CLARA BARTON DIARIES AND JOURNALS Jan-Apr. 1888PC69 - 25The American Diary 1888 1897, by the case, Lockwood & Brainard Co.Astronomical Calculations. ECLIPSES. In the year 1888 there will be five Eclipses, three of the Sun and two of the Moon, as follows: I. A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF the MOON Jan. 28, visible throughout the U. S. east of Salt Lake City, the Moon rising with the Eclipse upon it. Boston, begins 5.47 ev., ends 8.25 ev. ; New York, begins 5.35 ev., ends 8.13 ev.; Philadelphia, begins 5.30 ev., ends 8.08 ev.; Washington, begins 5.23 ev., ends 8.01 ev. II. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN Feb. 11, invisible in the United States. III. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN July 8, invisible in the United States. IV. A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, visible throughout North and South America on the eve- ning of July 22d and morning of 23d, as follows: Boston, begins 11.10 ev., ends 2.51 morn.; New York, begins 10.38 ev., ends 2.39 morn.; Phila- delphia, begins 10.54 ev., ends 2.35 morn; Wash- ington, begins 10.46 ev., ends 2.27 morn. V. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN Aug. 7, invisible in the United States. MORNING AND EVENING STARS. MERCURY.-Morning, until Jan. 18 from March 3 to May 10, July 9 to Aug. 23, Oct 31 to Dec 28; Evening, from Jan 18 to March 3, from May 10 to July 9, Aug 23 to Oct. 31, and after Dec. 28. VENUS.-Morn., until July 11; Ev., after July 11. MARS.-Morn., until Jan 5. Ev., after Jan. 5. JUPITER.-Morning, until Feb. 24, and after Dec. 8; Evening, from Feb. 24 to Dec. 8 SATURN.-Morning, from Aug. 1 to Nov. 11; Evening, until Aug. 1, and after Nov. 11. URANUS.-Morning, until Jan. 7, and after Oct. 10; Evening from Jan. 7 to Oct. 10. NEPTUNE.-Morning, from May 20 to Aug. 24; Evening, until May 20 and after Aug. 24. Rates of Postage. DOMESTIC.-First Class.-Letters and all written matter, sealed or unsealed, and other matter fastened so that it cannot be easily examined, 2 cents per ounce or fraction thereof; Postal Cards, 1 cent. Second Class.-Newspapers from office of pub- lication or from news agency to actual subscribers, or to news agents, 1 cent per pound or fraction thereof, pre-paid. Third Class.-Any printer matter of general information by any process except handwriting, copying-press, or type-writer, unsealed, including written correction of typographical errors, and manuscript copy accompanying proof-sheets, 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof. Limit of weight, 4 pounds, except for a single book which may weigh more. Fourth Class.-Mailable merchandise and matter not included in foregoing classes, unsealed, 1 cent per oz. or fraction thereof. Limit of weight, 4 pounds. FOREIGN.-Canada.-First class matter, same rates as domestic postage; unsealed samples of merchandise under 8 ounces, 10 cents. Mer- chandise excluded. Europe and all Postal Union Countries.- Letters, 5 cents per 1/2 oz.; postal cards, 2 cents each; unsealed matter and samples, 1 cent for each 2 oz. REGISTERED MATTER-First, third, and fourth-class matter, domestic or foreign, 10 cents, in addition to regular postage MONEY-ORDERS.-Postal Note.-For an amount less than $5, 3 cents. Money-Order.-Cannot exceed $100. Rates: not over $10, 8 cents; $10 to $15, 10 cents; $15 to $30, 15 cents; $30 to $40, 20 cents; $40 to $50, 25 cents; $50 to $60, 30 cents; $60 to $70, 35 cents; $70 to $80, 40 cents; $80 to $100, 45 cents.