BLACKWELL FAMILY ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Miscellany Greeting Cards[*1950*] Easter Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL However long the winter, However dark the days, The blessed Springtime never fails. In spite of storms and floods and gales, The growing light at last prevails, And, smiling, greets our gaze. The joyous Easter Music Says to us, "Valiant be! Forgetting sadness and dejection And every mournful recollection, Joy in the glorious resurrection That now the world shall see!" — A. S. B. Let none falter who thinks he is right. — Abraham Lincoln. You want to do the thing that is good, whether people call it suitable for a woman or not. — Florence Nightingale. Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. Shakspere (Julius Caesar) Whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things. — St. Paul. 15LS's cookbook letters AS [pictures?] of [XT Bulm?] Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though drought and scorching weather Have on New England pressed, While floods and wild tornadoes Brought sorrow to the West, Still 'mid the darkest midnight The Christmas candles shine, Of better times to follow The token and the sign, In the blithe bells of Christmas A message we can hear. It says, "Be brave! Upon the world There dawns a grand new year!" --A.S.B. The worker of miracles is team work. --General Eisenhower. Freedom's battle, once begun, Bequeathed by bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft, is ever won. --Lord Byron. In the undertaking of a work which is vital, we are bound to be brave, active and joyful in doing, each one to the utmost, what he can. --Pauline Agassiz Shaw. My first wish is to see the whole world at peace and the inhabitants of it as one band of brothers, striving which should contribute most to the happiness of mankind. --George Washington 15With best Christmas wishesThough drought + scorching weather Have on New England pressed, while floods and wild tornadoes Brought sorrow to the west; Yet still in darkest midnight The Christmas candles shine, Of [other] Better times to follow A token + a sign. They say to us in accents clear, "Be brave! There dawns a grand New Year." copy of verse for Xmas card dictated by ASB to Myra Stronach.[*1945*] EASTER GREETINGS from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The flowers of spring rise pure and sweet Where seas of blood were shed; The great sun rises all unchanged, Though hosts of men lie dead. Though clouds of battle smoke hang low, And tears make dim our eyes, Beyond the chaos and the strife A new world yet shall rise, The bells of Easter seem to say, In music bright and clear: "Rise, help to win the victory O'er doubt, and grief, and fear!" —A. S. B. Tis weary watching wave by wave, And yet the tide heaves onward; We climb, like corals, grave by grave, That pave a pathway sunward; We are driven back, for our next fray A newer strength to borrow, And where the vanguard camps today The rear shall rest tomorrow! —Gerald Massey. I have a profound hope some day to see Russia and the United States in brotherly relations, working together to make life in both hemispheres more peaceful, more consistent with the demands of the Christian religion. —Catherine Breshkovsky, Dec. 3rd, 1924. The older I get the better I like being alive. —Ernie Pyle. Remember, whatever ought to be done can be done. —Harriet Beecher Stowe. 15With love fromTHE GUESTS' VOICE Letters, criticisms, suggestions welcome. DIGESTION SPOILED - MAJORITY VIEW? "... Twice have I had my disgestion spoiled ... by articles complaining against your negro patronage ... I beliebe this sentiment is in the minority ... They may be making the most noise now - but the good always survives. No one can make themselves superior by trying to convince others they come from a better race. In fact this outlook exposes a sore spot on the soul in addition to the ignorance of those things that our civilization to the ignorance of those things that our civilization stands for ... You have two articles on the minority opinion - Now let's see if you print the majority view." MY FRIENDS AVOID CLIFTON'S "For the past year I have been a 'Steady.' A rumor reports that you are anti-Jewish. I refuse to patronize any business that is against any religious minority. However this doesn't sound like your usual teachings ... I would like to be set clear on the question. My friends have also been avoiding your place for the same reason." WE ARE ANTI (?) ANS. - It pleases me to have opportunity to answer these and many other rumors - Such as now being circulated that we are communitsts - Labor Haters - Racketeers and all such. I am anti wrong and injustice - and. that is all. I believe in constructive approach to any problem - I will defend the right of freedom - equality - justice for any person - minority or majority. If there is any thing that will make me do battle - It is seeing a people's rights despoiled by any group. And to that purpose we are devoting our business and our lives. We believe there is no greater field of service. VERSES SUBMITTED - By Mrs. M.J. Sparling ORTHODOX HERESY Every measure that advances the race, or makes for true human progress, must be piloted by some daring rebel against the established order. His advanced position is called anarchistic at first, and he is censured as a fool or a knave or a pirate, or all combined. But after he has fought and bled for his ideas, the people wake up and investigate, and see that he was right. Then we inaugurate his reform or plan as ours; we cannonize the heretic as orthodox, and honor his laws with a monument. BE SURE - Hubert I. Salsbury I do not care what folks may think of me, If I but know that God's own will I see. I cannot stop if men may think I'm wrnog. I will go on, within my heart a song. Let me not follow what men think is right. I must press on and fight the fight. I cannot take my orders from below. They come from God, who made and loves me so. I do not wish earthly praise or cheer, I choose to live Christ my Saviour near, I will be glad my place on earth to fill, If I am sure I'm in my Father's will. ----------------------------------------------------------- YOUR ATTENTION is called to the new picture on north wall at "618" - These new transparencies can be made in any size or subject and will make excellent Christmas presents. Call Mr. Wheeler. Figueroa Hotel. The Clifton Tray ... of FOOD 4 THOT "A TRA-FUL FOR A TRI-FUL". Dec. 8, 1938. Issue No. 352 ----------------------------------------------------------- "We pray our humble service be measured, not by Gold, but by the Golden Rule." Clifton's: 618 So. Olive St. and 618 So. Broadway, L.A., TR - 1073. Suggestions and criticisms appreciated - Drop in Bowl at Cash desk. Happy to be at your service. - Clifford E. Clinton -------------------------------------------------------------- FOR INFORMATION - "About Clifton's" folder at front desk. Clfton's assists CIVIC - The truth has set us free - It can keep us free - CIVIC Headquarters for Information Front Mezz., "618" or listen to Clifford E. Clinton - over "THE PEOPLE'S VOICE on KEHE - One of four convenient times daily - Monday through Friday, 9:30 A.M., 12:30 Noon, 7 and 11 P.M. -------------------------------------------------------------- THOT'S on "THE KEY TO HAPPINESS." We are here today by destiny, Not by choice. Let us strive each day that we are here, To improve our destiny and choice. - Myrtle Delroy Eash. All that I craved belonged to me. God held the gifts, I held the key. He held them waiting my command And yet I would not understand. In petulance and discontent. Full many a wasted year I spent. I cried "How cruel is the fate That bids me work and strive and wait. For things which make life worth the living. Nor rob the giver in the giving. A little joy, a little wealth, Result from toil abundant health A chance to do, a chance to be And then I looked and found the key: Right in my heart I carried it. Divinely fashioned formed to fit. The lock of God's great reservoir Which held the things I hungered for. The key was love, pure gold acrust With glittering gems of faith or trust. It fits all doors, it turns all locks, It leads the way thro' walls and rocks. It lifts all bolts, unbars all gates And shows us where life's treasures wait. Oh, are there heights thy feet would press Seek love, the key to all success. - Selected. If you hear a kind work spoken Of some worthy soul you know, It may fill his his heart with sunshine If you only tell him so! If a deed, however humble, Helps you on your way to go. Seek the one whose hand has helped you. Seek him out and tell him so!THE TEST - Edgar A. Guest God did not test him in the open space Where men could see, But in the quiet of a secret place, Alone was he. And watching there was neither friend nor foe Of whom to be afraid. None other but himself on earth to know The choice he made. If ever it were safe to sin, 'twas then, But tempted so, He said: "Though I deceive my fellowmen, I still shall know! "I still shall have to face myself each day Though none may know. I will not have my shaving mirror say: 'Hey, cheat! Hello!'" BELIEVE IT or not, but it is true: Worry is paying interest on trouble that may never arrive. ONE CAN'T think brass and live gold. THINK WELL of yourself and proclaim this fact to the world—not in loud words but in kind deeds. The secret of life I will tell