Blackwell Family Balckwell, Alice Stone General Correspondence Russian Freedom, Friends ofCable Address, "Rusleng" Executive Committee JAMES BRNOSON REYNOLDS, Chairman (Publicist), New York. JOSPEPH M. PRICE, Vice-Chairman (Manu- facturer), New York. Mrs. ISABEL C. BARROWS (Journalist), New York. ROBERT ERSKINE ELY (Director League for Political Education), New York HAMILTON HOLT (Editor The Independent), New York. JULIAN W. MACK (Judge Circuit Court of Cook County, III.), Chicago. JOHN MARTIN (Publicist), Grymes Hill, S. I. Miss LILLIAN D. WALD (Henry Street Settle- ment), New York. and the President, Treasurer and Secretary, ex-officio _____ National Committee The Officers, Members of the Executive Committee, ex-officio and Dr. LYMAN ABBOTT (Editor The Outlook), New York. JANE ADDAMS (Hull House), Chicago NATHAN BIJUR (Attorney), New York. Miss ALICE STONE BLACKWELL (Editor Woman's Journal), Boston. JOHN GRAHAM BROOKS (Author), Cambridge, Mass. W FRANKLYN BRUSH (Teacher), New York. EDWARD B. BUTLER (President of Butler Bros.), Chicago. SAMUEL L. CLEMENS ("Mark Twain"), (Author), New York. E. H. CLEMENT (Editor Boston Transcript), Boston. R. FULTON CUTTING ( Chairman Citizen's Union), New York. HORACE E DEMING (National Municipal League), New York. KELLOGG DURLAND (Lecturer), New York. Dr. HENRY B. FAVILL (Physician), Chicago. Dr. JOHN H. FINLEY (President College of the City of New York), New York. HOMER FOLKS (Ex-Commissioner of Public Charities), New York. DAVID R. FORGAN (President First National Bank), Chicago. I. K. FRIEDMAN (Author), Chicago. A. S. FRISSELL (President Fifth Avenue Bank), New York. Prof. FRANKLIN H. GIDDINGS (Columbia University), New York. SAMUEL GOMPERS (President American Federation of Labor), Washington. E. R. L. GOULD (President Thirty-fourth Street National Bank), New York. Rev. PERCY S. GRANT (Church of the Ascension), New York. NORMAN HAPGOOD (Editor Colliers' Weekly), New York. Rabbi EMIL G. HIRSCH (Sinai Congregation), Chicago. W. J. HOLLAND (Chancellor Carnegie Institute), Pittsburgh. CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, (Banker), Chicago. Dr. ABRAHAM JACOBI (Physician), New York. Mrs. HELEN HARTLEY JENKINS (Trustee Hartley House), New York. JOHN S. KENNEDY (Attorney), New York. WILLIAM KENT (Capitalist), Chicago. WILLIAM M. KINGSLEY (Vice-President U. S. Trust Co), New York ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTE (U. S. Senator), Madison. JOSEPH LEE (Philanthropist), Boston. HENRY M. LEIPZIGER (Director Board of Education), New York. WILLIAM H. MAXWELL (Superintendent of Schools), New York. GEORGE E. McANENY (President City Club), New York. JOHN G. MILBURN (Attorney), New York. JOHN E. MILHOLLAND (Publicist), New York. Rev. CHARLES H. PARKHURST (Madison Square Presbyterian Church), New York. JACOB A RIIS (Philanthropist), New York. JULIUS ROSENWALD (Vice-President Sears, Roebuck & Co.), Chicago. JACOB H. SCHIFF (Banker), New York. Prof. HENRY R. SEAGER (Columbia University), New York. Prof. E. R. A. SELIGMAN (Columbia University), New York. ISAAC N. SELIGMAN (Banker), New York. Prof. W. R. SHEPHERD (Columbia University), New York. TECUMSEH SHERMAN (Commissioner of Labor), New York. Rabbi JOSEPH SILVERMAN (Temple Emanu-El), New York. CHARLES SPRAGUE SMITH (Director People's Institute), New York. CYRUS L. SULZBERGER (Merchant) New York. ALGERNON T. SWEENEY (Ex-Judge First Criminal Court), Newark. Miss IDA TARBELL (Author), New York. SPENCER TRASK (Banker), New York. CHAS. R. VAN HISE, (President University of Wisconsin), Madison. OSWALD GARRISON VILLARD (Evening Post), New York. WILLOUGHBY WALLING (Banker), Chicago. T. K. WEBSTER (Manufacturer), Chicago. Rabbi STEPHEN S. WISE (The Free Synagogue), New York. Telephone 3479 Bryant Friends of Russian Freedom 500 Fifth Avenue, New York _____ EDWARD M. SHEPARD, PRESIDENT, (Attorney), New York Rt. Rev. DAVID H. GREER, Vice-President (Bishop-Coadjutor Prot. Ep'l Diocese), N.Y. SETH LOW, Vice-President (Publicist), New York THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON, Vice-President (Author), Boston HERBERT PARSONS, Vice-President (Member of Congress), New York GEORGE KENNAN, Vice-President (Author), New York WILLIAM JAY SCHIEFFELIN, Treasurer (Merchant), New York THEODORE HARDEE, Secretary, New York November 4, 1907 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street Boston, Mass. My dear Miss Blackwell: I am directed by the Executive Committee of the Friends of Russian Freedom to communicate with the local organizations of this Society asking their continued co-operation in promoting