Clara Barton Diaries and Journals Diarists other than Clara Barton Galay, Minna Kupfer, Aug. 1888- Dec. 1893 (Diary notes)Poor poor Minnie. No one to take her record but By and no out to take hers May 1904 1888 Monday 18th Aug. Mr & Mrs. H & myself went [ ] with the excurtion boat to the resort, a pennisular in [ ] Lake, from which one has a pretty view on both lakes, the little one being bordered by green shores [it is about 5 miles distant] the mouth as it is called is about 5 miles distant hilly or covered with trees and shrubs, about a dozen collages are scattered on the top of the hill & a hotel on a small scale. The cottages are mostly owned by families that spend their Summer vacation there the beach is broad & [suitable} convenient for bathing. We had to come home in the evening on a tug boat, as the other had gone with a party to Muskegon. [Mrs. H is finalizing} Working [ ] It was the day I had set for returning home but the weather being stormy I put my departure off until Friday evening after wards we learned that the boat did not go.Thursday 15th of Aug. An invitation in the evening to go with a party in the Bertette, Mr. Linderma's pleasure boat. we were landed on a cove, pieces of carpets, chairs, guitar & fiddle, where we had some music [ ] of stories; we were home again in the moonshine at half past 11, having had a pleasant evening. Friday 16th of Aug. Homewards bound in the boat Covell, which left Whitehall at 7 in the evening. All the bearths were filled it was quiet lovely night, with half of the moon shining on the water. At 8 we landed at State [ ], where I found Abram waiting for me, and was well [ ] home both by him or Minette who met me at the train at 9 a.m. I was away 6 weeks & am complimented on my good looks. 9th Sept 1889 The house is painted and looks exceedingly well, a stone yellow colour with a darker shade for the blinds and still darker for the trimmings. We like it very much. [ Mr. Pebble charges $80 for the house & barn and $9 for the kitchen, which is of a sea blue, which makes it very cheerful.] 12th Sept. Minette went back to Mrs. Z. to work there for the minister, they wanted her very much, so I had to give her up much sooner than we expected. 17 Sept. I called on Mrs. Ryan, on Mrs Kimball, on Mrs Raw, on Mrs. Salisbury, who was not at home, on Mrs Tallsted. 18 Sept. I went to see Mrs. Hulbert, but found she had the painters & carpenters, so I made my call short. 24 Mrs Jennings called in the morning. 24 Sept. I called at the Mrs. Merrill at her son's wife [daughter] who board with the parents. I also called at Mrs Thorp & Miss Halloway, found only the latter at home. 28 Sept. Beautiful day. Boddy came to cement the cellar basement as far as up to the stairs. Ab. has not been able to have a vacation so we decided to wait for the papering of the rooms until [ ]1889 [ ] 21 Aug. Mrs. Ammacker, her little Georgie and [ ] Louise Hedinger, a young Lady, lately came from Switzerland came to spend part of the day with us. 26th Aug. The painters began to pain the house, [there were three of them], Mr. Pebble asks $80 to paint house, barn a veranda, with the exception of the roof. [27 Aug. Only I painted [ ] ] [28 Aug. One painter came to find what was left.] For the kitchen and pantry he asks $9. [Now the first coat is put on, next Monday, they will begin with the second coat.] 31 Aug. The kitchen & pantry are painted a bluish seat water color. It looks well. I have finished the works for the church fair, Mrs Zimmerman asked me to make, Minnette has made her work some time ago. 31 Aug. 89. Saturday. A telegram came yesterday from C. B. [she will] I went to see her at the Sherman House to day, dined with her & Dr. Burnett's family. Clara was at Milwaukee at the meeting of the G. B. R. & has gone back to Johnstown to finish her work there. I left home at 8.00 to go first to Mrs Zimmermans, the Dr. has come back from Europe & [ ] from N.Y. & Walter is now in Germany in school. The weather [continued hot. The kitchen is painted and rearranged & looks nice.] April 26 me in the house cleaning; a great deal was accomplished [ until] to Sunday the 4th of May when she had to return to Chicago. 