DIARY 1897-99 (1899, 2 vols.)1898.C. & J. PENNY'S .. London .. Almanack & Diary 1898. No. 10 Golden Number .. .. 18 | Dominical Letter .. .. B Epact .. .. .. .. 7 | Roman Indiction .. .. 11 Solar Cycle .. .. .. 3 | Julian Period .. .. .. 6611 London: Published by H. W. CRANE & Co., 63, GOSWELL ROAD. Price 6d.January, 1898. Moreus Aurelins Omar Browning Shelley - Rosetti Lowell - Drake and the Tudor Navy 2 Vols by Corbett. Longmans Green & Co the Cause of Anglo-Saxon Superiority Ed Demolius Tenth Meetings. At Mr Sharpes 2nd Tuesday in Feb, May, Aug & Nov. _______________________________ 14 Essays in Literature & Philosophy. 2 vols. Glasgow. Macelehose 1892. January, 1888. Sa. 1. Circumcision. Stock exchange closed. To dine at Dudley Road- Lily with us. A funny & a sad time didn't want another meal till 10 - p.m. Rained as we came home. _________________________________________________________________ 15January, 1898. Su. 2. 2nd Sunday after Christmas. Lily to dinner. Mr. Newcombe to tea M. 3. Quarter Sessions begin. A wonderful sunrise - and increasingly lovely day. Lo tea with Swintons. A sad anniversary. Tennyson's Life Tu. 4. Dr. W Landon Tennyson's Life W. 5 Telegram from Dr to say that Miss A. L. Browne would come She didn't however. Rain, rain, all day. Mary & Alan abroad - via Newhaven. Tennyson. 16 January, 1898. Th. 6. Epiphany. Dull. Muggy. hot. [58 degrees] in parlour, without sun or fire. Letters from Alice & Agnes. I hate the type-written letters [from A.] Letter from Miss Sprague. Card from Gertrude. Tennyson's Life. F. 7. Dull. Rainy - hot in a.m. In p.m. it cleared. S.W. Tennyson's Life Sa. 8. A lovely day all day long. and so fresh! S.W. To Lily's [Dtr?]. Tennyson's Life & Bible. B 17JANUARY, 1898. SU. 9. 1st Sunday after Epiphany. Fire Insurance ceases. M. 10. Dr Bridges paid me a very pleasant call. TU. 11. Hilary Sittings begin. W. 12. 18Saturday, January 1. Dull then drizzle - with K and Lily to dine with Anna- She was more like herself and I really hope that the morbid phase is over We took up Marian's photo- Guardian Insurance. Sunday, January 2. Revised W C; paper. Lilly as usual to dinner. Mr Newcombe to tea. Began Bible Reading Narla-Creighton-Browne & Jackson. Churchill M/21 921852 10/6 Monday, January 3. Fine sunrise & day. Finished revising manuscript. George. Belloe, Eshcourh, Kaasom, Amy Tuesday, January 4. Dull. To London. Posted cheque book No.2. Lunched-talked for 2 1/2 hours at 34 St. Arwind St. called at Chanery Lane glad when Mrs Salb to 33 Bloomsburg Square- Jewish discussion- Dr C. called in the evening at Porchester Terrace. Very interesting talks. Wednesday, January 5. Rainy- Bank - Bell returned home- left manuscript at Mr Bell's - Bell-Kilgour 46 Porchester Road Thursday, January 6. Dull, spitting, Diarrhea - Browne. Anna with American letter14 Carnrick's Beef Peptonoids. Friday, January 7. Dull, drizzle, foggy. Bought belt- buckle m/22 121255 10/6 Bard - Stock- Halliburton Wilson. Bramwell Booth & Salt with cheques. Saturday, January 8. Fine most of the day. Strolled on our hill. Sunday, January, 9. Very foggy. Lilly dined here - K read Tennyson's life aloud after dinner- Colenso. Halliburton, Bell. Stock 15 Monday, January 10. Hazy. Butterworth began again- Dr Bridges paid me a very pleasant call We talked of the dangerous tendencies in the medical profession very sympathetically- -he recommended me to see Ogle and Geddes. He leaves for Rome this week. George Tuesday, January 11. London-Barb Bell- [Ate at Stock where I saw Besant] - the household so unpeaceful that I took Dr C when he called to a restaurant - interesting talk- then by cab to Medical Women's meeting All friendly; but I felt in another sphere! Wednesday, January 12. To Elliot Stock who will give an answer in ten days- liked him- saw Besant there- charged Miss Kilgour to releive tension. returned home- shall look for London Club16 MALTINE WITH LIME (HYPOPHOSPHITES). Thursday, January 13. McCall - Bell - Chevalier - Creighton - Browne - Bank with 3 cheques Friday, January 14. Very foggy. Butterworth 2 George - Churchill - Coote with cheque Saturday, January 15. Dull cold - Mr. Swinton & May to say goodbye. Bonner with stamps. Bonner with stamps Terell _ Browne _ Nozal. 17 Sunday, January 16. Lilly to dinner Wrote to Emily - Blackburn with stamps - Emily - Pioneer Club - Bell - Swinton - Crematorium Certificate _ Goodrich Frey Monday, January 17. Fine day - Lilly to dinner. Col. Coalson on India for Scripture Reading at Public Hall 3 p.m. I handed him my medical pamphlet. Mr. Swinton reclaimed his Will left in our care. Creighton - Tuesday, January 18. returned Goethe to Mrs. Tubbs - Ransom about S. B. elections -18. MALTINE WITH COCA WINE. Wednesday, January 19. Dull Mr & Mrs Hindley called for a long talk. Browne - Dolan - Anderson Thursday, January 20. Thinking out letter to American Suffrage [?] centuary - Continued Tennyson reading - Ellen- [Browne - Freer-] Friday, January 21. Foggy- Dr. Creighton came down this evening Browne- Freer 19 Saturday, January 22. Foggy morning Dr. Creighton took a long walk but boots too tight! sitting on East Hill Much talk - read Clough aloud Confidential talk on marrying Sunday, January 23. Lovely day Our friend caught some cold - prescribed lozenges etc Had a pleasant walk to the Ladys Parlour - Quiet reading & talk - Dr. Ogle - Monday, January 24. Dr. C. left us - Pioneer Work to Dr. Kunner at [?Lupsie] with photo -20 R MALTINE c OL. MORRHUAE (MALTINE CO.) Tuesday, January 25. To London Bank - Investigated clubs - [Miss Freer 2-3 at Sesame] Sesame - Pioneer - University [Governor's Meeting 4.30 in Somerville] To St Paul's Cathedral Dr Appel after 8 p.m. Wednesday, January 26. Long talk with Dr. Anderson No danger of vivisection being introduced To Governors meeting - Mrs Shepard inspects departments of [?] Dr. Anderson had warned Miss Vickery. Returned home late. Thursday, January 27. Searched lodgings for Mrs Browne Miss Brook Herford called.- Creighton - Appel - Ogle - Anna - Titterton - Batte 21 Friday, January 28. Butterworth 3. Kitty & Lily called on Miss Herford Anthony Congress letter. - Saturday, January 29. Butterworth 4 application to Pioneer for membership. Annie Browne - Mr. Browne with Bell, Collinson letter, Stoer with Rother re receipts - Sunday, January 30. Dull damp Ms Proat Newcombe to tea - Miss Herford called. Bell. [Dowling.]22 MALTINE WITH CASCARA SAGRADA Monday, January 31. Fine, corona? Heath Launders begging letter -- Smith with Psychical Research subscrip. Dowling & Todd with stamps -- Tuesday, February 1. Dull damp morning Kitty to London. Sharpe - Rother r.r. Wednesday, February 2. Butterworth 5 - Mr. Browne with bad ceryza - Ward. Dogs Home - Thomson _ Mr Read _ Montefi 23 Thursday, February 3. 77th birthday Dull snowy feeling. Lily to dinner. Edith Smith to report on Mrs. Browne Pioneer Secretary with checque Creighton - long letter - Bell - Friday, February 4. Dull cold Butterworth 6. Met Mr Canning . had a Nice birthday letter from [?] Cards to Browne & Annie Emily - Koventsky - Ringwalk - Saturday, February 5. Sun but cold wind To Mrs Browne - considered her letter to the Trustees - Butterworth 7. Zackrzewska - Posted pamfletsSunday Feb 6. Dreary wet day. To Miss Brown on Trust matters Mrs Edwwards called about her memorial - 100 philist to Emily and Lonru Monday Feb 7 Mrs. Montefiore? Creighton -Docui. Tuesday, Feb 8 Dr Creighton met me at station and entered Pioneer club -long talk on narrow (Leigh Browne Trush 2:30) View of Research -we went to see The Egyptian tablets and Bronze gates! Fine day and Earling Journey We'd Feb 9 Fine morning Called on Mrs Browne who was Not well-prescribed for her- Vote for School Board- Began to write Trash Report. Walker -appeal - McCall- Creighton Thursday, Feb 10. Pip Butterworth Saw Mrs Browne. Wrote report for Trust Friday Feb 11 Maj Butterworth 8 To Mrs Browne - who liked my Trash report - Cab each way Having a cold George-Butterworth Report 26 MALTINE WITH IRON. Saturday, February 12. To Mrs Browne - lamentations on [?] - Dr Pailthorpe from Benare called Bridil - Schmahl Sunday, February 13. Rainy- To Mrs Brown - Mrs Dannreither called - Stock - Creighton - McCall - Dogs Home Monday, February 14. To Mrs Browne - Miss Herford for pestle & mortar - 27 Tuesday, February 15. To see Mrs Browne - Anna - Strickland with cheque Venables - Salt with checque - Wednesday, Febrary 16. To London - Pioneer then Porchester Terrace aerated bread1 to 1 15. Stock 3 20 to 4 p.m. 8 15 p.m. Washington Sullivan - Thursday, February 17. To get bank book - Called on Dr Ogle a pleasant & useful visit to send him Dr Richards book - To Bell to consider Report - Cordial call on Dr Thompson Dr Creighton calls for me at 4 pm [New Hospital Ball] To send Dr Thompson Pioneer Works Liked Sir Richard Thorne - looked in at the ladies debate!28 CARNRICK'S SOLUBLE FOOD FOR INFANTS. Friday, February 18. Dr Jane Walker 4 p.m. return home 5.35 Saturday, February 19. Anna Dr Thompson book Dr Ogle book Millet with draft -Theis with checque Sunday, February 20. To Mrs Browne Walker. Thorne Thorne George Creighton - Hamilton. Bell. 29 Monday, February 21. To Mrs Browne Appel Tuesday, February 22. To Mrs Browne Thorne Thorne Wednesday, February 23. Bell Local Govt Board 12 noon Thorne & Power [Appel at] Royal [?] 4:30 p.m. Walker on way back. [McCall] 7.p.m. Dr C dined with me.30 MALTINE WITH PEPSINE & PANCREATINE Thursday, February 24. Walker 11. am. Bell - Churchill - Ladies Sanitary - Barrett Anderson - Train 3 40pm Dr C could not come. - Friday, February 25. Saw Mrs Browne. Creighton. Swenton. Churchill Adams with pamphlet. Saturday, February 26. Lovely day. To Mrs Browne - welcome letter from Dr C. with Wallace. pamphlet - Sunday, February 27. To Mrs Browne - Mr Newcombe - Miss Harford and Miss Taggart. called - Bell - McCall - Monday, February 28. Tuesday, March 1.32 CARNRICK'S PEPTONOIDS IRON & WINE. Wednesday, March 2. Thursday, March 3. P.M Clayden 8 15 p.m.? Friday, March 4. S.W.C.A. Sileheter Road. 3 p.m. [Mr Besant at Club ?] Alley & Tubbs142 CASH RECEIVED. Date. £ s. d. Subscriptions due Jan pd Hadleigh Colony 5 " pd National Vigilance 1 1 0 " pd Registered Women 10 6 Social Purity Royal Free Humanitarian League Girls Home The Philanthropist Pd 9 Psychical Research 1 1 0 K & I to Dogs Home 2 0 0 Trust meetings 2nd Tuesday, in Feb - May - Aug - Nov. 1898 CASH PAID. 143 Date. £ s. d. Jan 1 House, Coal &c 6 0 0 7 W. Medical Association 10 6 Hadleigh Colony 5 0 0 4 London bank 1 0 0 " Donation 5 0 0 7 Humanitarian League for [?] 2 0 0 Belt & buckle 2 0 10 To put in Savings Bank 5 0 0 From Marian to K. 5 0 0 11 London & expenses 1 10 6 12 Vines bill for 97 1 1 0 14 Benbow 1 4 2 Whittaker 1 16 0 15 Vine's pill 1 1 0 House 3 0 0 22 Coker corns 6 0 House 3 0 0 25 London & back 1 1 0 27 Imperial taxes 9 18 10 Blotting pad 2 3 Omnibus 2 29 House 3 0 0 Saunders for charity 1 0 0144 CASH RECEIVED. Date. £ s. d. Feb. 1 Kitty[word crossed through] Foreign stamps 10 0 Penny " 10 0 4 William Elder memorial 2 2 0 Omnibus 2 5 ½ ton coal- omnibus 15 4 Pumulerie gloves 5 8 7 London & back 17 6 8 cab &c 1 2 10 cab to 24 Corseford Ave 2 0 11 " " 24 ---- --- 2 6 12 House 3 0 0 omnibuses 6 13 cab 2 6 Subscrips to Dogs Home 2 0 0 14 Suit box -- - 17 6 Joined Pioneer Club 1 0 0 16 To London & back &c 1 0 0 Club Bill 1 0 0 22 Taxes on rates 4 1 4 17. 18. 19. cabs 3 6 To School Band club 1 1 0 23 London & back 1 5 0 ? Club bill 13 10 Cash Paid. 145 Date £ s. d. 25 Dentist bill 2 7 6 Pollys wages due yesterday 1 10 0 26 House 3 0 0 cab 1 3 27 cabs 2 6JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1898. Su. 30. Fourth Sunday after Epiphany M. 31. Tu. February 1 W. 2. Purification B.V.M. Wrote Ward about case of Dog's Home February, 1898. Th. 3. F. 4. Sa. 5. FEBRUARY, 1898. W. 16. To London - at Pioneer Called on Sock 3 to 4, who has accepted manuscript. Heard Washington [Lal?????] in the evening at the [Pe?????]. Th. 17. Called on D Ogle - pleasant call To Imperial Institute with Dr. C. F. 18. Returned home. FEBRUARY, 1898. W. 23. Ash Wednesday. To Local Govt Board. Dr. T. [?] & Mr. Power - in consultationFEBRUARY - MARCH, 1898. Su. 27. 1st Sunday in Lent. Ember Week. To Mrs Browne Mrs Newcombe- Miss Herford. Miss Taggart called. Bell. Mc Call. M. 28. Shopped. Miss Edmonds medicl advise- Anna Kelly. Browne. Titterton Tu. March 1. St. David. Fly Fishing begins. To Mrs Browne Mrs Tubbs made a pleasant call. Creighton. Walker. W. 2. Ember Day. London & Back. Bell- Stock- Walker- Forsaith Pioneer. 32 MARCH, 1898. Th. 3. Fine To Mrs Browne' Stock- Tubbs with papers. Walker private [words crossed through]- 50 pamphlets to Forsaith F. 4. Ember Day. Very Misty. Y.M.C.A. Silchester Road 3.p/m/ Annie Browne Walker private; Land at. [?] with subscip. Sa. 5. Ember Day. Mrs Browne- Walker Mc Call C 33March, 1898. Su. 6. 2nd Sunday in Lent. Bell with proof. Browne Creighton with proof - Stocke 2 M. 7. To Mrs Browne who sent order for my Melbourne Bond. Lilly dined here. Sent Dr. Creighton. correction of proof to Mrs Bell. Eyre & Spattiswood - Tu. 8. High wind - shrieking Land A. Society - Creighton - Butterworth - Tubbs W. 9. Dull - Miss Butterworth paid for an extra visit to come. Mrs Browne. Proof to Stock - Pierazska pemitting my name to be used. 34 March, 1898. Th. 10. Prince of Wales married, 1863. Fine a pleasant lunch at 115 62 Suristh with Drs Walker MrCall and Creighton - home by 6 p.m. F. 11. Cold windy To. Mrs Browne. Walker. McCall. Harry - Emily with Trust Deed - Dr. Starling - Sa. 12. Dr. Creighton came down 35March, 1898. Su. 13. Third Sunday in Lent. Much discussion M. 14. Called with Dr. C. on Mrs Browne an unsatisfactory interview Dr. C returned to town - his letter appeared in Daily News. Tu. 15. Fine To Mrs. Browne Miss Herford called to say goodbye. Harry thanking for so so photos,- W. 16 Dr. McCall leaves for a few weeks. O'Brien - Pioneer work to Browne - Brodhurst - Shorter - Starling - George about A's will - 36 March, 1898. Th. 17. St Patrick. Dull. Lilly to tea - Miss Stuart called. S.E. paper to Mr Sharpe F. 18. Dull Butterworth Thorpe with checque --Dr JH Walker Stuart- [Dined at 62 Gower St] Bell with copy of Ogle letter- Miss Leigh Smith with Edwards note. F. 19 Butterworth 1. Collet - Hamilton , Pailthorpe 37March, 1898. Very fine Su. 20. 