F. Head Quarters, Dept. of New Mexico. Albuquerque, April 1st 1854. Colonel; I have the honor to enclose herewith, for the information of the General-in-Chief, a copy of a report from Major Blake, 1st Dragoons, very unsatisfactory as regards particulars. The Indians, Jicarilla Apaches and Utahs, have managed to combine a force of 250 Warriors, and unexpectedly attacked a Company of Dragoons 60 strong, about 26 miles from Fernandez de Taos, under the command of Lieut. J. W. Davidson, 1st. Dragoons, and succeeded after a desperate conflict in overwhelming it. Lieut. Davidson and Asst. Surgeon Magruder, both wounded, returned from the battle-field with about seventeen men, most of them wounded. The troops displayed a gallantry seldom equalled in this, or any other country, and the officer in command, Lieut. Davidson, has given evidence of soldiership in the highest degree creditable to him, to have sustained a deadly contest of three hours, when he was so greatly outnumbered; and then to have retired with the fragment of a company, crippled up, is amazing, and calls for the admiration of every true soldier. To prevent further disaster, I have ordered Lieut. Colo: Cooke, 2nd. Drags., to take the field with about two hundred Dragoons, and a Company of Artillery, armed with rifles. If hostilities are continued, and I have but little doubt such will be the case, I will be forced to call upon the Governor of this Territory for two or three Companies of Volunteers. It is very desirable that a strong mounted force, with a good supply of horses, be sent out early in the Spring. I leave in the morning with Carleton's Company of Dragoons, for Santa Fe, to watch events, and to consult the acting Governor about Volunteers. The Utahs are the best armed and most warlike of all the Indians in New Mexico, and it is a matter of surprise that they suffered a soldier to get back to his post. They must have been badly cut up. I am Colonel, very respectfully, Your ob.t. Servant, Signed, Ino. Garland Bt. Brig. General. Comdg. Lieut. Colo. L. Thomas, Asst. Adj. General, Head Qrs. of the Army New York Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.