4th May. Was hunting [ ] working man [could] without success. Found a lady with whom I [ ] acquainted when we first came here on one of my walks, but could never [not] find the house, her name is Mrs Padelford, she lives on the South Side corner of 3rd Av. & 8th St. she knew me at once & had found out my name so we renewed the acquaintance. 8th May 1890 Thursday. Mr. Pebble sent a man to paper our rooms, the East spare room up stairs, the hall, & 3 rooms on the 1st floor. 9th of May. The good Lord provided a good man for taking up the carpet & do all the outside work, but this has to be put off as it rains all day; it grew cold the evening. My wash woman aught to have come on Thursday she disappointed me, fortunately I could get Mrs. Lobel, the woman who washed for me all winter, who did the washing 10 of May Saturday. One continues [ ] rain all night with lightining & thundering, this morning 3 inches of water all over the basement at 10 having not subsided I sent Lobel to hunt up Boddy [who did the cementing the outlet must be filled up. no end of expenses.] but he did not come. 11 May Sunday morning- the water has gone out of the cellar, what remained, I dipped up with a cloth. Thursday 13th May; the painter finished this evening with papering the 4 rooms and the hall. Lobel has beaten the carpets & on Wednesday 14th May, he laid [ ] our bedroom carpet. 1891 January [ ]8 Wednesday, a gentle raining day, but I went to the city and where Ab. met me, and together we went to the Baltimore & Ohio Depot, where we were 3/4 of an hour together before we had to take leave of each other. The dear man arranged for me to go to Wash. to visit C;ara Barton and ask her if she could have me during his absence. I have lots to attend to, letters to write and ever so much to do before leaving. 30 Jany. Early this morning came a telegram from Clara Barton, which said: Abram here. nothing could be better come at once. Clara Barton I called on Mrs. [ ] on Mrs. Rott, on Mrs. Woodruff and Mrs. Merritt; on Mrs Tate, on Mrs Bullard, and took dinner at Mrs. Talsted. I expect to start Sunday. 1891 Le E8 Mai I went to the city to see the family Fuerst and Mrs Zimmerman, who is recovering from a long illness, nervous fever. 6th June. Minnie & Lizzie Fuerst came this evening to stay until Monday morning it had rained all day, it stopped in the evening. 7th Sunday. It was cloudy all day but did not rain in the afternoon we walked to River Forest. 8th Monday. Mrs Jennings had another little girl, born at 10 last night. 11 June. I called on Mrs. Hubbert and on Miss Buck. When I came back my neighbor told me that 2 ladies called during my absence, by descriptions she gave it must have been Mrs. Kimball and Mrs. Freyer- 23rd June. Mrs Padelford called, I am going to make her a visit to morrow she will be in her pony [ ] at the P.P. after 11 o'clock. Then Mrs. Tate called. after she was gone I called on Mrs. Jennings and her new baby. 1/ 28 Jany [ ] Ab left at 3p.m. by the Baltimore & Ohio railroad for Wash. Friday 30 I had a telegram from C.B.- Saturday morning be 31 Jany received a telegram & Postal from A. N.Y. he telegraphed half an hour before going on board the steamer Saturday 1 Feby Minnette came out to help me with the packing, I disposed with the plants to the neighbors. Monday [ ] Feby at 1. We left Maywood together, at the B & O Dept Mrs Zim. came to be me good bye. Tuesday 3d. I took a sleeper, the day went rapidly, [ ] this [ ] it rained night & day, it began when we left Maywood. Already before 5 p.m. we arrived in Wash. Wednesday 4. The sunshine again although for [ ] years I have not been staying at C.B.'s it seems natural to be with her. 8 Monday. Rain all day long- 13. The rain keeps up. I had a note from Parkhurts & Wilkinsons who tells me of the safe arrival of the Aurania in Queenstown, Mr. P. had a cable 1891 on Tuesday 10th Feby, from Abram dated Birmigham [ ] Mr. Park says by that we have every reason to believe that he had a safe journey and is all right. Monday 16. Mr Hitz called in the evening Wednesday 18 Feb. A clearing day, as Clara has not time to go out with me, I wasn't alone, strolling through the beautiful streets until I came to Gen. Scott's [ ], then I turned homeward again. 