6 DIARY 1899 NOTES ON CUBA. Cuba #6 -1899 July Aug. Sept. Oct. 13This is the sixth of the small Note Books concerning Cuba and following the third red book which commenced with Jan 1899. The cuban diaries preceding this are three red books, one narrow gray book and The black pocket diary of the latter part of 1898. This book was purchased in Key West on the way to Havana with the 5 Phil nurses & M Coble White & Van [?] April 6 1899. commences June 1 1899. Thursday its predecessor closing May 31/99.Clara Barton Washington D.C. Thursday June 1 1899 We had made an unsuccessful attempt to see Genl Nelson at Matanzas, and returned this morning leaving Matanzas 7 + to look for him in Havana. Drove directly to Vedada. found they had a meeting with Genl Brooks Hd Qrs, at 10, had gone drove to his hote Telegrofo, not there took breakfast - waited - couldn't find any one. losing patience, took carriage & drove to Genl Ludlows to call for Mrs. Ludlow - asleep- but saw Major Scott who remembered me from somewhere, Phil, I think I told all the case to him, he would see to it that I saw Genl Wilson - came home, tired - White came- 6 Telegram form Maj Scott to see Genl Wilson between 8 1/2 & 9 at the Telefero, tomorrow morningFriday June 2, 1899 Left without breakfast at 8 for town. Met Major Rathbone at corner - went in car with him - interesting talk Found Genl Wilson at Telefero Went to parlors. A most genial hour, another hour, Col. Black of Eng finally must stop to breakfast - did. Went alone with Gen'l - another hour and so on until he must leave for the train at 2 p.m. The interview had lasted from 9 am. I spoke of it as a "red letter day" - The Gen'l called it a Red cross day. All explanations on Matanzas were made. Mrs. Capron must remain for the present - (probably for the ox???'s ?uctment. - Gen'l desires us to work all [we?] can in his province. A lady comes from Condenas to offer her house Saturday June 3, 1899 Today was given to the making up of Dr. Hulbell's reports, both financial and descriptive. The first was made out and put in the typewriter. The other was spoken by him to me, and written, ready for the type. The Dr. was free now from this cloud of unfinished work and started off for the field with a lighter heart. He will leave by the early train tomorrow. I had a talk with Mr. Cobb, who says that Mrs. Capron will return and go to Washington. He will send for the supplies he has sent her without leave. and for which act he has neither authority nor justification. Late evening Dr. Zenette came from Motanzas full of anxiety because I have been there and not gone to his "Beneficenciary" I tried to give him to understand that - that was more my business than his. I did promise to see Md Torrin? and ask her to find some Catholic nurses for him. The 9 had let him have we loaned for a few days and paid by me. He has nothing to say. I wrote Marvin a short letter to post in our new letter box. probably placed at our door by courtesy of Mayor Rathbone.Sunday June 4, 1899 Dr. H did not get off in the mrnng but staid till 2 PM. We overlooked the Report. Mis Condory & M String put it on the typewriter, 5 copies. I did very little but thought a good deal for me. I can come no nearer a good solution than at first. Cobb, C.C., all the helfp & Miss Rhodes stepped off this afternoon to go to a swim. Nothing said except a hurried call from Mr. Cobb at abt noon telling one that he felt like going and taking a good swimmy bath. Said nothing of all the others going. All did go except String and Miss Condora who wrote on the report all day. The party were not back till near ten o clock. Took the keys away with them but never telling String that they should not be back for dinner-- he got all he could and kept it waiting for them till nine o clock when they came stealthily back crept in at the back door and up the back stairs, having seen that I was in the dining room. Of course, they could help themselves to a supper in the kitchen and store room as they had charge all the keys-- I do not by any means object and never have to their getting every opportunity for recreation or enjoyment which they can properly get. But what I do feel is the sly unjust methods which are being employed to obtain their poor little rough amusements-- Carrying the idea that it is necessary to cheat me in order to get a little chance for enjoyment for my help. It is the same old planthat was first commenced at Glen Echo & pursued all the time, a tricky method of gaining personal power, in a small, mean way, to be used over or against the person or persons who employ pay and sustain them in the place that gives them their bread. Not one of them can say that I ever even restricted him in the desires he manifested for his own welfare or pleasure. They all know they have been treated generously and like true gentlemen; never by a disapproving look has the pleasure of one of my employees or assistants here been curtailed, to say nothing of being prevented. Their wishes have been granted in all cases where expressed to me. So far as I was made to know that it was a wish. No criticism has been passed by me on the procedure of any. I have purposely remained away from the building where they all are putting in their entire time, handling goods at their own discretion and free will, in order not to give to them the impression that I was watching them, or the incentive to do things slyly or to keep their actions out of my sight -- I have scarcely entered the building, but have left them as free to handle property for which I alone am responsible or could be held so as if it were all their own.Monday June 5, 1899 This morning came the colored buyer Willec Shrode of Santiago half dead of homesickness. one of Boker T. Washington's pupils. had been robbed of his money 30 on the Mascot - comforted him, wrote to Mr. Elwell. Gave the boy my shoes to new heel: Called on Md Jarvis to see abt Zaneti's nurses. Met two young men who will call. Dr. Hubbell has gone to Jaruca - Miss Rhodes is ill. She should be she has exposed herself in several ways Will Kent still continues to come and lodge here Had a talk with Mr. Clark Call from Genl Thomas Ludlow -Tuesday June 6 1899 Wrote to General Brooke abt the case of Willie Shroder and asked for a passport for him. Spoke French with Miss Condony. M Cottrell make some purchases in paper things, paper envelopes, etc. He also wrote Dr. Hubbell in a wk of his financial report. had it put on the typewriter by my clerk instead of doing it himself and had the termeicty to send such a doc. to be seen, and copies by one of mine A call from Widow Embil of Zenia near Jaruca. Long talk in the evening with Mr Maxon the photographer. Wednesday June 7. 1899 Wrote letters all day by hand, am clearing up the accumulations Letter from Dr. H at San Domingo also Telegram for Miss Koehler who is not yet released, so told him M. Cottrell has sent his courteous letter to Dr. Hubell, to Cardenas, he told me with a sly smile- Christian Alliance came for goods in the Custom house for which we vouched Miss Condory re-wrote the Doctor's report 4 copies - I have now 9 copies I spend the entire evening alone on my varandah - planning out my thoughts for Chicago, I am greatly inclined to try my plan, it can but fair, it cannot kill! Willie Shroder finds a boat going but waits and works, in warehouse -Thursday June 8 1899 Still clear weather, not much rain. I thought to do a great deal at my desk but early came the young men from Md [Jorrin?] John R Stanley of Boston [Md Jorrin?] Lawrence Harold Woods of Baltimore. They start out on their pilgrimage over the island, and would like letters I give cards to Major Dorst, Motanzas, to Capt. Barker Cienfuegeous, and to Dr. Hubbell I explain the Red cross to them, they had the opinion that the army was one, and we another Red cross. While they were here Miss Bell came. She is in town waiting the action of her committee in N. Y.. She calls attention to Remedies - as a plan needing help. Miss Condory goes to town, gets little things for me. pins, ribbon, pads, blotters Reports - Dr. Carbonell sends finally written report of Jaruca. an Dr. Hubbell writes at length of the going to San Domingo and sends lists of supplies that he needs. I pass the lists over to Mr. Black to fill. I also have another talk with Mr. Clark who begins to see where the household here stands and who has been leading it. I think a great deal about the steps to be taken, but I fear I have not quite the courage to go alone. It might do to address Chicago. One of the mules is sick. I' wonder they don't all die the poor boy that drives has not as much sense as the mules themselves, does'nt bed them, nor in fact do any thing human or sensible with them. I expect he will lose them, he is not well directed himself. Friday June 9, 1899 Willey Schroder goes among all the transports finds none going out I went to Mrs Rathbone who telephoned and found Willy was correct, that a pay vessel goes tomorrow, and we will send him on that- A letter from Genl Brook says he will send him by transport when one goes. Mrs. Rathbone comes here and speaks about the house. Ilka is ill. I correct and get off Dr H report to Genl Brooke. Ludlow- & G.E.B. in return for his report of the Cuban committee just issued. I write him a letter of thanks. with a line of explanation for the copy. I also prepare a copy for Genl Wilson to go as soon as I can get lack lists for articles needed afield. Dr. Zanette came at night he will resign his charge and go to Amanilla if he can. Would like to go under the Red Cross. Letter from Marian, she is unhappy The field workers are at or near Santo Domingo- I write Dr Hubbell. Dr. Carbinell sends his report of Jaruca. I will try to get supplies from the army for the little asylums. A woman comes with a broken backed child. I try to send her to Sollerso. She is with young Hernandes "from the Bush" - his brother is inspector at Jesus Del Monte.Tulepan Saturday June 10 99 Read the reports of Dr H & Carbonell to Mssrs Cobb & Cottrell, a most appreciative audience. all perfectly unsatisfactory. The Jaruca Man came for his recommendation. M Cobb took charge of him for some purpose. Man knoweth not what. Willie Schroder came to say that the Herera line of steamers send a boat today that it would go at 11 - Mrs Rathbone had not reported I rushed to her. She had the passage free except The tax of 1.70 - I came back Willie was gone - I sent every where for him. gave it up. Thought he had sold his trunk & gone . I was so worked up with all the things I could do nothing, could not write a line. Walked from room --------------------- All the bright spot in this dark day was that Willie got off at 6 by the Herrera line - free ---------------------- to room - did finally get off a letter to Genl Wilson with copy of Drs report. and one or two other matters. Tried to unite Gardeners, but could not, tried everything back hot, felt like breaking down like the old days. The people went to town and took supper at restaurant String spoke with me. he has true principle - reminds me of Mary Barton in look and mind - Miss Condery better but I [ea] not work her at all. I spent the entire long evening alone in the moonlight, not a soul, as alone as a [corriet ?] - don't know but I am one.Tulepan Sunday June 11. 99 This day is not quite so racking as yesterday. Still not much better. A letter from Miss Gill tells me that her committee has authorized her to establish schools in Remedris and Esperata [porta ?], but she hopes we will go on with the hospital work. I write her a letter of thanks for herself & com. tell her we do no hospital work anywhere. but am rejoiced that they take the children Letter from Dr. has been at Santa Clara - place too large - White goes with Meletany. I am glad he does. I write Major Rathbone sending him three letters of Rev Marsten asking if I have received a remittance he sent me and had not heard from it and two others containing the nickels but not the paper. one 8, one 15 Dolls lost in mails or by us -, Scamp I write Dr Gardner. got a letter from Dr Hubble & reply to it -- The household goes a swimming -- or somewhere else. I have no notice where -- beautifuly cordial --Tulepan Monday June 12, 1899 Another of the days that seemed impossible to carry. If I could only think out some plan that would be at all safe to carry out. but there are so many results to be foreseen and avoided and that might be even more dangeirus than the existing difficulties. that it is not possible to formulate any course and enter upon it. A letter from Genl Wilson tells me that he has received my letter and Dr. Hubbells' report and read both with great interest. That he has directed his chief Commerary here to supply the San Domingo settlement with coffee and such other things as they may need. That he has directed him to put himself into communication with Dr. Hubbell and they will arrange for whatever may be needed Learn that Mrs. C will return from Matanzas Wednesday and goes to Washington -24th No intimation of this is given me. I speak to C?C. abt the way things are left for me to bear & they appear to decide to make a show of more attention, or make a little call-The relief of Luckmore Tuesday June 13, 1899 I felt that I must call some one to me. I was afraid to let my self run on in that frame of mind and decided to telegraph Hubbell to come and bring Miss Grotzy I could send it by no one here and took it early 7 to Major Rathbone. he look it to town to go to Santo Domingo. "Come Havana, bring Miss Trotzig" came back. house clear of all - mail came, - letter from Dr of the day before. would leave for [Havana ?] that day. Stay at Jaruca all night and be here 10 today! I cannot write how relieved I was. - Eleven oclock brot them -- Talked matters over. Cabled to Mrs Ward 1537 8th St. Wash Was she home." to late for reply The man from Jaruca old hospital came. Brot his sister & daughter and photos - which must be returned - went to Md Jorrin with them for interpretation. At