LAW OFFICE OF B. F. LEIGHTON 452 D STREET, N.W., (COR. 4 1/2), OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 4, 1898 Mrs. Helen Douglass. Dear Madam:- I have had the work required by the Inspector of Buildings done at 1701 U. Street. The house is in rather a poor condition, and I have some doubts as to renting it unless some repairs are put on it. The following repairs are needed. One door. Broken glass restored. Floor of closet repaired. Patching plastering. Blind eased, front and back. Repair windows; new cords needed. Hinges water closet door. Outside water closet needs repairing. House should be pointed up, and whitewashed; it never has been papered. Some repairs to roof and guttering and spouting needed. The latter should be done at once. I do not know what these repairs will cost, but have had an estimate made for all except roof repairs, and it amounts to $27. The work required by the inspector cost $11.50, which I have paid. If you wish me to have these repairs made, advise me. Very truly, B. F. Leighton [*396*]JOHN C. YORSTON & COMPANY, 1313 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. HISTORICAL AND FINE ART PUBLICATIONS. WATER-COLORS, HIGH-CLASS ETCHINGS, ETC. Jany 28 1898 Mrs Helen Douglass Anacostia D C Madam Your favor of 27 inst to hand. We have sent as requested copies of the Memorial Volume to Mrs E C Stanton New York and Revd J L Jones Chicago Ills. by todays express. We do not appear to have received any communication of recent date from you. May we ask the nature of its contents. Yours Truly John C. Yorston & Co. PLEASE ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE FIRMLAW OFFICES OF B. F. LEIGHTON 452 D STREET, N.W., (COR. 4 1/2), OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 31, 1898 Mrs. Helen Douglass, Anacostia, D.C. Dear Madam:- The cost of getting up and printing the record in the case of Douglass vs. Douglass, will be $99.75, which must be paid in advance. Please send me check for that amount. You will get the money back in case you prevail in the suit, and, in any event, I suppose, the Court will order costs paid out of the estate. Very truly, B. F. Leighton, T. [*2538*]Receipts.United States Indian Industrial School Carlisle, Pa. February 17th, 1898 Mrs. Helen Douglass, Cedar Hill, Anacosta, D.C. My dear Mrs. Douglass: Your grand good letter and refreshing approval does me so much good that I must thank you at once. I want to be, and want my work to be, "no respector of persons." Aside from my own feelings, the honor of the United States demands it. Faithfully yours, RH [?] TELEPHONE 150 PEERLESS GRATE FENDERS. FIRE SETS, TILE, COAL HODS &C. ESTABLISHED 1831 John P. Weston, MANTELS, GRATES, MARBLE & GRANITE, MANTEL SHOWROOMS & OFFICE 55 SOUTH CLINTON ST. DESIGNERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARBLES AND GRANITE FOR BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS STATUETTES, MARBLE & GRANITE MONUMENTS HEAD STONES &C.. 324 MT HOPE AVE. FORMERLY HEBARD MANTEL & MARBLE WORKS Rochester, N.Y Feb. 18, 1898. Mrs. Helen Douglass, Cedar Hill, Anacostia, D. C. Dear Madam,- Replying to your favor of the 16th inst., beg to say, for my own taste, on this kind of a stone, I should prefer the bronze letters. While they have not used them as freely in Rochester as they have in other places. I think they are gradually coming and in and will be popular. They have been using them for years in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, and are considered by the best artists to be the most desirable and artistic. Awaiting your reply, I remain Yours respectfully, John P. Weston [*2540*]LAW OFFICE OF B. F. LEIGHTON 452 D STREET, N.W., (COR. 4 1/2), OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 24, 1898 Mrs Helen Douglass, Anacostia, D.C. Dear Madam:- Justice Hagner this morning decreed a sale of the Anacostia property, and appointed Mr. Ridout and myself trustees to make the sale. It will be necessary for us to give bond for the faithful performance of trust, which means, of course, that we will not misappropriate the funds. Have you any objections to going on the bond with Mr. Lewis Douglass? If not, please call at my office at your first convenience. Very truly, B. F. Leighton [*2541*] TELEPHONE 150 PEERLESS GRATE