments were made with a stream averaging $ in. in depth. Telford’s velocities are those at which erosion begins. Black¬ well’s measurements have been referred to on page 12. The materials are given as described by the experimenter. A careful set of measurements of these velocities, made with improved appara¬ tus, is much needed. Displacement of Crests of Sand Waves .—For purposes of comparison, a collection has been made on page 74 of measurements on sand waves. 1 Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. XI, p. 262. Table giving Velocities of Current at which Dragging Begins. 72 HOOKER OH SUSPENSION - OF SOLIDS IN' RIVERS. CD • • S 0 *© ©* -M P P . — A •§ a«® -So© u* © g w a oS ft t> n a H W ► g >-H Pm 0 a © o a P O m t • « >: S © eS * . •o iz o p. 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