evening all came in parlor for a sing but Mr. Cottrell, who retired - Dr returned late. I wrote a few letters - and had 7 more copies of Drs report made. One of Mrs Wards letters is in Havana Herald. very good Am feeling so like another person. no longer alone. and have decided on something. If only to pick up and all go by first boat = Quarantine only five days from hereWednesday June 14 99 Such a relief, so restful & sage Wanted a housekeeper- went to find Miss Rhodes in the gentlemens chamber. I take her to her work Wrote Genl Lee and sent copy of Hubbells report Thursday June 15 Went to call on Genl Lee at his Hd Qrs. met Mr Car .Ed Herem Herdel and the manager Arranged for M col to call tomorrow felt like the day had not been lost The Jauer Main came wants letter to Col. ReeseTuesday June 18 Wrote Col Bliss for Jose Joachim Montero Leal, M. Carr of Hearld came Long call gave him a copy Dr. Report Showed him the Books Miss Adams here - & Dr wrote Mrs Graves Marien Balcum E.E. Babson Mrs Coombs M Cobb sick Saturday June 17 Dr cabled to S. E. B to come Replies that he would if I wanted him not without I cabled that I did M Clark goes to Matarzros for Mrs Capren - M White comes in from the country Dr made decisionsSunday June 18 99 A long talk with Mr. White Dr Bat 150 Herdds with the Report all he could get I did meeting all day Dr. gustaf called to S. PhD Sent reply at night Wants to know nature names if he must let (?) allnr (?) penn with him Carbnellrs Men Tubzi run at enemy Clark does not return Dr on sryyes (?) of dirernns(?) Greta goes to dine with her papa ~ Monday June 19, 1899 All here this morning nurses on Dr. Carbrnelle & the new boy who will drive the mules to the Asylum to plough - Talk with Carbrnelle. he fears to speak with Sollirio - Ilka goes to look for boat Mrs Adams & Toby is put up poles to send away - Dr & I go to town - call on Col Walters. he will do all he can - We prepare a party for Steve - Go to Genl Rathbone - he will get Cable S. E. B. if he will appoint Genrl Rathbone to act. Come home and wait Cannot endure that decision and write a scene Cable and Dr takes it to town and to ask all to keep still overcopy Have just cabled proxy but greatly prefer you come - we want you. You will have good friends here .... main came in of course in mny ways B H Dr goes with this - 9 AM not in any reasonable state of mind and may never be again - It may be the end coming A letter form Mrs Ward she speaks only of enemies where do I get them? - I have no one A Copy of Cal Hays atteste on the recomentration in Wash Times - foolish show. bodly put continued Monday june 15 1899 Later Steves reply came to Dr. "Had arranged to leave here Wednesdays steamer. what is your advice shall I come" - Too late to reply tonight must wait till morning - we arrange with White to go to San Domingo and for Dr Carbonelle to go to Guinea, get lists, and inspect other [hospitals] Asylums - Each day darker than the past Tuesday June 20. 1899 Dr went early to town with reply to Steve's dispatch "Yes come as planned" Later Dispatch from Steve. to Dr H. "Detained by important business cannot come before Saturday" meanwhile a letter from Mr Ernest Lee Conant in town. an intimate friend of Steves that- he had a cable from Steve and would call on me tomorrow. I replied_ would be home _ Of course Steves important busi- ness is to wait the result of this interview. I see all the time where I stand. no wre If we act on the proxy all will come out to the public. It could not do much harm to leave them as they are and go out of it all. I write nearly all day. C.C. goes to town and brings up the waiting mail from Tavis colle 25. Letters from NY. d home I answer Fred L. Ward. Lucy Graves Miss Coombs - M Israel Genl Harris for Glearner Lieut Bean con White Genl wilson asking for copy despatch Dr H Copies Letter to Genl. Humphreys. i write but do not send letter to M Edron - to inclose copy of letter to Genl Humphreys. Gets too late At noon Dr Carbonelle. Miss Trotzig & Miss Condory left for Geunes - M. White for San Domingo via Jaruca I question much if I ought to wait over another steamer.Wednesday June 21. 99 I was to expect Mr Conant to come sometime today and waited. Miss Rhodes very much disturbed by Miss Adams having entered her room about 11 o'clock to get some mustard for illness. This so much disturbed the young lady that she not only proclaimed it through the house but provided herself with a pistol for the following night brought it in triumphantly declaring it "loaded" While conversing with Dr. Hubble Mr Cobb came for an interview - he had decided to go home on the next Saturdays steamer (Mexico) I said I was going also. had been waiting for him to get ready There may be two reasons for his going, or for his sudden election to go - One that Mrs. Oapron is probably going then. or else he has received a cable for Edson to come, as an hour or two later one came to me as follows "Your presence is needed at Hd "Qts, you had better return at once "I wrote you today." Edson." It is very possible that Cobb has received a similar message - Mr Conant came abt 2; he had been at Md Gorrins to see abt board know the Rathbones. He listened to all, would not like to have me go back to meet Cobb alone. i.e. without someone from here who could face him with facts Think Dr H better go too - Thinks the discharge might be made here. with Rathbone Walton & himself - He writes a dispatch to Steve to go incontinued 21. the morning to telling him to keep reading to come Saturday if needed he would try to speak with Genl Rathbone in time to let Steve know I receive letter form Keller the first since I left home. he tells me that Harpers publish that they claim me as a correspondent and that his agents write him that this is doing them damage he having covered them that I would write for no one else - he had written Harpers and they say they have such a letter. that paid for & copy writed it. and would'nt take my name off their lists. I told him they had such letter. Had owned it several years he had best inquire the date and come down to Cuba and cool off the wargetting nerves. continued 21. I also wrote M Hyatt abt boxed also Dr Gardner & Nola a line to tell them I should ship on Sat. Also wrote Willey Schroder also Miss Coombs. interesting to her that the stories were exagerated by the parties from NY trying to raise money in US to carry them on -. M Sears awky the ration of Miss Badsky. Also the manager of Cuban RRs. Dr Hubbell wrote Steven agt at Ciengea asking reductions. I feel more free and happy? than in weeks at the thought of going home. and getting out of all this -) Mrs. Rathbone's party Thursday 22 99 Not having written this date at the time I cannot recall the incidents of the day. But know that I felt that I must draw the 1000, Dolls, that Mr. Balcom cabled had been sent me and went with Dr. to the N. A Trust bank. forward M Swain son of Genl Swain and M. in charge. They arranged to give me a sight draft. and drew it giving me 1000 Dolls in paper. 1-5- 20s We went to ss dock, all night to Dr Browns who came out and sat in the carriage - he will send my certificates to the house tomorrow. all so kind at 8 1/2 dressed for the "evening" at all Md [?] - Mr. Rathbones - Dr. Hubbell. & G. M. Cobb not home Mr. Cottrell did not go. A large assemblage Americans Cuban Spaniards. and Am & a Cuban band so all could dance - M Mendoca took chg of me introducing me to all. Genl Brook & Mrs. Col Black with Mrs. America de Farrés who has the day school and is getting up the album for me. - Dr and Mrs. Godfrey. he was at Maj Woods 5th Corp hospital and saw us make quiet. There were great numbers and an elegant party. A great success for Mrs. RathboneFriday June 23 - 99 It seems to be settled that Steve will come sat. we cable to "come by all means", and I feel better and more settled and befriendd than for a long time. Dr. Bruner sent up a young Dr with health certificates for Dr & I. A Ms Modder was here to get me to pay her passage to Key West a Madder woman I have not seen. I gave her a dollar, but could not pay her fare. I try to see how I can thin out ?our force. We wait for cots to come by the Dixie. Dr. gets a hard cold. Cabb is absent. White gone to San Diego is a communicative fellow. Writes & telegraphs back to other persons. Cob goes N.Y. Saturday June 24 - 99 The feature of this day is that Steve Cables. That it would be detremental to him to come - but for me to turn my field over to Miss Gill or Howard I cannot quote the entire dispatch as it was lost. Cobb left by S.S. Mexico Dr. decided not to go - Pay Ilka 20 Dols salary. M. Conant came at evening will write S.E.B. I shall not need to after this. I have a good watch almost next door. It is a part of the old thing - always watched -Sunday June 25 99 Had a talk with Cottrell in the morning. Mr Rathbone came to see the house with a view to renting it. Dr Carbonell & Miss Trotzig came from Guines. They want to do San Jose. and start at once. We have wagon loaded loaded 12 cots other supplies. all ready to go in the morning. 20 mile drive The people will go by train - I have all the lists for Genl Lees district put in type writer by Ilka Duplicates made and asylum ready to hand to Genl Lee tomorrow I tell Dr Carbronelle of N.Y. I did also write Steve - as his letters will be here tomorrow. I don't know what to say to him. Monday June 26 99 Went with Dr early to call on Humphreys. to show lists & ask for Dixie. She is aground don't know when can get clear - returned home. went to Genl Lee. The greatest thunderstorm of the season on our way. wait in station at Havana till clear. carriage to Lee's Hd qts. gave him the lists. not enthusiastic over the rations, I thought. Had a call from Ed Harald Mr. & Mrs. Rathbone came to call at evening. I explained the Red Cross to Mr. Rathbone. the best listener I ever had. He is a man who would be capable of taking a leading part in it's management.Tuesday June 27 - 99 The mail brought Steve letters a remarkable budget. He has sent for Kent. got him up from Washington to consult and has gone to Gould to get him to please accept the Red Cross & my work here. He has given us all away. I make no reply, but think I will ask Hubbard to go north on SS Washington Thursday, to see if any facts. or sense can be gotten into any heads there. M. Rothbones proxy came M. Bailey came to bring Ilka home. The darkness in no way lets up Steve is worried and isn't using his best judgment. Wednesday June 28/99 Had decided to go to Ward line and ask reduction of fares. Had a take with Cottrell in the morning. abt nurse for [Casbor?? Fortiers] & other things. Then went to town, took string, met Ilka - went to cable office and sent dispatch to Steve "Barton N.Y Letters received. cannot consider proposition. You exagerate every thing. No such conditions exist as you represent. could not. It was some of your arrangements of last year that needed to be explained Don't think of coming. No need of further thought. All doing well. Dixie arrived yesterday with supplies. Have plenty of means. all well. Dismiss all worry. Barton -"Continued Went to S.S. Office to ask if I'd get reduced sales for M. Clark and Rhodes could not. This was by the Washington on Thursday. The [Heicma] sacling Saturday is 45 dollars and 7 quarantine - The wash $40 - I find a special showing itself in any com. parcin that is very discouraging. All he will enter into nothing with interest-- is dogged. full of blame, and for the first time says outright that he lied injustice in the original appointment in coming - when the idea was to let some one come to take the business detail so he could go to his coveted place at the field and be free of the care & responsibility of the business. I see I had all the time been mistaken in his attitude--I can make it right now. The field is clear of all directors but myself [..] June 28 and him. As Cottrell will not remain, and has no position but a money clerk. My decision is taken on the instant--I will go to the States, and leave the Dr. in full control of the field. he shall have it all his own way. for once I will not interfere with his authority. I still think to go Thursday by SS Washington but later it comes to me to wait till Sat. a quicker better boat but more quarantine-- Mrs. Rathbune came in evening-- Madam Jorrin & her brother call-- " will go Sat by the Havana-- I ask Miss Rhodes to go with me but she declines. Clark has business in town at night Thursday June 29, 99. It is settled that I go on sat by the Havana. I call Cottrell, and an envy the money for salaries with him I hand him $500. he has 150 of his balances. This makes up the salary for last June. There is still the (?) of the hospital so called, a sallarment home rent 120 expenses for improvements for June. That does not include this Almighty home. All improvements stop now. All the help are desehaged. but Van Celrton (cook) Laces a wife - I give presents to them and they leave a good feeling the camonine with a Ammenu table. I arrange washing. Limit to 12 pieces a weekcontinue 29 We have no meat and have not sent to San Phillip all we should, of such food as we have I am dreadfuly troubled lest Lee should hold back our rations when we have put nearly all our Asylum in his Dept. - Genl Wilson sends without delay to his. I feel that I must speak to Genl Brook before I go. Solloso - I send for him to come and state the terms of the hospital, he gives them to us through Dr Carbonelle. He is in no way incumbered but has a lease of the property for 2 years, at 120 per month it was designed from the shipment of goods for NY. by Cobb, Egon and the supplies intended for a Continued 29 hospital. We have paid his rent, put in 300 Dolls of improvements to make it fit for a hospital if wanted, and now hold it as a ware house for our supplies. The dark ways of the "gang" clear away. We see how it is. Solleno is well disposed and would like to do anything we want him to. He would like to open a