-1888- Time. - Moon's Phases are given in Standard time for the Eastern Division; for the Middle Div. subtract 1 hour; for the Mountain Div., 2 hours; for the Pacific Div., 3 hours. The Time of rising and setting of the Sun and Moon is correct time. Jan. 1 s. Jan. 2 m. Jan. 3 t. Jan. 4 w. Jan. 5 t. Jan. 6 f. Jan. 7 s. Jan. 8 s. Jan. 9 m. Jan. 10 t. Jan. 11 w. Jan. 12 t. Jan. 13 f. Jan. 14 s. Jan. 15 s. Jan. 16 m. Jan. 17 t. Jan. 18 w. Jan. 19 t. Jan. 20 f. Jan. 21 s. Jan. 22 s. Jan. 23 m. Jan. 24 t. Jan. 25 w. Jan. 26 t. Jan. 27 f. Jan. 28 s. Jan. 29 s. Jan. 30 m. Jan. 31 t. Feb. 1 w. Feb. 2 t. Feb. 3 f. Feb. 4 s. Feb. 5 s. Feb. 6 m. Feb. 7 t. Feb. 8 w. Feb. 9 t. Feb. 10 f. Feb. 11 s. Feb. 12 s. Feb. 13 m. Feb. 14 t. Feb. 15 w. Feb. 16 t. Feb. 17 f. Feb. 18 s. Feb. 19 s. Feb. 20 m. Feb. 21 t. Feb. 22 w. Feb. 23 t. Feb. 24 f. Feb. 25 s. Feb. 26 s. Feb. 27 m. Feb. 28 t. Feb. 29 w. Mar. 1 t. Mar. 2 f. Mar. 3 s. Mar. 4 s. Mar. 5 m. Mar. 6 t. Mar. 7 w. Mar. 8 t. Mar. 9 f. Mar. 10 s. Mar. 11 s. Mar. 12 m. Mar. 13 t. Mar. 14 w. Mar. 15 t. Mar. 16 f. Mar. 17 s. Mar. 18 s. Mar. 19 m. Mar. 20 t. Mar. 21 w. Mar. 22 t. Mar. 23 f. Mar. 24 s. Mar. 25 s. Mar. 26 m. Mar. 27 t. Mar. 28 w. Mar. 29 t. Mar. 30 f. Mar. 31 s. Apr. 1 s. Apr. 2 m. Apr. 3 t. Apr. 4 w. Apr. 5 t. Apr. 6 f. Apr. 7 s. Apr. 8 s. Apr. 9 m. Apr. 10 t. Apr. 11 w. Apr. 12 t. Apr. 13 f. Apr. 14 s. Apr. 15 s. Apr. 16 m. Apr. 17 t. Apr. 18 w. Apr. 19 t. Apr. 20 f. Apr. 21 s. Apr. 22 s. Apr. 23 m. Apr. 24 t. Apr. 25 w. Apr. 26 t. Apr. 27 f. Apr. 28 s. Apr. 29 s. Apr. 30 m. May. 1 t. May. 2 w. May. 3 t. May. 4 f. May. 5 s. May. 6 s. May. 7 m. May. 8 t. May. 9 w. May. 10 t. May. 11 f. May. 12s. May. 13 s. May. 14 m. May. 15 t. May. 16 w. May. 17 t. May. 18 f. May. 19 s. May. 20 s. May. 21 m. May. 22 t. May. 23 w. May. 24 t. May. 25 f. May. 26 s. May. 27 s. May. 28 m. May. 29 t. May. 30 w. May. 31 t. Jun. 1 f. Jun. 2 s. Jun. 3 s. Jun. 4 m. Jun. 5 t. Jun. 6 w. Jun. 7 t. Jun. 8 f. Jun. 9 s. Jun. 10 s. Jun. 11 m. Jun. 12 t. Jun. 13 w. Jun. 14 t. Jun. 15 f. Jun. 16 s. Jun. 17 s. Jun. 18 m. Jun. 19 t. Jun. 20 w. Jun. 21 t. Jun. 22 f. Jun. 23 s. Jun. 24 s. Jun. 25 m. Jun. 26. t. Jun. 27 w. Jun. 28 t. Jun. 29 f. Jun. 30 s. July. 1 s. July. 2 m. July. 3 t. July. 4 w. July. 5 t. July. 6 f. July. 7 s. July. 8 s. July. 9 m. July. 10 t. July. 11 w. July. 12 t. July. 13 f. July. 14 s. July. 15 s. July. 16 m. July. 17 t. July. 18 w. July. 19 t. July. 20 f. July. 21 s. July. 22 s. July. 23 m. July. 24 t. July. 25 w. July. 26 t. July. 27 f. July. 28 s. July. 29 s July. 30 m. July. 31 t. Aug. 1 w. Aug. 2 t. Aug. 3 f. Aug. 4 s. Aug. 5 s. Aug. 6 m. Aug. 7 t. Aug. 8 w. Aug. 9 t. Aug. 10 f. Aug. 11 s. Aug. 12 s. Aug. 13 m. Aug. 14 t. Aug. 15 w. Aug. 16 t. Aug. 17 f. Aug. 18 s. Aug. 19 s. Aug. 20 m. Aug. 21 t. Aug. 22 w. Aug. 23 t. Aug. 24 f. Aug. 25 s. Aug. 26. s. Aug. 27 m. Aug. 28 t. Aug. 29 w. Aug. 30 t. Aug. 31 f. Sep. 1 s. Sep. 2 s. Sep. 3 m. Sep. 4 t. Sep. 5 w. Sep. 6 t. Sep. 7 f. Sep. 8 s. Sep. 9 s. Sep. 10 m. Sep. 11 t. Sep. 12 w. Sep. 13 t. Sep. 14 f. Sep. 15 s. Sep. 16 s. Sep. 17 m. Sep. 18 t. Sep. 19 w. Sep. 20 t. Sep. 21 f. Sep. 22 s. Sep. 23 s. Sep. 24 m. Sep. 25 t. Sep. 26 w. Sep. 27 t. Sep. 28 f. Sep. 29 s. Sep. 30 s. Oct. 1 m. Oct. 2 t. Oct. 3 w. Oct. 4 t. Oct. 5 f. Oct. 6 s. Oct. 7 s. Oct. 8 m. Oct. 9 t. Oct. 10 w. Oct. 11 t. Oct. 12 f. Oct. 13 s. Oct. 14 s. Oct. 15 m. Oct. 16 t. Oct. 17 w. Oct. 18 t. Oct. 19 f. Oct. 20 s. Oct. 21 s. Oct. 22 m. Oct. 23 t. Oct. 24 w. Oct. 25 t. Oct. 26 f. Oct. 27 s. Oct. 28 s. Oct. 29 m. Oct. 30 t. Oct. 31 w. Nov. 1 t. Nov. 2 f. Nov. 3 s. Nov. 4 s. Nov. 5 m. Nov. 6 t. Nov. 7 w. Nov. 8 t. Nov. 9 f. Nov. 10 s. Nov. 11 s. Nov. 12 m. Nov. 13 t. Nov. 14 w. Nov. 15 t. Nov. 16 f. Nov. 17 s. Nov. 18 s. Nov. 19 m. Nov. 20 t. Nov. 21 w. Nov. 22 t. Nov. 23 f. Nov. 24 s. Nov. 25 s. Nov. 26 m. Nov. 27 t. Nov. 28 w. Nov. 29 t. Nov. 30 f. Dec. 1 s. Dec. 2 s. Dec. 3 m. Dec. 4 t. Dec. 5 w. Dec. 6 t. Dec. 7 f. Dec. 8 s. Dec. 9 s. Dec. 10 m. Dec. 11 t. Dec. 12 w. Dec. 13 t. Dec. 14 f. Dec. 15 s. Dec. 16 s. Dec. 17 m. Dec. 18 t. Dec. 19 w. Dec. 20 t. Dec. 21 f. Dec. 22 s. Dec. 23 s. Dec. 24 m. Dec. 25 t. Dec. 26 w. Dec. 27 t. Dec. 28 f. Dec. 29 s. Dec. 30 s. Dec. 31 m. -*JANUARY, 1888.