Blackwell Family Subject File Breshkovsky - Accounts Appeals Blackwell, Alice StoneFor an autographed copy of Mrs. B’s life To be sent to Mrs. Alice V. Ward $2.55 Care Miss Caroline Blake The College Club 40 Commonwealth Ave. Boston Mass. March 20, 1919 [*so that Mrs. Ward may find it there Sat. Mar. 29 please.*]11/18 Mupoceals Argp. Allowance Tsadysuka pycckou peboukoigue "Babushka"- Breshkowskaja. M. SIMONS Y.M.C.A. CAMBRIDGE, MASS.AN UPPER ROOM FOR CONTINUED ONE ACCORD PRAYER ACTS 1:13.14 Christians longing for world-wide revival and the blessings from God which come only through believing prayer are invited to come, invite others, and send special requests. BOSTON NOON DAY PRAYER MEETING 5 PARK STREET 12.10 to 1.00 Daily except Sundays and Holidays "If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven."Amount brot forward Date April 14, 1916 McBride, Nast & Co Publishers of "Travel" (For Mrs. Breshkovsky) 2.00[50] No. Date April 14, 1916 Nat Geographic Magazine (for Mrs. Breshkovsky) 3.50 No. forward From H.O.S. $10. For appeal in Transcript For Madam Breshofaska Helen O. Sprague Wellesley Trust Co. Helen O. Sprague From. H.O.S. Wellesley Help for appeal in Transcript 10 " Wellesley Trust Co A hope too for "Our dear lady". As well for our dear Abiedeine Blackwell — A Happy New Year Mrs C S Bird Mirle I cored qenel more — For Catherine Breshkovsky — Louise M. Chamberlin $5 Harvard Trust Co.For Madame Breshkovsky 50. Enclosed with is for C. Breshkovsky final owed thanks t - Miss Blackwell for forwarding it _ Jan. 5 [*1933*] Julia Delano $5$25. Alice P. Tapley Mis Tapley is enclosing her usual contribution for Mme. Breshkovsky.Empfangschein für eine Postanweisung von Quittance pour un mandat de poste de Quietanza per an vaglia postale di Fr. 266 Ct. 74 für pour per Vom Aufgeben auszufüllen. A remplir par léxpediteur. Da riempirsi dal mittente. Adresse- Indririzzo Madame Katharine Brechkovska Kyrensk Russia Die Poststelle: Office de Poste: Lúfficio postale: Empfangschein für eine Postanweisung von Quittance pour un mandat de poste de Quietanza per an vaglia postale di Fr. 266 Ct. 74 om Aufgeben auszufüllen. A remplir par léxpediteur. Da riempirsi dal mittente. Adresse- Indririzzo Madame K. Brechkovska Kyrensk Siberia Russia Die Poststelle: Office de Poste: Lúfficio postale:Empfangschein. QUITTANCE — QUIETANZA. (Dem Aufgeber zu überlassen.) (A remettre à l'expéditeur.) ( Da rimettersi al mittente.) Empfangschein. QUITTANCE — QUIETANZA. (Dem Aufgeber zu überlassen.) (A remettre à l'expéditeur.) ( Da rimettersi al mittente. 266.74 2.75 100.— 50 369.99 Administration des postes suisses - Schweizerische Postverwaltung - Amministrazione dell poste svizzere Récépissé gratuit. Gratis-Empfangschein. Ricevula gratuita. Die Unterzeichnete Poststelle bescheinigt, zur Beförderung erhalten zu haben: L'OFFICE DE POSTE soussigné declare avoir reçu á fin d'expédition: Lúfficio postale sottoscritto dichiara aver ricevuto per la spedizione: Gegenstand: Objet: Oggetto: Wert oder Betrag: Valeur ou montam[:] Valore o importo: Fr. 266 Ct. [FH] Franco 80 Nachnahme: Remboursement: Rimborso: Fr. - Ct. - an pour per Brechkovski in á a Kriensk Unterschrift: Signature: Firma: [???enke] Der in der Schraffierung nach Eintragung der Zahlen leer bleibende Raum ist mit starken Querstrichen (=) auszufüllen. Ist keine Eintragung zu machen, so sind die Striche quer durch die ganze Schraffierung zu ziehen. La place non occupée par des chiffres dans la hachure doit être remplie par de fortes barres (=). S'il n'y a pas d'indication á faire, les barres doivent être tirées á travers toute la hachure. Lo spazio dello sgraffio non occupato da cifre dev'essere riempito con forti linee (=). Se non vi é indignazione da farsi, le linee devono essere tracciate su tutto lo sgraffio. N° 3154. Ad. M. B. Vlll.12. 2,000,000Bemerkungen. Die Abgabe von Gratis-Empfangscheinen ist obligatorisch: Für alle einzuschreibenden Briefpostsendungen, Postanweisungen, Einzugsmandate und Pakete mit Wertangabe nach dem In- and Auslaude. Die Ausstellung eines Empfangscheines darf nur unterbleiben, wenn der Aufgeber ausdrücklich darauf verzichtet. Beschwerden betr. Verlust, Beraubung, Beschädigung od. Verspätung eingeschriebener Postsendungen sind bei der Aufgabepoststelle oder der zuständigen Kreispostdirektion anzubringen. Nach Ablauf eines Jahrs, vom Aufgabedatum der Sendung an gerechnet, erlischt die Haftpflicht der Postverwaltung. Für Empfangschein doppel sind stets taxpflichtige Empfangscheine zu verwenden. OBSERVATIONS. La remise d'un récépissé GRATUIT est OBLIGATORE pour tous les envois á inscrire de la poste aux lettres, les mandats de poste, les recouvrements, les articles de messagerie et les colis postaux avec valeur déclarée, á destination de la SUISSE et da LÉTRANGER Il n'est permis de ne pas délivrer de récépissé que lorsque l'envoyeur y renonce expressément. Les réclamations concernant la perte, la spoliation, l'averie ou le retard d'envois postaux inscrits doivent être adressées á l'office de poste de consignation ou á la Direction d'arrondissement postale compétente. La responsabilité de l' Administration des postes cesse après une année, comptée dés le jour de la consignation de l'envoi. Pour les duplicata de récépissés il faut toujours utiliser des récépissés soumis á la taxe. Osservazioni. Il rilascio d'una ribevuta gratuita é obbligatorio per tutti gl'invii da inscriversi della posta-lettere, vaglia postali, le riscossioni, gli oggetti di messaggeria ei colli postali con valore dichiarato, a destinazione della Svizzera e dell' estero. Tuttavia, non sará rilasciata nessuna ricevuta se il mittente dichiara spontaneamente di rinunciarvi. I reclami per perdita, manomissione, avaria o ritardo d'invii postali inscritti devono essere presentati all'ufficio d'impostazione od alla Direzione postale di circondario competente. La responsabilitá dell' Amministrazione delle poste cessa dopo un anno, contando dal giorno d'impostazione dell' invio. Per I duplicati di ricevute si utilizzeranno sempre delle ricevute soggette a tassa. Administration des postes suisses - Scweizerische Postwaltung - Amministrazione delle poste svizzere Récépissé gratuit. Gratis-Empfangschefin. Ricevuta gratuita. Die unterzeichnete Poststelle bescheinigt, zur Beförderung erhalten zu haben: L'OFFICE DE POSTE soussigné declare avoir reçu á fin d'expedition: L'ufficio postale sottoscritto dichiara aver ricevuto per la spedizione: Gegenstand: Objet: CsR Oggetti: Wert oder Betrag: Valeur ou montant: Fr.266 Ct. [FH?] Valore o importo: Nachnahme: Franco [6?] Remboursement: Fr. Ct. Rimborso: an in pour [Zrechko?ku] à Kribuck per a Unterschrift: Signature: [V???enb] Firma: CLARENS 20.VI.13 - 7 Der in der Schraffierung nach Hintragung der Zahlen leer bleibende Raum ist mit starken Querstrichen () auzufüllen. Ist [?eine] Eintragung zu machen, so sind die Striche quer durch die ganze Schraffierung zu ziehen. La place non occupee par des chiffres dans la hachure doit étre remplie par de fortes barres (). S'il n'y a pas d'indication à faire, les barres doivent étre tirées à travers toute la hachure. Lo spazio dello sgraffio non occupato da cifre dev'essere riempito con forti linee (). Se non vi é indicazione da farsi, le linee devono essere tracciate su tutto lo sgraffio. N° 3154. Ad. M. B. I. 13. 2,000,000Bemerkungen. Die Abgabe von Gratis-Empfangscheinen ist obligatorisch: Für alle einzuschreibenden Briefpostsendungen, Postanweisungen, Einzugsmandate und Pakete mit Wertangabe nach dem In- and Auslaude. Die Ausstellung eines Empfangscheines darf nur unterbleiben, wenn der Aufgeber ausdrücklich darauf verzichtet. Beschwerden betr. Verlust, Beraubung, Beschädigung od. Verspätung eingeschriebener Postsendungen sind bei der Aufgabepoststelle oder der zuständigen Kreispostdirektion anzubringen. Nach Ablauf eines Jahrs, vom Aufgabedatum der Sendung an gerechnet, erlischt die Haftpflicht der Postverwaltung. Für Empfangschein doppel sind stets taxpflichtige Empfangscheine zu verwenden. OBSERVATIONS. La remise d'un récépissé GRATUIT est OBLIGATORE pour tous les envois á inscrire de la poste aux lettres, les mandats de poste, les recouvrements, les articles de messagerie et les colis postaux avec valeur déclarée, á destination de la SUISSE et da LÉTRANGER Il n'est permis de ne pas délivrer de récépissé que lorsque l'envoyeur y renonce expressément. Les réclamations concernant la perte, la spoliation, l'averie ou le retard d'envois postaux inscrits doivent être adressées á l'office de poste de consignation ou á la Direction d'arrondissement postale compétente. La responsabilité de l' Administration des postes cesse après une année, comptée dés le jour de la consignation de l'envoi. Pour les duplicata de récépissés il faut toujours utiliser des récépissés soumis á la taxe. Osservazioni. Il rilascio d'una ribevuta gratuita é obbligatorio per tutti gl'invii da inscriversi della posta-lettere, vaglia postali, le riscossioni, gli oggetti di messaggeria ei colli postali con valore dichiarato, a destinazione della Svizzera e dell' estero. Tuttavia, non sará rilasciata nessuna ricevuta se il mittente dichiara spontaneamente di rinunciarvi. I reclami per perdita, manomissione, avaria o ritardo d'invii postali inscritti devono essere presentati all'ufficio d'impostazione od alla Direzione postale di circondario competente. La responsabilitá dell' Amministrazione delle poste cessa dopo un anno, contando dal giorno d'impostazione dell' invio. Per I duplicati di ricevute si utilizzeranno sempre delle ricevute soggette a tassa. Administration des postes suisses - Scweizerische Postwaltung - Amministrazione delle poste svizzere Récépissé gratuit. Gratis-Empfangschefin. Ricevuta gratuita. Die unterzeichnete Poststelle bescheinigt, zur Beförderung erhalten zu haben: L'OFFICE DE POSTE soussigné declare avoir reçu á fin d'expedition: L'ufficio postale sottoscritto dichiara aver ricevuto per la spedizione: Gegenstand: Objet: R Oggetti: Wert oder Betrag: Valeur ou montant: Fr.266 Ct. Valore o importo: Nachnahme: Franco 65 Remboursement: Fr. Ct. Rimborso: an in pour Zrechhowsha à Kijrensh per a Unterschrift: Signature: [Ka??es] Firma: CLARENS 20.II.13 — 7 Der in der Schraffierung nach Hintragung der Zahlen leer bleibende Raum ist mit starken Querstrichen () auzufüllen. Ist keine Eintragung zu machen, so sind die Striche quer durch die ganze Schraffierung zu ziehen. La place non occupee par des chiffres dans la hachure doit étre remplie par de fortes barres (). S'il n'y a pas d'indication à faire, les barres doivent étre tirées à travers toute la hachure. Lo spazio dello sgraffio non occupato da cifre dev'essere riempito con forti linee (). Se non vi é indicazione da farsi, le linee devono essere tracciate su tutto lo sgraffio. N° 3154. Ad. M. B. I. 13. 