1878 1878 Susan B. Anthony No 7 Madison Street Rochester N. Y. -- Whoever finds this book -- will be liberally rewarded if they will return it to the above address -- S. B. A. Galileo Galilei, born Feb. 15, 1564; died Jan. 8, 1642 FEBRUARY . . . . . . 1878 DM DW Miscellaneous. [?] rise [?] sets [?] rises 1 Fr. John Forster, Eg. d. '76 7 11 5 18 6 52 2 Sat. New moon, 3h. 21m. mor. 7 10 5 19 sets 3 5 Inquisition abol Spn. '13 7 9 5 20 6 55 4 M. Mining disaster, Belg. '76 7 7 5 21 7 53 5 Tu. Moon apogee. 7 6 5 22 8 51 6 W. 5) Op. House dis. Cin. '76 7 5 5 23 9 50 7 Th. Rear Adm. Stringham, '76 7 4 5 25 11 0 8 Fr. Grt. fire Bdway., N.Y. '76 7 3 5 26 11 51 9 Sat 10) Reverdy Johnson d. '76 7 2 5 27 morn 10 6 first quarter, 8h 21m 7 1 5 28 56 11 M. 10) Moon highest. 7 0 5 30 1 59 12 Tu. Colliery expl Pittsb'g, '76 6 58 5 31 3 3 13 W. First total abstin. soc 1826 6 57 5 32 4 14 14 Th. 18) Luther died, 1546 6 56 5 34 4 58 15 Fr. Galileo born, 1564 6 55 5 35 5 43 16 Sat. 170 "Strathclyde" col '76 6 53 5 36 6 21 17 7 Full moon, 6h. 21m. mor 6 52 5 37 rises 18 M. 17, Septuagesima Sunday 6 51 5 39 7 30 19 Tu. 18. Moon perigee. 6 49 5 40 8 57 20 W. 18) Charl. Cushman d. '76 6 48 5 41 10 2 21 Th. 20) Jesse Pomeroy sent '75 6 46 5 43 11 18 22 Fr. Moon lowest. 6 45 5 44 morn 23 Sat. Last quarter, 10h. 17m e. 6 44 5 45 32 24 8 Sexagesima Sunday. 6 42 5 46 1 42 25 M. 24) Ex.P. Roberts d '76 6 41 5 48 2 44 26 Tu Beecher's defense beg. '75 6 39 5 49 3 38 27 W. Civil Rights bill passed, '75 6 38 5 50 4 20 28 Th Force bill passed, 1875 6 37 5 51 4 54 Michel Buon. Angelo, b. arch 6, 1474; d. Feb. 17, 1563 MARCH . . . . . . . . . 1878 DM DW Miscellaneous. [?] rise [?] sets [?] rises 1 Fr. Lady Stanley died, 1876 6 35 5 53 5 24 2 Sat. Res. to imp. Belknap, '76 6 34 5 53 5 47 3 9 New moon, 10h. 21m. eve. 6 32 5 54 6 8 4 M. 3) Quinquagesima Sund. 6 30 5 55 sets 5 Tu. 4) Moon apogee. 6 29 5 56 7 43 7 Th. "home for Aged" bd. '76 6 25 5 58 9 42 8 Fr. 6) Dis. on B.&O. R.R., '76 6 24 5 59 10 45 9 Sat. Moon highest. 6 22 6 0 11 48 10 10 Quadragesima Sunday. 6 20 6 1 morn 11 M. First quarter, 11h 5m. eve 6 19 6 2 51 12 Tu. Moody & Sankey, Eng. '75 6 17 6 3 1 51 13 W. 8) Millard Fillmore d. '74 6 16 6 4 2 46 14 Th. 10) Prof. J. Torrey d. '73 6 14 6 5 3 34 15 Fr. Archb McCl. cardinal, '75 6 12 6 6 4 27 16 Sat. Pros. M. Whetmore d. '76 6 11 6 8 4 48 17 11 1st Sunday in Lent. 6 9 6 9 5 18 18 M. Full moon, 4 h. 1m. even. 6 7 6 10 rises 19 Tu 18) Moon perigee. 6 6 6 11 7 35 20 W. 17) Poet Freiligrath d. '76 6 4 6 12 8 53 21 Th. Tilden ag. canal ring, '75 6 2 6 13 10 11 22 Fr. Moon lowest. 6 1 6 14 11 25 23 Sat. 20) Destr. tornado, Ga. '75 5 59 6 15 morn 24 12 2d Sunday in Lent. 5 58 6 16 33 25 M. Last quarter, 11 h. 34m. m. 5 56 6 17 1 31 26 Tu. Hudson River disc. 1609 5 54 6 18 2 20 27 W. War against russia, '54 5 52 6 19 2 56 28 Th. 21) Moners' riot, Penn '75 5 51 6 20 3 27 29 Fr. Lynde Brooke disas. '75 5 49 6 21 3 52 30 Sat. 31) Moon apogee. 5 47 6 22 4 13 31 13 Mid-Lent Sunday. 5 46 6 23 4 35 Peter Paul Rubens, b. June 29, 1577: d. May 30, 1640 June.........1878. DM DW Miscellaneous rise sets sets 1 Sat. Murad Effendi pr. sult. '76 4 31 7 24 sets 2 22 Str. "Vicksburg" sk. '75 4 30 7 25 9 23 3 M. 2) Mas. Temp. N.Y.ded.'75 4 30 7 26 10 10 4 Tu. Abdul-Aziz ex-sult. d. '76 4 30 7 26 10 48 5 W. Weber, musician, d. 1826 4 29 7 27 11 21 6 Th. 8) George Sand, died, 1876 4 29 7 28 11 49 7 Fr. First quarter, 10h. 59m. ev. 4 29 7 28 morn 8 Sat. Dr. Stearns died, 1876. 4 29 7 29 15 9 23 Whit Sunday. 4 28 7 30 40 10 M. 9) Moon perigee 4 28 7 30 1 5 11 Tu Moon lowest. 4 28 7 31 1 35 12 W. 15) Nat. B. Trade Phil. '75 4 28 7 31 2 9 13 Th. 14) Am. Rifle T.ar. Eng '75 4 28 7 32 2 48 14 Fr. Full moon, 6h. 55 m eve. 4 28 7 32 rises 15 Sat Winslow released, Eng. '76 4 28 7 32 8 38 16 24 Trinity Sunday. 4 28 7 33 9 20 17 M. 16) Hayes nominated, '76 4 28 7 33 9 54 18 Tu. 17) Bristow resigned, 1876 4 28 7 33 10 22 19 W. 20) Gen. Santa Anna d. '76 4 28 7 34 10 46 20 Th. Corpus Christi. 4 29 7 34 11 6 21 Fr. 17) Heavy failure, Lon. '75 4 29 7 34 11 25 22 Sat. Last quarter, 2 h. 19m. ev. 4 29 7 34 11 46 23 25 22) Moon apogee. 4 29 7 34 morn 24 M Massacre troops, Mon. '76 4 29 7 35 9 25 Tu. Moon highest. 4 30 7 35 34 26 W. 25) Gen. Custer killed, '76 4 30 7 35 1 3 27 Th. Harriet Martineau d. '76 4 30 7 35 1 40 28 Fr. S.Tilden nominated, '76 4 31 7 35 2 24 29 Sat. Am. RifleT. won, Irel'd, '75 4 31 7 35 3 17 30 26 New moon, 7h. 35m. mor. 4 31 7 35 sets John Gutenberg, born about 1399; died about 1468. July...........1878 DM DW Miscellaneous. rise sets rises 1 M. Ferrari, Ital. philos. d. '76 4 32 7 35 8 46 2 Tu. Grt. scandal jury dis. '75 4 32 7 35 9 21 3 W. Col. Lefferts died, 1876 4 33 7 34 9 51 4 Th. Moon perigee. 4 33 7 34 10 18 5 Fr. 4) Grd. Cent. cel. Phil. '76 4 34 7 34 10 45 6 Sat. Confl. Hamburg, S.C. '76 4 35 7 34 11 9 7 27 First quarter, 3h. 24m. m. 4 35 7 33 11 37 8 M. 9) Castle Garden burn. '76 4 36 7 33 morn 9 Tu. Moon lowest. 4 37 7 33 7 10 W. Relig. outbreak So. Am. '76 4 37 7 32 45 11 Th. P. M. Gen Jewell res. '76 4 38 7 32 1 34 12 Fr. J. M. Tyner ap. P.M.G. '76 4 39 7 31 2 29 13 Sat. 12) Dom Pedro s. for E. '76 4 39 7 31 3 31 14 28 Full moon, 5h. 59m. mor. 4 40 7 30 rises 15 M. "Thunderer" explos. '76 4 41 7 30 8 24 16 Tu. Ex-Pol. J. Connolly d. '76 4 42 7 29 8 48 17 W. Donaldson, aeronaut, l. '75 4 43 7 29 9 10 18 Th. Russel, ed. Scotl'd., d. '76 4 44 7 28 9 30 19 Fr. Cornell won at Sar. 1876 4 44 7 27 9 50 20 Sat. Moon apogee. 4 45 7 26 10 11 21 29 20) "Mohawk" caps. '76 4 46 7 26 10 35 22 M. Last quarter, 7h. 20m. m. 4 47 7 25 11 2 23 Tu. Moon highest. 4 48 7 24 11 34 24 W. 22) Ex-Gov. Haille d. '76 4 48 7 23 morn 25 Th. 22) Ir.Tm. w. Elcho sh. '75 4 49 7 23 14 26 Fr. Ex-Sen. Caperton d. '76 4 50 7 22 1 5 27 Sat. Duncan, Sher. & Co. f. '75 4 51 7 21 2 3 28 30 Baron A. Rothschild d. '74 4 52 7 20 3 12 29 M. New moon, 4h. 44m. eve. 4 53 719 4 26 30 Tu. 29) Isabella ret. to Sp. '76 4 54 7 18 sets 31 W. Andrew Johnson died, '75 4 55 7 17 8 16 DOMESTIC POSTAGE. On all LETTERS throughout the United States, 3 cts. for each half ounce or fraction thereof; if prepaid one full rate the deficient postage is collected on delivery. DROP or LOCAL LETTERS, 2 cts. per half ounce where there is a free carrier's delivery: other offices, 1 ct. POSTAL CARDS, 1 ct each. VALUABLE LETTERS may be registered by the payment of a registration fee of 10 cts. MONEY can be sent with absolute safety by mail, by procuring a Money Order. The fees are: on orders not exceeding $15, 10 cts ; $15 to $30, 15 cts. ; $30 to $40, 20 cts. ; $40 to $50, 25 cts. PRINTED BOOKS in one package, to one address, 1 ct. for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof, not over 4 lbs. On TRANSIENT NEWSPAPERS and other printed matter (except Circulars), 1 ct. for 2 ounces or part of 2 ounces, not over 4 lbs. On Circulars, Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs, Roots, Scions, Samples of Merchandise (except Liquids and Glass), Minerals, Ores, Flexible Patterns, Photographs, Stereoscopic Views, Paper, Envelopes, and all other articles not from their form or nature calculated to injure the mails, 1 ct. for each ounce, not over 4 lbs. Any package may have the name and address of the sender, with the word "From" prefixed on the wrapper, and the number and names of the articles may be attached in brief form. All transient matter must be fully prepaid by stamps. On matter not above specified, same rate as Letters. All matter, except Letters, must be also inclosed that a free inspection is allowed, without cutting strings or wrapper. FOREIGN POSTAGE. To all parts of EUROPE and BRITISH INDIA, for Letters, 5 cts. per half ounce, prepayment optional; if not prepaid, a fine is collected on delivery. Postal Cards, 1 ct. in addition to stamp impressed. Newspapers, 2 cts. each, if not over 4 ounces, and 2 cts. for each additional 4 ounces or part thereof. For other printed matter and Samples, 2 cts. for each 2 ounces or part of 2 ounces. All matter, except Letters, must be prepaid. Letters and other packages may be registered on payment of a fee of 10 cts. The fees for Money Orders on Great Britain and Ireland and Switzerland are : not over $10, 25 cts. ; $10 to $20, 50 cts. ; $20 to $30, 75 cts. ; $30 to $40, $1.00 ; $40 to $50 $1.25. On Germany, not over $5, 15 cts. ; $5 to $10, 25 cts. ; $10 to $20, 50 cts. ; $20 to $30, 75 cts. ; $30 to $40, $1.00 ; $40 to $50, $1.25. To the DOMINION OF CANADA, NEW BRUNSWICK, NOVA SCOTIA, &c., Letters, Postal Cards, Printed Matter, Samples, &c., must be prepaid same as U. S. rates, except Samples are 10 cts. for any weight within the limit of 8 ounces, which must not be exceeded. The fees for money Orders on Canada are : not over $10, 20 cts. ; $10 to $20, 40 cts. ; $20 to $30, 60 cts. ; $30 to $40, 80 cts. ; $40 to $50, $1.00. To NEWFOUNDLAND, per half ounce, 5 cts., prepayment compulsory. Postal Cards 1 ct. extra, each. STAMP DUTIES. CHECKS, DRAFTS, NOTES, ORDERS, &c., if paid by Bank, Banker, or Trust Company, are subject to a stamp duty of 2 cts. ; all other instruments are exempt. Lovely day - but no flying January, Tuesday 1, 1878 Spring Valley - Minn $30 Pay J. Sargent Left LaCrosse at 8.38 AM. arrive at noon - First eveing of the winter that the roads have been frozen hard - good [good?]? Good letter from Sister May mailed [?] 