20 Feb. on an other slip of paper 23 Monday. A letter from Louise from Monte Carlo, she had not yet Abram's letter. I went to see Mrs. Homes, and took [ ] do with them. For the afternoon & ladies from Dansville called on Miss B. I was called down, one was Miss Blake, it gave me great pleasure to meet her, as I liked her very much in Dansville. Clara has gone out in the afternoon and again in the evening. Dr. Hubbell has returned from N.Y. The national Chautauqua. a universal university for teachers, for which the brothers Baltzley have given 50 acres of land at Glen Echo to erect a suitable building for this purpose. Miss. C. Baron was elected President of one of the committee in this [ ]. Feby 1891. From the same gentle men a grant of land was given [to Miss B] for a Red Cross house at Glen Echo. 1891 20 Feb. my birthday, a letter from Minette- a letter from Abram Birmingham, he has not received my first letter yet written [ ] Feb Sunday in Maywood, [how could that letter have got lost] my 2d one from W. will have been due shortly after his last note, I shall be very anxious to know if he received it. I have sent off a letter now to Geneva. 22 Feb. Sunday. Washington's birthday. [ ] the Dr. has gone to New York Friday. [I am alone at home Clara has gone to a reception]. The weather is pretty good to day Ernest has left for Indian Territory, his home. Clara & I are alone at home, she did not go out to day. Dr. Rebecca Barnard- Dear Dr. Through Miss C. Barton with whom I am staying, I learned that Dr. Bernard your father whom I know, has departed this earth life; will you kindly let me know if you [shall] keep and sell the canker coffee and the price of one lb. Yours very respectfully Mrs. M.K. Golay c/o Miss C. Barton 1915 Vermont Av Washington D.C. 1891 Feby 26. Today it snowed continuously. Mr. [ ] Barton arrived to day with his daughter M[ ], her father left this same evening for the South, and Miss [ ] is going to stay for a few weeks at her aunt. 28th Feby. A cold wave followed the snow storm; we all went out in [ ] for a ride through the city. [we were going to call on Mrs Hitz but she was out which I regretted very much]. There are a number of [ ] [ ] in different parts of the city. this is the best of the month and I had no letter this week from Abram. March 1st. Sunday. I went to the New Jesu salem church with Mrs. Hitz; Rev Lewell is the pastor. March [ ] Received a letter from Ab. dated 19th Feby. He expected to be on the 22d in Bris and on the 1st of March at Geneva if all goes well. [Monda] Tuesday 3 March. Another letter from Abram which I aught to have received last week, it is dated from Birmingham the 15th Feby. My letter from Maywood arrived though delayed all night. March 3, 91 It is still cold, we had a long ride in the carriage, visited the Capitol, stopped some time in the Senate and also in the house of representatives. We called on Mrs Hitz, who I hardly recognized, she has grown so fleshy and she wore dark blue spectacles, as she has trouble with her eyes; it was a great pleasure to me to see once more. 5 March. Miss B went to New York today to a meeting which will be held this evening, the subject of the meeting is to erect a memorial hall in memory of the federal prisoners in the civil war. 9 March C.B. has come back to day from New York in pouring rain 10 March. The first nice day, Mrs. Hitz called 16. We went for a drive through the city. the horses did not behave well, they refused to advance the way round the Patent office. Clara & I stepped out of the carriage we did not do anything this afternoon, it began to grow cold, the wind blew the dust about so we turned soon home. 17 Miss Myrtis and myself went to the city in the cars to do some shopping. 18 Social at Mr. Lewell's, the clergyman of the N.C. to which I went, Mr Hitz [ ] for me. 22 March. Sunday. It rained yesterday and to day all day long, did not go to church. 