4th Sunday in Lent. Vernal Equinox. Dr Starling--an interesting and I hope important interview New Animals Institute M. 21. Very fine. Lilly lunched here- Dr Pailthorpe called--is she sound? Anna. Swinton -Dr Cyril Ogle- Tu. 22 Very fine. To Mrs Browne- Bell - Proof to Creighton. W. 23. Fine then rain. Kitty went to London- Thorne - Colam with subscrip: 38 March, 1898. Th. 24. Gave Burr a walk in sunshine then came squals of sleety blizzard then heavy snowstorm. Went to see Mrs Browne. Annie taking shelter on the way. F. 25. Annunciation B.V.M. Lady Day. Snow & sleet all day. - Sent Trust Reports to Mrs Browne Forwarded proof to Guilford. Creighton. Walker - Ogle Bell. Sa. 26. Through storm to London, High jinks! Visited the New Galleries with Dr C. to Julius Cesar, then home by slow train - much enjoyed the day 39MARCH, 1898 Su. 27. Fifth Sunday in Lent. To Mr. Browne & Annie - Proof to Dorkay - Creighton - M. 28. National Health Society 3 pm[words crossed through] 53 Barnes St.[words crossed through] Tu. 29. Very fine To Mrs Brown - changed book - Harvey Tubbs with Report. Starling. W. 30. Very fine Shopped with Kitty Rother Valley 11:30 Cannon St. Hotel[words crossed through] Card to Buttersworth. Sam with Report. 40 MARCH - APRIL, 1898. Th. 31. Dull sharp. Buttersworth 2 To Mrs. Browne. Sheppard. Ede . Tagart. Pioneers. [?] F. April 1. To show Annie amended Midwife Bill. Land Grant, Ede Creighton Sa. 2. Dull. milder. To Post Office. Ruffling. Pauls' nurse & baby came down. Bank with Bond & Compo[?] Dr. Owen - Buckmaster 41APRIL, 1898. Su. 3. Palm Sunday. Dull. Victoria Club 145. M. 4. Quarter Sessions begin. Mixed. - Ritchie subscription - Creighton. Lord. Browne George L.B. Report - Tu. 5. Durlocher To Pioneer club - to sleep. To meet doctors at St. George's 3 p.m. Dr. Starling Handel St . 5 p.m. [Discussion on Midwifes Bill, 8] [Dr. Walker 7 p.m?] W. 6. Hilary Sillings end. 13, Old Burlington St. [Bond of Union] - to 1130 Sheppard [before] 1230 N. Gallery 2+ Lord declining 42 APRIL, 1898. Th. 7. Maunday Thursday. To P.O. and Mrs Browne C 4065936 - & 7. - Tubbs. Forsaith - Annie. Creighton. F. 8. Good Friday. Very fine Lilly to dine. Bell. Syracuse notes of life. Sa. 9. Easter Eve. Fire Insurance ceases. To Mrs Browne Sir Richard Thorne - Card to Emily 43APRIL, 1898. Su. 10 Easter Sunday. Dull & rainy George, Anna. M. 11. Easter Monday. Bank Holiday. Crowds of people- Tu. 12 Easter Tuesday. To Mrs. Browne - 1030 To call on Anna. 3-4 I hope but the rememberings are painful. W. 13. Dry. E. 38.15611 15612 [Buttersworth] To Mrs. Browne - excited. Subscription to Authors Society and the Shield. 44 APRIL, 1898. Th. 14. To Mrs. Tubbs 130. Bank with checque. Creighton. Lady Hamilton. Bell. Butterworth. F. 15. Fine [Butterworth] To Mr. Browne. George. Walker. Sa. 16. Fine. Mr Walker to [early tea] lunch and much talk. 45APRIL, 1898. Su. 17. Low Sunday. Very Fine. Annie Browne. Lilly - [Dumm??thy] called M. 18. To Mrs. Browne. Walker. Tubbs. [Dau?ruther]. Tu. 19. Easter Sittings begin. To Bank & lunch to Pioneer Club. ? ? Call to tea at 6 p.m. Midwives Bill description 8 p.m. W. 20. Bell, 11:30. At Portrait Gallery 12:30 ? p.m. Land Nationalization [C?f???] A pleasant [inde???t] C. who saw me onto the train. APRIL, 1898. Th. 21. Very sharp attack of sciatica Cam on suddenly last night, making me feel quite ill all day. Browne. [So??] F. 22. Called with difficulty on Mrs. Browne. War broken out between Spain & the U.S.! Sa. 23. St. George. Felt very unwell all day. Halle [C???h] 3 p.m. Could not go to the [c??c?h]. Sciatica extending to lumbago.APRIL, 1898. Su. 24. 2nd Sunday after Easter. M. 25. St. Mark. Dr Walker leaves for 3-4 weeks holiday. To Mrs. Browne - Baby and nurse escorted by Kitty went to London Frances. Creighton. Tu. 26. To Mrs. Browne. The [?Sodlers] happened in. Ethel Simmons called. Browne. Creighton. W. 27. Fine - milder. Strength still lacking. Butterworth 3(?) George about Anna. Wordan. Edwards. Creighton. 48 APRIL, 1898. Th. 28. Damp morning. Butterworth 4 Kitty superintended Farewell visit to Mrs. Browne. Miss Jebb spent evening with us Stock- posted Essays &c F. 29. Mr. Browne returned home after her long stay here. Dr. Creighton to come down Emily. Sa. 30. Mixed. Dr. Cread Smedenborg amongst the doctors - criticising! gathered snails. D 49May, 1898 Su. 1. 3rd Sunday after Easter. St. Philip & St. James Brilliant with east wind. Miss Dannreuther [?]took stock.[?] [?] to see about drinks. M. 2. Royal Academy opens. rainy afternoon. [?] C returned home. My strength not returned. Anna with Emily's letter. Tu. 3. Fine day. exercised on the [?walk]. Butterworth 5. withdrew consent. Tharle. White Co [?] [?] W. 4. Fine afternoon. Breathed on the hill. Anderson. Stock. Sheppard. 50 May, 1898 Th. 5. Rain F.6. Butterworth 6 [?pd] Poor Mrs Swinton called in distress. Basil Holmes, M.P.S.A. Anna Sa. 7 Fine Stock. Browne. Cheighton 51 May, 1898. Su. 8. 4th Sunday after Easter. M. 9. Half Quarter Day. Browne -- Sheppard [?L]/90 439100 10/0 Thorne [?L]/90 746841 10/0 Hammond Tu. 10 To London -- £. 13. Trust. -- 2 p.m. Sheppard after 7. W. 11. Very fine day. With Dr. C to Brockwood--[?] M's grave & Memorial in excellent condition. Dr. C a most attentive Companion. the air invigorating. 52 May, 1898. Th. 12. Rainy. Returned home. Bank. Press Cutting Ass: Crosfield. Anna. Afternoon with Cinnamon Pamphlet & Trust Report F.13. To Anna [?] for Cab -- Harry. Anderson with Essay - Dr Walker Sa. 14. Meet Lily at 4. 5. for Mrs Dannreuther Dannreuther 4 p.m. Dr Creighton arrived before my return 53May, 1898. Su. 15. Rogation Sunday. Talk with Dr C. Venables M. 16 Rogation Day Dr C returned to London- Shopped for usual thing -- Tu. 17. Rogation Day. Mixed -- To Anna to see the cat. Hope things are mending a little Miss Kennard for concert tickets W. 18. Rogation Day. Fine To library & shopped. Mrs Dannreuther called Browne 54 May, 1898. Th. 19. Ascension Day. Venables Browne Wakeman -- Dannreuther F. 20. Rain Very cordial welcome at this meeting when Dr Webb lectured Take Chair 5 p.m. Miss Tidde music Studio Royal Free Hospital Dinner at 7 p.m. Anna -- Creighton -- Strickland Sa. 21. Mme Belloe called -- Stark with checque for Essay Starling 55MAY, 1898. SU. 22. Sunday after Ascension . Mohammedan Year 1316 commences. Mme Bellve to lunch- Annie & Stapley- M. 23. Dr Starling ? evening.- Also Wilson & Appel- Tu. 24. Queen Victoria born, 1819. Mrs Lothrop 10-11. -failed to come pleasant walk in Regents Park with Dr C. Christs-the [?] Corbett 4 p.m., very New Hospital 4-630. [words crossed through] interesting. W. 25. Called at 28 Gower St on Mr & Mrs Wilson about Indian Record. Returned home. 56 MAY, 1898. TH. 26. To Anna- Bell- Corbet -Bell- Creighton - Walks F. 27. Easter Sitting end. Fine- Mr. Strickland 4-6. Anna- Browne - N. Heaths. SA. 28. Dull disappointing concert 3 p.m. 4 tickets - Dr Creighton came down. 57MAY-JUNE, 1989. SU.29 Whitsun Day. Ember Week. at breakfast & to St Mary Terrace fatiguing M. 30. Whit Monday. Bank Holiday. Dull- Dr C took a long walk to Battle- Colonel & Miss Bolland called. Brocklehurst. Bell- Walker- Bank- George TU.31. Whit Tuesday. Dr. C left us- Called on Anne with her photo Kitty to dentest. Mr Wilson M.P. Toulmin Smith. W. June 1 Ember Day. Workmen began house repairs. pleasant stroll on our hill. Essay to Dr M Pearson- Anna. 58 JUNE, 1898. TH. 2. Dull chilly. Eyes troublesome- Essay to Leigh Smith -Thomson- Wallace in India- F. 3. Ember Day. Fine- Over the Hill to find Salvation [?] Appel. Crosfield - Zoophilist to Emma. Anna Creighton Essay to Massey- [*] SA. 4. Ember Day. Fine With Burr on hill. Ethel.- 59JUNE, 1898. Su. 5. Trinity Sunday. Dr Appel called, also [?] M. 6. Dull- sun hot. Took Burr on hill- To see Anna- Shopped- Starling- Naylor- Stock Tu. 7. Trinity Sittings begin. Very fine. Took Burr on hill- 20 Hanover Square 5 p.m. Childs. Wrote Bell- Creighton- W. 8. Dull & rain Dovie- 60 JUNE, 1898., TH. 9. Corpus Christi. Rainy Blyth. Browne. Creighton with magazine- F. 10. and got Trust Reports Met Mr Bell- about monthly meeting. Miss [?] 1. Stanhope Terrace next day Hyde Park. Trust meeting 8 p.m. Porchester Terrace. Stafford House 3.30 Very fine SA. 11. St Barnabas. Satisfactory talk with Miss Maylor Grosvenor House 3.30 T. Thorne &c 3.30 Service at St Paul's with Dr C who put me in the train. 61JUNE, 1898. SU. 12. 1st Sunday after Trinity. Bell. Walker- Cock M. 13 Fine. Bought blouse which K & Lilly remodelled- Browne- Blythe Creighton Naylor _0 108102 20/0 Crosfield. 17 Tu. 14. To Bank- called on Blyth Annual Registered Women 230-730 quite a fine gathering of over 50 medicals I was cordially read reached home at 11 pm. w. 15. To Bedford College & Hall of Residence looking for " clerical assistance. Dr C saw me into the train to home. 62 JUNE, 1898. TH. 16. Kitty wrote letters for me [K.B. bed, ? bound County me cone & Corn] postponed- Sharpe. Bank. Henderson. Naylor Simpson - Walker. Bank book F. 17. Took Burr on hill Kitty [?] S.P.A. 3 p.m. Aaren Powell Browne. Haily- Smith-Anna [Don's birthday 18 years]] SA. 18. Don's birthday- 18 years. shopped- Miss Naylor came down- Tehaynoosky- Mrs Fulcher 63JUNE, 1898. SU. 19. 2nd Sunday after Trinity. Kitty fraternized with Miss Naylor- Mr & Mrs Newcombe came in M. 20. Accession 1837. Miss Naylor returned to Town. Starling Tu. 21. Longest Day. Butterworth- 1 called on Anna with Kitty- offering apricots- Browne w. 22. Fine - hot- Creighton- Walker- Bell- Gott- 64 JUNE, 1898. Th. 23. Fine summer day. Butterworth 2 George post card. Bank with checque. F. 24. St. John Baptist. Midsummer Day. Stormy Naylor- SA 25. Shopped- Butterworth 3 Dr. Creighton came down. E 65JUNE, 1898. Su. 26. 3rd Sunday after Trinity. Miss Bevan with essays. M. 27. Quarter Sessions begin. Dull spitty- Dr Creighton returned to town laden with egg spoils- Naylor with checque- extract & chromide- Tulbs, Mayor c. with checque- Tu. 28. Coronation Day. Butterworth 4 Mrs. Daunrenther called. Gott- Abner, Walker- Heller Hale White- with donation. W. 29. St. Peter. Fine Toulsnur Smith- DAndrewes, Creighton Cobbe- Sharpe- Schmahl. 66 JUNE-JULY, 1898. Th. 30. Rainy Butterworth 5. Browne Bush- Bell- Tubbs- Douglas- Andrewes (unsigned letter!) f. July 1. Fine Kitty to Seaford- Ns Swinton & My called Essay to Voting cards Paul- Sondringham- Town clerk. Bank with G[??]grian checque- Sa. 2. Dull Essay to Fischer Lette- Creighton- 67 JULY, 1898. Su. 3. 4th Sunday after Trinity. Kine. Blyth- Massey -J. Stuart with Checque M. 4 To Southampton St Bank 1. Gordon Sq. Burk? 5 Grafton St? Tea at Storman 30 St. Trust Committee 7 pm 62 Gorver SE. Tu. 5 Dr Androver? 11-12- Miss Burk/Gordon Sq. Called houses of the three Med; Women 8 pm [words crossed through[ St Fromus doctors W. 6. Miss Beane called on Dr Murray Leslie- DC to train. Returned home. 68 JULY, 1898. Th. 7. To see Anna-- Sam business - George ditto Blyth- Leigh Smith- Creighton F. 8. Forsaith- Bell-Bearfoot- Schmehl - Lette- Sa 9. Fire Insurance [ccaxs?] Miss Toulmin Smith- Dr Leslie- Walked with Beane letter. 69 July, 1898. Su. 10, 5th Sunday after Trinity M. 11. Royal opening! 4. p.m. [Dr Leslie 8 p.m.] Crowded streets and rooms- The Princess assured of non vive section at the School Tu. 12. To Victoria with M St Croix " Dentist Mr Bell- International C. D. A. to 16th To Reception for Thomassons Saw Powells [?] and many others W. 13. Congress at 11 - stock- Devonsture House 3 p.m. Dr Creighton National Vigilance 730 Exeter [?] Hall - Note worthy speeches Stuart Powell Lyttleton, Stead! Fenwick Miller 70 JULY, 1898. Th. 14 Terrible crowded Streets- [?] To Devonshire House Stock with Press notices- Ladies National 7 p.m. Exeter Hall. Mlle St Croix clings to me- Goodbye To Aaron Powell- F. 15. St. Swithin. Wrote notes to Schmahl, Tubbs, Powell,- Stock with notices- Return home- quite dazed. Goodbye to Dr Creighton at station before he goes to Scotland- brought me ins books. Met Mr Newcombe there- a lovely drive through the Park. Sa. 16. Consulted Miss T. Smith about re publication- eyesight very troublesome- International Congress closed 71JULY, 1898. Su. 17. 6th Sunday after Trinity. Very hot. Bank with draft. Donie- Browne M. 18. Butterworth 6 Our dear old Don died too years ago. How I miss the faithful fellow! Tu. 19. Hot. Butterworth 7. Beale- Browne- Creighton- Bell about Beane- George. W. 20. Dull cooler Emily vaccination debate. St. Crois, Human Element- 72 JULY, 1898. Th.21. Butterworth 8 The Lord Bishop of Winchester to rate the Clergy etc.- Forsaith -Sharpe- Beane-Bushnell Hammon. McKinley- F. 22. Card to Harry. Rev Elroy Thomas with pe. order. Browne with Bells letter[Tittest one?] Sa. 23. Butterworth 10(?) Frances came down- Bell-Beane-Churchill- Browne Bushell- Coote with pamphlet Naylor. 73JULY, 1898. Su. 24. 7th Sunday after Trinity. M. 25 St. James. Kitty & Frances to Mary O'Gorman's wedding. Churchill & Jebb Tu. 26 To London- Met Miss Beane Bella Beane 11- [Walked 1-2] Browne- to School Miss Naylor shewed me what she was doing --too much temptation- false instruction caught express home. W. 27. To Anna. Harry- Sharpe with [?] paper- Walker Bell Report Exam - answered Beale- 74 JULY, 1898. Th. 28. Jebb to lunch? Browne- Malcolm Morris subscrip. F. 29. Suddenly cold- lighted a fire. Kitty read aloud Women & Daughters Charity Organisation 11 Wellington Square. Mrs Tubbs present- Sa. 30. Still cold Talked to Francis on vaccinations and equal morality- Browne- Walker- Beane- 75JULY-AUGUST, 1898. Su. 31. 8th Sunday after Trinity. Game Certificates expire. Much talk with Frances- K read aloud finished second reading of lauds 'Hegel M. August 1. Bank Holiday. Lammas Day. Lovely day prepared Trust business for London Francis has a friendly lunch & farewell visit to Anna. Tu. 2. In London- saw Dr Walker and Miss Browne on Trust business at Gower St. Then to Mrs Browne who took me to the E.E. Frances returned home after [?] W. 3. Kitty went to London with Letty. Anna- Beale. Sharpe. Beane 76 AUGUST, 1898. Th. 4. Still lovely weather- Took Burr on hill, J V Taylor 0/18 586696. F. 5. Kitty returned home this evening. Dr Walker with Sharpe & Bell letters- SA 6. Dull. cold. To [?] for Miss Abney Walker To Anna- Creighton- Browne. [Walker] Beane Sharpe. Taylor (beggar) 77AUGUST, 1898. Su. 7. 9th Sunday after Trinity. Pouring rain. Walker- Abney Walker- M. 8. Cold & rainy- fire pleasant. Miss Abney Walker called. Tu. 9. 8.40 to P. Terrace. 