29th - she gets on my [?] with [Pennie?] & Louise splendid - Mother smart - but losing her mental [?] faster than physical. It is too bad. - Wednesday 2. Went back to LaCrosse, Wis - in P.M - Rev. and Mrs. B. W. Brigham - [?] called & subscribed for B.D. a most delightful winter day - it is so good to see the sun - for two months it has very seldom been seen - Hear of Wendell Phillips lecturing all around but no where that I can see or hear him - how I [?] to - JANUARY, THURSDAY 3, 1878 [Prairie Du Chien - Wis] Lansing - Iowa - $30 W. F. Purdy Sent $50 to Mrs. Sargent - making $200. to N.W.S.A. - Splendid audience - several ladies called FRIDAY 4. 2/3 Prairie du Chien - Wis - S.[?] Geo. Schnietzer [sp?] - Staffer at N. N. Hotel - Mr. Williams Proprietor Cousin Gilbert Luther - [Liden?] May Luther's brother came to the McGregor Depot to see him a few minutes - his aunt Chloe [B?te] - [?] feeble - small audience JANUARY, SATURDAY 5. 1878 $25 Charles City - Iowa Mrs. R. S. Andrews stopped at Mrs. Molley's sister of Mrs. Andrews - Bitter cold night - wind fearful - small audience yet larger by 20 or 30 then Phoebe [Cousins?] was Mr. Stevens wouldn't allow his wife to invite me to stay with her. SUNDAY 6. Dined at Cousin Ruth Luther Crowell's - husband's name Charles - her father mother's Cousin, Gilbert [Gilhaus?] Aunt Chloe Richardson's son - rode 12 miles on horseback- suffered cold & terribly rough roads - Spoke in M.E. Church in eve? - gave Social Purity - the pastor said at close he no respect for anybody's opinion, who doubted the propriety of his giving his pulpit to Miss A. January, Monday 7. 1878. Nashua - Ia $35 I. A. Rutherford stopped hotel - Mrs. M. H. Leight a sister of Mrs.Harris of Ripon, Wis splendid audience - __ my best - - easy sailing? speech Tuesday 8 Waverly - Iowa $30 F. G. Ball - Stopped Waverly Hotel Rev. Horence (sp?) E. Hollock - pastor of Universalist Church introduced me - handsome(y?) her sister H. M. Hollock with her - but doctor in ____? Splendid audience - and invited back for another lecture - January Wednesday 9. 1878 Greene - Iowa - $30 M. W. Riner Stopped at C. T. Lamson's - night - snowy & rainy - & very slushy & cold - Small audience no roll of petitions ____ (viewed?) for over 4 weeks Thursday 10 Marble Rock, IA $30 Geo. H. Nichols Mrs. Polland - called Large audience January, Friday 11. 1878 Shell Rock - Ia - $30. E. E. Savage Rode to Greene in sleigh in 40 minutes stopped with Mrs. Nate J. Carter - got letter from Sister Mary Poor Dennis slid off again on you! L. M. too bad, after such good hopes raised for a whole month and then to start the new year so - it is too discouraging - & clear weather, too - on Jan. 1 - put pen to paper & wrote guide a trembling word to all of her children - Large audience Saturday 12 $30? La Porte City, Ia A. G. Pierce - Stopped Hotel - Dr. J. Wasson Ed. La Porte City - Progress - brother of Charlotte W. Cox of Mendon - Monroe C. ?? Mrs. Mary Jane Van Dugan? - the liveliest woman - Letter from Mrs. Sargent - Con at Wash. opened splendidly though papers report is all Dr.? Mary brother & Mrs Tillots? January, Sunday 13. 1878. Left - La Porte at ?30 A.M. - & went to Waterloo - The Logan Hotel - slept till 9 O'clock - & then fussed and feathered? to heart's content - washing ?? - & cleaning a ???? to here & there - Mrs. M. L. Burnham - leading temperance woman here - called in P. M. Monday 14. $20 Manchester, Ia - S. G. Vanander stopped at Horence Hotel Mrs. Mary Babcock - a widow - one of proprietors - Splendid audience of 4 or 5 hundred - with 21@ c/o admission January, Tuesday 15. 1878. $20 Hopkinton, Ia T. H. McBride Took to Jeleman Centre- 6 miles & stopped at Doctor & Mrs. Finlay - Mrs. C. F. Flint & daughter of Hazel Green, sister ?, then to see and hear me- a very smart & well read woman - fine audience Wednesday, 16 Elgin, Ia $20 H. C. Hammond Team - 11 miles back to Dela??? Centre at 7.30 - insane woman - not 30 - on way to Independence asylum - Stopped at Ind. from 11 to 4 P.M. was guest of Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Carpenter - got new shoes by mail here from Leavenworth - Letter from sister Mary - of 12th all well at home & little ???? ????? since not ????? January, Thursday 17. 1878. $30 West Union, Ia C. H. Talmadge stopped at Crescent House - very nice & pleasant splendid audience Friday 18. Remained at M. W. till 6 P. M, had calls from several ladies - nice who claimed sympathy that husband punished her every time she acted independently - like going to my lecture - getting off some other thing - & soon told me she was a German Saloon keeper - then ???ing at hotel - slept at Posthille? January, Saturday 19. 1878. New Hampton -- La. $20 Dr. A. Babcock Stopped at Dr. Babcocks his wife Emma J. Adams - - just finished new parlors bed in back parlor--& the new paint & [d??pn??s] just perfect-- fine audience--& splendid people-- Sunday 20. Spoke in Rev. Baldwin's M.E. Church -- Social evening fine audience again -- Mrs Silsber & Mrs. Briggs & many others of the [?] leads Temp. women declared themselves converted January, Monday 21. 1878. Took train at noon for Calmar -- met Mrs. J.C. McKinney there had nice visit -- & the landlady Mrs. John Fergurson started for a lecture & 50 people gathered--& I [?]-- Tuesday 22. $20 LeRoy Minn -- J.A. Henderson [*Mrs J.E. Paden - & (Miss A. Shultis-) Called at Austin - teacher-*] January, Wednesday 23, 1878. Austin - Minn - $30- Sup’t Pub. schools Edward Bigelow my old friend H. Atillia Albro - Davidson - lives here - also her daughter Mrs. L. A. Sherwood - both gone east to Rochester - - weather cold but pleasant - - a sort of slow audience - still appreciative - but all new to them - it is marvelous how little people have thought on the woman question - THURSDAY 24. Albert Lea Minn $30 M. Halvorson Stopped Hall House - fine audience Mr. Halvorson an educated Liberal Norwegian - Mrs. Hall doing her own cooking & everything [?] January, Friday 25, 1878. [*$30*] Wells - Minn- W. W. Woodard Good audience in Congregational Church - Mrs B. F. Smith - & Mrs W. B. Dunn - prominent Temp. women Mr Willie Duston - came over from Blue Earth - to take me across the county with team 21 - miles Saturday 26 [*$20*] Blue Earth - Minn Carr Huntingdon Splendid audience at the Court House - Mr H. a Democratic Ed - but honest & always fighting the "rings" Willie Duston introduced me - his mother a lovely woman seldom see so many fine faced women as here - JANUARY, SUNDAY 27. 1878. At Blue Earth- Minn Lectured Temp & Social Purity in Presbyterian Church Splendid audience - & both the Pres. & Methodist minister endorsed my word - Took a 10 ct. contribution at the door MONDAY 28. Winnebago Minn W. P. Sherman Willie Justen & sister Minnie & friend took me to W. Stopped at Saffords Hotel - had a fine audience - Mr. B. F. Goodwin - Master Workman - A. O. W. M. JANUARY, TUESDAY 29. 1878. Left Winnebago as at 7 A.M. & drove across the country to [*St James*] Crystal Lake - 25 miles Strong east wind & snowing in open buggy - arrived Crystal at noon- & took train at 3 P.M. Mr. Oakley - the [?] at Crystal Stopped with Mr & Mrs Herrick - very pleasant home WEDNESDAY 30. St. James - Minn G. H. Herrick Mrs Lina Knickerbocker Clapp - sister of Teacher R. in Rochester- wife of a Baptist minister - Mrs N. P. Bradford of Madelia Minn - & her husband drove 9 miles to St. James - Mrs Case - teacher - did not go to my lecture - farm poverty - grasshoppers the cause - it made sick after lecture - to hear them tell how many of their most earnest, intelligent people couldn’t go January, Thursday 31, 1878 Minneapolis, Minn. 1/1 Z.E. Brown Left U. James at 5 A.M. Stopped at Clark Hotel - not more than "middling" - Mrs. Charlotte O. Van Cleve - who stood [by?]Kate Noonan in her trial for shooting her seducer - called also Mrs. Walker - [security?] of the Bethany had about 500 audience - then Pres. of the Z.M.C. introduced me - Candace & Ann Thurston called Candace Allen - lives here February, Friday 1, 1878 Litchfield Minn. L.W. Leavitt Stopped at the Leavitt's - had nice little audience - had a sweet letter from Abby Hutchinson Anderson - Asa's daughter - lives 20 miles from ?'s February, Saturday 2, 1878 Left ? at 2 P.M. & arrives at M. at 6 P.M. February, Sunday 3, 1878 Minneapolis - Temp. & Social Purity - Association Hall - for ? of Mrs. Charlotte O. Van Cleve's Bethany Society - introduced me. Mrs. Sarah I. Griswold of this city had article in Press of this A.M. in false ? of our National Wash. Con - Had a packed house of 1000 - & Mrs. Van Cleve said we heard true and every word word was just what she wanted the people to hear. [*Met the H [?] sisters at Hotel. on return from losing the train.*] February, Monday 4. 1878. Hudson Wis $30 Mrs. Horace Barlow The Clark House finished up by letting me be left from 10 train So waited till 2 P.M -- Went to St-P. & there hired team 20 -miles. reached H. at 7 oclock -- too tired for anything -- Mrs B. is a Vassar graduate -- Viola Boon - & full of ambition to be independent -- had splendid audience in the M.E. Church -- TUESDAY 5. Red Wing - Minn. $30 O.M. Hall L.A. Hancock introduced me Left Hudson at 8 A.M. & drove to St. Paul -- took train at [?]. & reached R.W. at 1.30 -- I had a good rest once more before lecture -- [*Mr J. P. Tiffany- lives Durand he is grand son of Aunt Hannah Madison- Grandmother Reads sister*] FEBRUARY, WEDNESDAY 6. 1878. Durand - Wis - W.H.H. Matteson Duncan McKenzie took me across from Wabasha -- 22 miles -- arrived just 6 P.M. stopped at Rev. M. Ridders -- his daughter Augusta Ridder -- very attentive -- Mr Barry Temp. Lecturer there -- Capt. Wilson, Son T. B. & wife Julia -- Eliza T., & her friend Mrs Barron -- & the two girls Angie & Sadie & ever so many more over from Menominie 25 miles splendid audience -- THURSDAY 7. To fill A. A. Willetts place he was sick & couldn’t come St Paul - Minn - S. C. Williams -- Left at 7 A.M. -- arrived at Wabasha 11 -- train late -- & 8 miles below Hastings Engine run off track & we were delayed 3 hours -- so it was 7 evening when arrived St Paul -- stopped Metropolitan - Opera House filled -- J. Ellen Foster came to Hotel & staid with me -- was dreadfully nervous & tired -- but got through FEBRUARY, FRIDAY 8. 