you, The secret of life that is true— The secret of life lies in living The best that you ever knew. IF A PERSON is wise he will curb his tongue and treat his neighbors and associates in the liberal spirit of the Golden Rule. Not only is that sound religion and sound philosophy—it is also sound Americanism and sound common sense. THEY who have sunny dispositions are always on the sunny side of every street. PEOPLE who mind their own business usually succeed. They have so little competition. YEARS ago Goethe said: "Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together." DIAMONDS are only found in the darkness of the earth; truths are only found in the depths of the thought. THE LAW of attraction is universal. Everything works together for good to those who sincerely believe in good. IF YOU have any sort of notion that you could be a bigger, broader, better man, get busy; the notion may leave you. EMERSON truthfully said: "He who has a thousand friends, has not one friend to spare, and he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere." Where did I come from? I don't know. Why am I here? To each one is given a marble to carve, for the wall. A stone that is needed to heighten the beauty of all; And only his soul has the magic to give it grace; And only his hands have the cunning to put in place. Yes, the task that is given to each one, no other can do; So the errand is waiting; it has waited through the ages for you. And now you appear, and the hushed ones are turning their gaze To see what you do with your chance in the chamber of days. —Edwin Markham. The Secret of Success—of Happiness—of Life—is to Give. Weekly "LAWS OF SUCCESS" This Page "SUCCESS" Books Loaned Free—Mrs. Von, Mezz., "618." MAN'S POSSIBILITIES - Edgar A. Guest Never we'd boast if we knew All that we can do and should, The great things God meant us to do Knowing well that we could. The gift of invention is ours. What we wish we can be! And endowed with unlimited powers For achievement are we. The birds and the beasts of the field Through their lives are compelled To the promptings of instinct to yield And unchangeably held. But men from such shackles are free Until death's final call. To the artists God meant us to be There's no limit at all. SENTENCES OF TRUTH - By the Rev. Roy L. Smith GOOD MANNERS ARE— —Made up of small acts of courtesy. —Composed of kindness and forethought. —The first essential of a gentleman. —Always characteristics of the truly great. —As good a recommendation as a young man can have. —Never a drug on any market. —An evidence that a man has a strong sense of decency. (Copyright, 1938) "The measure of a man's life is the Well spending of it, not the length." —Plutarch. "It is disgraceful to stumble Against the same stone twice." —Greek Proverb. Give the world a thought of cheer: Do your best and never fear. THE SIGNIFICANCE by Bruce Barton If human life has any significance it is this: that God has sent going here an experiment to which all his resources are committed. He seeks to develop perfect human beings, superior to circumstances, victorious over Fate. No single kind of human talent or effort can be spared if the experiment is to succeed. They all must be fed, clothed and housed and transported as well as preached to and taught and healed. Thus all the business is his Father's business. All work is worship; all useful service prayer. And whoever works wholeheartedly at any worthy calling is a co-worker with the Almighty in the great enterprise which He has initiated but which He can never finish without the help of men. To BE interesting you must be interested. A SUCCESSFUL LIFE If a man lives a decent life and does his work fairly and squarely so that those dependent on him and attached to him are better, then he is a success. —Theodore Roosevelt.1636 The Warelands 1936 for the new year may we share with you in the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi — "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace! Where there is hatred—let me sow love; where there is injury—pardon; where there is doubt—faith; where there is despair—hope; where there is darkness—light; where there is sadness—joy." Robert and Charlotte Ware 1937 81 Pinckney Street, Boston Courage is the price that life extracts for granting peace — The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things Amelia Earhart Strong action can issue only from strong faith. Phllips Brooks Robert and Charlotte Ware 1938 81 Pickney Street, BostonChristmas and New Years Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL However dark the closing year, Bright Christmas brings a breath of cheer; And with the New Year new hopes wake That through the clouds the light will break. Let us work on, and do our best, And to the Future leave the rest. - A.S.B. I heard a bird sing in the dark of December - A magical thing, and sweet to remember - "We are nearer to Spring than we were in September"! - Oliver Herford. Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. - James M. Barrie. Dinna say muckle to him, but set him on speaking himsell, for he'll bring himsell mair comfort that way. - Jeanie Deans. Men and Women in all quarters of the Globe, I say to you: "Put into your task, whatever it may be, all the courage and purpose of which you are capable." - King George VI of England. Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though drought and scorching weather Have on New England pressed, While floods and wild tornadoes Brought sorrow to the West, Still 'mid the darkest midnight The Christmas candles shine, Of better times to follow The token and the sign. In the blithe bells of Christmas A message we can hear. It says, "Be brave! Upon the world There dawns a grand new year!" -A.S.B. The worker of miracles is team work. - Genearl Eisenhower. Freedom's battle, once begun, Bequeathed by bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft, is ever won. - Lord Byron. In the undertaking of a work which is vital, we are bound to be brave, active and joyful in doing, each one to the utmost, what he can. - Pauline Agassiz Shaw. My first wish is to see the whole world at peace and the inhabitants of it as one band of brothers, striving which should contribute most to the happiness of mankind. - George Washington. 1941 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL A solemn New Year lies before us, If dark or brightening skies be o'er us. Let us work well, to do our part, And face it with courageous heart! -A.S.B. "Never a storm but the tainted air needs it; Never a storm but the sunshine succeeds it." - quoted by Lucy Stone. Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once. - Shakespeare in "Julius Caesar". Every beautiful finite thing is a window by which the soul may catch a kindling, inspiring glimpse of the Eternal. - Rufus M. Jones. Though our road is stony and hard it is straight, and we know that we fight in a great cause . . . However great the cost and however long the struggle, liberty and freedom, human dignity and kindness shall not perish from the earth. . . . - Queen Elizabeth of England in a broadcast to the United States. 1949 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though drought and scorching weather Have on New England pressed, While floods and wild tornadoes Brought sorrow to the West, Still 'mid the darkest midnight The Christmas candles shine, Of better times to follow The token and the sign. In the blithe bells of Christmas A message we can hear. It says, "Be brave! Upon the world There dawns a grand new year!" - A.S.B. The worker of miracles is team work. - General Eisenhower. Freedom's battle, once begun, Bequeathed by bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft, is ever won. - Lord Byron. In the undertaking of a work which is vital, we are bound to be brave, active and joyful in doing, each one to the utmost, what he can. - Pauline Agassiz Shaw. My first wish is to see the whole world at peace and the inhabitants of it as one band of brothers, striving which should contribute most to the happiness of mankind. - George Washington. Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though drought and scorching weather Have on New England pressed, While floods and wild tornadoes Brought sorrow to the West, Still 'mid the darkest midnight The Christmas candles shine, Of better times to follow The token and the sign. In the blithe bells of Christmas A message we can hear. It says, "Be brave! Upon the world There dawns a grand new year!" - A.S.B. The worker of miracles is team work. - General Eisenhower. Freedom's battle, once begun, Bequeathed by bleeding sire to son, Though baffled oft, is ever won. - Lord Byron. In the undertaking of a work which is vital, we are bound to be brave, active and joyful in doing, each one to the utmost, what he can. - Pauline Agassiz Shaw. My first wish is to see the whole world at peace and the inhabitants of it as one band of brothers, striving which should contribute most to the happiness of mankind. - George Washington. Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL A solemn New Year lies before us, If dark or brightening skies be o'er us. Let us work well, to do our part, And face it with courageous heart! -A.S.B. "Never a storm but the tainted air needs it; Never a storm but the sunshine succeeds it." - quoted by Lucy Stone. Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once. - Shakespeare in "Julius Caesar". Every beautiful finite thing is a window by which the soul may catch a kindling, inspiring glimpse of the Eternal. - Rufus M. Jones. Though our road is stony and hard it is straight, and we know that we fight in a great cause . . . However great the cost and however long the struggle, liberty and freedom, human dignity and kindness shall not perish from the earth. . . . - Queen Elizabeth of England in a broadcast to the United States. Christmas and New Year Greetings The smoke of battle hides the stars, Yet still they shine on high. Though battle thunder drowns the chimes, Their message cannot lie. The CHRISTMAS candles shed their beams With fearless lustre clear; The chimes ring out; "We usher in A great and brave NEW YEAR! Rise, do your part, be strong of heart; Bring PEACE on earth more near!" - ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Christmas AND New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The smoke of battle hides the stars, Yet still they shine on high. Though battle thunder drowns the chimes, Their message cannot lie. The Christmas candles shed their beams With fearless lustre clear; The chimes ring out; "We usher in A great and brave New Year! Rise, do your part, be strong of heart; Bring peace on earth more near!" -A.S.B. Love your neighbor as yourself, and your country more than yourself. - Thomas Jefferson. I have shared my joys with you, I have shared the pain And the sorrow too; But the most wonderful part is, I can share my thoughts with you Till the ocean between us Counts no more than a drop of dew. - Themaura Tegour. We do not know how cheap the seeds of happiness are, or we would scatter them oftener. - James Russell Lowell. This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson. With best Christmas wishes With best Christmas wishes [*1941*] With affectionate remembranceChristmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though dark the world and stormy, With battles near and far, Still Christmas wakes glad music, And lights a steadfast star. What the New Year will bring us No mortal can foresee. Meet it with hope and courage, Whatever it may be. Let us be strong and faithful, And strive with all our might To make this world a better world, More loving and more bright! --A.S.B. "Make the world better." --Lucy Stone's dying words to her daughter. "Living for a high purpose is a honorable as dying for it." -Carrie Chapman Catt. Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due. --Dean Inge. Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn. -From the Sanscrit. "If you cannot make light of your trouble, keep it dark." 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The smoke of battle hides the stars, Yet still they shine on high. Though battle thunder drowns the chimes, Their message cannot lie. The Christmas candles shed their beams With fearless lustre clear; The chimes ring out; "We usher in A great and brave New Year! Rise, do your part, be strong of heart; Bring peace on earth more near!" --A.S.B. Love your neighbor as yourself, and your country more than yourself. --Thomas Jefferson. I have shared my joys with you, I have shared the pain And the sorrow too; But the most wonderful part is, I can share my thoughts with you Till the ocean between us Counts no more than a drop of dew. --Themaura Tegour. We do not know how cheap the seeds of happiness are, or we would scatter them oftener. --James Russell Lowell. This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it. --Ralph Waldo Emerson. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though all the world is darkened With wreckage left by war, Still Christmas lights a candle That sheds its beams afar. The Christmas bells are chiming, A song of joy and birth; They bid us speed the brave new day That yet shall bless the earth. --A.S.B. "Those who are gone would not wish themselves to be a mill-stone of gloom around our necks." --Ernie Pyle. "Intelligent people are not isolationists." --General Eisenhower. "No one has ever done any thing great or useful by listening to the voices from without. You want to do the thing that is good, whether people call it suitable from a woman or not." --Florence Nightingale. The work is peace--more than an end of this war, an end to the beginning of all wars, to this impractical, unrealistic settlement of the differences between governments by the mass killing of peoples. --from Franklin D. Roosevelt's last written address. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The smoke of battle hides the stars, Yet still they shine on high. Though battle thunder drowns the chimes, Their message cannot lie. The Christmas candles shed their beams With fearless lustre clear; The chimes ring out; "We usher in A great and brave New Year! Rise, do your part, be strong of heart! Bring peace on earth more near!" --A.S.B. Love your neighbor as yourself, and your country more than yourself. --Thomas Jefferson. I have shared my joys with you, I have shared the pain And the sorrow too; But the most wonderful part is, I can share my thoughts with you Till the ocean between us Counts no more than a drop of dew. --Themaura Tegour. We do not know how cheap the seeds of happiness are, or we would scatter them oftener. --James Russell Lowell. This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it. --Ralph Waldo Emerson. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The world is dark with winter, And rent by pain and strife; But Christmas holds a promise Of new and better life. Yes, this new year, or some new year, Shall see a glad new birth; Order will follow chaos, And peace prevail on earth. Then light the Christmas candles, And join the Christmas song! Its music rings out joyously; It bids our hearts be strong. Then let us not be downcast For what we hear and see, But work to build the future, The world that is to be. --A.S.B. Women must be positive soldiers for peace, and not mere theorists. --Carrie Chapman Catt. This world is no place for cowards. --Alice Lorraine Daly. Especially important it is to realize that there can be no assured peace and tranquility for any one nation except as it is achieved for all. --Gen. Eisenhower. Seldom can the heart be lonely, If it seek a lonelier still; Self-forgetting, seeking only Emptier cups of love to fill. --Frances Ridley Havergal. 15 1946 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The world is dark with winter, And rent by pain and strife; But Christmas holds a promise Of new and better life. Yes, this new year, or some new year, Shall see a glad new birth; Order will follow chaos, And peace prevail on earth. Then light the Christmas candles, And join the Christmas song! Its music rings out joyously; It bids our hearts be strong. Then let us not be downcast For what we hear and see, But work to build the future, The world that is to be. --A.S.B. Women must be positive soldiers for peace, and not mere theorists. --Carrie Chapman Catt. This world is no place for cowards. --Alice Lorraine Daly. Especially important it is to realize that there can be no assured peace and tranquility for any one nation except as it is achieved for all. --Gen. Eisenhower. Seldom can the heart be lonely, If it seek a lonelier still; Self-forgetting, seeking only Emptier cups of love to fill. --Frances Ridley Havergal. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though all the world is darkened With wreckage left by war, Still Christmas lights a candle That sheds its beams afar. The Christmas bells are chiming, A song of joy and birth; They bid us speed the brave new day That yet shall bless the earth. --A.S.B. "Those who are gone would not wish themselves to be a mill-stone of gloom around our necks." --Ernie Pyle. "Intelligent people are not isolationists." --General Eisenhower. "No one has ever done any thing great or useful by listening to the voices from without. You want to do the thing that is good, whether people call it suitable from a woman or not." --Florence Nightingale. The work is peace--more than an end of this war, an end to the beginning of all wars, to this impractical, unrealistic settlement of the differences between governments by the mass killing of peoples. --from Franklin D. Roosevelt's last written address. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though torrid was the summer, And full of fears the fall, Still Christmas brings a message Of hope and cheer to all. The beams from Christmas candles Can pierce the blackest night; The Christmas music rises clear, O'er tumult and affright. It says, "Be not faint hearted, Though storms may cloud your life! As spring time follows winter, So peace will follow strife". --A.S.B. I learned from my illiterate but wise mother that all rights to be deserved and preserved came from duty well done. --Mahatma Gandhi. "He (Rufus M. Jones) was not dismayed by the apparent impossibility of any task." I wish to see the discovery of a plan that would induce nations to settle their disputes without first cutting one another's throats. --Benjamin Franklin. All friends are near on Christmas Eve, Though they be near or far, For all can look from their front door On the same brigght evening star. --Friendly Cheer. 