CLARA BARTON DIARIES AND JOURNALS Jan.-July 1881 [1881] Excelsior Diary Excelsior Diary for [1880 crossed out] 1881 CALENDAR FOR 1880. ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS. In the year 1880 there will be six Eclipses, four of the sun and two of the Moon. I. A Total Eclipse of the Sun, Jan. 11, invisible either as Total or Partial in the eastern portion of the United States, but some of its phases visible on the Pacific coast. II. A Total Eclipse of the Moon, June 22, invisible in the eastern portions of the United States. III. An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, July 7, invisible throughout North America. It will be visible in South America and the southern part of Africa. IV. A Partial Eclipse of the Sun, Dec. I, visible only in the Southern Hemisphere. V. A Total Eclipse of the Moon, Dec. 16, invisible in the eastern portions of the United States, but some of its phases visible on the Pacific coast. VI. A Partial Eclipse of the Sun, Dec. 31, visible in the eastern portion of the United States, as follows: At New-York City, begins 7h. 6m. ; middle, 8h. om. ; ends, 8h. 54m., morn. ; greatest magnitude 4.9 digits. At Boston, begins 7h. 19m. ; middle, 8h. 16m. ; ends, 9h. 13m. , morn. ; greatest magnitude 5.4 digits. CHURCH DAYS AND CYCLES OF TIME. Septuagesima.. Jan. 25 Sexagesima Su. Feb. 1 Quinquagesima. " 8 Ash Wednesday " 11 Quadragesima. " 15 Mid-Lent Sun .. Mar. 7 Palm Sunday .. " 21 Good Friday ... " 26 Easter Sunday . " 28 Low Sunday ... Apr. 4 Rogation Sun .. May 2 Ascension Day . " 6 Whit Sunday ... May 16 Trinity Sunday " 23 Corpus Christi . " 27 Advent Sun ... Nov. 28 Dominical Let., D&C Epact ............ 18 Golden Number ... 19 Solar Cycle ........ 13 Roman Indiction .. 8 Julian Period ...... 6593 Dionysian Period .. 209 Jewish Lunar Cycle 16 RATES OF POSTAGE. DOMESTIC.-On all Letters throughout the U.S., 3 c. for each half oz. or fraction thereof; if prepaid one full rate the deficient postage is collected on delivery. Drop or Local Letters, 2 c. per half oz. where there is a free carrier's delivery; other offices, 1 c. Postal Cards, 1 c. each. Money can be sent with absolute safety by mail, by procuring a Money Order. The fees are: on orders not exceeding $15, 10 c.; $15 to $30, 15 c. ; $30 to $40, 20 c.; $40 to $50, 25 c. Printed Books, in one package, to one address, 1 c. for each 2 oz. or fraction thereof, not over 4 lbs. On Transient Newspapers and other printed matter (except Circulars), 1 c. for 2 oz. or part of 2 oz., not over 4 lbs. On Circulars, Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs, Roots, Scions, Samples of Merchandise (except Liquids and Glass), Minerals, Ores, Flexible Patterns, Photographs, Stereoscopic Views, Paper, Envelopes, and all other articles not from their form or nature calculated to injure the mails, 1 c. for each oz., not over 4 lbs. All kinds of Postal Matter may be registered by the payment of a fee of 10c. in addition to regular postage. FOREIGN.-To all parts of Europe, British India, Argentine Republic, Bermudas, Brazil, Chili, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, Newfoundland, Persia, Peru, and Turkey, for Letters, 5 c. per half oz., prepayment optional; if not prepaid, a fine is collected on delivery. Postal cards, 1 c. in addition to stamp impressed. Newspapers, 2 c. each, if not over 4 oz., and 2 c. for each additional 4 oz. or part thereof. For other printed matter and Samples, 1 c. for each package, and an additional 1 c. for each 2 oz. or fraction thereof. All matter, except Letters, must be prepaid. Letters and other packages may be registered on payment of a fee of 10 c. To the Dominion of Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, &c., must be prepaid same as U. S. rates, except Samples are 10 c. for any weight within the limit of 8 oz., which must not be exceeded. JANUARY, Saturday 1. 1881 Received at Brightside Went to breakfast - again at 10 1/2 Rec'd patients until noon - Townspeople until 8. Came home. Disappointed in my printing Alone except Prof. H. Sunday 2 Up late Breakfast - so tired - write Mamie cannot keep up - lie down & sleep most of the PM. read some. Making up for yesterdays excitement and irregular living. eat only once today - I'm entirely up stairs, am glad to be so nearly alone. January, Monday 3. 1880. Letter from dear Antoinett first in 5 years = Joyful!! My first envelopes come, red +, A tidy from the Pratts??- xmas cards from [Pfau?], Mrs Waddington & Mrs. French Holder from Miss Phelps = card, Letter & poem from Mr Ramsey Heard Smith family in L.H. Tuesday 4. Wrote Antoinette - Breakfast at Brightside - wrote letters and sent off my first red + envelopes with photos and addresses Prof went to county Find that Antoinette has the Strasbourg picture & will finish it herself. January, Wednesday 5. 1880. Miss Austin called to ask if I could read my lecture at Brightside tomorrow evening. Am writing letters - January, Thursday 6. 1880. Read my address at [Barsheride?Brightside?] to Dr. Hallee and a few friends at 7 o'clock - Invited Col. Proctor - he came here & went with me. Receive checks from Mr Dwight Drew 97.26 Sent to Mr. Hale for rent till April 1st $56,25 January, Friday 7. 1880. Wrote letters and got off cards Prof packing up to go - Letters from Mrs [Tayler Turner] Sailed for England She raises the matter of the Lincoln Monument. I reply to her Whitaker asks for addresses I send to them both in quantity Saturday 8. Wrote letters and got off photos and addresses. Went to town with Prof at evening to post letters & buy household articles. He is nearly packed. he moved up stairs this evening Recd check from Whitaker [illegible (crossed out?)] JANUARY, Sunday 9. 1880. Wrote letters & sent cards home Photos put up to [?] Monday 10. Bot load beechwood by [Dunton?] 4,25 Paid [Dunton?] for cutting it 1,50 Paid Burrell for Bill of papers & envelopes [fat?] 19,20 Bot easels - [Br. tune 10 = De Long] 45 Downtown with Prof at evening January, Tuesday 11. 1880. Prof sent off boxes, will stay a day or two. I go to ride with Mr Bouyon, decline Brightside - Mrs. Brodt came to speak about the Monument. Dunton commences to cut wood Wednesday 12. Got my New year cards 50 a [?5] Send several photos and addresses, a cold Prof stays a little for his freight to get on Dunton cuts some wood & puts in the hall and leaves the rest. January, Thursday 13. 1880. Breakfast at Brightside Am invited to breakfast there regularly each Thursday morning -I go to ride this PM at 4. Very warm pleasant day. Sleeping in the morning - Wheeling in afternoon Mrs Foster called to ask for the upholstery for footrest-I went and carried it to her. Dunton does not come to work Friday 14. Snow storm - Mrs. Johnson came to make door trimmings. I send speeches to Worcester and Oxford in quantity & all the photos I have. Prof not gone - clear off in PM. - colder - My wood left out in the snow January, Saturday 15. 1880. I write and send speeches & photos all day. about 25 envelopes - Do nothing beyond the [?] in the little meals - Very cold. Freezes all over the house. Am getting nearly through the holiday work. Sunday 16. After breakfast. Do up work & go to town at 12 to PO. Post the yesterdays letters - 25. Get letter from Sam that Ira has had no attacks since Nov. 5, is unr care Dr Turner, Phil. - sends letter of Mrs. Hauer, NJ: I go to Mr. Krebs and read the letters, he will write Dr. T This is the best hope we have had for Ira. January, Monday 17. 