1878. Arcadia - Wis - Mrs M.A. Hazen left St. Paul at 11.25 - on West Wisconsin R. R. Mr. Wm Mead - Con - at Menominee Miss Eliza T. Wilson & her friend Mrs Henry D. Barron of St Croix Falls, Wis. - came on board - so visited instead of sleeping, as I had intended - Green Bay Trains waited 40 minutes for me - & I landed at A. at 7.40 - large audience again - but made a dreadfully tired speech. SATURDAY 9. Left A. at 9.30 and stopped at Merrillan all day till 6 P.M. Slept three hours & wrote some - took train to Madison - arrived 1 A.M. & went to Capitol House. FEBRUARY, SUNDAY 10. 1878. At Madison Wis - at Capitol House - slept till near 10 A.M. - then took my breakfast at dinner time 1 P.M But am too tired & stupid to go to see Mrs. Elizabeth Ford Proudfit - or to see Mrs Professor Bascom - ([D???] was brought back to R. from his trip to Dunkirk - been gone from Thursday A.M. - MONDAY 11. Baraboo - Wis [?] [?] [?] Wm A. Willis called & dined with my old friend Elizabeth Ford - her sister Maria, with her - Took train at 4 P.M. Bay horses & & carriage like brother D.R.'s - Stopped with Dr. Moses & Mrs Emmie Davis - Martha McClure sister of Hannah McClure & friends of Samuel Bragg of Centre Falls lives alone here - is an artist - The doctors people old abolitionists & spoke in Ichabod Codding's old church - FEBRUARY, TUESDAY 12. 1878 [Delevan - Wisc F.W. Sturtevant] Madison - Wis - Mrs Andrew Proudfit - Elizabeth Ford - that was - lecture abandoned because of Jon Smith reception evening- Pres't & Mrs. Bascom - & Mrs. Hoyt to tea with Mrs. Proudfit - - delightful house - a superior woman daughter Julia Hopkins lovely - & sister Maria quiet as ever - WEDNESDAY 13. Delevan - Wis - F.W. Sturtevant stopped at the Wis. State Deaf & Dumb Institute - Pres. DeMotte & wife - she a music teacher married him with six children - a Miss Smith teacher there - splendid audience - FEBRUARY, THURSDAY 14. 1878. Darlington Wis - Editor - W. J. Wrigglesworth introduced by Hon Henry G. Magoon didn’t arrive until near 7 o’clock - dreadfully tired - met Lady on train who had been down to Warren to hear Mrs. Stanton last night - too bad to be so near each other & not meet - FRIDAY 15. Mineral Point - Wis - Dr. G. W. Field - Am 58 Today - letter from sister Mary & brother D.R. about what to do with Dannie - It’s dreadful to have a boy who has no self respect - Mrs. Gage writes about starting paper in New York First a packed audience people drove in through mud 14 miles - quite a number & staid all night at Hotel - February, Saturday 16. 1878. Lena - Ill - Rev. L. I. Mc Kee -- Left M. P. at 5.45 -- arrived Lena at 10 A.M. -- Had sick time -- just a taste of lemon pie. Seemed the irritating cause -- Had fearfully small audience -- Not over 60 or 70 & was too sick to speak -- Still went through with it -- Sent a night dispatch to sister Mary saying --Try again or send Doctor Hixon -- Dont send home nor refuge -- Sunday 17. At Lena - Watkins Hotel Got about 11 A.M -- had bowl of oat meal gruel at 9 A.M -- Don't feel strait yet -- It's such a constant worry about little Dannie & dear sister Marys perfect exhaustion over him -- got letter & C.B.Q. & R.I. passes from brother D.R. and letter with $1000 note from brother Merritt -- & Accident policy for $25 a week -- $25,000 for death -- from Frank February, Monday 18. 1878 Abingdon - Ill - Allen & Chaffee Left Lena at 11.45 & reached Mendota 2.45 A.M -- A. J. Grover -- Room 41 Major Poleck Chicago on board train to Galesburg good visit -- Miss Kate B. Ross - (Elocutionist) introduced me handsomely - she wants to be a W. S. lecturer -- at least a 500 audience -- TUESDAY 19. Prairie City. Ill [J. D. Tolson] Dr. H. W. Kreider -- "stopped with Mr & Mrs. K.- their daughter Ella M. Kreider small but good audience a letter of 16th from sister Mary -- not settled upon course with Dan yet -- FEBRUARY, WEDNESDAY 20, 1878 Palmyra, - Mo. - John Shannon Artist left P. City at 6 A.M. - the day a regular April rain - spoke in Court House - small audience- 80- or so - but more than any one would have thought possible to get out - Paid back $5. to Mr. Shannon - to help him to be left - even - THURSDAY 21 Fayette Mo - J. D. Tolson Letters from sister M. & brother Merritt - nice letter from Dannie saying he was going to try harder than ever to be a good boy - Mud & rain beyond anything Still a good audience - FEBRUARY, FRIDAY 22, 1878 Troy, Mo Theo. D. Fisher Impossible to reach- so Telegraphed to abandon lecture- it is 18 miles from Wentzville & roads impassible - Planters Hotel SATURDAY 23, Mrs. W. S. Gordon Gordon’s Columbia - Mo. - Garth Hall Dem. Ed.- Wm. F. Switzler - Judge P. Bliss - at whose house I stopped at St Jo. 1865 - is Prof. of Law in state University here Splendid audience - one of my happiest of weeks - noted solid for 16th Aniv FEBRUARY, SUNDAY 24, 1878 At Columbia - dined at Mrs & Dr Gilman’s - bright woman - Judge & Mrs Bliss board there - Judge Kelley, there - [?] P.M. Major Rollins & came with Hack - saying Court House was packed to hear me - found Hall locked & then went - to C. K. made fires - Major R. Introduced my speech - & I made a desultory talk on woman's moral powerlessness - all seemed very pleased & 7 subscribers For The B. B. MONDAY 25 Louisianna, Mo. J. C. Greenman stopped at Judge Edwin Drapers - wife a most lovely cultured woman, her father - Pettigrew- 97, - with them their daughter Susan Draper after - Notary Public - & Music Teacher- - good audience. FEBRUARY, TUESDAY 26, 1878 Clarksville Mo- N. M. Pettengill Charles E. Carroll - nephew of Mrs Lemon of Mattoon Ind. met me Depot - Splendid audience - Mrs Fanny Harris of Bowling Green - largest farmer in county- has 800 acres all under cultivation WEDNESDAY 27 [*LaGrange - Mo- R. M. Wallace*] Hannibal Mo- Wm H. Homans Mrs Wentworth formerly [Canijohanie?] called— Mrs J. T. R. Hayward called- Met Sister Hannah at Denver two years ago - real earnest- W. L. Morman- Small audience - February, Thursday 28. 1878. La Grange - MO Re. M. Wallace arrived at 8 A. M - found letters from Rochester Fort Scott & Leavenworth- all hopeful - Had a most restless audience - young girls & boys talking & laughing at last found it partly owing to cold room - (made poorest of each seemed as if I was touching nothing -- it was myself laughing - quite likely March, Friday 1 Telegram from brother D.R. cast the die - I took H. & St. Jo. train for Leavenworth - rain came on - train got behind - had to stop at Cameron - to stay over & take Sat. A.M. Rock Island train larger number of Ill. people going to Kansas--Mrs. Whitehead going to Afton P.O. - 14 miles from Witcheta - it is a perfect beginning into Kansas this spring - Stopped at Combe's Hotel - March, Saturday 2. 1878. Arrived Leavenworth of R.I. [?] train--brother D.R. at Depot--Sister Annie & Maude & Susie & Dannie all well-- drizzly day--Major [Threene?] given release of P.O. on Friday-- & brother D.R. working it through with Frank & Eugene--$500- worth of [3 at rawls] gone--making in all $1,800--stolen --or lost this year-- Sunday 3. Pretty pleasant day--at Leavenworth--Mrs. Margaret T. Adams--formerly Phelps of Peoria Ill--& sister of Gov. Ed McCook's wife--Mary Thompson McCook of [D?]--dined at brother D.R.'s also brother Eugene & nephew Frank Mosher-- March, Moday 4. 1878. Left Leavenworth at 12 noon met on train Mrs Susie Miller of Memphis Tenn--wife of G. T. Phillips--of Denver Col-- stopped Ogden House-- Council Bluffs--arrived 11 oclock & left at 5 oclock Tuesday A.M. Tuesday 5. Harlan Iowa D.M. Wyland Wm. Stulsman met me at Avoca & took me the 15 miles & spring broke--& tied up for half the [morning?]--stopped at Mr Nicks--a lawyer-- nice family--got long letter from Mrs Gage--also one from sister Mary--little Dannie & niece Louise--Dannie says he didn't succeed in being a good boy all the week--but will try again. March, Wednesday 6. 1878. Council Bluff--Iowa J. Dohaney & D.R. Witter Stopped with Mrs. Ameila & Dexter C. Bloomer-- Small audiences & gone Homes--don't like it Marie Nichols--married Kelley lives here--& Willie Mills son of D.C.B. Mills of Syracuse called on me Thursday 7. Missouri Valley--Iowa Jas G. Kreider Mr & Mrs M. Holbrook-- now live here at M.V.--they drove over from Magnolia-- 7 years ago to hear me-- almost no audience--no recent notice given--Spent day to 5 P.M. with Mrs. Bloomer-- March, Friday 8. 1878. Logan - Ia - J.G.R. Mrs. J. T. Stern Small meeting - severe rain - [Mr. & Mrs. Holbrook fine here. Didn't come over until 6 P.M. train] - Mrs. La Porte introduced me here Saturday 9. Dunlap Ia - J.S.R. Smith M. Child + Rachel Lockwood Child - made me a pleasant home - Mrs. Child has lectured on Home Education - Mrs. Child introduced me - full house - but small hall-- Mr. Reiders form engagement are + had sell - he put the price down to 25 and 25 cts - & none of their court tours can pay at that - March, Sunday 10. 1878. At Dunlap - Ia. Spoke at 2 P. M - in Lehan's hall - 40 seats - but rough boards - gave leinherow[?] talk - full house Got letter here from Mrs Hooker from Riggs Hotel - where the dome - remained since Jan. Can - just as full of assurance of ???? success - as she was six years ago Monday 11. Dennison Ia - J. G. R. Mrs Matthews called on me thought Mr. P. was dying out - had read on J newspaper reports - taken no W. S. paper Had a splendid audience - first time in a new - My manager took Lunch home - without [?] my 3/5 gross receipts for lost from lectures - waited at hotel appealing time after lecture + [?] [?] A. M. - topic offering March, Tuesday 12. 