5 pm Gover St- 7.30. Miss Beane at P. Terrace 62 Gover St. Trust meeting at Mr Sharpes[last name crossed through] Mr Sharpe very congenial Miss Beatrice Lee visiting Mrs Browne W. 10. Mrs Browne drove me to 11.15 train- left bank book on the way. Sent lists to Miss Beane Bell. 78 Th. 11. Half Quarter Day. Very fine- Browne. Beane- Schmahl- George with Standard. Naylor- Powell- F. 12. Grouse Shooting begins. Trinity Sittings end. Very fine. Sat on hill- Called on Anna returning from a drive to town. Creighton- Sa. 13. Fine summer weather. George writes from the [?Vinry] and- Miss Jebb called. 79AUGUST. 1898. Su. 14 10th Sunday after Trinity. acknowledgement from Ludhiane! Bank with checque- Beane -George to M.U. M. 15 Very hot- thermometer went to 80- and over 76 when I wrote on the terrace- Hundreds of children & adult bathing paddling & boating- Anna with American letter- Tu. 16. Fine Cairds Essays on Hegel very interesting- W. 17. Fine- hot Difficulty in circulating Trust reports- Beane with enclosures Naylor with address. 80 AUGUST, 1898. Th. 18. Fine - hot- Studied Metaphysics! George [word crossed through] Harry with Suffrage Addresses. Bene- Baker with photo. F. 19. Storm in the night- weather changing? Sa. 20. A lovely day- a pleasure to be alive. Goff- Anna- Emily with leaflets. F 81 August. 1898. Su. 21 11th Sunday after Trinity. Fine & hot. To the poor little [?] meeting. Shore - M. 22. Hot - oppressive - Longenardo - Creighton - Tu. 23. Cloudy.then very fine. Shopped. Annie Brown. Lubbock Essay. Card to Switzerland. Estcourt - Beane with checque W. 24. St. Bartholomew. Fine. Emily with N. V. report 82 August, 1898. Thu. 25. Fine Richards. Shan - Reimers with pamphlet. F. 26. Fine. To Dentist. To see Anna Budleigh Satterton Stock with checque. Sa. 27. Rain & Mist. Dagney Major. Reddick & Co. 83AUGUST, 1898. Su. 28. 12th Sunday after Trinity. Fine morning then rain lovely afternoon walk on hill- Browne- Powells -Walker- M. 29. Fine morning then cloudy To London? Goodrich Frees- Creighton Walker- Tu. 30. To London by 10.15 Walker Bank- Indian Record?[words crossed through] Dr Creighton called, fresh from Peterhead holiday W. 31. Dear Marian left us! a year ago. To Patemaster Row & Humanitarian League- The Powells & Mrs Bond lunched & said goodbye. 84 SEPTEMBER, 1898. Th. 1. Partridge Shooting begins. To Indian Record office- & Mr Bell about poor Miss Beane Dr C came to see me on return train- F. 2. Fine & hot, To see Anna who had been ill- Letter from Nannie Smith with Mrs Helby's [?] of[?Vicarelli-] Bask- George about A[?]Tubbs- Sa. 3. Fine hot- Anna still in bed- Nannie L Smith- Creighton 85SEPTEMBER, 1898. Su. 4. 13th Sunday after Trinity. Hot Zoophilist to Emily- Zackrzewska - Forsaith M. 5. Fine hot to 34 Eversley Road Bexhill to see Nannie Smith- Tu. G. Very hot To Anna still in bed- Dr Walker with Neo Malthusianism pamphlets Nannie Smith. Browne- Georges Essay to Mr. Roscoe- Creighton W. 7. With Lilly to "Pair of Spectacles" 86 SEPTEMBER, 1898. Th. 8. Nativity B.V.M. very hot To see Dr Locke - asked not to interfere Hawkines Simpson with synopsis G. Freer- Browne- Harvey about Anna F. 9. Hot morning- Cooler afternoon- poor Burr dreadfully distressed by the heat- On the terrace at 3 a.m. most lovely light- Nayler- Sa. 10. less roasting- Jebb- Newcombe. Eastbourne. Toulmin Smith Creighton - Browne- 87SEPTEMBER, 1898. Su. 11. 14th Sunday after Trinity Fine- To Air Concert. Bell- Proposal to Daily news- M. 12. To see Anna- face drawn with pain - alas! Tubbs- Tu. 13 Lovely day- Wrote Hong King - Walker- W. 14. To London to settle Trust reports- Toulmin Smith to acknowledge Essay.- 88 -errors of dates- SEPTEMBER, 1898. Th. 15 [date crossed through] W 14 To London- Pleasant drive with Mrs Browne in Hyde Park Dr Creighton to tea & long talk- F. 16[date crossed through] Thur 15 Called at Dr Walkers- To Mr Bell with poor Miss Beane' s Reports- Dr. C met me at the station- Fr. 16. Wrote Walker- Soho Square- Tubbs- George with reports of Anna SA. 17. Jewish Year 5659 commences Kitty not well- To Anna - and saw Dr Carr- To Mrs Tubbs 4 p.m. pleasant drive and interview A Box of peaches! Wrote Dr. C. 89SEPTEMBER, 1891. Su 18. 15th Sunday after Trinity. Ember Week. some rain- my head still queer- Kitty better- M. 19. Miss Butterworth! Shopped. Browne To Paul & Ether postponing K visit Tu. 20. Fine Stoer- Bell - Creighton- Prout Newcombe W. 21. St. Matthew. Ember Day Fine Card to George- To Anna who sat up today or rather was lifted out of bed for the forth time pulse good. 90 SEPTEMBER, 1898. Th. 22. Fine. With K to sea front, & errands- F. 23. Ember Day. Autumnal Equinox. Fine- Tubbs- Walker- Harry- Sa. 24. Ember Day. Polly Wages- To see Lilly's embroidery- Then to Anna Dr Creighton came down- 91SEPTEMBER, 1898. Su. 25. 16th Sunday after Trinity Fine mixed- Dr C to Beechy Head- Cooler wood fire- M. 26. Fine Dr Crieghton left this evening after enjoyed visit. Tu. 27. a very little rain- Trust meeting 2.30 at Mr Sharp[words crossed through] Bryan with checque- Swinton with S. Method- W. 28. Went to see Anna- Rother Valley E.A. Cannon St Hotel 12 n.[words crossed through] Appel- 92 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1898. Th. 29. St. Michael and all Angels. Michaelmas Day. Fine but cold- one Shower- Browning Corals- With Kitty to see Corals - and on the Pier. F. 30. Equinoctial storm- Miss S. Mosley 4 p.m. Browne- Emily with cards &c about Anna. Sa. October 1. Pheasant Shooting begins. Fine Saw Anna, sitting up, & more friendly- To Browning lecture- Wrote to Stapleys- Creighton- Land Grant 93OCTOBER, 1898. Su. 2. 17th Sunday after Trinity. Fine. Browne. Tubbs. Mosely. Howard papers M. 3. Fine With Kitty to Beuborn V=&c- Creighton- Butterworth- Chronicle- Tu. 4. Bull morning then fine. Shopped Trust quarterly meeting- [words crossed through] Medical College opening 8 pm. [words crossed through] Emily- W. 5. Dull morning Butterworth 2 Kitty to Vareunos Walton on Thames Saw Anna in bed. Browne[word crossed through] Kitty with cutting and Hickman letter. 94 Th. 6. Butterworth 3, Sent off a batch of rescripts - wrote Ethel Harvey- Browne f.7 Butterworth 4- paid. With Mrs Tubbs to Cemetery? [words crossed through] Bought three tickets for Browning lectures- Sa. 8. Cull & cold. Kitty returned home- Creighton. Tubbs. 95OCTOBER, 1898. Su. 9. 18th Sunday after Trinity. Kitty had much enjoyed her visit. M. 10. Foggy chilly To library- a little shopping- Tu. 11. Foggy cold To see Miss Jebb who had fallen Mr Tubbs out- Chronicle - Appel- Zoophilists to Merelis- w. 12. Foggy. Saw Anna sitting up, She saw Mrs Daunreuther just after I called, Tubbs- Chronicle- 93 OCTOBER, 1898. Th. 13. Hatch & Co Sherry. F. 14. Fire Insurance ceases. Mixed an affectionate letter from Miss Ede on passing first exams Wrote George- Tubbs. Ede Sa. 15. Rainy cold raw- To Browning lecture- card to George acknowledging checque Browne. G 97OCTOBER, 1898. Su. 16. 19th Sunday after Trinity. Bank Harvey Brookwood M. 17. Quarter Sessions begin. Very foggy[words crossed through] Windy Shopped- fine surf- Called on Miss Jebb who had hurt [words crossed out] herself- then at Mr Tubbs who was out [words crossed out] Wrote Hatch- Tu. 18. St. Luke. Heavy gale all night magnificent breakers- To dressmaker- shopped Tubbs- W. 19. Cold Windy To Anna, unhappy looking- Jebb- Blyth- Woodroffe Hill. 98 OCTOBER, 1898. Th. 20. To dressmaker 11.30 Thorne- Creighton- f. 21. Foggy Burr Tumors removed- Mrs McLachlen with Essay. Sa. 22. Book to Norwich meeting of Women Workers. Browne. 99 OCTOBER, 1898. Su. 23. 20th Sunday after Trinity. Laugdon Browne- M. 24. Michaelmas Sittings begin. Fine. To see Anna- reading newspaper To Corn Cutter Chevalier Sent Scientific Method to Canada Tu. 25. To London To School- Trust meeting 2.30 Christ's Theosophy 4. p.m. [words crossed through] Dr. Laugdon Brown unable to come. W. 26. To Mrs Bradhurst- Called on Dr Leadham for Mrs Browne Ethel Harvey 10-12[words crossed through] Dr. Creighton to tea bringing his drawings- 100 OCTOBER, 1898. Th. 27. Kitty to Northampton? [words crossed through] Bank yesterday- Lunched with Dr Walker & two young friends Dr C such one, on return home had given Dr Walker advice. F. 28. St. Simon and St. Jude. Walker- Osborne- Hill Bell Sharps Naylor, Browne Sa. 29. Hackbridge Dog's Home 12.30[words crossed through ] Greening. 101OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1898. Su. 30, 21st Sunday after Trinity. Anderson- M. 31. Game Certificates Expire. Anna better- Fine day- Shopped To see sunset- Dr Walker book- Dr Creighton Rev Young with PO order v s & 8 [crossed through starting at s] 453605 5/0 Tu. November 1. All Saint's Day. Stock Exchange closed. Very fine Kitty to Northampton- Sorted my publications- Ransom - D.C. to Kitty- advertisement to Alice- W. 2. Very windy tremendous sea dasting our pier. card to Gardiner - Frances- papers to K & New York. 102 NOVEMBER, 1898. Th. 3. Gale continued- Coote- Bell -Rogers- Kitty- Annie Browne Books to Mr Browne- Jebb address F. 4. Fine Emily- Miss Bunting- Newspapers to K. Parkin- ordered Year Book. Sa. 5. Mixed Lily Rogers, one hour on Secretary To Brooning Lecture Dr Creighton came down Marstone- Annie- Chronicle to Kitty 103NOVEMBER, 1898. SU. 6. 22nd Sunday after Trinity. Very fine Keen religious discussion with D C M.&. Dull chilly To Chevalier 10 a.m. Dr Creighton returned to London. paper to N.Y. Infirmary - & Kitty to Ellen. TU. 8. Rather fine Lily worked No 2 - paper to K. W.9. Prince of Wales Birthday, 1941. Fine - Lily No 3. Rummage Sale - [Browne.] Churchill - Kitty with paper 194 NOVEMBER, 1898. TH. 10. Very fine Lilly No 4 Jebb. K paper - Browne - Havelock Ellis - F. 11. Martinmas. Half Quarter Day. Lilly No 5 Mr Preston returned books. Tillerton. Kitty. Mr Call - Browne Bell - SA. 12. Fine though misty Lilly 6 Walked - sat on sea front to rest my eyes. Huxley - Kitty - 105NOVEMBER, 1898. Su. 13. 23rd Sunday after Trinity. A lovely day Kitty- Frances Bell- Browne- Creighton- Walker M. 14. Lovly morning then dull Lilly 7. Postal Order 4/95 342328. Called on Anna much better- Cochrane - Havelo at Elle's with order Beth Finlay- Tu. 15. London 11.55[numbers crossed through] 10.15 Walker Bank. unsatisfactory Christo-Theosophic [?] To Browne Dr Creighton came to station to escort me through fog- lunched together W. 16. in carriage to bank- and 50 Welbecks St. Tallerman Institute Dr Creighton saw me into the train 106 NOVEMBER, 1898. Th. 17. Very foggy Kitty returned from Northampton Walker -Annie Browne Churchill- F. 18. Very fine preparing copy for Vol 1 Essays After sunset to Lady's Parlour. Thorne, Sa. 19. Rather foggy & uncertain- preparing copy- Dr Creighton came down- 107NOVEMBER, 1898. Su. 20. 24th after Trinity. Fine day. talked over my Essays M. 21. Dr Creighton's birthday neice Margaret 51? Halliday Dr C returned to town Tu. 22. Fine but cold. [to London 11.35 Walker Bank ] [Bloomsbury for Browne] Creighton about Adlard- W. 23. A violent gale Rev Mr Saunders called- Mr & Mrs Titterton came down in spit of it Jebb- 108 NOVEMBER, 1898 Th. 24. Still rough weather Polly wages. K & friends to Miss Jebbs F. 25. Weather windy but some sun Mr T. walked to Rye & back. Sa. 26. Browning lecture 3.p.m. Browne- Creighton- 10927. Wrote Jebb- Wood with shilling order. NOVEMBER, 1898. 20TH Su. [27] 1st Sunday in Advent. Pleasant though dull [Consulted with Dr C about my vol of essays, will manage the printing - a great help] 21 M. [28] fair morning, very foggy & rainy cold Dr [?] C has a bad cou[?] ] Wrote Adlard- Creighton- Browne- Tubbs- [Card to Ellen- book to Mr Moulton 46 Hereford St Boston ] & sent one now Mms- Tu. 29. To London by 1.30 train- 5 p.m. at University to Bradfad lecture from Brown Institute on experiment at production of [?] Dr Creighton in the co[???] W. 30. St. Andrew. arranged with Adlard at No. 20 Hanover Square at Noon. The School? To Bank opening of noon "Association" Talked with Thorne, Henderson and Fawcett- with Annie to Dorchester Terrace 110 DECEMBER, 1898. Th. 1. Home by 11.30 train- F. 2. rain in the afternoon- Mrs Tubbs in the morning. Miss Jebb & de Meij in afternoon Wrote Bell- Naylor- Fawcett with book- Browne- Massey Leaflets order. Sa. 3 Occasional showers- Called on Anna- more friendly- Drew up application to Magdalen Trustees for Thomas Watson- 111DECEMBER, 1898. SU. 4. 2nd Sunday in Advent. Leigh Smith - Creighton- Jebb. Booth M. 5. Dull raw. George about securities . Tubbs card to Leigh Smitty - Naylor, Necropolis, with checque Albert M R U. Bank with checque TU. 6. A splendid sunrise and morning - then some rain- Mr Swinton called- Wrote Henderson re Clements- Creighton with Rusta paper- W. 7. Rain damp morning Sun in afternoon- changed library book- Massey - Dr Lilian Roberson- 112 DECEMBER, 1898. TH. 8. Very fine To Cemetery; found the Peterhead curb very satisfactory Bell - Dovie - Alice card - Ransom F. 9. Browne. Albert. Bell Tubbs. SA. 10. Dull but pleasant- Annoyed by Mrs Scharlict's [?noun] & untrue statement about me, in a spirited lecture- Dovie. Women's Institute H 113Dull DECEMBER, 1898. SU. 11. 3rd Sunday in Advent. Ember Week. Scharlieb - Schmahl with report. Creighton Randle- M. 12. Called on Mrs. Tubbs about translating Ruata Wrote Anna - Belloc -Thorne- Aclard. TU. 13. With Kitty through Robertson St Christmas display- Browne. Wood, Nyseford Philipps -Bell W. 14. Ember Day. Ethel Simmons to lunch & chat with Kitty- Thorne. Bell. Sharpe- 114 DECEMBER. 1898. TH. 15. Fine Ethel Simmons x a Secretary Mrs Tubbs to consult about applications- Walker. F. 16. Ember Day. Mrs Dannreuther called Wrote Emily. Thorne- Philipps- SA. 17. Ember Day Miss Naylor to come home 115DECEMBER, 1898. SU. 18. 4th Sunday in Advent. To Mrs Tubbs at 3 p.m. with Miss Naylor Philipps capper Walker Longman Brown M. 19. Prepared papers for London. Bought tiny chain for Kitty as as memorial- Wrote Walker. Creighton-Jebb. TU. 20. The star of Bethlehem! To London-Mr Bell-Thorne Walker Philipps at Institute W. 210 St. Thomas. Michaelmas Sittings end. returned home To Longmans- Talk with Dr C at Cam[?] St Station 116 DECEMBER, 1898. TH. 22. Very Fine Bank with Christmas Checque- Thorne-Schulit - Lunkester -Tubbs Miers- Gene[last word crossed through] F. 23. SA. 24. 117Christmas- Dr Creighton & Lilly to dinner- wrote to Browne Fine DECEMBER, 1898. Mrs Brodhurst called Su. 25. Christmas Day. Miss Naylor with us. [words crossed through] Philipps. Copper. Walker. Longmans.