hospital, with our supplies. We feel he could not get on. The proposition to go there ourselves is open before us, and may be the best thing thing to do - As it is I leave the business in the hands of Dr. H & Carbonelle and the nurses. All will be honest and the judgement as good as before I have hard work to sleepFriday June 30 99 I go with Dr Hubbell to call on Genl Brooke & Mrs. Brooke. did not see her. Hubbell asked to buy meat. had none to sell Regulation abt rations particular etc etc We did not ask for any. Kent had so besieged the Officials that Dr did not like to speak & be refused - so - we came as we went. with 11 asylums of clean boy children that the US would feed if they ran in rags and begged in the street, but clean and sheltered and well behaved it has nothing for them Strange world! Had been to Bureau and got my health ticket - Ilka got my berth a Havana - We came home. Later Ilka returned - she had had trouble abt her berth. I took Miss Trotzig and went to Zaldos and bot a berth $52. dolls. Came home June 30 continue Later it came over me that I must not leave here with so much that could not be controlled. I grew so desperate that I could not rest. finally told Hubbell that I could'nt go. he agreed and it was decided that he go- I sent for M Cottrell who came back just at that minute Mr & Mrs Rathborn came. C retired, we had a long talk I read them Steve's letters. They insisted that I discharge all disloyal persons - After they go I send again for Cottrell and tell him I shall not need him - he is mad & ugly, and left the room - This is the first break with him in 18 months. I am distressed Dr gets ready for his journeyDr left for N O July 1st Saturday 99 I wrote M Cottrell and inclosed in the letter a months salary 125 for [M] the Month of July, and sent it to his room. he sent me a line a little later saying he had expected to have it He left the house and at this writing 11 PM has not returned. It is all bad, but I could do nothing with him any more - he is too dreadfully disloyal to live with Dr went to town, took care of business, rates etc - and was ready for the boat at 1 P.M. I gave 100 - 100 Dolls to Carbonelle for rates - to buy fish for rations for Genl Lees asylum. Mrs Rathbone came, cautioned me to beware of Mr Conant; Steve's found he had told Genl Rathbone that July 1st he thought Miss Barton ought to retire in favor of Steve. Mr. R - wanted me to know this. Dr Hubbell sends me transportation for Miss Rhodes & Clark on transport. today. I do not accept but cable to Dr ONeill that I have too much help and am [le??ing] it and ask him to call these two persons. The Bath room is stopped & a plumber comes and fixes it I pay him for it Spanish money $2,20 It is decided that Dr. Carbonelle & Miss Trotzig go tomorrow to San Diego and bring the N O News for them and White as well I had Miss Betts go to Guines and buy the Ambulance & Vinn.. Genl Wood has made a speech in the Orphan Fund Committee on the dreadful state of the orphans -Sunday July 2nd 99 Cottrell away - few here, - misty. I write all day. Dr. ONeill. Judge Sheldon. long hard letters. At evening Sollosso and Barnett came with Sollossos Bills for June. They have been left to run to any amt. of needless extravagance that the dictator saw fit to do. The costs will verge 300 dollars for June on that house alone. It has been decided by Hubbell & Carbonelle that we pay the rent 119. & 50 Dolls a mo. on furniture that Solloso had bot to furnish it. I think some other plan should be made. I pay Solloso on the rent,etc 150.00 and take his receipt. Mrs. Rathbone came to call. She had remarks of [Genl] Col Bliss on K. Monday July 3, 1899 I was still holding Cottrell's letter with his advance salary 125. and trans. 50. which had been sent to his room yesterday. He returned this morning. I sent for him to come to me, and gave him the letter he was surprised and pleased. It was no time to break with him and have him go. he could help me here, and it was a more safe thing than the other It was settled that he remain - he handed back the $150. & letter and took up the Bills at Sollossos to get this straight. Some things we decide to cut out A man comes with his painters Bill $48 which I pay. he is poor, family sick - The people return - the New Orleans nurses don't want to go home tomorrow. White is back I talk with him. Venn is " - he should not have been hired All are here, and want to stay, and will speak it, if contacted. I write Dr H. Gardner- Mrs Frazer - Lucy -Tuesday July 4. 1899. I decide this morning to have a picnic. proposed, it was well taken. and the new ambulances with 15 persons With abundant supplies and Mr. Van Alston as cook a caterer we started abt 11 for Near Guanabo cove, drove there took on Moyer Hyatt and drove to the bath by the sea Had our lunch, excellent Talked with Mr Hyatt of the Red Cross his opinions are more correct than most people. We returned at 7. Mis Rathbone had invited me to see the dinner - too late - Sollosso and Barnett came. I settled with S. paid him 81. Dolls which settles everything till next month Sollosso -paid himself a part of the charges Wednesday July 5 A mail from town - A letter for Steve written by Miss Combs. I need not write its purport - he feels that I am angered when I am frozen & heart broken. I cannot reply yet. I send five cables myself. 2 to H one at quarantine, one for Wash. one for Balcom discharging McCandlass and Israel. One to Dr. ONeill paid for all, 90. so cheap - had pleasant words with the Operator tried to get Music for a dance for my people - Could'nt - went a few minutes to Mrs. Rathbones fun There is no light. I think of every way but all fail, the heart is still like lead. I know how good our work is and yet it must be abandoned all for ignorance, and ambitionThe light breaks in Thursday July 6 1899 This was the heaviest morning of all, I wrote in mind several letters - in reality I picked up my room and thought & wept. I decided that the household must go to some sightseeing & proposed it at breakfast - Accepted. Mr Cottrell came into my room I had just counted over my cash $348. in all. Must draw more. Who was to take up the work. Was Steve right & had I got to so "desperate" a pass that my enemies must come in and carry me. I commenced to speak with M Cottrell, he offering to stay home and work. When all at once I could not finish my sentence. The light broke in I saw in a second the way clear out of it all when I resumed I related it to Cottrell. he concurred and it was all arranged as follows - [*continued*] on Tuesday the New Orleans nurses would go by line ship. I pay their fare. Then a transport voyage to be recused for all the others = except Miss Trotzig & Adams - this would be some time in the week most likely. This would take all from the house We would move our furniture to Sollossos house. and that would be the home of Dr Carbonell & the ladies they would remain, and look after their Asylums already made & if practicable make more and then a new one. They have supplies for a long time, and will want but little to keep them running & if larger means are sent they can push on the work marginally No one can shake them in the work. Their Asylum are their own and none can interferecontinued July 6 99 Going home All this can be done this next week and M Cottrell and I take the first Steamer after that. we shall not be needed here. Can go home with credit leaving our work in advance of all and progressing. It can be better assisted there than here, and no [oblique?] can be thrown on it. it is the leader in the "Cuban Orphan work and we will hold our place - I have no need to ask assistance of any one. I name the plan to Dr. Carbonell & Miss Trotzig who approve. and this with a minutes thought. The scales fell from the eyes, and the burden from the shoulder and light broke in on the tired brain & heart The excursion party went, a few remained here and were more happy than in two months. Moved to hospital Sollosso's Friday July 7, 1899 This day we would move. At breakfast I announced it to them also that we would go home by the first transport, after the N.O party was off. All were invited to assist in the moving, and the work took hold with a will. I packed my room. at noon the daily rain came, but in spite the moving was made and supper taken in the new home. At supper a band of music struck up a serenade. Dr. Sollosso had brot a minstrel band from town (free) to play the evening. The front room was made ready. The work clothes were exchanged for ball dresses. The opening was made by a grand march led by CC & I. and a very pretty evening of dancing was had till 10 1/2 The brother of Dr. Carbonell was there. A fine man.continued 7 There was little business done after the morning. but before breakfast I prepared cables to Dr. Hubbell Mr. Edson, Steve - Dr O'Neill - sent them to him by string - $1.90 I told them of our coming home. and that all was well. The office of O'Brien sent a man with their Bill for tank in the hospital - which bill I had held back for explanation - I referred it to Cottrell it was reluctantly approved and paid $159.00 At night a Dispatch from Hubbell & Washington. "Cables gladly received - saw Steve yesterday - "My arrival here interrupted Cobbs meeting "for today - had short talk - O'Neill if can be "arranged he would take Clark remain "Edson doing what he can faithfully." "all well \ Hubbell Saturday July 8. 99 Slept well. but room so dirty with its rough brick floor. had it washed. the moving finished up. White taken ill of some kind of fever. I unpacked the things packed yesterday. Mr. Van Alston made the household very comfortable. It was the nearest a rainy day that we have had. Mr Cottrell and I went to town, to Bank drew $1500. of N Am. Trust Co. Went to Genl Hamphrys to see abt transports waited an hour left note for ten persons to go by next transport probably Tuesday. Went to Ward line SS Co. and engaged two staterooms for next Sat on Havana 15.00continue 8 This was the night for Mrs Genl Ludlow's reception in honor of the 4th. I had no way to go no escort. Cottrell had no suit. The day was wet and I had no heart to go any where - finally sent over to see if Mrs Rathbone had an extra seat in her carriage. She had not and I remained home. Spoke with Dr. Carbonell and Cottrell about going to some of the Asylums next week before going home. and of writing up something ourselves White has a high temperature and gives alarm. Letter from Mrs Geo H Pullman settled all financial matters for the 2000 Dolls I had handled & [??ed] all back to Cottrells. charge. Sunday July 9. 1899 Had no heart for companionship and remain in my room all day. wrote Mrs. Coombs in respond to her letter for Steve and also reply to Mrs. Pullman at Camp Royal. White better no fear of fever. Cottrell wrote an article for publication, The days passes without event (Either today or tomorrow I receive a letter from my Publisher. Keller enclosing check for $1000 on acct. saying that this added to the $200 advance made me Have rec'd. on acct. $1200. royalty)Monday July 10 99 At breakfast I read the RC regulations at a field to the helpers They took it as they take every thing as if the little intelligence they have had been turned in the wrong direction. They went to the Health Office for tickets with M. Cottrell. Most of them got them. If any didnt it is not worth the ink to write it. Mrs Rothbone had a telephone Message from Genl Humphrey that the Kirkpatrick would be in and leave Tuesday or Wednesday. Dr. Carbonell brot the Diplomas 120. Very fine. 10 Envelopes 3 thin paper his brother came at evening & wrote in the names of over forty addressed the envelopes, and they were wraped in the soft paper & put in the envelopes ready to give M White is better & we hope will be able to go on the transport. I spent an hour with him. A letter comes from M Balcom telling me who is in the office Partello having joined them - He tells me of the reduced state of finances, which have been drawn upon without hindrance. I only hope I can get through with money enough to meet the calls without notice - and in some way get out of it all, so easy a little while ago when I so craved it, but was opposed. of course, and simply didn't know how to do it. but again oneContinued July 10 99 does not know why things are as they are. if I had done that the work here would not have been commenced. and these 1200 happy children would have been still in the dirt & vermin. What may come out of it Only God knows. My way in it has been dark & pitiful enough, but it is probable that it was for the best, and I must bear with it to the end. I sent a dispatch to Steve, that I had sent a line to Miss Coombs and would write him. Also to Edson giving him full power to act even to Discharge if he thought best that I couldnt leave before Thursday or Saturday Tuesday July 11 99 Went with Miss Trotzig to call on Mrs Rathbone to tell her of the vacated house at Tulipan, and speak of a a proposed trip to the Asylums. To my surprise she wanted to go, wished it could have been earlier. Wanted to engage Mr Guyol English Editor of La Lucha and other Correspondents. Wa abt to prepare for her weekly reception and dance or she would go to see Mr Rathbone and the Correspondents herself but wanted me to go. Telephoned M Rathbone I would be there in an hour. Our Ambulance coming we took it and went to [N? P.V.]