1878. West Side Iowa W. N. Becker Telegraphed Mr. Kreider - why he didn't pay me last night - guess I've lost it- about $80 - Met here at Hotel Mr McMartin - has 1000 acre farm 14 miles out - calls it Lib's farm - his [?] has 1000 acres 2 miles out of Dunlap - Wednesday 13. Carroll Iowa A.B. Wright Stopped with Mr & Mrs Daniel Wayne - Mrs M. W. Johnson the one W. S. Woman for years - the ministers wife Mrs A. M. Palmer & Mrs Wayne strong temp. but not suff. Got Postal from Kreider say sent money Chicago to day - Everything correct - & Mrs Childs telegram that he said he'd sent money order from Denver yesterday - Got telegram from Postmaster No Order sent from Denver March, Thursday 14. 1878. Grand Junction Iowa J.W. Harney Got Telegram from Slayton-- has received no money from Krieder--so guess all is up-- but what can the fellow mean to ruin himself for so small an amt --Jefferson next station beyond (?) this lives uncle H.A's daughter Eliza Porter Green got letter from Sister M. & $1000 draft for Merritt--by Monroe Co Bank Deposit--for M. to [?] mortgages Friday 15. Nevada Iowa L. [Darwin?] Another Postal here dated 14th say sent $48.75 to Slayton--Kreider Also letter from Mrs. Child say Kreider sent $38 to Slayton still I doubt--if he has it is only 1/2 of what he owes me-- Stopped here with Mrs E. J. Potter--her sister Mrs J. B. Ferm sent a 250 petition to Mrs Spencer--splendid audience March, Saturday 16. 1878. Left Nevada at noon- arrived Fort Dodge 4:30- Mr. Mrs. Davis of Cedar Falls- keep Duncan Hotel here - Mr. D. an old friend of Sister Annies - Lovely day - but was sick enough of room at Hotel - so gloomy - felt I couldn't stay in it over Sunday - till I found Mrs. Davis kept it Sunday 17. At Fort Dodge--& Juneau Hotel--perfectly lovely "May" day--wrote long letter to my old clerk Lib Brown--now Chatfield-- in answer to hers of Feb. 14th in memory of my 58th birth day-- A.E. Dickinson has been with her all winter--& I told her the reason I did not write her at time of illness was because I thought any word from would add to her [?]-- called on Mrs. Adaline M. Swain-- March, Monday 18. 1878. Webster City--Iowa D.P. Maryatt Mrs Swain accompanied me to W. City--Mrs C.L. Wilson took us & her sister Mrs Marion Maite a drive with her ponies--the day just a perfect one-- Hamilton hotel had dreadful fair audience--Y.M.C.A. boys [manager?] March, Wednesday 20. 1878 Parkersburg Iowa F.L. Dodge Editor Mr and Mrs J . W. Spencer escorted me to Church - thunder shower came on & made everybody nervous - got letter from Mrs Williams - Took train at 11.45 after lecture - raining hard & steady - wrote Mrs. Sargent & Mrs Lockwood - Judge Edmunds your adverse report on women on Supreme Court --- Thursday 21. Spent day till 3.30 P.M. in Independence drove out & visited the Insane Assylum - Dr Reynolds - the superintendent - Sad, sad, but oh so much better to house them there [massed] & cared for - spent night at Postville March, Friday 22. 1878. Waukon - Iowa - May & Hancock Went by team from Postville - lovely spring day - stopped with Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Hays - daughter Josephine - a lovely girl - [?] good home fine audience - Have had cold since Tuesday A.M. from Webster City horrid room & worst kind of bed - but to night the first that it troubled me in speaking Saturday 23. Luana Iowa A. M. Bronson Team back to Postville - Cars at 3 P.M. - - Mrs Bronson met me depot - & a delightful home they have - daughters Belle & Laura & son George - the day uncomfortably warm - lovely - turned cold at night - had fine audience - coughed some - made hard work March, Sunday 24. 1878. Spent day at Luana - with the Bronsons - they are universalists - alone here - went to M. E. Church - heard Presiding Elder preach old time sermon - it was Quarterly meeting - preached on hell in eve'g - didn't go - but Belle did & reported it the old time furnace of fire & brimstone Monday 25. Left Luana at 3.30. P.M. stayed all night at Haskell Hotel - at Lone Rock - March, Tuesday 26. 1878. Richland Centre - Wis. A.H. Crouskop Mrs. J. W. Leybrand - of this place - called & brot letter of Dec. 1863 of Loyal League she circulated petitions & boy got badge - Had splendid audience Judge B. Miner introduced me - stopped at Tryon's hotel- Wednesday 27 Jonesville - Wis C.W. Baker Rev. Jones - minister Mrs M. A. Newman & sons & old gentleman. College graduated rode across his county 20 miles to hear me Mr J. H. P. Porter - Cooksville Wis-- terrible rain--small audience March, Thursday 28. 1878. Left Myers Hotel- at Janesville- at 7 A. M - arrived Chicago - called Slayton at Gossage's House - then to Aunt A. E. S.'s - Wendell had letter, Eugene ill two weeks Friday 29. Seneca - Ill D. H. Underhill Dark & Rainy night - Letter from Cousin Ira House - of Ottawa inviting me to visit them - March, Saturday 30. 1878. Oswego - Ill F. O. Tarbox Stopped Ottawa 2 hours - Cousin Ira at Depot - drove me to his house - raining & muddy arrived Oswego at 5:20 - stopped with Mr & Mrs J. N. Hall nice people - letter from Sister Mary telling of Dannie's run a way last Monday - it is just killing - Mrs Josie T. Hall Sunday 31. Took team to Aurora - 6 miles & took 8 train to Chicago - dined with Wendell at his boarding house all very nice - A lady teacher Mrs Smallwood a real mother to him - It is just a year ago to day that dear Sister Hannah wrote her last letter to me. saying "I breathe easier because it is the last day of March - but oh only a short six weeks more left to her - April Monday 1 1878 Leland - Ill - Miss Laura E. Hard Left Chicago at 10:30 - but [???] and waited till 2:30 - & returned to L- found Parker Pillsbury at the hotel - glad to see him - [but] was too tired to visit - so rushed to bed till lecture time a fine audience - Miss is a teacher at L. and lives at Earlville Tuesday 2 Plano - Ill J. E. Bennett Miss H. Mr. P. & self went to Earl on 8 freight - had a good visit with cousin Susan Hoxie Richardson Mr P also - & left on 4 train for Plano - stopped at Mr George Stewards - [aunt?] Nancy April, Wednesday 3. 1878. Wyanet--Ill D. Spangler Left Plano at 9.30--saw Mr P. & Cousin Susan at Earl Depot--a [?] reached Wyanet at 1 P.M.--and slept a good sleep this P.M. Thursday 4. La Moille--Ill E.C. Deane Mrs. Anna Norris Rendall met me at Arlington & took me to her father's Farm House--Isaac Norris-she a widow with lovely boy of 10--Georgie [Cayvan?] a [ke?] & Miss Knox the teacher [?] the brother Clarkson Norris-- splendid audience- Letter from Sister Mary--note from Dannie APRIL, FRIDAY 5, 1878. Vermont Ill Geo. L. Purell Mr Moriss drove me out to see his stock - splendid - Anna with same team - The Tuckahoes drove me to 12 - train - never reached V. till 8 P.M. & then found Slayton had pledged me for Single Woman - so stammered through the fragmentary manuscript once more - small audience - SATURDAY 6. Lewiston - Ill [J.C. Thomas] Davidson & Hasson One year ago this day of the week - I reached Leavenworth & my dear dear Sister Hannah - but what a break her death has made in my poor heart - none can tell - APRIL, SUNDAY 7. 1878. Lewistown - spent day in writing letters - MONDAY 8. Bushnell Ill J.C. Thomas Left L. at 6 - breakfasted at Canton - arrived B. at [?] - rained hard - no lecture - Letter from Sister Mary - Daninie heard from in Ohio - & wanting help to get back Stopped at Mr Dennings April Tuesday 9 1878 New Boston Geo Lytle reached New B. at 4 P.M.- Miss Amanda Stager- the Court Superintendent at the Lytle's- fine audience Wednesday 10 Mother got another terrible fall today the 10th Dined at Mr Ballards & went to Burlington stopped at Gorham Hotel Mary Osgood & sister Julia & brother live here- but couldn't learn of their place to call- Ms Boecklin of B. a good suffragist April Thursday 11 1878 Bushnell- Ill arrived 1 P.M. stopped Hendu house - had fair audience- but the law Mr West, Denning, Sparks &c- are Liberal League- which frightens the religionists. Friday 12 Mt. Pleasant Iowa Ms C. T. Cole Left B at 4:20- arrive 9 A.M. Mrs C leading Temp. woman- letters from Sister Mary & brother Merritt- called at insane asylum & on Joseph and Ruth Dugdale Had a 7 or 8 hundred audience in "Red Ribbon Hall" - Sunday "Red Ribbon League- April Saturday 13 1878 Sheffield- Ill- H. L. Howard Fine audience though threatened rain very much Sunday 14 At Sheffield went to hear Rev Chester Covill preach Unitarian - & then rode over to Buda in rain with him - his wife a lovely woman- two young girl teachers at house-very promising April Monday 15 1878 Prophetstown- Ill J.W. Olmsted Stopped Mrs Sherwoods Hotel & Mrs Mattson But [?] better than to continue the lie any longer- Beecher still swears she is innocent of the great transgression- when & what will be the end of his [Bron?] Tuesday 16 Left P. at 11 A.M. - met Clark Norris & he took me off at La Moille & to his Father's- where I spent pleasant P.M. & night--This A.M. Papers out with confession of Mrs Tilton- shocking to own she has been perjuring herself for four years April Wednesday 17 1878 Mrs Kendall took me across to Princeton- with her Tuckahoe ponies- & dined with the Lovejoys- had most satisfactory talk with Mrs Lovejoy of her and Sophia's 1870 winter at Brooklyn- both clearly sour & talked the improprieties of the pastor's visits- took C B & Q Express at 2 P.M. Thursday 18 Quitman Mo E. M. Manning M.D. Arrived Marysville Mo at 7 A.M. took team to Q- 12 miles- letter from nephew Frank saying his knees had given out couldn't get up nor sit down- good audience- & drove back to Marysville after lecture- arriving at 2:30 A.M. April Friday 19 1878 Took train at 7:30 A.M. - arrived Atchison at 10- failed to find Heischer- the man who has 10 lectures for Kansas in May- dined at Otis House- and reached Leavenworth at 5 P.M.