Blackwell Family Alice Stone Blackwell Miscellany Medical ReportsREPORT ON CASE OF MISS ALICE S. BLACKWELL. Self-Referred. The endermal tests on Miss Blackwell show doubtfully positive reactions to mixtures of grain containing rye, also containing corn. These two substances are also individually dubiously positive. Cheese protein falls in the same group. x RECOMMENDATION: I would suggest that the patient consult with Dr. S. B. Hooker of the Evans Memorial and if he feels that the tests are not sufficiently strong to warrant an attempt at desensitization and has no other therapeutic measures to suggest, it might be well for her to take the Short Form study at the Evan Memorial to ascertain if some other cause for her presenting symptom could be thus evaluated. Respectfully Submitted, [?] ENDERMAL SKIN TESTS April 22, 1926. Miss A. S. Blackwell Negative Doubtfully positive Milk White Egg Rice Blue fish Rye mixture Cod fish Buckwheat Haddock Salmon Buckwheat Chicken Barley Beef Corn mixture Lamb Oat Pork Veal Cabbage Cheese Celery Lettuce Onion Rye (tested separately) Spinach very doubtfully positive Wheat (tested separately) Corn (tested separately)[?]rant Men Hospital [?] report FORM H9 10M 1-15-26 Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital HISTORY SHEET Name Miss Alice Blackwell, Sex Case No. Address 3 Monadunock St. , Uphams Corner Ward Age 68 Civil Condition Date Admitted Occupation Service of Nativity Referred by Dr. Final Diagnosis—To be recorded when determined; Family History Arthritis, Syphillis, Tuberculosis, Alcoholism, Mental and Nervous Affections, Cancer, etc. Include grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters. Note ages, deaths and causes. Previous History Habits, Occupation, Disease of Childhood. Venereal History, Arthritis, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Typhoid etc. Previous Similar Attacks, Previous Injury (Dates). Complications and Sequels. Former Admission to this or other hospitals. summary of treatment and diagnosis. Present Illness or Injury Diseases: Time and Mode of Attack. Injuries: Time, Part or Parts, Mode of Production Symptoms (Shock, Deformity , Impairment or Loss of Function, Hemorrhage). Ability to Walk. Other Abnormal Conditions: TIme and Manner of Occurrence. Course (Treatment Previous to Admission.) C.C. Persistent eczema on hands and its cause. F. H. Father died at 84, colitis; mother died at 75, cancer. Patient is only child. Paternal grand uncle "out of mind". No skin diseases in family. Some arthritis affected both father and mother. P. H. Born in New Jersey. In Boston since age of 13. In childhood had measles, mumps and whooping cough, Used to have severe dysentary every summer. Scarlet fever at 26, no complications. Otherwise very well until about 1911, when there was an attack of heart trouble as diagnosed by her doctor who kept her in bed about three months. After this her condition has been fairly good up to 1914,when there was an appendectomy at the N.E.Hospital for Women and Children. Recovered from this without any sequelae and was in fair health until she had a large fibroid tumor, with complete hysterectomy, in October, 1925, at the same hospital. Since the operation she has been fairly well. Head: Has no headaches, never fainted in lifetime, very rarely attacks of dizziness. Eyes: No- Sensitive to light. Has worn glasses many years. Ears: No deafness or otitis media. Wax forms too fast. Nose: Has had a postnasal catarrh for 40 years, which has affected hearing verylittle and taste a great deal. Epistaxis very seldom. Spur from deviated suptum removed in 1900. Mouth: Abscesses from spices of upper lateral incisor teeth for several years, discharged pus. One of offending teeth removed cured the discharge. other is still discharging. Teeth have had a great deal of care but are in fair condition. Throat: Sore throats with colds, no tonsilitis or quiney . Elongated urula clipped many years ago. C. R. Had heart condition about 1911, her doctor said that the heart muscle was all worn out and kept her in bed three months . No ashhma or bronchitis, hemoptysis or night sweats. G. I. Appetite is very good. During time of heart trouble there was loss Date Taken byFORM H9 10M 1-15-26 Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital HISTORY SHEET Name Miss Alice Blackwell--2 Sex Case No. Address Ward Age Civil Condition Date Admitted