1880. Not bright. Up at 5. Write Mrs. Bolcom & Abby Sheldon. After breakfast continue writing. Emma comes to say she goes to Cedar Rapids. Prof writes Mrs. Taylor - goes to town at night to see Bunnell, Hedges about monument matters posted 7 letters. Tuesday 18. Write letters. Am gettin, on with the holidy work - Receive answers to my photogps every one is so well pleased with it. That picture is a great success. Prof is getting ready to go on Thursday morning. I decide to stay alone. January, Wednesday 19. 1880. Up early - hurt my thumb Reed a doz photos - put his in frames, one for Maj Hedges one for Prof [Hubbell?]. Got a 1/2 doz letters. Went to see Mrs. Brodt in the morning- Prof getting ready to go. Thursday 20. Prof left at six for Ann Arbor, went to breakfast at 1/4 8. - Set house in order wrote letters - went to town with [Minnie?] at 5 - [will?] care for my own errands. sent card to Prof Recd a card from [Ai?] - the first in years. Answered Am alone in my house for the first tonight- January, Friday 21. 1880. A terrific storm of sleet in the night and heavy rain in the forenoon - in the afternoon snow. It is my first day alone, do not feel it unpleasantly. Dunton put my [?] cut wood in the woodhouse - answered letter from Lucy Stone. Saturday 22. Very snowy, found my woodhouse in great disorder from Dunton's [?] pile of wood, swept cleaned, all before breakfast. wrote Mamie & sent her [?] addresses for her from[?] Specimens of paper came from [?] Minne went to town brot me 7 letters & cards, apples to Mrs Brodt JANUARY, Sunday 23, 1880. Passed the day much alone cold & snowy - [bl?cked?] Minnie & Miss Edwards came in the evening - wrote Monday 24. Found my eyes too weak for our work & the snow light to write - and washed my small things and kept home generally went to ride from Brightside in the afternoon. JANUARY, Tuesday 25. 1880. Eyes still weak. ironed my wash of yesterday and went to town with Minnie posted and got letters and did grocery business. Wednesday 26. Wrote a little, went to town got 20 photos of self and 8 of Capt. all good. left [work?] to be fitted got oil at [Prines?]. I find it possible to live alone have no nervousness a fear Mrs [Suggle?] returns JANUARY, Thursday 27. 1880 The coldest day - windy - wrote all day. Went at evening to the Seminary to Birthday reception of Old Mr. Moses [Seirge?] a soldier of 1812. 86 years old today - Told him of my father, Mrs [Suggle?] came to wash - did not permit it, too cold Friday 28. Very cold. Took till 1 o clock to get warm enough to write and to get thawed out from the night's freeze. Wrote a few letters [Minnie?] went to town brot me a pile of mail. Dr & Mrs Andrews called in the evening. JANUARY, Saturday 29. 1880. A little warmer. Wrote and arranged about house. tired could not do very much Sunday 30 Cooked Lima Beans. my first cooking by my oil stove wonderful success and a most enjoyable dinner Mrs [Beryon?] called on her way from Church & spent a couple of hours gave her my photo The day goes in house keeping Miss Austin called at evening [?] Minnie & I to dinner meeting Monday January, 31. 1880 Wrote draft of letter to Judge Omar D Conger Went to town - took list of press of envelopes to Belts - got 17 pictures on the 2nd [100?]. Bot paper, at Deleys Bread - Recd letters from Hubbell Pfau. Sent address to [Annie] [Baylor?] - it is growing colder. Tuesday February, 1. Mrs Gayles came to wash = .40 I washed flannels, had floor in up stairs pantry washed Mrs Harrington called. Will sell my hay to Mr Walker. do not hear from town. See no one write nothing - go asleep in the evening. Letter for Lizzie Wednesday Hatch February 2, 1880 The coldest day - wrote Prof did my work - went to Brightside to dinner with Minnie - She rode I came home. A call from Mrs Southworth of Wabasha, niece of Mrs. [Dec?] Pendleton, with whom poor Sally and Irving boarded, her husband is a Banker in W. is ill of N. P. - lost a boy of diphtheria. Thursday 3. Went to Brightside to breakfast-- Met Rev Mr Brooks of Allegheny Co-- To cold to do much but keep up the fires, and wait on ones self. Went to town at 4 with Minnie, exchanged two reams of paper with Deleny Letters from Prof. Lizzie Hatch & Hail Wrote draft of letter to Genl Garfield - copied it in copy book Recd [received] letter from Major Randall answered it in evening. February, Friday [Wednesdsay] 4. 1880. Mrs Guggle came to iron, I got dinner, cooked lima beans for self & Minnie, apples & pudding for Minnie, very cold. Ironed my flannels, wrote & sent photo to Lizzie Hatch, am getting tired of such cold weather, it hinders one. Saturday [Tuesday] 5. Telegram that Steve was at Rochester came with Mirtes at 1 1/2 - Minnie went to town for things Mirtes 7 1/2 a pretty little girl Steve going to Chambersburg - Dinner & tea in my room Letters form Wm Ward, card from Mrs Frayer & Mrs Cook February, Sunday [Friday] 6. 1880. Bright beautiful day go to walk with Steve, in PM up around the Cure - Minnie comes to help me Dines, & helps. Monday [Saturday] 7. Go to town with Steve Draw from Bank 50, Call on Mr Bunnell Charge paper with Deleny take it to Bunnell go to lecture at Cure Dine at Cure [Have wood carried up] by [Nelliehe?] Take ton of coal 6,50 Tuesday February, [Saturday] 8, 1880. Went to town with Steve took paper sample to Bunnell Paid Betts for photos for the first 100 cards. 17. At evening had a long talk with Steve till 2 o clock in the Morning He is a noble young man Wednesday [Monday] 9. Thaw. I swept and worked about house. Spoke a little of Steve's return, what to do with Mirte's education He seems to desire to come back to remain here Thursday February, [Tuesday] 10. 1880 Went to Brightside to breakfast. Attended to the work of the house. Time for little else Friday [Wednesday] 11. Still warm. Bought "Samantha My Wayward Pardner - 2.50 Pictures of Miss Lord (1.00) .50 Dined at Brightside Talked with Steve about returning Saturday, February [Thursday] 12, 1880. Cleaned pistols & shot at a target. Steve put bolts on my doors. Sweep and do the work of the house. Sunday [Friday] 13. Steve went to Liberty Hall to meeting - & to dinner & through the "Cure" Minnie dined with me Up very late as usual since Steve came. Monday, February, [Saturday] 14, 1880. Packed Myrlis trunk Steve' and Myrlis left at 2 PM for Wayland, & Chambersburg had been here a week & a day. Made a delightful visit and left with promise of return, - swept my room A letter from Mrs Gabriel Kent of Williamsport to ask about the Red [Cross]. She is working under Mrs Shephard as its head & founder Tuesday [Sunday] 15. Swept my house, till 2 PM., Put up Pamphlets - speeches & Photos for Mrs Kent, drafted her letter, Minnie recd a letter from Mde Schroedter of Carlsruhe, she could not get trace of the picture. Wednesday, February [Monday] 16, 1880. Fine morning, but turned cold & squally. Mr. Harrington called Wrote Prof Hubbell - Steve. sent Pamphlets to Mrs. Kent - copied the letters to Judge Conger & Gen Garfield & Minnie posted them. Sent Photo to George B. Ferguson. Recd letter from Susan B. Anthony, wanting sketch of war women, from Prof. Miss Phelps. Call from Miss Baker & Mrs. Noble & Mrs. Brodt into evening. [Tuesday] Thursday 17. Answered Mrs. Gabriel Kent Wrote Mrs. Taylor. Went to see Maj. Hedges & ask his advice about going to Wash. He came to call at dusk, took Documents home with him will come Sunday 10 AM. I almost decide to go to Wash. Received of W. H. Ward A one Hundred Dollar Bond - The Ward Axle Brake & Coupler Co. $100. February [Wednesday] Friday 18. 