- found Eugene very ill with pneumonia- & Frank just able to walk- when once on his feet- but falling down with least jog from ballance Saturday 20 April, Sunday 21. 1878. at Leavenworth Monday 22. Mrs Judge Horton came in P.M. and sister Annie took us out to Mt [Mermiu?] - + there was the green mound over all that was mortal of my dear dear sister Hannah- a year ago now she was suffering- oh how terribly April, Tuesday 23. 1878. at Leavenworth Wednesday 24. at Leavenworth Theodore Tilton lectured in Opera House this ev'g- called at brother D.R.'s after lecture- he has grown fearfully old- says he knew nothing of Elizabeth's going to make her confession APRIL, THURSDAY 25. 1878. Took 7.30 train for Fort Scott - had two hours at Kansas City - called on Dr Jennie C. Hilderbrad arrived Fort Scott at six 6. M - found all well but Lucy E - & she is still very feeble - though better - Dannie arrived last Friday - they sent money to pay him from st Louis FRIDAY 26 APRIL, SATURDAY 27. 1878. SUNDAY 28. APRIL, MONDAY 29, 1878 Took 10.20 train back to Leavenworth with intention to start home Wednesday - but Eugene couldn't be started - so staid on & on - TUESDAY 30. Got letters from Mrs Williams & Mrs Gage saying the Ballot Box was transferred to Mrs Gage & Syracuse - May, Saturday 11. 1878. Sunday 12. May, Monday 13. 1878. Tuesday 14. MAY, FRIDAY 31. 1878. JUNE, SATURDAY 1. JUNE SUNDAY 2, 1878. Rev. Morris 8th anniversary - platform & pulpit beautifully decorated with flowers - an excellent rehearsal & review of the 8 years - had attended 75 funerals - 48 of them of his own congregation & 28 - adults & helping in church - MONDAY 3. JUNE, TUESDAY 4. 1878. WEDNESDAY 5. JUNE, THURSDAY 6. 1878. FRIDAY 7. Niece Maggie McLean Baker returned from Cincinnatti this A.M. - JUNE, Saturday 8. 1878 SUNDAY 9. JUNE MONDAY 10. 1878 Brother A. left for Washington Point on the 7.20 A.M. train Niece Maggie is 33 years old today TUESDAY 11. Wrote 6 or 8 letters to day for 3d Decade celebration JUNE, WEDNESDAY 12, 1878. William Cullen Bryant the Poet & Editor died this A. M. at 5.40 - almost 84 - Sent six letters for 3d Decade Con - today - THURSDAY 13. JUNE, FRIDAY 14. 1878. SATURDAY 15. JUNE, THURSDAY 20, 1878. FRIDAY 21. Left R. at 4.45 for Mrs. Gage's Fayetteville - JUNE, SATURDAY 22, 1878. SUNDAY 23. JUNE, MONDAY 24. 1878. Returned home from Fayetteville Called at Amy Posts - found Lydia Mott's sister Phebe Willis Stern - TUESDAY 25. JUNE, WEDNESDAY 26, 1878. THURSDAY 27. Brother Eugene came, unexpectedly, from Marion, Wayne Co. to day, looking very well indeed - JUNE, FRIDAY 28. 1878. Sister Mary's School closed to day -- Maria Collins daughter of cousin Hannah [Halper?] called - also Joseph's daughter SATURDAY, 29. JUNE, SUNDAY 30. 1878. Wrote Mrs. May E. Butler Clay Centre- Kansas - offering her 50 per cent to canvas for the National Citizen & Ballot Box - very warm day - JULY, MONDAY 1. Dear Sister Guelma's 60th Birth-day - What a blank there is - no Guelma - no Hannah - no Father - July, Sunday 14, 1878. Monday 15. Sarah A. Sherman arrived 10 P.M. train and stopped with us - July, Tuesday 16, 1878. Mrs. Gage came Tuesday evening Wednesday 17. Had preliminary meeting at Mrs Hallowells - JULY, THURSDAY 18, 1878. National W.S.A. Business meeting - 10 A.M. - Unitarian Church The hardest ordeal for me was the abolition of Resolut Cong. Com. which all felt must be done - - FRIDAY 19. Celebration 30th Anniversary of the Woman's Rights Movement - Unitarian Church Rochester - JULY, SATURDAY 20, 1878. - Miss M. A. Thomson came with me - to spend a week - SUNDAY 21 JULY, MONDAY 22. 1878. TUESDAY 23. JULY, WEDNESDAY 24. 1878. Dr Lozier sick with Cholera Morbus at the House of refuge all this week THURSDAY 25. JULY, FRIDAY 26. 1878. SATURDAY 27. Miss Thomson went to Syracuse - and to Fayetteville to visit Mrs Gage - took a carriage & drove out East Avenue a two hours - before she left at 10.15 - JULY, SUNDAY 28. 1878. Visited the Girls Reformatory - took dinner there - and spoke to both boys & girls in the Chapel - Mrs Lozier better MONDAY 29. JULY, TUESDAY 30. 1878 WEDNESDAY 31. Eugene left for Easton Wash. Co. AUGUST, THURSDAY 1. 1878 FRIDAY 2. Louise went up to niece Maggies to spend a two weeks - AUGUST, SATURDAY 3. 1878. SUNDAY 4. AUGUST, MONDAY 5. 1878. Sister May left for her trip to Montreal Quebec - Portland - White Mountains - Old Orchard Beach - Camp meet'g - Boston New York & Ocean Grove, Miss Annie H. Collins with her - TUESDAY 6. AUGUST, SUNDAY 11, 1878. My old clerk of the Revolution -- Julia Brown lost her little boy Georgie -- the 12th MONDAY 12. Eugene returned at 10 P.M -- had not been to Easton -- till Sunday A.M -- & then got word of the Briggs waiting him --had staid at the Widow Joseph Moshers all the time AUGUST, TUESDAY 13. 1878. Eugene took 11 P.M. N.Y. Central for New York -- Aaron & he went to Col. Hay's Temp. Tent -- Meeting -- & A. left him at Depot at 10 P.M -- My last words to him were to remember & report himself this time - Wednesday 14. AUGUST, MONDAY 19. 1878 At Rochester Miss Cleveland came to help make into a patch-book - all of my 25 years clipping from newspaper reports &c - TUESDAY 20. Home Louise returned home from niece Maggies had been there over two weeks AUGUST, WEDNESDAY 21, 1878. Home good letters from Frank and Wendell THURSDAY 22. AUGUST, FEBRUARY 23. 1878. SATURDAY 24 AUGUST, SUNDAY 25, 1878 MONDAY 26 Sister May & Miss Collins returned from their Ocean Grove trip AUGUST, THURSDAY 27. 1878. WEDNESDAY 28. AUGUST, THURSDAY 29, 1878. FRIDAY 30. Telegram from brother D.R.. that St John was nominated for Gov. of Kansas - AUGUST, SATURDAY 31. 1878. Took 7.20 A. M. train for Fayetteville - found the Gages at dinner - SEPTEMBER, SUNDAY 1. SEPTEMBER, MONDAY 2. 1878. Returned from Mrs Gages on 5 P.M. train TUESDAY 3. SEPTEMBER, SUNDAY 8. 1878 MONDAY 9. SEPTEMBER, TUESDAY 10. 1878 Four weeks to day since Eugene left and not a line from him. it is very strange WEDNESDAY 11. SEPTEMBER, THURSDAY 12. 1878. Learned that Mrs Briggs had not heard from Eugene - FRIDAY 13. Wrote E. S. Caldwell to know if Eugene had been there - it is surely very strange - SEPTEMBER, SATURDAY 14. 1878 SUNDAY 15. SEPTEMBER, MONDAY 16. 1878. Tuesday 17. Received letters from Elisha Caldwell -H. Lapham, L. Sequier & Harvey Mosher - that Eugene had not been seen- So we made up our minds to advertise in New York papers at once- SEPTEMBER, WEDNESDAY 18. 1878. This is dear sister Hannah's birth day - 57 years- she would have been - it is too cruel that we must lose her- such a joy & stay to her children & to us -- While Eugene is left - a weight for all to carry - he reported to Louise to day - after a silence of five weeks - THURSDAY 19. 14 years ago to day- niece Ann Eliza McLean was buried and 40 years ago to day sister Guelma was married - SEPTEMBER, TUESDAY 24. 1878. WEDNESDAY 25. (Mary Dobbins married John Joseph Birmingham this at 8 1/2 O clock- to settle in Buffalo - marriage in Cathedral) Expected sister Annie & Susie B. this P.M. - - but didn't come Mother a little improved - but eats nothing - SEPTEMBER, THURSDAY 26. 1878. Mary Dobbins married this Thursday A.M. - At noon mother began to feel like eating - and grew more & more like herself - FRIDAY 27. Mother still brighter - but cant move her body - only her feet & legs & arms -- It seems a great relief to have the change fom the reign of May Dobbins over the kitchen - OCTOBER, WEDNESDAY 2. 1878. My friend Eliz. Cady Stanton's oldest daughter- Margaret Livingston Stanton was married at 12 O clock to day to Frank Eugene Lawrence of Omaha Nebraska - & sent me their card- "Mr & Mrs Frank Eugene Lawrence - If Mrs S. daughter is this happy to be dropped out of sight name & all - what hope of the daughters generally - THURSDAY 3. OCTOBER, FRIDAY 4. 1878. SATURDAY 5. October, Monday 14, 1878. Tuesday, 15. October, Wednesday 16, 1878. Perry, Wyoming Co. N.Y. The Editor. Lewis E. Chapin -- guest of Mrs. Charlotte A. Cleveland -- two daughters & lovely home -- Left Rochester at 6:30 -- on State Line -- reached Perry at 11 A.M., Mrs C. drove me round to Silver Lake camp meeting grounds & The Pioneers Cabin -- had a fine audience Universalist [?] -- gave Bread & Ballot -- Thursday 17. Left Perry at 7 A.M. -- via Salamanca, Meadville & stopped at Russel Ohio over night -- arriving 8 O clock October, Friday 18. 1878. Richville - Ohio J.E. Graham - Spoke in Presbyterian Church - the Pres. Minister introducing me & approving my lecture name McKellup - after lecture attended the Agnes [?alla?c]-Villa theater - (The Celebrated case) & (Loose Cheese?) - The latter a most pitiable spectacle SATURDAY 19. Athens - Ohio C.L. Kurtz - guest of Mrs. A. S. Currier Brown - daughter Mary Lyle Brown - small audience - Presbyterian Synod in session - & did not adjourn - not doing as they would [?] do me October, Sunday 20. 1878 Mrs. Brown & daughter went with us to the Insane Asylum - Dr Clark - the new Superintendent - Minister preached on "Christ died for us" - 4 divisions - [?] four words - I followed & said I loved to think of how Christ lived for us - the Priest looked [?] enough - but the Supt said just the right word -- MONDAY 21. OCTOBER, TUESDAY 22. 