. Mr R. couldnt get the correspondents but they would all be there in the evening. We went to Genl Humphreys office got a scare but the N. O. boat had gone.Had the boats booked up. got times on all. Met the proprietor of the Hotel Prado P. B Genovar - who was on the Seneca with Miss Jennings. spoke of her with great admiration. Came home. Sent some cables and letters. Call from son of Almagro wants rent for July. has already been paid $300 for 2 months on a house non livable and I have found him a tenant at 100 Dolls per month. At evening went to Mrs. Rathbones "evening". lovely dancing. Met the Ed of La Lucha Guyol and Root of N.Y. Sun. Arrange a party to go tomorrow at 6 1/2 ambulance to San Jose, Mrs Rathbone, Editors Dr Carbonell, Miss Trotzig & I - Wednesday July 12. All in all this day should be set down as the turning point in my night of doom and sorrow - The events are these in the "bulk" Without detail - 1st The extra help? men, women - nurses - malcontents New Orleans. Philadelphia - all left us. and Cuba, for our and Cuba's Good 2nd Meeting held in Washington and Dispatch Cabled to me at night Washington July 12 - Meeting today - Cobb resigned pleasantly. Voted to remove office to Glen Echo on your return. overThe first let up July 12, continued 3rd Decided and arranged to found a Cuban branch of the Am Red Cross. with Mrs. Ester Rathbone as President = both herself and husband accept the proposition. 4th Decide to start at 7 o clock tomorrow morning July 13th for a visit to as many Asylums as can be reached in the two next days (Thursday and Friday) permitting me to reach Havana Friday night to be reached for a steamer on Saturday. There facts are in themselves enough to mark this as the best day that has come to me in the long months of darkness in the Cuban Campaign True there is much of malice and trickery to encounter at home but with Cobb out. the strength must be learned. and with the force of the organization that will form under Mrs Rathbone in Cuba. America must see that we have not belittled ourselves and with the acct. of the Asylum that will go out from the reporters of this trip, it would seem that some funds must come to help carry them on. In regard to the details of the day someway the day before the two W/O Messrs Eldins and Tavish had gotten off on one of the Morgan line of boats for W/O $35+ Miss Applegate had ran away and got married? and sent back her posses - and request for trunk - Mrs. Armstrong all very well. Philadelphia was to goby transport Buford. White was weak, not really fit to go, but got his Health tickets and went to hotel & boat. Long time of unrest for Mrs. Rhodes and Kochler who went - "calling" for some kind of mischief and were back only in time to hurry off. M. Van Alsten was worn out waiting on so many idle good for nothings as had centered here for the last two weeks. Cottrell took them all down and of course paid all that could be decently gotten into their hands I asked him to hand me back 500 dolls[dollars] of the fifteen hundred drawn last which he did ($500) The Buford would said at evening I went to see Mrs. Rathbone abt the trip tomorrow and on my return at 11 or 12 found the entire party in a car a coach at the door ready to go It was one of the happiest leave taking I ever experienced - This leaves here - Clerk - of Phil. Winn of the West. Mrs. Frotzig & Miss Adams - This leaves the Asylum party intact when Hubbell shall return. and only needing the help from the government for rations. and the people for material for clothes & such furnishings as required and the money necessary to carry on the work. With this, Asylums can be formed in all the important towns of Cuba. And the little ruffians all are picked up and taken care of - The house seemed like aderected[?] castle from which its spoilers had fled, and Mrs. Adams and Nolzig[?] went about it in earnest with brooms, and brains. Count Almagro[?] came Tues[Tuesday] for his rent. I can not decide to pay him his 150 dolls[dollars] for a house which we could not live in and had to leave. He will try to make trouble. We offer him pay for every day of the month of July of which we held the key even if out of it as we were. He refuses this and exacts the full month. Cottrell had paid him a second 150 for June without consulting me, when he knew I protested and when he himself admitted that the first $150 meant for two months and was only part by Mr. Kent as an accommodation to M. Almagro[?]. San Jose Thursday 13 99 This is the day arranged to visit the Asylums with Mrs. Rathbone and as many editorial and correspondant friends as she can prevail on to go. She for special reasons invites me and asks for the loan of an ambulance. After a store getting ready we start, taking up Mrs. Rathbone at her house, and Mr. Wright of the Havana Herald as Assc[Associated] Press as well, and Mr. Root[?] of the New York Sun. The Managing Ed[Editor] of La Luck Mr. Guyol[?] a one armed insurgent could not go (The real Editor of the Herald is Mr. Holander of Havana a man of large learning and travel speaking and writing some 20 languages) We were soon out on the road to Quienes[?] a road as smooth 13 as asphalt and shaded like a park with monster laurel trees and the great red flowering moss of beauty hanging over our heads like umbrellas. We drove on with out incident, save one stop for a hard lunch at a little store where water and cheese were gotten. Till within about three quarters of a mile from San Jose when a turn in the road suddenly brought to one view, first a large waving Red Cross flag and under it the people of the town of San Jose- The Mayor, Doctor, and all the Municipal Authorities, the teachers and their schools, men, women and children, in clean white dresses, on the prettiest of [?] lawns. all waiting our coming We were asked to alight from an Ambulance. and take seats in these carriages and with this [miring?] [cortege?] of the life of a happy town to which no RR had ever found its way in front leading us on, we followed, with the sweet plaintive notes of the Cuban Hymn filling the air. and floating over the [hoed?] fields of grazing cattle. we passed slowly on till entering the town we drew up in front of the City Hall just in time to see the American flag go gracefully up in honor of our coming. We alighted and entered to find our own little band of 49 clean bright children waiting us, attended by the young ladies of the town who have formed a club for help.13 The Orphanage has been given by the sister of the Mayor. her own house elegant, beautifully furnished with commodious appartments for the children. and two rooms set apart for me. far more elegant than I could ever have of my own. We went below to a delicious and elegant breakfast, greeted over and over by the waiting people fine music all the time playing, and thus the hours went on till 2 PM when we bade good by. took over Ambulance and drove 12 miles to Guiness. An Escort of [Gu?d] from Cuban housemen accompanying us. A shower came up which prevented to turn out from Guiness which had been planned, but cleared as we entered, we were met by 13 Mr Goriga and friends, went to the Orphanage, saw some 60-70 children who give evidence of having seen harder times than those of smaller towns. More evidences of past starvation nearly unto death. Went to the civil hospital that had about come to an end when we went to Guiness in April, and commenced to help Mr Gorego to supply them. they are doing better but not well yet. We took supper at hotel and went to Mr Eglestons to sleep both were in Havana, but we were very comfortable. took breakfast next morning found we could not get to Machias in time to reach Havana at Friday night I decided to go direct to Havana.Friday July 14 99 Yesterday had been a day worthy to follow its illustrious predecessor the 12th. We had for the first time gotten the eye of an outsider and a writer on to our work. If I may make an honorable exception of Mrs. Ward, who went early and wrote well. The men will write up their journey and the orphanages and tell how it all impressed them Mrs. Rathbone has taken her first glance at what I hope is to become a glorious work for her. We decide to send our ambulance back empty and late 8 1/2 train for Havana, to go at 2 PM to Juraco. We telegraph to Mr. Rathbone to arrange to go with us. Take our last look at the big crowd of clean nice children gathered at the station to bid us good bye. Say Adieu to the crowds of people as well assembled to bid us God Speed, and the train moves out and on to Havana - We arrive 10+ go direct into town. meet at Genl Rathbones office. Editor La Lucha (Guyol) who is enthusiastic and had written a colum and published in todays paper of our trip I purchase 100 copies @ ¢,3 = $ 3.00 to take home. Order 100 copies more of the diplomas [or the] at 7 Dolls. that will make 200 copies cost 17.at 2 1/2 drive to boat & station for Joury With M Rathbone Dr Carbonell Miss Trotzig M [R???] Right of Herald On the way confer with Mr Holander propreitr of Herals who takes my parting message to Genl Wilson at Malenzos and who I learned did do so with gratifying results, and the injunction from Genl Wilson to tell him any thing I wanted - it wshould be granted & done - We were soon at [Surisa?] The Mayor with three carriages was there to meet and take us to the Hospital.. Here on the high hill with matchless views we form our little orphanband, for bright, happy children all with a smile, a little red cross, an uplifed little hand of greetings, the well learned carefuly pronounced Good - Morning" they greeted, caroued, played little ring plays, and we were shew their work, on one little month they had learned to do plain drawn work. Very prettily and to make their own aprons, nicely The house is under care of Mrs Dr Goyas who was there , her own little girl playing with these. Our guests looked on with tears to see how much can be & had bene done with so little and in so little time, if it could have been as well donein Havana as here. what could not have been accomplished "If the mighty works that had "been done in thee had been done "in Tyre & Sidon they would be "remained forever. We were driven back to station and came direct to Cerro at 6. Here all was deserted, the trunks to be packed and all to be gotten ready for leaving at 8 1/2 for town to get Healt ticket Trunks were packed, strapped and the last nights sleep in Cuba had, Cuba where all of its own, and our Military had been so kind - and my own so terrible! Leave Cuba Saturday July 15 99 I sign sixty diplomas to leave with Dr. Carlonell. We are to be off at 8 1/2 I ask M Cottrell to hand to Dr. Carbonell all he can spare for his expens money - he givs to him out of the 1500 - 500 - He had previously given me 500 - I had handed Dr. [C] Carbonell of this 100 I sent back to Dr. Carbonell By Mrs. Rathbone 350 Thus leaving with Dr. C. with the exception of some little things paid out 850. at least. On arriving in townWe drove at once to the Health office and took my ticket with luggage marked inspected in Quarantine Next to North Am Bank Mr Swain in charge " Hayes next. Took out books opening an acct for Dr Carbonell - He deposited with them 400. We next went to Genl Humphrey Chief Q.M. to ask her I could arrange to get rid of the Phil Mules - ambulances wagon and Clock The General directed as follows Send the mules to them and have them sold, for probably $90 each. Send the Ambulance & wagon to them for shipment to NY by transport. Then let them loan Dr. Carbonell a pair of army horses to use in his own ambulance. any boy would take care and drive them - and the whole thing would be done. This would leave our premises free from all incumbrances from Phil. and no further use for a man to be kept here to look after it. I have no words in which I can write my gratitude to Genl Humphreys and his men for the brotherly care they are extending to my work - This completed the errands of the day till I shall reach Genl Rathbonewe drove to his office. and I had a little conference with him & had him put in writing about what he thought he would like to have the Ex Com of the Am. Red Cross to extend to them as a branch - and also what they would like to consider in return etc etc - And I am to call on P. M Smith at once on my return and notify him of the plan of Mrs Rathbone and the Genl and ask his concurrence, & approval - I will also speak to the President of it. and ask his approval. Dr Carbonell had on board 100 extra copies of Diploma for which he paid 7.00 At the office P.O. we found Miss Adam, Mis Trotzig, & Mr Gorega who had come from Guiness to see us off. all went on the Custom House yacht to the S.S. Havana to sail at 2. They had given me No 1 a state room alone - a seat with the Capt at table - The Chief Steward Bock knew me of last summer - so the 2nd steward Mc - the same - all had been done that could be to make my journey pleasant. The day was fine the sea still our escorts one by one left and at the appointed time we went out so still that no one knew by any motion that we had left Havana Waters Cottrell had taken charge of luggage & tickets.Sister Julia Sunday July 16 95 This is probably the burial day of poor sister "Jule" A long life finally closed - all merriment ceased, all pain ended. How much I have to remember since she first came to our family. So much that was a little pleasant. so much that was a little hard; let it all go in the little grave that will close today let all be buried. Stand with the mourners drop your tears with theirs, - and say Amen God willed it so' Poor David has been spared some years of pain. Thank God for that, the others falles on- What is it all for?? We woke this morning to a warm pleasant day, entering the gulf stream at excellent speed for a boat of only a home line, and not an "Ocean steamer" We are expected to make the run to N.Y. in less than three days and to arrive on Tuesday morning. Three days less by the difference between morning on Tuesday and 2 pm Saturday the date of our sailing. The boat had no roll, simply a little shudder, no pitch - not a white cap to be seen on the entire sea surface. I dressed and made ready for the breakfast. My seat was beside the captain - Capt Stevens, a Maine man, large cheery good humor New England Sea Capt - I judge -I don't feel like meeting anyone nor like going out of my room and fix myself comfortably on my bed, with pillows and foot rest & commence writing up this diary. neglected since the 12th I have been as correct as I could remember. It is now past 4 oclock P.M. Sunday. I have had few calls & made none - the day is warm, but not oppressive; and I look for a good sail. As yet I feel no desire to see any one It does not seem to me now, that the world can ever be to me again what it was, or has been.