23- Rain continues 1891 March 24- We all went shopping, the weather cloudy, sprinkling snow and thin, I bought my presents to Minette a for of earrings with a little small stone. To Mrs Jennings a doz bone plates, To Mrs. Talsted, I sent already a lb. of canker coffee, and bought a doz napkins, as she took charge of most of my plants. To Mrs Kelly a glass basket, In the evening we went to Mrs. Holmes, where Miss Myrtis played and sang and Mrs. Taylor 25 March. The weather clearning up, we started at 9.40 for Glen Echo, on the Potomac, Maryland, where the large Chautauqua building is being erected. the brothers Baltzley have given 80 acres for this institution of sciences, and they are having the building put up. Miss B. is also given ground to put up a Red Cross house. The country is hilly & will be very romantic when everything is green and all the buildings are put up. We picknicked on the grounds. and came home near {9} o'clock. Easter day 29 March. I had a letter yesterday from Ame"lie, Abram paid them a visit on the 11th of March and left on the 13th at noon to go back to Geneva. We had 2 very bad days, snow and them rain and cold and wind, but this morning the Easter sun was bright I had intended to go to church, but instead we went into the country to see Mr and Mrs Gleeson, on their farm 6 miles from the city, in Maryland. We were invited to stay for dinner. The country is most beautiful there, hilly, Mr Gleason owns 180 acres of land and [ ] number of houses in the city' he has a charming family; they have a married daughter living near them. Mrs. Israel. whose youngest child is named after Miss B. On our way home we went though the grounds of the Soldiers Home, whose founder is General Scott { famous} of the Mexican War. It is a delightful and beautiful home. April 1. Wednesday. We were all invited to dinner to Mr and Mrs Smith, the most charming and delightful people I ever met. Miss Myrtis sang and recited some poems, her beau tiful voice charms everybody and her reciting was as good as any eloucutionist could have done. The dinner was very elaborate; they are vegetarians, Mr. Smith is a beautiful man, as tall as Ab. Lincoln but with a full long beard and charming manners.; his lady is affection embodied, we came home after midnight. Sunday {5}th April. We ac companied Miss Myrtis to the station, she went home to Boston. At that station the ex-president Garfield was shot, the spot wherehe fell in the first waiting room was marked with a gold star in laid on the stone (mosaic) floor. on the wall is a marble stone stating the fact. Mrs. Phoenix, the cook is sick, Clara & I did some of the ironing yesterday and the cooking. It was pretty fine to day but also pretty cold. I did of course not go to church. 1892 Friday 11th March. Fine day. cold. I went to Oak Park to [...] and [...] in the afternoon and called on Mrs. Annacker Saturday 12th March. I went to the funeral of old Mrs. Fredrick. March 13th My husband's birthday for the first time I gave him a present, my photograph framed and I had a good dinner to treat him with; he was very much pleased and I was happy by it. April 28. Mrs. Annacker & Louise Hadinger came in the afternoon. May 3rd. I let the fire go and in the sitting rooms. May 6. Walter [unknown] arrived at [unknown] after having been in school for 3 years in Germany. May 7th. We had began this month with a three-days thunderstorms with heavy rains warm and damp in the night from Wednesday to Thursday it rained [unknown] heavily. 1892 and continuously, in the morning I had to d??? and the water from the cellar. 33 pailfuls I carried out, beginning at 7.30 and leaving off tired out at noon -- The river is overflowing, the road has disappeared in the water, River Forest. Oak Park and Mooreland suffered a great deal from the the water; in many other places there was an overflow of the rivers -- Maywood suffered very little, with the exception of a few cellars that were flooded. To day the sun shines; but it is cold. May 14th I feel sick with an attack of bronchitis, so I wrote to Minette to come and take care of me and help me with the A????? cleaning, which on account of the weather has been put off from week to week. She came this evening