CLARA BARTON FAMILY PAPERS Barton, Charles H. May 1883-Feb. 1901[*Gideons grandson Charles H. Barton*] Truckee California May 16' 1883 Miss Claria Barton Sherban Mass I might address You as My Great Aunt I suppose I saw Your name mentioned in the Sanframcisco Chronicle of last sunday and I thought I would write You as It reminded me of the kindness You showed my poor Brothe George when You found him Wounded at Feredisborg Va for which you will except my sincere thanks poor George died from the affects of that Wound in Red Bluff Cal, in december 18[6]75 I am A son of Samuel Barton of Windsor Maine Deacon Gideon Barton was my Grandfathr and A Good man he was I have been in California since 1868 am married and live in the Town of Truckee Nevada Co I have four Children two Boys & two Girles I am in the Leumbring business Truckee Is situated on the C P R R and Is the stopping place for all the principal Watering places o the Sierra Nevada Mountansshould You by chance come this way and stop at Truckee {as all Eastern Excurrionists do} I would like to see You and I will make It as pleasant as I can for You I am Well known here and should You pass Through here I would be pleased to see You I am Master of the Masonic Leodge here I was back to the State of Maine 3 Years ago and Spent the Winter I would Leike to hear from You Verry Much I will now dare Hopeing to hear from You sonn I am Yours Respectfully CH Barton Truckee Cal [*C. H. Barton Dont know who. #*] Truckee Cal Oct 24th 1886 Dear Cousin Clara I received Your letter In due time and It found all well as usual and still remain so I believe You are about returning to Washington so I have delayed writing the weather is Still pleasant altho It is Verry cold nights we are getting along Verry well with our Ice works have the Pond completed and full of water have an Ice House about completed 250 by 50 feet and It is all In Good shape Had Is at home today will go back this evening You spoke of us going to Nebraska I have often thought of going out there and after I get the Ice crop up I am going to take A Trip out ther sure I want to see Orren Verry much there is quite an excitemint here politicaly as It is near Election but I have no time to take A hand and dont know as I would If I had time May and the Baby are well I want You to be sure and write me a long letter when You get back home and get rested A little I will have to close for this time my kind Regards to Dr Hubbell from Your Cousin Had & Susie also May all send their love C H Barton Truckee Cal Ansd Feb. 3, 1901 -- C B [*1*] Gideons grandson Chas H Barton California Bartons Camp Hobart Mills Cal Jan 26 1901 Miss Clara Barton Washington DC My Dear Cousin I thought I would write you A few lines this evening thinking perhap You would like to here how we are getting along I am Logging as usual have A Verry large Contract which will last 2 Years more I worked 80 Horses last season and about 60 men I put in for the Summer 50 Thousand worth of Logs I have 2 camp and do all the Bossing Myself I have no Partner am all alone My Boys are with me Charley the second Boy has Horses of his own [a] and works for me Orren also works for me we are all well Daisy the Oldest Girl is married and has A little Boy 18 months Old and Has A Good Husband his name is Bates the live in Sierra Valley about 30 miles from Truckee I am about 10 miles from Truckee It is A new Town built since you wer here the Town is 7 miles North of TruckeeIt is Owned exclusively by the Hobart Estate the have A Verry large Sawmill A Box factory and Railroads for Logging &c they Employ about 300 men and Is A model Town without A Saloon Walter who was the cross Baby when You wer here is A Big fine Boy weigs 155 lbs I would like to see you Verry much and I did think I would come East this Winter but I cant seem to get time to go anyplace I am working A few men and 2 8 Horse teems this Wintr Holling on the Snow have had A fine Winter this far do You think You will ever come to California agan I thought perhap You would come when the President comes Next Spring Should You come then or at any time be sure and let me know becaus we all want to see You Orren the Doctor is living in Berkley have not seen him for 2 Years Horace is living in Reno Nevada Mr & Mrs Schaffer are both living but rather Feeble I dont think the Old man will live through the Winter now If You are not two buisy Just let me hear from You we often see You mentioned in the Newspapers and keep Track of You pretty well I was Verry Sorry to hear of the Death of the Queen Whe[??]e [????] one should at -- least Respect I shall certanly come back East next Winter and If I do I shall come to Washington You must have had A Hard time of It for the Past 2 Years especialy at Galvastan I think I will have to go to Sanfrancisco when the President is there we made A great Political Fight in Cal last fall Surprised ourselves well I think I will close for this time the folks all join in send the Love to You Hoping to here from You soon I remain Your Loveing Cousin C H Barton Hobart Mills CaliforniaGlen Echo, Md. Feb. 4, 1901 Chas. H. Barton, Barton's Camp Hobart Mills, Cal. Dear Cousin Charlie: - Your letter is like a fresh breeze from the pine woods. I can almost see the waters rushing by and only wish it were a reality. You are really doing a great business and as you have neither partner nor boss- things must go very much according to your own mind. I wish you might have found the time to come east; but we will wait for it. It is a good cousinly thing for you to find the time to write me, amid all your work. I am home now, having left Galveston about two months ago and have been at my country home at Glen Echo, a suburb of washington about seven miles out and across the line in Maryland. I have been at some hard fields since I saw you. I do not remember how many; but I had nearly a year and a half in Cuba,. I should think at the Sea Island Hurricane ten months since that time and at Galveston two months. Thus you see I have not been very steadily at home and the life has not been easy. I hear sometimes from the Cousins round about; but seldom see them. Stevy Barton lives in New York, is an insurance adjuster. I can hardly imagine that little baby to be 150 lb; but it has been a good while and boys grow fast. Dr .Hubbell is in Iowa with his family friends.He is pretty well I believe now and would send words of love to you if he were here. Neither of us have been West since we saw you-but would be very glad of the chance. I will take this letter as a forerunner and believe that you will follow it some day. lease give a great deal of love to your wife and the children and accept for yourself, the affectionate regards of your, Cousinn