2,000,000Bemerkungen. Die Abgabe von Gratis-Empfangscheinen ist obligatorisch: Für alle einzuschreibenden Briefpostsendungen, Postanweisungen, Einzugsmandate und Pakete mit Wertangabe nach dem In- and Auslaude. Die Ausstellung eines Empfangscheines darf nur unterbleiben, wenn der Aufgeber ausdrücklich darauf verzichtet. Beschwerden betr. Verlust, Beraubung, Beschädigung od. Verspätung eingeschriebener Postsendungen sind bei der Aufgabepoststelle oder der zuständigen Kreispostdirektion anzubringen. Nach Ablauf eines Jahrs, vom Aufgabedatum der Sendung an gerechnet, erlischt die Haftpflicht der Postverwaltung. Für Empfangschein doppel sind stets taxpflichtige Empfangscheine zu verwenden. OBSERVATIONS. La remise d'un récépissé GRATUIT est OBLIGATORE pour tous les envois á inscrire de la poste aux lettres, les mandats de poste, les recouvrements, les articles de messagerie et les colis postaux avec valeur déclarée, á destination de la SUISSE et da LÉTRANGER Il n'est permis de ne pas délivrer de récépissé que lorsque l'envoyeur y renonce expressément. Les réclamations concernant la perte, la spoliation, l'averie ou le retard d'envois postaux inscrits doivent être adressées á l'office de poste de consignation ou á la Direction d'arrondissement postale compétente. La responsabilité de l' Administration des postes cesse après une année, comptée dés le jour de la consignation de l'envoi. Pour les duplicata de récépissés il faut toujours utiliser des récépissés soumis á la taxe. Osservazioni. Il rilascio d'una ribevuta gratuita é obbligatorio per tutti gl'invii da inscriversi della posta-lettere, vaglia postali, le riscossioni, gli oggetti di messaggeria ei colli postali con valore dichiarato, a destinazione della Svizzera e dell' estero. Tuttavia, non sará rilasciata nessuna ricevuta se il mittente dichiara spontaneamente di rinunciarvi. I reclami per perdita, manomissione, avaria o ritardo d'invii postali inscritti devono essere presentati all'ufficio d'impostazione od alla Direzione postale di circondario competente. La responsabilitá dell' Amministrazione delle poste cessa dopo un anno, contando dal giorno d'impostazione dell' invio. Per I duplicati di ricevute si utilizzeranno sempre delle ricevute soggette a tassa. Administration des postes suisses - Scweizerische Postwaltung - Amministrazione delle poste svizzere Récépissé gratuit. Gratis-Empfangschefin. Ricevuta gratuita. Die unterzeichnete Poststelle bescheinigt, zur Beförderung erhalten zu haben: L'OFFICE DE POSTE soussigné declare avoir reçu á fin d'expedition: L'ufficio postale sottoscritto dichiara aver ricevuto per la spedizione: Gegenstand: Objet: CSR Oggetti: Wert oder Betrag: Valeur ou montant: Fr.280 Ct. Valore o importo: Nachnahme: Franco 65 Remboursement: Fr. Ct. Rimborso: an in pour Breclkovska à Kyrensk per a Unterschrift: Signature: [Va?e?] Firma: CLARENS 19 I.13. XI— Der in der Schraffierung nach Hintragung der Zahlen leer bleibende Raum ist mit starken Querstrichen () auzufüllen. Ist keine Eintragung zu machen, so sind die Striche quer durch die ganze Schraffierung zu ziehen. La place non occupee par des chiffres dans la hachure doit étre remplie par de fortes barres (). S'il n'y a pas d'indication à faire, les barres doivent étre tirées à travers toute la hachure. Lo spazio dello sgraffio non occupato da cifre dev'essere riempito con forti linee (). Se non vi é indicazione da farsi, le linee devono essere tracciate su tutto lo sgraffio. N° 3154. Ad. M. B. I. 13. 2,000,000 Der in der Schraffierung nach Hintragung der Zahlen leer bleibende Raum ist mit starken Querstrichen () auzufüllen. Ist keine Eintragung zu machen, so sind die Striche quer durch die ganze Schraffierung zu ziehen. La place non occupee par des chiffres dans la hachure doit étre remplie par de fortes barres (). S'il n'y a pas d'indication à faire, les barres doivent étre tirées à travers toute la hachure. Lo spazio dello sgraffio non occupato da cifre dev'essere riempito con forti linee (). Se non vi é indicazione da farsi, le linee devono essere tracciate su tutto lo sgraffio. N° 3154. Ad. M. B. I. 13. 2,000,000Bemerkungen. Die Abgabe von Gratis-Empfangscheinen ist obligatorisch: Für alle einzuschreibenden Briefpostsendungen, Postanweisungen, Einzugsmandate und Pakete mit Wertangabe nach dem In- and Auslaude. Die Ausstellung eines Empfangscheines darf nur unterbleiben, wenn der Aufgeber ausdrücklich darauf verzichtet. Beschwerden betr. Verlust, Beraubung, Beschädigung od. Verspätung eingeschriebener Postsendungen sind bei der Aufgabepoststelle oder der zuständigen Kreispostdirektion anzubringen. Nach Ablauf eines Jahrs, vom Aufgabedatum der Sendung an gerechnet, erlischt die Haftpflicht der Postverwaltung. Für Empfangschein doppel sind stets taxpflichtige Empfangscheine zu verwenden. OBSERVATIONS. La remise d'un récépissé GRATUIT est OBLIGATORE pour tous les envois á inscrire de la poste aux lettres, les mandats de poste, les recouvrements, les articles de messagerie et les colis postaux avec valeur déclarée, á destination de la SUISSE et da LÉTRANGER Il n'est permis de ne pas délivrer de récépissé que lorsque l'envoyeur y renonce expressément. Les réclamations concernant la perte, la spoliation, l'averie ou le retard d'envois postaux inscrits doivent être adressées á l'office de poste de consignation ou á la Direction d'arrondissement postale compétente. La responsabilité de l' Administration des postes cesse après une année, comptée dés le jour de la consignation de l'envoi. Pour les duplicata de récépissés il faut toujours utiliser des récépissés soumis á la taxe. Osservazioni. Il rilascio d'una ribevuta gratuita é obbligatorio per tutti gl'invii da inscriversi della posta-lettere, vaglia postali, le riscossioni, gli oggetti di messaggeria ei colli postali con valore dichiarato, a destinazione della Svizzera e dell' estero. Tuttavia, non sará rilasciata nessuna ricevuta se il mittente dichiara spontaneamente di rinunciarvi. I reclami per perdita, manomissione, avaria o ritardo d'invii postali inscritti devono essere presentati all'ufficio d'impostazione od alla Direzione postale di circondario competente. La responsabilitá dell' Amministrazione delle poste cessa dopo un anno, contando dal giorno d'impostazione dell' invio. Per I duplicati di ricevute si utilizzeranno sempre delle ricevute soggette a tassa. Administration des postes suisses - Scweizerische Postwaltung - Amministrazione delle poste svizzere Récépissé gratuit. Gratis-Empfangschefin. Ricevuta gratuita. Die unterzeichnete Poststelle bescheinigt, zur Beförderung erhalten zu haben: L'OFFICE DE POSTE soussigné declare avoir reçu á fin d'expedition: L'ufficio postale sottoscritto dichiara aver ricevuto per la spedizione: Gegenstand: Objet: [M??] Oggetti: Wert oder Betrag: Valeur ou montant: Fr. 106 Ct. 70 Valore o importo: Nachnahme: Franco 125 Remboursement: Fr. Ct. Rimborso: an in pour K Zrechkowska à Kirensk per a Unterschrift: Signature: [Vince??] Firma: CLARENS 17.XI.12 XII — Der in der Schraffierung nach Hintragung der Zahlen leer bleibende Raum ist mit starken Querstrichen () auzufüllen. Ist keine Eintragung zu machen, so sind die Striche quer durch die ganze Schraffierung zu ziehen. La place non occupee par des chiffres dans la hachure doit étre remplie par de fortes barres (). S'il n'y a pas d'indication à faire, les barres doivent étre tirées à travers toute la hachure. Lo spazio dello sgraffio non occupato da cifre dev'essere riempito con forti linee (). Se non vi é indicazione da farsi, le linee devono essere tracciate su tutto lo sgraffio. N° 3154. Ad. M. B. I. 13. 