FENDERS. FIRE SETS, TILE, COAL HODS &C. ESTABLISHED 1831 John P. Weston, MANTELS, GRATES, MARBLE & GRANITE, MANTEL SHOWROOMS & OFFICE 55 SOUTH CLINTON ST. DESIGNERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARBLES AND GRANITE FOR BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS STATUETTES, MARBLE & GRANITE MONUMENTS HEAD STONES &C.. 324 MT HOPE AVE. FORMERLY HEBARD MANTEL & MARBLE WORKS Rochester, N.Y March 15, 1898. Mrs. Helen Douglass, Cedar Hill, Anacostia, D. C. Dear Madam,- Your favor of the 17th inst. received, and we thank you for the order to proceed with the bronze lettering. The name Frederick Douglass, will be made in 6'' letter, and the dates 1818 - 1895 will be made in 4'' figure. I am sure you will be pleased with this lettering, and as far as durability of it is concerned there is nothing known that is so enduring as bronze. We think now that you have made this change, that the letters had better go straight across the stone; the name a little above the center and the dates a little below, facing so that when you approach the lot from the main entrance, the name can be easily read either from the lower or upper path, and unless we hear from you to the contrary, we shall so place them. Yours respectfully, John P. Weston [*2542*]Charleston. S.C. Mar. 21st. - 1898. My Dear Sister, I received both the box and the registered letter which I am more than great full to you for, and every thing was so very usefull and thought full in you, as our account of my sickness, Laura has tuned completely out of such needed things. I regrets' very much that you can't be with me in my last hour's, as it is a great comfort to have my love ones around me, God has blessed me with many [*3093*]yourself. Kiss Marian for me. Good by my dear Sister Kate. Your loving brother Billy. & kind friends' and my dear ones to take care of me, in my last suffering hours’, my dear Sister if we shall not see each other in this world, we shall hope to meet each other in the next were there shall be no more toil and pain, and take good care of my dear Marian for me, and tell her that papa says she must try and meet him in Heaven, I am feeling very weak this morning, I had a very bad night of it last night, my hardest part is to separate with my wife and little ones, but I know that God will provide for them. Ma and all joins me in love, kiss all the little ones for me, my love to Whittie JrTELEPHONE 150 PEERLESS GRATE FENDERS. FIRE SETS, TILE, COAL HODS &C. ESTABLISHED 1831 John P. Weston, MANTELS, GRATES, MARBLE & GRANITE, MANTEL SHOWROOMS & OFFICE 55 SOUTH CLINTON ST. DESIGNERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARBLES AND GRANITE FOR BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS STATUETTES, MARBLE & GRANITE MONUMENTS HEAD STONES &C.. 324 MT HOPE AVE. FORMERLY HEBARD MANTEL & MARBLE WORKS Rochester, N.Y March 23, 1898. Mrs. Helen Douglass, Cedar Hill, Anacostia, D. C. Dear Madam,- I am in receipt of your favors of the 17th and 21st inst. In regard to the size of the letters, it seems to me that the sizes I mentioned will be abundantly large for this stone, as we seldom use as large as a six inch letter even on much larger stones. I think the arrangement according to the plan you sent in your last letter, preferable to any previous arrangement, except that I should prefer the letters straight across the stone instead of being curved as shown on your diagram. In case you decide finally on this last arrangement, perhaps it would be well to have the stone the same thickness at both ends, so that the top of the stone would have the same slant as the lay of the ground has. You probably remember that the original arrangement was to have the stone cut thinner at the upper end than at the lower end, so that when the stone was set it would show perfectly level on the top. I inclose several diagrams showing the different arrangement of the letters we could have, and also diagrams of the stone as originallydrawn, and the way I now propose setting it. Yours respectfully, John P. Weston [*2543*]TELEPHONE 150 PEERLESS GRATE FENDERS. FIRE SETS, TILE, COAL HODS &C. ESTABLISHED 1831 John P. Weston, MANTELS, GRATES, MARBLE & GRANITE, MANTEL SHOWROOMS & OFFICE 55 SOUTH CLINTON ST. DESIGNERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARBLES AND GRANITE FOR BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS STATUETTES, MARBLE & GRANITE MONUMENTS HEAD STONES &C.. 324 MT HOPE AVE. FORMERLY HEBARD MANTEL & MARBLE WORKS Rochester, N.Y March 29, 1898. Mrs, Helen Douglass, Cedar Hill, Anacostia, D. C., Dear Madam, I am in receipt of your favor of the 26th inst., and note that you selected the style of #1 for lettering for the monument. We shall proceed to the lettering according to your directions. In regard to the slant of the stone, our idea, which I think is correct, is to have the stone the same thickness at both ends; then the top will slant the same at the slope of the ground. It will be necessary to set it in this way, as the Mt. Hope authorities do not allow the foundations to come above the level of the surface; so if the slant on the top of the stone was changed, it would have to be done by making the stone thicker at the lower end. As we stated in a previous letter, we think the 6th letter the proper size for this stone. Yours respectfully, John P. Weston [*2544*]LAW OFFICE OF B. F. LEIGHTON 452 D STREET, N.W., (COR. 4 1/2), OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 9, 1898 Dear Madam:- I have just received a bill from the Law Reporter Company for printing briefs, amounting to $23.25, in case of appeal, Douglass vs. Douglass. Please send me check for same, and oblige, Yours very truly, B. F Leighton T. [*2246*]Charles S. Baker, Attorney and Counselor, 201 Powers' Building, Rochester, N.Y. Rochester, N.Y. April 16, 1898. Mrs. Helen Douglass, Anacostia, D. C. Dear Mrs. Douglass:-- We inclose herein check for $197.19 which the referee delivered to us yesterday afternoon, for your dower interest in the real estate in Rochester, of which your husband died seized. We take pleasure in complying with the request made by you in your last communication to us in regard to our counsel fees. Very truly, Baker & Davis [*2547*]CABLE ADDRESS: "YORST," PHILA. FINE STEEL-PLATE PORTRAIT ENGRAVINGS A SPECIALTY. OFFICE OF JOHN C. YORSTON & CO. BOOK BINDERS PUBLISHERS OF STANDARD HISTORICAL & FINE ART PUBLICATIONS GOOD BOOKS DIFFUSE LIGHT. 1313 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. April 18. 1898 Mrs Helen Douglass Cedar Hill Anacostia - DC My dear Mrs Douglass, Your favor of the 16th inst duly at hand and it seems strange that we did not receive the letter you refer to. The following are the names of the parties to whom we sent volumes as per your request, but we have not received any remittances from any of them. Name No of Vol. Express Chances Paid. Date Sent Mrs. Douglass 3 85 cts May 1st & 7th 1897 J. E. Rankin 1 30 " May 13th Y J. Grunke 1 30 " " 13th N. Y State Library 1 30 " " 13th H. A. Hart 1 30 " June 3rd E. Day 1 35 " June 3rd Y. Blackall 1 30 " June 19th W C. Gannett 1 30 " " 19th S. B Anthony 1 30 " " 19th Y. E. Williams 1 28 " " 19 M W. Sewell 1 29 " " 19 E. A. Miller 1 30 " " 19 H Stevenson 1 30 " June 25 F. E. Reed 1 30 " Aug 27 M. S. Howell 1 30 " " 27 E. S. Stanton 1 30 " Jan 28 - 1898 J. L. Jones 1 30 " " 28 “ Mrs. Douglass 1 — Febr 18 “ Yours very truly John C. Yorston & Co. PLEASE ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE FIRM JOHN C. YORSTON & COMPANY, 1313 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. HISTORICAL AND FINE ART PUBLICATIONS. WATER-COLORS, HIGH-CLASS ETCHINGS, ETC. May 28, 1898 Mrs. Helen Douglas Anacostia DC Madam, We send you by Express prepaid a package of original letters to received from you in connection with the Memoirs of Volume of the late Fredk Douglas please acknowledge receipt also please acknowledge receipt of the such by mail, containing the Resolutions Yours truly, John C. Yorston & Co. PLEASE ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE FIRM [*2558*]List of letters enclosed in the package by Express From Florence Balgarnie R T Greener R J Hinton R B Gullen J. E. Rankin R Reyburn E Richardson F. J. Garrison. R L Ruffin H P [Brightfla???] T M Ashley W. L. Garrison Lewis G James T M Dalzell Caroline Richardson Walter [????] Jas T Holly T Alexander Theo Tilton Rochester Resolutions Poem P L Dunbar Address Howard University [*2562*]TELEPHONE 150 PEERLESS GRATE FENDERS. FIRE SETS, TILE, COAL HODS &C. ESTABLISHED 1831 John