*- Time explained on opposite page. Last Quar. D.6 H.6 M.42 M. New Moon. D.13 H.3 M.38 M. First Quarter. D.20 H.11 M.49 E. Full Moon. D.28 H.6 M.19 E. DAY OF YR. 1, DAY OF MO. 1, DAY OF WEEK SUN., SUN RISES 7H. 25M., SUN SETS 4H. 43M., MOON R. & S. 7H. 23M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 1H. 5M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 9H. 51M. DAY OF YR. 2, DAY OF MO. 2, DAY OF WEEK Mon., SUN RISES 7H. 25M., SUN SETS 4H. 44M., MOON R. & S. 8H. 28M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 1H. 53M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 10H. 37M. DAY OF YR. 3, DAY OF MO. 3, DAY OF WEEK Tue., SUN RISES 7H. 25M., SUN SETS 4H. 45M., MOON R. & S. 9H. 35M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 2H. 39M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 11H. 21M. DAY OF YR. 4, DAY OF MO. 4, DAY OF WEEK Wed., SUN RISES 7H. 25M., SUN SETS 4H. 46M., MOON R. & S. 10H. 41M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 3H. 28M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK eveH. 13M. DAY OF YR. 5, DAY OF MO. 5, DAY OF WEEK Thu., SUN RISES 7H. 25M., SUN SETS 4H. 47M., MOON R. & S. 11H. 51M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 4H. 19M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 1H. 6M. DAY OF YR. 6, DAY OF MO. 6, DAY OF WEEK Fri., SUN RISES 7H. 25M., SUN SETS 4H. 48M., MOON R. & S. morn, HIGH TIDE BOSTON 5H. 15M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 2H. 1M. DAY OF YR. 7, DAY OF MO. 7, DAY OF WEEK Sat., SUN RISES 7H. 24M., SUN SETS 4H. 49M., MOON R. & S. 0H. 59M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 6H. 18M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 3H. 4M. DAY OF YR. 8, DAY OF MO. 8, DAY OF WEEK SUN., SUN RISES 7H. 24M., SUN SETS 4H. 50M., MOON R. & S. 2H. 9M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 7H. 21M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 4H. 6M. DAY OF YR. 9, DAY OF MO. 9, DAY OF WEEK Mon., SUN RISES 7H. 24M., SUN SETS 4H. 51M., MOON R. & S. 3H. 19M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 8H. 25M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 5H. 10M. DAY OF YR. 10, DAY OF MO. 10, DAY OF WEEK Tue., SUN RISES 7H. 24M., SUN SETS 4H. 52M., MOON R. & S. 4H. 26M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 9H. 24M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 6H. 10M. DAY OF YR. 11, DAY OF MO. 11, DAY OF WEEK Wed., SUN RISES 7H. 24M., SUN SETS 4H. 53M., MOON R. & S. 5H. 33M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 10H. 22M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 7H. 8M. DAY OF YR. 12, DAY OF MO. 12, DAY OF WEEK Thu., SUN RISES 7H. 24M., SUN SETS 4H. 54M., MOON R. & S. 6H. 33M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 11H. 14M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 7H. 56M. DAY OF YR. 13, DAY OF MO. 13, DAY OF WEEK Fri., SUN RISES 7H. 23M., SUN SETS 4H. 55M., MOON R. & S. sets, HIGH TIDE BOSTON morn HIGH TIDE N. YORK 8H. 46M. DAY OF YR. 14, DAY OF MO. 14, DAY OF WEEK Sat., SUN RISES 7H. 23M., SUN SETS 4H. 56M., MOON R. & S. 6H. 34M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 0H. 1M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 9H. 33M. DAY OF YR. 15, DAY OF MO. 15, DAY OF WEEK SUN., SUN RISES 7H. 23M., SUN SETS 4H. 57M., MOON R. & S. 7H. 37M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 0H. 47M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 10H. 15M. DAY OF YR. 16, DAY OF MO. 16, DAY OF WEEK Mon., SUN RISES 7H. 22M., SUN SETS 4H. 58M., MOON R. & S. 8H. 38M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 1H. 30M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 10H. 55M. DAY OF YR. 17, DAY OF MO. 17, DAY OF WEEK Tue., SUN RISES 7H. 22M., SUN SETS 4H. 59M., MOON R. & S. 9H. 38M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 2H. 13M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 11H. 37M. DAY OF YR. 18, DAY OF MO. 18, DAY OF WEEK Wed., SUN RISES 7H. 21M., SUN SETS 5H. 0M., MOON R. & S. 10H. 