[words crossed through] Browne. Took Miss Naylor & Mrs Tubbs. [words crossed through] M. 26. St. Stephen. Bank Holiday. Litty & Mae Swinton to dinner With Dr C to Miss Edwards & Mrs Daunreuther- Tu. 27. St. John Gale of wind Dr. C left by express Wrote [?Heuoat]. W. 28. Holy Innocents. Dull very fine afternoon. Wrote Lady Stanton- E Howard- Swinton A.L. Browne- 118 DECEMBER, 1898. Th. 29. Wind & Rain- Mr Swinton called- Port Sunlight Mr Poole about voting- Wrote Mrs Newcombe- AL Browne- F. 30. Fine- Shopped with Kitty- Met Lilly wore fur cloak for first time. Bank with checque- Sa. 31. Cloudy, with gale in afternoon To see Anna- she fell down early in the week "as if struck" she said- Wrote Stapleys about "To [?] " Polly wages January 24, £1.18.4. 119Monthly Cash Account. Date January, 1898. Received. £ s. d. Feb Velvet &c 4 4 8 1/4 28 March 2 London & back 1. 3 6 5 House 3 0 0 cab & omnibus 3 3 Paper cards 2 0 9 eleven visit Butterworth 1 10 0 gas bill 16 10 10 London & back Memorial contrib 1 0 0 17 Omnibus tickets 3 0 omnibus 6 18 Kitty for clothes 6 0 0 [Veternist?] [birails?] 5 0 To Penny Bank fund 1 1 0 omnibuses 19 House 3 0 0 carbolic glycine Total £ 1 6 120 Monthly Cash Account. Date. January, 1898. Paid. March £ s. d. 23 Kitty for London 1 0 0 RSSP[?] C ]?L]am 1 1 0 24 omnibus 2 25 messenger to Mr. Browne 1 0 University E x3 lectures 5 1 26 House 3 0 0 30 Cloth cloak 2 19 6 silk cord 7 0 31 Coke & coal 2 House 3 Stamps 15 0 April. 2 House 3 0 0 ruching 1 0 4 Dr Mc Call subscrip 1 1 0 5 London, club & back 2 3 2 Total, £ 4 to Norton [?] 1 1 0 Monthly Cash Account. Date. FEBRUARY, 1898. Received. April £ s. d. 7 Omnibuses 7 donation 10 0 0 9 House 3 0 0 mending [?] 2 6 omnibus 1 12 cabs to Broman Avenue 2 6 13 To Shield 3 1 " Authors Society 1 1 0 omnibuses 7 16 House 3 0 0 cabs to Wacker 4 0 18 Jacket material 11 10 concert ticket 6 0 19 London back 1. 18. 6 Midwives Bill 3 0 22 To Mrs Browne 23 House 3 0 0 25 Books 10 0 Kitty to London 10 0 cabs Total , £ 3 0 Mosley for Girls Home 10. 6. Monthly Cash Account. Date. FEBRUARY,. 1898. Paid £ S. d. 27 Osborne printing 7 6 Penny stamps 10 0 Essay by [p??t] 1 1 30 House 3 0 0 May. 3 To Royal Free Dinner 1 1 0 To Kitty for P.O.dep[??] 5 0 0 6 Paid Butter [?] 15 0 7 House 3 0 0 9 Calico Buttons gloves 9 0 10 London & Brockwood 1 13 2 12 Press cutting [?aso] 1 1 0 14 House 3 0 0 16 Wrappers--Bodices 3 6 Ribbon pins 2 0 17 3 tickets - for concert 7 6 omnibuses 4 18 Thimble black silk 1 5 Total, £ 123 Monthly Cash Account. Date. MARCH, 1898. Received. £ s. d. 28 May House 3 0 0 Bonnet 19 6 Book cases [(lg?)] 10 0 0 Strickland meeting 1 0 Gladstone funeral 5 0 30 For friend's furniture 5 0 0 omnibus 4 June 2 Postage- 6 3 Kitty for tea &c 10 0 4 House 3 0 0 for Hospital 10 0 underclothes 9 9 9 House 3. 0 0 10 To & [?] London 1 0 0 16 Charitable Relief Society 10 0 Stamp penny 10 envelopes 4 Total,, £ 124 Monthly Cash Account. Date. MARCH, 1898. Paid. £ s. d. 17 House 3 0 0 comb pins omnibus 4 0 23 stamps & N.V. [?] 4 6 looking glass 3 11 25 House 3 0 0 27 Special donation 28 Al fresco Hillier 10 0 29 Head dress! 7 6 omnibus 2 July. 2 envelopes 4 4 London & back 1 0 0 Paid year club from July 1st 2 2 0 8 opposition to [truancy?] 11 0 silk & gloves 9 House 3 0 0 11-16 in London 2 0 0 Total, £ 125 Monthly Cash Account. Date. APRIL, 1898. Received £ s. d. 16 House 3 0 0 20 Brooch 2 6 Omnibus tickets 3 0 21 Foreign Stamps 4 0 23 Butterworth 10 days 1 5 0 " House 3 0 0 27 Polly wages 3 May 2 5 0 Kitty for self 6 0 0 28 London on 26th 1 3 0 Subscrip to First [?] 5 0 Cure 30 House 3 0 0 August 2 To London 1 16 0 [ £ crossed through] 3 Kitty to London 1 0 0 Stamps & wrappers 3 6 Total, £ 126 Monthly Cash Account. Date. April, 1898. Paid August £ s. d. 6 House 3 0 0 9 To London & back 13 0 " Silk for jacket lining & trimming 9 0 11 post cards- pins 1 6 pencils- lunch 13 House 3 0 0 a b c [?Guite ] 6 20 House 3 0 0 23 Burr's nails 2 6 Envelopes & pens 3 0 26 Stock for advertisers 5 0 0 Beane on 24) 5 0 0 27 House 3 0 0 Foreign Stamps 10 29 Cards & Stamps 1 0 London & back with books 2 0 0 Total, £ 127Monthly Cash Account. Date. May, 1898. Received. September £ s. d. 2 Penny stamps 10 0 5 To Bechill 8 '' 3rd. House 3 0 0 " Coal supply 3 4 8 7 Play with Rogers 2 8 brush & comb 4 6 16 House 3 0 0 Sammon bill 4 19 7 17 London & back 1 0 0 House 3 0 0 (on 15th gift) 10 0 0 2 pr gloves 2 7 Envelopes 5 19 Boots 13 6 22 Tax bill 3 14 8 Mariam's photos 10 6 24 Polly wages 1 13 4 Total, £ 128 Monthly Cash Account. Date. May, 1898. Paid. Sep £ s. d. 24 House 3 0 0 27 Portage on Scientific [?] 4 post cards 1 0 October. 1 House 3 0 0 Lecture 7 6 Fire Insurance 9 0 Omnibuses 4 3 Half for slippers 1 6 Benbow 8 4 Omnibus 4 4 Envelopes 1 6 Stamps 10 0 7 Butterworth 4 times 10 0 to date Sending out resiept 14 0 14 shillings 11 For House 5 0 12 Omnibuses 8 Elliot Stockad[???] 10 6 15 Wine 1 4 0 House 3 0 0 17 Wine return Total, £ 1 2 empty I 129Monthly Cash Account. Date. June, 1898. Received Oct £ s. d. 18 Visiting Cards 2 9 Omnibus tickets 3 0 21 Veterinary [surgery ?] 7 1 0 22 House 3 0 0 24 [?Corucuttny] 5 0 26 Bank (50) London & back 1 0 0 27 For Hackbridge home 2 0 0 28 Osborn printing 10 6 Percy Hill 12 6 31 Postage Walker book 3 1/2 Museum subscrip 5 1 Veil [?] 1 7 Kitty for journey &c 8 0 0 Taxes 3 14 9 November 1 Fruit [?] 1 9 Total, £ 130 Monthly Cash Account. Date June 1898. Paid November £ s. d. 5 Sarah for House 2 0 0 7 Chevalier 5 0 (donation) 5 0 0 8 Sarah for house 1 0 0 9 " " " 2 0 0 Rummage Sale 2 0 11 Fruit & ginger toot 1 2 12 Poor Violinist 6 15 London trip 1 0 0 18 Stytograph pen 4 6 19 House 3 0 0 Lily Roger for help 70 0 21 Gave 1 0 0 23 Saunden 10 0 Taxes 2 79 8 24 Polly Wages 1 13 4 2 [?] [?] 2 0 0 26 House 3 0 0 Mr Wood begging card 1 1 Total £ 131 Monthly Cash Account. Date., July, 1898. Received £ s. d. 27 London &c 1 5 0 December 3 House 3 0 0 Chalk- Caustic 8 8 cab --------------------- 5 0 Address book 17 9 books to Lilian Jenkins 3 0 9 penny stamps 10 0 10 House 3 0 0 13 Pastilles de Deltian 2 9 Fruit &c--- ------ 1 4 16 half penny stamps 10 0 19 chain-- grapes 3 0 for house money due next Saturday 3 0 0 for Kitty ------ ------ 3 0 0 21 London & back 1 5 0 24 Christmas presents 2 0 0 25 Emmanuel Church 1 0 27 Cab fare ! Total, £ 1 0 0 132 Monthly Cash Account. Date. July, 1898. Paid £ s. d. 30 steel chain 3 0 grapes 8 31st omnibuses tickets &c 3 3 House 3 0 0 Coal Total, £ 133 Monthly Cash Account. Date August, 1898. Received £ s. d. Total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date August, 1898. Received £ s. d. Total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date September, 1898. Received £ s. d. total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date September, 1898. Received £ s. d. total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date October, 1898. Received £ s. d. total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date October, 1898. Received £ s. d. total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date October, 1898. Received £ s. d. Total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date October, 1898. Received £ s. d. Total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date November, 1898. Received £ s. d. Total £ Monthly Cash Account. Date November, 1898. Received £ s. d. Total £ ----Events of 1898.--- Monthly Cash Account. Date. DECEMBER, 1898 Received. St Anna's New Years Day £ s. d. ______________________________ Consulted Doctors Bridges- Ogle- Thorne Thorne- about L.B. Trust. ___________________________________ Published Scientific Method in Biology __________________________________ Reunion club- __________________ More acquaintance with Dr. Creighton. ____________________________ Dr Walker as Trustee-- ____________________________________ [Allmack?] of Sciatica. _________________________________ Total, £ 142 Monthly Cash Account. Date. DECEMBER, 1898. Paid £ s. d. Total, £ 143Cash Account--Yearly Abstract. Subscriptions Received.[word crossed through] Paid. £ s. d. £ s. d. pd Psychical Research 1 1 0 JANUARY............ Pd Hadley Colony 5 0 0 Pd Land National[trust?] 1 1 0 FEBRUARY .............. Personal [frights?] 10 0 Pd RSP [?] 1 1 0 MARCH.............. Pd Norton [?] 1 1 0 Pd Natural Vegetarian 1 1 0 APRIL.................... Pd Humanitarian League 1 1 0 Pd Royal Fare 1 1 0 MAY....................... Pd " " Dinner 1 1 0 Pd Author's Society 1 1 0 JUNE......... Pd R S [letters crossed through] Girls Home 10 6 JULY ............. Social Purity 10 0 Pd Clapham Maternity 1 1 0 AUGUST....................... SEPTEMBER................. OCTOBER................... NOVEMBER.................... DECEMBER..................... Total, £ 1441899.C. & J. PENNY'S . . LONDON . . Almanack & Diary 1899. No. 10. Golden Number .. .. 19 | Dominical Letter .. .. A Epact .. .. .. .. 18 | Roman Inidcation .. .. 12 Solar Cycle .. .. .. 4 | Julian Period .. .. .. 6612 LONDON: Published by H. W. CRANE * CO., 63, GOSWELL ROAD Price 6d. SEPTEMBER. 1 F Partridge Shooting begins 2 S Capitulation of Sedan, 1870 3 [?] 14th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 4 M [Moon in apogee 5 Tu [?] 3n. 33m. a.m. 6 W Colbert died, 1683 7 Th Copenhagen surrendered, '07 8 F Nativity of Virgin Mary 9 S Dr. Nansen returned, 1896 10 [?] 15TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11 M Cold dis. in California, 1847 12 Tu [?] 9h. 49m. p.m. 13 W Dog Days end 14 Th Holy Cross Day [opened, 1830 15 F Liverpool & Manchester Railway 16 S G. D. Fahrenheit died, 1736 17 [?] 16TH SUN. AF. TRIN. Emb. Wk. 18 M Moon in perigee 19 Tu [?] )h. 31m. p.m. 20 W Ember Day 21 Th St. Matthew 22 F Ember Day 23 S Emb. Day. Autumnal Equinox 24 [?] 17TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 25 M Relief of Lucknow, 1857 26 Tu [?] 3h. 3m. p.m. 27 W Jacques Bossuet born, 1627 28 Th Capitulation of Strasburg, 1870 29 F St. Michael, Michaelmas Day 30 S Moon in apogee OCTOBER 1 [?] 18TH SUN. AF. TRIN. Cam. Mich. 2 M Pheas. Sht. b. [Term beg. 3 Tu George Bancroft born, 1800 4 W [?] 7h. 14m. p.m. 5 Th Dividends due 6 F Lord Tennyson died, 1892 7 S Oliver W. Holmes d., 1894 8 [?] 19TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 9 M Cervantes born, 1547 10 Tu Oxford Michaelmas Tm. begins 11 W Archb. of Canterbury died, 1896 12 Th [?] 6h. 10m. a.m. 13 F Henry VII. crowned, 1485 14 S Fire Insurance ceases 15 [?] 20TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 16 M Quarter Sessions begin. Moon 17 Tu [in perigee 18 W St. Luke. [?] 10h. 5m. p.m. 19 Th Jonathan Swift d., 1745 20 F Lord Palmerston b,, 1784 21 S Rattle of Trafalgar, 1805 22 [?] 21ST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 23 M Sir M. Hicks-Beach b., 1837 24 Tu Michaelmas Sittings begin 25 W St. Crispin 26 Th [?] 9h. 20m. a.m. 27 F Metz capitulated, '70 28 S SS. Simon & Jude. Mn. in apogee 29 [?] 22ND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 30 M St. Fire Tower of London, '41 31 Tu Game Certificates expire NOVEMBER 1 W All Saints. Stock Ex. closed 2 Th Jenny Lind died, 1887 F [?] 10 h. 27m. a.m. 4 S M. Herve, composer, died, '92 5 [?] 23RD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 6 M Holborn Viaduct opened, '69 7 Tu Duke of Montrose born, 1852 8 W Lord Rothschild born, 1848 9 Th Prince of Wales born, 1841, Lord 10 F [?] 1h. 35m.p.m. [Mayor's Day 11 S Half Quarter Day [perigee 12 [?] 24TH SUN. AF. TRIN. Moon in 13 M Sir T. M. Peto died, 1889 14 Tu Lefbnitz, philos., d., 1716 15 W St. Machufus 16 Th John Bright b., 1811 17 F St. Hugh/ [?] 10h. 18m. a.m. 18 S Duke of Wellington buried, '52 19 [?] 25 SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 20 M Tom Hood died, 1975 21 Tu Presentation B.V.M. 22 W St. Clement 24 F Laurence Sterne born 1713 25 S [?] 6h. 35m. a.m. Mn. in apogee 26 [?] 26TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 27 M Duchess of Teck born, 1833 28 Tu Washington Irving D., 1859 29 W Cardinal Wolsey died, 1530 30 Th St. Andrew DECEMBER 1 F Princess of Wales b., '44 2 S Cp. of Peiwar Pass, '78 3 [?] 1ST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. [?] 0H. 4 M [48m. a.m. 5 Tu Mozart died , 1791 6 W St, Nicholas 7 Th Moon in perigee 8 F Conception B.V.M. 9 S Milton b., 1608. [?] 9h. 3m. p.m. 10 [?] 2ND SUNDAY IN ADVENT 11 M J.L. Pearson, R.A., died, 1897 12 Tu Sheriffs nominated 13 W St. Lucy 14 Th Prince Albert d., '61 15 F Izaak Walton died, 1683 16 S G. Whitfield born, 1820 [a.m. 17 [?] 3RD SUN. IN ADV. [?] 1h. 31m. 18 M Oxford Mich. Term ends 19 Tu Cambridge Mich. Term ends 20 W Ember Day [end 21 Th St. Thomas. Michaelmas Sittings 22 F Ember Day. Moon in apogee 23 S Ember Day 24 [?] 4TH SUNDAY IN ADVENT 25 M Christmas Day. [?] 3h. 57m.a,m, 26 Tu St. Stephen. Bank Holiday 27 W St. John 28 Th Holy Innocents 29 F W. E. Gladstone born, 1809 30 S R. Boyle died, 1691 31 [?] 1ST SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS ASSESSED TAXES. INHABITED HOUSE DUTY (Great Britain). Rate per £ s. d. Shops, Inns, Farm houses &c- £20 and not exceeding £40 .. 0 2 41 " ' 60 ..0 4 61 and upwards.. .. ..0 6 Private Houses £20 and not exceeding £40..0 3 41 " " 60..0 6 61 and upwards.. .. ..0 9 INCOME TAX (United Kingdom). For the year commencing the 6th day of April, 1898, for and in respect of all property, profits, and gains, for every 20s. of the annual value or amount of property, profits and gains, the duty of 8d.; and for every 20s. of the annual value of the occupation of lands, tenements, hereditaments, and heritages, in England, the duty of 3d., and in Scotland and Ireland respect- ively, the duty of 3d. LICENSES. Per Ann. Appraisers .. .. .. £2 0 0 Auctioneers .. .. ... 10 0 0 Carriages, for every carriage with four wheels or more, for two horses .. .. 2 0 Do., for one horse .. .. 1 1 0 Do., with two wheels .. .. 0 15 0 Dogs of every description, each ... .. ... 0 7 6 To carry a Gun .. .. .. 0 10 0 Per Ann. To Kill Game.- If taken out after July 31, to expire on July 31 in the following year .. .. .. .. £3 0 0 Gamekeepers .. .. .. 2 0 0 House Agents letting houses exceeding the annual rent or value of £25 .. .. 2 0 0 Male servants, each (Hotel Waiters excepted) .. .. 0 15 0 Post OFFICE REGULATIONS. INLAND LETTERS. -Prepaid. The rates are, 4 oz. 1d.; 6oz. 1 1/2d.; 8 oz 2d.; 10oz. 21/2d.; 12 oz. 3d.; 14 oz. 31/2 d.; 16 pz. 4d.; 18oz. 41/2.; 20oz. 5d; and 1/2d. extra for every additional 2 oz. A letter posted unpaid is chargeable on delivery with double postage; and a letter posted insufficiently prepaid is chargeable with double the deficiency. No letter may exceed 2 ft. in length, 1 ft. in width, or 1 ft. in depth. Newspapers. - prepaid rate.