P. Weston, MANTELS, GRATES, MARBLE & GRANITE, MANTEL SHOWROOMS & OFFICE 55 SOUTH CLINTON ST. FORMERLY HEBARD MANTEL & MARBLE WORKS MONUMENTAL DEPARTMENT, 320-322-&-324 MT HOPE AVE. DESIGNERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARBLES AND GRANITE FOR BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS. AGENTS FOR: MAW & CO., ENGLAND PERTH AMBOY TERRA COTTA COMPANY. STATUETTES, Marble & Granite Monuments. Head Stones &c. Rochester, N.Y. June 14, 1898 Mrs. Helen Douglass, Cedar Hill, D. C. Dear Madam, - I am in receipt of your favor of the 13th inst. inclosing check for $225.00 in payment for tablet, and thank you very much for your prompt remittance, and kind words of praise. Yours respectfully, John P. Weston [*2549*]LAW OFFICE OF B. F. LEIGHTON 452 D STREET, N.W., (COR. 4 1/2), OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. WASHINGTON, D. C. June 27, 1898 Dear Madam; Enclosed please find statement from the Clerk of the Supreme Court, as to costs in Douglass v. Douglass. The amount is $130., of which I have advanced $25. Please send check for first named sum, to wit, $130., at your convenience, and oblige, Yours very truly, B. F. Leighton Mrs. Helen Douglass, [T.] Anacostia, D. C. [*538*]Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N.Y. Aug 5th '98 Mrs Helen Douglass , Anacostia , D.C. Dear Madam ,- I am just in receipt of directions from a monument builder [directing] for the placing of a foundation for a small monument of the sarcophagus style ( 4'6"X 2' 10' ' ) on the lot where Mr. Douglass is buried. It does not seem that considering the size of the lot and the large granite slab already placed there by yourself that this would be in keeping . The two would of necessity come quite close together ,and as that already there is of considerably larger bulk it would give the appearance of two monuments set corner to corner . If the control of the lot rests with you kindly advise what your wishes are in the matter . Yours respectfully , David Z. Morris Supt. 2551Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N.Y. Aug . 11 th. '98.......189..... Mrs .Helen Douglass , Cedar Hill ,Anacostia , D.C. Dear Madam ,- In answer to yours of 8 th. inst permit me to say that I believe that the law of the state of N.Y. would give you the right of burial by the side of your deceased husband ,and that no one could prevent this if you so desired . But unless something specific was provided in the will as to the disposition of the lot ,I think the control of it would go to the children of the deceased. The first wife of Mr. Douglass was moved here during last Spring and interred on the lot, between Mr. Douglass and the child's grave, I believe by the order of the sons. Have written the contractor for the second stone ,to the same effect as I wrote you ,in regard to the effect of placing another and smaller stone on the same lot ,but have not yet heard from him ,as he will probably communicate with the sons ,whose address I did not know. Yours respectfully . David Morris Supt. [*2552*]Mount Hope Cemetery Rochester, N. Y. Aug 19 '98 180 Mrs. Helen Douglas Anacostia, D.C. Dear Madam , - I have advised the sons of Mr. Douglass in regard to the erection of a second stone on the family lot ,also that the legal right to erect a suitable memorial at the grave of Mr. Douglass belonged to you as his widow . Further that no one could remove the same without your consent . In response they insist that the second stone shall be set as planned by them . As there is no question as to their right to erect a family monument on the lot , unless you can prevail upon them to give up the idea , I do not see but that we shall have to proceed with the work of putting in the necessary foundationas requested. Yours respectfully , David Morris Supt. 2553 THE Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences FOUNDED 1824. RE-INCORPORTATED 1890. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A. AUGUSTUS HEALY, President. REV. RICHARD S. STORRS, D.D., LL.D., First Vice-President HON. JAMES S. T. STRANAHAN, Second Vice-President. HON. CHARLES A. SCHIEREN, Third Vice-President. PROF. FRANKLIN W. HOOPER, M.A., Director. HON. WILLIAM B. DAVENPORT, M.A., Treasurer. WILLIAM H. MAXWELL, Ph.D., Secretary. OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIL. REV. LYMAN ABBOTT, D.D., President. JAMES CRUIKSHANK, LL.D., Secretary. JAMES HAMBLET, Treasurer. DEPARTMENTS. ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, ARCHITECTURE, ASTRONOMY, BOTANY, CHEMISTRY, DOMESTIC SCIENCE, ELECTRICITY, ENGINEERING, ENTOMOLOGY, FINE ARTS, GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, LAW, MATHEMATICS, MICROSCOPY, MINERALOGY, MUSIC, PAINTING, PEDAGOGY, PHILOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY, PHYSICS, POLITICAL SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY, SCULPTURE, ZOOLOGY. All Checks should be drawn payable to the order of the Treasurer. OFFICE, 502 FULTON STREET. AUGUSTUS GRAHAM, BENEFACTOR OF THE INSTITUTE. Brooklyn, Sept. 1st, 1898. Mrs. Frederick Douglas, Aracostia, D.C. My dear Madame:- On behalf of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, I beg leave to extend to you a very cordial invitation to give a lecture before the Institute during the season 1898-99, on "The Convict Lease System in the Southern States." The honorarium attached to the delivery of the proposed lecture lecture is Twenty-Five dollars, and in case you can consider this invitation favorably, we shall be pleased to have the lecture given at a date that will be convenient for you. I understand that you are to be in the vicinity of New York from the Fifth to the Sixteenth of October, and I beg leave to inquire whether you can give the proposed lecture on Monday evening, October 17th? The length of lectures delivered before the Institute in the evening is from one hour and fifteen to one hour and thirty minutes. I mention this matter because in some cities lectures are limited to strictly one hour. The best length for an evening lecture before the Institute, is one hour and twenty minutes. Very respectfully yours, Franklin W. Hooper, [*2550*]CABLE ADDRESS: "YORST," PHILA. FINE STEEL-PLATE PORTRAIT ENGRAVINGS A SPECIALTY. OFFICE OF JOHN C. YORSTON & CO. BOOK BINDERS PUBLISHERS OF STANDARD HISTORICAL & FINE ART PUBLICATIONS GOOD BOOKS DIFFUSE LIGHT. 1313 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. [*REMOVED TO 24 NORTH 40th STREET, PHILA, PA.*] September 10, 1898 Mrs. Helen Douglass Anacostia D.C. Dear Madam: Herewith please find detailed statement of the Memorial Volume account and am sorry to note that only 72 copies of the book have been disposed of to date out of the 500 copies printed, and that we still have 374 copies of the work on hand together with the plates etc. Against which share a balance due of $322.08. Now we hardly know what to advise in regard to the further sale of the work. We made considerable efforts to dispose of it through agents but our efforts have not been crowned with great success. As you will note by the list sent you we also distributed 54 copies to Newspapers and other sources to help the sale. Now then have you any suggestion to make in regard to it or can you suggest any method by which we can dispose of the stock on hand for you? We were under the impression that more copies had been disposed of until we made up the statement. Kindly advise us in the matter as we shall be willing to do all we possibly can to help you out. Very kindly yours, John C. Yorston PLEASE ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE FIRM [*2555*]The White Rose Mission 234 EAST 97TH STREET VICTORIA EARLE MATTHEWS, SUP'T. PRIVATE ADDRESS: 863 EAST 35TH STREET, VANDERVEER PARK, BROOKLYN, N.Y. MOTHERS MEETINGS: THURSDAYS, 3:30 P.M. NEW YORK, Sept 30 1898 Dear Mrs Douglass, Thanks for your kind expression on the 9th. My object in writing was to aid the noble work began by you, the unveiling of the monument. I thought would naturally concentrate the public mind on Cedar Hill and its late master spirit. With no unkind or disrespectful feelings towards the children, grand and great grand children I wrote. You may be aware of the anathemas being hurled at me from many sources at this time. It is sometimes better to be abused I have found than lionized so I can freely say I am glad to have been on the side of what I concur to be a noble impulse. I trust you be not disheartened [*2556*]the shameful tirade will not be able to hold out against the already growing sentiment in sympathy