15With grateful remembrance, 1945 1944 With affectionate remembranceA Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Alice Stone Blackwell If a thorn wounds me, I draw back from it; I do not hate the thorn. If, hating me, Some base hand pierces me with malice blind, Silent I turn away, and go to find A purer air of love and charity. Rancor? For what? Has good e'er sprung from it? No wound it stanches, puts no evil right. Scarce has my rose-tree time to bear its flowers; It wastes no vital sap on thorns of spite. And if my foe should near my rose-tree pass, He shall pick from it many a fragrant bud; And if he sees in them a vivid red, The tint will be the redness of my blood- Blood drawn by his ill-will of yesterday, In hatred that it seemed would never cease, And which the rose-tree now in perfume sweet Returns to him, changed to a flower of peace. AMADO NERVO, of Mexico. 15 1941 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL A solemn New Year lies before us, If dark or brightening skies be o'er us. Let us work well, to do our part, And face it with courageous heart! -A.S.B. "Never a storm but the tainted air needs it; Never a storm but the sunshine succeeds it." -quoted by Lucy Stone. Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once. -Shakespeare in "Julius Caesar". Every beautiful finite thing is a window by which the soul may catch a kindling, inspiring glimpse of the Eternal. -Rufus M. Jones. Though our road is stony and hard it is straight, and we know that we fight in a great cause . . . . However great the cost and however long the struggle, liberty and freedom, human dignity and kindness shall not perish from the earth . . . . -Queen Elizabeth of England in a broadcast to the United States. 15 1947 Christmas and New Year Greetings Though wild the world and stormy, Confused, and lacking light, Still CHRISTMAS brings a promise that life shall yet be bright. The CHRISTMAS bells say, "COURAGE". Faint not, but do your share To bring the world a future That shall be great and fair. Lift up your eyes to Heaven! No more in darkness grope. Starry with CHRISTMAS candles, the night is bright with HOPE. -ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Miss Blackwell was 90 this past September 14th- is almost blind now. The late Milton S. Hershey (just passed this year) was born the day before Miss Blackwell and our late Ex-President Taft the day after her in 1857. "MAKE THE WORLD BETTER"- LUCY STONE'S DYING WORDS TO HER DAUGHTER. 1947 1930 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Justice, simple justice, is what the world needs. -Lucy Stone. Upon whatever fundamental scheme we perseveringly concentrate our powers, upon whatever main road of occupation we take life's journey, - art, politics, commerce, science, - if only we will take its upper fork as often as the road divides, then will that road itself, and not necessarily any cross-road, lead us to the noblest, truest plane of convictions, affections, aspirations. -George W. Cable. 15 1947 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though wild the world and stormy, Confused, and lacking light, Still Christmas holds a promise That life shall yet be bright. The Christmas bells say "Courage! Faint not, but do your share To bring the world a future That shall be great and fair. Lift up your eyes to heaven! No more in darkness grope". Starry with Christmas candles, The night is bright with hope! -A.S.B. The earth may become a flowering garden, on a sterile desert- and we may make the difference. - Dwight D. Eisenhower. It matters not that I am blind I plant my garden in my mind; -Emma Roseline Gifford. Hingham, Mass., Aged 90. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us; but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over. -Nehru. And how to build a better world? Well, not by chart or plan, unless we start to teach the boy to be a better man. -Emma Carleton. "Remember, what ever ought to be done can be done." -Harriet Beecher Stowe. 15 1930 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Justice, simple justice, is what the world need. -Lucy Stone. Upon whatever fundamental scheme we perseveringly concentrate our powers, upon whatever main road of occupation we take life's journey, - art, politics, commerce, science, - if only we will take its upper fork as often as the road divides, then will that road itself, and not necessarily any cross-road, lead us to the noblest, truest plane of convictions, affections, aspirations. -George W. Cable. 15 1947 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though wild the world and stormy, Confused, and lacking light, Still Christmas holds a promise That life shall yet be bright. The Christmas bells say "Courage! Faint not, but do your share To bring the world a future That shall be great and fair. Lift up your eyes to heaven! No more in darkness grope". Starry with Christmas candles, The night is bright with hope! -A.S.B. The earth may become a flowering garden, on a sterile desert- and we may make the difference. - Dwight D. Eisenhower. It matters not that I am blind I plant my garden in my mind; -Emma Roseline Gifford. Hingham, Mass., Aged 90. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us; but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over. -Nehru. And how to build a better world? Well, not by chart or plan, unless we start to teach the boy to be a better man. -Emma Carleton. "Remember, what ever ought to be done can be done." -Harriet Beecher Stowe. 15 1930 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Justice, simple justice, is what the world need. -Lucy Stone. Upon whatever fundamental scheme we perseveringly concentrate our powers, upon whatever main road of occupation we take life's journey, - art, politics, commerce, science, - if only we will take its upper fork as often as the road divides, then will that road itself, and not necessarily any cross-road, lead us to the noblest, truest plane of convictions, affections, aspirations. - George W. Cable. 15 SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS, possess us we pray; Fashion our lives in the Master's own way. Fill every hearthstone with kindness and light; SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS be with us to-night. SPIRIT of JESUS, teach us to send Some cheerful message to every dear friend. Help us to cherish and always hold fast All the kind words and deeds of the past. SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS, come into each soul; Give us the courage to reach every goal; Make us still richer in all we hold dear; Bless and guide us throughout the NEW YEAR. —DR. GARDNER LELAND GREEN, President, BERRY COLLEGE, THE BERRY SCHOOLS, MOUNT BERRY, GA. May your heart be light and gay, And your CHRISTMAS very merry. But should underneath your smile and gaiety You bravely hide a heavy, anxious, broken heart, May the Good GOD be extra tender to you— I pray your anxiety vanish into the blue, And that he mend your broken heart Till it is better than when new. —LEE PARKER, RALEIGH, N. C. The eldest son of this broken hearted family was killed on his bicycle by an automobile, March 7 1942. Months later his loving father composed these lines. With affectionate remembrance1927 A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! -Alice Stone Blackwell. Every day that passes, you must say to yourself, " I was born to-day ! The world is new to me; the light that I see strikes my eyes for the first time. " Let us go, then, to live a pure life, a shining life ! Yesterday is already lost. Was it bad ? Was it good ? Let forgetfulness come; and let there be left only, of that yesterday, the essence, the fine gold of what I loved and suffered as I passed along the road. " To-day, every moment of it, shall be propitious to good and to gladness; and my one devoted longing shall be to shed happiness over the world. " Every day you must say to yourself, " I was born to-day ! " -Amado Nervo (Mexico) Indianum Press fecit. J.T.B., 16 1927 With best wishes for A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. -Alice Stone Blackwell. I have always thought of Christmas-time as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time, when men and women open their shut-up hearts freely. - Charles Dickens. Your find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make earnest efforts to confer that pleasure on others? You will find half the battle is gained, if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy. -Lydia Mary Child. Printed by John T. Blackwell, age 15. A Merry Christmas and A happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL When I think what one loving human being has done for me, I realize what will some day happen to mankind when hearts and brains work together. -Helen Keller. There can be no peace without justice. -Emmeline Pethick Lawrence. The best thing we can give our children is an overwhelming passion for justice, and a burning indignation at injustice; and a chance, perhaps, to suffer with us for righteousness sake. -Rev. Robert A. Bakeman. One of our first duties is to be happen, no matter what the outward conditions are; let us love and be lovable, say the good word and leave the hard word unsaid, and take joy out of all conditions, as the chemists get dyes and perfumes out of naphtha and tar. -George W. Cable to his daughter. 