- The people of all other countries and nations have been friendly with me, I have no enemies that I know of in any country but my own. It is hard to leave all that I have, at the last, but It may be the better way. Monday July 17. 99 clear, fine warm morning no sea in I called for Mr Hollander of the Havana Herald to come and consult about the preamble & resolutn of the Committee for the Cuban Branch He wrote a Preamble, and brot back with him M Smith, owner of the Herald. we all considerd it but decided nothing. Went up stairs met several person Col Hayes who goes to Manille, Mr Milton Morgan of [P?] Guest - relative of Presdent Spent a rather pleasant evenng Had a thunder storm. & releaseLanded NY. Quarantine Hoffmans Tuesday July 18 99 We early on ship board. cool. about half the passengers will go to quarantine Breakfast Take a glass of champagne with Mrs & M Macall of west side of the Potomac from Glen Echo She is ill Abt 10 a boat came to take us to Hoffmans island. Landed us at the big brick hotel - as good a hotel as one might wish in NY Mulligan proprietor with a nice wife & efficient daughter We have Mrs Purcell & her lovely daughter. Mrs Egleston Mr Burt Miller Col Haye 4th cav Manilla, Mr Young a goodly company Very fine table, good attendnc I made myself help with the Resolution & Preamble of the proposed Culan Branch got them sorted out and on to the pages of my note book ready to read to a committee Telegraph to Hubbell "Arrivd today. leave Thursday morning could you come - Meet me Dr Dotys office quarantine Answer" Ironed out my jacket - as I have nothing but that to get through N.Y. & home with M Ward telephond to me this morning and gave me the No, of their telephone 1777 John Steve home from OxfordHoffmans Island Wednesday July 19, 99 Clear cool morning. Up early & made all read for the day. The Island is mainly artificial, & sand with a half mile wall and walk of stone around, with a stone breakwater against the sea. It has large red houses for the retention of the sick and suspected people approaching N.Y. The handling of coal seams to be its greatest industry. There is a gang of coal heavers. a nice shaggy dog and a pussy cat. Beyond this the arrivals and the active family of the landless constitute the only apparent life. The day passes quietly - I rewrote my Preamble & Resolutions of the proposed "Branch" of Cuba - wrote a letter to Mr. Boldt " " Judge Sheldon Telephoned to Miss Coombs Hoffmans Island Received a reply to my dispatch to Dr Hubbell, that he would come Later a telephone from him that he is here. Also a telephone from Mr Kehoe and Miss White to meet them tomorrow at 531. W.33rd St to see some exhibition of liquid air Miss Coombs telephones again to know where I can be met tomorrow I call Mr. Miller and tell him of the proposed "Cuban Branch" in the view of what he may perhaps name to the President. I have done all I can to be ready for the leave tomorw morning -Leave Quarantine. Thursday July 20. 99. Clear fine morning. I make my room and satchels ready to leave, am told that the boat would come for us at 11 We breakfast, have our last little talks, and take the boat at the time given - to to N.Y. Meet Steve, Dr. Lucy, Mrs. Mc Elway Ilka- Miss Cormb M. and some others - take Steve's carriage to Dr. Halls; send to Park row for Mr. Smith & Hollander ans Steve telegraph for Judge to come down. I will lay before them the proposition for the Branch Sce[st] in Cuba this Evning. I have spoken with Dr. till he too turns on me with retribution, and I must remain silent & do. wait wait wait Dr goes for Miss Coombs who comes at 4 and stays an hour She will return at 8 and be present for the meeting. All join at tea - sit at the door and wait. Mr. Hollander and Smith come - Cor. of Brooklyn Eagle comes from Mr. McElway.- Later Steve comes, he has waited for Judge Sheldon who did'n come. We held a meeting in the parler, I read the prepared paper to them, and submitted the plan of a Branch of the Am Red cross in Cuba, it was considered and unanimously approved and agreed that Mr. Boldt & Judge Sheldon be also asked and later Mrs Ralhbone benotified. All agreed, but it was evident that Steve did not enter into it with spirit, although he did not really oppose. Dr. Hall was warm and hearty in her approval. Miss Coombs as well & Dr. Hubbell sees in it the Salvation of his Asylums. It is decided that Miss Coombs come in the morning and we try to reach Mr Boldt & Judge Sheldon, and get off a cable to Mrs. Rathbone of her appointment. All seems to work well-- but the same dead drag to pull against the same weight at the heart. Friday July 21. 99 Up early--restless. breakfast Miss Coombs came. We wrote up the articles 3 copies and made them ready to send but waited for a ratification of them by members of the committee Telegraphed to Judge Sheldon & to M Boldt and get consent to all we asked Reporters came from Eagle World, Times etc I tell them the best I can but am too heart broken to live under it all --Sag Harbor Saturday July 22, 95 An early call from the "Independent" correspondent. have a hard time at first , but ends well, he will write & bring proff [professor]. Steve is here. with an invitation from M Lamont for him and me to spend Sunday with them at Sag Harbor. We take train at 3 1/2 & go on ride of 100 miles across Long Island Very hot when we start. Find it cold before we arrive. A fine family of good people arr. [arrive] in time for supper - Torpedo boat Sunday July 23 95 Very cool We go to see the Torpedo boat of [mentest?] by Holland. lying off Sag Harbor. Cold rainy day. but enjoyable home at dusk. cold as Oct. [October] [Urreld?] give the names of the [peoples?] me if I could read them Mr Lamont wants us to remain over tomorrow but we do not think we can and decide at night to leave by train at 7 tomorrow morningSend cable to Ms. Rathbone Monday 24, July 99 Up early - breakfast leave at 7 much against the wishes of our host and hostess - A pleasant journey home some conversation on the way Arrive at 158 Montague abt 10. Miss Coombs comes we write letters. The article for the Independent comes. good, but spoiled for use by being made My article it is long. accurate in the rough - but headed by Me I can make no use of it but to rewrite it in the third person - We write and send the Authority to Mrs. Rathbone to form a branch of the Am Red Cross in Cuba Tuesday July 25 still cool and rainy Mail from Wash. brought checks to be signed from Balcom Rent of Office rooms July 72.25 Lucy Graves salary to Aug l 75. pay Bullock a cash advance 100 Balance overdrawn Acct. 35.13 $282.38 Letters from Lucy Graves who leaves me now. Mr. Israel has found work The office will be removed to Glen Echo I would prefer to sell that furniture I shall never want it. C.C is making up his accts - DL.C. gone Mis: Betts of Outlook came for interview Miss Coombs goes to town for Bills - Wanted S.E.B. to help write letter to Mrs. Rathbone - he declines - all well -Wednesday July 26 99 A visit from Mamie & Myrtis I have broken the family by not answering Myrtis letter. Mamie sad & sweet. A talk of all the old time people - A call from Mr Reed of the "Independent". He must have my article over my own signature. This will be taken advantage of by Keller to help out his trickery. I write the first half and send it they want the other - Receive dispatch from O'Neill. When will I see Phil Ex Com tomorrow I appoint here - String comes to tell of the meeting and visit Steve does not call. "So busy" Ilka calls. Have not settled the Wash Accts Phil com. meeting - Scheerin's church $885.84 Thursday July 27 99 The committee came at 10am Dr ONeill Mrs Dyer Mr Howells M Steinmetz. A most harmonious meeting. They think of the hospital in Havana. I write Mr Edson. Send list of checks which I will send him tomorrow to pay off Cottrells and Balcom's little bills. Receive Mr Scheerin's lost check $885.84 send for Book at Brown Bros (check.) Dr starts for Washington. Takes the letters to Edson. abt, office furniture - rent - and settlement of Bills - String returned to Phil early Steve called. did not come to the meeting - much better so - talk with Dr Lucy -Keller - 1000 Friday July 28 99 Miss Combs arranged by telph to send shipment to Havana (food) Called up Mr Keller on phone to know if I might write article for "Independent" - Yes. - he came himself and brought me $1000.00 a check for one thousand $ This is his second remittance of that sum. The suit was a green spot in my closest [?] I telegraphed Dr Oneill who will come tomorrow. Mr. Brown came home. Tel from Dr. at Wash - Miss Coombs drew 2 checks M. Schurens 885.84. Morse & Co 150.00 we send Mr. Edson check. to pay Cottrells and Balcoms bills I write M Balcom Capt Young of Lampasas calls runs to Galveston -Rumor of illness last night Sunday July 30 99 Letters from Mrs. Rathbone. sick. cable. going to San Jose. comes back from Guines today. Mr & Mrs R. Col Bliss. & Conont - Good news - Letter from Dr. at Wash. gives Mrs. Caprone Bill. Steve here. gives ideas of how to treat the Wash matter - There was a rumor in Worcester last night of great illness of C. B. it reached Tribune Office. which sent to Steve. he sent here. both houses were called up at 2 oclock to refute the report. Most likely an unfortunate letter of Mamies got to some reporter in Worcester - Mrs McElway called & her neices I read Luceil - do little - Am feeling better to night. some light breaks through - ) Day of doom Monday July 31. 99 Letter from Mrs. Clara P. - Sent by Adam Express po R.G.B. Letter from C H Cottrell asks gratuity. R.R. ticket & recommend - Letter from Dr. H. coming Sent - cable to Mr Rolhborn " letter " " Telephone to Smith & Hollander Went with Dr. Lucy to buy white jacket we changed suits. - Call from Mr. & Mrs. MacElway Cabled Carbonell to buy what he needed till Kilpatrick arrived. I fear he does not get my dispatches.- I need to get home and get need to be here - The darkest day of all -August 1. Tuesday 99 Dr. Hubbell comes back from W. I send dispatch to Clara to come. She send Dis - no packages and I send to Adam Ex to hurry Dis. " " " her that I had We take up old letters & answer. and file. Can clean all up tomorrow Dr. H attends to his law office Dr. ONeill comes P.M. have a little cotorie. Dr. ONeill - Hubbell Dr. Lucy. ONeil wants an aggressive policy, under me. - I say no - but under some one else. I name Sec Noble. ONeil approves and would like to be one of committee to wait on him in St Louis to invite him to accept Presidency still dark. Spine grows hot. Wednesday Aug 2 99 Went to BrowenBros. @ 9 Deposited Kellers check- 1000. Drew out 4-500 Dollar notes 2000. Find Red +fund there 91.50 Natl Armenian fund 6009.25 Called on M. Jarvis - lunch with himself and Mr. [Conklin at Lawyers rooms. Letter from C.E. She will come Sent cable to Mrs. Rathbone. and C.E. Independant published Article. I wrote Riggs Bank for Amounts_ Long talk with Mr. Brown - Reconstructs Letter from Leonara @ Seabright Dr. H went to see her . " Very hard rain - Dr found Leonora -she will come to N.Y. on telegram.Doom lifted Thursday Aug. 3 99 Dr returned early. Tel. from Clara. She would come 2.40 Mr Roosa came, will take charge of the little shipping we have. We will locate Miss Coombs to work. Ilka comes, makes a little visit. At 1 Dr H & I start to meet Clara, she comes at 2.48. we stay in Ladies room, Jersey City side. All is right with them. 3 letters from them have been stolen. This accts for the singular abruptness of G.P.'s letter that did reach me. $1000 We went with her to 42 St. Station put her in car, for home Returned to Ilka's. Took tea Decide to go there for a few days. home at 10-1/2. Friday Aug. 4 99 Moved to 24. W. 59. NY the flat of Mrs. Condery Hard work packing and getting off Letter from Riggs & C in reply to an inquiry as to Amts President 714.47 Private 357.34 Dispatch from M. Rathbone. " " Letter received did you see Post master General and President about red cross matter not in good shape here, expect [?eres] to adjust them. Rothbone" Letter from Asst PM Heath My dear Mrs. Barton I communicated by wire in reply to yours of July 29th at the hands of Dr J. B. Hubbell to Post M Genl Smith at Lake Champlain and have the PM Genls reply in which he cheerfully apprises of your request and grants permission for the Director Genl ofPosts, Hon. E. G. Rathbone of Havana to act as President of your Organization for the Amelioration of the condition of the children reconcentrados and of the orphans of Natives. It gives me pleasure to state that your request is granted with cheerfulness and we wish you every success in your undertaking. Yours faithfully, Perry S. Heath 1st asst PM Genl. PS. Have wired Gen. Rathbone that either he or Mrs Rathbone have our permission to act. This letter helps to bear up under the other blows in such succession. We are moved to Ilka's flat and are NY to New Haven with Steve Saturday August 5 99. Sent Cable to Mr Rothbone, as follows "Cable received. P.M. Genl has given most cordial approval. Asst. Heath has notified you Do you need funds or help. Don't permit obstructions." Letter from Steve giving statement of Cobb in round numbers due - Opened Acct with M. Scheren 888.84 in this book out of it sent to M. Roosa for Kilpatrick shipment to Carbonell. Havana. Aug 2. [*$*] 206.76 to be sent to him to pay bills. - Steve send a letter to Cottrell in reply to his, he tells him he is dismissed, and that he knows it. All hopes concerning the Accts have been put in condition to be submitted in order.- Steve telephones to ask if I will go to Judge Sheldons tonight. We go at 6 1/2. find house full of company Brother of "Mont" - wife & sister - Dr Hubbell goes with us. -New Haven with Steve - Sunday August 6. 