with the noble tribute you would pay to a balanced life and character. Any way that I can serve you in carrying out your desire to preserve his home as a memorial to him; and those who love the principles for which he ever stood, command me. Thanking you again for this letter. I am sincerely yours. Victoria Earle MatthewsSTRAWBERRY HILL LEICESTER. MASS. Sund. Eveg. Oct. 30/98 Mrs. F. Douglass Dear friend, I was not aware that you felt obliged to leave at so early an hour; and was greatly troubled to find I had lost the of the "good byes." But I am very happy to have seen you, and to have had you, for ever so little time, in my house. And I thank you heartily for making the considerable effort to come & see me. — God bless you & keep you. You are to have some Leicester folk at your lecture tom’o. evening. And I wished to send, by you, my message of greeting & regard to dear Mrs. Spear. I think she will remember her singing with me, when she was young Cath’r, Swan. very truly yrs. Samuel May [*2557*]Mrs. Frederick Douglass Worcester Oct 31 1898 My dear Madam, I see by the Spy that you are to lecture this eve at Baptist Church. I am sorry for have struck so unfortunate a date. Owing to the great banquet at Mechanics Hall. but for which I should be present. You may perhaps remember that sometime more than a year ago I sent you a tribute to your late husband — in a little booklet — which you acknowledged — a copy of which I send herewith. Perhaps it could be read by the Prest of the meeting before introducing you if you think it would be proper and agreeable to you — without mention of author's name. If you are to be in town tomorrow I should be glad to pay my respects I am very truly yours S. Hathaway [*[AC.15,948]*]CABLE ADDRESS, "YORST," PHILA. FINE STEEL-PLATE PORTRAIT ENGRAVINGS A SPECIALTY OFFICE OF GOOD BOOKS DIFFUSE LIGHT JOHN C. YORSTON &CO. BOOK BINDERS. PUBLISHERS OF STANDARD HISTORICAL & FINE ART PUBLICATIONS. 1313 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. [*REMOVED TO 24 NORTH 40TH STREET, PHILA. PA*] November 4,1898. Mrs. Helen Douglass, Anacostia, D. C. Dear Madam: Your esteemed favor of October 24th came to hand in due c course. I note what you say upon the subject of the "Memorial Volume." We have used all our best efforts in connection with it as you indicate and have been disappointed in the results. With regard to your remarks about crediting the volumes at $5.00 we do not understand you. We allow a discounted of 60¢ to our general agents which makes the net price received for the book $2.00 which amount we credit to you and the statement we sent you is correct. We have to apologize for not having sent the volume to Judge Heimup. We sent it two days after receipt of your letter and presume he has received it in due course. Respectfully, John C Yorston [*2559*] PLEASE ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE FIRMThe J.C. Yorston Publishing Co., 24 North Fortieth Street, Philadelphia. Historical and Fine Art Publications. Water-Colors, High-Class Etchings, Etc. Dec 7 1898 Mrs Helen Douglas Biddeford Me Madam Your favor of the 28th to hand - we have shipped as requested 1 copy of the Memorial Volume to Mrs Charlotte Thomas Portland Me - Mr Yorston is away at present on a business trip and will not return until next week - Yours truly The John C Yorston Pub Co 2860 Please address all communications to the firm.LAW OFFICE OF B. F. LEIGHTON 452 D STREET, N.W., (COR. 4 1/2), OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 14, 1898 Dear Madam:- Mr. Hart gave me $165. yesterday, to pay the interest on your note; I sent check for same to the Peoples' Fire Insurance Company. Enclosed please find check payable to the order of E.H. Thomas, Solicitor, and by him endorsed to me, signed by Lewis H. Douglass, Administrator. This check I wish you would sign, writing your name above that of Lewis. In explanation of check would say, that the Anacostia bonds were sold by order of Court, and this check represents Mr. Sprague's distributive share. He obtained an order of court for its payment. I cashed the check for him, and wish to get in shape to deposit in bank, so I can get my money. Kindly return it at your first convenience, and oblige, Yours very truly, B.F. Leighton, T. [*2561*]