and can stay until Saturday morning, and if necessary she can come again next week for a few day. May 14th 1892. Minette has really decided to leave the Z...nn's and has written to that effect to Mrs Z... they accept her resignation but wish she would stay until the Summer vacation, which she will do. May 19th. We had a rainy day yesterday and to day is not any better, we are kindred in our cleaning. Minette cleaned the parlor and the pantry and all the closets are cleaned. Saturday 21st May. Minette went to Mrs Z--- this morning it is Lillie's birthday 8 years old; she will most likely come back for 2 days next week. She cleaned the parlor thoroughly; another day the pantry, the china closet & my bed room closet. Thursday it rained, Friday it was cold & wet, she she baked made cookies, dough nuts & biscuits. I am getting better, though very weak. Sunday 22nd May. We were already in bed when there was a knock at the door & then at the window; Ab. went to open the door and there was Minette come back. Monday 23 she cleaned our bedroom; Tuesday 24th the sitting room: Wednesday we expected the woman ^on Thursday to clean the kitchen1892 she did not come, but the old man came to cut the grass. Minette went back to Chicago at 1. p.m. Tuesday 24 May. Mrs. Stange came and cleaned the kitchen, and was the whole day at it, and I helped all I could and was tired and hot in the evening, but we had a beautiful day, not too warm, just right to work, only in my weak state any work puts me in a perspiration. Saturday 28th May. All day stormy, wind or rain and clouds all over. Sunday 29th May. The morning bright Mr. Watson came by the train at 10 a.m. - it was very warm, they went out together whilst I was making the dinner. It was 5 p m. when I sat down to my reading; the sky turned all dark & threatening -- Monday 30th. Decoration day, it looks cloudy and rained in the afternoon. I am taking Murdock's Liquid Food for a time - I still feel weak & perspired dreadfully all night. June 6 3 ? We had severe thunderstorms at the beginning of night, after that during the day, with capions rain and the 2 following days lesser storms during the day, it is very warm & damp and cloudy. 9th June I ventured to go as far as Mrs Sharp's house, I found her in bed with siatic rheumatism; I called on Mrs Goodridge. The republican convention is held at Minneapolis; they fight for Secretary of State Blair & the president Benjamin Harrison. June 11th Saturday. I went to Chicago, dined at Mrs Z; and called on she Tuers?? -- It was very warm & sultry and I felt increasingly tired. June 12th. We had a severe thunderstorm in the afternoon, but the most violent storm with high wind & a poring rain came over us at 8 'o'clock which lasted an hour then it grew a little tamer & continued to 11. when I finally fell asleep. Ab. was up & went into the cellar - we did not have as much water in it as the rainy season in May, still it gave me lots to do to air & to carry out & in the sacking with which I soaked up the water. 1892 15th June. Mrs. Holliger, Tillie Fuerst that was came on a visit by invitation, it did not rain that day. Sunday 19th June. Since Wednesday we had every day a thunderstorm with heavy rain. and if [was] it was not in day time; we had it at night, in fact it rained every night with thundering & lightening. This evening Mr. Holliger came with the 6 o'clock train. They went both home by the 9 o'clock train; Tillie would have stayed until Wednesday. This morning I had no water to dip out from the cellar, but to put out the sacking, which were wet. I feel dreadfully languid & tired from the heat & dampness, & so does Abram. 1892 Sunday 26th June. The first 4 days of the last week there was one continuous thunderstorm with heavy rain, the thunder rolled for hours together without ceasing; the lightning struck in many houses, barns & churches in the vicinity and in other States. for the same weather was everywhere; the river was even more overflowing than in May, being 4 feet of water over the road. The water in the basement kept me busy -- on Friday I had a man carrying it out, yesterday] Parkhurst & Wilkinson, IRON MERCHANTS. 