BLACKWELL FAMILY MISELLANY GREETING CARDS ALICE STONE BLACKWELLChristmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though wild the world and stormy, Confused, and lacking light, Still Christmas holds a promise That life shall yet be bright. The Christmas bells say "Courage! Faint not, but do your share To bring the world a future That shall be great and fair. Lift up your eyes to heaven! No more in darkness grope." Starry with Christmas candles, The night is bright with hope! -A.S.B. The earth may become a flowering garden, on a sterile desert - and we may make the difference. - Dwight D. Eisenhower. It matters not that I am blind I plant my garden in my mind; -Emma Roseline Gifford. Hingham, Mass., Aged 90. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us; but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over. -Nehru. And how to build a better world? Well, not by chart or plan, unless we start to teach the boy to be a better man. -Emma Carleton. "Remember, what ever ought to be done can be done." -Harriet Beecher Stowe. 15 EASTER GREETINGS from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL However long the winter, However deep the snows, Spring comes at last to melt them, And bid the flowers unclose; And in the great uprising, When winter's chill departs, Not earth alone is blossoming, But also human hearts. The lilies silver trumpets say "Be brave! Be brave!" on Easter Day. -A.S.B. Man's nature is not essentially evil. Brute nature has been known to yield to the influence of love. You must never despair of human nature. - Mahatma Gandhi. I shall try to correct errors where shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views as fast as they shall appear to be true views. -Abraham Lincoln. Be like the bird that on the bough too frail To bear him, gaily sings; What though the slender branches fail? He knows that he has wings! -Victor Hugo. We have proved that men of all races and all philosophies can live together, respecting each other's rights to freedom and peace and a decent life. -Dwight D. Eisenhower. The proof of the worth of civilization is seen in doing the every day tasks with a song on the lips, performing the hard tasks while you play the fife. -Josephus Daniels. 15 Christmas and New Year Greetings Though wild the world and stormy, Confused, and lacking light, Still CHRISTMAS brings a promise That life shall yet be bright. The CHRISTMAS bells say, "COURAGE". Faint not, but do your share To bring the world a future That shall be great and fair. Lift up your eyes to Heaven! No more in darkness grope. Starry with CHRISTMAS candles, The night is bright with HOPE. -ALICE STONE BLACKWELL CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Miss Blackwell was 90 this past September 14th - is almost blind now. The late Milton S. Hershey (just passed this year) was born the day before Miss Blackwell and our late Ex-President Taft the day after her in 1857. "MAKE THE WORLD BETTER" - LUCY STONE'S DYING WORDS TO HER DAUGHTER. 1947 Easter Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL When spring returns, the flowers unclose In countries far and near, Where blood and tears have flowed in floods Throughout a darksome year, Now spring is come, the smallest flower Reopens without fear. The bells of Easter thrill the air With music bright and clear. They say, "With every Easter Day The victory comes more near. Arise, arise, and do your part To bring the victory here!" -A.S.B. Remember, whatever ought to be done can be done. -Harriet Beecher Stowe. Parting is not separation. -Bertha Shafter. Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see the shadow. -Helen Keller. The knowledge of truth removes hatred and quarrels and prevents mutual injuries. -Maimondes. 15 Mailed just after A.S.B. died March 15, 1950 Easter Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL However long the winter, However dark the days, The blessed Springtime never fails. In spite of storms and floods and gales, The growing light at last prevails, And, smiling, greets our gaze. The joyous Easter Music Says to us, "Valiant be! Forgetting sadness and dejection And every mournful recollection, Joy in the glorious resurrection That now the world shall see!" -A.S.B. Let none falter who thinks he is right. -Abraham Lincoln. You want to do the thing that is good, whether people call it suitable for a woman or not. -Florence Nightingale. Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. Shakspere (Julius Caesar) Whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things. -St. Paul. 15 Christmas and New Years Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though dark the world and stormy, With battles near and far, Still Christmas wakes glad music, And lights a steadfast star. What the New Year will bring us No mortal can foresee. Meet it with hope and courage, Whatever it may be. Let us be strong and faithful, And strive with all our might To make this world a better world, More loving and more bright! -A.S.B. "Make the world better." - Lucy Stone's dying words to her daughter. "Living for a high purpose is as honorable as dying for it." -Carrie Chapman Catt. Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due. -Dean Inge. Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn. - From the Sanscrit. "If you cannot make light of your trouble, keep it dark." 15With best Christmas wishes With best Easter wishes. SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS, possess us we pray; Fashion our lives in the Master's own way. Fill every hearthstone with kindness and light; SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS be with us to-night. SPIRIT of JESUS, teach us to send Some cheerful message to every dear friend. Help us to cherish and always hold fast All the kind words and deeds of the past. SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS, come into each soul; Give us the courage to reach every goal; Make us still richer in all we hold dear; Bless and guide us throughout the NEW YEAR. - DR. GARDNER LELAND GREEN, PRESIDENT. BERRY COLLEGE, THE BERRY SCHOOLS, MOUNT BERRY, G.A. May your heart be light and gay, And your CHRISTMAS very merry. But should underneath your smile and gaiety You bravely hide a heavy, anxious, broken heart. May the Good GOD be extra tender to you - I pray your anxiety vanish into the blue, And that he mend your broken heart Till it is better than when new. -LEE PARKER, RALEIGH, N.C. The eldest son of this broken hearted family was killed on his bicycle by an automobile, March 7, 1942, Months later his loving father composed these lines. With best Easter wishes. With best Christmas wishes.With best Christmas wishes. With best Christmas wishes. G.A. Johnson. With affectionate remembrance. With affectionate remembrance. 