36M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 2H. 53M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK morn DAY OF YR. 19, DAY OF MO. 19, DAY OF WEEK Thu., SUN RISES 7H. 20M., SUN SETS 5H. 2M., MOON R. & S. 11H. 32M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 3H. 34M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 9H. 20M. DAY OF YR. 20, DAY OF MO. 20, DAY OF WEEK Fri., SUN RISES 7H. 20M., SUN SETS 5H. 3M., MOON R. & S. morn, HIGH TIDE BOSTON 4H. 18M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 1H. 5M. DAY OF YR. 21, DAY OF MO. 21, DAY OF WEEK Sat., SUN RISES 7H. 19M., SUN SETS 5H. 4M., MOON R. & S. 0H. 28M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 5H. 3M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 1H. 50M. DAY OF YR. 22, DAY OF MO. 22, DAY OF WEEK SUN., SUN RISES 7H. 19M., SUN SETS 5H. 5M., MOON R. & S. 1H. 24M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 5H. 53M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 2H. 39M. DAY OF YR. 23, DAY OF MO. 23, DAY OF WEEK Mon., SUN RISES 7H. 18M., SUN SETS 5H. 6M., MOON R. & S. 2H. 21M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 6H. 46M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 3H. 32M. DAY OF YR. 24, DAY OF MO. 24, DAY OF WEEK Tue., SUN RISES 7H. 17M., SUN SETS 5H. 8M., MOON R. & S. 3H. 18M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 7H. 42M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 4H. 27M. DAY OF YR. 25, DAY OF MO. 25, DAY OF WEEK Wed., SUN RISES 7H. 17M., SUN SETS 5H. 9M., MOON R. & S. 4H. 14M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 8H. 37M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 5H. 22M. DAY OF YR. 26, DAY OF MO. 26, DAY OF WEEK Thu., SUN RISES 7H. 16M., SUN SETS 5H. 10M., MOON R. & S. 5H. 11M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 9H. 33M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 6H. 19M. DAY OF YR. 27, DAY OF MO. 27, DAY OF WEEK Fri., SUN RISES 7H. 15M., SUN SETS 5H. 11M., MOON R. & S. 6H. 5M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 10H. 25M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 7H. 11M. DAY OF YR. 28, DAY OF MO. 28, DAY OF WEEK Sat., SUN RISES 7H. 14M., SUN SETS 5H. 13M., MOON R. & S. rises, HIGH TIDE BOSTON 11H. 15M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 7H. 57M. DAY OF YR. 29, DAY OF MO. 29, DAY OF WEEK SUN., SUN RISES 7H. 13M., SUN SETS 5H. 14M., MOON R. & S. 6H. 16M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 12H. 0M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 8H. 45M. DAY OF YR. 30, DAY OF MO. 30, DAY OF WEEK Mon., SUN RISES 7H. 12M., SUN SETS 5H. 15M., MOON R. & S. 7H. 23M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON eve 48M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 9H. 34M. DAY OF YR. 31, DAY OF MO. 31, DAY OF WEEK Tue., SUN RISES 7H. 11M., SUN SETS 5H. 16M., MOON R. & S. 8H. 32M., HIGH TIDE BOSTON 1H. 33M. HIGH TIDE N. YORK 10H. 18M.February, 1888. Time explained on page preceding Jan. Calendar. LAST QUAR. NEW MOON. FIRST QUAR. FULL MOON. D. H. M. D. H. M. D. H. M. D. H. M. 4 2 25 E. 11 6 52 E. 19 8 59 E. 27 6 57 M. DAY DAY DAY SUN SUN MOON HIGH TIDE. OF OF OF RISES SETS. R. & S. BOSTON N.YORK YR. MO. WEEK H. M. H. M. H. M. H.M. H.M. 32 1 Wed. 7 11 5 17 9 42 2 20 11 2 33 2 Thu. 7 10 5 18 10 49 3 6 11 51 34 3 Fri. 7 8 5 20 12 0 3 56 eve 32 35 4 Sat. 7 7 5 21 morn 4 53 1 40 36 5 Sun. 7 6 5 22 1 9 5 55 2 41 37 6 Mon. 7 4 5 23 2 16 7 2 3 47 38 7 Tue. 7 3 5 24 3 23 8 9 4 53 39 8 Wed. 7 2 5 26 4 23 9 10 5 55 40 9 Thu. 7 1 5 27 5 19 10 6 6 52 41 10 Fri. 6 59 5 28 6 7 10 36 7 39 42 11 Sat. 6 58 5 30 sets 11 41 8 23 43 12 Sun. 6 57 5 31 6 23 morn 9 7 44 13 Mon. 6 56 5 32 7 25 0 21 9 46 45 14 Tue. 6 54 5 33 8 23 1 0 10 25 46 15 Wed. 6 53 5 34 9 20 1 40 10 59 47 16 Thu. 6 52 5 36 10 16 2 17 11 38 48 17 Fri. 6 51 5 37 11 12 2 54 morn 49 18 Sat. 6 49 5 38 morn 3 34 0 20 