1878. Ironton - Ohio Baptist Church Mr C. M. McConaughy - Dr. Moxley - one of Com- guest of Mrs - Willard Husband the National Banker 3 daughters - eldest a widow with 3 children Mrs Scott. youngest Mrs Moulton - 2nd one an invalid - rain poured — WEDNESDAY 23. Left I at 8 A.M. arrived Portsmouth noon - had to spend night - & later Thursday A.M. train at 7.20 - sent Mary money borrowed - also Mrs Gage - & Mrs Sargent - balance of July meetings - OCTOBER, THURSDAY 24. 1878. Parkersburg - West Va - W. R. Alexander M.D. Stopped at Hills Hotel spoke in M.E. Church - Rev. Mr Chambers introduced me - W.H. Warner - Got first letter from home here - dear mother improving - & very happy in spirit - FRIDAY 25. Left P. at 10.30 - had 2 hours at Athens - called at the Brown's & lunched - another hour Lancaster - & reached Zanesville at 7 P.M. OCTOBER, SATURDAY 26. 1878. Zanesville Ohio P. T. Copeland Wm. Mangold - stopped Clarendon Hotel - Harris Proprietor - worked hard all day on new lecture - Capital & Labor - & gave it - was advertised Bread & Bal but gave that under title of 16th Am't two years ago when here - Small Audience _ SUNDAY 27. At Zanesville - O. Gave Temperance lecture at 3 P.M. Mrs Agnes M. Johnson M.D. introduced me - she is Pres. city Tem. League - OCTOBER MONDAY 28. 1878. Westerville O. Students {S. E. Bartmers {W.H. miller President H. A. Thompson - Otterbein University _ Fine Audience - in the Chapel - guest of Pres. & Mrs Thompson - Mrs Stanton & Mr Phillips there last year - TUESDAY 29. Ashley O. H. Baxter Sarah F. Hagar - rainy night - small audience - October, Wednesday 30. 1878 Mount Gilead; O W. G. Beebe Dr. Vorhies & Mrs Emily Vorhies - their daughter is wife of Mr Bieber small audience - immensely large hall Thursday 31 Cardington, O. Mrs R. J. House - of Cameron MO - she is granddaughter of a sister of Aunt Ruth Vails, Hannah Rogers [H] & daughter of Lydia R Kerse - who was brought up by Aunt Sarah Otis of Harris Ohio. Mrs. D. V. Wherry & Mrs S. A. Moad the leading Temp. woman here November, Friday 1. 1878 Left Mrs Mary Jane House's at noon- met Geo. J. Wood - Ashley O Frank E. Stanley - Cardington and A. H . Millar all new light - Orthodox Friends - Stanley a preacher - on way to Greenwich O. for Quarterly meeting at Crestline wrote home & sent $180 to D.R. - which gives us a net of $200 for half month's work Saturday 2. Wooster -O. [E. B. Eshelman & Co.] P. C. Given - T. E. Peckingburgh - Con. arrived 9:15 last night, letters from sister Mary, Wendell & Frank all good words - but was so full of home & loved ones-hard time to get to sleep --prof. O. A. Stoddard presented me to audience NOVEMBER, SUNDAY 3. 1878 At American Hotel - Wooster day pleasant - went out to dinner at W. D. Barretts - has six daughters & 4 sons - & most of them & wives called - Dr. J. E. Mila a teacher - Nellie Spectman a widow & fathers book keeper J. R. Woodworth, a son in law member of Kansas 15th Reg. & was with brothers D. R. & J. M. in war MONDAY 4 Doylestown - O, - Geo. W Evarts S. H. Miller - Rich man of the village - Reaping [?] but Mr Chaplin of Buffalo N.Y. Eugene - Day magnificent large audience - spoke on Temperance NOVEMBER, TUESDAY 5, 1878 West Salem Principal High School F. M. Atterholt Lovely day - a good honest [?] young man killed this A.M. a Brakesman - sad sad Letter from Sister Annie - she is back home to our Rochester home, & Mrs. Muggen - her land lady of R. R. Eating House an earnest woman. WEDNESDAY 6. Ashland Ohio B.F. Nelson Stopped McNulty Hotel - Mrs. Emma R. Coe stopped with her 20 years ago - when lecturing in Mrs. McM was the widow - then & had lost all of her dead husband going bail for 3,000 before he died NOVEMBER, THURSDAY 7, 1878 Medina O. F. R. Loomis Ms. Frank M. Paul- formerly Amanda M. Cole -Washington Co. N.Y. daughter of Curtis Cole - now of [Lexington KY] Knoxville - Tennessee called on me here - Caroline Cole & Anson Collins- live five miles out of City and called Jeremiah N. Robinson - true leading temperance man Mrs. M. A. Bronson- FRIDAY 8 [Canal Fulton] O Ashtabula- Ohio Mrs P. H Watson - [Jeremiah N. Robinson - the [?]] Mr Watson was private Sec'y of Secretary Stanton - Elegant home & a cordial welcome NOVEMBER, SATURDAY 9, 1878 Port Clinton, Ohio Geo. R. Clark Arrived at 4.20 P.M. was greet of Mrs. Mary Motley - was teacher of Public School - the German element wanted a man - so she - 4 years ago started high school in her own house & has all of [?] advanced pupils - some 30 or 40 every semester Felt miserably for over eating at Mrs. Watsons SUNDAY 10 Took 4. P.M. train for Toledo - Carrie Mott - Anna Caroline - daughter of Richard Mott - met me at Depot - & a warm welcome I had from Richard - Mrs Williams not home yet - her daughter Lottie at Mr. Motts ready to meet me Felt incredibly good for nothing to day November, Monday 11, 1878 Wapakoneta, Ohio E. P. Davis Left Toledo at 10:45. Had small audience--& made poor speech --still Mr. Davis said many expressed their great pleasure-- got letter [?] from home-- mother going--but dear sister Mary dreadfully over taxed--nurse girl doesn't seem to lessen her work so much as we expected-- Tuesday 12. Hamilton--Ohio-- B.R. Brant-- Lou J. Beauchamp, a reformed drunkard--an editor & Temperance Lecturer now-- met me at Depot--Stopped at Mrs Straubs Temperance Hotel --daughter Mrs Weiler & Miss Straub Reader & [?]--Had a [fured?] 50cts audience--& made one of my best speeches November, Wednesday 13. 1878. Aurora--Ind-- Will A. Greer Left H. at 5.30--& arrived at A. at 8.45--lovely day-- Thursday 14. London--O. Puyton H. Acton Letter from brother D.R. in answer to mine about Frank --thinks I know nothing of the case-- & he knows all & has done best possible NOVEMBER, FRIDAY 15 1878 Waynesville --O-- Sweet & Cadwallader Stopped [ebixile?] friend's Janneys daughter Nannie Janney Lovely day Letter from Mrs. Spencer Splendid letter from Mrs Stanton - that did my soul good - her Hattie is a joy to her - SATURDAY 16 Lebanon - O - O.P. Kinsey Found letter from Wendell - he is at Vincennes Ind--trying Accident Insurance with Arthur - also a word on wrapper saying direct your next to Fort Scott- So I fear he has left -P.O. Mr Janney drove me over to L.-- rainy day November, Sunday 17. 1878. At Lebanon Mrs Hartough wanted to vote for 10 years-- Had fine audience for Temperance this evening--& a solid vote standing for woman suffrage-- Monday 18. Germantown, O. F.D. Harkrider Drove across the county 16 miles--lovely drive-- stopped at Richard Schaeffers daughter,--fine musician & composer sent piece to each of my three nieces NOVEMBER, TUESDAY 19 1878 Marysville, O. Jno. M Brodrick arrived 4 P.M. Spoke in new & beautiful Opera house -But had to have front curtain drawn to shut off the cavernous depths of cold air that came beating down on my poor head & back -- , Mr. Ryan introduced me- fine audience. Have to 2 oclock A.M. train for Dunkirk. WEDNESDAY 20 Dunkirk - O. S.B. Davis Ed. The Paper & very enthusiastic Hard time at Hotel - so noisy I couldn't sleep in P. M - after an all night awake. NOVEMBER, TUESDAY 21 1878 Bellevue - O. Stoner & Thompson Stopped at J.B. Higbee's Excellent People - - perfectly in love with Ms Livermore - - She has spoken here 2 times - Mrs Stanton once - FRIDAY 22 Fostoria - O. Eshelman & Hale - Stopped at R. J. Ritherts - E. T. Hartley - Principal of Public School boarded there. also several Lady teachers - this is Mr Charles Foster. M.C. from This District - he gone to W, his Father & Wife & daughter present Mine was the 1st lecture by a woman & on this question here NOVEMBER, SATURDAY 23. 1878. Bowling Green _O. C. M. Eves Stopped at Hopkins Hotel - Col. Shannon very friendly & also the Probate Judge fine audience SUNDAY 24 At Bowling Green O spoke on temperance at Court House at 2 P.M. NOVEMBER, MONDAY 25. 1878. Lima - Ohio E. C. McKenzie Just two young fellows got up the lecture - Splendid audience The best paying I've seen this year - my half $57.50 TUESDAY 26. Union City - Ind. B. P. Gray Stopped at Hotel - Rufus Wilson lives Looks as if he patronized the whiskey too much November, Wednesday 27. 1878. Decatur Ind. M.A. Schrock Terrible snow storm very small audience Thursday 28. La Grange--Ind T.F. Perine Thanksgiving Day-- Took dinner at Presbyterian Hall at Decatur--Day bright but very sloppy--Had very fine audience at La Grange --Have to get up at 5 A.M. to go to Muncie November, Friday 29. 1878. Muncie Ind-- A.W. Clancy Stopped at Kirby Hotel Mr & Mrs McRae--the Principals of Schools here-- Volney Wilson lives here--he after conquering all things is himself overcome by his appetite for whiskey Saturday 30 Pendleton--Ind. W. F. Morris--the P.M. Had big pile of letters here-- A Quaker settlement and [?] --always give me best of audiences-- Though the roads are very muddy-- December, Sunday 1. 1878. Left M Morris at 6 A.M. for Indianapolis--& spent the day with Mrs. May Wright Thompson 561 North Alabama St.--2 doors north of St. Marys --rained all day--Mrs. E. Gen. Wallace called--also Mrs. Dr. Swain--Mr. & Mrs. Haggart--of "Woman's Tribune" published at Ind. and Mrs. Garrison--one of the Ind. Herald Staff of Editors --at 8 P.M. took carriage to the Grand Hotel-- Monday 2. Liberty--Ind.--W. P. Bowers Took train [?] Ind. at 4.18 A.M. arrived at L. at 7.20--pouring rain still got good letter from sister May in P.M. This is our dear mothers 85th birth day--& my sister May is at home--they celebrated yesterday--had niece Maggie & little family & niece Louise--dear Gula & Hannah darling girls December, Tuesday 3. 1878. Thorntown Ind-- Mrs. C. M. Cornish Liberty at 9 A.M. & arrived at T. at 2 P.M.--Stopped at Hills Hotel--M.E. minister Smith introduced me--small audience-- pouring rain-- Wednesday 4. Waveland--Ind. H.A. Pratt-- Left T. at 8 A.M.