15 1932 A Merry Christmas and A happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL When I think what one loving human being has done for me, I realize what will some day happen to mankind when hearts and brains work together. -Helen Keller. There can be no peace without justice. -Emmeline Pethick Lawrence. The best thing we can give our children is an overwhelming passion for justice, and a burning indignation at injustice; and a chance, perhaps, to suffer with us for righteousness sake. -Rev. Robert A. Bakeman. One of our first duties is to be happen, no matter what the outward conditions are; let us love and be lovable, say the good word and leave the hard word unsaid, and take joy out of all conditions, as the chemists get dyes and perfumes out of naphtha and tar. -George W. Cable to his daughter. 15 A Merry Christmas and A happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Justice, simple justice, is what the world needs.-Lucy Stone. Upon whatever fundamental scheme we perseveringly concentrate our powers, upon whatever main road of occupation we take life's journey,-art, politics, commerce, science.-if only we will take its upper fork as often as the road divides, then will that road itself, and not necessarily any cross-road, lead us to the noblest, truest, plane of convictions, affections, aspirations. -George W. Cable 15With best Christmas and New Year wishes from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL "He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men, and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has always looked for the best in others, and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration, whose memory is a benediction." —Esther M. Touchette. "Justice is as strictly due between neighbor nations as between neighbor citizens. A highwayman is as much a robber when he plunders in a gang as when single; and a nation that makes an unjust war is only a great gang." —Benjamin Franklin. 151934 With best Christmas and New Year wishes from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL "He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men, and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has always looked for the best in others, and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration, whose memory is a benediction. " -Esther M. Touchette. "Justice is as strictly due between neighbor nations as between neighbor citizens. A highwayman is as much a robber when he plunders in a gang as when single; and a nation that makes an unjust war is only a great gang." -Benjamin Franklin Appeal Mrs Marshall Braydon [?] 27 High W With affectionate remembrance.1931 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Let us stand by our duty fearlessly. Let us be diverted by none of those sophistical contrivances, groping for some middle ground between the right and the wrong, vain as the search for a man who should be neither a living man nor a dead man. . . . Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the government, nor of dungeons to ourselves. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it. - Abraham Lincoln. I live for those who love me, for those I know are true . . . For the cause that lacks assistance, for the wrong that needs resistance, For the future in the distance, and the good that I can do. - G. Linnaeus Banks. 15 1931 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Let us stand by our duty fearlessly. Let us be diverted by none of those sophistical contrivances, groping for some middle ground between the right and the wrong, vain as the search for a man who should be neither a living man nor a dead man. . . . Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the government, nor of dungeons to ourselves. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it. - Abraham Lincoln. I live for those who love me, for those I know are true . . . For the cause that lacks assistance, for the wrong that needs resistance, For the future in the distance, and the good that I can do. - G. Linnaeus Banks. 15 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Let us stand by our duty fearlessly. Let us be diverted by none of those sophistical contrivances, groping for some middle ground between the right and the wrong, vain as the search for a man who should be neither a living man nor a dead man. . . . Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the government, nor of dungeons to ourselves. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it. - Abraham Lincoln. I live for those who love me, for those I know are true . . . For the cause that lacks assistance, for the wrong that needs resistance, For the future in the distance, and the good that I can do. - G. Linnaeus Banks. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL "Preach by example. The rose does not say: 'Come and smell me.'" --Mahatma Gandhi. "Age is opportunity no less than youth itself, although in another dress." --Shakespeare "The greater any difficulty, the greater is the satisfaction in solving it wisely." "--Papa David." "Is true Freedom but to break Fetters for our own dear sake? No, true Freedom is to share All the chains our brothers wear, And, with heart and hand, to be Earnest to make others free!" --James Russell Lowell. However dark may be the year, Still Christmas brings a note of cheer. When storm clouds black the heavens fill, The stars above are shining still. Then let our Christmas candles shine With steadfast lustre, yours and mine. In the New Year that is to be, Whatever changes we may see, Let it be ours, on every day, To spread such brightness as we may. Miss Blackwell can still see objects around her, though she sees them through a fog. She wishes everyone of you a Good Christmas and a Happy and Helpful New Year. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL "Preach by example. The rose does not say: 'Come and smell me.'" --Mahatma Gandhi. "Age is opportunity no less than youth itself, although in another dress." --Shakespeare "The greater any difficulty, the greater is the satisfaction in solving it wisely." "--Papa David." "Is true Freedom but to break Fetters for our own dear sake? No, true Freedom is to share All the chains our brothers wear, And, with heart and hand, to be Earnest to make others free!" --James Russell Lowell. However dark may be the year, Still Christmas brings a note of cheer. When storm clouds black the heavens fill, The stars above are shining still. Then let our Christmas candles shine With steadfast lustre, yours and mine. In the New Year that is to be, Whatever changes we may see, Let it be ours, on every day, To spread such brightness as we may. Miss Blackwell can still see objects around her, though she sees them through a fog. She wishes everyone of you a Good Christmas and a Happy and Helpful New Year. 15 With affectionate remembrances1935 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL With every rising of the sun Think of your life as just begun. --British Weekly. The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving. -Oliver Wendell Holmes. Progress is not automatic. The world grows better because people wish that it should, and take steps to make it better. --Jane Addams. I refuse to believe that human intelligence and spirit cannot rise above the law of the jungle. --Dr. Mary E. Woolley. God be thanked that the dead have left still Good undone, for the living to do-- Still some aim for the heart and the will And the soul of a man to pursue! --Owen Meredith. We give thanks in our hearts today to all who have shown us kindness; to all who have given us inspiration, by word or pen, or by the example of noble living; to all, far or near, who are, working to make the world better. 15 1935 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL With every rising of the sun Think of your life as just begun. --British Weekly. The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving. -Oliver Wendell Holmes. Progress is not automatic. The world grows better because people wish that it should, and take steps to make it better. --Jane Addams. I refuse to believe that human intelligence and spirit cannot rise above the law of the jungle. --Dr. Mary E. Woolley. God be thanked that the dead have left still Good undone, for the living to do-- Still some aim for the heart and the will And the soul of a man to pursue! --Owen Meredith. We give thanks in our hearts today to all who have shown us kindness; to all who have given us inspiration, by word or pen, or by the example of noble living; to all, far or near, who are, working to make the world better. 15 1930 A Merry Christimas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Justice, simple justice, is what the world needs.--Lucy Stone. Upon whatever fundamental scheme we perseveringly concerntrate our powers, upon whatever main road of occupation we take life's journey, -- art, politics, commerce, science, -- if only we will take its upper fork as often as the road divides, then will that road itself, and not necessarily any cross-road, lead us to the noblest, truest plane of convictions, affections, aspira- tions.--George W. Cable. 