50 19 Sun. 6 47 5 39 0 10 4 20 1 7 51 20 Mon. 6 46 5 41 1 6 5 9 1 55 52 21 Tue. 6 44 5 42 2 1 6 18 2 51 53 22 Wed. 6 43 5 43 2 58 7 4 3 49 54 23 Thu. 6 42 5 44 3 51 8 6 4 48 55 24 Fri. 6 40 5 45 4 42 9 5 5 50 56 25 Sat. 6 39 5 46 5 30 10 0 6 46 57 26 Sun. 6 37 5 47 rises 10 54 7 38 58 27 Mon. 6 36 5 48 6 15 11 40 8 22 59 28 Tue. 6 35 5 49 7 25 set 24 9 11 60 29 Wed. 6 34 5 50 8 36 1 12 9 58 ... .. ..... .... ... ..... ..... .... ... .. ..... .... ... ..... ..... .... MARCH, 1888. Time explained on page preceding Jan. Calendar. LAST QUAR. NEW MOON. FIRST QUAR. FULL MOON. D. H. M. D. H.M. D. H. M. D. H. M. 4 10 26 E. 12 11 21 M. 20 3 43 E. 27 5 7 E. DAY DAY SUN SUN MOON HIGH TIDE. OF OF RISES SETS. R. & S. BOSTON N. YORK YR. MO. WEEK H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. H.M. 61 1 Thu. 6 34 5 51 9 48 1 58 10 40 62 2 Fri. 6 33 5 52 10 59 2 47 11 29 63 3 Sat. 6 31 5 53 morn 3 37 eve 23 64 4 Sun. 6 29 5 54 0 9 4 35 1 22 65 5 Mon. 6 28 5 55 1 16 5 38 2 24 66 6 Tue. 6 27 5 56 2 19 6 46 3 32 67 7 Wed. 6 25 5 58 3 15 7 53 4 38 68 8 Thu. 6 24 5 59 4 4 8 53 5 38 69 9 Fri. 6 22 6 0 4 48 9 47 6 33 70 10 Sat. 6 20 6 1 5 25 10 33 7 18 71 11 Sun. 6 18 6 2 5 59 11 16 7 38 72 12 Mon. 6 17 6 3 sets 11 53 8 36 73 13 Tue. 6 15 6 4 7 8 morn 9 15 74 14 Wed. 6 14 6 5 8 . 7 0 28 9 50 75 15 Thu. 6 12 6 6 9 4 1 4 10 25 76 16 Fri. 6 10 6 7 10 0 1 41 11 2 77 17 Sat. 6 9 6 8 10 57 2 20 11 43 78 18 Sun. 6 7 6 9 11 51 2 59 morn 79 19 Mon. 6 5 6 10 morn 3 42 0 28 80 20 Tue. 6 4 6 11 0 47 4 33 1 20 81 21 Wed. 6 2 6 13 1 41 5 29 2 15 82 22 Thu. 6 0 6 14 2 32 6 29 3 15 83 23 Fri. 5 59 6 15 3 20 7 35 4 20 84 24 Sat. 5 57 6 16 4 4 8 36 5 21 85 25 Sun. 5 55 6 17 4 46 9 35 6 21 86 26 Mon. 5 54 6 18 5 24 10 28 7 12 87 27 Tue. 5 52 6 19 rises 11 17 7 59 88 28 Wed. 5 50 6 20 7 27 eve 1 8 40 89 29 Thu. 5 49 6 21 8 40 0 47 9 35 90 30 Fri. 5 47 6 22 9 54 1 37 10 22 91 31 Sat. 5 45 6 23 11 6 2 27 11 10JANUARY, 1888. WED. 4. Ther. Weather, JANUARY, 1888. THUR. 5. Ther. Weather, Laura L. Steven, "Sun" #5 West 22 St NY. Lucy M. Hall 781 [Jorale 777?] on St Brooklyn May Boga 28 West 45 St NY. Walter P Phillips 187. Broadway Andres Woodward 175. Broadway. Prof Pface[?] - PuckJanuary, 1888. Fri. 6. Ther. Weather, A.S. Solomons 39. Broadway Y.S. Hanna Mutual Life Building Nasau Cedar + Liberty ??? - January, 1888. Sat. 7. Ther. Weather,January, 1888 Thur. 12. Ther. Weather, January, 1888 Fri. 13. Ther. Weather,January, 1888 Sat. 14. Ther. Weather, January, 1888 Sun. 15. Ther. Weather,January, 1888 Mon. 16. Ther. Weather, January, 1888 Tues. 17. Ther. Weather,January, 1888 Wed. 18. Ther. Weather, January, 1888 Thur. 19. Ther. Weather,JANUARY, 1888. JANUARY, 1888. FRI. 20. Ther. Weather, SAT. 21. Ther. Weather,JANUARY, 1888. JANUARY, 1888 SUN. 22. Ther. Weather, MON. 23. Ther. Weather,JANUARY, 1888 THURSDAY. 26. Ther. Weather, JANUARY, 1888 FRIDAY. 27. Ther. Weather,JANUARY, 1888 SATURDAY. 28. Ther. Weather, JANUARY SUNDAY. 29. Ther. Weather, Septuagesima Sunday.JANUARY, 1888, MONDAY. 30. Ther. Weather, JANUARY, 1888, THURSDAY. 31. Ther. Weather,FEBRUARY, 1888. WEDNESDAY 1. THER. Weather, FEBRUARY, 1888 THURSDAY 2. THER. Weather,FEBRUARY, 1888, FRIDAY 3. Ther. Weather, FEBRUARY, 1888, SAT. 4. Ther. Weather,February, 1888. Sun. 5. Ther. Weather, Sexagesima Sunday, February, 1888. Mon. 6. Ther. Weather, February, 1888. Mon. 13. Ther. Weather, February, 1888. Tue. 14. Ther. Weather,FEBRUARY, 1888. Wed. 15. Ther. Weather, clear Ash Wednesday. The work of the day filing the letts of 1887. Antionette came— Mrs Dr Edson called—pd the bill of treatment in my illness $10. Gave May comfort for mindless work gave Ruffin 4 shirts 2 p drawers " Aunt Sarah 2 Boxes Cerealine Alfred made gems with aestel - S Berkins of Up called, wants conference article for Friday- Dr met M.E.A at station at 3:30 Maggie Smith came to ask if I had written her father abt house. Letter from FEBRUARY, 1888. Thur. 