- On each newspaper, whether posted singly or in a packet, one halfpenny, but a packet containing two or more registered newspapers is not chargeable with a higher rate of postage than that chargeable on a book packet of the same weight, viz., one halfpenny for every 2 ounces or fraction of 2 ounces. A newspaper posted unpaid, or a packet of newspapers posted either unpaid or insufficiently paid, is treated as an unpaid or insufficiently paid book packet of the same weight. BOOK POST.- 2 oz. packets 1/2d. All packets over 2 oz. same rates and regulations as letters (see above.) INLAND PARCEL POST.- Parcels not exceeding 11 lbs. in weight are received at any Post Office for transmission between places in the United Kingdom. The rates are 1 lb., 3d.; 2 lb., 4d.; 3 lb., 5d.; 4 lb., 6d.; 5 lb. 7d.; 6 lb., 8d.; 7 lb. 9d.; 8 ;b., 10d.; 9 lb., 11d.; 10 lb., 1s.; 11 lb., 1s. No parcel is accepted which weighs more than 11 lbs., or is not sufficiently paid. The postage must, in all cases. be paid in advance, and as a rule by ordinary postage stamps, which should be affixed by the sender before tendering a parcel for transmission by Parcel Post at a Post Office. But at the Chief and District Post Offices, at the Charing Cross, Gracechurch Street, Lombard Street Lud- gate Circus, Mark Lane, and Battersea Post Offices, in London, as well as at the Head Offices in Edinburgh, Dublin, and certain large provincial towns, parcels may be prepaid in money, provided the amount paid be never less than £1. The prepayment, however, cannot be made partly in money and partly with stamps. At the District Post Offices, and at the Charing Cross, Grace- church Street, Lombard Street, Ludgate Circus, and Mark Lane Post Offices, such parcels must be presented at the counter between 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., Battersea Head Office between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., and at the Chief Office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. INLAND REGISTRATION AND COMPENSATION.- The Postmaster- General will (subject to certain rules and conditions) give compensation up to a maximum limit of £120 for the loss and damage of Inland Registered Postal Packets of all kinds upon prepayment of a fee in addition to the postage. this THE CLARENDON HOTEL EDINBURGHfee wither consists of or includes in each case the ordinary registration fee of 2d.; and the scale of fees, and the respective limits of compensation are as follows:- With a fee of 2d. a compensation of £5 will be given; 3d., £10; 4d., £; 5d., £30; 6d., £40; 7d., £50; 8d., £60; 9d.,' £70; 10d., £80; 11d., £90; 1s., £100; 1s. 1d., £110; 1s. 2d., £120. EXPRESS DELIVERY.- Letters, Parcels, &c., are acccepted at all the more important post offices for express delivery by special messengers at a charge, if not exceeding 1 lb. in weight, or 3d. for every mile. If more than 1 lb. in weight there is an additional charge of 1 1/2d. for each 1lb. beyond the first lb. If a special conveyance is desired, the actual cost 9about 1s. per mile) will be charged in addition to the express or mileage fee, but no charge is made for weight. SINGLE LETTERS BY RAILWAY.- Letters not exceeding 4 oz. in weight may be tendered to a servant of the railway company over whose line they are to e sent and a fee of 2d. in addition to ordinary postage will be charged. Such letters may be called for at the station to which addressed or posted on arrival at the station in the nearest letter box for delivery by postman. FOREIGH AND COLONIAL PARCEL POST.- parcels for the under- mentioned places may be posted at any Office in the United Kingdom. The limits of weight and dimensions vary. Aden, 1 lb. 1s,; Algeria, 2 lbs. 1s, 9d.; Annam, 3 lbs. 3s. 10d.; Argentine Republic, 3 lbs. 2s. 4d.; Ascension, 1 lb. 8d.; Australia, 1 lb. 1s.; Austria- Hungary, 3 lbs. 1s. 51/2d; Azores, 3 lbs. 2s, 5d.; Bahamas, 1 lb. 10d.; Barbadoes, 1 lb. 8d.; Bechuanaland, 1 lb. 9d.; Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1 lb. 2s. 9d.; Belgium, 3 lbs. 1s. 3d.; Bermuda, 1 lb. 9d.; Beyrout, 3 lbs.. 1s. 11d.; Bosnia 1 lb. 2s.; British Central Africa, 1 lb., 1s. 6d.; British East Africa, 1 lb. 1s.; British Guiana, 1 lb. 10d.; British Honduras, 1 lb. 8d.; Bulgaria, 3 lbs. 2s. 5d.; Cameroons, 3 lbs. 2s 3d.; Canada, 1 lb. 8d.; Cape Colony, 1 lb. 9d.; Cape Verd Islands, 3 lbs. 2s. 5d.; Cayenne, 3 lbs. 3s. 1d.; Ceylon, 1 lb. 9d.; Chili, 3 lbs. 3s. 9d.; China, 1lb. 9d.; Cochin China, 3 lbs. 3s. 10d.; Republic of Colombia, 3 lbs. 2s. 6d.; Congo Free State, 3.bs. 2s. 7d.; Constantinople 3 lbs. 1s. 3d.; Corsica 3lbs. 1s 9d.; Costa Rica, 3 lbs. 2s. 4d.; Cyprus, 1 lb. 1s.; Denmark, 3 lbs. 1s. 5d.; Dutch E. Indies, 3 lbs. 3s. 11d.; Cutch Guiana and Dutch West Indies, 3 .bs. 3s. 6d.; Egypt. 3lbs. 1s 3d.; Erithrea, Red Sea, 3 lb. 2s. 10d.; Falkland Islands, 1lb. 9d.; Fiji, 1 lb. 1s.; Finland, 3lbs. 1s. 9d.; France, 3 lbs. 1s.4d.; French Congo 9Libreville, Loango, &c,0, 3 lbs. 3s. 1d. ; Gambia, 1lb. 9d.; German East Africa, 3 lbs., 4s. 2d.; German South West Africa, 3 lbs. 4s. 2d. ; Germany, 3 lbs. 1s. ; Gibraltar, 1lb. 8d.; Gold Coast Colony, 1 lb. 9d.; Greece, 3 lbs. 2s. 6d.; Grenada, 1 lb. 8d.; Guadaloupe, 3 lbs. 3s. 3d.; Hawaii, 1 lb. 1s. ; Holland 3 lbs. 1s.; Hong Kong, 1lb. 9d.; Indi, 1 lb. 1s.; Italy, 3 lbs. 1s. 8d.; Jamaica, 1 lb. 9d.; Japan, 3 lbs. 1s. 10d.; Java, 3 lbs. 3s. 11d.; Jeddah, 3 lbs. 2s. 6d.; Labuan, 1 lb. 11d.; Lagos (Africa). 1 lb. 9d.; Leeward Islands (West Indies), 1 lb. 7d.; Liberia, 3 lbs. 1s. 10d.; Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, 3 lbs. 1s. 3d.; Madagascar, 3 lbs. 3s. 1d.; Madeira, 3 lbs. 2s.; Malta, 1 lv. 8d.; Martinique, 3lbs. 3s 1d.; Mashonaland, 1 lb. 2s. 9d.; Mauritius, 3 lbs. 2s.; Mayotte, 3 lbs. 3s. 1d.; Mexico, 3 lbs. 1s. ; Miquelon, 3 lbs. 2s. 3d.; Mombasa, 1 lbs. 1s. ; Montenegro, 3 lbs. 2s. 3d.; Morocco, 3 lbs. 1s. 10d.; Natal, 1 lb. 9d.; New Caledonia, 3 lbs. 3s. 10d.; Newfoundland, 1 .b. 9d.; New Guinea, Berman, 3 lbs. 3s. 10d.; New Hebrides, 1 lb. 1s. 1d.; New South Wales (including Norfolk Island), 1 lb. 1s.; New Zealand, 1 lb. 1s. ; Niger Coast Protectorate, 1 lb. 9d. ; Norway, 3 lbs. 1s. 7d.; North Borneo, 1 lb. 11 d.; Obock (East Africa), 3 lbs. 2s. 3d.; Orange Free State, 1 lb. 1s. ; Paraguay, 3 lbs. 2s. 8d.; Persia, 1 lb. 4s. 4d.; Portugal, 3 lbs. 1s. 7d.; Portuguese West Africa, 3 lbs. 2s. 5d.; Queensland, 1 alb. 1s. ; Rèunion, 3 lbs. 3s. 1d.; Rhodesia, 1 lb. 2s. 9d.; Roumania, 3 lbs. 2s.; St. Croix, 3 lbs. 1s. 9d.; St Helena, 1. lb. 8d.; St. Lucia, 1lb. 8d.; St. Thomas, 3 lbs. 1s. 9d.; St. Vincent (West Indies), 1 lb. 7d.; Salvador (Central America), 3 lbs. 3s 6d.; Samoa (Apia). 1 lb. 1s. 2d.; Sarawak, 1 lb. 9d.; Senegal, 3 lbs. 2s. 3d.; Servia, 3 lbs. 1s. 10d.; Seychelles, 3 lbs. 2s.; Siam 1 lb. 1s.; Sierra Leone, 1 lb. 9d.; Sweden, 3 lbs. 1s. 2d.; Switzerland, 3 lbs. 1s. 6d.; Tahiti, 3 lbs. 5s. 6d.; Tangier 1 lb. 8d.; Tasmania, 1 lb. 1s.; Tobago, 1 lb. 8d.; Tonquin, 3 lbs. 3s. 10d.; Transvaal, 1 lb. 1s.; Trinidad, 1.b. 8d.; Tripoli (Africa), 3 lbs. 1s. 10d.; Tunis, 3 lbs. 2s. 3d.; Turkey, 3 lbs. 2s. 3d.; Uruguay, 11 lbs. 4s. 6d.; Victoria (Australia,), 1 lb. 1s.; Western Australia, 1 lbs. 1s.; Zanzibar,1lb. 1s. More careful and substantial packing is necessary for Foreign and Colonial Parcels than for Inland Parcels, owing to the much greater distances over which, as a rule, the former have to be conveyed, the very different conditions of transit, and the influences of climate. Parcels are liable to Customs regulations, and the sender of each parcel is required to make a Customs declaration furnishing- upon a special form provided for the purpose, which can be obtained at any Post Office- an accurate statement of the nature and value of the contents, the date of posting, and the sender's name and place of abode. In the case of parcels for Foreign Countries, the sender is also required to enter thereon the nett weight of the contents of the parcel. No Parcel containing explosive articles, articles liable to sudden combustion, perishable articles, article likely to injure other parcels, liquids (unless securely packed in proper cases), or any article or substance specially prohibited from importation into a particular Country or Colony, will be accepted for transmission. A parcel must not contain another parcel, or a letter or other postal packet, intended for delivery at an address other than that borne on the parcel itself. The transmission of any letter whatever, no matter to whom addressed, in parcels for Foreign Countries, and for British Central Africa, Cape Colony, Natal, and other parts of South Africa, Mauritius, Seychelles, Jamaica, the Australian Colonies, Fiji, New Zealand, the Straits Settlements, and Trinidad is strictly forbidden. Parcels for Aden, Ascension, Egypt, India, Jeddah, St. Helena, South Africa, and Zanzibar must not exceed £50 in value, MONEY ORDERS are granted and paid at every Post Town in the United Kingdom. The Commission on Orders issued is as under:- Not exceeding £1-2d. Exceeding £3 and not ex. £10-4d. Exceeding £1 and not ex. £3-3d. Money Orders are granted and paid in London, within the Town limits, between 10 and 4. and in Suburban districts from 9 till 6 daily. TELEGRAPH MONEY ORDERS (INLAND).---Money may be transmitted by Telegraph Money Order between all Post Offices in the United Kingdom authorised to transact Telegraph and Money Order business. The charge con- sists of the costs of necessary telegrams (minimum 9d.) and the following Commission:- Not exceeding £3-4d. Exceeding £3 and not ex. £10- 6d. POSTAL ORDERS for the undermentioned amounts are issued at all Money Order Offices --1s. & 1s. 6d.-1/2d.; 2s., 2s. 6d., 3s., 3s. 6d., 4s., 4s. 6d., 5s., 7s. 6d., 10s., & 10s. 6d.- 1d.; 15s. & 20s.0 1 1/2d. SAVINGS BANK and Government Life Insurance and Annuity business is transacted at all Money Order Offices in London and in the provincial towns. POST CARDS.- Official Post Cards, impressed with a halfpenny stamp;- double or reply Post Cards impressed with a halfpenny stamp on each portion of them- and private Cards bearing halfpenny stamps, --may be transmitted between places in the United Kingdom with letters printed or written upon the back. Single and Reply Post Cards are transmissible to all the countries of the Postal Union. INLAND TELEGRAMS. - The charge is 6d. for the first 12 words, and 1/2d. for every additional word. Addresses are charged for. Postage stamps are used for payment, and the public are required to affix them to the message forms just as they are required to affix them to letters. REGISTRATION.--The fee for registering any Postal Packet (parcels included) passing by post between any two places in the United Kingdom is two- pence, and this registration fee and postage must be prepaid. No article addressed to initials or to a fictitious name can be registered unless it be addressed to the care of a person or firm. Every article presented for registration must be enclosed in a strong cover, securely fastened. If the article contains money, it must , in order to gain the benefit of the guarantee, be enclosed in a Registered Letter Envelope sold by the Post Office; and if coins are sent they must on no account be put in loose, but must be packed and enclosed in such a way as to move about as little as possible. Every article to be registered must be given to an agent of the Post Office, and a receipt obtained for it; and it should on no account be dropped into a letter box. If, contrary to this rule, and article marked "Registered" be dropped into a letter- box, it will if directed to any place in the United Kingdom, be liable to a registra- tion fee of 8d. (less any amount prepaid for registration), instead of the ordinary fee of 2d. FOREIGH AND COLONIAL POSTAGE. Letters not exceeding 1/2 oz in weight can be sent to all parts of the world outside the United Kingdom at a uniform rate of 21/2 d. STAMP DUTIES. £ s. d. Admissions. -To act in Eng- land or Ireland as barrister- at-law or in Scotland as advocate .. .. ..50 0 0 Appointment of a New Trustee .. .. .. 0 10 0 Appointment of a Game- Keeper.. .. .. 0 10 0 Appraisements.-- Amount not above £5 .. .. .. 0 0 3 Above £5 and not above £10 0 0 6 " 10 " 20 0 1 0 " 20 " 30 0 1 6 " 30 " 40 0 2 0 " 40 " 50 0 2 6 " 50 " 100 0 5 0 " 100 " 200 0 10 0 " 200 " 500 0 15 0 " 500 " 1 0 0 Apprentices' Indentures 0 2 6 Articles of Clerkship whereby any person first becomes bound to serve as a clerk in order to his admission- (1.) As a Solicitor of the Supreme Court in England or of the Court of Judicature in Ireland .. .. .. 80 0 0 (2.) As a Law Agent to practice before the Court of Session or as Writer to the Signet in Scotland.. .. 60 0 0 (3.) As a Law Agent to practice before a Sheriff Court in Scotland .. .. 0 2 6 Clerks who, not having com- pleted their term of Service, become bound afresh for the same purpose- Where the previous duty was 2s. 6d. .. .. .. 0 2 6 In any other case .. .. 0 10 0 Awards.- Where the amount does not exceed £5 .. .. 0 0 3 Exceeds £5 and not £10 .. 0 0 6 " 10 " 20 .. 0 1 0 " 20 " 30 .. 0 1 6 " 30 " 40 .. 0 2 0 " 40 " 50 .. 0 2 6 " 50 " 100 .. 0 5 0 " 100 " 200 .. 0 10 0 " 200 " 500 .. 0 15 0 " 500 " 750 .. 1 0 0 " 750 " 1,000 .. 1 5 0 Exceeding £1,000 and in any other case not provided for 1 15 0 Affidavit and Statutory Declaration .. .. 0 2 6 Agreement or Contract made or entered into pursuant to the Highway Acts for or relating to the making, maintaining, or repairing of highways .. .. 0 0 6 £ s. d. Bond, Covenant, or Instrument of any kind- Being principal Security- For definite period, so that total amount can be ascertained, same duty as a bond for such amount. For indefinite period- For every £5 or fractional part thereof .. .. .. 0 0 6 Bill of Exchange. Payable on demand, Cheques, drafts, &c, 1d. Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes of any other kind (except a Bank Note), payable or negotiated in the United Kingdom. Not above £5 .. .. .. 0 0 1 Above £5 and not above £10 0 0 2 " 10 " 25 0 0 3 " 25 " 50 0 0 6 " 50 " 75 0 0 9 " 75 " 100 0 1 0 " 100, then for every £ 100. and also for any fractional part of £100. .. .. .. 0 1 0 Certificates. - To be taken out yearly by Attorneys, &c.- London, within ten miles of Gen. Post Office; Edinburgh city or shire; Dublin, city and within three miles of therefrom .. 9 0 0 Elsewhere in England, Scotland, and Ireland beyond the above limits .. .. .. 6 0 0 Half only for the first three years of being in practice Composition B-Bankers.