15 1939 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL However sad the darkening year, Still Christmas brings a time of cheer-- Feasting, and carols, and at night Candles on Christmas trees alight. A strange New Year stands at the door, Like none that we have known before. Whatever sorrows it may bring, Our souls a song of hope shall sing. If grief throughout the world prevail, Let love and courage never fail! --A. S. B. If dim the gold of life has grown, I will not count it dross, Nor turn from treasures still my own To sigh for lack and loss. And if the eye must fail of light, The ear forget to hear, Make clear still the spirit's sight, More fine the inward ear! --John Greenleaf Whittier. Do not listen to your friends when the friend within you says, "Do this." --Gandhi to Kagawa. Nothing is more important than being thrifty of our credulity. --Uncle Dudley in Boston Globe. Miss Blackwell's eye sight has grown less, but she is still able to move about freely in her flat. She wishes to each of her friends a good Christmas and a brave New Year. 15 1946 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GREETINGS from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The world is dark with winter, And rent by pain and strife; But Christmas holds a promise Of new and better life. Yes, this new year, or some new year, Shall see a glad new birth; Other will follow chaos, And peace prevail on earth. Then light the Christmas candles, And join the Christmas song! Its music rings out joyously; It bids our hearts be stong. Then let us not be downcast For what we hear and see, But work to build the future, The world that is to be, ___A. S. B. Women must be positive soldiers for peace, and not mere theorists. --Carrie Chapman Catt. This world is no place for cowards. --Alice Lorraine Daly. Especially important it is to realize that there can be no assured peace and tran- quility for any one nation except as it is achieved for all. --Gen. Eisenhower. Sheldon can the heart be lonely, ifit seek a lonelier still; Self-forgetting, seeking only Emptier cups of love fill. --Francis Ridley Havergal. 15 1940 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GREETINGS from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. However dark the closing year, Bright Christmas brings a breath of cheer; And with the New Year new hopes wake That through the clouds the light will break. Let us work on, and do our best, And to the future leave the rest. --A.S.B. I heard a bird sing in the dark of December-- A Magical thing, and sweet to remember-- "We are nearer to Spring than we were in September"! --Oliver Herford. Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. --James M. Barrie. Dinna say muckle to him, but set him on speaking himself, for he'll bring himself mair comfort that way. --Jeanie Deans. Men and Women in all quarters of the Globe, I say to you: "Put into your task, whatever it may be, all the courage and purpose of which you are capable." --King George VI of England. 15 1937 Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. "It is not how many years we live, but what we do with them." --Evangeline Booth. "Faith, Hope and Charity are realities, as much as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen." --Upton Sinclair. "War seldom, if ever, settles anything; more frequently than not is leads to fresh wars." --Field Marshall Sir William Robertson. "Be but faithful, that is all; Go right on, and close behind thee There shall follow still and find thee Help, sure help." --Arthur Hugh Clough. Just now, Miss Blackwell cannot read, nor write intelligibly because of a sudden failure of eye-sight. The oculists expect the trouble to be cured, but very slowly. She cannot write the individual Christmas greetings she has been accustomed to send to many friends; but she wishes every on of you, heartily, a good Christmas and a happy and useful New Year. 15 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year With sweet memories of other years to you all. After a summer spent at Margareth Pillsbury Hospital, Concord, N.H., & with relatives in Epson, I returned to my home about the first of Nov. with a house-keeper and we hope to re- main here this winter. I am still under the doctor's care and have recently had my eyes ex- amined whithout prospect for them except from a building up of my general health. My friends and relatives have been very generous with their attent- ions and I have been able to see them at all times but of course have not been able to acknowledge their cards and notes as I would so gladly have done, had I been able. "This is the day which Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 Yours sincerely, Mary E. Q. Philbrick Dec. 18: At the present time I am back in the hospital and am improving. 1942 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL As Christmas candles, burning bright, Shed radiance on the stomiest night, So Christmas sheds a light of cheer Upon this dark and stormy year. The music of the Christmas bells A tale of iov and triumph tells. "Bid fear farewell!" they seem to say, "However hard and long the fray. Let courage in all hearts be born When breaks the light of Christmas morn!" I wish my friends both far and near A Christmas bright, a brave New Year. --A.S.B. Look to the work the times reveal! Give thanks with all thy flaming heart, Crave but to have in it a part, Give thanks and clasp the heritage! To be alive in such an age! --Angela Morgan. Little in this world endures, Yet the sunshine heals and cures. --Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Jr. Oh, every year its winter, And every year hath its rain, But a day is always coming When the birds go north again. --Ella Higginson. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL However sad darkening year, Still Christmas brings a time of cheer-- Fasting, and carols, and at night Candles on Christmas trees alight. A strange New Year stands at the door, Like none that we have known before. Whatever sorrows it may bring, Our souls a song of hope shall sing. If grief throughout the world prevail, Let love and courage never fail! --A.S.B. If dim the gold of life has grown, I will not count if dross, Nor turn from treasures still my own To sigh for lack and loss. And if the eye must fail of light, The ear forget to hear, Make clearer still the spirit's sight, More fine the inward ear! --John Greenleaf Whittier. Do not listen to your friends when the friend within you says, "Do this." --Gandhi to Kagawa. Nothing is more important than being thrifty of our credulity. --Uncle Dudley in Boston Globe. Miss Blackwell's eye sight has grown less, but she is still able to move about freely in her flat. She wishes to each of her friends a good Christmas and a brave New Year. 151937 With my best Christmas wishes 1942 With Best Christmas Wishes Christmas and New York Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though torrid was the summer, And full of fears the fall, Still Christmas brings a message Of hope and cheer to all. The beams from Christmas candles Can pierce the blackest noght; The Christmas music rises clear, O'er tumult and affright. It says, "Be not faint hearted, Though storms may cloud your life! As spring time follows winter, So peace will follow strife". --A.S.B. I learned from my illiterate but wise mother that all rights to be deserved and preserved came from duty well done. --Mahatma Gandhi. "He (Rufus M. Jones) was not dismayed but the apparent impossibility of any task." I wish to see the discovery of a plant that would induce nations to settle their disputes without first cutting on another's throats. --Benjamin Franklin. All friends are near on Christmas Eve, Through they be near or far, For all can look from their front door On the same bright evening star. --Friendly Cheer. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings fom ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The world is dark with winter, And rent by pain and strife; But Christmas holds a promise Of new and better life. Yes, this new year, or some new year, Shall see .a glad new birth; Order will follow chaos, And peace prevail on earth. Then light the Christmas candles, And join the Christmas song! Its music rings out joyouly; It bids our hearts be strong. Then let us not be downscast For what we hear and see, But work to build the future, The world that is to be. --A.S.N. Women must be positive soldiers for peace, and not mere theorists. --Carrie Chapman Catt. This world is no place for cowards. --Alice Lorraine Daly. Especially important it is to realize that there can be no assured peace and tran- quility for any one nation except as it is achieved for all. --Gen. Eisenhower. Sheldon can the heart be lonely, If it seek a lonelier still; Self-forgetting, seeking only Emptier cups of lov to fill. --Frances Ridley Havergal. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though dark the world and stormy, With battles near and far, Still Christmas wakes glad music, And lights a steadfast star. What the New Year will bring us No mortal can foresee. Meet it with hope and courage, Whatever it may be. Let us be strong and faithful, And strive with all our might To make this world a better world, More loving and more bright! --A.S.B. "Make the world better." --Lucy Stone's dying words to her daughter. "Living for a high purpose is as honor- able as dying for it." --Carrie Chapman Catt. Worry is interest paid on trouble befora it is due. --Dean Inge. Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn. --From the Sanscrit. "If you cannot make light of your trouble, keep it dark." 15 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL If a thorn wounds me, I draw back from it; I do not hate the thorn. If, hating me, Some base hand pierces me with malice blind, Silent I turn away, and go to find A purer air of love and charity. Rancor? For what? Has good e'er sprung from it? No wound it stanches, puts no evil right. Scarce has my rose-tree time to bear its flowers ; It wastes no vital sap on thorns of spite. And if my foe should near my rose-tree pass. He shall pick from it many a fragrant bud ; And if he sees in them a vivid red, The tint will be the redness of my blood-- Blood drawn by his ill-will of yesterday, In hatred that it seemed could never cease, And which the rose-tree now in perfume sweet Returns to him, changed to a flower of peace. Amado Nervo, of Mexico. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The smoke of battle hides the stars, Yet still they shine on high. Though battle thunder drowns the chimes, Their message cannot lie. The Christmas candles shed their beams Which fearless lustre clear; The chimes ring out; "We usher in A great and brave New Year! Rise, do your part, be strong of heart; Bring peace on earth more near!" --A.S.B. Love your neighbor as yourself, and your contry more than yourself. --Thomas Jefferson. I have started my joys with you, I have shared the pain And the sorrow too; But the most wonderful part is, I can share my thoughts with you Till the ocean between us Counts no more than a drop of dew. --Themaura Tegour. We do not know how cheap the seeds of happiness are, or we would scatter them oftener. --James Russell Lowell. This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it. --Ralph Waldo Emerson. 15 " To Edna Stantiel and to Guy I wish, with heart sincere A very happy Christmas day, A good and glad New Year!1941 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL A solemn New Year lies before us, If dark or brightening skies to be o'er us. Let us work well, to do our part, And face it with courageous heart! --A.S.B. "Never a storm but the tainted air needs it; Never a storm but the sunshine succeds it." --qoted by Lucy Stone. Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant neves taste of death but once. --Shakeaspere in "Julius Caesar". Every beautful finite thing is a window by which the soul may catch a kindling, inspiring glimpse of the Eternal. --Rufus M. Jones. Though our road is stony and hard it is straight, and we know that we fight in a great cause . . . . . However great the cost and however long the struggles, liberty and and kindness shall not perish from the earth. . . . . --Queen Elizabeth of England in a broadcast to the United States. 15 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL If a thorn wounds me, I draw back from it; I do not hate the thron. If, hating me, Some base hand pierces me with malice blind, Silent I turn away, and go to find A purer air of love and charity. Rancor? For what? Has good e'er sprung from it? No wound it stanches, puts no evil right. Scarce has my rose-tree time to bear its flowers; It wastes no vital sap on thorns of spite. And if my foe should near my rose-tree pass, He shall pick from it many a fragrant bud; And if he sees in them a vivid red, The tint will be the redness of my blood-- Blood drawn by his ill-will of yesterday, In hatred that it seemed could never cease, And which the rose-tree now in perfume sweet Returns to him, changed to a flower of peace. Amado Nervo, of Mexico. 15 1945 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though all the world is darkened With wreckage left by war, Still Christmas lights a candle That sheds its beams afar. The Christmas bells are chiming, A song of joy and birth; They bid us speed the brave new day That yet shall bless the earth. --A.S.B. "Those who are gone would not wish themselves to be a mill-stone of gloom around our necks." --Ernie Pyle. "Intelligent people are not isolationists." --General Eisenhower. "No one has ever done any thing great or useful by listening to he voices from with- out. You want to do the thing that is good, wheter people call it suitable for a woman or not." --Florence Nightingale. The work is peace--more than an end of this war, an end to the beginning of all wars, to this impractical, unrealistic settle- ment of the differences between govern- ments by the mass killing peoples. --from Franklin D. Roosevelt's last written address. 15 1946 Christmas and New Year Greetings The world is dark with winter, And rent by pain and strife; But CHRISTMAS holds a promise of new and better life. Yes, this NEW YEAR or some NEW YEAR, Shall see a glad new birth ; Order will follow chaos, And PEACE prevail on earth. Then light the CHRISTMAS candles, And join the CHRISTMAS song. It's music rings out joyously ; It bids our hearts be strong. Then let us not be downcast For what we hear and see, But work to build the future, The world that is to be. --ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, Cambridge, Mass. Miss Blackwell is in her 90th year. Her eye sight is very poor. "MAKE THE WORLD BETTER" Lucy Stone's dying words to her daughther 1946 1947 Chritmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though wild the world and stormy, Confused, and lacking light, Still Christmas holds a promise That life shall yet be bright. The Christmas bells say "Courage! Faith not, but do your share To bring the world a future That shall be great and fair. Lift up your eyes to heaven! No more in darkness grope". Starry with Christmas candles, The night is bright with hope! --A.S.B. The earth may become a flowering gar- den, on a sterile desert --and we may make the difference. --Dwight D. Eisenhower. It matters not thet I am blind I plant my garden in my mind; --Emma Roseline Gifford. Hingham, Mass., ged 90. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us; but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over. --Nebru. And how to built a better world? Weel, not by chart or plan, unless we start to teach the boy to be a better man. --Emma Carleton. "Remember, what ever ought to be done can be done." --Harriet Beecher Stowe. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings Though wild the world and stormy, Confused, and lacking light, Still CHRISTMAS brings a promise That life shall yet be bright. The CHRISTMAS bells says, "COURAGE". Fain not, but to your share To bring the world a future That shall be great and fair. Lift up your eyes to Heaven! No more in darkness grope. Starry with CHRISTMAS candles, The night is bright with HOPE. --ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, Cambridge, Mass. Miss Blackwell was 90 this past September 14th--is almost blind now. The late Milton S. Hershey (just passed this year) was born the day before Miss Blackwell and our late Ex-President Taft the day after her in 1857. "MAKE THE WORLD BETTER"-- Lucy Stone's dying words to her daughter. 1947 freedom, human difnity1946 1946 SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS, possess us we pray ; Fashion our lives in the Master's own way. Fill every hearthstone with kindness and light ; SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS be with us to-night. SPIRIT of JESUS, teach us to send Some cheerful message to every dear friend Help us to cherish and always hold fast All the kind words and deeds of the past. SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS, come into each soul ; Give us the courage to reach every goal ; Make us still richer in all we hold dear ; Bless and guide us throughout the NEW YEAR. --DR. GARDNER LELAND GREEN, President, Berry College, The Berry Schools, Mount Berry, GA. May your heart be light and gay, And your CHRISTMAS very merry. But should undrneath your smile and gaiety You bravely hide a heavy, anxious, heart, May the Good GOD be extra tender to you-- I pray your anxiety vanish into the blue, And that he mend your broken heart Till it is better than when new. --LEE PARKER, Raleigh, N. C. The eldest son of this broken hearted family was killed on his bicycle by an automobile, March 7, 1942. Months later his loving father composed these lines.With best Christmas and New Year wishes from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL "He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men, and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has always looked for the best in others, and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration, whose memory is a benedic- tion." -Esther M. Touchette. "Justice is as strictly due between neighbor nations as between neighbor citi- zens. A highwayman is a much a robber when he plunders in a gang as when single; and a nation that makes an unjust war is only a great gang." -Benjamin Franklin 15 1935 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL With every rising of the sun Think of your life as just begun. -British Weekly. The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving. -Oliver Wendell Holmes. Progress is not automatic. The world grows better because people wish that it should, and take steps to make it better. -Jane Addams. I refuse to believe that human intelli- gence and spirit cannot rise above the law of the jungle. -Dr. Mary E. Woolley. God be thanked that the dead have left still Good undone, for the living to do- Still some aim for the heart and the will And the soul of a man to pursue! -Owne Meredith. We give thanks in our hearts today to all who have shown us kindness; to all who have given us inspiration, by word or by pen, or by the example of noble living; to all, far or near, who are working to make the world better. 