Washington, D.C. Jan 2ond 1865 His Excellency A Lincoln President U.S. Sir, The undersigned respectfully prays for permission to pass through the Federal lines, in order that I may return to my home in Virginia, which I left after the death of my husband, about two months ago, expecting to find a Brother and Sister within the Union lines: but I have learned since of the death of both of them, and I am now here without material support, & seperated from an only Child of tender years, which were I enebled to return would be properly provided for. I beseech you to grant me a pass. I am a widdow & an orphan. My little child has no one to take care of him. Very Respectfully C. S. Elsom [*39769*] C. S. Elsom wants permission to go South. [*39770*] Transcribed and reviewed by contributors participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.