BLACKWELL FAMILY ALICE STONE BLACKWELL STONE, FRANCISWEST BROOKFIELD, MASS. INCORPORATED 1848 TOWN OF WEST BROOKFIELD MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN Ware Mass Feb. 3, 1928 Dear Cousin Alice,- Your letter with the check enclosed came day before yesterday and I want to thank you. I should have acknowledged the checks that came Jan 1st also but didn't get to it I thank you tho + I do so appreciate the help they are giving me. Things are going along pretty well with us all things considered. The high winds that we have had have torn off a lot of the roofs on the smaller barns and some on the big barn. I have a nice lot of young stock that I have started raising the last year I have 10 head less than a year old and 7 head less than two years but more than a year We watched with great interest your Pomeroy trial in the Globe, and were so glad that yougot no larger verdict + won. Here is an ad. that I think [would] be all right. "700 acre estate in West Brookfield Mass situated on a hill running to an elevation of 1160 ft. Large house just a little off the main road, three barns, running water to the buildings, hot water + hard wood floors in the house. Almost 2 miles frontage on the new Ware-West Brookfield road, suitable for building lot development, fertile mowings and excellent pastures, lots of hard wood. Adaptable for most any need Summer home, summer camps, hunting clubs, dairying, beef cattle, sheep, fruit or poultry. Write for farther particulars F. S. Beeman P.O. Box 233 Ware Mass" If you think it is too long or you can better it do not hesitate to fix it as you think best It is very good of you to offer to do this for me + I thank you very much I have to mail some things for the Town Report and will mail this at the same time Marion joins me in sending love WEST BROOKFIELD, MASS. INCORPORATED 1848 TOWN OF WEST BROOKFIELD MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN Ware Mass Apr. 3, 1928 Dear Cousin Alice,- I got your letter with the check. Thanks ever so much. About the ads I have had three replies from papers two Finnish + one Italian. The Italian a Mr. R. A. [Buccella] seems the most interested and I expect him up here to look the place over after Easter, he lives in East Boston 8 Summer Place I asked him in one of my letters if he had any property but he didn't answer as to his property but he seemed quite impressed with the pictures I sent. The other one was from [Astabula] O.and he wanted to trade Brooklyn N.Y. property but I don't think I want to try my hand at trading as so often it turns out bad. The other was from a man in Quincy Mass. I have only had one letter from him but I expect to hear from him soon. We are all comfortable now have all been having colds. Thanks again for the check Marion joins me in sending kindest regards Francis [*Francis Beeman*]Francis Stone Ware Mass Feb 27, 1929 Dear Cousin Alice, - Your letter of Feb 22nd about the ads came + the answers to the ads are coming in Yesterday I got 16 letters most of them from agents but there were two or three that might be good prospects. Some wanted to exchange City property. I have answered those that seemed likely. Howard's letter to Bowman with your note added I got yesterday. It is very kind of you to make this offer and when the weathergets settled and I can find someone to do the things that have to be done here I will be glad to accept your offer. Of course I do not expect Bowman to help out as he has his work in Ware and has no car now so the only times I see him is when I deliver them their milk +the ways and means that Howard suggests B - T I make would have to be made by me + whoever I got to help There are some neighbors who I may be able to get. Thanking you again for all you have done + are doing for me + with regards from Marion I am, Your cousin FrancisWare Mass Sept. 7, 1929 Dear Cousin Alice, Your check came the other day for which I thank you very much. I also got your check last month with your nice letter. I certainly appreciate all you have done for me this past year in checks + also for what you did for me when I was in Boston. This months check is especially helpful as I have been laid up since a week ago Wed with a badly cut knee. I fellover in the ox pasture about 1/4 mile from home while I was chasing some heifers & hit my knee on a rock cutting it clear across. (more than 6 inches.) to the bone and down 3 inches so ten stiches had to be taken with 1 in drains on either side. The stitches are out now & the Dr said to-day it was doing as well as one could expect. I am able to get around a little with my crutches. Yout kind remembering has helped wonderfully to pay Dr. Spencer. - I wish sometime it would be possible for us to do something for you to show you just how much your help has meant to us please don't send [any] more if it is gone to inconvenience you at all as you have done so much already. The children all started in school Tue. after Labor day and I think will like their new teachers all right. I will stop now and write a few other notes Marion joins me in sending kindest regards Your cousin Francis BeemanFrancis Stone Merry ChristmasAmid the cold of winter's snow May Christmas shed a warming glow Upon your heart anew As you once more its tiding hear That carry blessings of good cheer: "The Christ is born for You!: "I bring you good tidings of great joy." Luke 2, 10 [*Francis Stone*] Sincere greetings and best wishes For Christmas and the New YearPlainview Neb. Dec. 22, 1930 Dear Cousin Alice:- I will just give you the addresses so you will get them quicker than if I would write you a letter. Mrs. T. M. Hoffman, Stoneham Colo. Mrs J. F. Broyles, Custer, S.D. Bowman Stone, Alcester, S.D. Mrs. A. H. Afford Plainview Neb your cousin Francis S.Francis Stone "And the flickering shadows softly come and go." Louis Eric Dear Cousin: Just a card at this Christmas time to let you know we often think of you. We were interested in the trip of the "Seth Parker Schooner, as it left Boston Harbor for Providence R.I. The Stones are all well. Did you recieve word of the new son which arrived at Bowman Stones' home Oct. 11-1933. He has been named Rodger Bowman. With Love Francis StonePlainview Neb. Dec. 22 1935 Dear Cousin Alice:- I see your address is Cambridge now. I hope you are well. We are all right here. I sure would like to get back there & see you & the rest of folks. It seems that we can't hardly get enough to live on. Yours truly Mr & Mrs Fr. StoneCousin Alice Plainview Neb Dec 14 1949 Dear Cousin Alice:- Merry Xmas to you Bertha died in August & of course Bowman 5 years ago So the old & the youngest have passed on. We are well & working I hope you are as well as can be expected. [L Larain?] family seem to be fine. Frieda & Francis StonePlainview Neb. Sept. 23rd 1938. Dear Cousin Alice:- I hope you are O.K. thru the storm that you just had back there. I am watching the papers & radio for reports. I was going to write you Sept. 14th on your birthday, but it slipped my mind until about a week after. We folk are O.K. hope you are the same Martin Leary died this week. I see by the paper he was born at Petersboro Mass. 1860. Father was born there 1849 Sept. 30th Martin Learyboarded with us, after he came out here, in 1887 until he got married in 1897. Yours Truly Francis StoneFrancis Stone