1880 Answered W. H. Ward - ackl. cheque Wrote Steve - Made three copies of letter of General Comments to the President - Sent one to Maj. Hedges Write very hard all day & am very tired at Night. Saturday 19. Go to town to do errands for my [See?] journey, get paper & take it to Bunnell to print Draw from Brown Bros. 50 a check from Wash. [Washington] 22.50 Have over 100 Dollars in hand Call at Brightside, go for May Marsten to sew. - get 20 photos from Betts - Letters from Mr. Ferguson & Prof. Sunday, February 20, [1880]. Maj Hedges, Maj Bunnell A.O. Bunnell & Gov Sweet came to talk of Red cross. I decide to go to Wash. Wednesday. Write Steve Mrs Curtis & Prof Hubbell. Minnie here all day The gentlemen will write to Hon Mr Lapham & Richardson Monday 21. It is decided that I go to Washington. May Marsten comes to, sew I do not want to go - I write and pack. Minnie will come tomorrow to help me. Tuesday, February 22, [1880]. Pack trunk, May finished sewing paid her 1.50 feel better but dread to go - see Dr [Jo?]. Minnie is here to help she goes to town twice for me - Breakfast at Brightside yesterday Wednesday 23. Left Dansville at 2 PM for Washington Wait at Wayland 2 hours fare 10.45 letter from Antoinette, [Les Blake?] Mamie, Steve. Left Wayland at Waited at Corning till 11- Met there a Mr Wm J Herritt - Furniture man of Columbus O. Soldier - took me to get a cup of tea, we conversed till train time arr at Elmira 12. Went to Frazier house well accommodated Elmira Thursday, February 24, [1881]. Breakfasted at Frazier house Arr Williamsport 1 PM. Sent Dispatch to Steve. Chams by to meet me Friday night train leaving Wmpt at 11-10 - Played with Nelly. Sent note to Mrs Kent that I am here. Friday 25. Colder - has snowed Mrs Gabriel Kent called at 4 PM told me of the New organization of the Anchor & of Mrs Shepard I told her of the Red Cross and the Animus of the New Society Left at 11-10 for Harrisburg great hunt for Steve. Met him in time to go on at 4 Sat Morning Saturday, Wash February 26, [1881]. Arrived at Washington 9 A.M. Went to Mrs Taylers - [Went] to Mr Ramseys to sleep I have a room here Steve has one at a neighbors, trunks came, & all settled at night. Sunday 27. Ramseys. Passed the day quietly at home Explained the condition of my affairs to Mr Ramsey wrote a few letters - decided to go to the Capitol tomorrow Wash - Monday, February 28, [1881]. Cloudy - went to Mrs Taylers - Saw Mamma, Miss Sharpless. Mrs Porter went to Capitol with us. Found Hinton, he came home with us and laid plans for action, try to get the refusal of M Seward & answer it - to get endorsement of leading generals. Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and last to use the Associated Press. Gave Steve ten Dollars for his expenses here. $10.00 Tuesday, March 1, [1881] Went to Papa Holmes to ask Mrs Tayler about my cloak She was busy painting till evening Letters to Messrs Lapham Richardson & Van Vorhis. Steve went to Capitol. Hinton came at evening. Mrs Ramseys Sister came. Wrote Mrs Austin Wednesday 2. Sent note to Genl Townsend by Steve he returned a letter of Introduction to Genl Sherman. I wrote to Genl Grant, copied the letter of the Convention to the President Copied "Information of Red [Cross]" and got ready to post to Genl Grant tomorrow Hinton called, we went to walk. Thursday March, [Wednesday] 3. 1880. Posted letter & documents to Genl Grant at 5th Ave H NY. Called on Genl Whitaker " on Genl Townsend Steve called on Genl Sheridan Called at Mr. Hitz - saw no one Met Mrs. Shepard in car - Sad change in weather, snow Friday 4. Inauguration of Jas A Garfield Morning cold & snow - cleared a 10 Went to Mrs Morrells room to see grand procession. met Holmes & Taylers. Mrs Charles of the "World Staid till 5 PM - Dined home Hinton called in evening. Saturday, March, 5. 1880. Wrote M. Washburn in the morning Went to P.O at 1 - with Steve and found a letter from the Grand Duchess of Baden Went to Mrs. Taylers - called at Dutra to see for rooms - Hinton called. Called at Mr. Fergusons evening. Letter Mamie, Mary Tover, Harriet - Sunday 6. Wrote = copied my letter to M. Washburn - Last night the train containing the Ex-Presidental party met a double engine train at Severn. 2 men were Killed, many wounded. M. & Mrs Hayes escaped. Mr. Lapham did not call. [Ramsey] Monday March 2, 1880 Papa Holmes called to see Steve We went to his house saw Mrs Green. Went to Patent Office to see Miss Haskell. ill at home, went th[?] agreed to go and stay with her. come home pack my trunk Henlin called Mr Ferguson I called at my house this PM to see what it needs. [Haskell] Tuesday 8 Fine trunk all packed at 8 oclock Left after breakfast went to Post O. Post O. Genl Whitckes Received my rent for 2250 came to Miss Haskells at 4 No 600 K. Dined and settled ourselves for work. Wednesday March 9 1880 Go to see Mr Thompson about Madison Pulten. Mr Sheer called he goes to Virginia Pamphlet from Grand Duchess Thursday 10 A window falls on my hand and crushed it. Mr Ramsey called for key. Friday, March 11, 1880 Write Genl. Sheridan & Rucker Learn from Papa Holmes that Secty Windom will see us tomorrow evening. I take care of my hand, It is easy. Saturday 12. Wrote Mr. Washburn asking advice on law. In the evening went to call on Mr Windom found him genial, and almost enthusiastic - he was going to a dinner in his honor. A fearful rain to come home in, but it was a fortunate night as it turned. Mrs Taylor. Papa & Steve [?] paid Sammy $6,000 [?] Haskell Sunday March 13, 1880 Went to visit Fred Douglass with Mrs Tayler, Porter, Steve he had gone to lecture, we went Met a Mrs. Walling of Mass. Douglass spoke on progress to the S.G. Monday 14. Wrote Secty Windom, Steve took his umbrella & my letter to his house. Went to Capitol to look at books on war Women. The day of the great strife between Hill & Mahone. Steve remains. I came home & wrote at 8 went to Mrs. Morrells house saw Mr. Douglass & ladies - he spoke of Red Cross. encouragingly Mrs. Haskell ill, my hand lame Haskells Tuesday March 15, 1880 (1881) Steve & I answered private letters - 13. Mrs Haskell ill of Neuralgia - home. Steve bot a Book for Red + Diary - 87 cts at 6 PM [called] went to National Hotel to call Judge Conger. had a charming evening. Mrs Tayler & Porter with us. Told war stories. heard from Col Everton & Great awareness of success Haskells Wednesday 16. Miss H better goes to office I write to Dr. Appier. Send [specks?] & pamphlet & photo to Mrs Appier Write to Sen Allison Received letter from Sect Windom with card to Mr. Blaine to see him Hinton called. Mr Ferguson came to tell us their house was ready tomorrow PM, Miss H ill again. Haskell Thursday Ferguson March 17, 1880 (1881) Still dull - rainy = Miss H went to office we put all in order. packed & sent trunk to 1326 I st. went to Mrs Taylor to arrange for Mr. Blaine - at 2 PM came to Mr Ferguson found beautiful appartments & a warm welcome. Only we four in the family with such On my arrival a most beautiful boquet or basket of cut flowers with card from Mrs Secty Windom Friday 18. Had taken cold & could not sleep at all. felt ill - fasted. At 2 1/2 Mrs Tayler came in the rain to go to Secty Blaine with us. he had been taken suddenly ill & left before Cabinet meeting - we joined a party of Robbins & Mrs Fossett & went to Loan [Exbit] Mrs Hitz not there. My picture up with the hospital appliances. returned, ate a little supper & went to bed. Mr. Gough lectures in Lincoln Hall. Nelly came to see me. Steve went to hear Mr Gough Fergusons Saturday March 19 [1881]. Still very rainy. went at 11 to call on Mr. & Mrs. Gough at the Ebbitt long visit. he told me of his trip to Europe & Mrs. Susie Spurgeon he goes to Richmond & Petersburg. returns her a week from Monday & lectures on Temperance. I spoke with Mrs. Gough of Nellie. Sunday 20. Rained Fergusons Monday Cold March 21, [1881]. Went to call on Mr. Blain he was not in his office. Mrs Tayler went with us. We wished to go see Mrs. Dall but I was not warmly enough dressed. Nellie was here all the morning. Mrs Tayler made calls & we came home. Tuesday 22. I think we went to Mrs. Ramseys At evening he proposed an Incorporation of the Red Cross, & we called on Genl Mussey who appeared and offered to draw it up. Wednesday, March 23, [1881]. Went to call on Mr. Blain. he was with the President. A letter from Julia to Steve tells of the deaths of Dr. Holman, Mrs. Fern Gills, David [Felts?] & Grandma Copp. All within two weeks. Subject for thought. Thursday 24. Did not go out till evening went to Mrs Dall's in Georgetown A Strong woman. I sewed all day. mended my cloak - put lace on it - Nelly came. Papa came at 9 for Mrs. Tayler Into Jessie to her Fergusons March, Friday 25 [1881] Remained home all day. Steve went to walk to Capitol came home sick. Went early to bed. Nelly Boynten came Bot tickets to lecture, looked at dresses. Mrs. St Albe called Wrote a note to Gail Hamilton. Wrote Randall. Still wrote on letter to Grand Duchess. Saturday 26. Snow. Wrote letter to the Grand Duchess & posted it. Sent 2 photos & pamphlets - one to Princess Wilhelm. Steve took my note to Gail Hamilton. Letter from David. Wants Steve to come & help sell his place. poor Dave. Wrote Mamie & Belle Green. Fergusons Sunday Fine March 27, [1881]. Talked historical policies with Steve till 12 Went to call on Mrs Hitz. Met Miss Weller & Secty. a lame knee takes her to Phil. with her mother. Mrs H spoke of Dr. Crane & his Suggestion that I be sent to Europe home to dinner. call on Miss Haskell and go with Papa, Mrs. Tayler & Porter & St to call on Col Robt Ingersol at his reception. Met his wife, two daughters. Mrs Parker. Mother of Mrs G. & Mrs Monday 28. Went to Capitol to hear Mahone could not get in. Went with Jessie to call on Robt Lincoln Could not see him. Called on Dr. Crane. Kind as always, asked me to call again Tuesday, March 29, [1881]. Went again to call on Secy Lincoln The Messenger wanted to know if I wanted an office in [Cabinet?] [day?] could not see him. Amused will call again Wednesday 30. Mrs. Tayler & Nellie Boynton came to do over my dresses. At 3 1/2 Mrs Tayler, Porter, Steve & I went to Mrs Blaine's reception, met Gail Hamilton, Miss Blaine & Mrs B. enjoyed it very much, they will call on me. Told Gail of Red [Cross] & Europe's royalty. Ferguson Thursday cold March 31, 1880. (1881) Nellie came to sew. I go with Jessie to shop, get Silk - 1,50 Fringe 1 7/8 @ 2,75 - 2 yds @ ,90 velvet at 3 rolls per yd - will in all cost about $ 10,. At evening went to Corcorans gally found on returning Genl Sturgis he had seen a news paper notice & came to call, will call again Friday, April 1. Cold. Nelly Boynton came to sew, dresses nearly done. Calls Miss Cunningham. Knew Sally Mrs Mann, formerly Mrs Foy & friend Mr Gibson comdr of GAR. Dept of Wash, to ask if they might call to see me some evening next week. Wrote David to invite him to Danville Julia is ill, he is in bed. Sad letters from Mamie. Send photo to Genl Sturgis Fergusons Cold Saturday, April 2, 1880. (1881) Sewed on my black silk dresses Nelly came & helped finish them. Letter from Genl Sheridan, he endorses the Red + [Cross]. Letter from GAR. o Washington to say they would call on me Thursday evening 7th. Julia better. David up and helping Mamie. Steve goes to Mrs. Taylor. I give a letter of rec to Clara Cunningham for an office. Photo of Maj Randall Sunday 3. Dull weather. Hinton called. Told me of a letter notice in the W. Sunday Herald probably by Mrs. Sliney, also is a call for the G.A.R. to appear in uniform to pay respects to me Thursday Evening. Steve went to Capitol Hill. Jessie asks to do the catering for the entertainment. Fergu April Monday 4, 1880. (1881) Went with Nellie Boynton to see Mary Clemmer, a pleasant woman, lovely home. No friend of the Blaines - I fear the crash of their [ha?] as Henry Boynton is, [swordsman?] Preparation for G.A.R Tuesday 5. [blank] April, Wednesday 6, 1880. (1881) Had baked shad for dinner it made me ill as fresh fish always does. Hinton called has a place to write. Want to call on Mrs Charles - at 9 PM at Mr Fitzgeralds Thursday 7. Ill in the night, fish hurt me Stayed in bed all day, fearful about the evening, cannot give it up. Mrs Brewer called told me of Judge Lawrence, dressed at 5. comrades came at 8, Mrs Tayler & all, family Nelly Boynton, Mrs Morrell, flowers fine colation. Jessie & Mr Prescott served. I got through well, grew stronger. Wrote Genl Sturgis Ferguson April Friday 8, 1880. (1881) Rainy. Am better, report of last night in Republican, bot copies of both issues. Recd rent 22,50 Missed a Bill from June 5. Arranged it and [missed?] .25 Judge Lawrence of Ohio called this evening. 1st comptroller of the Treasury. Rainy Saturday 9. Called on Mr Blaine - not in Steve went to his house, made app. for 11 Mrng Mrs Capt Grant & son called. Mrs Lieut Mason - Lieut Mason. J. L Brown piece in Rep, another on Dorr. I told him better - a little slur in Rep but [only?] by Ed Rep. Sent papers, I Hinton called at evening. Ferguson April Sunday 10, 1880. (1881) Fine - wrote David, Julia, & Mamie Ben Hunt called, told of his mother is a painter. Mrs Tayler came. -- wrote Prof H., Clarence Barton sent Photo to him. Mrs. Walling called. Steve tells one about my old Nauck & Worcester conductors. Poor Papa Clapp. - Fine Monday At 11 1/2 to see Mr Blaine, waited Memorable interview, Mrs Dr Loring call too late to see Robt Lincoln Visited Genl Schenck (Dansville) Found Mrs. Hitz & Mrs. Canfield. Call from Mrs and Miss Knowlton [Call from] M Price NC, colored. to learn of Mrs John Brown. Went to lecture at training school [Went] to Mrs Morrells reception home at 10 1/2 Jessie went. Rainy Morning Tuesday, April 12, [1881]. Went at 10 AM to call on Robt Lincoln saw him and thanked for his fathers kindness Called on Judge Lawrence 1st comptroller [Called on] Secretary Windom, saw [Pettelson?] Brownlow , [Called on] Dr. Hood - for Horace Pikes pension [Called on] Vice President Arthur for Woodward [Called on] Judge Conger helped me to him Mrs Tayler came. Went to Reception of Mrs Dr. Loring, saw him - & after this to Mrs Dalls to tea - Georgetown Wednesday 13. Dull. At 10 AM a dispatch via Chambersburg from Dr Wilmot Steve that Joyce was dying in Boston Came a second at 3 PM. she was dead, Steve left by 2 PM train calls from Mrs Murphy. Came from Rick & Mrs Ingersol. Papers from Dr McMurdy with sketch of me. Cold Thursday Fergusons April 14, [1881]. Telegram from Steve. Putnam Conn "Dead". Wrote letters all day. Sent check to Chas S Hale $50, rent for next-quarter, am not quite well. Friday 15. Not able to be up today. It is a nervous shock. - remain in bed and write. Call from Judge Lawrence & Judge Schofield Nothing from Steve Saturday, April 16, [1881]. A little better, get up but can scarce walk. Very nervous Kate is ill of Rheumatism Jessie alone. I write my Plan of Red [Cross] Societies. Sunday 17. Miss Haskell came to dine I wrote my plan for Societies in my Copy Book. Jessie went to the Cemetery I am very weak and half ill it is cold and damp. I am