99 Up. dressed and wrote a little Article. [?] Geo. M. Pullman at tents. Talk with Judge. he has an article by E.E. Hale on Cuba etc. Lyman Abbott on Industrial work of Harvard feels that now we might unite with them. he wants to talk with Dr. Abbott and decides to try to find him this week. The day seems more like old times; an unfortunate turn on the way home reminds --- Get home. H. Ilka gone to bed. A little dreary. Wonder how it would seem to be at home. at Ilkas. Monday August 7. 99 A busy day. M. Balcom appears not to have gotten my paid checks sent by Dr. Hubbell. or there has been some mistake sending to Mr. Edgar. I wrote Mr. Balcom - & send copies of letters sent before. Wrote M. Cottrell - decline gratuity. send him recommendation sends M. Hege for a trip ticket for Cottrell Write New Orleans Red + society con missing shipment of 265 cotts 4 bales goods etc. Mr. Thomas of Kalamezo Co which sent me fifty dollars - 50.00 " Ackn. the sum to him - Learn that Ilka's father, has arrived from Cuba.Left Ilka's for New Haven Tuesday 8 August 99. Packed trunk, went with Dr. Hubbell before breakfast to buy trunk. 8. packet both trunks and sent to 42nd st station ready for New Haven. Telegraphed Judge Shelden that we are cu'd go Went to call on M. Keller 156 - 5th ave Read him the Pullman interview. he is going to Chicago. and wants to act I promise him copies of Article as soon as they can be type written - He is still the green spot in my desert. Returned from Kellers to station. not time to go to Steve's for 6 oclock train Found cards from Lizzie and Mrs. Blakely. Went to Steve's. - took tea - return to station for 84 ct and N Haven 10. Arranged with Mrs. Cooms to go to New Haven if desirable - don't know if I ought to go to N.H. or Washington at New Haven Wednesday Aug. 9. 99. Clear fine day. Trunks came up. Took a drive up east Rock; Grand. The day as dark as ever - After a talk with Dr. Hubbell it seemed to be the best way for him to go back to Cuba and we arranged for him to go tomorrow - I wrote Dr. ONeill asking money for Dr. Hubbell. Wrote to Miss Coombs to come tomorrow. Arranged trunks for Dr to take home one. Several reporters called and we promised an interview for tomorrow. coming together.New Haven Thursday August 10 99. Although arranged to go it does not seem to be the way for the Doctor to leave. And he did not The reporters came at 2 pm from the two leading papers and I told them of the Cuban work. Miss Coombs came at 5. I had done little through the day, but felt the sympathies of approaching nervous trouble so strong that I decided if I could wait to make any fruit of any work. My back begins to burn and all the restless feelings came over one for a morning New Haven Friday Aug 11. 99 Miss Coombs attacks the letters and we answer about 17. clearing up the packages. Hunt for a check & money order that M. Balcom writes that be sent. Found Balcoms letter that had been meaning with check of 100 and on Loan & Trust of July 25. We sent him money order to that amount by Dr. who would get it in N.Y. and mail to Balcom Gave to Dr. Hubbell Bills comprising the Kilpatrick shipment and also Whitmus Bills [?] back, amounts to 250 i.e., money 200, check 50. Balcoms check or M order as above 100 Recd cable from Mrs. Rathbone asking for money to carry on Cuban work - A package of ugly letters - one from Cottrell full of threats and demands that I get him a place to work. One from Hay telling me that Cobb and Mrs. [?] Bills are ready to audit one for me to draw onNew York Journal dispatch Aug 11 my funds in the Trust co. to pay them. Of course they mean to sell. I know of no funds or I would pay all they demand and be rid of them; only that with their spite I never can be rid of them. A letter from Dr. Gardner in which he tells of the worthlessness & interference of Capt Ellis who had been his assistant. They had stopped raising supplies, = In this same package came the forwarded Cable of Mrs. Rathbone. While feeling that I must seek the advice of someone, there came the following dispatch. "New York Aug 11. "Journal cables - now stated over "1000 killed Porto Rico storm and "100,000 destitute, what official and N.Y. Journal dispatch - Hubbell goes to NY Aug 11. "civic relief can you suggest. Kindly "answer at our expense "NY Evening Journal" Went at once into town with Abby and Judge sent the following reply Will see you at your office tomorrow morning at Eleven. The Journal can do more than any other Agency in the country and the Red Cross will do its duty. Clara Barton." I copy this from memory it may not be exact in words. Elizabeth went to telephone to Mr Jarvis. Could not reach him and telegraphed to his house asking if I could see him tomorrow morning. This seems a little let out, but it will fail no doubt as all does. We got to NY at 8 tomorrow.New Haven to NY, to see Eve Journal Saturday August 12 99. Went with Judge early to the city Miss Coombs went. Tried to find Mr. Louis- not success Went to Journal Office. Saw M Foster son of G. Ellen. who is manager. No plans made yet. Miss Coombs went to find Steve's Address in the east, 40 Killy St Boston M Louis Address 100 Broadway. Tried to reach Keller. home -- Decided to come home. too 3 PM - Telegraphed to Mrs Lewis to come tomorrow. Letters from the children Mr Louis N.Haven Sunday August 13. Call home. I spend most of the morning in clearing up papers Talk with Judge of "Re-organization". At 3 Francis Atwater came - " 5 Mr Louis came - We took a drive to East rock - M Louis feels that the Red Cross should take up the Porto Rico work. We have the invitation of the Governor Genl Davis on the 10th I can see that the ground is right but fear the opposition We make papers all ready for Atwater to take to Wash to settle up with all parties there and take receipts give practical Power of Atty to him and give him four signed checks 2 on Loan n Trust & 2 on Riggs as he is to get and pay all bills in reason - I also gave him address ofNew Haven Atwater goes Washington Mrs. Murry M.M. Parker and Mr. Pruden. He will be in Washington tomorrow morning. and expect to finish up his task by night or Wednesday at Meet If he has opportunity he will [sound?] parties abt {about] Porto Rico. He takes no funds from me if he finds any money of mine he will draw from that. If not, find his own. Will go to the Raleigh. It is wondrous kind if Frances to come to my rescue. Unlike others he does not talk, but goes and does it. My papers are with him. Dr. Hubbell has paid the Bills of yesterday sending $250 Will go to NJ [New Jersey] tomorrow. New Haven Monday August [4th?] 99 Slept better than for weeks. & till after 6 o'clock & had no fever [Aby?] brot [brought] hot water to drink we get ready to take 10. train to N.J. [New Jersey] sign affidavit for Emil Clare - telegraph him from Station not to go to N.H. [New Haven] today as he intends to do A telegram from [Filinghast?] for opinion of President's call. Found 10 letters at Judge's Office take them on the train We propose to see Mr. Jarvis in N. J. [New Jersey] and probably stay all night to be in touch with Atwater in Wash. [Washington], if needed. Letter from Rev. [Reverend] Dr. Pullman. He has written M. Keller, and writes me to see them at {??} one bright spot. Arriving at N.J. [New Jersey] went to Aster House and remained till 3 + (plus] when Mr. Jarvis came. We went on car ride to Hoffman House and to N.J. [New Jersey] Aster House 9Aug [August] 140 dined on the roof. decided to try to reach some parties con. [concerning] Porto [Puerto] Rico Various plans proposed & all seem futile - We hear nothing from [Ateedter?] After dinner we go to Westminster Hotel as that is Mr. Clare's Hotel - he would arrive at 6 & did. He was out when we arrived we did not see him that night. The news from Port [Puerto] Rico is no better. We miss the freedom of the old days before people had learned of us to do our relief work, and set up competition. Retired at 12, good house - Aster House to Westminster Hotel to meet Clare Tuesday August 15. Met Mr. Clare in the parlor - a fine, clean looking French man, speaks excellent English. We talk till near noon of [Julem?] Mr. Jarvis wanted me to call at his office - 100 Broadway - 17 [?] just [moved?] lovely rooms - rugs, He thought to let President Mc [McKinley] and Mrs. Henry who are at Platsberg [Plattsburgh] on Champlane [Champlain] I redecide and sent to Dr. Hubbell to both with letter. He leaves the Westminster at 10 for Champlane [Champlain] It is one of the times when one does not know what to do. at Westminster. Dr at Champline Wednesday Aug. 16 99 A day of doing nothing - Mrs. Coombs comes at 10. and goes to Mr Jarvis office to get the mail which we hope the Judge will bring, as he goes to lunch with Mr Jarvis. M Clare notes my Cable to send to Genl. Henry. viz that the Red + will Assist in distribution if desired. I write a little line to Mr Keller at the Northern Hotel at Chicago. Mr. Jarvis came and spent an hour; Dr. not returned from Champlane Atwater " " Washington Dined. walked retired Westminster Hotel Thursday Aug 17 99 Dr Hubbell came by primary train, had not seen President but his secretary, who sent my letter on to Sec. Root, with a letter, Dr promised to see Root Friday or Sat. Saw Genl. Henry, but not Mrs. Henry I sent a telegram to N. Haven for my mail, had expected it by the Judge yesterday. "Mail & Express" publishes the report from "Boston Transcript" of my being Broken Down. Went with Dr H to Wanamakers, bot 3 fold glass, present from Dr. Went to Steve's - Staid all night. Dr went to New Haven to get treats and type writer. Mail came & telegram from Atwater - he is home & sent dispatch to Judge - not forwarded.Westminster Hotel Friday August 18 1899 Myrtis came with me to hotel Mr. Jarvis called. Miss Coombs came. Dr Came from N Haven with trusts and type-writer. we write letter till Atwater comes, he had left Wash Tuesday night. had paid Cottrell 100 “ Mrs Capron 200 “ N Kent 100 M Atwater found in Loan &Trust of Red Cross funds “ personal the returned to me $246.00 We go to restaurant to dine Leave the Westminster for Meriden Saturday Aug. 19, 99 It is decided that we go to Meriden today Dr and I go to Brown Bros to see abt the Red Cross Fund there. See Mr. Le John- Call at Steve's Office. he is not in. Miss Coombs comes to write posts 22 letters Mr Jarvis comes at 2. PM. " Atwater 2,15 - We speak of going to Cuba. Atwater will go - Am. Trust Co. will be the business arm will receive funds if any come - I hand Miss. Coomb 14 00 [write letter to Steve Red + fund] " “ to Jarvis for M Clare We Dr H & self leave at 6 PM for Meriden Atwater joins us at New Haven. arr 9 PM Good welcome, lovely house & home.Meriden Sunday Aug 20 99 The feature of today is the trolley ride to Southington over the Electric RR [railroad] that Frances has mainly made. a lovely country and delightful ride - 9 miles directly into the country past the great rocks that are to be modernized. We speak of business. The "Youth Companion" -- "Home Journal." decide to write up the Article for the Independent for a circular and retire early to get it ready in the morning. Sleep better & feel better Meriden Monday Aug. [August] 21. 99 Got my article cut and made up before breakfast. Frances takes it to office. has it set up at evening & correct proof. and it is to go out as a circular. I draw a check on Washington Loan & Trust for $1000 dolls [dollars]. send it to Sam & Mr. Jarvis to be deposited in Havana Trust (North Am), [American] to be drawn equally $500 each by Mrs. Ester Rathbone and Dr. Julio Carlinell. I write Mrs. Rathbone to that effect. will write Dr. Carlinell tomorrow Also there comes a draft from Dr. EL Wyman. Manchester Center, VT [Vermont] for $125. to be used by Mrs. Rathbone for D.A.R. I also write Mrs. Rathbone of this incidence and send her the draft and write Dr Wyman also A mail comes. Mr. Keller had no luck in [changing?] [meeting?] Higgenbottom, [requested?] Frances made appointment for me with dentist for tomorrow 9 a.m.Tuesday Aug 22 99 Went at 9 to dentist - Dr. Rust he is to replace the missing teeth, he worked well till noon. Francis and Dr are getting out papers with article - sending off - I write up the mail - some 15 letters. I write Andy Elder a discharge & send him a recommend. With all his badness I am sorry to let him go - he has been respectful and obedient to me. Letters from others, Rathbone - black cat. Wants money and secretary. Telegram from Carbunell x girls to Dr Hubbell to "come at once". Letters from others Trolzig, and Adam and Carbonell. Kilpatrick in Alro New Orleans. Generals gave some rations but more food wanted. The circulars have come up and all hands below are falating Continued I only get off Mrs Rothbones letter and ch[?] now. Time the Dr it has taken them to mail He also went to town to post letter to Mrs Reed asking her to come here at once if she can. She will get it at tomorrow morning. The afternoon papers all tell of our going back to Cuba and of M Alualeir going as financial agent - assistant - The circulars also name the South American Trust Co, the fiscal agent of the US for Cuba as the bank to receive and hold our funds. Meriden Wednesday Aug 23. /99 Went to dentist at 9. AM. M Justin Holman came. I agree to go to Saybrook next Sat. Dr is getting out Circulars Religus I write Mrs. Rathbone again. Hear nothing from Mrs. Reed Get off most of the mail Dr. Hubbell thinks to go Cuba A woman comes to make over black satin waste & old skirt. Francis will write abt. Red + buttons for Mrs Rathbone - Sent cable to Rathbone + + "Money sent. Hubbell coming "tell Carbonell Barton " $1.50 Bot postage stamps -circular $6.00 Meriden Mrs. Reed comes Thursday Aug 24. 99 Dress maker at 8 1/2. Finished answering the letters Went to dentist (Rust) 10. he finished my job of inserting 2 teeth. 