- Licensed to issue unstamped Promissory Notes of £5 and upwards, payable to Bearer on demand, or to order at any period not exceeding seven days after sight; and to draw and issue Bills of Exchange on unstamped paper, payable to order on demand, or not exceeding seven days after sight, or twenty-one days after date. For every £100 or part of £100 of the average amount of such Notes and Bills in circulation during every half- year England and Ireland .. 0 3 6 Scotland, Notes .. .. 0 4 2 " Bills .. .. 0 6 3 Conveyance or Transfer Of Bank of England Stock .. 0 7 9 Stamp Duties £ s. d. Conveyance or Transfer on Sale-- Where the amount does not exceed £5 .. ... .. 0 0 6 Above .. £5 £10 .. 0 1 0 " 10 15 .. 0 1 6 " 15 not 20 .. 0 2 0 " 20 above 25 .. 0 2 6 " 25 50 .. 0 5 0 " 50 75 .. 0 7 6 " 75 100 .. 0 10 0 " 100 125 .. 0 12 6 " 125 150 .. 0 15 0 " 150 175 .. 0 17 6 " 175 200 .. 1 0 0 " 200 225 .. 1 2 6 " 225 250 .. 1 5 0 " 250 275 .. 1 7 6 " 275 300 .. 1 10 0 Above £300, for every £50, and also for any fractional part of £50 .. .. .. 0 5 0 Equitable Mortgage.- Agreementor Memorandum under hand only relating to the deposit of any title deeds or instruments, constituting or being evidence of the title to any property whatever (other than stock or marketable security), or creating a charge on such property- For every £100, and any fractional part of £100, of the amount secured.. .. 0 1 0 Fire Insurance.-- Upon all goods, wares, merchandise, &c. for every £100 per annum .. .. 0 0 1 Grants.- Of the Honour or Dignity of a Duke .. .. 350 0 0 " of a Marquis .. 300 0 0 " of an Earl .. .. 250 0 0 " of a Viscount .. 200 0 0 " of a Baron .. 150 0 0 " of a Baronet .. 100 0 0 Of a congé-d'élire, &c.. &c.. 30 0 0 Grant or Warrant of Precedence 100 0 0 Grant or Licence to take and use a surname and arms, or a surname only-- Under a will or settlement .. 50 0 0 On a voluntary application ... 10 0 0 Grants of Arms, or armorial ensigns only .. ... . . 10 0 0 Grant of the custody of the person or estate of a lunatic 2 0 0 Lease or Tack- (1.) For any definite term not exceeding a year- Of any dwelling-house or part of a dwelling- house at a rent not exceeding the rate of £10 per annum .. .. 0 0 1 £ s. d. (2.) For any definite term less than a year- (a) of any furnished dwelling- house or apartments where the rent for such term exceeds £25 .. ... .. 0 2 6 (b.) Of any lands, tenements, or heritable subjects except or otherwise than as aforesaid; The same duty as a lease for a year at the rent reserved for the definite term. (3.) For any other definite term or for any indefinite term: of any lands, tenements, or heritable subjects: Where the consideration, or any part or the consideration, moving either to the lessor or to any other person, consists of any money, stock, or security: In respect of such consideration: The same duty as a conveyance on a sale for the same consideration. Where the consideration or any part of the consideration is any rent: In respect of such consideration : If the rent, whether reserved as a yearly rent or otherwise, is at a rate or average rate: Not ex- Not ex- Exceed- ceeding ceeding ing 100 35 years 100 years or in- years definite. s. d. £ s. £ s. Not exceeding £5 per ann. 0 6 0 3 0 6 10 " 1 0 0 6 0 12 15 " 1 6 0 9 0 18 20 " 2 0 0 12 1 4 25 " 2 6 0 15 1 10 50 " 5 0 1 10 3 0 75 " 7 6 2 5 4 10 100 " 10 6 3 0 6 0 Exceeding £, for every £, or Fractional part of £50 thereof 50 1 10 3 0 £ s. d. Letters of Marque and Reprisal.. .. .. 5 0 0 Licence for Marriage Special: In England or Ireland.. .... ... 5 0 0 Not special: in England .. 0 10 0 Life Insurance.- Policy of Insurance made upon any life where the sum insured shall not exceed £10 .. 0 0 1 Above £ 10 but not above £25 0 0 3 Above £25, and not above £500, then for every £50 and and fractional part of £50 .. 0 0 6 Above £500, and not above £1000, then for every £100, and any fractional part of £100 .. .. ... .. 0 1 0 LONDON BANKERS National Bank, 13, Old Broad-street National Bank of Australasia, 123, Bishopsgate-street Within National Bank of China, 53, Old Broad Street National Bank of India, 47, Thread- needle -street National Bank of New Zealand, 15, Moorgate-street [Nicholas-lane National Bank of Scotland, 37, National Bank of the South African Republic, 73. Cornhill National Provincial Bank of England, 112, Bishopsgate-street Within Parr's Bank, 4 Bartholomew-lane Prescott, Dimsdale, Cave, Tugwell, and Co., 50, Cornhill Provincial Bank of Ireland, 8, Throg- morton- Avenue [street Queensland National Bank, 8 , Princes- Royal Bank of Queensland, 1-2, Fen- church -street Royal Bank of Scotland, 123, Bishops- gate-street Within Russian Bank for Foreign Trade, 61-2, Gracechurch-street Société Générale de Crédit Industriel et Commercial, 125, Cannon-street Société Générale, pour favoriser le dé- veloppement du Commerce et de l'Industrie en France, 5, Fenchurch- street Standard Bank of South Africa, 10, Clement's -lane Union Bank of Australia, 71, Cornhill Union Bank of London, 2, Princes-st. Union Bank of Scotland, 62, Cornhill Williams Deacon and Manchester and Salford Bank, 20, Birchin- lane Yokohama Specie Bank, 120, Bishops- gate-street Within January, 1899. Su. 1. Circumcision. 1st Sunday after Christmas. Damp & cold. Wrote Show- Stapley [I]E Howard. Donie. Phylipps Estcourt M. 2. Quarter Sessions begin. Cold rainy. Bought underclothing - Phylipps leaflets. Wrote Brodhurst. Bank with cheque Tu. 3. Foggy. Cold. bought concertickets - Rabboni Burdon Sanderson. Alice. Tubbs. Browne. W. 4. Dense fog. Dull, shopped. Wrote Chance Creighton. Jebb. O'Brien. 14 January, 1899. Th. 5. Very fine Miss Jebb [Mrs Tubbs] called. [?Butt], Brodhurst. F. 6. Epiphany. Dull chilly g/10. 630740 Rowland Eshcourt to arrive Bealey with P.O. order. Sa. 7. Dull. foggy Browne. Brodhurst. Donie. 15JANUARY, 1899. Su. 8. 1st Sunday after Epiphany. M. 9. Christmas Fire Insurance ceases. cloudy day. Kitty to New Haven with K E. Mr Brodhurst to call 4 p.m. Hospital [concert] Carol 1/ 4 to 8 Tu. 10 A pleasant call at No 34 after the C.T.S. Christo theosophy [?] 4 - juice grapes and a strong arm to the New Hosp Reg: Med: Women. 8 W. 11. Hilary Sittings begin. Fine day Miss Ede obtained my exchanged cloak- Returned home, rested in the train! Rowland Estcourt went home. 16 January, 1899. Th. 12. Very stormy- Kenwood Concert 3.p.m. Wrote Mario with pamphlet- to Browne- F. 13. Fog & rain- Church army 3. p.m. Wrote Broadbent- L. Huxley Ede- Annie Browne Sa. 14. Stuck -Stapley- Mallet- Tubb B 17January, 1899. Su. 15. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. Rain & Fog - M. 16. Foggy- Mr. Swinton & May called. [?] - Bell Tu. 17. To London. Bank to enquire about Land Grant Bond - also at Trust meeting 2.30 [words crossed through] 7 Lothbury- Elliot Stock Enquiries- W. 18 satisfactory Sir W. Broadhurt 10 a.m. lunch with Dr Ede & Sheppard Dr C saw me into train 18 JANUARY , 1899. Th. 19 Bell- Browne, F. 20. Dull windy sprinkles- T Milliners- Bonbun- Pleasant interview with Mr Braderiff- Kitty to Jebb & Swinton- Lumbago Browne- Dr Creighton came down- Sa. 21. Rather fine. Much talk on my interview with Dr Broadhurt- but [?] differs- 19JANUARY, 1899. Su. 22. 3rd Sunday after Epiphany: Kitty with Dr C. & Miss Jebb. Adland & Fawcett- Cootehe Bill helped by Dr C. M. 23. Fine then cold rain. Dr C returned home- Took Cab to Anna's- Railway report to Sharpe Benbow with postal order- Tu. 24. Fine but cold. Polly wages .1.18.4 [numbers crossed through] 1.13.4 -(13) £10 pr annum- Ethel Harvey came down B]?r]eidges- Tubbs- American Who-Who- W. 25. Conversion of St. Paul. Fine- Indian Mission 11.45 forgotten- 20 JANUARY, 1899. Th., 26. Very fine but gusty- Kitty with Ethel to Pier. then to Mrs Daunresethen- Mr Swinton called- and Lilly- Dr Creighton with Newcombe booklet- Mrs Tubbs- L. Rogers- F. 27. Fine Kitty Ethel & May Swinton to Pier. Psychical Research- [words crossed through] Sent Alice's typee to Anna- Sa. 28. Ethel Harvey returned home. Swinton- 21 JANUARY_FEBRUARY, 1899. Su. 29. Septuagesima Sunday. Newcombe -Mosley- Stock- Bank with checque- M. 30. Mr Mrs Tubbs 3.p.m. [?educarer.] Edwards- Coote with subs , McCall with subs: Tu. 31. Mrs Fredricks Harrison & Daunreuth called Newcombe, Stock. Sharpe, Tubbs Naylor Walker. Creighton- W. February 1. Dull cold- Mr Newcombe. long talk- Sharpe with r.r. notice- 6 subscriptions- 22 FEBRUARY, 1899. Th. 2 Purification B.V.M. Candlemas. Drive with books- Bridges F. 3. Cold but sunny- pleasant letters and beautiful flowers for my birthday- Ellen- Zackrzawska Caunnys. Zooph to Edith. Sa. 4. Bright morning. To Anna 23FEBRUARY, 1899. Su. 5. Sexagesima Sunday. Rainy & dull Annie Browne- Mrs Browne- Pirkis- Titterton- Lity- M. 6. 3.30 Musical party- Amusing return under Lone [?] leadership Tu. 7. Bank Trust Meeting 2.30 p.m., Bridges after 6 , [or Wednesday Christ's-Theosophy 4 p.m.? ] School disension 8 p.m. W. 8. Half Quarter Day. [Maria Morton title To Sir R Thorne at Local Govt. Pleasant interview at] Hear 2 Dr Starling lecture at the School- disapproved - 24 FEBRUARY, 1899 Th. 9. To Local Govt Board, Sir R Thorne Pleasant interview at Train Returned home. F. 10. Mild dull- Neo Malthuse aware & Medical responsibility to Lili [?] Jenkins Cards to Alice & Mrs Browne- Sa. 11. Dull- Called on Anna- Estcourt- Miss Sidny; Adland- Walker- Jebb. 25FEBRUARY, 1899 Su. 12. Quinquagesima Sunday. Very stormy M. 13. Mixed Shopped -- Dentist with cheque. H. A, Smith with cheque Psychical R Tu. 14. Shrove Tuesday. Dull. Shopped -- with Kitty - [????] J Thorne - Browne - Walker- George, Bank with cheque, W. 15. Ash Wednesday. Miss Jebb to lunch -- Daunreusters & May Swinton called - K walked with Miss [?eunen] [Forces of Nature 8.p.m] . Wrote [?] Browne 26 February, 1899. Th. 16. Fine May Swinton to lunch -- A & C Black with checques -- Personal Rights with cheque Conference Town Hall 7. p.m. [Ellen - Zackrzewska- Cummings]- F. 17. Fine To see Anna -- Shopped -- [Dr Creighton?] Miss Sidney -- Grafton St- Tubbs -- Sa. 18. Fine Dr C came down -- talked the [?????] Browne - Estcourt 27FEBRUARY, 1899. Su. 19. 1st Sunday in Lent, Ember Week. Foggy Dr C [left & K & Miss Kuenen to Rye] Lily- Adlard Lily to lunch M. 20. Foggy- Dr C left- Kitty & Miss Kuenen to Rye- Annie's At Home to L. Govt party Tu. 21 To Mr Sharpes. signed Trust papers- Christs theosophy- Mr Corbet can the living &c [Local Govt at Mrs Tubbs [?] at Grosvenor Club ] Slept at luxurious but desolate Pioneer W. 22. Ember Day. called at the curious "Church of Ascensia" Shut up! to Porchester Terrace - 4.30 Royal Free cup of tea with Mr Anderson and students Pleasant call from Dr Creighton London wearied me. 28 FEBRUARY , 1899. Th23. Called on Dr J. Walker then home. Sharpe with S E. notifications- F 24. St. Matthias. Ember Day. Errands- To see Anna. [Miss Sidney?] Walker- Rogers- Maria with Pioneer Work- Sunlight is sweet. SA. 25. Ember Day. called at Caple ne Ferne- uselessly Miss Sidney 4 p.m. Naxon- Morton- K to Alice- 29February-March, 1899. Su. 26. 2nd Sunday in Lent. Fine M. 27. Very fine. Tu. 28. Very Fine. Maria Morton & Miss Jebb to tea- Bell. Mrs Anderson. W. March 1. St. David. Fly Fishing begins. Browne- 30 March, 1899. Th. 2. Fine To London 1015? See Mr Bell - 3p.m Hyde Park Place 2-4- Pleasant dinner at Dr Walker's with [330 170 Queen's Gate] Dr C. slept there 19.7.11 Report to Thies- F. 3. Fine To Mrs Browne- Talk with Dr C at the station Returned home. Sa. 4. Fine To see Anna- Mr Stead Town meeting. Appointed Delegate [?] Norgate- Strickland address- F. Macer Wright-MARCH, 1899. Su. 5. 3rd Sunday in Lent. Stead at [?Newchurch] Creighton- Browne Walker M. 6. -Fine- Pain in head George- Tu. 7. Fine To London New Hospital Annual meeting 3 p.m. [Shortheads?] with the Bishop of London Dr C called- W. 8. Fine Called at Co[rrie?] Grant's office returned home- hemorrhage in conjunctiva Adlard book- 32 MARCH, 1899. Th. 9. Began with Miss Butterworth Mr Rausom called- Salt- Tubbs- Vander Heyde- Burrows P.O. 49[?] D 155982/6 Stanferd F. 10. Miss Butterworth _________ Psyctuial Research Miss Kingsley-[ words crossed through] 8.30 Sa. 11. To Town Hall- Dr Baghauer and to see Anna- Dr Creighton came down. C 33MARCH, 1899. Su. 12. 4th Sunday in Lent. Miss Edwards called- Bill- Bagahowe- Tubbs. M. 13. D&C returned home. Miss Butterworth 3. Papillon- Rogers- Harvey Tu. 14. Saw Mr Papillion about eyes- Schmald- Bagshowe. Longman W. 15 Miss Butterworth at Kenmores Highlands. Mrs Stricklands address 3 p.m. Little Susan to come down-[words crossed through] The erand & talk exhausting. Williams & Newgate Anti- Slavery. 34 Th. 16. Dull, cold- Mr Tubbs to call - long talk she enjoys translating Ru at a Swinton Papillon Borwne- F. 17. St. Patrick. Fine. Butterworths Paid. 5 Helped poor Rausom K called to see Miss Teskley & took lily to shop. Sa. 18. Dull very feeble. Corn -cutter- call on Tesky called to see Anna. 35 MARCH, 1899. Su. 19. Passion Sunday. Tubbs Adlard Estcourt. M. 20. Vernal Equinox. Dr McCall's 3.30 Tu. 21. Snow & [?] Kitty to wedding of Gertrude Simmones St Martins Town Hall 2.30 Pause Meeting in London. queen's Hall- This was also the wedding day of Emily's Nanny. W. 22. Returned home 36 MARCH, 1899. Th. 23 Very fine but cold- Baby arrived- Tubbs- Abbott. Colan with checque, Kenwood Creighton F. 24. Polly. Wages. - £ 1. 13. 4.- Pleasant call on Dr Grey. Browne-Mann, Harvey, George. Papers to Ellen- Alice-Ransom. Sa. 25. Annunciation B.V.M. Lady Day. A pleasant drive with Mr Tubbs discussing the Pease Memorial- and her translation of Prof Ruata on Vaccination- 37MARCH, 1899. Su. 26. Palm Sunday. had call from Miss Jebb & Tesky and invitation to St Andrews . Mrs Newcombe M. 27. Called on Rev Foster Pegg and on Mrs Mann Tu. 28. Mr Tubbs leaves for Easter- Mr & Mrs Mann 4 p.m. W. 29. Hilary Sittings end. D/41 38762. lb Sept 98. Attended evening Peace meeting with May Swinton My amending rejected Creighton. Browne, Pirkis. 38 MARCH-APRIL, 1899. Th. 30. Maunday Thursday. bought paper for forwarding my Essays, crowds of Easter holiday people- Effie Johnston- Pegg-Tubbs-Henderson. Emily- F. 31 Good Friday. To Trinity evening service- Paper to Mrs Browne- Sa. APRIL 1. Easter Eve. Sent 4 "Sociologies" to Browne 39APRIL, 1899. Su. 2. Easter Sunday. To E J Clements. Dan! a Travesty. M. 3. Bank Holiday Quarter Sessions begin. Fine Simmons Harry with letter & papers Zoophilist with checque. W journals to Mrs Browne, Mann, Anna with Emily's letter Tu. 4. Easter Tuesday. Mrs Mann called To Miss Edwards to meet Rose Kingsley & sister 4:30 rather do the Kingsleys did not come. W. 5. Ethel 1. A very pleasant call on Miss Kingsley, at the Albany. Miss Kenwood; Concert 3. p.m. a very ill managed affair. Busk. 40 APRIL, 1899. Th. 6. Ethel-2 Sussex Archaeological 8 p.m. Estcourt- Maria Morton. F. 7. Ethel-3. Book &c K Miss Harvey. Zoophilist to Annie 13 M.Z. to Dr C. Mrs Mann. Sa. 8. To Library. then to see Anna. Essay to Dr [?] 