My dear Mr. & Mrs. Fergusen Your letters have been received and I regret that I should have failed to reply to the first so long as [...]Jany. 1st 1863 Thursday Reached Washington from Falmouth last evening. Genl. Van Vliet, Chief Q.M. of depot of New York No. 6, State Street N.Y. E. E. Ellery, No. 59[6?] Grand St., New York On [?] Oct. left Washington for Harpers Ferry expecting to meet a battle there. Had taken 4 teams of Col. Rucker loaded at his office, a large supply of commissary stores accompanied by Mr. Welles, S. R. Barton - drivers - George Morton - Peter Stark John Mills [conf?] + Wesley - [alias York?] - travelled and camped as usual reaching Harpers Ferry the third day, and found that the troops had passed over the Bridge at Berlin. After some deliberation we followed, at the [first-end?] of the Pontoon bridge. One of Peter's mules ran off and we delayed the progress of the Army for 20 minutes till it could be extricated; then we passed over and followed on; in the afternoon York had changed work with my ambulance driver James and he was run off an embankment of five feet upsetting the heaviest wagon, breaking the bows, and Capt. J. E. Hall Four small boxes and seven bundles were left at the creek by Mr. Childs and Pratt on Sunday last [Will you send] for Massachusetts regiments, will you send a man look after and care for them till tomorrow, when the Mass. Association will call for them,Am. Baptist Free Miss Society - Dr Brown - 115 Nassau St. Henry M. Pierce - Rutgers female Institute - 435.-437. 5th Avenue Thaddeus W. Meighan N.Y. Sun. Times. 162. Nassau Feb. 3rd 186[ ] Started at 8 oclock for Falmouth to get up supplies left from the late attempt to cross. Col. Philips and ladies missed me, met Col Havley of Ct (Hartford) the vol. Col. who presented himself to Genl Sturgis the night before the cannonade of Fredericksburg also met Col. Morrison of the 26th New Jersey Regt in 6th A.C. also Rev. John Orcutt of Hartford [], who is going to visit the army.Capt. James DuBois Co. F. 56 Regt. N.Y. met his mother, on the "Arago." He is in Col. van Wickie's regiment.Ira M. Barton, Worcester Mass. Sam R. Barton. Washington D.C. Julia A. Barton N. Oxford Mass. M.E. Stone P.M. N. Oxford Mass. Lizzie Larned N Oxford Mass. Harriot A Copp. NE. Vill. Mass. Annie E. Childs Worcester Mass. Fannie M. Childs, Milford Mass. Mrs. Hacker. Worcester Mass. Col. Ivers. Phillips Worcester Mass. Mrs. '' Phillips Worcester Mass. Judson S. Brown. Washington D.C. Box 419 Mrs. L.M. Stout, Watkins, Schuyler Co. N.Y. Mary Norton Hightstown N.J. Chas. Norton Hightown N.J. James Norton. Wm. Donaghy, Steubenville Ohio, Thad's. W. Meighan, 66. Cortlandt St. "Voice of the people" Chas. Newcomb, care JnoJ.-Boston, Mass. Chas. E. Upperman, Wash. Pat. O.D.b. A.N. Bertram, 64 Liberty St. N.Y.Wm. H. Ward, 24 Union Square, or 59 Packington St. North London, England Coll. Welles, care E.W. Crowell, Phenix Ins. Co. 62, Wall St. N.Y. City. Horace Sardnen 21 mass. Col. Wm. S. Clark 21. Mass. Sergt. Thos Plunkett West. Boylston Mass. Mrs. Artemas Lee. Templeton Mass. Mrs. Frances D. Sage. Paris Island S.C. (Hilton Head) Miss Delphine Baker, Ed. Natl. Ban. in Wash. D.C. Dr. Nathan Brown, Ed. Am. Baptist.Bundles & Boxes sent by Messrs. Childs & Pratt. to Falmouth Albert E. Morse Co B- 19- P [George L. Brackett " E- 21- P] Andrew Roark " D- 16 P John Spright D- 37 P Charles II Hurd G- 32 P Corp. Henry Dean D- 11 P John Foyle Surgeon 11 B Chas H Veazie S-2nd Battalion A H Johnson M 33 regt W. F. Norcross G- 11 regt J. A. Reinhart D- 1st cavalry BoxesMissTheodore Bunting Co B - 12th NJ. in Lincoln Hospital Ward 5. his father called Mar. 1st and desires his discharge - only 16 years old. 10 Blankets - " pairs drawers. " socks. " under shirtsLook for Wiley Brown, [colored?] servant in 2nd Brigade 1st div Nathan P. Rice Sexton of the Old South Church (Worcester) wounded in the face at Fredericksburg, found him in a church