30.00 am to pay above tomorrow. Well done. Mrs Reed comes at 2. PM. Dr meets her at train - 9 o clock from Boston. We spend afternoon in conversation - rains Judge Sheldon comes up at night. he is troubled abt California - as he has that correspondence to answer. it didnt hurt so bad when the "fly was on my nose." I take from W. L & Trust of (296) - $40. Dr. Hubbell getting off circulars. Must get himself off to Cuba. Francis wrote Mr Jarvis to come up tomorrow for a ride over the electric. could not come Mrs. Reed may go Cuba.Went to train with Mrs. Reed. Went to dentist. Dr. Rust paid bill: $30-. I gave him Red Cross Book. Had talk with Hubble- large mail came. I wrote up the mail- 18 or so letters. All o-o-o. Letters from Mrs. Rathbone- 12th- Been delayed.Saybrook Sunday Aug 27 99 Fine hazy morning. a dream of California comes to me out of the mist & darkness Went to drive with M. Holman & Cassa over the 1/2 mile bridge to Fenwick. saw the grave of Lady Fenwick - the Summer Hotel. People call - Mrs. Luther - Ex Gen Buckley of Hartford who shows interest in our work - Says that 30,000 should be raised all in Conn'ct by 30 men. - put him for $1000 Mrs Wm Doane of N.Y 766 West End Ave. of Dr. Chas H. Eatons Church (Emily Stuart) h. 35 W. 48 st Ex Governor Morgan G. Buckley. Send UM H Buckley brothers Mr Leaveret Brainard brother in law M Francis B. Cooley a friend of Geo. M. Pullman - family of Chicago Saybrook to Meriden Monday Aug 28 Left Saybrook early train, made calls on the way out of town. Came via New Haven - and home 11 Mr Holman came - came home with Mrs A. Dr H had written letters all up. He left this P.M. for N.Y. Maybe Washington I write a letter to Ex [Gere??] Morgan G. Bushnel = Dr Hubbell goes to N.Y. at 5 PM I hand him from [Schieron?] fund 100. Atwater goes to Hartford. I send for dress maker; WardMeriden. Registered letter Tuesday Aug. 29. 99 Dr H in NY. Large mail comes from back.- I commence it early. Dressmaker comes. Takes jackets home Registered letter from Brooklyn C.E. at night Atwater telegraphs to NY trains Telegram from Gardner. corr Indianapolis "Have read Hanna's letter to you as to "organization, will make verbal corrections & "= proceed if you approve. Write cautiously "to others L. Gardner" " Reply. "Proceed if you see good chance of success" C. B Hubbell telegraphs from N.Y. "Transport Buford sails Thursday Havana "nothing again for 20 days. Shall I go? If so I go "Washington tonight and meet you here Thursday "morning. Answer immediately Grand Central "Station N.Y." Hubbell" Answer. "Take transport if you think best." C.B." continued Among the letters is one from "Outlook" sending check for contributions. giving names of donors - to Orphan fund 95. From Samuel Jarvis of Mrs Allen $20.- -5 for Porto Rico - for reconcentrados 15 Also check from Thos. Lang through "Independent". (Malden Ms) 100 First Natl Bank - Malden Mass. Ansd & posted 13 letters = Wrote Jas. Bullock letter of release from Sept. 1 wrote Marion. Atwater tried to reach G. P on trains -Wednesday Aug 30, 99. Dr H came back - did not go Washington Passage on Buford tomorrow. sent supplies by Roosa. 20 lbs. corn meal - meat - milk We tel. to 1000 islands for G.P. Pa. replies Letter from Gen. Rathbone con. Marston Get typewriter to go with Dr on boat 6 pupil from New Haven school- Miss King - I write long letter to Gen Rathbone Reporter from Hartford Times comes gets an Article and prints it this PM. It seems we are to have a meeting there. which I am to address. Dr H. leaves for N.Y. and to take Buford for Havana. it seems very lonesome for him. He brings me a little belt bag. very nice Atwater and I decide to go to N.Y. in the morning - take the stenographer for N.H and see Dr off. In New York all day Hubbell sails Cuba Thursday Aug 31 99 Finished letter & mailed to Gen Rathbone. Left at 9 for N.Y. Took on Miss King at N Haven Took carriage for trunk to boat 3 75 Paid my fare to N.Y. & back 3 Went on South Ferry to boat. met the Qr M capt. & the sailing capt Col & Mrs Jones & lady friends Mr Victor H Roedelheim, formerly with Mr Klopsch Now goes to Gen Humphrey All on boat so kind: Dr. of 1st military Hospital in Havana. Went to Macksons 1st avenue. will have pictures tomorrow. Terrible push on Ramapo SEB wept Went to Outlook Office. They will receive our subscriptions & turn them N. Am Trust and will acknowledge all letters - Mr. Howland in Adirondacs. home 9 PM wrote C.E. Dr wrote G.P. so FrancisFriday September 1 99 A Typewriter Miss Clara Louise Sands came at 1pm to repair the machine. I dictated some 16 letters. To Rathlene- New Brunswick com. Bank of N Surrey. ete To Miss Combs for S.E.B. we dont write direct- anymore it seems- The calls for Porto Rico still continue Mr. Cobb writes me. naming the Bill of $56 due him, and (illegible) that in view of his services, on the Book last winter, and in Cuba that I give him a gratuity of 100. And then if I need his help in the future he will give it. Mr. Alister has review(ed) a similar letter and answered it.-could not (illegible) my letters without a press- they did well commenced Cash Book of receipts- Alister Saturday September 2 99 Mailed letter to C.S. Miss Sands comes at 9. I dictated all day. To (illegible) Emily Robbins with the $100 check and explaining auxiliaries- to Indianapolis. Accepting (illegible) of a charter for Red + (illegible). Thus Harma- To Mrs. Rathlene. sending her 500 buttons, telling her of Miss King, stenographer The Vonshelles. eon. the new son. Recieve letter from Maj. Rathlene for Mrs. Rathlene, they have recieved the money. she returns the D.A.R. letter for $128, is much pleased. is willing a circular for the state soe D.A.R. 1000 Buttons + pins come from Manuf-(manufacturing) at a cost of a cent to quarter (illegible) $12.50 (illegible) half to Mrs. Rathlene's mail. Pay Miss Sands 1 1/2 days with 3.00 No receipts today- Letter G. P. Sunday September 3. 99 Rather a day of little things. Received and ansd mail Letters from G. P. at O Francis telegraphs "make it tomorrow" The letters of yesterday get pressed at Office. (badly) and go out Monday Sept 4 99 This must be the great day of opening for the G.A.R. at Phil. it comes to me that I ought to be there. Wrote to J. Sewal before breakfast offering to go and present the G.A.R. nurses a Red cross pin or button and make them a part of the Red Cross if she thought well of it, and to let me know. A telephone from Mrs Cheney of Hartford, asking me to speak to the Auxiliary, could not reply direct till I heard from Phil. I worked most of the day among my clothing to be ready to go, if needed. - Did not hear from G.P. - Letter from Miss Trotzig - The 23d. Outlook sends check for $ 56 35 After retiring, a dispatch from Harriet. "Nurses will appreciate come"Meriden and Philadelphia Tuesday Sept. 5 99 Last night dispatch decides us to go to Phil. At morn comes tel. from G.P. at Boston "will be at Meriden 4:30 PM.= arrives - We are ready for the night journey to Phil. G.P. & C will remain over - for us to go and return - will write up letters - Telephone from Mrs. Cheney asking for address in Hartford on the acct of the Red Cross Auxiliary of which she is President - will reply to her on return from Phil - Telephone from Mr. Holman to come to Hartford At 9 or so leave for N.Y. thinking to go by boat from New Haven, but final it possible to go through direct on ex rates last train of reduction. Make no stop in N.Y and arrive Phil of next morn. Philadelphia Wednesday Sept 6 99 Arrive 7 - go at once to Continental Hotel. All ate breakfast - call out Mrs. Reed - - breakfast - see people Get word to Nurses - go to them at their quarters about 50 - a glad greeting - talk. Give a Red Cross pin to each Go to W.R.C. Hall. Welcome - go to lunch. Meet Mrs. Wittensmore. Sit with her on stage. See the good methods of work of these trained women. Mrs. Bagley of [?] O. invites me to be her guest and share her room. I do so. Reception at evening. help receive A full day and full of old time welcome and gladness at my return to them. They take all the blame upon themselves for ever leaving.Philadelphia Leave for Meridian Thursday Sept 7 99 Breakfast. go to hall am made one of the party to go to the G.A.R. hall to present the yearly report of the W.R.C. to the G.A.R. Miss Alexander makes a beautiful report. I am presented. but do not speak. save a word or two. Am again presented on leaving cheers = standing = cheers again all the respect shown that could be shown under the circumstances. I return to hotel and am come for to meet Army and Phil nurses. go. make an address to abt 400. have tea. return to hotel. Decide to go home - take train at 8 pm for [?] and home reach N.Y. just too late. go on to New Haven. stay all night. ready to go to Meridian for breakfast. Home from Phil - 7-1/2 am Meriden Friday Sept 8 99 Up at 5 - leave at 6 for Meriden Arrive for breakfast Find G.P. & C. waiting. all well We all took a lovely carriage ride over East Peek - see the point where Francis will put his elevator and hotel The day goes like other days - it is beyond my control. Mrs. Atwater & C do over my red lace vests with sleeves put a pocket in my black silk Mrs. Cheney asks me to go to Hartfens on Tuesday 12th. I promise to go Telegraph for Mrs. Reed at Phil to stop off at Meriden.Mrs Reed comes 2:10 from Philadelphia Saturday Sept 9 99 Mrs Reed replied that she will be in Meriden 2:10 PM. as comes We all go a trolley ride to Southington - Have a business talk in P.M. Much of the day social - it would be charming if I could lift the weight, that all the world is trying so hard to help me lift. People were never so kind and so loving with me as now. They pay me all the respect and honor that could be paid in words & acts. Still the weight remains - All go to Southington - read constitution Sunday Sept 10 99 A social day. 7 of us go to a car ride over the new road to Southington After our return, we read up the "Reconstruction" Paper. Mrs Reed GB & I and approve. Will proceed to carry it on if it can be done -Mrs Reed & G.P. leave for Boston Meriden Monday Sept 11 99 A day of leave takings G.P. & C leave 7 AM - Boston Mrs Reed leaves 12+ " I write my address for Hartford to be type written for the press - Mrs Atwater finishes the sleeves of my red waste. Letter from Mr Rathbone - he is hopeful, and determined to succeed It is decided that we go to Hartford tomorrow 2:10 PM. Speak at night. Leave on Thursday for N.Y. do what is needed there. Go to Wash at night, find our best way to go to Cuba - Let Mrs Reed join us and go directly to return in three weeks. We will see how nearly we can carry it out. Meriden to Hartford -- to South Manchester Tuesday Sep. 12 99 Wrote Saml M Jarvis " J. B. Hubbell " Marion Balcom " Postmaster Washington " S. E. Barton At 2:10 left for Hartford with M & Mrs Atwater Went U. S. Hotel. Ladies called 15:15 Mrs and Mr. Cheney came. At 8 to YMCA Hall to speak. hall was full had to adjourn to Park church. I read a paper. M Green read the Independent. M Atwater made a few remarks - a general hands shake - Took trolley for South Manchester - A most lovely home - supper. elegant retired in beautiful chamber -South Manchester to Meriden Wednesday Sept 13 99 Spent morning in the beautiful grounds of Mr. & Mrs. Cheney. Mr. C donated silk Cuban flags and one American as well. Left for Meriden 11+. Made number ready for Wash. I packed my trunks Meriden to Washington Thursday September 14 Left M. 7 am for N.Y. transacted our business. Called on M Keller called on Mr Howell "outlook" " " Mr Jarvis " I went to Govt Bldg saw Col. Jones. Col Moor out Found that our time omitted of getting the 3 o clock train for home. Took it. arriving Wash 9+ home 10 ½ all in bed. Only Mr Balcom and Mason They dressed. we had supper and retired once more in my own room and surroundings could not at once throw off the old sadness but believe it will be a step in the right directionWashington. Atwater leaves for Cuba. Friday Sept 15 1899 Mr. Atwater goes to town attends to all business he could and returning decides that there is little in the way of a start. Meanwhile I felt that the conditions did not merit my nor Mrs. Reed going at present, and after [?] she decided that we, ie Mrs. Reed and I would wait and Mr. Atwater go on by himself. He left by the night train for Havana. Southern Circle could get no reduction in fare. I let him have at 250. Washington. Glen Echo Saturday Sept 16 1899 Wrote Mrs. Reed of change of plan. asking that she come to Washington if she felt like it. The mail getting straightened and all coming in from every [?] is very large. between 20 & 30 I write and post over 20 with no help. I find trouble with the Indianapolis Societies. it seems that the people organized a Red +(Cross) Aux. of which Dr. Gardner had written Later Mr. & Mrs. Hanna wrote asking leave to incorporate. I supposed it to be the same society and commented if they would make some amendments. it seems they proceeded without and went on to incorporate and to send me newspaper clippingsGlen Echo - Take ride - Browns come. Sunday Sept 17 1899 which show them to have 2 societies and in a fight. I say nothing. but must let them fight their own battles. we shall not meddle. We decided to take a ride - A lovely day. and we three took the good strong team and a lunch and went out for the day returning abt 4 - We were scarcely home when R.G. Dr. Lucy. Miss Glen, & Mrs. Robertson came: They had located at the Shoreham to attend electric Conference. would stay till over then come and make me a visit as I had proposed - I have frequent letters from Mrs. Rathbone and M.R. She left on Sat by Ste Mexico. will be at 5th our Hotel on 22nd. I don't think I can return to meet her. Glen Echo Monday Sept 18. 1899 I am feeling badly. sleep very little have pain in the head - congestion The writing too heavy. have grave focus of not being able to carry myself though. No one appears to know of my return The Equinoctual commences. Heavy rains - Letters from Dr. Hubbell. all goes well but the bills come in.To Glen Echo - Tuesday Sept-19. 