16. Ther. Weather, Dr and Ant. went below to give me chance to prepare the sketches for Berhands and Hugh worked till 3. could not do it, and sent all docs and letter book to Berhands to do himself Letter from R.D.O. Smith that he accepts my offer for house at 7300 and mortgage Mrs Smith came and agreed to it I agree if the other parties will act. Mrs Ingersol & Mrs. Barrett called Mr Hitz called & read conference letter. Letters from C A Peabody via Hugh Mr. P. Scott. & others Learn that Count Arco Valley comes as German Minister. sent dispatch "Thousand welcomes to America," 15FEBRUARY, 1888. Fri. 17. Ther. Weather, fine, Mrs. Smith came at 9. sent card for M. M. Burhands came for an Article for Press abt conference I declined, but would [ ? ] Dr wrote all day. Frauline Marie Landsky of Victoria school came with Madge Earle. FEBRUARY, 1888. Sat. 18. Ther. Weather, I find I cannot purchase Smiths house and get it to use,FEBRUARY, 1888. Sun. 19. Ther. Weather, Quadragesima Sunday. Wrote all day on articles for The Herald, copied it and Mrs Spencer overlooked it She came to call in evening Mr. Fergusen called a hard days work, and no faith in its success. I write so much that amounts to nothing FEBRUARY, 1888. Mon. 20. Ther. Weather, Miss McKirst went away commenced to clean room Mrs Smith sent her bed Bot papers. Herald articles not published. Press act was. Terrible cyclone in Mt Vernon Ill, many killed & hurt Ant. working on indexes Sent comforts to a family by Mrs. SpencerFEBRUARY, 1888. Tues. 21. Ther. Weather, good I went to Dr. Stanton to see if any Dr. would go to Mt. Vernon cyclone dispatch from Evansville can - Lindley no reply - for aids. went - on with little room, paint and curtains - Miss McKent here, and Mrs Smith, Maggie left Wrote Steve at Birthday " Dr. Hall sent letter to Walter P. " Dr. Jackson & Harriet " Mr. Smith, could not get possession of house if president. FEBRUARY, 1888 Wed. 22 Ther. Weather, a go & and dispatch from Lindley "com stay come at once". I fear to go Telegraphed to Chicago, St. Louis, Rochester, & New Albany to work Miss McKent and Ant. here - finished off the little bedroom. Am greatly exercised about Mt. Vernon - Steve must be at Pittsburg - Got bedstead table & 6 chairs. house it for "Mary", for which she will wash and iron.FEBRUARY, 1888. Thur. 23. Ther. Weather, Star had news of the death of young Prince Louis of Baden. Telegraphed to G.D. at night. Can the terrible News be true. If so God help, our hearts are with you" Telegram this morning from St. Louis. no need for more. Dr. Edren called, (social) Miss McK went to market - 1.47 Paper came from Carlisle 6.50 Pd dispatch to G.D. 3.15 Gave Alfred for house 1. Mary returned $12.12 Cleared Dr room for Myself and made up bedchamber for him. Preston mailed article to. NY. February, 1888. FRI. 24. Ther. Weather, Telegram from Grand Duchess "It is true. pray for me" Telegram from Steve; coming 5:45 Swept first room. Miss. McK out Went to "Star" office to see Mr. Nire about subscription for Mt. Vernon Called on Rushands. met M! De Graw. Told them the star would have an item on the death of Prince Louis, of Baden Dr went to Balt. & Ohio at 5:45. Steve, Heimfe & chefs came at 6. took supper with Mary. Steve has a cold soaked his feet and put him to bed. Mrs. Kerman called I called on McElroy at office.FEBRUARY, 1888. SAT. 25 Ther. Weather, visited all day Steve had a cold Girls went to capitol invitation from Mrs Spence to tea at 5 tomorrow FEBRUARY, 1888. SUN, 26. Ther. Weather, Steve better visit goes well go to Mrs Spences at 4 1/2 splendid dinner at 8 went to United Press [went] Arro Press [went] Herald Office I find M Guthry for Steve on reaching home found a dispatch from Mt Vernon to come, Dr sent by telegraph dispatch that we go In bed 2 1/2 A MFEBRUARY, 1888. MON. 27. Ther. Weather, Steve left at 9 AM We commenced to get ready for Mt Vernon to leave tomorrow very cold