GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Blackwell Family Blackwell, Alice Stone Smith, Mary R.Bresh - Feb. 13 HULL-HOUSE 800 SOUTH HALSTED STREET CHICAGO Dear Miss Blackwell Miss Addams has had a rather severe heart attack and complete quiet has been ordered for her - for a number of weeks, I fear. I find your letter with the very interesting one from Mme. Breshkovsky's friend in her file. She will be greatly interested to read them when she is again allowed to have her mail. I am enclosing a very smallcheque to be added to the sum you are collecting for the schools. I regret that it must be such a trifling offering but Miss Addams and my "fortunes" have fallen, as have most peoples, and it is very hard to keep the Hull House activities going - so that we are forced to be less generous than we should like. This carries our best wishes for Mme. Breshkovsky and warm greetings to you. Very sincerely yours, Mary Rozet Smith