41APRIL, 1899. SU. 9. Love Sunday. Fire Insurance ceases. M. 10. Ethel 4 too wet to go to the Teachers ass: Brassy Institute 8:30 Browne, Creighton, Bank with checque TU. 11. Easter Sittings begin. George with Morton - Theis with checque Jebbs. Shaen. Stapley - W. 12. [*wrong [?] this was Tuesday*] To Girls Home about seamstress [???] Public hall 8 p.m for [?] Dr Creighton, Shaen, Theis with Checque 42 TH. 13. This was Wednesday Ethel 5. Kitty to London To Hospital oratorio 8 p.m. Browne. Wright & Bristol with checque Garrett Anderson - librarian F. 14. [Ethel] Posted 3 books - bought stamps - Browne. Henderson with signature SA. 15. Ethel 6 Mr Tubbs returns home. bought wrapper for Essay. 43APRIL, 1899. SU. 16. 2nd Sunday after Easter AJ Browne .. Sec of Victoria St Society - M. 17. To see Lillie Rogers at Holne chase Bought doll for baby - Mosher with book. Morton - Bank with Bond. TU. 18. Ethel 7 Little Susan returns home - [Humanitarian League, St. Martines Town Hall 3pm] With Kitty to tea at Restaurant To Ethel & Paul - Lillie - W. 19. Primrose Day. Lord Beaconsfield died. Marian Edward Morton called about Lillie Henderson about Clements with checque Willett about Land Grant Bond Adlard with checque. Naylor. 44 APRIL, 1899 TH. 20. Ethel 8. With Kitty by omnibus to Bulverhythe spoiled sea front! Browne. Boyle - F. 21. rainy called on Anna Henderson with checque. Browne - SA. 22. Ethel 9. Creighton with Catalogue. Bank with Contract - 45APRIL, 1899. SU. 23. 3rd Sunday after Easter. St. George. To Emmanuel Church but not attracted. Walker. Morton. Anna. Mr. Daunreuther called M. 24. Ethel 10 Anna with Alice's circular. Tubbs Crake with checque - Ede. TU. 25. St. Mark. Bank - Dr Walker - Manion House 3 p.m. Christs. theosophy. Mr Allen - return 4:30 or 5:55 or 7:5 W. 26. Town Hall 3 p.m. R.S.P.A [A.V. St James Great Hall 8 p.m.] [Land Nationalisation St Martins Hall 8 p.m.] 46 April, 1899. TH. 27. Ethel 8 F. 28. Psychical Research- Tubbs. Walker. Bell. Dr [?] SA. 29. To see Anna Dr C Creighton - Pois Burr Operation - Morley (checque) - Sidney. 47APRIL -- MAY, 1899. SU. 30; 4th Sunday after Easter Bell. Browne - M. May 1. St. Philip & St. James. Royal Academy opens. - Ethel began a new month Broad bent & Morris for Dr Jane Walker - TU. 2. To London - Trust meeting? Drove to St Francis Hospital - then home. New Kent Road S.E. W. 3. Ethel 2 To Belhill to see Lily who is improving - Burr very weak Wrote Morton- C. Tubbs for return of 4 vols of Plato 48 May, 1899. TH. 4. F. 5. Miss Jebb called with Dorothy - Wrote George. Browne - SA. 6. Perry Hilly to see Burr [???] Mr Gane. P. O with stamp -list- D 49MAY, 1899. SU. 7. Rogation Sunday. Bell - M. 8. Rogation Day Ethel 3 Browne - Naylor ? Hill. Hammond. TU. 9. Half Quarter Day. Rogation Day. Insert Architects- Victoria St N.A.V. St James Hall 8 pm with Miss Kingsley - Morton Walker- W. 10. Rogation Day. Dr A Lutand 3 p.m. St Martins Town Hall Miss Naylor to take notes. 50 MAY, 1899. Th.11. Ascension Day Ethel 4 Ethel lunched & went to Miss Jebb with Kitty- Wrote Dr Sturge- F. 12 To see Anna- sitting in parlour but not well. Kitty to "flaner" with Miss Edwards. Sa. 13. Very fine day. Called at Registry Office- read the Sylvestres- a little- Naylor L 296239 10/0 11 6 stamps. 51May, 1899. Su. 14. Sunday after Ascension. Post with 6 pence. Browne. Naylor with R.O. Ethel M. 15. Scotch Quarter Day. after morning rain Kitty - [?] 54 Brlling Road Northampton - a splendid day - water most beautiful. omnibus to W. Marina - Tubbs. Browne. Newsome. Temperance Hospital - Tu. 16. Ethel Slade about peace meeting. Sidney - Swedenburg Social - Kitty W. 17 Ethel The Pier 3 p.m. [?] Exhibition Walker - Stewart - Richardson Stock - Kitty - Newcombe 52 May, 1899. Th. 18. Ethel Mr Swinton & May Miss Sidney 4 p.m. Mr Prost Newcombe - too tired [Concert 8 pm Albany Hotel] for concert- F. 19. Easter Sittings end. Ethel- Miss Jebb called Called on Anna - Wrote Harry - paper to Kitty Foreign card to Lily. Sa. 20. Ethel May Swinton to tea - Wrote Kitty. 53To St MAY, 1899. Mary's Su. 21. Whitsun Day. Ember Week Mrs Scatcherd & Felicia a Sharpe. Painful interview M. 22. Whit Monday. Bank Holiday. Pleasant Musical meeting at Mrs Danreuther's- Wrote Kitty- Scientific Method to Blogg. Tu. 23. Whit Tuesday. Ethel- Essays to Miss E. M. Johnstone. Parkin with photo- W. 24. Ember Day. Queen Victoria born, 1819. Polly Wages. 1.13.4. Pd. Kitty reached home to night Walker. 54 MAY, 1899. Th. 25. Ethel to lunch- May Swinton to tea. Bank with Contract- Anna, circular Morton- Bell- F. 26. Ember Day. Ethel To apel's Registry office To see Anna- Wrote Lord- Card to Harry- Sa. 27. Ember Day. News of excellent Mr Aaron Powell's death sorted a bought wool, Batch of American letters received. 55MAY, 1899. Su. 28. Trinity Sunday. Wrote Lily- Bank with checques- Browne. M. 29. Lovely afternoon at Oliver's farm and church in the Woods E/42 857995 9/0 Naylor Tu. 30. Trinity Sittings Begin. very fine Wrote Walker. George. Mrs Powell (.alas!) sums be on Ethel's engagement W. 31. Real Summer weather Ethel 18 West Hill Jebb 4-5- pleasant talk with Misses Mosley &c- May Swinton with Kitty Wrote Sprunt. 56 JUNE, 1899. Th. 1. Corpus Christi Ethel. Bank for remittance - Morton F. 2. To see Anna To Registry office- Pier- Tea at Swiss Place- Wrote Emily- Sa. 3. Splendid weather- Mrs Tubbs to call; long talk- Missed a lecture on music at Mrs Halley Stuarts old house now Miss Booths School- Moths in piano! 57JUNE, 1899. Su. 4. 1st Sunday after Trinity. Wrote Leigh Smith- Bell- Creighton- M. 5. Lovely weather Ethel- With Secretary- Then shopped- Love- Tu. 6. With Kitty on the Pier [?] very fine air- Medical Women's dinner 7.15 Wrote Browne, Coote- W. 7. Ethel With K on the St Leonard Pier. 58 JUNE, 1899. Th. 8. To library- May Swinton & tea & shop with Kitty. Ethers wedding 3.p.m. to Lewis [?H] Putney. Edwards. Jebb. Swinton. Browne. Tubbs F. 9. Read, Plato's apology, admirable To see Slade.[words crossed through] Called on Anna who was unusually bright- Note to [? Bary] Hill Sa. 10. Lucy [?] ? Miss Jebb & Felicia Scatcherd called. 3 p.m. at Mr Alex Paine's office- see Slade- and no 1 Marina Vet. Wrote Howard- Dr Jessopp. 59JUNEE, 1899. Su. 11. 2nd Sunday after Trinity. St. Barnabas. Anna Mac Adam. M. 12. To London Bank, Durlacher- Tu. 13. Called at annual meeting 22 Berners St. Miss King a Boucherett cordially greeted me. W. 14. Mrs Tubbs bespeaks on patrinage [?] St Leonards Archery Garden Concert [?] with Kitty, & May & Ethel 4-6. [?] a pretty sight. 60 JUNE, 1899. Th. 15. With Kitty to buy hat & other shopping. Wrote Emily- Berry with donor checque F. 16. To see Anna who seems well for her- Mrs Tubbs goes to Royal Palace Hotel until Aug 16th. Kensington. Conversation with Miss Love RL.G. by 11 o'clock- Creighton with checque- Helby. Sa. 17. with Kitty to order vanities!- preparation for medical dinner- Mr Newcombe called with papers grateful acknowledgement- Crieghton with checque by 11 o'clock [words starting with crossed through] conversation with Mrs Opie Potice Missionary. 61JUNE, 1899. Su. 18. 3rd Sunday After Trinity. E Howard. Stapley- Coote- Browne. M. 19. see Miss Booth- Try bonnet 4 p.m. buy waist coat- Tu. 20. Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837. To London. Kirke's Physiology- Vigilance Reception- W. 21. Longest Day. Saw Mr Bell about Trust [?] (Harvard College dissipations commences) vigilance Conference opens ----for 3 days. Dr Cafter 8 p.m. [?] alas! 62 JUNE, 1899. Th. 22. To Westminster Palace Hotel- saw Mrs Tubbs- returned home. 23. ordered Zouave jacket- Called at Park Mansion- Bank with checque. Wrote George. Estcourt. ALBrowne Sa. 24. St, John Baptist. Midsummer Day. To coat maker- Steer -Lowell- papers to Alice. 63JUNE, 1899. Su. 25. 4th Sunday after Trinity. Tubbs. Fischer Lette- Berry- Post office M. 26. Quarter Sessions begin. [10 am try jacket] Westminster Town Hall. International council of Women Commences. wrote Creighton- Tu. 27. Council Chamber Westminster Town Hall 2.30 to 4.30 Mr Anderson Chairman. W. 28. Mr Creighton's meeting Mrs Lowell? Fischer Lette Saw Mr Barlow at 11 [?Half Moon] told [?], medical Dinner 5 Alice with papers- Lowell.. Creighton Kitty- Stapley. 64 JUNE- JULY, 1899. Th. 29. St. Peter. Small Hall Westminster Town Hall 10.30 to 1. Mr Ayeton Chairman- F. 30. To Church House. Mrs Creighton in chair sat on platform said a few words- [Memorial Hall Tarrington St] Returned home. 6 p.m. Dr Creighton wished me good bye at train- Sa. July 1. [To Hoseham Road? ] [?Shulle]court - Lowell- Brown St Croix. Bank E 65July, 1899. Su. 2. 5th Sunday after Trinity. M. 3. To London. Council Chamber W. T. Hall. 2 30 meet Mr Lowell- Mr Tubbs paper Exeter Hall 7 30 p.m. Mr Butlers with Mr Lowell- Tu. 4 returned home. called on Churchill 1 00 copies remaining of Pioneer Work Porfitt W. 5. Felt stupid - wrote many letters- Sam acknowledging [??Go] notes of hand 66 July, 1899. Th. 6. Dull Cheale. Browne. Whetman Childers. F.7 Ethel Mr Fischer Lette arrived. Ethel to lunch- SA. 8. To see Anna - Dr [?L]oche called there on top of omnibus to West Marine 67JULY,1899. Su. 9. 6th Sunday after Trinity. Fire Insurance ceases. Calls from Scatcherds- and Daunreuthers- Jebb- Swinton- M. 10. Ethel Mrs Fischer left for London Shopped &c with Kitty- very stupid- Tu.11. Bank with Checque- Gardening girl- Emily W. 12. Ethel Mr Newcombe called looking very feeble. Shuttleworth- J.H. Walker- Browne- 68 JULY, 1899. Th. 13. postal order to Coote- F. 14. Ethel call at P.O. about letter to B[?] mis carried- To see Anna in h[?]arbours- shopped- Percey Hill engaged- Alas! Bank- Browne-Anna with cutting- Sa. 15. St. Swithin. To prize giving by a Mrs Harkness. 69JULY, 1899. Su 16. 7th Sunday after Trinity. Saddened by the neccesity of poor little Burr leaving us. M. 17. a peaceful exit for our faithful little dog! Shuttleworth- Coote- Browne- Tu. 18. 3 years ago my dear old Don died. Buried dear little Burr by his father! How we miss them! Salt Childers- Anderson Creighton- W. 19. Take 10.15 train See Coote- Bank- Bell College meeting 4.30 p.m. I voted in a minority of one! Sarah E. Lewis 140 St John's 70 July, 1899. Th. 20. Dr Shuttleworth at 12.45 fri[??]ly conference. Drove round Regents Park with Mr Browne, but afterwards failed to find Dr Creighton & E [Minto?] as I hoped- but the Park was most beautiful returned home by 7.5 train F. 21. How we miss our dear little Burr! Called on Anna. Sent to C. Stint- Minto Pioneer Work- Bell. Salt Hassey Creighton Sa. 22. a refreshing early rain after long drought- I miss the little head gazing [eagerly?] to watch who comes down stairs- Post Master Harkness- Anna. Coote. Road upper Halloway St. JULY, 1899. Su.23. 8th Sunday after Trinity Mrs Daunrenther called Childers. M. 24. The house seems very lonely to us both. With Kitty to Pier- meeting Swintons on the way- Tu. 25. St. James Mr Swinton called. and Miss Jebb and Wilhelms- I am planning a trip to Scotland- We need a complete change- so much we miss our faithful dogs- Wrote Alice- Browne- Swinton- George- W. 26. Kitty to London. Shopped- Ethel read in the afternoon. Creighton- F. Scatcherd- Churchill- ordered New Directory 72 JULY, 1899. Th. 27. Bell. Browne. F. 28. Ethel Kitty chose summers materials to see Anna- Hagler- Swinton- Sa. 29. Fine dry weather continues Shopped with Kl Continued preparation for Scotland Marian's good Mary called with husband. 73 JULY-AUGUST, 1899. Su. 30. 9th Sunday after Trinity. Browne Coote- Childers- M. 31. Game Certificates expire. Shopped K- & watched the beautiful water Creighton- Hussey. Tu. August 1. Lammas Day. Ethel Kitty to Canterbury- To Dressmaker Jinks - Jebb. w. 2. Miss Childers? Dressmaker after six p.m. Browne. Creighton- Ethel - Fischer Lette 74 AUGUST, 1899. Th. 3. To London. Sharpe- Bank- Browne- Durlacher- Dr C Came to the train- [White Slave Congress 4 p.m. 267 Strand-] Kitty with money to Ethel Simmons- Finishing business preparatory to holiday- F. 4. Ethel- Miss Jebb & Miss Wilhelms to tea- talked Scotland. Childers. Dr Walker- Shuttleworth. Sa. 5. Kitty to Miss Jebb caught in thunderstorm- Miss S. Mosley called- Pall Mall Gazette Aug 5. Hunting the Microbe- 75AUGUST, 1899. Su. ^. 10th Sunday after Trinity. Howard with papers- M. 7. Bank Holiday. Very crowded with Holiday makers- Kitty to Miss Jebb returning cloak. Stayed at home all day. Tu. 8. Mrs Browne leaves home 4 1/2 Mill Mosley to meet Walker & Luppeny- Pleasant visit and walk home- Wrote Emily. W. 9. Mr Hussey and Friend arrived Dressmake in evening. 76 AUGUST, 1899. Th. 10. Lucy leaves Kitty to the Albany to call on Mr Hussey Shopped- Miss Childers- Mrs Hussey called after tea! Miss Low. Walker- F. 11. Half Quarter Day. Mrs Hussey a long morning call- To see Anna- Bought boots- Browne Sa. 12. Grouse Shooting begins. Trinity Sittings end. Mrs Hussey spent the morning here Shopped. Pall Malls to America- 77AUGUST, 1899. Su. 13. 11th Sunday after Trinity. Met Mrs. Hussey at Quaker meeting- Bank with checque- Anna-A L Browne M. 14. Tu. 15. A pleasant drive with Mrs Hussey and Kitty- Said goodbye to Miss Philbrook and promised to send questions photo investigate- W. 16. Mrs Hussey to say goodbye at 6.30! Coker for corn-&c 78 AUGUST, 1899. Th. 17 Weather oppressive Preparing for Scotch trip Creighton- Browne- F. 18. Left Hastings for York by 8.40 train- See Notebook for account of delightful [?] Sa. 19 79AUGUST, 1899. __________________________________ Su. 27. 13th Sunday after Trinity. __________________________________ M. 28. __________________________________ Tu. 29. __________________________________ W. 30. __________________________________ 82 AUGUST--SEPTEMBER, 1899. __________________________________ TH. 31. [Deal Mam'an?ied n] 98. __________________________________ F. SEPTEMBER 1. Partridge Shooting begins. __________________________________ SA. 2. __________________________________ 83 SEPTEMBER. 1899. Su. 10. 