a better knowledge of existing conditions in Russia, and furthering in every way possible enthusiasm for the cause of free institutions and liberal government in that unfortunate country. Owing to the uncertainties of the present situation in Russia and the lack of a united point of attack by the various liberal parties there, it has been deemed impracticable to undertake a general campaign for the Russian cause at present. Our Executive Committee at a recent meeting determined to maintain the National Society in active existence and to be in readiness for an aggressive campaign at any moment when the conditions should seem to justify it. It is our hope that your own organization will take a similar position. In the meantime we respectfully suggest that the following activities be maintained. 1st That addresses in behalf of the cause of Russian Freedom be secured in your city as often as possible. 2d That your local press be watched in order to correct mis-statements and misrepresentations which unquestionably will appear and be innocently published in your local press, due to the inspiration of the Press Bureau systematically maintained by the Russian Government. 3d We suggest that your Society whenever possible entertain Russians or friends of the cause of Russian freedom, making such social occasion an opportunity for interesting your -2- members and others in the cause. This society has contributed $100 to the relief of Russian exiles in Northern Russia and Siberia. We heartily commend the cause to all who may wish to contribute. Contributions may be sent to Robert E. Ely, 23 West 44th Street, New York City, or to Arthur Sidgwick, Esq., 64 Woodstock Road Oxford, England. It seems probable that instead of an immediate climax there will be a long struggle before liberal government triumphs in Russia. But in the enjoyment of our own liberty and comfort we should not forget that at the present time every day sees one or more trains carrying political exiles to Siberia, witnesses arrests without warrant, executions without trial, and suicide, murder, and massacre of those whose only offence is a desire to enjoy the same privileges of liberty, security and the protection of property which we possess. [Respectfully,] very sincerely James B. Reymore. Chairman of the Executive Committee.December 12, 1916. To the Friends of Russian Freedom: Your attention is earnestly called to the Protest, copy enclosed, made by your Executive Committee to those features of the pending Immigration Bill which would in effect exclude from this country the political refugee. Again, as at the time of our former protest against a similar attempt, when the last Immigration Bill was before the Congress and the President, scarcely any attention is being given to the proposal to reverse this historic policy of the United States. The President's veto message, as well as numerous letters in my possession from members of Congress, bear testimony that our former activity as a group and as individuals, had no inconsiderable share in keeping our country true to its past honorable ideals in respect to political asylum. In view of this, may I very strongly urge you to write immediately to your Senators and to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Immigration, Senator Ellison D. Smith, urging amendment of the Immigration Bill as proposed in the enclosed Protest. Reliable report comes from Washington that the Senate is to act on this Bill this week and, accordingly, action on our part must be immediate to be of effect. Yours very truly, Paul Kennaday Secretary Paul Kennaday Russian FreedomSociety of Friends of Russian Freedom. December, 1905. The course of events in Russia, including the amnesty for political offenders, renders it possible for many of the refugees to return to their native country. There is a large number of such political refugees living in England in very poor circumstances owing to the difficulty of earning a livelihood here, and it appears to our Committee very desirable that these people should be helped to return to Russia. With that end in view, we have decided to open a Special Fund for enabling them to go back. It is estimated that £5 a head on the average will be sufficient to provide the passage money, and to leave a small margin in hand for immediate wants. We are working in concert with some of the leading political refugees in this country, who are acquainted with the individual cases and the general situation in Russia. All those whom it is proposed to help belong to some political organisation, and as soon