Clara Barton General Correspondence Bishop, Eleanor Fletcher Oct. 1884 - Dec. 1890Oct 84 My Dear Friend Accept my heart-felt thanks for your paper - just received - I have been very ill ever since we parted at the pier - Glad dear Clara & her friends will soon return - Would it be too much trouble for you to send me one of your books relative to the Red Cross regulations & all particulars? Hoping to see, or hear from you very soon - Believe me your grateful friend Eleanor Fletcher Bishop [?aperon?] of Shakespearean Collej 1145 Broadway New York Oct 3 - 1884 -My Dearest Clara Do please write & tell me what you are willing & able to do for our poor suffering Loraine - before she [ha?] [comits?] takes her own lifeI am yet very feeble - am anxious to recover as I am wanted in Washington. - Expect Denmark will pay me very soon - I received a letter from Hon J.B. [Blare?] last week - But my fortune may come too late to help our poor dear Loraine - Pardon scrawl as I have La Grippe pneumonia - & it hurts me to write - & my secty is down with La Grippe also - Loving [Jomis?] L S Bishop 2137 Uber Place Phila. 13-1889 8 months to-day since the inhuman butchers murdered my darling & idolized son - My book will be out in 2 weeks - your letter is in it -. Will send you a copy -The book I will send to all the Crownes Heads in Europe So - & all distinguished persons - Many of whom are your personal friends L D B Jay 10/90 My Beloved Clara Although suffering with "La Grippe" & pneumonia - which may cause my death as I have had another severe shock to my overstrung nerves, in hearing the sad news of the suicide of one of my best & most beloved friends Matron S. A. McAuliffe of The Tombs New York City - and at the same time I receiveda letter from poor Loraine in which she threatnes her life by drowning. as she is homeless & destitute & unable at present to protect her. I sent her an note for $1,000 if she could get it cashed for herself - But - it is doubtful - Now my dear dear dear sister, in the name of God and all the noble deeds you have done send a letter for Loraine to me invite her to come to to your home until I can get some money - or even the casket of diamonds I left in poor Matron McAuliffs care - which her son will bring me. Then I will pawn them & send you some money to give Loraine & she can get a cheap boarding place - & hire a piano & teach - Oh! Clara we would never be reconciled, if poor Loraine should commit suicide.I am out of town ill, among friends & my means are exhausted at present But hope Denmark will soon pay me a fortune - Now I will help the Red Cross - am too ill to sit up longer - Write & enable me to protect poor Loraine whom we both love - Ever yours Eleanor Fletcher Bishop My address is as usual -- & letters are brought to me 2137 - 2137 - Uber Place Phila Pa 8. a.m- Jany 14 -1890 Yesterday my angel had been butchered 8 months - My Dearest Clara - Your welcome letter just received - & I cried with Joy, knowing dear Loraine was safe under your gentle care - Bless you my sweet sister - God grant Demnark will pay me soon - & I will reward you a thousand fold for all you do for our poor suffering sister Loraine - Tell herto write to me - Am yet very very feeble & not yet out of danger -. I am coming to Washington as soon as I can travel - as I have been sent for - Rest assured if I get my money I will make dear Loraine happy in a home of her own with our dear little gyp - (The dog) - Love to Loraine - & self. from your true but suffering sister [? er?] laborer - Eleanor F. Bishop Mrs. C Barton. - Levi P. Morton is a friend of Loraines - he might help her if you asked him for her - I will also compel Lizzie & George Raymond to pay Loraine & surrender to her the home she owns in Winchendon - Expect my book from the publisher every day -My Beloved Clara- At last - I have (through great exertion caused through want of money-) succeeded in getting my books bound. One of which I send to you with this letter, imploring you to do allin your power with your wealthy friends to send me financial aid to pave my way to justice and drag the murderers of my beloved and only son to prison. I will have them tried as soon as I am empowered to retain powerful counsel. I regret to tell you I am going blind through weeping for my idolized son -- My left eye is dark forever & soon I will loose my right eye, unless I can cease using it so much writing & weeping - Dear Loraine has been very ill, but is improving if I may judge from her last letter. Write to me darlingand let your name lead this list - in my next book, of those who had the courage to aid me in the Cause of Justice. May your Xmas & New Year be as joyous as mine will be sad, prays your devoted friend Eleanor Fletcher Bishop 2137 Uber Planes Philadelphia Dec 17/90 Pa