99 This day like the others. no change from the office work. but try to get the home up a little - Am feeling very badly. Glen Echo Wednesday Sept 20 99 The Elective meetings are going on The Browns are at the Shoreham I am trying to get up my work to be ready for them to come here. Some very heavy rain - Glen Echo Thursday Sept 21, 99 Marion is ill in bed. We have had the girl come back this week. Emma does the washing and things get a little more home-like. Mr. Brown comes to say that they shall come to spend Friday with me. This means to get down carpets and fix things generally. No one to help. Marion still in bed. M. Balcom and I work till midnight on carpets. Glen Echo Friday Sept 22 99 sent for Emma early - we put down the three carpets that came from the City office. Frances came to help. Dr. Lucy and Miss Ster came & we went to ride. All came to dinner & the night. Mrs. Rathbone is at 5th Ave Hotel. It is decided that I go home with Dr. Lucy and meet Mrs. Rothbone. I pack my suitcase & make ready to go at 8 in the morning.Glen Echo to New York Saturday Sept 23 99 All left at 7 1/2 Telegraphed Mrs Rathbone & Mrs Reed - Arrived at NY 3 pm M Brown went with me to 5th Ave Hotel - met Mrs. R had a call. and went to Brooklyn with R.G. New York Sunday Sept 24 99 Went with M Brown to call on Mrs. Rathbone from 10 till 1 pm. Met M. Roberts of Asso Pres. with where she went to dine. I went home. Sent for Mrs. Coombs She spent the evening is not well. had Dr. Lucy examine her. MalariaMonday Sept 25 99 Telephone Steve - he came at 1- Dr. Lucky went to town I wrote M Atwater. & Mrs Reed. had dispatch from Mrs. Reed She will leave Boston on Friday - I wrote her I will not wait but go soon Dr. Lucy and I were to call on Mrs. Rothbone after 7. but it looked so like rain, and the wind was so high we telephoned to Mrs. R and declined. She will go to Phil. Thursday to Wash. Saturday. Mrs Reed will go abt the same time = Called Steve on tel f. he came at 1. had long visit - Miss Coombs[?] came at night New York or Brooklyn - Tuesday Sept 26. 99 I have set this day to go home - Pack my valise while drawing The day so far is dull and dark There seems to have been very little accomplished by this trip - i.e externally A rain prevents my taking the 8 o clock train - wait till noon R.G. goes with me to Jersey City for 3 o clock train. I hand for car fares $ - 2.00 R.G. buys me magnifying mirror 1.75 The city is full of Dewey decorations reach home 5 pm Marien still in bedWednesday Sept 27 Thursday " 28 Friday " 29 These three days are much the same. The house was so in- fested with mice that all hands must take hold to clear them out. Emma came, we took the store room in hand Wednesday. " pantry on Thursday " cellar on Friday. cleared all food from the rooms that could feed the mice. covered every thing - washed and put in order. M Balcom went to town Thursday & Friday Did little errands. bought rat poison & traps. have shed Havana news 27 28 29 Letters came from Atwater on Thursday & Friday of the trouble with Sollerro and the supplies he had secreted Atwater asked for dispatch by cable saying to Sollerro that he (A) was my agent & to turn over all goods to him. I sent this cable by M Balcom Thursday on Friday he went to pay for it - he having had it put on acct as of old - the rates were only half: as formerly. The weather is getting cold Letter from Mrs. Reed she will come on Saturday. Glen Echo Atwater left Cuba for N.Y. Saturday Sept 30 /99 Mrs. Reed came at 11- Very cold for the season Dispatches from M. Javis and letter from Mrs. Javis had come on Thursday & Friday for me to go to NY to the Dewey reception - I could not go and so telegraphed & wrote Letters from Atwater telling of the arrest of himself & Hubbell for house breaking - notices in the papers. to that effect M Balcom goes to city for Mrs Reeds trunk. Mavin has a chill each day. but does not want me to know it so I don't Glen Echo 1st frost Sunday October 1 1899 one more month commenced a quiet uninteresting Sunday only Mrs. Reed and I to make up the day - We had a frost last night the first of the season. Made a fire in parlor to warm Mrs Reeds chamber Removed her to [room] to Bubs chamber. which I put in order very warm and sunny.Glen Echo Mrs. Rathbone came Monday Oct. 2, 1899 Letter tells me that Mrs Rothbone is at the Raleigh. and will come out at 10 today - She came at noon. Lunched. talked of plans. Went over the house. will return and stay some. she proposes to make some trips over the country and intercept people in our work. Tomorrow is our "Dewey day; Mrs. Reed and I propose going & view the parade Glen Echo Dewey day - Tuesday October 3, 1899 Mrs. Reed and I went to town of 10 am. road obstructed. went to Raleigh Mrs. [Reed gone to ca] Rathbone gone to capitol to see the sword presented to Admiral Dewey by President McKinley We watched from the hotel - streets filled. Decorations very pretty Mrs. Rathbone returned I. went to Alex with a friend - We lunched - and returned Cold hard day. home at dusk Letters from Mr. Atwater. things remain much the same. Dr. Hubbell. Carbonell & Trotgis are forming asylums as fast as possible Atwater and M Rothbone. doing up the law business - i.e. by the lost letter which is news a week old, just waht they may be doing now is uncertain.Glen Echo Wednesday Oct. 4 1899 Letters from Atwater & Genl. Rathbone. Both determined to carry matter to a just end. Genl. Brook appears to stand by Genl. Rathbone, and so all the military. It will require all this force to combat successfully the deep laid schemes of the arch leader whose hand will be on the throt all through, they will make a mistake if they fail to see and recognize this in all the do. he is advising Solloso, and is himself kept advised thorough in Clark - Glen Echo. Mrs Rathbone could not come. sent letter. dinner ready Thursday Oct 5 1899 Get house ready in expectation of Mrs Rathbone to come to dinner. Jennie left. sick. another girl came - Emma here. Letter from Mrs. Rathbone that she could not get off today Has to meet the daughters. Letter from Atwater, Hubbell, Miss Trotzig: Cobb is in Havana it seems. He has probably gone under the auspices of of Mr. Jarvis - this is a move well meant, how it will "pan out", remains to be seen. it surely gives him an advantage in the struggle; but if it proves to be one more link in the chain I have only to recognize it. each turn makes the grip a little tighter. All mean well. Patience & submission are the great lessons to learn.GlenEcho,rainy Friday October 6 1899 Saturday Oct.7. 1899 Paid Higgins for 1 1/2 bin hay delivered - 18.00 paid Jenny Gray to end 1.75 " Robert 12. " telegram for At[?] .50 " " to " .30 " for meat 1.30 33.85Glen Echo, Mrs. Ralthene-Colwath came Sunday October 8 Emma came to do the day- Mavin still in bed- M. Slearen and Israel came- Slearen will see the price of the bluff lots and the prospect of the road giving this to note my [illegible] I give the little heefer to Clauser Israel Tell them to try to use Robert They stay to [illegible] M Atwater comes at it Tells of the drivings in Helena- M.Cobb is there- Dr Hubble still held for [illegible] Atwater will return tomorrow and try to clear it up- I have to make out a statement of [transactions?] with Sollerro I have it signed by the sec of state Glen Echo Atwater left for home Monday October 9, 1899 Went to the city with Atwater " " Mrs Murry to have over draft of statement put on type writer and signed and well on its way- Have a Parer of Atty for Cuba made out to Atwater-both papers will be mailed to him at Meriden We try to have at call on White House but no one there- Went to G.P. waited for interview It is decided that Atwater go by Sat. ss to [illegible] he will spend tomorrow in NY. We leave for the 6 1/2 train- he for NY. & for home in the night- Find Mrs. Rothlkene- +family & Mr Reed [illegible] [illegible] Turn the check over to Atwater to be drawn to pay [Room?] bills as her [illegible] page Continued Roosa's bills for goods ordered by Dr Hubbell were for goods sent by first shipment $112.50 For goods sent by 2d shipment These Billes M Atwater takes to N Y to pay .M Roosa - I hand to M. Atwater to pay them with check & orders as below - 2.50 2.00 .90 2.00 56.35 168.46 5.00 10.00 10.00 4.50 1.00 4.19 5.00 5.00 830.33$ 1107.17 glen Echo - to city . Mrs Rathbn left Last payment + Tuesday October 10 1899 Mrs. Rathbone left this morn'ng for Alexandria - She spoke with me about funds I asked how much would do fr me she did not know. she will ask to have Mr. Clark recalled, & dismissed I offer to recall all of my people - I give Mrs Rathbn check on Riggs f $200.00 I present her a little Turkish garnet pin which she much admired Mrs Reed & I went to city - to Mrs Murry got Power of Atty drawn & executed also saw statement all signed by Atty Genl & Sec of State, ready to sent with Power of Atty to Atwater went to Treasuy to see Mary Barten she will stay in house - will repair I examined Tres. paper find abt 400.00 Go to G. P. -- 500 -- 40. Mrs Reed will leave tomorrwGlen Echo Mrs Reed left for home Wednesday Oct. 11 1899 Went to Georgetown with Mrs Reed to examine stores at [Haurglots?] They will come and see my self feeder with view to repairing it - Mrs Krause came with a sweet potato bread & flour for nutriment came from Dr Derrer - she has gone to War Dept with a card from me Mrs. Reed returned with me and went directly back to Mrs Pockett for the night & home tomorrow - Letter from Dr. Hubbell, hopes to get the Sollom trouble over, soon, but Mr Cobbs presence there blocks the wheels. Glen Echo - Mrs Straus the sweet potato advocate came to stay all night - Thursday Oct 11. 1899 Got up early to write for the mrning mail - wrote five letters. Mail brot a letter from Dr E M Moore saying they had 500 dolls for me. I wrote a brefe letter in reply. but am not sure if I am right in sending it - will hold it a little & consider Mrs Strauss comes back from an interview with Mrs Genl Miles and stays all night. Letter from Dr. Cobb is of course blocking every move. it is petty and poor, but can't be helped - (for a wonder no one has asked me for money today - an item of sufficient rarity to be noted;)Glen Echo - Mrs Straus - Boxes - Friday oct 13. 1899 no letters of great importance except a cordial invitation from Mr. Garies to visit them. In order to get at my stores for repairs the 4 great boxes in the vault room must be moved. We opened them. Cuban Relief from 58 Williams st - packed them in side cupboard in hall - mainly books and pamphlets & envelopes - they were the last of Steve's work - it has been a hard work - I am sorry it was ever began, it would have been better to keep still and do nothingDiplomas Madam Jovrin M Jose Hernandes " Chas Eggleston Dr John B Sollerro " Medel M Antonies Madrozo " Manuel Tribas " Gustavo Casannova " Chas H Cottrell Julio Carbonell M.D. J.B. Hubbell M.D. Miss Trotzig " Ruthett Adams Miss Catharine Rhodes M Geo. Carter String Miss Ilka [Condory?] Mr Eben White Miss Winnis Fariesh " Ellen Betts Dr Jose Md Zyers Dr Jose Maria Pardeñus M FredericoReturn in 5 Days to The outlook company 287 Fourth Avenue new York A. R. Keller THE NEW ENGLAND COMPANY, 156 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Telephon 3113- 18th st Telephon No. 3113 18th St. A. R. Keller S. E. Barton 58 Willam telf 1777 John plans. june 25. Doc go to states Wed - tell Edson, curry letter See O Neill, hav clk & Rhds called home. See G. P. take letter to him See pap P at G. P. if there have him go to Chicago = Chic. R. C. Ceelon Orphan Lunch See Genl Wilson . get C C C. a place See Rathbon get White on to something - See Humphrets tomorw Carbonele for J. B. H. 100. /or June Carbones for San Jose Asylum 50 ?bell - for Express 10 ?ll for ExpressE. S. Mussey, Lawyer, Successor to R. D. Mussey, 470 Louisiana Ave., N. W Washington, D. C. After 10 days, return to E. H. READSHAW, Lock Box 470 DANSVILLE, Livingston Co., N. Y. Miss Coombs 185 High - Bvd. Tel. NO . 4848 Cortland: Mrs. William Doane (Saybrook). of 766 West End Avenue New York City member of Dr Chas H Eatens church 76 St and 8 ave. house 35 W 48 st -Ny. Met Mrs Doan at Saybrook Aug 27 1899- Ex. [Govenor] Morgan G. Buckley Harford. Mr Francis B evaley Hartford a friend of Geo. M. Pullman Genl Wm. H. Buckley. brother of Morgan Mr Leverett Brainard brother in law of the Buckleys M. Albert Van Schelle Merxplas. Belgium Mrs Gen "Cornelia" C Fairbanks 1800 Mass ave George [?Irving] Smothers (Colored Boy.) commenced work Wednesday Oct 25. wages to be $12.00 per month for one month. [?] E.E.B.Havana - Cuba June 22-1899- Dr. Cash. sight [?Dft] on Edson Treasurer $1000.00 Cr. Cash June Salary to Dr. Carbonell. pr.J.B.H. 100.00 "24 Miss Corrdora month salary 20.00 "25 Dr. Carbonell for Expense "26 in foundary San Jose Asy. 50.00 " " D. Hubbell for Expense 10.00 " " Cottrell for General Expense 200.00 " " Self for incidental Ex. 5.00 " 28 cottrell for salaries 500.00 " 30 T. B. Hubbell 10.00 " " to pay steamer ticket 52. 60.00 1 July to Miss Lutzig for cobbler [?] 5.00 " Mensby WC. 2.50 Havana Cuba June 30 1899 Dr Cash Draft on Edson Treasurer $1000.00 Cr cash paid T. B. Hubbell to go N.Y. - pay fare 150.00 July 1 " pay Mr cottrell salary fr July 125. " " Dr. Carbonnell for expenses in Transportation & etc. 100. " " Dr. Carbonell for San-Domingo " " and eval fish 775 lbs @ 5 1/2 100 " 3 C.H.Cottrell for transportation 50 from Cuba if desired " 2 for Soltosso rent - bill 150 3 Cottrell returned 150.00 " " Bill for painting (coll) 48. 8 ' 4 Sollosso Herbert 81. " 5 To clark for trans actions 25 " stamps 5 " carriage 3- car 1 4 " 6 clark. freight for Carbonell 30. " 7 O Brien Tank 169.61 8 Paret Warmer, trans N Y 48July 8 Dr. Cash W. L. & T. Aug 21 1899 Dr check to Saml M Jarrier 1000 to be sent to his bank Havana North Am Trust co, to be draw by Mrs E G Rathbon & I Carlonell this check drawn on Wash loan 8 First Aug 18 Atwater return to me frm W. L . & T after paying bills 246. Aug 25 I paid out Rent & etc 40Copiees of Dr Hubbels report Sent to Maj. Genl John R. Brooke " " Ludlow Brig " Wilson Steve E. Barton John Jay Edren E. E. Balcom Dr & Enola Gardner Mrs. Alma J. Foster.