as they have crossed the frontier will be provided for. Moreover, many of them are, as a matter of fact, going back, and what we can do in assisting them is to improve their conditions of travel. The Committee has already received over 100 applications, but there is reason to expect that at least 300 persons may need help. We, therefore, earnestly appeal to you to contribute to this Fund in order that as many people as possible may be helped to return in order to forward the cause of Russian Freedom, the prospects of which are brighter than ever before. Every donor of £5 will have the satisfaction of knowing that it will send one refugee home. Mr. T. FISHER UNWIN has kindly consented to act as Treasurer of the Fund, and all contributions should be sent to him at 3, Adelphi Terrace, Strand, London, W.C. ROBERT SPENCE WATSON, President. J. FREDK. GREEN, Hon. Secretary __________ The following sums have already been received or promised:-- Dr. R. Spence Watson £5 s.0 d.0 Mr. and Mrs. T. Fisher Unwin £10 s.0 d.0 Mrs. Maurice Hill £1 s.0 d.0 J. C. £1 s.0 d.0 Smaller sums £1 s.5 d.0Telephone Chelsea 8773 Cable Address "Rusleag" The Society of the Friends of Russian Freedom 70 Fifth Avenue, New York Herbert Parsons, President Rt. Rev. David H. Greer, Vice-President George Kennan, Vice-President Louis Marshall, Vice-President Hamilton Holt, Treasurer Paul Kennaday, Secretary Executive Committee James Bronson Reynolds, Chairman Joseph M. Price, Vice-Chairman Robert Erskine Ely Hon. Julian W.Mack John Martin William Jay Schieffelin Miss Lillian D. Wald and the President, Treasurer and Secretary, Ex-officio National Committee The Officers, Members of Executive Committee, ex-officio, and Dr. Lyman Abbott (Editor The Outlook), New York Jane Addams, (Hull House), Chicago Nathan Bijur, (Judge of Supreme Court), New York Miss Alice Stone Blackwell (Editor Woman's Journal), Boston John Graham Brooks (Author), Cambridge, Massachusetts W. Franklin Brush, New York Edward B. Butler (President of Butler Bros.), Chicago, Illinois Prof. John B. Clark (Columbia University), New York E. H. Clement, Concord, Mass. R. Fulton Cutting, New York Horace E. Deming, New York Dr. Henry B. Favill, Chicago, Ill. Dr. John H. Finley (Commissioner of Education), Albany, New York Homer Folks (Ex-Commissioner of Public Charities), New York David R. Forgan (President City National Bank), Chicago, Illinois I. K. Friedman (Author), Chicago A. S. Frissell (President Fifth Avenue Bank), New York Prof. Franklin H. Giddings (Columbia University), New York Samuel Gompers (President American Federation of Labor), Washington Rev. Percy S. Grant (Church of the Ascension), New York Rev. Thomas C. Hall (Union Theological Seminary), New York Norman Hapgood, New York Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch (Sinai Congregation), Chicago, Illinois W. J. Holland (Director, Carnegie Museum), Pittsburgh, Penn. Charles L.Hutchinson (Banker) Chicago, Illinois Dr. Abraham Jacobi, New York Mrs. Helen Hartley Jenkins, New York Hon. William Kent, Kentfield, Cal. William M. Kingsley (Vice-President U.S.Trust Co.), New York Hon. Robert M. La Follette (U. S. Senator), Madison, Wis. Joseph Lee, Boston, Massachusetts Henry M. Leipziger (DIrector, Dept. of Education), New York William H. Maxwell (Superintendent of Schools), New York John G. Milburn (Lawyer), N.Y. John E. Milholland (Publicist), New York Rev. Charles E. Parkhurst (Madison Square Presbyterian Church), New York Julius Rosenwald (Vice-President Sears, Roebuck & Co.), Chicago Jacob H. Schiff (Banker), New York Prof. Henry R. Seager (Columbia University), New York Prof. E. R. A. Seligman (Columbia University), New York Isaac N. Seligman (Banker), N. Y. Prof. W. R. Shepherd, (Columbia University), New York P. Tecumseh Sherman, (Ex-Commissioner of Labor), New York Rabbi Joseph Silverman (Temple Emanu-El), New York Cyrus L. Sulzberger (Merchant), New York Algernon T. Sweeney (Ex-Judge First Criminal Court), Newark Miss Ida Tarbell (Author), N. Y. Chas. R. Van Hise (President University of Wisconsin), Madison, Wis. Oswald Garrison Villard (Editor Evening Post), New York Willoughby Walling (Banker), Chicago, Illinois T. K. Webster (Manufacturer), Chicago, Illinois Rabbi Stephen S. Wise (The Free Synagogue), New York Sept 13/17 My dear miss Blackwell As I cannot myself answer your questions about this society's beginnings I have sent them on to Miss Wald in the hope that she can since, in that event, write to you direct. These are dreadful days for Russia are they not? Sincerely yours Paul KennadayOfficers [?] Freedom