ready for a talk on the Plan of Red Cross Societies Monday, April 18, [1881]. Letters from Mr Monyer and Dr Appier Geneva. They fear I shall not sign the Convention correctly, I am half sick and do nothing all day. Mrs Morrell called in the evening, nearly sick I am Ferguson Tuesday 19. Went to call on Mr Hitz, with letter of Geneva Convention, he will write them. Mr Ramsey & Nan came at evening, Mrs Villard, Dick Called on Genl Whitaker. Wrote Steve, Minnie. Flor, M. Phelps I am better, my first day out for a week, Mrs Canfield called Wednesday April 20, [1881]. Rainy. Mrs Hitz and Mrs Canfield came to talk of Red [Cross] Seal for training school. Remain so long that Mr Hitz could not stay to speak of our matter will come tomorrow Thursday 21. Mr Hitz and Mrs Tayler came at 1. He brot translation of Mr Moynier's letter. I decided to search for the original articles & proceding of the Geneva Convention in the State Dept tomorrow At evening we go to Mr Solomons to organize the work of Associated Charities for this city. April Friday 22, [1881]. Went to the State Dept. Saw Mr Brown, found the 1st articles of the Geneva Convention Read them all 40 pages, took notes. Went to P.O. got my slips of G.A.R. speeches from Bunnell Call from Mrs Brown Mrs Earles sister Saturday 23. rt Call from Genl Sturgis, he returns July 1st to Soldiers Home, told him of Herald articles, he would see Hudson. Went to State Dept, looked over files, Found Dr. Bellows Association. Came home depressed, I found it hard to hold up under all the weight I have to bear. - Mrs Tayler and Mr and Mrs Sliney came and spent evening. Fergusons Sunday, April 24, [1881]. Warm. Slept in the morning Went to call on Mrs Haskell with Mr. Ferguson. To call at Papa Holmes. Mrs T had been to the meeting of Mrs. Shepards Society. Saw her & Fanny. I speak with Mr. Ferguson of the Red [Cross] and the action of others. Monday 25. The day for the unveiling of Farrguts statue, by Vinnie Ream Hoxie. I am not able to go, am in bed nearly all day. am depressed and ill, and want to go home & forget all. Major Bunnell & Alice called. he goes home today. Came Wednesday. At evening Mrs. Tayler comes to go to Mrs. Morrells. Hinton calls & I talk with them of the prospect of things. I wrote Steve at Chambersburg. Tuesday, April 26, [1881]. Jessie goes to Judge Lawrence Mrs. Everett calls. Note from Genl Sturgis, con “Herald” Judge Lawrence, Mrs. Tayler & Hinton called at evening. The Judge decided it necessary to form a society at once & named Incorporators. Hinton told him of the intrigues, & revealed a plan for the Senate to require a representative to be named by the President. Wednesday 27. I went to Judge Lawrence with the plan that he lay the matter before Mr & Mrs Garfield & offer her the Presidency of the Asso. He desired Judge Conger to go with him. I went to Capitol, & asked the Judge to communicate with him & wrote Judge L. saw Genl Bane at the Treasury & several persons. Called out Genl Hanley. This is Thursdays record next page will be Wednesday. Thursday, April 28, [1881]. After our concern of last night (Tuesday) Mrs. Tayler & I decided to go to Capitol to see members of com on asso, Called Conger he saw [li?]. Called Morgan of Ala. he was cross at Yankees, asked for a plan of asso. I concluded that making up associations was not my forte. I would not do such work & came home to reflect & decided to turn it over to Mrs. Garfield, through Lawrence, and so went to Judge Lawrence as on previous page Friday 29. Note from Stella that the Maj. would be at National & Riggs today, went to both & left cards. Called on Mrs. Hawley. She wanted pamphlets. I took one to her. Mr. Hitz called in P.M. Hinton called both approve my plan. Mrs. Tayler & Mamie came. Miss Haskell At 8 Major Randall & Flor came I am to go out with them & dine also tomorrow. Ira is receiving letters for Sam Fergusons Saturday, pleasant April 30, [1881]. Fergusons Restaurant Went with Major & Flor to Corcorans - to White House, Capitol & Smithsonian dined with them at the National, Maj. came home with me at evening. Card from Steve at Chmbs No business done today. I hear nothing from Judge Lawrence, Nor Mrs. Hawley I am almost sure it will fall through perhaps it is my salvation if it does. May Sunday 1. Remained at home till after dinner Major & Florence came and took Jessie & I to ride. They left for hotel at 8, and will leave for the West at 10 tomorrow A.M. Thursday, April 28, [1881]. After our concern of last night (Tuesday) Mrs. Taylor & I decided to go to Capitol to see members of [Congress] on asso. Called Conger he saw [li?], Called Morgan of Ala. he was cross at Yankees, asked for a plan of asso. I concluded that making up associations was not my forte. I would not do such work & came home to reflect- & decided to turn it over to Mrs. Garfield, through Lawrence, and so went to Judge Lawrence as on previous page Friday 29. Note from Stella that the Maj. would be at National & Riggs today, went to both & left cards. Called on Mrs. Hawley. She wanted pamphlets. I took one to her. Mr. Hitz called in PM. Hinton called both approve my plan. Mrs. Taylor & Mamie came, Miss Haskell At 8 Major Randall & Flor came I am to go out with them & dine also tomorrow. Ira is receiving letters for Sam Saturday, April 30, [1881]. Fergusons Restaurant Went with Major & Flor to Corcorans - to White House, Capitol & Smithsonian dined with them at the National. Maj. came home with me at evening. Card from Steve at [Chambersburg]. No business done today. I hear nothing from Judge Lawrence, Nor Mrs. Hawley I am almost sure it will fall through perhaps it is my salvation if it does. Sunday, May 1. Remained at home till after dinner Major & Florence came and took Jessie & I to ride. They left for hotel at 8, and will leave for the West at 10 tomorrow A.M. Monday, May 2, [1881]. [blank] Tuesday 3. Went at 9 to meet Steve with Jessie, to both Depots. Missed him, he got home first, is tired out, sleepless, does not sleep at all tonight Wednesday, 4. 1881 Went by app. to meet Judge Lawrence to go with him to Secty Blaine at 12. Office of State - full. Judge saw Pres. Garfield, gave him letter for self & Mrs. Garfield, my photo to her. Came to State Dept., Mr. Blaine finds Articles of War in the Convention which require Congressional Action, it must wait till next winter Thursday 5. I am quite discouraged and feel like giving up the entire thing - Begin to feel that the Genl does not want the trouble, and wish to put me off, and let me down easy. I am almost sick, and begin to arrange to go home think it is all of no use, even if it were done. So alone Friday, May 6, 1880. (1881) Decide in my own mind to ask direct if I am to be deceived and compel the truth to be told me, and then act accordingly -- Shall go to Blaine tomorrow and ask if he means to favor the object or if he means to let it die. Saturday 7. Went to Judge Lawrence, to Mr. Windom to ask for intentions to State Dept. Saw Walker Blaine, he assures me of the sincerity of all intentions & offers to correspond with me this summer will write me. Call on Dr Crane & Dr Barnes, go to see Mrs. Morrell at evening. Sunday, May 8, 1880. (1881) Warm. Read a Fair Barbarian rested, did better - At 7 went to National Theater to hear Robt Ingersol, deliver his great lecture on the "Great Infidels." Rick there. very long. home at 11 oclock - wonderful lecture. Monday 9. Decide to form a Society - go to Judge Lawrence, from him to Mr Ramsey he will draft a form of association to be submitted