1936 Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL The present state of the world is so terrible that we can hardly have a merry Christmas, if we "remember those in bonds as bound with them." Let us live through the New Year in the spirit of Lucy Stone's dying words to her daughter, "Make the world better." **** Sympathy without works is like eyes with- out light. -Helen Keller. Give what you have. To someone it may be better than you dare to think. -Longfellow. Lift up the hymn once more in this sad Yule- tide, Lift up the hymn! The night may be darker than any since Jesus died, And as cold as dim; But the dawn is breaking, and after the dawn, the day, And they one and both Are made to our need- the day for our work, and our play, The night for our growth. Lift we the carol on high as with new-blown breath From the glimmering earth, That all who were wailing of sorrow, of sin and of death May sing with us of birth! -Emily Pfeiffer. 15 With best Christmas and New Year wishes from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL "He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men, and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has always looked for the best in others, and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration, whose memory is a benedic- tion." -Esther M. Touchette. "Justice is as strictly due between neighbor nations as between neighbor citi- zens. A highwayman is a much a robber when he plunders in a gang as when single; and a nation that makes an unjust war is only a great gang." -Benjamin Franklin 15 A Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL THE BLUE SKY is greater than all the clouds in it, and it lasts longer. -Jean Paul Richter. Although the world is full of suffering, it is full of the overcoming of it. -Helen Keller. We ourselves must Pilgrims be, Launch our Mayflower, and steer boldly through the desperate winter sea, Nor attempt the Future's portal with the Past's blood-rusted key. -James Russell Lowell. It makes no difference whether we be sixty, seventy or eighty, life still holds new interests, new possibilities. The real secret lies in being ready to adapt one's self to new conditions as they arise, to engage in new activities, to use the wisdom that the years have brought, not to simulate a superficial youthfulness, but to form a sympathetic bond with youth. -Maud Nathan. 15I feel the earth move sunward, I join the great march onward, And take with joy while living My freehold of thanksgiving. John Greenleaf Whittier There is no saint without without a past. There is no sinner without a future. Mirza [*Ah*] Ahmad Sohrab Upon the vast sea of spirit there room for every sail. In the limitless sky of [truth] truth there is room for every wing. Mirza Ahmed Sohrab. ¶ Join in the great company of those who make the barren places of life fruitful with kindness. Carry a vision of heaven in your hearts, + you shall make your home, your college, the world, correspond to that vision. Your success & happiness lies in you. External conditions are the accident of life, its outer trappings. The great, enduring realities are love and service. Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm & our intelligence aglow. Resolve to keep happy, & your joy & you shall form an invincible host against difficulty. — Helen Keller.For cards Give what you have, To someone it may be betther than you dare to think - Longfellow. When Easter [once again] to the world draws near It always kindles hope & cheer It brings the breath of countless flowers Men's hearts written them glow & [burn] smell [H?] The ice bound stream now freely flow Roots were alive beneath the snow How ever [do] sad our human plight This world is turning towards the light Then let us strive with all our power As spring returns with bird & flower And winter from the world departs To [?] bring bright spring to human hearts! When darksome winter says farewellYou can be at ease about the disposition of my mind. Even when feeble in body, I shall remain always strong in soul. I cannot be otherwise. the m ind has worked too long in the same direction; the habit is forward Democracy is not merely a question of counting of heads; the quality of its heads matters enormously Blessed is the man who has the gift of making friends, for it is one of God's best gifts. It involves many things, but above all the power of going out of one's self, and seeing and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another man. Thomas Hughes.From " The Toiler Thinks" by Edwin Markham "Why with these labor-blasted hands Am I left homeless in all lands? Why is the one who builds the world Left as a dog in the kennel curled? Why is the one who beautifies All kingdoms, robbed of joyful eyes? Why am I hurled through hells of war, I, who have nothing to battle for? Why called to cannon and battle blade To wreck the beauty I have made? Why should I fight for lords, indeed, I who have only mouths to feed-- I who am only the earth's old slave, Whose only gain would be the grave!" A Great American November 13 will be a notable date in contemporary American history — the eightieth birthday of Justice Louis D. Brandeis of the Supreme Court of the United States. The day will inspire a wide-spread and fervent prayer, "May his tribe increase." His has been a career to hearten all who believe in the processes of democracy. In many ways his life might be regarded as a typical American success story, that of a man making his own way to power and wealth by sheer ability. But deeper than that — it is the story of a great American, great in his devotion to the essential spirit of American democracy. Few men have over a long life so demonstrated the ideal expressed by James Russell Lowell, that of "carrying up into the polar seas of old age the warm currents of the Gulf Stream of youth." The ardors and generous devotions to the general welfare have not been lost amid the honors and accumulations of success. The Brandeis of twenty-five years of age would be able to recognize and honor the Justice of eighty years — and that is a real achievement. He has supported the worthy reforms of his lifetime, rendered great service to organized labor, and "fought in the arena at Ephesus with wild beasts"--the great monopolies. His greatest significance today is that of a beacon of hope to those who seek to solve America's problems without resort to dictatorship or the loss of personal liberty. If America is to be saved from the fascism threatening it in so many forms, it will be through men like Justice Brandeis who are courageously willing to make democracy actually work in providing for the general welfare. His conception of the dynamic function of government in the United States, expressed in a legal opinion (the New State Ice Case, Oklahoma), ought to be carried in the memory of every American: I cannot believe that the framers of the fourteenth amendment, or the states which ratified it, intended to leave us helpless to correct the evils of technological unemployment and excess productive capacity which the march of invention and discovery has entailed. There must be power in the states and the nation to remold through experimentation our economic practises to meet changing social and economic needs. Denial of the right to such experimentation may be fraught with serious consequences to the nation.1946 It is a mighty influence when the portrait of a noble forefather keeps its eye on one who bears his name, and says, by the language of an unchanging look: "I was a Radical in my day; be thou the same in thine"! I turned my back upon the old tyrannies and heresies, and struck for the new liberties and beliefs; my liberty and belief are doubtless already tyranny and heresy to thine age; strike thou for the new! I worshiped the purest God of my generation, it may be that a purer God is revealed to thine; worship him with thy whole heart."Blessed is the man who has the gift of making friends, for it is on of god's best gifts. It involves many things, but above all the power of going out of one's self, and seeing and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another man - Thomas Hughes There is no saint without a pest. There is no sinner without a future. Mirza Ahmed Sorab The first lesson of life is to burn our own smoke; that is not to inflict on outsiders our personal sorrows and petty morbidness, not to keep Thinking of ourselves as exceptional cases, James Russell Lowell. Join the great company of those who make the barren places of life fruitful with kindness. Carry a vision of heaven in your heats, and you shall make your home, your college, The world, correspond to that vision. Your success and happiness lies in you. External conditions are the accidents of life, its outer trappings. The great, enduring realities are love and service. Joy is the holy lure that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow. Resolve to keep happy, & your joy and you shall form and invincible host against difficulty. Helen Keller.Have such friends that with the thought of then your soul ascends. Edwin Markham Make the world better - Lucy Stone's last words to her daughter. Look forward, not backward; up, not down; out, not in; and lend a hand. Edward Everett Whatever you do, you need courage; Whatever course you decide upon, there is always some one to tell you you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. The map out a course of action and follow it to the end, requires some of the same courage which a solder needs. Peace has it victories, but it take brave men to win them. Emerson