at F., washed his face and getting down to his features knew him - Albert Benchly was with him, and now tells me that he is in Georgetown. [Senator Wilson] Enclosed are the papers in reference to Dr. Sidney's appointment. Col. Ivers Philips called upon me this morning Jany 28 informing me of the presence of his wife. Mrs. [] & Mrs. [Comy?] at the National Hotel will call to see them in the course of the day. Am at the Capital [] to see Senator Wilson in reference to Dr. S.William J. Kerrigan Co. A 13th Mass. {Wm. Duffie - Co H. 20 mass {Attended, at Lincoln HospitalConfederate at Lacy House Wm. Simmons- 13 Miss. Co. F.- at Lincoln House Ward 10 Men of Lacy House in the Lincoln Hospital Walter Norris- 88 N.Y. leg. Ward 17- Bed 28.- James Renehan- 3rd US Inft Ward 17- Bed 33 James Collins, 28. Mass. Ward 10- B 38 from New Bedford Michael Morton. 88 N.Y. Ward 10. 22. Lieut. Chas. A Harnden 9 N.H. Ward 10- Hillsboro N.H. Donald McPhee, Ward 10 20th Mass. Ed. Z. Brailey. Co. D. Mass. Ward 10- Chas. McDavitte 19 Mass K Ward 10- Bed 28-Lacy House Wriley Falkner - 7th Mich. Shot through lung in Boat sat for days in 3rd room at Lacy House - Ward 10 - B23 Resides in Denmark, Ashtabula Co Ohio. - ----------------- Emory Hospital Ward K. John Daley - Co K 28th Mass Milford - flesh wnd thigh ------------------ Wm. Otersen. 59th NY. Co. K. NY. City. Arm shattered. ------------------ [Major] Maj F A. Patterson 3rd Virginia Cavalry husband of Mary Amiss - 357 F. St. - Maj Harris at the Navy yard has charge of the Marine Barracks D. Cameron Morrison Co. C. 2nd Michigan - 1st Brig 1st Division - 9 Army Corps -Marvin Preston Co. H 1st Michigan Inft – lost sight of at Harrisins Landing A friend of Mrs. Lieut Morris. look for him – anywhere – Capt Hall [ ] The bearer of this (Wm. Southworth of Hardwick) is a friend of mine whom I was to accompany to Falmouth to accomplishCapt August Muse A, 2, M, 3rd Division 3 Army Corps General Whipple, - A.W. Mrs. Wm A. White (Sarah L.) 43 Webster St, Boston, (East) at Printing Office – Trinity Underneath the address place E.R.R. Mrs. Oliver Bullard of Sanitary Commission at Brandon[?] 482 – 12th bet E & F at Miss Bull’s- Maj E. S. Kelley 8th Regt, Ills. Cavalry Wheaton DuPage Co. Ills. Mrs. Louisa G. Kelley Wheaton DuPage Co. Ills.Brigade Surgeon Otis of Mass. 27. detailed in charge of Steamer Cosmopolitan, called on me in company with Charley Fenwick is acquainted with 25, 21 Coln. Frank Norton 123d N York Albert Norton Ambulance Corps Chas H. Norton Co D 157 Regt N York.Mrs. Homer Eams of Wentworth N.H. wash a handkerchief and send it to the above address. Wrist shattered hip broken – cannot be operated upon ------------------------- George Groom Mt. Holly N.J. California Regt - Shot in the arm and thigh. [Dying?] at dark – 12 [Dec] Boughton Hill 59th N.Y. Son of Francis Hill of Walworth [?] Wayne Co. N.Y. Wounded in Fredericksburg in the knee – will not bear amputation; loosened his bandage – Mother Abba Hill. - ---------------------- Alonzo T. Welch NLieut. Edgar M. Newcome – 19th Mass – Shot at Fredericksburg Shot on Saturday. his brother Chas B. came to visit him, slept with him in F the night before the battle, and remained to care for him until his death. – reside in Boston sons of John J. Newcomb – residence 56. Worcester St. Business place No. 5 Commerce St. Boston Edward Fitzgerald, Co G, 19. Mass. attendant upon Lieut. Newcomb -. Providence RI. Webster St. No. 3. Capt. Thomas Wm Thurman Co. D, 13. Miss. – Decatur, Miss. – leg amputated. - parents in Georgia. 23 years old.Lieut Joseph P Robinson (brother of Capt Robinson at At 6th St. Wharf.) in 32th Mass Regt - find him [] No 1 Broadway Met Adjutant Currier of Mass 11. on the ferry boat at Jersey City, recognised me as at Warrenton Junction. Sergt. Plunkett -- 21st Emory Hospital -- Ward D.Report to Mr Buckley on Steamer Lady Lincoln at foot of 6th St. - ---------------------- Wm H. Billings} Henry E Conant} Co K [Bone?] Edmund P Jenkins Co G Mass. 21 regt - called in the evening to see me.1st Brigade In the 23rd NJ regt -- Co B is a company of Bordenton men Capt Higgins - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th Regt. 2nd Brigade Co B also Bordenton men. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sergt John Cempion, Mass 2nd Arm Amputated right -- found him at Lacy House, met him again in the cars at the station on Christmas, and was carried on with them to Potomac Creek -- am waiting for a return. At the station at Potom. Creek met Lieut Chas. Lufburrow Co. D. 29th New Jersey, and learned from him the position of the New Jersey 1st + 2nd Brigade in Genl Sickles divisionLieut Col James H Bull 66 NY. Chaplain Dwight of same regt. -- Capt Perkins 57th NY, Buried underneath a spice tree, on the left of the walk in front of the Lacy House - Fredericksburg is blazing in every quarter and one of the heaviest cannonades taking place which has occurred during the war - 4 oclock PM 11 Dec 62 J.P. Caldwell - 85. Pa Chaplain -C. Heimstreet & Co. inimitable Hair coloring Prepaired by D.S. Barnes N.Y. [used?] by Mrs. Sage - Paris IslandJP Howell [Troop?] B 6th [regt?] 3rd Army Corps Mrs. John R. Briggs Clerks House Rep. Washington D.C. Miss Clara H. Barton No 488 1/2 7th St. 3rd story room [J?] Washington D.C. John J. Newcomb Produce and Commission Merchant No. 5 Commerce St. Boston Loyal League of Union Citizens of the United States Academy of Music Thursday, April 2, 1863 at half-past seven o'clock Admit one Nehemiah Knight, Treasurer State of Maine Soldier's Relief Society [illegible] M Richards Albertson Conductor U.S. Military RR Washington [Chs] Thomas St. Augustine [] Col. A. J. Morrison 26th Regt. N.J. Vol. John Martin Capt. [?] Milton W Hayden Surgeon U.S.V. C.M. Welles care of E. W. Crowell Phenix Ins. Co. 62 Wall St. New York City [Stafford?] Court House 1st Brig. 1st Divis 12th Army Corps 28th regt. N.Y.V. N. Ward Cady Yates, Orleans Co. N.Y. Mr. Fred L. Martin Mail Agent 1st Army Corps C.W. Thomas Leader of the Band 48 N.Y. Vol.U.S. SANITARY COMMISSION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Central Office, 244 F street LOCAL STOREHOUSE, 211 F STREET SPECIAL RELIEF DEPARTMENT "The Home," 374 N. Capitol st., between Railroad Depot and Capitol "The Lodge," 17th st., between Penna. Avenue and H st. Chas. R. Newcomb Dec 21st 1862 Miss Canova at Madame Burr's school 9th St. Washington - acquainted with the Tysons - Major Marcy a most accomplished lady -- refugees from Jacksonville, thinks the troops could have held the place. The brothers met unexpectedly at Beaufort. NEW ENGLAND SOLDIERS RELIEF ASSOCIATION, H.R. WARRINER, President. J.B. ALVORD Secretary. E.F. HOUGHTON, Superintendent. HEAD QUARTERS, S. E. CORNER, THIRTEENTH AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. M. S. Littlefield [ ] 14th Dec [Gov? ] A. H. Byington "Gazette" Norwalk, Ct. Miss Barton Room No. 19. Recd payt. F. H. Grantupin S.T. Moore Chaplain 6th Regt. N.J.V. Washington D.C. George P. Van Wyck Clover Hill, N.J. Washington D.C Wm. Donaghy North B St., Capitol Hill, S.18 Lieut. Parker Mass. Lieut. Gibson Lieut. Joss W. A. Sowelson Co. A. 48th Regt. Mediate Directors Anthony Murphy Co. E. 15 Mass G. W. Gunston Co E 15 MassG W Braman Mrs. Doct. Van Wyck Middletown Orange County New York Inquire Capt. John W. Griffith New Birne N.C. James Farrell, Engineer Presented by Miss Barton ----------------------------- Miss Lizzie [A?] Richardson Clinl Quarter Master Generals Office Washington D.C. from M.V.B. Richardson Lt. Co. "C" 4th Rgt N.H.V. Rev. R.G. Williams Saugerties, N.Y. Hilton Head 12 May 1863 We want more liquors & something to eat Your place is here Hundreds of wounded men & but few It work, come Cormi WellesPort Royal Hilton Head Wagner Sumpter 1863 [applies to all the above] Miss Barton1863 ---------- Port Royal morris Isl. Hilton Head wagner & sumpter ------------