--Mrs Jennie P. Hill the Land Lady-- reached M. at 10--stopped at M. Smiths The Drummers House--snowed & sleeted until night--then cleared but small audience December, Thursday 5. 1878. Perrysville Ind G.S. Cline [stopped at Drummers house] Left M. Smith's--at 6 A.M. [what] carriage -- missed the train & waited all day till 2.45 P.M. at Mr. James Giffords -- [?] & reached P. at 7.00 P.M. Stopped at Wm. Ferguson -- Dr. Spottsford introduced me -- Friday 6. Montezuma, Ind-- R. W. Watkins -- Left P. at 4 P. M.-- Dr. S. took me to depot -- visited & talked all day -- decided never again to stop though the next day after lecture - too hard work-- -- three store clerks the Com. here at M.-- December, Saturday 7. 1878. Clinton Ind T. G. Anderson Stopped at Hamilton Hotel -- Spoke Opera House --The cold draft, as usual -- down on neck & shoulders so I put on shawl & wore it through speech - took at 11 P.M. for [?ville] got letter from [?] & telegram from [?] here - Sunday 8. Danville Ill. - Train delayed -- didn't arrive till near 5 A.M. - rain & sleet & snow all day long -- ate my breakfast at near 11 oclock dinner -- Arlington House Large audience in the Opera House at 3.15 P.M. Spoke on Temp. Dr. Alex. Pollock Mrs. C. R. Dwight & Dr. A. Pollock two [?] cannot [?] DECEMBER, MONDAY 9. 1878. Attica - Ind. A. W. Tanners Mr T. is the son of William L. Tanner - who used to live near [Plab?] City - above Battenville Wash. Co. & cousin of Sophia & Mary Tanner of Centre Falls - TUESDAY 10. Indianapolis - Ind May W. Thompson 561 north Alabama St - Arrived at noon - stopped with Mrs Zenila G. Wallace Ex. Gov. W's widow - had small audience - but got through with speech tolerably as Mrs W & Mrs S. both said it was the best argument they had ever heard DECEMBER, WEDNESDAY 11. 1878. Fort Wayne - Ind Geo. W. Brackenridge spoke in Berry st. M. E. Church - had fair audience the M S [society?] [?] - Was guest of Mrs Caroline J. Hamilton - widow of Allan Hamilton - daughter of judge Holman of Ind - sister of M.C. Holman of Ind & sister of A.C. Holman Hamilton now Mrs C. & mother of Mrs Mary H. Williams who had always before invited me to Fort Wayne - her beloved sister Eliza Hamilton THURSDAY 12. Kent Ohio Rev. J. S. Gledhill Left Fort Wayne at 11.40 barely got on board - took sleeper through to Kent - arrived 9 A.M - Mr Gledhill is universalist minister here Mrs R. M. Young - whose sister Miss Johnson I met at Coast Sagmores in 1874 called - Had very good audience DECEMBER, FRIDAY 13. 1878. Warren Ohio Wm. Ritegel - Ed. The Republican Paper here - Stopped Clifton Hotel - Had less than a Hundred people - so hadn't the heart to take the $20. - did take 10 - & so made this expected big night match with all of the past two weeks SATURDAY 14 Train A.&G. W. train at 9 A.M. reached Salamanca at 3. couldn't resist going home so went on State Line & surprized them at No. 7 at 9 P.M - Mother about the same - very little stronger, physically, perhaps, but all afloat as to time & locality - [?] & visiting with those who have been gone over the river 20 & 40 years - Lives in sort of Dream land - At Home - Rochester - NY DECEMBER, SUNDAY 15. 1878. Sister Mary Louise & self went to Unitarian Church - Wm & May Hallowell called in even'g - It was a real rest to feel at home - through I could manage to sleep but very little either of the two nights - MONDAY 16 Left R. at 6.30 A.M - Salamanca, N.Y. E.B. Vreeland Stopped with Conductor of A. G. W. R. NY - J.W. Barllet - - Radical of radicals - had a large Bible - printed on its back in large gold letters - "Holy Absurdities" - too funny for anything - Small audience - letter from Mrs. Sophie L.O. Allen S. Newburg Ohio December, Tuesday 17. 1878. Franklinville--N.Y. Alfred Spring Left Salamanca at 8 A.M. arriving at F. at 10--found list of Mrs. Stanton's engagements--she is to be at Batavia tomorrow night & then {?] Geneseo & all round--& still very little hope that we can meet-- Wednesday 18. Hamburg--Erie Co. N. Y. Care H.S. Spencer-- Guest of Mrs Thomas Newton Bunting--Spent from 11 A.M. to 3.20 P.M. in Buffalo--dined at cousin Geo. O. Vail's--31 Irving Pl Terrible snow & wind storm at night. December, Thursday 19. 1878. Nunda--N.Y. C. K. Sanders Spent from 10 to [?] in Buffalo again & at Cousin Geo. Vails--reached Nunda at 6 P.M. stage 2 1/2 miles stopped at Mrs. Dr. F.Z.M. Whiteaub--fine audience Friday 20. Phelps--N.Y. Prof. H.C. Kirk Arrived in Rochester at 1.30 took sleigh to No. 7 found dear Mother quite bright & glad to see me-- Took dinner --& left on 3 P.M. train found Cousin Lucius L. Howe at Depot--fine audience Spent the 21st at Lucius too till 2 P.M. then to Susan Biddleson & took Turkey dinner & then train at 4 December, Saturday 21. 1878. Wollcott- N.Y. H.M. Hamilton Guest of Gardner H Northup whose wife- Marian Perkins- is daughter Rev. E. Perkins & Eliza Short- the daughter of Hammond Short and Dorcas Weaver) The son of mother's Aunt Lucy Shorts’s They have a delightful house & home Terrible snow storm-- didn’t arrive till 8. sharp--The committee not the least [?] Sunday 22. At- Wolcott- Snow & blow still continues- at 3 P.M. gone Temp. lecture to good audience in hall--not a minister there-- & the Mr. Hamilton & his reform Club Com. exacted one half of the 10cts contribution at door--after having Jewed me out of one-half of my fee for last night--too small for [?] December, Monday 23. 1878. Fulton- N.Y. L. B. Mead Am to be the guest of D.M. Perine, Blowing still--though bright & cold Failed to connect at Oswego--so Had to reach Fulton at 6 p.m. Tuesday 24. December, Wednesday 25. 1878. Cincinnatus--N.Y. M.L. Halbert went Rochester Depot at 7.15-- Waited till 8--then took sleigh to Hallowells--spent 2 hours with Mrs Stanton--then to Depot--dined at Lyrann Cortland at 2.--Sleigh to Cincinnatus in 2 hours & 20 minutes--cold in head very severe--decided not to try & go back to Syracuse & Fayetteville to see & hear Mrs. Stanton Thursday 26. [*Cincinnatus--N.Y. M.L. Halbert*] Left C. at 9 A.M. & arrived Binghamton--at 2.30--found Cousin Harriet Richardson Wilkinson at home & received a cordial welcome from her & her husband-- December, Friday 27. 1878. Left Cousin Harriet Richardsons--W. H. Wilkinson's at 2.30--found train 2 hours late arrived Goshen at 10 P.M. slept hotel-- Cold better today-- mainly in my head Called on Cousin Fanny Benson--keeping a music store Saturday 28. Warwick--N.Y. Stewart & Demorest Mrs. Catherine A. Welling formerly of Elmira--stopping here Hall over a livery stable & such a smell--an insult to ask anybody to go into it & inhale for an hour December, Sunday 29. 1878. Took team across the country from Warwick to Goshen--then Walkil R.R. to Kingston--found cousin Henry [Southern?] & wife gone for the night--but his son Fred & daughter Maria Vera--Rita--19 & Elizabeth--6--at home & girl Mary Dougherty--cold--cold & I in a perfect shiver all this P.M. & evening & nearly all the night-- Aconite didn't seem to touch it. Monday 30. Cattskill--N.Y. A.D. Wilbur Found Ferry Boats leaving regularly both at Rondout & Cattskill-- so reached here at 12 noon The day perfectly lovely-- December, Tuesday 31. 1878. Rhinebeck N.Y. W.A. Rhynders-- Guest of M.P. Canert--old friend of N.Y. State Teachers [Conventions?] 20 years ago-- Memoranda. Want Lectures -- Indianapolis - Mary Wright Thompson Sec'y Ind. Equal Suff. Party Mrs P. H. Watson wrote me to stop in [?] her - Astabula - Ohio Dr Matilda A. Schultz 277 West 4th Street Cincinnati - Ohio Memoranda. Miss Eliza T. Wilson of Menomonie - Wis - contributed $5. to me to go to printing W.S. tracts for circulation - sent it to Mrs Sargent Jan 12. 1878 Must return the picture of Mrs C. I. H. Nichols - at Mrs Stanton's - with History before to her son - A.O. Carpenter - Uriah - Call Want Lectures in 1878 & 79 MEMORANDA. Deborah Drury -- wants lecture Haverhill -- Mass -- Mrs. E.B. Carter -- Astoria, ILL Mrs. F.P. Chamberlain -- Tiffin - Mo. MEMORANDA. I lectured [?] September/77 - 29 times Oct. 24th to Dec. 31/77 - 47 - Jan - /78 - 27 - Feb - .78 - 22 - March - - Mrs May E. Butler (Teacher) Clay Centre - Kansas - wants to lecture - wrote her an offer to work for N. C. at per cent - Miss Hindman Denver - 50 per cent Mrs Clara D. Colby - Beatrice Neb. - 30 per cent Mrs P.M. Kelsey - 50 per cent - Mrs Sophia M. Hosmer 162 East Main St. - Rochester 25 per cent - MEMORANDA. CASH ACCOUNT - SUMMARY. JANUARY, . . Received 791 15 Paid 182 80 FEBRUARY, . . Received 862 50 Paid 203 50 MARCH, . . . Received 425 40 Paid 148 50 APRIL, . . . Received 289 Paid 79 14 MAY, . . . JUNE, . . . JULY, . . . AUGUST, . . SEPTEMBER, . . OCTOBER, . . NOVEMBER, . . DECEMBER, . . Cash Account--January. Date Received Paid Bro't forw Dec 1877 7.75 1 Spring Valley Minn 30. 9.15 [V.L. Minior's Cr?]to N.W.S.A. 10. 3 Lansing Iowa 30. 7. 4 Accident Policy-Gross 25. " Prairie du Chien 25. 5.25 5 Charles City Ia 35. 3.80 7 Nashua 35. .80 8 To brother J. M. 100. " Waverly 30. 1.60 9 Greene 30. 1.75 10 Marble Rock 35. 2.50 11 Shell Rock 30. 2.75 sent Brother J. M. 100. By Com. on B.B. 25. 12 La Porte 30. 2.50 14 Manchester 30. 7.45 15 Hopkinton 30. 2. 16 Elgin 30. 4.45 17 West Union 30. .50 To Brother J.M. [?] 100. 19 New Hampton 30. 4.25 20 Sundry [Temp.?] 7.50 To Brother J.M. 100. 500.25 490.75 [*Gave social party-Charles City Sunday Feb 6th*] Cash Account--January. Date Received. Paid. Brot forward 500.25 490.75 21 Calmar 7.50 22 [Le Nay?] 30. 6.80 22 Austin 30. 24 Albert Lea 30. 2. 25 Wells 30. 1.50 26 Blue Earth 30. 4.50 27 " Cong. Church 18.65 28 Winnebago City 30. 1. 30 St. James 15. 3.75 31 Minneapolis 52.50 6. Rushes for neck 3. Sent brother J.M.A. Le[?] 