CLARA BARTON GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Lesser, A. Monae July 1897-Dec. 1902SIXTY-FIRST STREET, EAST, NEW YORK. Please hand this letter personally to Miss Clara Barton and to no other person AML. Dr Lesser July 19, 1899 Sent medicine to Barton I replied at once to the Dr. he seems feverish 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Dr. A. Monae Lesser, 19 Sixty-First Street East [*33*] New York, July 17 1897 Beloved Queen Is it possible that you do not even refer to my last letter which is of such importance: It is not likely that you cannot understand when I mention that I should have an hours talk with you If my engagements would not keep me here so tightly I should have taken a run to Washington but it is impossible still I should care to see you. G.P. said you received my letter on Thursday while he was for one day in Washington. Bettina and I, your servants, love you enough to look to you for advice and the same love would make us lay our lives in your hands; happy to see you happy and we both know you feel for us. You have plainly shown it and I fear there is something wrong with the letter which I sent on Wednesday morning. If it was misplaced please let me know at once as it is very important to me. Perhaps P. referred to an other letter when he told me you had received it and gave it to him to read saying that you will answer it soon. I will put Barkers direction in a special slip in this letter and have this letter sent through him. Yesterday morning Stephen B. sent to me10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Dr. A. MONA LESSER, 19 SIXTY-FIRST STREET EAST. NEW YORK, ............. 189 urging us to give him full information regarding G.P.s frequent visits etc. Dr Steqer? is a daily visitor to h??? and I am his physician. Steph and he have conversed on matters and he is according to what he said fully informed of G.P.s affairs perhaps not fully but to a great extent. In my last letter to you I urged the idea of having a talk with you on an important subject but to that letter you made no mention I would like to know what to say. You are my first consideration and your pleasure my duty. I am sorry I cannot do in life all I want to and even if I try my best it seems sometimes it is hard to succeed. I wished I could see G. P. out of trouble but my greatest wish is to see you happy at any expence. Command me what to do and I will obey no doubt you are as heartbroken as I am over the affair but it has to be stopped at any expense to prevent you from worriing I may be a little c?? in writing this but you know how I mean it as I cannot say just all and what I want with care I am faithfully Yours Allison Lesser. If I do not hear from you by return I shall fear this letter also lost ---- 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. [30] Dr. A. MONA LESSER, 19 SIXTY-FIRST STREET EAST. NEW YORK, April 20 1899 Prsnl. AMERICAN NATIONAL ANSWERED APR 21 1899 RED CROSS Miss Clara Barton President of the American Rate[?] Red Cross Dear Miss Barton Your kind letter to Baldwin deed me would have been answered long ago had we been able to make a proper reply to your question. The [?] received letters from a member of the staff app?? for Cuba, They spoke of it on Thursday to the Superintendant of the Hospital and the letter to Mrs. Wardinell. We should have said nothing about it as experience of the last few years have shown us how such things occur. Mr. [?] wrote saying, you knew nothing about it and should beignored[?] However it is of no importance to us and I hope not to you. What you say in regard to recommendations to some[?] sisters request we felt was done in your kindness and it is too bad that such letter was asked for by one of the sisters after the Superintendant and sister in charge of the Hospital [?] [?] that she was an undesirable person for Red Cross work. They stated to Batt? that while she may work to apparent satisfaction under the continual control of a nurse in Charge she could not be relied upon when left to herself. Bettina tried several times to give her other absence but her resignation did eventually come and while the hospital could not give her the recommendation we feel in no way distributed that she asked you for one. I should not have said any thing about this but as you referred to it in your letter I thought I shall answer you telling you the facts. I suppose you will be glad to know that I receive the most agreeable letters from the various physicians in high position10 A.M. to 1 P.M. DR. A. MONÆ LESSÈR 19 SIXTY-FIRST STREET EAST. NEW YORK ................. 189 2 in Cuba, General Ludlow, present Governor of Havana, who is a patient of mine also corresponds with me mentioning some little pleasant facts in his letter and I am glad I have aside of my health, left somewhat of a good name in Cuba among the better Class of men there. His invitation and that of General and Mrs. Ludlow is so urgent that Bettina and I have decided to go to Havana and [?] on a visit, and that in the near future. In the early part of the year when I was requested to go there with the N.Y.R.C. Hosp'tl I refused not desiring to do any thing without authority, but I have been so very busy working from early morning 'till late at night that I feel it will be a rest for us at the same time I shall compleet certain investigations on diseases in the tropics. I wished I could stay long but my patients here absolutely refuse to give me a long vacation just now. I know that you will be glad to hear good news from us particularly when I tell you that many of them who opposed us are now with us and the future will be a good one although I must confess I cannot complain of the past. I hope you are enjoying the best of Health, and with best Regards from Bettina and myself Believe me always faithfully yours A Monæ Lesser I forgot to say that the pictures you spoke of were sent before the first edition was printed. Mr. Keller I understand saw they were sent to Washington but we are sure the book is just as handsome without them. Nov. 22nd, 1901. Dr. A. M. Lesser, #19 E. 61st St., New York. My dear Doctor: - I am just back from New York and hoped to have seen you last night but business prevented. I shall be glad to get Mr. Wardwell's proxy and hope he will be well enough to attend the meeting. I am glad to know that you are going and I will send you an order for a half rate ticket going and returning. If Bettina is to go with you advise me and I will make the ticket for two. I am much pleased with the sentiments expressed in the last part of your letter, not that I did not know it but I hoped to hear you say it. I shall send your letter to C. B. Very truly yours,[*25 annual*] Came to Annual letter Dec 3. 1902 1 to 3 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. A. Monae Lesser, 19 East sixty-first Street, New York, Dec 10 1902 Greetings Honored + Dear Miss Barton Dr Hubbel receives a letter with this mail containing matter too small for you to be troubled with. Both Mr Wardwell & myself were much please with the result of the day. They are many little things I will tell you when I shall have the pleasure of seeing you. The next time you come to New York let us know and we can have a [chatt?] on forgotten matters. The died a hard death but we must work to prevent their reserection. It was under their reign the corruption they claim has occurred as I told them your always was & will always be clean with love from Bettina & myself I am sincerely Your obedient servant - Amona? Lesser [*25 annual 7 Lesser*] [*Ansd. Dec. 1902*] 19 East 61th Str. Greetings Hon & Dear Miss Barton No greater pleasure could have been in store for us than to accept your kind invitation particularly for Bettina but she is as yet not strong enough to dare to undertake the trip although she is constantly improving If nothing prevents I expect to leave here Monday night and be at the meeting inn time on Tuesday. It is likely that Mr Wardwell will also go to assist in whatever undertaking you may carry on. We agree on your high and fully deserving stand in this work brought by you into this country - I am sure every thing will be harmonious with him if he comes. With love from Bettina & myself & with the hope to see you on Tuesday in the best of health & Spirit I am faithfully + obediently yours Amona Lesser