2,000,000Bemerkungen. Die Abgabe con Gratis-Em- pfangscheinen ist obligato- risch: Für alle einzuschrei- benden Briefpostsendun- gen, Postanweisungen, Einzugsmandate un Pa- kete mit Wertangabe nach dem In- und Auslande. Die Ausstellung eines Em- pfangscheines darf nur unter- bleiben, wenn der Aufgeber aus- drüklich darauf verzichtet. Beschwerden betr. Verlust, Beraubung, Beschädingung od. Verspätung eingeschriebener Postsendungen sind bei der Aufgabepoststelle oder der zuständigen Kreispostdirektion anzubringen. Nach Ablauf eines Jahrs, vom Aufgabedatum der Sendung an gerechnet, erlischt die Haftpflicht der Postverwaltung. Für Empfangschein doppel sind sets taxpflichtige Empfangscheine zu verwenden. OBSERVATIONS. La remise d'un récépissé GRATUIT est OBLISATOIRE pour tous les envois á inscrire de la poste aux lettres, les mandats de poste, les recouvrements, les articles de messagrie et les colis postaux avec valeur déclarée, á destination de la SUISSE et de L'ETRANGER. Il n'est permis de ne pas délivrer de récépissé que lorsequel' envoyeur y re[???] expressément. Les réclamations concernant la perte, la spoliation, l'avarie ou le retard d'envois postaux inscrits doivent être adressées á l'office de poste de consignation ou á la Direction d'urrondissement postale compétente. La responsabilité del' Administration des postes cesse aprés une année, comptée des le jour de la consignation de l'envoi. Pour les duplicata de récépissés il faut toujours utiliser des récépissés soumis á la taxe. Osservazioni. Il rialscio d'una ricevuta gratuita è obbligatorio per tutti gl'invii da inscriverse della posta-lettre, i vaglia postali, le riscossioni, glioggetti di messaggeria ei colli postali con valore dichiarato, a destinazione della Svizzera e dell' estero. Tuttavia, non sarà rilasciata nessuna ricevuta se il mittente dichiara spontaneamente di rinunciarvi. I reclami per perdita, manomissione, avaria o ritardo d'invii postali inscritti devono essere presentati all'ufficio d'impostazione od alla Direzione postale di circondario competente. La responsabilità dell' Amministrazione delle poste cessa dopo un anno, contando dal giorno d'impostazione dell' invio. Per i duplicati di ricevute si utilizzeranno sempre delle ricevute passibili di tassa. $10 In response to Miss Blackwells appeal in a recent newspaper the enclosed cheque on the Cambridges Trust Co for ten dollars is sent from "Cambridge" with the wish it could be made ten times larger. Mar 4 / 24. Lydia P. Stevens Postmark Southbridge MassRemitter's Memorandum No. D138123 Date Issued: 5/2/32 Check Issued for $5.00 Commission $25 Cents Total $5.25 Payee Cathrine Beskkerekey Bank Drawn On: The first of Boston Corporation City New York N.Y. Remitter Alice Stone Blackwell AddressThe first national Bank of Boston Uphams Corner ranch Boston, Massachusetts By Lurt The Memorandum should be retained by Purchaser (Send Check by registered Mail) D916 Remitter's Memorandum No. D145421 Date Issued: 11/22/32 Check Issued for $100.00 Commission $27 Cents Total $100/27 Payee Cathrine Beskkerekey Bank Drawn On: The first of Boston Corporation City New York N.Y. Remitter Alice Stone Blackwell Address The first national Bank of Boston Uphams Corner ranch Boston, Massachusetts By Lurt The Memorandum should be retained by Purchaser (Send Check by registered Mail) D916 Remitter's Memorandum No. D145421 Date Issued: 1/22/31 Check Issued for $53.00 Commission $25 Cents Total $53/25 Payee Cathrine Beskkerekey Bank Drawn On: The first of Boston Corporation City New York N.Y. Remitter Alice Stone Blackwell Address (Rochester) The first national Bank of Boston Uphams Corner ranch Boston, Massachusetts By Luttaight The Memorandum should be retained by Purchaser (Send Check by registered Mail) D916 this is for Madame Breshkovsky's school for these poor childrenF. V. McCabe. BM.REMITTER'S RECEIPT. Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. CAUTION-SEND CHEQUE BY REGUSTERED MAIL. We have this day Issued Date 2/2 1923 [Unltd.] Cheque No. 3315974 Payee A. A. Blakeda Drawn on Slovlacka Bk Nzhorarad At leglechs [Rovakia] For (Foreign Money) Kc 3710.00 At Rate of Exchange .3150 $117.[?0] Charges (C.O.D. or Domestic) - - $ Sold to A.S. Blackwell Address 5 Monadnvck Sr American Express Company At 43 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. M Atlee[ius] [?] (5015, March, 1922. SERIES E.) Agent. REMITTER'S RECEIPT. Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. CAUTION-SEND CHEQUE BY REGUSTERED MAIL. We have this day Issued Date 2/8 1923 [Unltd.] Cheque No. 3316260 Payee A. A. Blakeda Drawn on Slovlacka Bk [??] At D leglechs [Rovakia] For (Foreign Money) KC. 645.00 At Rate of Exchange .31 = $20.00 Charges (C.O.D. or Domestic) - - $.15 Sold to A.S.Blackwell Address 3 [??] St American Express Company At 43 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. M Atlee[ius] [?]AGREEMENT THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS PART OF AND IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT: It is understood and agreed to by the person who accepts this Receipt and the Cheque referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions:-- 1.--The cheque referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance with the laws of the country on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.--If for any reason this Cheque is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the United States, the remitter will except refund on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified on the Cheque, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.--Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void. AGREEMENT THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS PART OF AND IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT: It is understood and agreed to by the person who accepts this Receipt and the Cheque referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions:-- 1.--The cheque referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance with the laws of the country on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.--If for any reason this Cheque is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the United States, the remitter will except refund on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified on the Cheque, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.--Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void. Care Morgan & Co. 14 Place Vendome Paris, France 5. Mrs. James Lees Laidlaw, 6 East 66th St, N.Y. 1934 Contributions for Catherine Breshkovsky Mrs. William Welsh $10. Box 122 Clarendon Hills Illinois Miss Alice Philippa Chase $50. 47 Baltimore St Lynn, Mass. $1. Mrs. Richard Mansfield 826 Ocean Ave New London, Conn.Mrs. John C. Lee $10 Grove Street Wellesley, Mass Mary Roget Smith $10 (Hall House Chicago for Jane Addamt? 12 W. Walton Road Chicago Mrs. P.O. CLark 219 Blackstone $5 Boulevard, Providence RI 2 Dr. Mary E. Woolly Mt. Holyoke College S. Hadley, Mass Mrs. Grace Sprague $3 Care Wellesley Trust Co. Wellesley Hills, Mass Harold G. Rugg $1 Dartmouth College Hanover, NH Mrs. John F. Moors $5 15 Fisher Ave Brookline, Mass or 32 Mt. Vernon Street Boston Lillian D. Wald 265 Henry St. N.Y $5 Mrs. P. C. O'Shee $5 300 Michigan Ave Mobile Alabama $2 Jessie - undecipherable Wooster, Ohio $3 Miss Lydia G. West worth, 22 Stearns Road, Brookline Mass. $20 Misses Mary & Nancy Lee. 139 South Myers Ave Sharon, Pa. $10 Mrs. Mary S. Upson 2125 Ridge Lane Santa Barbara Cal. $25 Miss Annette FinneganREMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D138892 DATE ISSUED 3/16/32 CHECK ISSUED FOR $50 COMMISSION $ 25 cents TOTAL $ 50/25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST OF BOSTON CORPORATION CITY: NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS By Lwrty THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER (Send check by registered mail.) D 916 REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D145429 DATE ISSUED 12/6/32 CHECK ISSUED FOR $15 COMMISSION .27 TOTAL $15.27 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: -- FIRST OF BOSTON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK N. Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS 3 Monadnock St - Dor THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS By___________ THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER [Send check by registered mail.] D916 REMITTER'S RECEIPT Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. CAUTION-- SEND CHECK BY REGISTERED MAIL Date 2/7 1924 We have this day issued Unltd. Check No. 4491748 Payee A.A. Beskeda Drawn on Slovenka Banka Uzhorod At __Czechoslovakia For (Foreign Money) Kc 1871.00 At Rate of Exchange .31 = $58.00 Charges (C.O.D. or Domestic) - - $ $ Sold to A. Blackwell Address 3 Monadnock St AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 333 Washington St, Boston, Mass. M [Altunas?] (5015, Nov.,1923. SERIES E.) Agent. REMITTER'S RECEIPT Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. CAUTION-- SEND CHECK BY REGISTERED MAIL Date: 2/15 1924 We have this day issued Unltd. Check No 4491941 Payee A.A. Beskeda Drawn on Slovenska Bankia Uzhorod At __Czechoslovakia For (Foreign Money) KC 2420.00 At Rate of Exchange 0.31= $75.00 Charges (C.O.D. or Domestic) - - $ $ Sold to A.S. Blackwell Address 3 Monadnock St Boston AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 333 Washington St., Boston. Mass. M [Altunas?] (5015, Nov.,1923. SERIES E.) Agent. REMITTER'S RECEIPT Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. CAUTION--SEND CHECK BY REGISTERED MAIL Date: 2/21 1924 We have this day issued Unltd. Check No. 4492028 Payee A.A. Beskida Drawn on Slovenska Bankia At __ Uzhorod Czechoslovakia For (Foreign Money) KC 3225.50 At Rate of Exchange .031= $100.- Charges (C.O.D) or Domestic - - $ $ Sold to [?] A.S. Blackwell of Address 3 Monadnock St Boston 25 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 333 Washington St., Boston, Mass. [Kolo????] (5015, Nov.,1923. SERIES E.) Agent.AGREEMENT, THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS PART OF AND IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT: It is understood and agreed to by the person who accepts this Receipt and the Check referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions: 1. - The Check referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance with the laws of the country on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.--If for any reason this Check is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the United States, the remitter will accept refund on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified on the Check, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.--In the event that this Check is lost, stolen or destroyed, no refund will be made until the claimant has furnished to the American Express Company a bond of indemnity satisfactory to that Company. 4.--Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void. AGREEMENT, THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS PART OF AND IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT: It is understood and agreed to by the person who accepts this Receipt and the Check referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions: 1. - The Check referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance with the laws of the country on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.