General Correspondence Blackwell Family Blackwell, Alice Stone Cook, Mrs. Joseph[*Mrs. Joseph Cook About Mrs. Breshkovsky*] 132 Woodland Road, Auburndale, Mass. Jan'y 3rd Dear Miss Blackwell = Can you tell me anything about the probable fate of Mme. Breshkovsky in this present crisis in Russia? I am reading your account of her life with the keenist interest & I long to know if with Kerensky's overthrow the "Little Grandmother" has been forced into hiding. I have a friend at the Westover School who tells me that their last letter from her was written last August. I look in vain in dailies, weeklies or monthlies for any news of the brave lady &now turn to you as the one most likely to know positively or to surmise intelligently. I shall be grateful for a word of information. Cordially Georgiana H. Cook