1.50 By Com. on B.B. 25. Com. to Slayton 106.12 not accounted for 12.38 carried over 31.10 $798.90 798.90 Cash Account--February Date Received. Paid. Brot Forward 21.10 1 Litchfield Minn. 30. 9.00 3 Minneapolis " 25. 4 Hudson Wis. 30. 8.30 5 Red Wing Minn. 30. 3.90 6 Durand Ill. 30. 10.00 7 St Paul Minn 50. 5.15 8 Arcadia Minn 30. 8.55 P.O. Stamps 1.80 11 Baraboo Wis 30. 8.65 " to brother J.M. 150.00 13 Delevan Wis 30. 12.30 14 Darlington Wis 41.75 5.80 15 Mineral Point 30 1.65 16 Lena Ill 14.75 1.55 not accounted for to date 2.55 18 Abbingdon Ill 40. 6.35 19 Prairie C " 20. .85 20 Palmyra Mo. 25. 1. The [Gods. Bob ?] 1.50 P.O. Envelopes 1.50 21 Fayette Mo 30. 5.80 22 to brother J.M.A. 200.00 By Comm on B. Box 25. $532.60 546.60 Cash Account-February Date Received. Paid. Brot Forward 532.60 546.60 23 Columbia Mo 50. 4.00 25 Louisiana Mo 30. 4.80 26 Clarksville " 30. .55 27 Hannibal 11. 2.45 28 Lagrange 30. 1.90 not accounted for 1.20 Com. to H.L. Slayton 92. Carried over 30.10 $683.60 $683.60 Cash Account-March. Date. Received. Paid. Brot Forward 30.10 gave LaGreegs boys 5. L.G. to Leanette 3. 5 Harlan Ia 30. 2.50 6 Coucil Bluffs 16.75 .50 7 Mo Vakket Junction 1-R. .65 8 Logan 2-R. 9 Dunlap 3. R. Sent brother "J.M.A. 100. Jack Express & washing 3. 10 -Temperance Dunlop 12. 1. 11 Dennison 4-R 48.75 1.85 Washing -at Dunlop 2. 12 West Side 30. 3.80 13 Carroll 30. .45 14Grand Junction 16.25 1.50 15 -Nevada- 30. 5.90 Stamps 3. 17 [Doncan?] Hotel-Fort Dodge 3.50 not accounted for 2.15 18 Webster City 30. 4.35 Slayton-com's 48.75 19 New Hartford 20. 2.80 $ 293.85 195.70 Cash Account-March. Date. Received. Paid. Brot forward 293.85 195.70 20 Parkersburg 16. 2. Monroe Savings Bank 900. " To brother J.M. 900. " To brother. J.M. 100. 22 Waukon Iowa 30. 11. 22 Luana Iowa 30. 3.15 26 Richland Center Wis 30. 6.75 27 Janesville " 5 65 5.75 Washing- 2. 28 gloves of F.D. 2. 29 Seneca - Ill 25. 5. Oswego- " 25. 2.50 sent brother J. M. 100. Slayton [?] comis. 13.25 On Hand 7. $1355.50 1355.50 CASH ACCOUNT--APRIL. Date. Received. Paid. Brot Forward 7 1 Loaned Wendell 10 " Leland [?] 25 1 2 Plano " 31 41 3 Wyanet " 16 4 La Moille " 30 5 Vermont " 7 1 6 Lewiston " 21 9 New Boston 25 2 50 11 Bushnell 25 2 50 12 Mt Pleasant 30 1 13 Sheffield 34 2 15 Prophetstown 25 1 18 Quitman Mo 20 19 Washing Exp[?] 5 To Fort Scott & return 3 20 Stamps 1 [kin Lessons mil dress] [13] Slayton - Com. [43] 45 35 not accounted for 2 On Hand [281] 201 86 296 41 296 41 [*Slayton $43.25*] Brot Forward 201.86 Making dress Parsons 13 Gene Frank 50 Wendell 15 Slayton-for editing 50 Expenses Lo. to 06. 26 36 buck & Pull tava 2 2 Experts ???????? 26 36 Street Park tickets 50 Our Hand 20. 201-86201 86 16 Our Hand 20. Moyesha Camille 25 Hoyer listers 50 mendy shoes 25 160- set Stamps 300 Postal Cards 50 Contributions to the Church 1 31 Miss Backus lamont 12 250 20 2050 CASH ACCOUNT--JUNE. Date Received. Paid. Bro't Forward 2 50 21st To Fayettville & return 5.00 " Bottle Antonies Ink 1. Street Car Tickets 1. 30 From Bank 110. Paid sister Mary balance of loan of 1876 40. Backus extra on Bonnet 1. Leon Richer - Paris 50. To Exchange - 1.50 Patterns .50 Eliz. Smith Miller To Paris 10.00 4 yds frilling .50 1 pair silk mits .75 Car tickets 1.00 On Hand 20.25 $122 50 122 50 Cash Account - June. Date. Received. Paid. Cash Account--July. Date Received Paid Brot forward 20.25 Sarah Pugh 10. Adelaide Thomson 10. X Constitution N.W.S.A. 20. Carrige for [Miss Thomson] [?] 2.50 27 Carrige Miss T. to Depot 1.50 Dress trimmings 1. 4 yds frilling .50 Car tickets 1. [Loaned brother] [Eugene Masher 3.] Dress maker Miss Scoville 7. Sundries 4.25 on hand 2.50 40.21= 40.25 Cash Account--July. Date Received Paid 29th On hand 2.50 3 ct stamps 1.50 Spectacles 2.30 newspapers .50 Car rides .20 2.50 2.50 CASH ACCOUNT AUGUST Date Received Paid 2 Took from bank 100. Paid Mrs. Moore for 36.63 making black silk with helmet Loaned Eugene 25.00 C. William Griffing for [switches?] 2.50 To N.W.S.A the 19th July 10.00 The Alpha 1.00 D.R. returned my 21st birthday present to Frank 50.00 2.05 Express box Stantons Soap .70 Fayettville 3.00 street car tickets .50 on hand 68.62 _____________________________ 150 150.00 Cash Account--September. Date Received. Paid. On Hand 68.62 Stamps 3.84 Elastics 1. Hattie Stanton 15. Spoons - Mary Dobbin 8. sleeve protectors .56 Mrs Blackford .50 Tickets to [Festival?] .70 Gloves .50 Patch books 2.00 Cotton flannel & thread 1.30 .70 another book 1.25 29th Unitarian Church 20.00 [Maggie Stanton] [10.00] Woman's Words 1.00 express to Mrs Gage .30 Postage to Mrs Hooker, [???] .72 On hand 12.25 68.62 68.62 Cash Account - October Date Received Paid Trunk 1.50 Nail brush .40 [?] before mtg 20.00 16 Rochester to Perry 3.50 Lecture at Perry 30.00 P. to Loundonville Ohio 11.70 18 Urichsville 30.00 19 Athens Ohio 14.50 7.40 22 Ironton Ohio 40.00 7.15 24 Parkersherry 43.75 9.85 26 Zanesville 30.00 5.55 28 Westerville 30.00 10.00 29 Ashley 6.00 2.50 30 Mt. Gilead 25.00 2.10 31 Cardington 10.00 Ballot box per [?] 5.00 2 prs red woolen stockings 1.00 1 pr arctic overshoes 1.00 not accounted for .05 Sent A.M. McLean Bank 180.00 -------------------------- $264.25 264.25 Cash Account - October Date Received Paid On hand 11.25 2 merino wrappers 8.60 3 prs colored hose 3.00 stamps 3.55 paper 2.50 blue skirt 1.50 1 doz. P. "k" ff's 3.00 bonnett 2.00 3 prs cuffs .60 car trinkets 1.00 syringe 1.00 toilet soap 1.00 pears 1.00 [?] .75 From Lecturing 20.00 not accounted for 1.75 ----------------------------- 31.25 31.25 Cash Account - November Date Received Paid Error about [?] [?] 4.00 Nov 2 Wooster Ohio 30.00 4.55 4 Doylesville " 30.00 6.15 5 West Salem " 30.00 3.90 6 Ashland " 22.50 3.55 7 Medina " 30.00 21.00 " Stamps 1.50 Postals .25 1.75 8 Ashtabula 15.25 6.20 P. H. Matson 12.65 9 Port Clinton 23.00 5.00 11 Marionetta 15.83 3.60 12 Hamilton 30.00 5.05 13 Aurora, Ind 30.00 4.35 14 London Ohio 30.00 4.50 " Home to Bank 200.00 [?] North West Oh 3.00 15 Waynesville 20.00 2.00 16 Lebanon 40.00 2.00 18 Germantown 18.00 3.75 19 Marysville 30.00 3.00 20 Dunkirk 13.70 6.65 21 Bellevue 17.35 4.50 ------------------------------ Carried next page 414.38 281.55 Cash Account - November Date Received Paid Brot. forward 448.38 281.55 22 Fostoria 25.50 1.15 23 Bowling Green 30.00 4.00 " sent home to bank 2.00 percent on 80 N. C's 20.00 24 Sunday Temp. Lec. 5.00 25 Lima 57.50 3.80 26 Union City 18.00 3.80 27 Decatur 10.00 5.00 28 La Grange 30.00 3.40 29 Muncie 30.00 7.30 30 Pendleton 30.00 3.80 expenses to Liberty 3.08 15 percent to Slayton 137.50 home to bank 50.00 ------------------------------ 704.38 704.38 Cash Account - December Date Received Paid Dec 2 Liberty Ind 14.00 4.90 3 Thorntown " 11.00 3.75 4 Waveland " 8.00 4.00 5 Perrysville " 16.00 1.35 6 Montezuma " 13.00 1.60 7 Clinton " 13.00 2.00 8 Danesville 3.50 Stamps & paper 2.00 [?] & scissors 1.25 9 Attica Ind 13.70 3.00 Home to bank 50.00 10 Indianpolis 30.00 1.00 11 Fort Wayne 27.00 5.25 12 Kent Ohio 23.00 9.00 13 Warren Ohio 13.00 2.00 16 Salamonia N.Y. 16.00 13.45 N.Y. Life Ins. 45.44 17 Franklinville " 28.00 2.30 18 Hamburg " 30.00 3.20 19 Nunda " 25.00 2.49 20 Phelps " 13.00 4.47 21 Wolcott " 15.00 1.50 ------------------------ Carried Forward 308.70 167/45 Cash Account - December Date Received Paid Brot. Forward 308.70 167.45 22 Sunday - Wolcott 8.00 23 Fulton 30.00 3.50 25 Cincinnatus 18.00 16.20 Dr. Holbert 7.00 Home - Bank 175.00 Com. 2nd hundred N.C. 25.00 27 Homeopathic remedies 2.00 Gloves & toothbrush 1.25 28 Warrwick 9.75 8.04 30 Catskill 25.00 5.60 31 Rhinebeck 25.00 .80 Slayton. Com. 51.75 Carried to 1879 24/86 ---------------------------- 456.45 456.45 P.A.F. Stebbins - 459- 2d street Detroit - Mich MEMORANDA. Mrs Amada D. Merriam - 224 - Main st - Cincinatti Ohio Mrs Belva A Lockwood 619 - F. Street - N.W. - Washington D.C. E.S. Caldwell 7 - Murray st - new york Matilda A Schultz M.D. Cincinnati Ohio A.J. Groner -Room 41 Major Black - Chicgo -M residence - Drexel Boulevard -near 41 street Mrs E.G. Cross 255 Lafayette Avenue Detroit - Mich - Edward M. Davis 205 - Walnut Place Philadelphia _ Pa_ Martha N. McKay 156- Ash Street Indianapolis - Ind Miss Mary & Julia Osgood 525 - Boundary St. Burlington, Iowa Ellen Hoxie Squier 92 Prospect Place - Brooklyn NY Leon Richer 4- Rue des Deux Gares Paris Travel Theodore Stouton Post Marlz Seine-et-oise Paris - France Mrs Ernestine L. Rose Care A. Biggs 19 Notting Hill Square West London - Eng. Lloyd W. Hixon Eaglemont Newburyport - Mass. Cousin Eliza Anthony Green husband Porter Green - Jefferson - Green Co. Iowa Mrs Sarah Ford Austin 482 - Cass street Chicago -- Ill Elizabeth T. Scheuch care Geo Derry - Box 78 San Francisco Cal G. S. K. Stevenson 125 State st -- Chicago for Governor by the Republican State Convention all are happy = with love D R Anthony [20L18J&C?] [*READ THE NOTI?*] Blank No. 1. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. This company TRANSMITS and DELIVERS messages only on conditions, limiting its liability, which have been assented to by the sender of the following message. Errors can be guarded against only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold itself liable for errors or delays in transmission or delivery of Unrepeated Messages. This message is an UNREPEATED MESSAGE and is delivered by request of the sender under the conditions named above. A. R. BREWER, Sec'y. WILLIAM ORTON, Pres't. 2 Aug Dated Topeka Kansas 30 1878 Received at JAS. CUNNINGHAM, SON & CO.'S OFFICE [*140p*] To Susan B Anthony 7 Madison St George T Anthony Beaten Col St John just nominated Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at crowd.loc.gov.