--If for any reason this Check is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the United States, the remitter will accept refund on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified on the Check, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.--In the event that this Check is lost, stolen or destroyed, no refund will be made until the claimant has furnished to the American Express Company a bond of indemnity satisfactory to that Company. 4.--Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void. AGREEMENT, THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS PART OF AND IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT: It is understood and agreed to by the person who accepts this Receipt and the Check referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions: 1. - The Check referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance with the laws of the country on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.--If for any reason this Check is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the United States, the remitter will accept refund on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified on the Check, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.--In the event that this Check is lost, stolen or destroyed, no refund will be made until the claimant has furnished to the American Express Company a bond of indemnity satisfactory to that Company. 4.--Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void.REMITTER'S RECEIPT. Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. CAUTION — SEND CHECK BY REISTERED MAIL. Date 3/21 1924 We have this day issued [Un?td.] Check No. 4492813 Payee A. A. Beskeda Drawn on Slovenska Banka At Uzhorod Czecho Slov. for (Foreign Money) KC 357.00 At Rate of Exchange .31 = $11.06 Charges (C.O.D. or Domestic) - - $ .15 Sold to A. Blackwell Address 3 Monadnock St City American Express [Company] 333 Washington St., Boston, Mass. M Allam T (5015, Nov., 1923 Series E.) Agent REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D101473 DATE ISSUED 1/14/30 CHEQUE ISSUED FOR $100.00 COMMISSION $ 25 cents TOTAL $100.25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS 3 Monadnock Uphams Corner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS BY AJK THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER {Send cheque by registered mail.} REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D101477 DATE ISSUED 1/27/30 CHEQUE ISSUED FOR $100- COMMISSION $.25 TOTAL $100.25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS BY Seth F THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER {Send cheque by registered mail.} REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D101493 DATE ISSUED 2/27/30 CHEQUE ISSUED FOR $50.00 COMMISSION $ 25 cents TOTAL $50.25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS 3 Monadnock St Dn FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS BY AJK. THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER {Send cheque by registered mail.} D906 REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D111155 DATE ISSUED 3/15/30 CHEQUE ISSUED FOR $36.00 COMMISSION $ 25 cents TOTAL $36.25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS 3 Monadnock St Dn FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS BY AJK THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER {Send check by registered mail.} D916 REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D127177 DATE ISSUED 3/20/30 CHEQUE ISSUED FOR $45- COMMISSION .25 TOTAL $45.25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST OF BOSTON CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS 3 Monadnock Street FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASS. BY WLF THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER {Send check by registered mail.} D916AGREEMENT. THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS PART OF AND IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT: It is understood and agreed to be the person who accepts this Receipt and the Check referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions: 1.—The Check referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance with the laws of the country on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.—If for any reason this Check is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the United States, the remitter will accept refund on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified on the Check, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.—In the event that this Check is lost, stolen or destroyed, no refund will be made until the claimant has furnished to the American Express Company a bond of indemnity satisfactory to that Company. 4.—Any alteration or mutliation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void.REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D127100 DATE ISSUED 2-21-31 CHECK ISSUED FOR $51.00 COMMISSION 25 cents TOTAL $51.25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST OF BOSTON CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASS. By [signature] LW Haight THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER {Send check by registered mail.} D916 REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D127161 DATE ISSUED 3/6/31 CHECK ISSUED FOR $30 COMMISSION $ 25 cents TOTAL $30.25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST OF BOSTON CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASS BY LWH THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER {Send check by registered mail.} D916 REMITTER'S MEMORANDUM NO. D127198 DATE ISSUED 5-4-31 CHECK ISSUED FOR $8.00 COMMISSION $ 25 cents TOTAL $8.25 PAYEE Catherine Breshkovsky BANK DRAWN ON: THE FIRST OF BOSTON CORPORATION CITY NEW YORK, N.Y. REMITTER Alice Stone Blackwell ADDRESS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON UPHAMS CORNER BRANCH BOSTON, MASS. BY LWH THIS MEMORANDUM SHOULD BE RETAINED BY PURCHASER {Send check by registered mail.} D916THE AUTHORS CLIPPING BUREAU P.O. Box 2616, Boston, Mass. Date, Nov 26 1918 Number of clippings sent herewith, : 3 If your count of clipping enclosed does not agree with this memorandum, please notify us at once. If we send clippings not within the scope of your order, or through any fault of ours of no use to you, please return them at once, and we will credit your account. Our service is continued until an order to discontinue is received. We like to have our subscribers keep their names permanently on our lists, even if only occasional notices of interest to them are being printed. There is no charge made to subscribers, except for clippings sent. Catherine Breshkovsky Prague Czekoslovakia $53. from Alice Stone BlackwellProspects' Name __________ Address __________ I have been getting my milk from the DEERFOOT FARMS, and have found their dairy products and their service most satisfactory. The salesman who supplies us with DEERFOOT products has told me that his company is making a very earnest effort to obtain several new customers, and he has asked me to assist him to win, by recommending to him a few of my friends. I am giving him your name, and sincerely hope you will grant him an interview. Customer's Name __________ Address __________ (POSTMARK OF) Receipt for Registered Article No. __________ Registered at the Post Office indicated in Postmark Fee paid [15] cents Class postage [369779] Return Receipt fee __________ Spl. Del'y fee __________ in person __________, or order __________ Accepting employee will place his initials in space indicating restricted delivery. POSTMASTER, per __________ (MAILING OFFICE) ---------- Complete record of registered mail is kept at the post office, but the sender should write the name of the addressee on back hereof as an identification. Preserve and submit this receipt in case of inquiry or application for indemnity. Registry Fees and Indemnity. ---Domestic registry fees range from 15 cents for indemnity {not} exceeding $50 up to $1 for indemnity not exceeding $1,000. The fee on domestic register [matters?] without intrinsic value and for which indemnity is not paid is 15 cents. Consult postmaster as to {the} specific domestic registry fees and as to the registry fees chargeable on registered parcel-post package. for foreign countries. Claims must be filed with postmasters within one year from date of mailing. Form 3806 (Rev.7-4-28) c5-6852 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1928Catherine Breshkovsky Prague Czechoslovakia $53. from Alice Stone BlackwellTHE AUTHORS' CLIPPING BUREAU WILLIAM M. STUART, Manager 538 Munsey Building, Washington, D.C. Clipping from Publishers' Weekly, N.Y. Oct. 26, 1918 Catherine Breshkovsky, the great Russian revolutionist, died last week and was vuried with full state honors by the Soviet government. Of her seventy-three years, thirty had been spent in prison. Her book, "The Little Grandmother of the Revolution," edited by Alice Stone Blackwell (Little, Brown), is a notable record of heroism. March 31 1919 Eleanor H. Pillmore Solvay (NY) Bk 2.50 [?] Trust Co. Boston April 7, 1919 Mrs G H Poforgian $2 for Alice Cary Babson Wellesly Nat Bk March 20, 1919 Mariton [?] P. Conant 255C. Amepuka [Toemo?r] 585. Boylston street Boston Mass. U.S.A. Miss Alice Stone Blackwell Ms. Alice Stone Blackwell. Boston Chilmark [?ass?lls] Mass 3 Monadnock Dov.157 WALNUT STREET BROOKLINE, MASS. 157 Walnut St Brookline Miss Lucy A Morse Seneca Springs [*1922*] Stowe Vt. Sent $5 for Russian BabiesJan 27, 1923 Deposited for CB Elsie Purèe, Lincoln, Mass 25 & Miss Kate S. Soolley 39 So Walnut Street E. Orange NJ. 10. Blanche Ames 5 Mrs. W. A. Wood Claremont Manor Oakland Cal. Harriet L. Dicke 5 Wauwatosa Wis. 2 Mary E B Perch ? Gerard Trust Co. 5 Juana Polacios $20 --- $72Deposited for C. B. J Feb. 2. 