148 to 164 Kinzie Street, BETWEEN N. CLARK St. AND LA SALLE AVE. 1892. Chicago, 18___ July 28. Minette went to a Pic.Nic of a Sunday school to Douglas Park. It began to rain towards evening, the weather grew cooler, after a week's intense heat. 4 August. We had pleasant weather, a thunder storm with hail cooled the air considerable lately. Yesterday Minette went to pay a visit of a few days to a friend of hers in Chicago. I went this morning to Oak - Park to make some purchases. Aug. 10. Minette came back, she is having her teeth fixed. Aug. 13. Minette went again to Chicago, will stay at her friend's Elise -- until her teeth are all in order Aug. 15 I was sick last night and very poorly all day. Aug. 16. Minette came back this evening with her teeth fixed. Aug. 18. Lillie Fuerst came with Ab. this evening to stay for a few days. Aug. 21 Minnie Fuerst came at 10 to spend the day with us. Aug. 23 Lillie returned home with Ab. this morning.1892 [29 Aug. We went once more to the dentist. We went to see Dr. Burnett.] Sep 12. Monday. Miss ??an, a school teacher comes partly to board with us; she goes home on Friday after school and returns for the evening meal on Monday. She occupies the East room and Minette is located in the West room. [13 Sept. Minette went to the city to do some errands, although the weather has been rainy since Saturday. it rained last night and to day it looks dark & stormy. 27 Sept. Mrs Fuerst came to spend a few days with us. 29. Minette went to the city. Mrs Fuerst & I were invited for a ride with Mrs Bulbard we have beautiful weather.] 30 Mrs Fuerst left to day. I went with Mrs. Jennings to the city. I bought at Tobey's furniture store a large leathern lounge I paid $35, it was the last day of the sale - it was a $45 lounge. [2d October Sunday, Minette has more scholars; she went to Oak Park to day.] 1892 Nov. 10. Miss Finan our boarder could not go to school to day, she is sick, had the Dr. and she occupies my bed. Nov. 11. Miss Finan was able to go home at 4 p.m.. An hour after she left, Clara Barton & Dr. Hubbell arrived unexpectedly & staid over night. Nov 12. Our visitors left at 10 a.m. they went to Chicago on R. Cross business and to meet some friends. Nov. 16. Mrs Zimmermann came at 11 a.m. and stayed until 4. 1893 June 4th Sunday. We went by invitation to River Forest to the Goodyears for dinner; where we met Dr. Hubbell, Dr. Gardner from Bedford and Mrs M. A. Hines. Abram joined the company after dinner. On the 29th of June I left Chicago at 9 a.m. to go to Bedford Indiana on a visit to Dr & Mrs Gardner and Clara Barton who was staying there. After a fatiguing, hot, smocky, dusty voyage, I arrived at Bedford at 5.18 p.m. On the 4th of July the family went in the wagon to the race groundJuly. 17th 1893. I got very much interested in the race, Mr. Marlan, the manager of the Real Cross Park had five horses in the ring, one Jeff Clay, won a first and second prize. Abram started to day for Montreal in Canada on business. In the evening of that day I felt sad. “Deadly sick with vomiting and" diarrhea which continued until after midnight. Friday 7th we spent the day at Mr. & Mrs Marlan’s at the Red Cross Park, which consists of ever so many acres of land and which was donated to the Red Cross by Dr. J. Gardner. There was a grand reception the day after my arrival in Bedford, of about 200 persons. On Saturday the 8th I left in the morning. and arriving In Chicago, Minnette met me at the Station. Abram arrived at midnight. In the night of the 17th Abram took suddenly very sick with vomiting, from midnight to morning and all the rest of the day. Then the medicine stopped it during the 2d day, but it began again July 17th 1893. in the evening; he was a very sick man and I was very anxious about him, his face was of a dark purple, and swollen up, and his eyes looked glassy and watery. On the 20th there was a slight improvement, which very slowly measured, thirst set in, but only on Sunday the 23d he began to eat a little. Today 25th he is gaining a little strength, but has not been able to sleep at night; the cool weather has left us and a great heat has set in. A letter received from Amelia today announces her departure from Berne on the 2d of August and on the 5th she will go on board the steamer at Antwerp, (Convert.) 