Letter came from Dr E. W Moore of Rochester with check of society of $50.0 for Mt Vernon - Dr went to arrange for trans We marked supplies to go went to see if Mrs Smith wishes to sell her house - She does not. this ends all that, I wrote to Smith. Decide to go at 2 1/2 PM tomorrow FEBRUARY, 1888. TUES. 28. Ther. Weather, still cold, Finish packing Give my card plate to Mary to get 100 cds to send me of M V That - and board Bills go on acct. Miss McKent came -Went for tickets, got them to Evansville, Baggage checked to M Vernon or about 44. I paid Alfred for the months of December to March 16 leave with Rupert for Both sides at 1.50 find no sleeper should pass the night in carsFEBRUARY, 1888. MON. 27. Ther. Weather, Steve left at 9 AM We commence to get ready for Mt vernon to leave tomorrow very cold Letter came from Dr E. W Moore of Rochester with check of society of $500 for Mr Vernon - Dr went to arrange for trans We marked supplies to go went to see if Mrs Smith wishes to sell her house - She does not. this ends all that, I wrote to Smith. Decide to go at 2 1/2 PM tomorrow FEBRUARY, 1888. TUES. 28. Ther. Weather, still cold, Finish packing Give my card plate to Mary to get 100 cds to send me at M V That - and board Bills go on acct. Miss McKent came Went for tickets, got them to Evansville, Baggage checked to M Vernon or about 44. I paid Alfred for the months of December to March 16 leave with - Proposal Both sides at 1.50 find no sleeper should pass the night in carsFEBRUARY, 1888. WED. 29. Ther. Weather Dull Arr cincinnati, first change at 7 1/2 stay 15 m. In attempting to pay telegras I lose a 20 Dollar bill - cash out $20 Have now in hand $420. Wait at Vincennes reach Evansvill, at 8 Mr Lundey took us to Mrs Schute stay till 11 Mrs De B went with us to Mt Vernon Arrived at 4 morning Mar 1. MARCH, 1888. THUR. 1. Ther. Weather, Waited in station till day - Mr Moreland of the Hospital came The Committee followed, we went to continental Hotel. Taylors Went over town, with committee 'Sent out dispatches to asso & United Press that the destruction was greater than represented Col. Geo. W. Evans is chairman of committee Genl Anderson asst. Mr Burton correspondent [Mr] Emerson Ed [Mr] RyanMARCH, 1888. FRI. 2. Ther. Weather, MARCH, 1888. SAT. 3. Ther. Weather,March, 1888 Sun. 4. Ther. Weather, Mid-Lent Sunday March, 1888 Mon. 5. Ther. Weather,MARCH, 1888. TUES. 6. Ther. Weather, MARCH, 1888. WED. 7. Ther. Weather,MARCH, 1888. THUR.8. Ther. Weather, Leave MARCH, 1888. Mt. Vernon FRI. 9. Ther. Weather, moderate Packed trunks - expected Mrs Fanning found later our dispatch did not reach telegraphed again - Went to relief rooms all cleared. spoke with ladies. Back Went to dine with Col Evans & daughter Mr & Mrs Dr Pevey. Mrs Janera, Mrs Pace (Bogan) Mr Hall (Hall safe cin) Hear of Emperor dying condition crown Prince goes to Berlin - Dr and I make Enoles Wedding gift $20 I hand to Col Evans the contribution of Wm Oliver of Wesson (Copcah) $100 Receive Passes to St Louis from L. M. Mr Logsdon Little girls come to train try to pay them, not accepted - (Taylors) take train for St Louis at 4 45 separate at E St L I take ALton R R. the Dr C. R. & Z had a good night - Read till 12 the news from Berlin Enola goes to Col EvansChicago March 1888 2500 Ind. Ave. Sat. 10. Ther. Weather, rain Arr Chicago 7½ am. Mr & Mrs Barnett met me at train go to 2500 In. Ave. Breakfast. to hospital 3411 Cottage Grove Ave. to office - meet Mrs. Plum Mrs. Mary B. Willard. write Minnie, Mamie, Dr. Ant, Enola, sent tel. to Mr. Smith recd answer, he would come Monday Bot sandals, collars & cuffs Wrote a few lines for paper wch Mrs. Burkett took to Enla Ouan abt Mt Vernon - No time nor chance to make an Article. Came home Alone. The morning papers bring the news of the death of the old Emperor The Empress Grand Duke & Grand Duchess with him. The Crown Prince on the way from San Remo to