1923 Mrs. R. G. Shaw $50. Mrs. Susan Lee 25. Mrs. A. R. Solenberger 5. Helena Dudley 5. Miss Laura Silces 1. Mrs. C. A. Wardle 10. Ernest Moon 10. Miss Jean E. Scott 10. ----- $116 Rec'd also $1 in cash, anonymous.see CB Deposited Jan. 22, 1923 Mrs. T. A. Buckeur (C.B. 5. Mrs. F. K. Stearns 10. Mrs. M. G. White 3. Miss A J C Alcott 10. Mrs. M. P. Hamblin 5. Mary A. Leavcus 2. Mrs. A? N. M. Gerdes 2.Общество „ШКОЛЬНАЯ ПОМОЩЬ“ въ Ужгородѣ SPOLEK „ŠKOLNAJA POMOŠČ" V UŽHORODĚ. „SCHOOL-RELIEF" SOCIETY IN UŽHOROD.For the Russian Children in Prague Have forgotten how to spell her "Siete [M?tina"] nameFrom Mr + Mrs Kave Sprague Wellesley Files.No. 2 Schweiz Telegraphen- and Telephonverwaltung. - Administration des télégraphes et des téléphones suisses. - Amministrazione dei telegrafi e dei telefoni svizzeri. Montreux 12 Telegramm - Télégramme - Telegramma Wörter - Mots Parole __________ von - de No 83 Aufgegeben den - Consigné le F 191 um-à 7 Uhr - heures 15 Der Telegraphist: - Le télégraphiste Consegnato il alle ore Il telegrafista: Ethalteh von - Reçu de den-le 8/5 191 um-à 1 Uhr-heures .50min 1 Dufour Event Angaben Contr.No 39t Indications évent. Suitte Clarens Indicazions event. Kakareff Troise lettres six cent roubles recus contente écrisons Milashevsky Obertelegraphiert an - Réexpédié à den-le um-à Uhr-heures Der Telegraphist:- Le télégraphista: Ritrasmesso a il alle ore Il telegrafista:Schweiz. Telegraphen – und Telephonverwaltung – Administration des télégraphes et des téléphones suisses. – Aministrazione dei telegrafi e dei telefoni svizzeri. No. 2. Montreux Telegram – Télégramme – Telegramma Wörter – Mots[–]Parole [?]4 [blank] von–de[–]da [?Minousinski] No. 360 Der Telegraphist: - Le télégraphiste:[-]Il telegrafista: [?] Auigegben den – Consigné le[–]Consegnato il 21. VII 191 um – à[–]alle 4 Uhr – heures[–]ore 30 min. Erkalten von – Reçu de[–]Ricevino da " [?] den – le[–] il 8. VIII 191 um – à[–]alle 3 Uhr – heures[–]ore [line] min. Event Augaben. [**written sideways Adresse-Indrizzo**] Contr. No 281 Indications évent. Suisse Claren Indicazioni event. Baugy Lazareff Lettre deux cents recus beau soleil belle sante satisfaite. Breshkosky Übertelegraphiert an – Réexpédié à[–]Ritrasmesso a [blank] den – le[–] il [blank] um – à[–]alle [blank] Uhr – heures[–]ore [blank] min. Der Telegraphist: - Le télégraphiste:[-]Il telegrafista: [blank]Little, Brown & Company Publishers, booksellers, and importers 34 Beacon Street 76 B 656 Boston, Mar 21 1918 Sold to Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Monadnock St Upham's Corner Boston Mass Law and general literature Terms Cash Authors A/C Conveyance Mail Quantity 5 Not responsible for goods lost or damaged in transit, sent or received for enclosure, or sent by mail. Claims for allowance or damage must be presented within ten days of receipt of goods. L grandmother 2 00 30% One copy to G Pasdermadjian Hotel Essex Post Boston Mass 4 copies direct to A S Blackwell Miscellaneous 7 00. Educational Law Total 7 00. 06. 11 7 17 We, the undersigned, do hereby guarantee that the articles or commodities listed herein, were produced or manufactured by us in a factory in which within 30 days prior to the removal [?] of such product therefrom, no children under the age of 14 years were employed or permitted to work, for children between the ages of 14 and 16 years were employed or permitted to work more than 8 hours in any day or more than six days in any week, or after 7 o'clock P.M. or before the hour of 6 o'clock A.M. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass. Little, Brown & Company Publishers, booksellers, and importers 34 Beacon Street 76 B 514 Boston, Feb 21 1918 Sold to Miss Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Monadnock St Dorchester Mass Terms Cash Author's A/C Conveyance Mail Law and general literature Quantity 3 Not responsible for goods lost or damaged in transit, sent or received for enclosure, or sent by mail. Claims for allowance or damage must be presented within ten days of receipt of goods. L Grandmother 2 00 30% Post Miscellaneous 4 20 Educational Law Total 4 20 09 4 29 We, the undersigned, do hereby guarantee that the articles or commodities listed herein, were produced or manufactured by us in a factory in which within 30 days prior to the removal [?] of such product therefrom, no children under the age of 14 years were employed or permitted to work, for children between the ages of 14 and 16 years were employed or permitted to work more than 8 hours in any day or more than six days in any week, or after 7 o'clock P.M. or before the hour of 6 o'clock A.M. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass. Terms Cash. Boston, January 23d 1918 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Monadnock Street, Dorchester, Mass. Bought of Little, Brown & Company, Publishers, Booksellers, & Importers. Amount $ 34 Beacon Street Law and General Literature Goods sent out to be packed, or by mail, at your risk. No claim for damages or imperfections allowed unless advised within ten days after receipt of Goods. Unless you desire a receipted bill, please detach this voucher and mail with check, your cancelled check is a receipt. Little, Brown & Company "The Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution: Expense of formal publication in Canada, fee for registration at Stationers' Hall, London, etc. for English copyright $1220 [left margin note] Charged Jan. 23, 1918 CGC [?] [left margin note] Sigillvm Collegii Wellesleiani Non-ministrari Sed-ministrare The trustees of Wellesley College Gratefully accept for the library The gift of Memorabilia of Madame Catherine Breshkovsky, including one hundred and two autographed letters, notes, and photographs, together with a collection of newspaper clippings Miss Vida D. Scudder 45 Leighton Road Wellesley, Massachusetts Wildred H. [?] President of the College Blanche Prichard McCrum [?] LibrarianThe Nation 20 Vesey Street New York To Chorvatska S. Geo Lazarsff [Ma?]. Vršovice Prague. Czechoslovakia 557 1 march 26 To renew your subscription to The Nation which expired this week $6.00 {Foreign $6.00 } {Canadian 5.50 } Two years' renewal-or your renewal and a new subscription-$8.00 Please return this bill with your checkSTATEMENT Boston, July 1 1921 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell In account with Little, Brown & Co. By Royalty on 3 Monadnock St. Dorchester, Mass. 15 Little Grandmother etc. @$1.75 @17 1/2 2.63 94 Little Grandmother etc 20 $18.80 21.43 Dr Jime $ To, Little Grandmother and Post 1.46 $19.97 G. Layareff address Little & Brown in checkClarens, Switzerland 20 June 1913. The account of the Fond of Relieve on behalf of Mrs. Breshkovsky. From 1 June 1912 up to 1 July 1913. Avoir Doit Received Sent Postage Date Franc[?] Cent.[?] Date Fr. Cent Fr. Cent 1 June 1912, cash, Reporte 535 26 20-VI-12 106 70 1 25 14 August-1912, from Miss H. Dudley 128 75 25-VII-12 106 70 1 25 ? " Mrs. I. Barrows 183 00 17-VIII-12 106 70 1 25 30-XII-12 (Cheque) " " " 623 40 10-IX-12 106 70 1 25 18-I-1913 " Miss Alice Blackwell 180 25 14-X-12 120 04 1 25 13-III-13 " " " " 154 50 17-XI-12 106 70 1 25 22-III-13 " Miss Lucy B. Pratt 618 50 16-I-1913 280 00 0 65 (letter) --------------- 20-II-13 266 74 0 65 " Total 2423 66 21-III-13 266 74 2 75 " 21-V-13 266 74 0 80 (letter) 20-VI-13 266 74 0 65 " 22-III-13 Cheque of Miss Pratt changed 0 70 Total 2267 24+16 45 Balance Total generale 2283.69 Rest in cash 139 17 I. Lazareff, treasurer. 20 June 1913. Clarens, Switzerland. The account of the Fond of relieve on behalf. of Mrs. Breshkowsky. From 1 June 1912 up to 1 July 1917. Avoir Doit Received Sent Postage Date Francs cent. Sent Postage 1 June 1912, cash, Reports 525 26 by Post-order and by letters Fr. Cent. Fr. cent. 14 August 1912. from Miss H. Dudley 128 75 20-VI-12 106, 70 1 25 " " from Mrs. J. Barrows 183 00 25-VII-12 106. 70 1 25 30-XII-12 (Cheque) " Mrs. J. Barrows 623 40 17-VII-12 106.70 1 25 18-I-13 " Miss Alice Blackwell 180 25 10-IX-12 106.70 1 25 13-III-13 " Miss A. Blackwell 154 50 14-X-12 120.04 1 25 22-III-13(cheque) " Miss Lucy B. Pratt 618. 50 17-XI-12 106.70 1 25 16-I-1913 280.00 0 65 letter Total 2423 66 20 II-13 266.74 0 65-[letter] 21-III-13 266.74 2 75-P.O. 20-IV-13 266 74 2 75_P.O. 20-V-13 266.74 0 80 (letter) 20-VI-13 266.74 0 65 " 22-III-13 change for cheque of Miss Lucy Pratt 0 70 Total 2267-24+16 45 Balance: rest in cash 139 If[?] Total generale 2283.69 I. Lazareff, Treasurer 635 Před odchodem od pokladny přezkoumejte počet i pravost vyplacených peněz a vyda- ných cenností; na pozdější reklamace nelze bráti zřetele. S12-[? ?] @ D 1759 first of Boston [?Internistka] Corp New York 33-635 K 403.60 3.60 400.- George Lararev Pride prince Tolvtihr [?77 1/2 33?] 572 Před odchodem od pokladny přezkoumejte počet i pravost vyplacených peněz a vyda- ných cenností; na pozdější reklamace nelze bráti zřetele. 50- Cheque no=D145448 n/First of Boston Internat. Corporation a 33-635 Kc1681-75 com. s yl Ks 3-75 Kc1678 - Kc1678 - 24.I33 M. Geroge Lazarev 726 Tolstelio ril.571 Pred odchodem od pokladny prezkoumejte pocket I provost vyplacenych penes a Vida- nych cennosti; na pozdejsi reklamace nelze brati zretele. $35- Cheque No Di4545i n First of Boston Internat. Corporation, N.Y. Legor Sarason aa'33-635 sow.S.uf. Kc-Nyy-20 Kc iiy4-Kc iiy4- [?]-20 24T33. p. George Lazareu 426 Tolste Leo nl. 570 Pred odchodem od pokladny prezkoumejte pocket I provost vyplacenych penes a Vida- nych cennosti; na pozdejsi reklamace nelze brati zretele. $30- Clique No D145454 First of Bostou Interuat Corporate, N.Y. George Lazareu a'33-635 1678.- Ks- 1009.05 1174.- Kc- 3.05 1006- Kc 1006. KS- 1006.00 3858.