25. July. We read to day in The Tribune of the failure of Parkhurst & Wilkinson, this most likely will induce Abram to leave his situation. July 30. Sunday. Abram is very slowly gathering up strength. It was after 4 o’clock when answering the door bell, I was surprised to find Dr. Hubbell with a niece of his, unknown to mestanding at the door; he had been attending to the wants of the many victims of the cyclone in Java and and is [going] starting back to Wash. this evening. I had a pleasant talk with Miss Hubbell. Yesterday 7 boxes & trunks have been sent to the Depot on the way to Nebraska, may the good Lord take them in his keeping! Tuesday 22 August. Abram & myself went to visit the World's Fair, we stood there all day. We have seen some of the exhibits in the Women's Building, in the Government Building, the Electric Building, the Manufacturing Building, the Transportation Building, and the Military Hospital. It is all very grand and the most beautiful workmanship of all the exhibits are wonderful. We have also been in the mining Building which is extremely interesting and wonderful to behold. There we have been in 6 Buildings, and there remains a great many more to be seen. My nieces went to go to the Fair Grounds with some friends. 1893 The bridal pair arrived in Inland, their destination on Thursday 31st of Aug. a day later than they expected. Sept 4th Amelie has begun her lessons at Mrs Rian's for 2 1/2 hours every day except Saturday, for $8 a month. Octob: 1st Amelie went to Chicago to spend the Sunday with the Hermans; Teeny is going South as governess. October 9th was the celebration of Chicago day at the World's Fair. Abram went with Amelie to Jackson Park, could not get there by train on account of the multitude of human beings, they arrived there a 1. p.m. by the boat. Over 600,000 persons visited the Fair on that day, which was a perfect beautiful day, they were home by 9 o'clock. Oct. Saturday the 28th at 8 in the evening Mayor Carter Harrison was assassinated in his own house by a man named Patrick Eugene Joseph Prendergast, he gave himself up after the killing. The Mayor was shortly to be married to Miss. Alice Howard, he was 68 years old. Monday 30th Oct. The last day of the Fair, it closes quietly on account of the dead Mayor.1893 29 Aug: Whilst we were at Minette's wedding in Chicago who should make us a call in Maynard, but Mrs L. Jones, the [?] Principal of Dansville Seminary, she could only stay a few hours and returns on Friday East again; so I shall not see her, for which I am exceedingly sorry; and she was as equally sorry to have missed me. Mrs. Kelly receives her to her house and was charmed with her sweet manners. On the 29th of Aug memorable for the wedding of my niece Minette; Dr. Zimmerman united them, and the newly wedded pair had a reception in the church room by the [Frai?en Ve?ain]. A copious dinner followed at Mrs. [Z?'s]; every body was kind and the 16 persons at the table all tried to make it a cheerful feast. Minette received handsome presents from the friends invited and from the ladies of the church. We left at 7 for Maywood; Paul & Minette at 7:30 for Nebraska. 1893 Nov. 8th Lizzie Fuerst spent 2 days with us. Nov. 13 Amelie went with Lizzie on Friday 10th & staid with Mrs. Vogel until Monday morning the 13th, when she came back with Lillie Fuerst. Nov. 14th Mrs Zimmermann came unexpectedly by the 11. train & staid until 4. Sunday the 19th of Nov. Mrs. Fuerst, Mr & Mrs Vogel (Jimmie) came to dinner & staid until 4. Lillie went home with them. We had the first snow in the night of the 21st to the 22nd Nov. when it continued snowing all day, after that we had a pretty cold snap, the wet snow froze and made it slippery walking. The 30th of Nov. Thanksgivings day in the way of our dinner we celebrated it with a 14 lbs Turkey, which was well cooked and gave us satisfaction. It snowed all the afternoon. 1st Dece: A cold wave, 4 deg. below zero. 2d " Snow -