1010 Mass. Ave (?)Easter Greetings from Alice Stone Blackwell. When Easter to the world draws near, It always kindles hope and cheer. It brings the breath of countless flowers; Gone are the darksome winter hours; Roots were alive beneath the snow; The ice-bound streams now freely flow. However sad our human plight, The world is turning towards the light. Then let us strive with all our power, As spring returns with bird and flower, And winter from the world departs, To bring bright spring to human hearts! To be seventy years young is sometimes more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old. - Oliver Wendell Holmes. Public service and the making of a better, more sensible and peaceful world is not a mere matter of dry-as-dust politics; it is adventure, it is idealism, it is scaling the mountain tops and seeking better times and a wiser social order, the end of poverty, ignorance and war. Resist and discourage all uncharitableness and unkindness; seek to radiate among your fellows the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood... Democracy is not merely a question of counting heads; the quality of the heads matters enormously. - Herbert M. Morrison, Head of the London County Council.With best Easter wishes. Easter Greetings from Alice Stone Blackwell When Easter to the world draws near, It always kindles hope and cheer. It brings the breath of countless flowers; Gone are the darksome winter hours; Roots were alive beneath the snow; The ice-bound streams now feely flow. However sad our human plight, The world is turning towards the light. Then let us strive with all our power, As spring returns with bird and flower, And winter from the world departs, To bring bright spring to human hearts! To be seventy years young is sometimes more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old. -Oliver Wendell Holmes. Public service and the making of a better, more sensible and peaceful world is not a mere matter of dry-as-dust politics; it is adventure, it is idealism, it is scaling the mountain tops and seeking better times and a wiser social order, the end of poverty, ignorance and war. Resist and discourage all uncharitableness and unkindness; seek to radiate among your fellows the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood. . . .Democracy is not merely a question of counting heads; the quality of the heads matters enormously. -Herbert M. Morrison, Head of the London County Council. 15Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL A solemn New Year lies before us, If dark or brightening skies be o'er us. Let us work well, to do our part, And face it with courageous heart! - A. S. B. "Never a storm but the tainted air needs it; Never a storm but the sunshine succeeds it." - quoted by Lucy Stone. Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once. - Shakespeare in "Julius Caesar". Every beautiful finite thing is a window by which the soul may catch a kindling, inspiring glimpse of the Eternal. - Rufus M. Jones. Though our road is stony and hard it is straight, and we know that we fight in a great cause... However great the cost and however long the struggle, liberty and freedom, human dignity and kindness shall not perish from the earth... - Queen Elizabeth of England in a broadcast to the United States.With best Christmas wishesSOME SPANISH-AMERICAN POETS Translated by ALICE STONE BLACKWELL This book contains poems from all the Spanish-American countries, with the Spanish and English on opposite pages. "You have always shown a thorough understanding of the minds of the Spanish-American poets, and you have translated their thoughts into truly poetical English." -Professor J.D.M. Ford. "Miss Blackwell has earned the gratitude of all lovers of poetry. . . .Giving the Spanish and English together makes the book as useful to the Spanish student of English as to the English student of Spanish." -Professor James Geddes. Order only from the University of Pennsylvania Press 3622 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price $2.00 15 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GREETINGS from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL As Christmas candles, burning bright, Shed radiance on the stormiest night, So Christmas sheds a light of cheer Upon this dark and stormy year. The music of the Christmas bells A tale of joy and triumph tells. "Bid fear farewell!" they seem to say, "However hard and long the fray. Let courage in all hearts be born When breaks the light of Christmas morn!" I wish my friends both far and near A Christmas bright, a brave New Year. -A.S.B. Look to the work the times reveal! Give thanks with all thy flaming heart, Crave but to have in it a part, Give thanks and clasp thy heritage! To be alive in such an age! -Angela Morgan. Little in this world endures, Yet the sunshine heals and cures. -Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Jr. Oh, every year hath its winter, And every year hath its rain, But a day is always coming When the birds go north again. -Ella Higginson. 