- 24-7-33 p. George Lazareu, 426 Tolste lio ut.400 1006 1174 1678 4,258I MRS. BRESHKOVSKY. "Grand Mother of Russian Revolution." I844-I929; The 85-th anniversary of her birthday was celebrated 25 January of this year, in the big hall of "Meschanska Beseda" in Prague. The Greetings (addresses, letters and teltgrams) from Uncle Sam. I) - Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, Boston; $25. 2) - " Lillian Wald & Alice Blackwell, Telegram. 3) - Miss Jane Addams, Hull House, Chicago. $I0. 4) - Mrs. Susan Lee, Wollesley, Mass. $20. 5 - Miss Helene Duddley, Wollesley, Mass. $20 6 - I group of the Russian friends & comrades of N. Y. (Kalashnikoff & cetera, of 20 persons 7 - II group of 8 persons " " " " (Shmelkin & cetera) 8 - Miss Mary Hillard, Westover School, Conn. Tel. 9 - General C. M. Oberoutcheff & wife. N.Y. I0 - The N.Y. group of Social-Revolutionary Party, of N,Y. II - The family of Prof. Rymond Mussey,: Henry, Mabel, June, Wollesley, Mass I2 - The Wellesley College, Mass. I3 - Mrs. Irene Dietrich, Brooklyn, N.Y. I4 - Family of Edmund Noble, Malden, Mass. $5. I5 - Mrs. Julia C. Drury. Bristol, R.I. I6 - Little, Brown & Co. Publishers, Alfred R. Mcintyre, Presid. Boston. I7 Mass. League of Woomen Voters, Boston, Mass. I8 - Mr. Louis Stoiber, Newark, N. J. Many letters & Telegram. $34 I9 - Mount Holyoke College, Mary E. Woolley, Presid. S.Hadley, Mass. $5. 20 - Mrs. Jeannette Marks, South Hadley, Mass. $I0. 2I - C/o Mr. Louis Stoiber: 22 A - Miss Lillian Wald, Main House, N.Y. $I. B Wooman Study Club & Contemporary Club, Forest Hill , Newark, N.J. C Rev. Paul R. Hickok, Forest Hill Presb. Church, Newark, N.J. D Mr. Allen Wardwell, I5 Broad St., N.Y. Pres. of the Le[a]gal Aid. $34. E - Mr. Hugo S. Loewenthal, Newark. $5. G - Cor. Heller Parkway, Newark, N.J. F - "The Boys and Girls of the World" H - "The I Am Glad Society" I - "The Nation Settlement S-ty"", Silver Lake. N.J. 22 [?] Mr. W. D. Foulke, Pres. of the Society of Friends of Russian Freedom of Boston now in Richmond, Indiana. 23 - Mrs. Lydia Wentworth, Brookline, Mass. 24 - Mrs. Edwin D. Mead, " " FRANCE I - (Russian Text) 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.- 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - I0 - II - I2 - I3 - I4 - I5 - I6 - I7 - I8 - I9 - 20 - 2I - 22 - 23 - -- [2] -- I - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - I0 - II - I2 - I3 - I4 - I5 - I6 - I7 - I8 - I9 - 20 - 2I - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 3I - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - I - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - I0 - II - I2 - I3 - I4 - I5 - I6 - I7 - I8 - I9 - 20 - 21 -The speach of Mr. G Lazarev Р Е Ч Ь Е. Е. Л А З А Р Е В А. НА ЮБИЛЕЕ 85-ЛЕТИЯ К.К. БРЕШКОВСКОЙ, 25 Января 1929 года в большом зале "Мещанской беседы", в Праге. Дорогая Катерина Константиновна, верный друг, неизменный товарищ возлюбленная сестра. Свет давно уже присвоил тебе имя "Бабушки",- бабушки Русской Революции. Это имя ты несёшь по праву. Ибо ни за границей, ни в самой России среди социалистов и демократов, игравших видную роль в революционном движении в России, в настоящее время нет ни одного лица старше тебя. Твоя долгая жизнь служит верным отражением превратности судеб нашей милой, величавой и многострадальной родины. Ты родилась и выросла среди ужасов крепостного права и с детских лет полюбила угнетенных крестьян, представлявших русский народ. Но у тебя был один природный порок: ты происходишь от аристократических родителей. За такое преступление в Советской Руси лишают пайка, права на образование, ссылают в Соловки и в ледяную Сибирь, а при упорстве при упорстве ставят к стенке, как было поступлено с князем П. Долгоруковым. Да, твоя жизнь есть зеркало русской истории. Если бы, например, историк захотел наглядно понять, - почему эпоха "Великих Реформ" 60-х годов сменилась обширным революционным движением 70-х, ему достаточно было бы познакомиться с следующим эпизодом твоей жизни, предопределившим твою последующую судьбу. На пороге 60-х и 70-х годов прошлого столетия, при содействии либерального отца своего, мирового посредника, в идейном отношении с товарищем своего детства, Сергеем Коваликом, ставшим мировым судьей, и при дружном участии своего мужа, молодого помещика-студента, Николая Петровича Брешко-Брешковского, имение которого было по соседству с имением отца, ты со всей страстью отдалась культурно-просветительной деятельности, открывая школы для крестьянских детей как в имении отца, так и в имении своего мужа, устраивая библиотеки и сберегательную кассу для крестьян. Влияние вашего либерального кружка быстро стало распространяться на весь Мглинский уезд Черниговской губ., служилые места, занятые реакционерами, стали заниматься либералами. Так дело шло и развивалось. Вдруг донос... о том, что в уезде завелась "крамола"... Царское правительство, без всяких разговоров, выгоняет со службы твоего отца и твоего друга Сергея Ковалика, школы, библиотеку и сберегательную кассу для крестьян закрывает, а тебя и мужа твоего отдают под надзор полиции и тем лишают возможности заниматься какой либо общественной деятельностью. Вот здесь и происходит отбор, разделение либеральных элементов от элементов революционных. Отец твой и муж твой покорились силе. Не могли покориться ни ты, ни Сергей Ковалик. Вы оба решили вступить на новый, революционный путь. Здесь проявляется поистине легендарное решение твое, которое лучше всего показывает силу твоего характера и которое преодпределило твою дальнейшую судьбу. Ты спрашиваешь своего мужа: хочет ли он следовать вместе с тобой по-новому пути и готов ли идти в тюрьму, на каторгу и на эшафот. Твой муж откровенно ответил, что у него для этого нет нужных сил. Тогда ты в последний раз пожала его руку и оставила его навсегда. Ни просьбы отца и всех остальных родных, ни даже рождение сына, - ничто не смогло остановить тебя от задуманного решения. Ты вверяешь воспитание ребёнка жене своего брата и уезжаешь в Киев, где вскоре становишься центром революционной учащейся молодёжи, среди коей достаточно упомянуть только таких лиц, как Марья Коленкина, Яков Стефанович, Андрей Желябов и Павел Аксельрод, ставших позднее знаменитостями. В 1874 году вместе с тысячами других пропагандистов, под видом крестьянки ты отправляешься "в народ", и осенью этого года попадаешь в тюрьму. Так наступил период геройских подвигов и мучительных испытаний которые продолжались всю твою жизнь и которые ты претерпеваешь до настоящей минуты. Здесь нет возможности даже вкратце изложить твою дальнейшую жизнь, полную подвигов и тяжёлых испытаний. Я прибегну к статистике: более 10 лет ты провела в одиночном заключении. Тебя отдавали 4 раза под суд, причём 2 раза приговаривали к каторге: в первый раз 5 лет, и во второй - на 4 года. Сверх того два раза дело кончалось заключением в тюрьму и вечной ссылкой в Сибирь. Ты совершила два баснословных, к сожалению, неудачных, побега из Сибири: первый возрасте 36, а второй в возрасте 69 лет. Ты два раза была сослана по суду в Сибирь, где провела в первый раз - 18 лет, а во вторую ссылку - 7 страшных лет. После 18 лет ссылки в Сибири, тебе разрешили на родину, в Европейскую Россию. Несмотря на радостную встречу и на любовь родных, несмотря на всяческий комфорт, которым окружили тебя, ты, будучи под надзором полиции, не могла заниматься никакой общественной деятельностью. И опять, здесь повторилось то, что произошло 25 лет перед тем: Не прожив и года, ты горячо распростилась с ними и исчезла, т. е. перешла на нелегальное положение, чтобы свободно отдаться пропагандистской деятельности. Правительственная реакция свирепствовала. И несмотря на это, несмотря на усиленные поиски полиции, благодаря самоотверженной преданности множества укрываших тебя лиц, ты в течение долгих пяти лет объезжала несколько раз всю Россию, отыскивая старых и находя новых товарищей революционеров, готовых вступить в активную борьбу с правительством для освобождения угнетенного народа, - устанавливая более или менее прочную связь между ними. В этот именно период твоей жизни имя Катерины Брешковской совершенно исчезает со света и забывается. Вместо него по всей России проносится с священным трепетом таинственное слово: "Бабушка". Благодаря этой, богатой всякими приключениями подпольный деятельности, в 1901 г. быстро и легко возстановилась партия Народной Воли под новым названием "Партии Социалистов-Революционеров". Таким образом, ты была нетолько активным членом этой партии, но и одним из главных её основателей. Февральская революция 1917 г, прямо из ссылки отводит тебе штаб квартиру в Зимнем Дворце. Но ты вновь разъезжаешь в специальном вагоне по всей России, ты развила обширную культурно-просветительную деятельность, которая была прервана Большевицким Октябристским переворотом, заставившим тебя вновь уйти в подполье. Реакционный переворот, возглавленный Колчаком, обеспечил победу Большевизма и надолго выбросил тебя и всех нас, твоих близких товарищей, в эмиграцию. При кратком посещении тобой Европы и Америки ещё 25 лет тому назад ты приобрела много преданных и неизменных друзей и почитателей, которые с тех пор никогда не забывали тебя, гдебы ты не была. Теперь я могу открыто засвидетельствовать, что особенно наши Американские друзья в течение долгих и многих лет давали мне возможность посылать тебе каждый месяц по 100 руб, где бы ты ни была, - в тюрьме или в ссылке на Севере Сибири. И вот, все эти иностранные друзья ныне присоединяют свои горячие приветствия к нашим, о чём ты узнаешь кучи имеющихся у меня приветствий. Мы же собрались здесь, чтобы в тесной компании интимных друзей приветствовать тебя и пожелать тебе доброго здоровья, зная, что каждый час твоей жизни будет посвящен на служение ближнему, на служение своему народу и на благо всего Человечества. Егор Лазарев. Дорогая сестра, В заключение позволь мне, бывшему крепостному крестьянину, выразить тебе, бывшей аристократке, от имени всего русского крестьянства, мою искреннюю признательность, торжественно и всенародно, за то, что ты, отказавшись от всех привиллегий своего сословия, с ранних лет посвятила всю свою жизнь на служение крестьянству, на просвещение его на защиту униженных и обездоленных, к какому бы сословию или классу они ни принадлежали. Живи же дольше и работай больше. E. Лазарев--2-- Франция /Продолжения/ . 