Blackwell Family GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Brown, Alice Blackwell, Alice StoneAlice Stone Blackwell 1010 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, 38, Mass. June 12 1942 Dear Bobbie:[Alice Brown] I want a working horse- helper to come to me for four weeks at $22- a week, as a substitute for my present good horsehelper who is going for a much nead vacation. Everyone who wants work is looking for a permanent position. It seems almost impossible to get anyone for a temporary job. I am writing to you on thebare chance that you may know of someone. She may be white or colored, Catholic or Protestant, if only she is trustworthy. I am so blind that she could steal no end, if she were dishonest . Forgive me for pro- bing you. It is only be- cause I am in so great a strait. God appreciate Isaac.