to Conger, Lawrence, & to Genl Murrey to ask him also, and in to Mrs. [Conger?] Also meet there [Florence?] sue. She is a member, go to Hinton at his Building, he will draft also met Genl [Gates?], will serve as member Gave Nan Ramsey $10. Tuesday, May 10, [1881]. Did not call on Genl Muzzey as intended Steve had letters which hindered, he went to Nat Office. I wrote Walker Blaine Drafted letter both Moynier Call from Mrs. Morrell in evening Col. Hinton also. Steve took letter to Walker Blaine - Saw Genl Sherman Have asked for letter from Dept to send to Geneva - Wednesday 11. Letter from Mrs. Gage Made official calls on Robt Lincoln - very genial & promises kind consideration on Genl Sherman. Bluff, but not unkind. State Dept and got copies of Dr. Bellows association, found large Documents Notified Ramsey & Lawrence of Meeting at Judge Congers tomorrow Hinton came to dine, & made up Articles of Asso. Jessie ill, Bot fruit & a sugar crackers Thursday, May 12, [1881]. Steve attended to convalescents. I made ready for Mr. Congers at evening. Mrs. Taylor, Jessie, Steve & I went to National. Hinton missed & did not go. Ramsey came at 9 Business turned on Convention. Ramsey read his Constitution. Steve not his. M. Conger wants to introduce it on the Senate & draw copies from the State Dept. The evening was not a success. Friday 13. Write Judge Conger to wait till I can hear from Blaine, lest he be put out by interference from another [part?] of the Government. Also wrote Mr. Conger about Articles of Convention & tell him he had them all there years ago. I am almost discouraged and Steve has no heart to this - wants excitement & I offer to let him go. Fergusons Saturday May 14, 1880. (1881) Talk with Steve about the Press he goes to call on Mr Cotterel an old time operator, & now theOperator for the Associated Press. He went to see Walter Phillips of the Press, did not find him. We called on Mr. Windom at 6 1/2 saw him, Mrs. Windom & Mr & Mrs Douglas. I went to Mrs Morrells lunch party Met Mrs Avery & Mrs Herring- Sunday 15. Wrote 7 letters. Steve went to call on Walter Phillip of Asso. Press I consulted Mr. Prescott, he finds the Constitution good. Monday, May 16, 1880. (1881) Meeting to arrange Constitution Judge Lawrence, Mrs Tayler, Ramsey, Nelly Boynton, Mr. Campbell, Hinton Prescott [Ferrice?]. Lawrence wrote preamble, Committee to arrange Constitution further. Ramsey, Steve & G. Prescott speaks of Incorporation get cross. The entire meeting put me down, they cannot see that we should regard the International Committee of Geneva. Tuesday 17. I go to Mr Conger, to Ramsey for form of call for Resolution to Walker Blaine to take one to him to [appeal?] to take one to Conger - this for the Resolution. Expected to be [intended?] tomorrow. Wrote on Constitution made two copies. Arrange for our next meeting next Sat to Adopt Constitution. Fergusons Wednesday May 18, [1881]. Called on Judge Lawrence to ask of Mr. Hitz - went to Mr Hitz - to Genl Whitaker & Genl Murrey who will come to our meeting Murrey will Incorporate Bill To Mrs. Tayler - saw Secty Windom Steve saw Gibson, Phillips - we write envelopes for circulars, to invite Letter from Mrs. Hawley - Article in Hospital Review of letter of Genl Sturgis. Thursday 19. Steve is ill, severe pain in back. Call Dr. in. Pneumonia symptoms - he goes to bed at 8. I nurse him can do no business. he took copy of circular to Gibson to print, returned at 5. We sent out 100 invitations to come. Friday, May 20, [1881]. [blank] Saturday 21. Day of Meetings, dreadfully busy Cottrell & wife came AM. he agreed and took minutes. I am too busy to go out for people. Walter Phillips came at 7. got posted, will act as Secty people came at 8. Adopted the Constitution but did not elect members. Judge Lawrence presided I read history of Red Cross - Adjourned till next call. Steve in bed Sunday, May 22, 1880. (1881) Steve better, in bed - no pain Cotterell came in morning. Walter Philips in Afternoon is decided to push the Red Cross - brot his minutes of meeting of last night Wants a caucus to say who must be brot to meeting, decide laber and bring them - he will bring Blaine will take the hardest part - Papers contain notices of meeting The New York Sunday paper also Monday 23. Got Steve up & dressed, went to see Mrs. Tayler, to ask her to take first meeting - met [Thad?] Hyatt. Went to Genl Murrey, to Genl Hawley, Congers, [B ?] Ingersol's home. Saw only a part of the people. Got Steve off to bed early and rubbed him till 10. Am tired of hard work. Met Mrs Shepard in Treasury Tuesday, May 24, 1880. (1881) At breakfast. Came from the State Department a letter from Mr Blaine answering Mr. Moynier. The best thing yet -- Steve better. Note from Wendell Philips a long visit from Mr Cotterell. I tell him of the Red Cross. do not go out. Mrs. Morrell came at evening Judge Lawrence called, wants me to call at the Treasury tomorrow. 100 Wednesday 25. Called on Judge Lawrence, he wanted to tell me of Mrs Shepard's visit to invite him to join them, and meet on their Advisory Board. Mrs Garfield is their President - the Judge notified me to make anxious I call on Philips - go to Mrs. Tayler am depressed - . Medlesome Notice of Mrs S in Press she tells her [so??] what the Red + [Cross] is - I go to hear Douglas lecture on John Brown Ferguson Thursday, May 26, [1881]. Still depressed, unsettled, go to lunch with Fred Douglass at Mrs. Taylors - Ask a meeting of a chosen few to come this evening. I ask their opinion of my course, all decide that I go on Mr. Sliney is excellent, proposes the G.A.R. to join, will bring members I go to a charity meeting at B of Ed, Invite M. Solomons to our meeting - I decide to go on, be [sharing?} in the support of my friends. [Friday] 27. Am no more depressed. - Answer Mr. Blaines letter. Wrote M. Moynier & send Mr. Blaine's letter. Hand to Jessie & Merrit a gift of $75, for our accommodation Steve goes to Genl Muzey, to ask him to Meeting Sat night - Went to M. Solomons & invited him. Saturday, May 28, [1881]. Meeting for preliminaries to decide who to invite to the next meeting for choosing officers Called on Judge Lawrence in the Morning, he seems cordial goes to Ohio tonight, excused from the Meeting. Papa Holmes Chairman Rick feels [lo--ly?] Sunday 29. Went to Universalist church Wrote invitations to next meeting for Thursday evening Yesterday Mrs. Shepard had a notice in the Star,"Red Cross Versus Blue Anchor," poor mad, dishonest woman! What a strife she makes all on one side, with no one to notice her fight. Monday, May 30, [1881]. Decoration at Arlington went with G.A.R. President & Cabinet there Orator Mark H. Dunnell I did not like it, others did very hot and dusty, tired. Tuesday 31. Talked all the morning with Steve. Offered to let him go he prefers to remain postpone our Meeting a week Steve goes to tell Phillip & Hitz Called at Dr. Lorings - not in went with Mrs. Taylor to Meeting of Ass. charities, not full meeting Letter from Mrs. Scott Hinton called Wednesday June 1, [1881]. Warm, Wrote letters - Mrs. Knettle of Lawrence came to see me, had been to Dansville, told her of Red Cross - Knew her in 1876. M. Parker called - Mr. Walker Blaine called to see what is to be done to get the Red Cross ready to sign & to recommend to Congress. Thursday 2. Wrote my views on a public Meeting of the Administration to be held before I leave W. read it to Steve he discouraged I laid it aside till Nelly Boynton called at evening. She will tell her husband of it. She