15Easter Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL "I want it said of me that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow." - Abraham Lincoln. "Make the world better." - Lucy Stone's last words to her daughter. "Have such friends That with the thought of them your soul ascends." -Edwin Markham. Miss Blackwell adds the following message: My friends have been kindly solicitous about my eyes. The eyes are not painful. But the distinguished oculist, Dr. Allen Greenwood, says there is no chance of my ever being able to read again. My right eye, with which I used to read, is now entirely out of commission. What is still more serious, my left eye, through which I have been able to see objects all around me, is rapidly failing also. For a long time I have abused my eyes by greatly overworking them. I knew it was wrong, yet kept right on doing it. Now I am suffering for my sins; and the least I can do is to bear it with patience, and without making a fuss. I must find enjoyment "from my eyebrows up," as somebody once advised everyone to learn to do. Fortunately, there is a good deal of material stored away there. May Easter be to each of you a time of cheer and of spiritual uprising! 15 EASTER GREETINGS from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though the circling flight of Time may find us Parted still and severed more and more, Yet the "Farewells" always lie behind us, And the "Welcomes" always lie before. -Anon. It is possible to have a very old body and a very young heart. It is not the calendar and the birthday book that determine your age. It is the soul within and the eyes you look out with, - the mind that thinks and the heart that feels. -J.G. Greenough. Justice is the keynote of the world, and all else is ever out of tune. -Theodore Parker. Wishful worship of social justice cannot right a single wrong. -Professor John Dewey. It is better to light the candle than to curse the darkness. -R.C. McQuillen. 15Easter Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL However wild the weather, However dark the skies, Glad Easter brings fresh courage; Its music says "Arise! A mighty dawn is coming; The world shall yet be bright. Cast doubt and fear behind you, And help to spread the light. The flowers that winter prisoned Now rise and bloom anew; The lilies silver trumpets Ring out, Be brave, Be true!" -A.S.B. The world is slowly learning that because two men think differently neither need be wicked. -Sir Wilfred Grenfell. To be able to see the large things large and the small things small is wisdom. To treat the large things as large and the small things as small is righteousness. The true greatness of Nations is in those qualities which constitute the greatness of the individual. -Charles Sumner. "It's just the view from where you sit That makes you fear defeat; You can view life from many aisles - Why don't you change your seat?" 15 1931? A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Justice, simple justice, is what the world needs. - Lucy Stone. Upon whatever fundamental scheme we perseveringly concentrate our powers, upon whatever main road of occupation we take life's journey, - art, politics, commerce, science, - if only we will take its upper fork as often as the road divides, then will that road itself, and not necessarily any cross-road, lead us to the noblest, truest plane of convictions, affections, aspirations. -George W. Cable. 151947 ? Christmas and New Year Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though dark the world and stormy, With battles near and far, Still Christmas wakes glad music, And lights a steadfast star. What the New Year will bring us No mortal can foresee. Meet it with hope and courage, Whatever it may be. Let us be strong and faithful, And strive with all our might To make this world a better world, More loving and more bright! -A.S.B. "Make the world better." - Lucy Stone's dying words to her daughter. "Living for a high purpose is as honorable as dying for it." -Carrie Chapman Catt. Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due. -Dean Inge. Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn. - From the Sanscrit. "If you cannot make light of your trouble, keep it dark." 15 Christmas and New Year greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL With every rising of the sun Think of your life as just begun. - British Weekly. The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving. - Oliver Wendell Holmes. Progress is not automatic. The world grows better because people wish that it should, and take steps to make it better. - Jane Addams. I refuse to believe that human intelligence and spirit cannot rise above the law of the jungle. - Dr. Mary E. Woolley. God be thanked that the dead have left still Good undone, for the living to do - Still some aim for the heart and the will And the soul of a man to pursue! - Owen Meredith. We give thanks in our hearts today to all who have shown us kindness; to all who have given us inspiration, by word or pen, or by the example of noble living; to all, far or near, who are working to make the world better.However long the winter, however dark the days The blessed springtime never fails. In spite of floods and storms and gales The growing light at last prevails And shines to great (?) The joyous Easter music, Says to us "Valient be!" Forgetting sadness and dejection And every mournful recollection Joy in the mighty resurrection That now the world shall see. Christmas and New Years Greetings from ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Though dark the world and stormy, With battles near and far, Still Christmas wakes glad music, And lights a steadfast star. What the New Year will bring us No mortal can foresee. Meet it with hope and courage, Whatever it may be. Let us be strong and faithful, And strive with all our might To make this world a better world, More loving and more bright! -A.S.B. "Make the world better." - Lucy Stone's dying words to her daugher. "Living for a high purpose is as honorable as dying for it." -Carrie Chapman Catt. Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due. -Dean Inge. Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision; but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn. -From the Sanscrit. "If you cannot make light of your trouble, keep it dark" 15194 ? With best Christmas wishes.