Occupation Service of Nativity Referred by Dr. Final Diagnosis—To be recorded when determined; Family History Arthritis, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Alcoholism, Mental and Nervous Affections, Cancer, etc. Include grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters. Note ages, deaths and causes. Previous History Habits, Occupation, Disease of Childhood. Venereal History, Arthritis, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Typhoid etc. Previous Similar Attacks, Previous Injury (Dates). Complications and Sequels. Former Admission to this or other hospitals. summary of treatment and diagnosis. Present Illness or Injury Diseases: Time and Mode of Attack. Injuries: Time, Part or Parts, Mode of Production Symptoms (Shock, Deformity, Impairment of Loss of Function, Hemorrhage). Ability to Walk. Other Abnormal Conditions: Time and Manner of Occurrence. Course (Treatment Previous to Admission.) of appetite, none since except for transient gastric upset during appendicitis. As a young adult suffered much from constipation. Used to take cascara . 10 drops before meals. Is taking milk of magnesia once a day, a tablespoon before breakfast. G. U. No symptoms of cystitis or pyelitis. No hematuria, pyuria, or polyuria. Nocturia once a night. Days 3-4 times. No venereal disease or symptoms thereof. CTA: Established at 14 years, menopause at 50-55, quite uneventful. Always regular without pain or trouble. N. M. Negative. P. I. For a number of years had slight eczema on hands in summer, consisted of semitransparent blisters under skin which caused skin to peel. Two years ago in the winter had very painful and troublesome eczema on hands with some around the lobes of the ears. The hands were dry and cracked with an eruption that itched and burned and if it was scratched it aggravated the condition. The disease repeated itself last winter and fearing another similar winter she is now seeking to find a cure although it is not so troublesome at present. Washes hands a great deal, perhaps fifty times a day, in plain water and three times a day with Cuticura soap. Does no laundry herself and does not handle any paints or use cosmetics. Dr. Keene Date Taken by FORM H12 10M 1-15-26 Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital Physical Examination Name Miss Alice Blackwell--3 Case No. Working Diagnosis—Record after physical examination— Temp. Pulse, rate Char. Blood Pressure, S. D. P. Pr. Resp., Rate Char. Hgt. Wt. Nutrition, etc. Physical Findings; — Head, Neck, Chest, Cardio-Vaccular, Abdomen, Genito-Urinary, Skin, Bones and Joints Glandular, Neuro-Muscular. Inspection: Elderly lady, apparently in good health. Head normal H. shape, scalp clean and dry, hair gray and scanty. Eyes: Pupils small, round, equal, react to light and accom. Ears: No deafness or otitis externa. Nose. No obstruction to breathing. Mouth: Many gold caps and fillings on teeth. Tongue white coat, protrudes in midline with no tremor. Throat: Normal in appearance, tonsils not seen. Chest: Expansions equal, breasts small, nipples undeveloped, no masses . Heart: Area of dullness enlarged 1 cm. to left, apex beat about 11cm. left of MSL. No murmurs heard but there is a reduplicated onof the first sound. Lungs: Negative throughout to ausc. and fremitus. Abdomen: Right kidney very low and movable, left kidney also low. No areas of tenderness or masses felt. Lower edge of liver not felt. There are two parallel scars midline of abdomen from umbilicus to pubis. One is ve very recent. Extremities: musculature flabby. Skin somewhat dry but not scaly. Hands show some small fissures and evidence of the eczema of previous winter. Reflexes: Knee jerks elicited with difficulty. Rhomberg negative. Some posterior curvature of dorsal spine. Head carried forward. Station and gait very good for elderly woman. No abnormal [fia] fat distribution. Skin: Warm and moist, some pigmentation about eyes and corners of mouth. Two large warts on back of neck low down and one on left anterior chest high up. Hair distribution that of female type. Exam as [???] [???] pathway [?] in lungs- [???] Date Examined byURINE ANALYSIS Service ... Dr.... Name...Miss Blackwell Case no..... Weight..... Date ..May 19, 1926. Ward.... Quantity 2000 cc Color light amber Reaction acid Specific gravity 1.015 Total Solids 3.5% 70gms. Urea 1.4% 28gms. Sodium chloride... Phosphoric acid... Albumen... s.p.t. Sugar... 