approves. Mrs. Upton called with Mrs. T. to bid good-bye. rained all day Wrote [Harrel?] & several letters [Thursday] Friday, June 3, 1880. (1881) Rainy. Nelly B came to say that her husband could not decide on the wisdom of the Meeting of Officers I gave her Fannie's letter to write to Dorr. She urshed to do it The Members of the Gar? came at 9 1/4. I spoke to them of the Red Cross. They will take [?] it to Indianapolis next week - to Grand Encampment. Saturday 4. [blank] Sunday, June 5, 1880. (1881) Down the River with Mr & Mrs Cotterell & Steve Met Major Sall of the Q M. Dept. Engineer Corps we introduced ourselves - home at 8. Walter Philips came at 9, and staid till 12 1/2. Approved of having public meeting. Monday 6. Wrote on the copy for a pamphlet to get it ready for Thursday. Mr Phillips will try to see if it can be printed Mrs. [Hopperton?] came to ask for a friend if the Red Cross was a Catholic movement. I explained - Mrs. [Nolty?] called. Jessie goes to Dr. Garnett [Monday] Tuesday June 7, 1880. (1881) At 11 AM. went to Nelly Boynton to lunch with Mary Clemmer. her Mother and sister - lovely = she wants notes for sketch. I enjoyed knowing her - At evening Mr. Philips & Hitz came to select officers for Thursday evening Mr. Philips proposed a secty, his assistant. M. Cotterell came & wrote the Constitution off. - Am busy getting ready for Election of Officers Meeting of Associated Charities. [Tuesday] Wednesday 8. Called on Judge Lawrence just returned from Ohio, told him I must know of Mrs Garfield acct Presidency we went to call at the President's - Mr Gar declined for the present on [account?] of Mrs G. health, said he thot the plan mine. - called on Walker Blaine. he plans to be on the Committee, will come to the Meeting. Called at Slineys evening Mrs. Tayler & Mamie came. Nelly came to write in PM. finished copy. [Wednesday] Thursday, June 9, 1880. (1881) Rainy. The Evening for Election of officers about 20 present. Dr. Garnet came to the joy of us all. I was elected President. Judge Lawrence 1st vice P. - a board of 11 Executives Genl Murrey consulting counsel. Mr. Solomon Treasurer. Kennan Secretary. Dr. Garnett Vice President of the Dist. - Miss Hatch Sister of Mrs Windom present. Telegram from G.A.R. Post Dansville. Lemonade & cake = a [Thursday] Friday 10. Letters from Seth N. Hedges - Resolutions of Barton Post. Letter from Dr. Hood. Wrote Major Hedges - Articles concerning the Meeting appear in the papers. Star of this evening I write some, but feel as if a great load had fallen off from me, still I am so sad. I dread the future, not knowing it well. Fergusons Saturday, June 11, [1881]. Wrote letters of notification to Dr. Loring Genl Sturgis, Mrs. Canfield and Col. Hinton. S The Resolutions come from Dansville G.A.R. I respond to Col. Hedges - Clipped papers & preserved scraps and sent papers. Sunday 12. Steve went to Great Falls with Mr. & Mrs. Cotterell. I packed our trunk to go to Nelly Boyntons tomorrow Mrs. Sara A Spencer called in P.M. Col. Hinton & Miss Foster called at evening. fine day. Fergusons Remove Boyntons June Monday 13, [1881]. Packed and came to Nelly Boynton 1321 R St at 3 PM. - Left Merritt's & Jessie's hospitable home with tender regret had been there since the 17th of March had consummated my work there, and been made welcome, and at home. A warm welcome at Nelly's too. Steve goes for Mrs. Taylor for Whist, not home Tuesday 14. First whole day at Nelly's - she works hard with painters. I am not very well, and do little send my Note for $1000 to Brother Dave, as my 1/3 purchase of his farm. Mrs. Tayler came at evening to go to Arlington [parlors?] to Ass. Charities Steve stop with Nelly, good Meeting, Dr. Garnett there, Mrs. Spencer brings us home, will send for us to come Sunday 6 1/2 to call on her. Miss Janes wrote "Mr. Lincoln's Son" in "Prov. Press." Boynton June Wednesday 15, [1881]. Wrote [?] Nellie's house is a perfect specimen of neatness and order, her whole life goes into it and she makes it a success. My time here can amount to very little in a business way but is quiet and restful in the perfect neatness of everything - I write some - Thursday 16. Letter from M. Kennan for Herald comes home, went to change it a little. go to Mrs. Tayler's to play whist am troubled about the letter - We all help Nelly to "garden" in her yard. I am restless, tired of waiting I write the first draft of a commencement of a letter for the Herald to aid Mr. Kennan. Boynton June Friday 17, [1881]. Paper came back from G.A.R. Convention at Indianapolis - with the Resolutions of Genl Burdette, passed by the Encampment endorsing the Red Cross. I write Major Hedges I speak with Steve about going to NY. to try to found a fund for the Red Cross. Nelly helped to get pamphlet ready Saturday 18. I still try to work on pamphlet, but am unsettled - see no one & cannot get ahead. Am losing time, and get tired at that Sunday, June 19, [1881]. Steve goes to ask Hinton to call, this is the first issue of her paper. - An article in Sun Chron, upon "Charities," Hinton came at 5. Mrs. Taylor came to go to Mrs Spencer's who sent carriage at 6 1/2. We went & had a most interesting evening - Saw her little waifes - heard her anguished experiences. Mrs. Morrell there, we came home at 10 1/2 Monday 20. Decided to return to Jessie. go before Breakfast. find them at Break. Steve there had staid all night - go with Jessie to buy umbrella 2. - 3.75 give one to Jessie. Go to Mr. Phillips to speak of Steve's trying to raise money for fund -- So to see Miss Willard at 6. to get her to help in pamphlet - go to see Dr. Garnett at 8. Steve & Jessie to speak with him of Red Cross. He is business like and intelligent, came back to Nellie's at 10. go to bed tired Boyntons Fergusons June Tuesday 21, [1881]. Up early and pack trunk before breakfast - Steve sends a cart for my trunk I go at 10 1/2 - meet a warm welcome We get out invitations for next meeting to arrange the Society next Friday - I go to see Mary Willard & ask if she can help with the French. She will come tomorrow evening. Wednesday 22. Fergusons Steve & I finish up the Herald letter and prepare a draft to give to Rick for Mrs. Hansen's sketch = this gets us along to the pamphlet, and I commence it. Miss Willard comes after dinner, but she & Mrs. Sliney came and we do little. Steve is downtown and he decides to go to Chambersburg on Sat we will have our meeting Friday and we call it for Judge Lawrence - Thursday, June 23, [1881]. Work on the pamphlet - write a preface in part. Miss Willard comes to dinner, gave Jessie 100 We go through the french, get the articles arranged, so I can finish it tomorrow Steve stays downtown till 12 1/2 - Miss Willard goes home alone at 12 1/2 Friday 24. Wrote all day to get the pamphlet ready for the Meeting tonight. got it all ready, All came late but Judge Lawrence, he said to expect a full large meeting & declined to call it to order although all the Board in [town?] but Walker Blaine were present at last - no secretary till it was over Adjourned till next Friday - I was tired of the action - decided to incorporate from the District - The Judge is ashamed of his place Saturday, June 25, [1881]. Steve left 8,40 for Chambersburg - I wait for Mr. Phillips to call at 2 Sends a note that he cannot. I do little at 5 PM, Mr. Whitney who is shot by his brother-in-law Mr. Christmas, sons of Mrs. Genl Gaines, in the Catacazy house. So with Jessie to Ass. Press rooms to get minutes of meeting up to Mr. Kennan - can't get them. Do not think it is