Chas K Mitchell Wants paper from d[???] - stop[?] 250It is meet that we assemble 1874 Feb. 20.Freedmans Son:Household Accounts 89.3| Received | | Expended | | | Jan | am't bro't forward | Jan | am't bro't forward | 16 | 48 | Dec | |Dec | | | | | $20 | 6 | 1/2 oz cakes Babbiks soap | | 30 31 | 20. | [20] 21 | To dentistry | 4 |.25 | | | 7 | To 1 /lb butter | |.40 | | 21 | To corned beef | 1 | 00 | | | 7 | To 2 lb lard | |28 | |Jan 3 | To 1 gal. oysters | 1 | 00 | | | 7 | To ½ pk potatoes | |.18 | | 4 | To 10 gal. kerosene | 1 | 80 | | | 9 | To 2 lbs steak | |36 | | 5 | To tinware | | 25 | | | 9 |To soupbone | |15 | | 6 | To postage on Life & Time | 1 | 00| | | 9 | To yeast cake | |02 | | 6 | To Carrier boy | | 25| | | 10 | To 1 lb butter | |40 | | 7 | To 1 doz eggs | | 35| | | 10 | To 6½ lb beefroast | 1|30 | | 8 | To dentistry | 4| 00| 12 | $ 00.47 | 10 | To ½ gal oysters | |60 | | 8 | To boy 2.16, postage 2.16 | | 04| | | | | | | | | am't | 13 |94 | | $20.47 | | anount | 20 |.47| | |Dec| | | | | | | | | | | 30| To soupbone | | 15| | Balanced. | | 30| To 2 lbs crackers | | 24| | |Jan | | | 30| To yeast cake | | 02| | $10.00 | 8 | To 1 turkey | 1 | 35 | | 30 | To 1 doz eggs | | 35| | | 8 | To 1 yrs sub. to N. Y. Inde | 3 | 00 | | 30 | To 1 doz pickles | | 12| | | 8 | To money order | | 05 | | 30 | To ½ pk meal | | 10 | | | 8 | To car tickets | | 25 | | Jan 3 |To 1 lb butter | | 40 | | | 8 | To yearly dues to Am. Soc | 5| 00 | | 4 | To 1¼ lb steak | | 22 | | | 8 | To car tickets | | 25 | | 5 | To 4½ lb beef roast | | 80 | | | 8 | To 2 spools thread | | 08 | | 5 | To 1 lb starch | | 07 | | | 8 | To boy | | 02 | | 5 | To 2 sack salt | | 05 | | | | | | | | 5 | To yeast cake | | 02 | | | | Amount | 10 | 00 | | | | 2 | 54 | | Balanced. | | | | $ 16 | 48 | Household Accounts Jan 13 Received $10.00 Expended 13 1 lb butter 44 “ 1 can kerosene 20 “ 1 doz eggs 38 '' 2 lbs [lard] 28 '' 1 yeast cake 02 14 1 can kerosene 20 '' 3 lbs beef 38 '' 1 '' salt pork 14 “ 3 qts beans 23 '' 1/2 pk white potatoes 18 '' 5 lbs lamb 90 16 1 can kerosene 20 17 1 lb butter 40 “ 4 " sleak 80 '' soup bone 15 '' 1 can kerosene 20 “ 1 lb chipped beef 20 '' 1 yeast cake 02 18 3 lbs steak 60 20 1 '' butter 40 '' 1 '' 14 oz steak 36 '' 1 doz eggs 40 '' 1 y cake 02 “ 2 lbs lard 28 Am’t carrier forward 7 42 Am’t [carried] forward 7 42 Jan 21 Rec’d $ .67 21 ½ pk meal .10 “ 3 cans tomatoes 30 “ 3 ¼ lbs steak 65 “ ½ pk potatoes 18 23 2 ¾ lb steak 50 25 3 ½ “ beef 42 26 3 ½ “ steak 70 “ 1 “ butter 40 $10.67 total 10 67 Balanced Feb 13 $10.00 To pair cuff buttons 8 25 “ 3 lbs coffee 1 20 “ 1 “ tea 50 Am’t 9 95 On hand .05 Feb 26 $5.00 March 2 2 carriage windows 1 25 “ “ brushes 3 50 “ “ lecture 25 “ applied & dress bill .00 Total $15.00 Am’t 5.05 Balalnced total $15.00Eliza Johnson flowers E. Johns of Daniel Keeithe 142 South Carolina Streeet Baltimore M.d. John Harris 234 Crsss Street Baltimore M.d. Wm Green Sr. Meichahes Golboh County, MdDec. 27 1877. account with sell: Bruce, Board of horses. Crowding qK.C. lived and Protective Association Captains for Memshift Drive - Apr. 12 - May name address tele Mrs. Harvey Mrs. Ida Jackson Beno 45-2 Mrs. Georgie Mitchell Mel 16 f4R Mrs. A. W. Morris Leedo 104623 Mrs. Jamison Mrs. Sprigg 1710 Park Melow 745 Mrs. Daughterty 2321 Brooklyn 6103 Mrs. Emery Brown 2107 Howard - Chest. 3038 Mr. Green Rev. Felder Mr. Nat. Bush-Jud Mr. Merical-Jud. Mr. Lacey Mr. Baniou- Jud. Mr. Jhos. H. Janes - 1006 Garfield - Gr. 5148K.C.C.&P. Asso. Mass Meeting held Sun. 3:30 P.M. at Centennial Church Promptly at 3:30 o'clock on Sun. afternoon the Pres. of Asso. Mrs JE Perry called the meeting to order. Music was furnished by the audience singing Onward Christian Soldiers, in the failure of Ebenezer Choir to respond. Mrs. D. A. Holmes kindly lead the singing and played piano. Invocation was given by Rev. Felder, Pastor St. Paul Bapt. Church. Mrs. Perry then very briefly outlined the object of the meeting- starting the birth of the organization its accomplishments and necessity for its continuance. Mrs. Perry emphatically proclaimed the organization to be non-political, stating that no negro prisoner gets any consideration for being Dem. or Rep.- he needs only to furnish color of skin and the fight is on. Mrs. Perry called attention to the slips each one held urging that they fill them out and return either with the money or pledge of future payment. She then introduced the chairman of the meeting, Rev. D.A. Holmes, Pastor of Vine St. Bapt. Church. After very timely remarks and further details of the works of the organization, Rev. Holmes introduced the solo guest singer Mme. Lula Mae Hurse, who sang very effectively- "Use me, O Lord, use me!" Mr. Mosely then introduced The speaker, Congressman Shannon who spoke for about 30 mins. The usual "gag" on patience and a reminder that other races have been persecuted, etc. As usual, he failed to tell how other races got from under The yoke. Certainly not by passively standing by and weeping and wringing their hands. The appeal for membership was then made by Rev. F.D.L. McDonald and cash memberships amounting to 32.50 or 65 mem. was collected. Congressman Shannon contributed $10.00 to the cause butApr. 4 On hand - $33.50 Subs money Purchased two record books 1 for $1.80 } total 4 05 1 for 2 25 } Pd. cash and gave bal. of $29 45 to Mr. Wm. H. Harrison wished no mention made of the fact. short talks were made by Attys. Callaway and Knox. Many others desired to speak but lateness of hour prevented. Madam Hirse rendered another solo and meeting adjourned, after announcement by Ms. Perry of two day membership campaign in progress hdqtrs. at the Paseo Africa every eve from 8 to 10 'ockNepotism Taking gifts Santo Domingo. Analogy between the war and Canvass Progress