0 Acetone....0 Indican... decreased Bile...0 urobil. 0 SEDIMENT Amount... trace Squamous cells... few Other epithelial cells... few Leukocytes... 0 Blood discs... many Spermatazoa... 0 Crystals... 0 Mucus... trace Casts... 0 Urologic Laboratory - Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital CLINICAL LABORATORY MASSACHUSETTS HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL Name... Miss Blackwell Date... May 21, 1926 BLOOD MORPHOLOGY HAEMOGLOBIN... 90% COLOR INDEX.. 0.9 ERYTHROCYTES.. 5,070,000 mer cmm LEUKOCYTES 4250 per cmm Neutrophils 67 Lymphocytes 25 Endothelials 7 Eosinophils 1 Basophils 0 Myelocytes 0 PLATELETS normal PARASITES 0Vital Capacity Report Date___May 21, 1926.___19 Case No_______ S.F. 1047_______ Height_________159.8____________cm _______ in Name___Blackwell, Miss Alice___ Trunk___________84.4 ___________cm_________in Address ________________________ Circumference, Chest___71.0__cm ________in _________________________________ Circumference, Waist___67.0__cm_________in Psysician________________________ Weight__________51.8___________kg________lbs _________________________________ Area_________________1.53_________________sq.m Referred for____________________ Chest Capacity______2780_______cc_______cu. in. _________________________________ Circumference, Hips_______89.0 cm______in Dreyer WEIGHT Normal from Height___________________55.0___________________kg Normal from Chest____________________48.8___________________kg Average___________________--____________________kg Variation from Normal________________-3.2________kg___-6____% CHEST Normal from Height___________________73.5_______cm Variation from Normal________________-2.5________cm___-3____% VITAL CAPACITY A B C Normal from Weight ______cc _2850_cc ______cc Normal from Height ______cc _2980_cc ______cc Normal from Chest ______cc _2730_cc ______cc Average ______cc _______cc ______cc Variation from Normal ______cc _-200_cc ______cc ______% ___-7___% ______% West MEN WOMEN ATHLETE Vital Capacity from Height __________cc ___3200___cc __________cc Vital Capacity from Area __________cc ___3060___cc __________cc Average __________cc ___-350___cc __________cc Variation from Normal __________cc ____-11____cc __________cc Opinion CO2 = 5.6% = 40 mm. Basal Metabolism Report 5490 Date___May 21, 1926.___19 Case No_______ S.F. 1047_______ Height___159.8___cm Temp_____98.2_____°F Name__Blackwell, Miss Alice___ Weight___51.8____kg Site______Oral_______ Address___3 Monadnock St.,___ Area_____1.53____sq.m Blood Pressure ___Uphams Corner, Dorchester._ Age______68______yrs Sys._____124_____mm Psysician_________A.W.R._________ Sex_______F_______ Dias_____142____mm Referred for______________________________________________________________________ PATIENT — Very quiet[*______*] Quiet Restless Very Restless Coughing Awake[*_____*] Apparently Asleep Asleep Very Calm Calm Nervous Very Nervous Crying PULSE— Regular[*_____*] Irregular Very Irregular BREATHING— Regular[*_____*] Irregular Very Irregular CONCL— Test Satisfactory[*_____*] Test Fairly Satisfactory Test Not Satisfactory (Underline Positive Observation) Basal Metabolism Average of 2 determinations 948 Cal. Normal calculated by Harris Benedict 1127 Cal. Normal calculated by Du Bois 1249 Cal. Normal Mean 1188 Cal. Relation of OBserved to Calculated values Harris Benedict -16% Du Bois -26% Mean -21% Opinion PROTEIN SENSITIVITY Miss Alice S. Blackwell April 22, 1926. Negative to milk egg bluefish codfish haddock salmon chicken beef lamb pork veal wheat Doubtful reaction: rice rye buckwheat barley corn oat beet carrot potato sweet potato turnip cabbage celery lettuce onion spinach cheese Dr. Hooker X-ray Report Alice Blackwell May 28, 1926 1. Sinuses negative 2. Teeth: No periapical infection, numerous bulbous roots consistent with exostosis 3. Heart not enlarged. Transverse diameter 11 c.m., length 16 c.m. Axis 45 degrees 4. Lungs: Increased density and fine mottling at both apices. S. W. EllsworthCARDIOGRAM Miss Alice Blackwell May 26, 1926. Normal rhythm Rate 56--59 P.B. 0.20 second Q.R.S. 0.06 second P2 0.25 mv. High T2 0.55 millivolt Axis normal. The above findings are normal. There is no evidence of impaired conduction nor, as far as the electrocardiogram can detect it, of the damage of the heart muscle. William D. Reid. Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital EVANS MEMORIAL OPHTHALMOLOGIC EXAMINATION Name...........Miss Blackwell............................. Date.........5/26/1926 Dist. Vis. R- 10/12 Near Vis. R- J-1 Rt. Pupil, Size- 3 1/2 mm Shape- round Dist. Vis. L- 10/100 Near Vis. L- J-14 Lt. Pupil,Size - 3 1/2 mm Shape- " (WITHOUT GLASS) (WITHOUT GLASS) R-Pupillary Reaction to Light- prompt Consensual- prompt Accom. Conv.- OK L-Pupillary Reaction to Light- Consensual- Accom. Conv.- Rotations- OK Convergence- OK Media-R- lenses slightly hazy L- " " " Fundus R- Very deep physiologic cup. Veins overfilled and somewhat tortuous. Fundus L- " " " " " " Other Findings- Undefined central scotoma Left Right [TWO DIAGRAMS OF LEFT AND RIGHT EYES] R L R L Form and Colors...........6........, ....6..............m m object at..........16.5......, .....16.5...........c m bright day...... light. Blind Spots........ ... .......3............, ....3.... .........m m object at.......16.5........ .....16.5..............c m......".................light. Macula ............................1.5............, .....1.5... ......m m object at....16.5........ .....16.5..............c m......".................... light. Interpretation- Macular vision right eye, normal; left eye, central scotoma. Practically normal except lens change, and central fault, left eye, probably due to retinal hemorrhages. W. D. Rowland By..........................................................................................REPORT ON CASE OF MISS ALICE BLACKWELL Self-Referred. The patient's chief complaint is of persistent eczema on the hands. For a number of years she has had this condition in summer. Two years ago a painful eczema in the winter. Last winter was a repetition and the patient fears a third winter. She washes her hands about fifty times a day. The only significant points in the family history are malignancy in the mother and a mental disturbance in the uncle. The patient had the minor ailments of childhood; at one time a severe dysentery occurring every summer; scarlet fever at the age of 26; a cardiac attack in 1911; an appendectomy in 1914; and a pan hysterectomy for fibroid in 1925; has had a post nasal catarrh for 14 years with but little effect on the hearing; septal spur removed in 1900. Has had and still has abscessed teeth which discharge. As a young adult suffered much from constipation. Menstrual history seemingly negative. Physical examination shows much dentistry, a possible heart pathology evaluated by special examination, kidneys low and the right one movable, hands show residue of early eczema, some pigmentation about eyes and mouth. The urine volume is ample, elimination excellent, balance good. An s.p.t. of albumin and many blood discs are recorded. With an ample nitrogen elimination there is a high residual fraction. The blood morphology shows a slight leukopenia. The blood chemistry is substantially normal. The serological tests are negative. Phthalein not reported. CO2 normal. Vital capacity substantially normal. The basal rate is -21% with substantially normal physical findings. Protein sensitivity shows a doubtful reaction to a wide variety of foods, chiefly vegetable and cereal products. X-Ray gives no evidence of periapical 2. A. B. infection but does show increased density and fine mottling at both apices. Heart examination with cardiogram shows no pathology. An eye examination shows an undefined central scotoma in the left eye probably due to retinal hemorrhage. The lenses are slightly hazy. CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY There is a dearth of positive findings outside of the lowered basal rate, the high residual nitrogen, the X-Ray findings of the lungs and the blood discs in the sediment. I request a sugar test and on this report the privilege of referring the case to my colleague, Dr. Lawrence. Respectfully submitted, MREVANS MEMORIAL For clinical Research and Preventive Medicine (Massachusetts Homoeopathic Hospital) Department of Immunology Sanford Burton Hooker. M.D v . 29 . 