the way to incorporate for the Dist entire Letter from Mr. Moynier, enclosing reply to Secty Blaine Sunday 26. Write all day. Sent notices to the Board Sent Photos to Phillips, Cottrell, Sliney Williams & Mr. Moynier - Monday, Jun 27, [1881]. Go with Jessie to make my purchases. Call on Mr. Solomons. Go to Ass'd Press room to get notes of meeting. See Genl Murrey we decide to Incorporate with three or four names. he sees the folly of the last meeting. Tuesday 28. I wait for Phillips to call, but he does not send excuse and goes down the river I work on at pamphlet - at notices, at Incorporation & at everything I can till I am almost ready, am decided to leave for home on Sat Miss Willard has helped me immensely - Wednesday, June 29, [1881]. Go shopping with Jessie - get linens. I finish some portions of my pamphlet. Miss Willard is here. - did not see her. Thursday 30. Packed my Box - Miss Baker there all day - I worked hard at many things Called on Dr. Loring at evening on Mr. Solomons - Genl. Murrey - Washington Friday, July 1, [1881]. The day for my last meeting held it down stairs - Box all packed. A good Meeting Dr. Loring presided over Board when through I presided over the full meeting. Incorporation papers read, [Meeting] Society organized and I spoke to them. Judge Lawrence replied. Phillips not there - Washington Chambersburg Saturday 2. President Garfield Shot Going with Jessie to Dr. Loring - heard the news - went to station book to Treasury, to Capitol gate Met Kennan - no admittance Back to Dr. Loring - back to I st packed trunk - left at 445 for Chambersburg. Steve met me at Hagerstown - Arr Ch 11 night Sunday Chambersburg Mr. [Shrubler?] not well - Spent the morning with him looking over the press, [?] pretty - Shrubler less well in PM. - Steve's friend called in the evening. The Fourth - Shrubler very ill I help Anna - her girl gone to the celebration. Myrtis went also. Did not see Steve from breakfast till bed time. A strange day - I wrote 12 letters & postals Anna is a lovely woman - and they have a beautiful home. Little Myrtis is well off there - Chambersburg -- Williamsport Tuesday, July 5, [1881]. Left - at 8 1/2 Steve & Myrtis came to Depot. Shrubler very ill, - came to Harrisburg - waited an hour - and went on to Williamsport - Mrs. Curtis's Nelly met me. I am poor company, feel so astonished about Chambersburg that I cannot be myself - Williamsport Wednesday 6. Spend the day in conversation Sent note to Mrs. Kent, but a verbal message went with it that gave her the thought that I could call on her, and She did not come - a bad blunder Mrs. [Hotchkiss?] called. - Williamsport Dansville July Thursday 7, [1881]. Am troubled to know if I shall go home in the Morning or go to see Mrs. Kent. Go later to Elmira, I decide at last to do home, leave W at 9. = Elmira 2 - reach Dansville at 5 P.M. - Minnie & Kitty here to meet me. - I feel as if I would never leave again. - grass is cut all looks well. - Mrs. Johnson & Austin came. - [flowers?] - Friday 8. My first day home. Breakfast at Brightside, go for Mrs. Gougle She comes & we clean house. Sweep it all over, & wash window sills. threshholds &c She goes to Rochester tomorrow. I work very hard, Minnie here some, goes to town. Dansville Saturday July 9, [1881]. Dunton came 1/2 day to clean out the ash bin - Decided to put it in the back yard to save it up for the good of the well and cellar. We clean the cellar first - Very hot day. cannot work so much as I did yesterday, am tired & stiff Sunday 10. Very hot as yesterday - could not write. Minnie came Did nothing. News of the President [always?] better. It is believed he will recover. Two very hot days. Dansville Monday, July 11, [1881]. Dunton came to finish cleaning out the Ashes and raised the walks and back door step. Minnie went to Mr. McNaires. Letter from Miss Austen, invites to dine I write for "Laws of Life." I wrote Steve, Mrs. [Posodt?] called News from The President good so far - Major Hedges very ill Mrs. Dr. Whelcum & Mrs. Brown Tuesday 12. Danton finished at work - cleaned wood house, repaired doors had worked 1 1/2 days - $1.50 Mrs. Lord came, bot lace of her, was good I had returned. Invited to Brightside to dine - was late, didn't go. Wednesday, July 13, [1881]. Recd Samantha & slept all day. did nothing but rest very hot. M Hall called at evening Spoke with him of men for the Red Cross. - Thursday 14. Paid A O Bunnell Bill for printing envelopes 8,52 [for printing] 2000 Speeches 6. [Adutuer?] till 1882 3. 17, 50 wrote 6 letters Went to town, recd Alpha Spoke with Bunnell Called at Maj Hedges - not see him Mrs Booth called - Friday, July 15, [1881]. [blank] Saturday 16. [blank] Home [Saturday] Sunday July 17, 1880. (1881) Have a quiet day. Monday Sunday 18. Arrange letters and clean my large desk - work very hard go to town for mail Call at Maj Hedges, do not see him. Dansville [Monday] Tuesday July 19, 1880. (1881) Clean my little desk and put jewelry into it - arrange and pack the letters [Tuesday} Wednesday 20. Arrange letters & write set house in order go to town, look for a letter desk. go to [Albinines?] Call on Major Hedges - the first time I have seen him. Check from M Dwight $80. Danville Thursday, July 21, [1881]. About house & wrote George came to sit & I repaired black silk dress basques to pass time. Miss Austen & Dr. decide to go to Rochester with me. Friday Thursday 22. Breakfast at Brightside Rode to Mrs. Seyler to see about dresses - Selma Borg to cure & Mrs. Rexford, Mrs. Marshall Selma Borg of Finland Mrs. Newhale of Boston Mrs. Rev D. Rexford of Detroit Miner came home - lame Dansville Saturday Minnie July 23, [1881]. Minnie spoke about preferring to remain & help me - I think she decides to. We went to see about getting work done on dress. - to town, Bunnell will call tomorrow, thinks he can do my [?], need not go to Roch for it. [?] and get ready my black silk skirt. Sunday 24. Mr. A. O. Bunnell & Mr Sweet called. Made an appt with M. Bunnell to call tomorrow and estimate my pamphlets. No results. - Called at Brightside, met John Hooker - Dr. Katz gave me Medical Report containing article on Red Cross... Dansville Monday, July 25, [1881]. [blank] Tuesday 26. [blank] Dansville Wednesday, July 27, [1881]. [blank] Thursday 28. [blank] Friday July, Thursday 29. 1880. Saturday Friday 30. Sunday July, Saturday 31, 1880. Monday August, Sunday 1. Tuesday, December 28, 1880 Wednesday, December 29, 1880 Thursday, December 30, 1880 Friday, December 31, 1880 Memoranda. Call upon Hon. D. P. Richardson “ E. G. Lapham. Fare from Maryland to Washington. 10.45 Can check only to Elmira. Met Wm G Herritt, Columbus O Staid at Frazier H. Elmira. Reach Wmspt about 1 “ “ 11.10 or 12.— Reach Harrisburg 3.15 or 4– “ Wash 9 AM. Sat Memoranda. Mrs. Gabriel Kent 68 West 36 St. NY City Wm G Herritt Columbus Ohio. Furniture [?]. coming Harrison H. Mason 1st N.Y. Dragoons Private P C Sergant - shot in the foot at siege of Suffolk. R.R. conductor On Erie & Western Co. H- Mrs. Marens father lives at Elmira, was a MEMORANDA Soldier 169 N.Y. MEMORANDA. THE EVENING STAR. DOUBLE SHEET WASHINGTON SATURDAY........................JULY 23, 1881 Crosby S. Noyes..............Editor. THE NEW SWISS CONSUL GENERAL--Swiss papers announce that Col. E. Frei, member of the National Council of Switzerland has been nominated to represent the Swiss republic in this country, in place of John Hits, resigned. Col. Frei served in the late war here under Gen. Grant. Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at