24 - В. Воршинин с суперугой. Париж. 25 - М[е?]льгунов, профессор. 26 - "Работники"[П?чатного] слова" "[Зашитн[???] свободного слова" .Париж. Тел. 27 - Фишер, художник. Канны. 28 - Н. [Н????] /из [редак?ии] "Дней"/ 29 - Семья Плехановых и Григорович-Барская. 30 - [Мак??в]. АНГЛИЯ. 1 - Британская [Со?иал??м?кратическая] Федералия. Тел. 2 -Группа друзей и товаришей: Ольга Львовна Керенская и два сына, Сескисы, отец и сын, К[?]ганы, [?кловский]/ [Д??н??]/ , Н.П. Высоцкая с сыном [Гавр?нские], Новомейский/ из Бургузина/ ,и друг. [Вс?г?] 23 приятеля. 3 - [Ст?пняк], Фани Маркевна. 4 - [Чайк?вские], Гарреу-он-ды Гилл. 5 - С.Р. Каран и Софья Каран. Письмо- 6 - Н.Н. П. Высоцкая, Письмо . 7 - Миссис Эльма [С??уби], [У?рсли], близь Манчестера. 8 - Марья и Симеон Странский. Телеграмма. / [??] [??]б . из Америки?/Помечене" „[Ashe?ill], Eng.“ ШВЕЙЦАРИЯ 1 1 Семья Рубакиных. Лозанна. Телеграмма. 2 [М?р?з?вы] Ульяновы, [Р?дич??ы], [К?????а?] Нат. Алек. [Р?рцен]. Телег .[Л?зан] 3 Адлер,Катерина Яковлевна. Цюрих. ЛИТВА . 1 - [Пуй??]. [К?вн?], Тел. /Цветы/ . Р РУМЫНИЯ 1 - Проф. [З?м??р] [Арб?р?]-Ралли. Букарешт. Письмо. 2 - Эфруси. Бессарабия. “ РИГА. 1- Шапиро. Телеграма. ВЕРЛИН. 1 - Д-р Благож. [ЧЕх?сл?в. дипломатическая миссия в Берлине. Телегр. Белград 1 - Белградский Земгор: Махин, Верещак, Ираклиди. Телегр. 2 - Михаия Агапов. Письмо. РОССИЯ 1 - От 13 старых друзей и товаришей, народников и [нар?д?в?ль?]в, [катор?ан] и [?л?сс?льб?ржцев]. Письмо с [д?п?лнительным] письмом, [принят??] с особым, [тр?гательным] [чувств?м] др-жескей и [товари??ск?й] [при?нательности]. [*?*]LIST OF PERIODICALS TO WHICH "LITTLE GRANDMOTHER" WAS SENT FOR REVIEW, ETC. Book selection Section, State Library, Albany, N. Y. Sun, Baltimore, Md. Herald, Boston, Mass. Transcript, Boston, Mass. Globe, Boston, Mass. Post, Boston, Mass. Congregationalist, Boston, Mass. Living Age, Boston, Mass. Bagle, Brooklyn, N. Y. Library, Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. Evening Post, Chicago, Ill. Tribune, " " Herald, " " Daily News " " Dial, " " Standard, " " Epworth Herald, " " Continent, " " A. L. A. Booklist, Chicago, Ill. Books of the Month " " Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio. Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio. State Journal, Columbus, Ohio. Register & Leader, Des Moines, Ia. Free Press, Detroit, Mich. Saturday Night, Detroit, Mich. News, Grand Rapids, Mich. Courant, Hartford, Conn. News, Indianapolis, Ind. Star, Kansas City, Mo. Times, Los Angeles, Calif. Graphic, " " " Mrs. Alberta Lawrence, Los Angeles, Calif. (California papers). Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky. Evening Post, " " Wisconsin State Journal, Madison, Wis. " Free Library Commission, Madison, Wis. Journal, Minneapolis, Minn. Journal-Courier, New Haven, Conn/ News, Newark, N. J. Times-Picayune, New Orleans, La. Times, New York City. Mail, " " " Sun, " " " Evening Sun, " " " Tribune, " " " World, " " " Evening Post, New York City. Herald, " " " Nation, " " " Outlook, " " " Independent, " " " Literary Digest, " " " Publishers' Weekly, New York City. Bookseller, Newsdealer & Stationer, New York City. Bockman, New York City. Review of Reviews, New York City. Current Opinion, New York City. Survey, New York City. Metropolitan Magazine, New York City. -2- LIST OF PERIODICALS TO WHICH "LITTLE GRANDMOTHER" WAS SENT FOR REVIEW. New Republic, New York City. New York Call, New York City. Cumulative Book Index, New York City. Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa. North American, " " Book News Monthly, Philadelphia, Pa. Press, Philadelphia, Pa. Gazette-Times, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chronicled-telegraph, " " Journal, Providence, R. I. Chronicle, San Francisco, Calif. Argonaut, " " " Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, Wash. Republican, Springfield, Mass. Union, " " Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, Mo. Mirror, " " " Observer, Utica, N. Y. Book News Monthly (advance sheets to Mrs. Norma Bright Carson), Phila. Bookman, N. Y. ( " " " Mr. G. C. Wyant). Transcript, Boston ( " " " Mr. Edgett). Herald, " ( " " " " Bullard). Daily News, Chicago, ( " " " " H. B. Sell). Ledger, Phila. (SundayEd. " ") Tribune, N. Y. ( " " " ") Sun, " " ( " " " ") Times, " " ( " " " ") Jewish Daily Forward, New York City. (175 East Broadway) Political Science Quarterly, New York City. (Columbia University) American Jewish Chronicle, " " " (Aerolin Hall) Woman's Ledger, " " " 171 Madison Ave.) Public, New York City. (122 East 37th St.) Associated Sunday Magazines and Every Week (Bruce Barton), New York City. American Hebrew, New York City. (44 East 23rd St.) The Rusiian Review, " " " (31 East 7th St.) Life & Labor, 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Lafollette Magazine, Madison, Wis. Appeal to Reason, Girard, Kansas. Mr. Myrovitch, Editor, Leader, % Workman's Publishing Co., Fitchburg, Mass. Mr. John L. Heaton, % New York World, New York City. Associated Newspapers, Dr. Frank Crane, 170 Broadway, New York City.Statement Boston, Jan 2 1918 Miss Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Monadnock St., Worchester, Mass. In account with Little, Brown, & Co. By Royalty On 2588 ^[?] Little Grandmother of the Russian [?] @ .30 776 40 13 " " " " " " Canada .15 1 95 778 35 [?] 1917 June 20 To Translating etc 200 – Nov 24 " 2 Little Grandmother 2 80 Dec 6 " 8 " " 11 74 " 4 " 4 " " + Postage 6 02 " 11 " Efcess Corrections 23 94 " " " 1 Little Grandmother and Postage 1 46 " 8 " 1 " " " " 1 54 " 22 " 1 " " " " 1 46 248 96 529 39 Little Brown & Co. BreskovskyCatherine Breshkovsky, "The Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution," has lately had another birthday. She is now 86, and in frail health. She had a terrible cold, and it has left her with a cough that she does not get over. She is harrowed with anxiety for fear she can not provide for the support of her boys and girls in school during t the winter. She writes me that she has at present a particularly fine group of them. Unable to live in Russia because she is out of sympathy with the Bolsheviki, she has settled in Prague, and for the last nibne years has been supporting the boarding schools that she founded for poor children in Russian Carpathia, now a district of the Czechoslovak republic. She has maintained them mainly with American money, and in the past you have contributed to this good work. I am writing in the hope that you may be willing to send her a birthday gift again this year for this purpose. Her heart is wrapped up in these schools. She writes: "I wonder at myself. I have no physical stength_ am always always tired after an hour or two of reading and or writing. Perhaps my trouble is fear that I shall not be able to meet my obligations." Her doctor wants her to go to a warmer place for the coldest part of t the weather, and sh winter, and she says she would go if the immediat future of her school children was provided for. Her address is Catherine Breshkovsky, Care of A. Milashevsky, Zemgor, Rumunska 1, Prague, Czex Czechoslovakia. Or I will gladly forward contributions. Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Mo nadnock Street, Upham's Corner, Boston, Mass. Catherine Breshkovsky, "The Little Gradmother of the Russian Revolution," has lately had another birthday. She is now 86, and in frail health. She had a terrible cold, and it has left her with a cough that she does not get over. She is harrowed with anxiety for fear she can not provide for the support of her boys and girls in school during t the winter. She writes me that she has at present a particularly fine group of them. Unable to live in Russia because she is out of sympathy with the Bolsheviki, she has settled in Prague, and for the last nibne years has been supporting the boarding schools that she founded for poor children in Russian Carpathia, now a district of the Czechoslovak republic. She has maintained them mainly with American money, and in the past you have contributed to this good work. I am writing in the hope that you may be willing to send her a birthday gift again this year for this purpose. Her heart is wrapped up in these schools. She writes: "I wonder at myself. I have no physical strength_ am alwa always tired after an hour or two of reading and or writing. Perhaps my trouble is fear that I shall not be able to meet my obligations." Her doctor wants her to go to a warmer place for the coldest part of t the weather, and sh , and she says she would go if the immediat future of her school children was provided for. Her address is Catherine Breshkovsky, Care of A. Milashevsky, Zemgor, Rumunska 1, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Or I will gladly forward contributions. Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Mo nadnock Street, Upham's Corner, Boston, Mass.The First National Bank Of Boston Foreign Exchange Sold May 22 1917 Alice Blackwell D-196 On @ $ Ch Russia Rbls 36.67 "34 First National Bank , of Boston Paid Foreign Exchange Department CheckRemitter's Receipt Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. Caution - Send cheque by registered Mail. We have this day Issued Date 3/20/1922 Unltd. Cheque No. 2716059 Payee A. A. Beskida Draw on Slovinska Bk. Uzhorod At Czecho Slovakia For (Foreign Money) KC 2000.00 At Rate of Exchange .20 = $40.00 Charges (C.O.D. or Domestic) - - $___________ Sold to A. S. Blackwell Address 3 Monadnock American Express Company [?] At Boston State Mass (5015, April, 1921, SERIES E.) Altieri Agent. Remitter's Receipt Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. Caution - Send Cheque By Registered Mail. We have this day Issued Date Dec. 1 1921 Unltd. Cheque No. 2711958 Payee A.A. Beskida Drawn on Zivnastinska Bk Prague At Czecho Slovakia For (Foreign Money) KC 2083.00 At Rate of Exchange .012 = $25.00 Charges (C.O.D) or Domestic) -- $......... Sold to A. Stone Blackwell Address 3 Momadnock St American Express Company Boston At Boston State Mass. [?] (5015, April, 1921. Series E.) Altieri Agent. Remitter's Receipt Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. Caution - Send Cheque By Registered Mail We have this day Issued Date Dec. 29 1921 Unltd. Cheque No. 2713190 Payee A.A. Beskida Drawn on Zivnastinska [?Banfeu] At Prague Czecho S. For (Foreign Money) KC 6666.00 At Rate of Exchange 015=$100.00 Charges (C.O.D. or Domestic) -- $........... Sold to A. Stone Blackwell Address 3 Monadnock St American Express Company At Boston State Mass. (5015, April, 1921. Series E.) Altieri Agent. Remitter's Receipt Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. Caution -- Send Cheque By Registered Mail We have this day Issued Date 10/13 1921 Unltd. Cheque No. 2709299 Payee AA. Beshida Drawn on Givnostenska Banka At Prague, Czechoslovakia For (Foreign Money) KC 2000.00 At Rate of Exchange 0125=$ 25.00 Charges (C.O.D) or Domestic) -- $.......... $25.00 Sold to Alice Stone Blackwell Address 3 Monadnock St Boston 25 American Express Company At Boston State Mass (5015, April, 1921. Series E.) C F Termey Agent.AGREEMENT. THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: It is understood and agreed to by the person who accepts this Receipt and the Cheque referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions:-- 1.--The Cheque referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance to the laws of the country on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.--If for any reason this Cheque is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the United States, the remitter will accept the refund on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified on the Cheque, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.--Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void. (5608, Aug., 1919) 1 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 9390871 Crowns FOREIGN MONEY Kr2 940 # FOREIGN MONEY ORDER RECEIPT - NOT NEGOTIABLE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON BACK. RECEIVED Fifty---------------no DOLLARS 100 FOR FOREIGN MONEY CREDIT OF Twenty nine hundred forty crowns [AMOUNT OF FOREIGN MONEY] FOR TRANSFER TO [GIVE FULL NAME] A.A. Beskida ADDRESS Uzhorod Karpato Russ Czechoslovakia GIVE FULL ADDRESS, INDICATING STREET AND CITY, OR VILLAGE AND POST OFFICE, COUNTY, PROVINCE AND COUNTRY. FROM Alice S. Blackwell ADDRESS 3 Monadnock St. Boston RATE 017 $50.00 DATE May 23, 1921 POSTAGE CO'S CHARGE .35 TOTAL $ 50.35 CW Bush [AGENT] OFFICE Boston STATE Mass.CONTRACT THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS PART OF AND IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONTRACT: The person who accepts this receipt and the American Express Company contract and agree, as follows: 1. This receipt is not negotiable. 2. The payment of the money order, if issued in U. S. Dollars, shall be made at the rate of exchange fixed by the American Express Company, less charges and expenses of the paying bank or agency. 3. Such payment will be made subject to the rules and regulations of the various post offices or other agencies used in making or effecting the payment. 4. The American Express Company shall return the payee's receipt, if possible, but shall not be required to do so nor to undertake to trace delivery or payment of the money until after three months from date hereof, and then only upon the payment in advance of the sum of twenty- five (25c.) cents to cover postage and incidental expenses. 5. If the service of cable or telegraph companies is employed, the American Express Company will not be responsible for errors or delays in transmission or neglect by such cable or telegraph companies or other agencies. 6. In the event that this credit or remittance is returned to the American Express Company, refund will be paid by the Company and will be accepted by the claimant on the basis of the current buying rate in New York, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified, less any charges and expenses of the Company. 7. Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void. REMITTER'S RECEIPT. Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. CAUTION--SEND CHEQUE BY REGISTERED MAIL. We have this day Issued Date 11/15 1922 Unltd.Cheque No. 3311648 Payee Zenab [?] Drawn on N.B. [?] [?] At Austria For (Foreign Money) At Rate of Exchange = $10.00 Charges (C. O. D. or Domestic) $1.00 Sold to A. S. Blackwell Address [?] American Express Company At 43 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. [?] (5015, March, 1922. SERIES E.) Agent.[*Am Express receipt*] AGREEMENT. THE RECEIPT ON THE OTHER SIDE IS PART OF AND IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT: It is understood and agreed to by the person who accepts this Receipt and the Cheque referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions:— 1.— The Cheque referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance with the laws of the country on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.— If for any reason this Cheque is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the United States, the remitter will accept refund on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of refund, for the foreign money specified on the Cheque, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.— Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void. [*1910 Breshkovsky [?my] in [?n?ty] of Siberia*] REMITTER'S RECEIPT. Issued subject to Conditions printed on back hereof. CAUTION - SEND CHEQUE BY REGISTERED MAIL. We have this day Issued Date 12/28 1920 Unltd. Cheque No. 1639188 Payee Leon G. Meloyian Drawn on Credit Swisse At Geneva Switz For (Foreign Money) &cs. 75.00 At Rate of Exchange 16 = $12.00 Charges (C. O. D. or Domestic) - - $ Sold to A. S. Blackwell Address 3. Monadnock St. American Express Company At Boston State Mass M [Alt????] (5015, June, 1920, SERIES E.) Agent.Agreement The Receipt on the other side is issued subject to the following conditions: Is is understood and agreed to by the person who accepts this receipt and the cheque referred to herein, and the American Express Company, that the transaction is subject to the following conditions.- 1.- The Cheque referred to herein, if drawn on a foreign country, will be paid in accordance with the laws of the county on which drawn. (In most foreign countries identification of the payee is not required.) 2.- If for any reason the cheque is not paid abroad and is presented for refund or payment in the united states, the remitter will accept refunds on the basis of the market buying rate in New York City, on the date of the refund, for the foreign money specified on the Cheque, less any charges and expenses incurred. 3.-Any alteration or mutilation of this instrument renders the entire transaction void.B LETTER FROM CATHERINE BRESHKOVSKY ("The Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution".) I wish to appeal, through your columns, to the free and generous American people. You surely will not withhold your sympathy from the people of Russia, who are now deprived of all freedom, of all opportunity to promote their own material or spiritual progress. My mother country's tremendous past - full of dangers from the East, and from despotism within - has left out masses ignorant and in distress, easily to be misled by selfish and presumptuous persons. These have done their utmost to keep our people, who are inexperienced in regard to political questions, from any contact with the civilized world. No foreign newspapers nor free Russian press circulates in Russia. But among the Russians who had left the country were fighters who, despite all threats, have never ceased to tell the truth, and have informed the world what the Bolshevik regime in Russia really means. Though Russia is like a closed prison, in time that formidable voice penetrated through the frontiers, and proved to our brothers that faithful souls were still with them, and would never desert them. For the past seven years my friend and co-worker Alexander Kerensky has put all his strength and ability into editing a daily paper in order to make clear that treachery and iniquity of the so-called Soviet government. This paper "Dni" (Days) won confidence not only abroad but in Russia itself, where a few copies entered clandestinely, and where the democratic newspaper acquired students and followers. The results were growing more and more encouraging, and the editor was besieged with requests for additional information, when the paper's financial resources became exhausted, and the honest voice was interrupted. "Days" had to suspend publication. But this incorruptible instrument must be heard, and must continue its work, for the sake of more than 100,000,000 people, who are able to make our country take an honorable place among other cultured nationalities; for the sake of a nation truly pacific, and so richly endowed by nature. Ten years of extreme efforts, against continual impediments - they are so many in the lives of exiles! - have drained for the moment the resources of our newspaper. This compels me, with a sorrowful but hopeful heart, to appeal to you, free and generous American citizens, for help. Help us to revive our best democratic newspaper, "Days"! Contributions for this purpose should be sent to Mrs. Simeon Strunsky, 307 West 104th Street, New York City. With hope and sincere devotion, CATHERINE BRESHKOVSKY Prague, Czechoslovakia