26 So East Concord Street Boston, Massachusetts My dear Miss Blackwell:- Were your eczema due to the condition we call "hypersensitiveness" it should be of more general distinction, "geographically"; your blood should show increase in to content of eosinophils, which it does not; it would be expected to have shown periods, at least, of aggravation when you were much younger; it should not manifest so definite a seasonal tendency to become more marked. These data, together with our failure to obtain any typical skin reaction even to concentrated food extracts, testify rather strongly in favor of excluding hypersensitiveness, and quite drown out the only dissonant note- The familial tendency evidenced in hay fever, hives, and possibly migraine. So, I see no indication that further tests would be fruitful. The possibility that you may be sensitive to incompletely digested protein fractions is one which we do not yet know about to be able to investigate. Sincerely, Sanford B Hooker REPORT ON CASE OF MISS ALICE STONE BLACKWELL Self-referred. The sugar test requested on Miss Blackwell has just been performed and the level is consistent with the report of a pan hysterectomy performed some months ago. As stated in the original report, I am conferring with my colleague Dr. Lawrence on the case and will forward a final statement in the immediate future. Respectfully submitted, [?][*Dr Hooker*]Galactose Test Miss Alice Blackwell June, 1926 20 grams positive 10 grams negative 1M 8-21-25 (1) Eczema. (2) Hypogonadism Surgical. EVANS MEMORIAL MASSACHUSETTS HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL VITAL FUNCTION REPORT ABRIDGED FORM Form IV V.F. Service Case No. 5490 Series No. S. F. 1074 Dr. Date May 21, 1926. Name Blackwell, Miss Alice Address 3 Monadnock St., Upham Corner, Dorchester Sex Female Age 68 yrs ROUTINE Amount 2000 cc. Spec. Grav. 1.015 @ 15º Total Solids 70 gms Total Nitrogen gms Urea 28 gms Creatinin gms Ammonia gms NaCI gms P2O5 gms Abnormal SPT. albumen Many blood discs NITROGEN PARTITION Amount 2000 cc. Total N2 11.85 gms Urea N2 9.68 gms 81.7 % Uric Acid N2 .16 gms 1.4 % Ammonia N2 .42 gms 3.5 % Creatinin N2 .31 gms 2.6 % Residual N2 1.28 gms 10.8 % BASAL METABOLISM Mean of 2 deter 948 Cal. H.-B. Norm 1127 Cal. -16 % Du B. Norm 1249 Cal. -26 % MEAN -21 % BLOOD EXAMINATION Morphological (abstract) See original Chemical Non Protein Nitrogen 32 mgm Urea Nitrogen 16 mgm Uric Acid 2.6 mgm Creatinin 1.5 mgm Sugar 84.0 mgm Wassermann Negative Kahn presumptive negative PHENOL SULPHONE PHTHALEIN 1st Hour 2nd Hour Total Coll. % not % made % ALVEOLAR CO2 5.6 % 40 mm VITAL CAPACITY Weight -3.2 kg -6 % Chest -2.5 cm -3 % V. C. (Dreyer) -200 cc (A. B. C.) -7 % V. C. (West) -350 cc ( W ) -11 % PHYSICAL Weight 51.8 kg. Trunk 84.4 cm. Height 159.8 cm. Chest (cir) 71.0 cm. Area 1.53 sq. m. Chest (vol) 2780cc. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (abstract) Blood Pressure 124/62 Temperature 98.2 Pulse 60 Respiration 12 SPECIAL TESTS Protein sensitivity # Cardiogram # X-ray # Eye # June 10. 1944 William D. Rowland M.D. 84 Commonwealth Ave Boston This certifies that Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, Cambridge, has very poor vision due to previous retinal haemorrhages and secondary glaucoma. Vision Right: poor projection, temporal field. (unable to count fingers.) Vision left: poor central projection. vision=hand motion at 4 feet. Signed: William D. Rowland. WD.R./lld SAMUEL Z. SHOPE, M.D. 2018 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA. April 29, 1938 Dr. Allen Greenwood, 82 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass.. Dear Dr. Greenwood: I appreciate very much your kind letter of April 27th containing the full description of the eye condition of your patiente Miss Alice Stone Blackwell. The history you have given would not make one optimistic that any treatment would be likely to help this patient. I am sure no one could do more for Miss Blackwell than yourself. However, should she insist upon consulting me I shall be very glad to give you my opinion. Thanking you for your courtesy, I beg to remain. Very truly yours S.Z. Shope D. Z. Shope Oculist Basal Metabolism Report 8885 Date June 7, 1920 Case no. Special Height 159.8 cm. Temp 98.1 °F Name Miss Alice Blackwell Weight 41.8 kg Site Oral Area 1.39 sq. m. Address see 5490 Age 70 yrs. Sys. 118 mm Sex F Dias 64 mm. Pulse (av.) 68 Respiration 12 PATIENT - very quiet, awake, very calm PULSE regular BREATHING regular CONCL Test satisfactory Basal Metabolism Average of 2 determinations 923 Cal. Normal calculated by Harris Benedict 1024 Cal. Normal calculated by Du Bois 1101 Cal. Normal Mean 1063 Cal. Relation of Observed to Calculated values Harris Benedict -10% Du Bois -18% Mean -13% Opinion Nearly normal A.W. Rowe