be crowned Emperor. Chicago MARCH, 1888, Poor David child ill Sun. 11. Ther. Weather, Cold The papers contain particulars of the death of the Emperor, cuts of the family, and news of the accession of the Crown Prince. I read proof of Dr. Halls article in "medico" Journal and Dr Burnetts also Talked of Hospital work, training schools, & matters. Proposed that Netta take the Heredity publication as Asst. Editor, could not get out to Maywood, Dr. in Cedar Rapids. The papers full of German news The old Emperor, and the new.Chicago to Maywood MARCH, 1888 Cold Mon. 12. Ther. Weather, Clear Waited all day till 3 pm for Smith Then having telephoned to Alsam went with Netta to N.W. Depot and to Kinzie St. 148-160, saw Alsam Took train, arrd Maywood @ 6 o'clock Found Minnie) and Minnette. Passed the night all perfect peace Saw Wicked article in paper from Paris review concerning the old German Count Empress Augusta Maywood to March 1888 Chicago Tues 13 Ther. Weather, clear cold Abram left at 6 Minette goes later and Minnie and I follow 10.00MARCH, 1888. WED. 14. Ther. Weather, MARCH, 1888. THUR. 15. Ther. Weather, MARCH, 1888. SUN. 18 Ther. Weather MARCH, 1888. Mon. 19. Ther Weather,MARCH, 1888. TUES. 20 Ther. Weather MARCH, 1888. WED. 21. Ther. Weather,MARCH, 1888. THURS. 22 Ther. Weather, MARCH, 1888. FRI. 23 Ther. Weather,MARCH, 1888. SAT. 24. Ther. Weather MARCH, 1888. SUN. 25. Ther. Weather, Palm Sunday.MARCH, 1888. MON. 26. Ther. Weather, MARCH, 1888. TUES. 27. Ther. Weather,MARCH, 1888. WED. 28. Ther. Weather, MARCH, 1888. THUR. 29. Ther. Weather,April, 1888. Wed. 11. Ther. Weather, April, 1888. Thur. 12. Ther. Weather,APRIL, 1888 FRI. 13. Ther. Weather, Had Alfred work - APRIL, 1888 SAT. 14. Ther. Weather, Finished my address [fr?] MontclairAPRIL, 1888 SUN. 15. Ther. Weather, copied my address APRIL, 1888 MON.16. Ther. Weather,April, 1888. Tues. 17. Ther. Weather. Left home 11 pm for Montclair N [New] Jersey - Packed trunk in morning Went to see Mrs Smith in afternon - decided to take the corner house Bot return tickets to Jersey City for $10- April, 1888. Wed. 18. Ther. Weather. Arr. [Arrived] Jersey City 7 -am Met Miss Stevens of NY Sun. interview on Red x [Cross] till 11 - [?] [?] [?] to D L W train. To Montclair. With careful to [?] - saw Dr [Brodfrt?] went to Mrs Henry A [?ike], on the hill. Went to convention PM and evening Rev & Mrs Scudder of Jersey City there APRIL 1888 THUR. 19 Ther. Weather, Went to convention all day & evening. Mrs. Bainbridge of Brooklyn of city point memory spoke and introduced me Miss Mary A Hunt spoke in Temperance - lives in W. I spoke on charities Dr. Slocum 1st Cong Baltimore spoke on Charity Organization Dr. Behrendt of Brooklyn & returned to Mrs. Dike's for the night April, 1888 Fri. 20. Ther. Weather, Mrs Dike took me at 9 am to train for Newark, took chair in Limited Express 2.35 at 6.29 am to reach @ 4 PM wrote Mrs Dike - Mamie Miss StevensMay, 1888. Sat. 5. Ther. Weather, May, 1888. Sun. 6. Ther. Weather, Rogation Sunday. May, 1888. May, 1888. MON. 7. Ther, Weather, TUES, 8. Ther. Weather, MAY, 1888. TUES. 29 Ther. Weather. MAY, 1888. WED. 30. Ther. Weather.July, 1888. Mon. 2. Ther. Weather, July, 1888. Tues. 3. Ther, Weather,July, 1888 Wed. 18. Ther. Weather, July, 1888 Thur. 19. Ther. Weather,August, 1888 Fri. 31 Ther. Weather, September, 1888 Sat. 1 Ther. Weather,November, 1888 Sat. 3 Ther. Weather, November, 1888 Sun. 4 Ther. Weather,November, 1888 Mon. 19 Ther. Weather, November, 1888 Tues. 20 Ther. Weather,November, 1888 Wed. 21 Ther. Weather, November, 1888 Thur. 22 Ther. Weather,DECEMBER, 1888 MON. 31. Ther. Weather. MEMORANDA. Mr. G. L. Kirby Homeopathic Hospital Washigton D. C. friend of Miss Bradford find him Mrs Henry A Dike Florence B. Alice Montclair "N. J.MEMORANDA. CASH ACCOUNT.February 1888 Date. Received Paid. 27 Dr Moore 500. 28 Tickets to Evansvlle 44 Alfred Made Tele. 16 Lost in Cincinati 20