15th Sunday after Trinity. M. 11. Tu. 12. W.13. Rowland Eshcourt's birthday 86 SEPTEMBER, 1899. Th. 14. F. 15. Slept at York on our return reaching home a little after 6.p.m. S. 16. Felt very dr[owing?] -sea air Very differnt from [Scotland?] air- Called on Anna giving account of our adventures- Wrote Browne- 87SEPTEMBER, 1899. Su. 17. 16th Sunday after Trinity. Ember Week. Felicia Scatcherd. Wrote Mary letters- M. 18. Looking for servant- sent Pioneer Work to Dr Balantyne- Considered mounting our photographs- Found Mr Swinton & May on return from St. Leonards Tu. 19. Tunbridge Wells to see Mrs Browne Looked for servant- Engaged Katie Burn for next Tuesday. W. 20. Ember Day. To see Apel- Fine tide Watched breakers. Shopped with Kitty- dresses for Sarah To unsatisfactory, A. V. meeting. Wrote- Ellen- Dakin- Browne. 88 SEPTEMBER, 1899. Th. 21. St. Matthew. Beautiful morning. With Kitty to do a little shopping & sat on the Esplanade- a very stormy night- Stock- Longman- Mosley F. 22. Ember Day. Beautiful day. small shopping- To call on Mr Hickman- Wrote Emily- Howard- Ethel Harvey. Sa. 23. Ember Day. Autumnal Equinox Called on Anna- To see Mrs Brown at Tunbridge Wells. 89 SEPTEMBER,1899. Su. 24. 17th Sunday after Trinity. A lovely day round Rustall Common & sad recollections of faithful Don- M. 25. Returned home- much gratified by Dr Ballantynes letter- Kitty to Battle on Bolly- Browne- Ballantyne. Tu. 26. Card to Douie. N.G Bacon- [?] on Longman. W. 27. rainy Called on Mrs Walsh of Observer about war in the Trans[?] Kitty read to me all the evening 90 SEPTEMBER, 1899. Th. 28. Wrote letter for Observer Walked on the To Pier- Browne- F. 29. St. Michael and all Angels, Michaelmas Day. Tried on Bonnet. Tubbs. Creighton- Browne. Bell. Emily. Sa. 30. To see Anna- Dr Creighton Came down- Ballantyne with letter to his class. 91Oct. 2 Kate Burn at £9. pr an! = 75 shillings a month - OCTOBER, 1899. Su. 1. 18th Sunday after Trinity. Stormy wind & rain all day. M. 2. Pheasant Shooting begins. To London with Dr Creighton Opening of Woman Medical [?] Anderson Address 4 p.m. Characteristic Stayed at The Midland Hotel Tu. 3. To Bank- Stop at Tunbridge Wells 11.15 train saw Mr Browne. W. 4. Kitty acted as Secretary- Mrs McKlejou 4 p.m. Ballantyne- Stock- Churchill Adland Marston- Bell 92 Browne- Slade Bank book. OCTOBER .1899. Th. 5. Rainy morning. Shopped & paid bills- Douie- Longman- Stock - S Mosley F. 6. Fine. Pioneer Work to Syracuse? Book with note Jebb- Ballantyne with pamphlets- Sa. 7. Fine. To see Anna To Mr Malden's lecture [Browne- A & C Black with cheque ] P O order 93OCTOBER, 1899. Su. 8. 19th Sunday after Trinity. M. 9. Anderson Black D327456. Erosfield. Douie. Browne Tu. 10 Bok to America Shield to Emily- Creighton Trust meeting-? W. 11. Fine day. To Tunbridge Wells to see Mrs 10.15 return 3.20 or 4. 50 Browne. Tea at Semadeiu- 94 OCTOBER, 1899. Th. 12. Fog & drizzle- Strolled on Esplanade- Tea solus. Bank with checque. George. F. 13. Fine. Tubbs. Sa . 14. Fire Insurance ceases. Fine. To see Anna To Lecture- [?] Dr Jex- Blake. 95 OCTOBER. 1899. Su. 15. 20th Sunday after Trinity. Fine rather dazed- Jebb. to St Mary's in Castle M. 16. Quarter Sessions Begin. Fine Kitty to Cemetery- Browne. Dolan with checque- Tu. 17 Fie Dr Ballantynes lecture begin. With Kitty to the Cemetery to find Mary O'Gorman's grave Bell- W. 18. St. Luke. Kitty to London To see Mrs Browne at Tunbridge Wells Drove to lovely Happy Valley but mist too cold for longer drive. 96 OCTOBER, 1899. Th. 19. Cannot get rid of cold- Dr Ballantyne sent me his typed [?colume] Miss Jebb to tea- Mrs Tubb at home- Browne, Stock. Ballantyne. F. 20. Fine- bought tickets for Lloyd lecture also Saturday lecture- Sa. 21. To see Anna- To lecture- To Warrior Square Forsaith Creighton Salt- Hamilton- [?]oth G 97OCTOBER, 1899. Su. 22. 21st Sunday fter Trinity. Fine. Miss Edwards & Daunreather called To congrenational church- M. 23. Dense Fogg. Ballantyne with pamphlet Mann. Anna. Eshcourt. Johnston- Tu. 24. Michaelmas Sittings begin. Hazy. Top of omnibus ride in the afternoon. Longman Sharpe. Hussey- Forsaith- Coote- Churchill W. 25. Hazy. With Kitty to Robertson St= Mrs Swinton and May- Mrs Tubbs with Ruata S tubbs Emily with Anna's note- 98 OCTOBER, 1899. Th. 26. Public Hall 3 p m lecture- with Kitty- Meg Swinton to tea- Browne Stock- Tubbs. f. 27. Rainy- in top of omnibus - fine air Creighton- Estcourt- Sa. 28. St. Simon and St. Jude. Dull then rain. Called on Hiss Jebb & Mrs Tubb both out- then to see Anna. 99OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1899. Rain. considered Trust agenda- & Read a pamphlet Creighton. M. 30. Trust meeting 5 pm. 62 Goeser St. Pleasant meeting of three- To meet again on last Monday. in January. Tu. 31. returned home. Dr Creighton to train to discuss Ruata pamphlet &c. W. November 1. All Saints' Day. Stock Exchange closed. Very fine day. To Nock[??] pr[?]tu[?]- Walked all the way home, but very tired. Poor May Swinton paid me a very painful visit. Tubbs- Jebb Sherar. S tubbs 100 NOVEMBER, 1899. Th. 2. Dull some rain- With Kitty shopping. Bank with checque. Tubbs- Douie with pamphlet- F. 3 Sam's birthday- To a queer meeting at 10 Warrior Square on radiant light in treatments of disease. Mrs Swinton & May called- violent gusty wind Mrs Swinton -- Sholto Newman Sa. 4. Mist & rain. Called on Anna- Emily to read her paper at the Unitarian Woman's League A nice letter from Edinburgh Student- sent [?] [Lecture 3. p. m.] Booth Pioneer Works 101. High NOVEMBER, 1899. Su. 5. 23rd Sunday after Trinity. Misty rain. Browne. Walker, Anna. M. 6. Fine but misty. Tubbs. Creighton. Tu. 7/ Fine , morning- gusty afternoon Teale with checque Coote. Honnor Morton St Martin Town Hall 8 pm. [words crossed through] Coote- W. 8. fine morning - gusty afternoon Tremendous gale whilst at dinner- then walked home in brilliant star light to dine with Miss Goldsmed 102 NOVEMBER, 1899. Th. 9. Prince of Wales' Birthday, 1841. Very fine Noisy bells for royal birthday- On top of omnibus- pleasant drive- Lord Mayors Day, in London- Coote with [?spendeca] [?] F. 10 High gusty wind, Took omnibus to Marina High tide with great breakers. observed unusual sea weed. Sheppard. Sa. 11. Half Quarter Day. Fine. To lecture on India Vaughan- Med Resps 1 to 4 Army docters. 103NOVEMBER, 1899. SU. 12. 24th Sunday after Trinity. to Mr. New's church in evening M. 13. Mild Mr. Swinton called. Anti-vivisection 3:30 Y.W.C.A Claremont the meeting a failure. Innocent. Creighton. Browne. TU. 14. placing Teals grate commences. [Café Chantant 3 to 5:30 Albany Hotel] W. 15. Dowsing radiant heat bath 4-6? Café Chantant -- a crowded unsatisfactory meeting -- 104 NOVEMBER, 1899. TH. 16. Dull cold Sarah ill in bed - To see Anna - Bell. F. 17. Call at bank. To London. Call on Dr. Shepard with physiological plates. - an [J????] [Brassey Institute 3 p.m. Benj. Waugh] [?] of evening meeting Call on Be re Creighton & Trust also how to get up an [?] SA. 18. returned home. Mrs. Browne driving me to the 3:25 train - found Sarah better - Mrs. Dr[?]ing nursed her [Lecture 3 p.m.] Nock to call for manuscript 4 - 5 105NOVEMBER, 1899. SU. 19. 25th Sunday after Trinity. Mrs Ethel Vaughan to tea Interesting talk. M. 20. Hazy M Simmons for distributing pamphlets Book to Bank Pioneer Work to Edinburgh Library. (Colby) TU. 21. Fine. P.M.J. to Emily & Zackrzewska Mrs. C. Goldsmid St Frances Scientific Method to Victor Dr. Creighton's 52nd birthday - wrote congratulation Museum Collection called W. 22. Very heavy fog. Left card for Mr Leadlas message for Mrs Newcombe Emily - George. May Swinton. Jebb. 106 NOVEMBER, 1899. TH. 23 raw fog. To see Mrs. Jebb in her trouble. Bell. To Frances & Harry Titterton - Mrs. Browne with pamphlets - F. 24. raw haze. Sarah went home to recruit - Polly came Too hazy to see Andromeda and shooting stars - Miss Hill-Reader /The Croft Browne SA. 25 To see Anna. with Kitty in the afternoon. Ballantyne with pamphlet Col. Gildea Coote Forsaith 107November, 1899. Su. 26. 26th Sunday after Trinity. Heard Mr New's polemical sermon. M. 27. sent Pioneer Work to Fran Gerherd and Miss McKeill. gazed at the pathetic face o a young seal! May Swinton took tea with me. Tu. 28. Still dull & hazy. 40 pamphlets to Forsaith bought concert tickets- Forsaith- w. 29. Very fine- enquired about public libraries. and other errands. Browne. Sarah Nash. 108 NOVEMBER--DECEMBER, 1899. Th. 30. St. Andrew. Dull Paper Emily- pamphlet to [?Garrigiss] errands with Kitty- Concert 7.30 F. December 1. Dull Wrote Emily- Sa. 2. Very fine To see Anna- To lecture with Miss Jebb- Poor Mr Swinton poured out his troubles! Benney- Walker 109DECEMBER , 1899. Su. 3. 1st Sunday in Advent. To All Saints unsatisfactory M. 4. Mrs Swinton 3 pm ? ill. Mr S. called. George - Cheney- Creighton, Scatcherd. Bank with cheque Tu. 5. To London? Miss Priestman at No 58. C.T.S. 4 p.m. Mrs Boole ill so Miss Wedgwood read a paper Said good bye to the friends- Dr Creighton called in the [???] W. 6. To British Museum about public Library books See Walker [about Secretary] otherwise engaged. Saw Mr Bell who will get me a copy of catalogue found all well at home. 110 DECEMBER, 1899. Th. 7. Dull Sorted papers- Browne F. 8. Colder May Swinton to tea- Teale with checque Sa. 9. Fine but cold To see Anna. Lecture not satisfactory Browne- Schmahl- Stock. 111DECEMBER, 1899. Su. 10. 2nd Sunday in Advent. To large Wesleyan church- wrote Creightons- M. 11. Dull, Cold. Shopped. Wrote Anna- S. Mosley. Tu. 12. Dull. sharp cold wind. To examine piano Dr Creighton came down. W. 13. Dull. Very sharp wind Nursed Dr Creighton's cold- Book and letter to Stock- George with Howards letters- Hammond with pamphlets- 112 DECEMBER, 1899. Th. 14. Very cold Dr Creighton returned home- Ordered 12 Pioneer Work from Longman, for Mrs Browne- also Richardson's book Browne. Bell . Longman. F. 15. Very fine. practised very stiff fingers- May Swinton poured out her troubles Sarah. Browne. Bank with annuity order Nock. Henderson Hope- Pinker Sa. 16. Fine day. To see Anna. talked of Swinton family troubles- With Kitty to see Bradwood [?pion] but disappointed- Slade St Leonards 4-5 p.m. Terrible war news- the whole atmosphere [?sirens] were quiet! H 113Dull DECEMBER, 1899. Su. 17. 3rd Sunday in Advent. Ember Week. Salt- Browne, Dr Adamson. M. 18. Ethel Simmons began work sent away the trial piano. May Swinton took tea. [?] amy. Stock- Tu. 19. raw foggy- The Transvael War spoils Christmas! Kitty [?] cold- W. 20. Ember Day. Ethel Simmons- not able to work as Kitty was unwell I broke Bur's photo glass and searched for another- Alan sends photos of Tosch. 114 DECEMBER, 1899. Th. 21. St. Thomas. Michaelmas Sittings end. raw foggy Kitty still in bed- War news very depressing - Sharpe with signature . Browne. Anna F. 22. Ember Day. Raw- cold- ordered fender- bought frame for Tosh photo- Mr Swinton called, also May. later Kitty in bed all day - [?ale] at night! Posted our Christmas cards- Sa. 23. Ember Day. Foggy. Miss Jebb- May, to see Kitty- Anna very unwell with influenza Dr Appel called for long disjointed talk. 115DECEMBER, 1899. Su. 24. 4th Sunday in Advent Very foggy, Mrs Daunriethes- Luddors and two children Called- also May Swinton to see Kitty - I caught a cold- M. 25 Christmas Day A fine day- K & I with heavy colds- meant to see Anna but could not find a cab. Anna dinner 6 p.m. [words crossed through] too unwell to receive us. Brown. Allen- Bank with checque- Tu. 26. St. Stephen. Bank Holiday. Anna very ill. took a cab late at night to see her. W. 27. St. John. Saw Anna who is better- Kitty , very slowly recovering. My cold annoying- to Library Appel, May, Nettie, all called Wrote Browne- Ball- 116 DECEMBER, 1899. Th. 28. Holy Innocents. Anna reported better. Rev Mr Saunder called for help to poor- F. 29. Storm increasing to gale Saw Anna in order to give information to Blyth- Kitty slowly getting over cold which I take over Blyth- George. Sa. 30. Craved Sherry - and relished Sardines! Browne. Bell. 117 December 1988- January , 1900 Su. 31. 1st Sunday after Christmas. Miss L. Newton M. January 1. Tu. 2. W. 3 January, 1900. Th. 4. F. 5. Sa. 6. Polly wage £10 a year- s. 13 d. 8 per month Monthly Cash Account. Date. JANUARY, 1899. Received. Polly Wages. £10. £. s. d. per [?month] 1 13 4 December House------ 3 0 0 2 Coal &c 2 0 0 3 chemises 1 [?] gown 9 10 concert tickets 6 0 tape[crossed out] & cole's 1 [?] o bodkin printing 5 6 4 mending chair 1 6 black silk 2 6 Subscrip to Oxford Extension 5 0 7 House 3 0 0 8 London & back 1 0 0 10 Subscrip to R.M.Women 10 6 13 Opposing Harbour 10 0 cab to Church [?] 7 0 &c meeting 16 Subs to Storm Bell 3 7 Donation to Rev Arnold 2 6 Didcot 120 Total, £ 13. 13. 4 £ 1. 13. 4 every 2 months Monthly Cash Account. Date. JANUARY, 1899. Paid. £ s. d. 17 Whittaker books[ crossed through] To London in purse 14 1 1. 6. 8. 19 Vine bill by checque 28 9 6 " Hall repairs 1 " Whittaker 1 5 1[?] 20 Improving bonnet & [?] 2 Boroush Accounts 1 0 omnibuses 4 21 For bill &c 5 0 0 " House 3 0 0 23 To Anna cab 3 0 Envelopes 8 B[?] [?] 2 9 24 cab from station 2 6 envelopes 1 0 26 Stamps 5 0 Woollen stockings 5 1 28 covering chair 2 11 3 House 3 0 0 Net &c Total, £ 2 0 ½ 121 46 5 4 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. FEBRUARY, 1899. RECEIVED. L s. d. 31 kitty for self 1 10 0 February ___________ 1' 3 Papooa Cards 2 3 4 Postage to Adlond 1 7 7 To London & back 1 5 0 8 to Kitty for self 1 1 0 10 Dentist bills for K.E. 2 16 0 To Durban 9 11 House 3 0 0 Omnibus tickets 3 5 13 Pay Chi(??)al R(??) 1 - 1 " Silk for waistcoat 2 5 Wrappes - 14 Curtains for doors [1 2 0] 8 0 16 Towards Peace & Prohbition 6 0 17 Coal - 2 16 11 Stamped Paper 3 6 Pou(??) stamps 60 0 Total, L 122 2 2 4 0 Monthly Cash Account. Date. February, 1899. Paid. L s. d. 18 House 3 0 0 20 For visit 1 0 0 22 London & Club &c 1 12 0 24 omnibus & [syllabus?] 6 25 omnibuses 6 London & back 1 2 0 [Contonapray?] 2 6 March 4 House 3 0 0 To London 1 2 0 9 Rates 3 12 0 Stapley [Alb?] 2 6 postage 6 pamphlets 3 1 11 House 3 0 0 cab 4 0 18 4 1 Monthly Cash Account Date. March 1899. Received £ s. d. 11 House 3 0 0 13 Cabs 4 0 Present 1 0 0 14 Subscrp Anti 10 0 Slavry Book order 18 2 15 Cab to Highlands 2 6 trimming & stockings 10 3½ ditto 6 4½ 17 Mr Rausom 1 0 0 & Miss Butterworth 12 6 18 House 3 0 0 Chevalier 5 0 21 London & Club 2 10 0 RSPA subscrip: 1 1 0 penny stamps 5 0 24 Polly Wages 1 13 4 25 House 3 0 0 124 Total, £ 19 16 2 Monthly Cash Account. Date. March, 1899. Paid £ s. d. 27 omnibuses &c 1 0 31 Mending basin 6 8 Zoophilist subscrip: 7 0 [?][word crossed through] church 1 0 April 1. House 3 0 0 2. St Clements 6 4 Cab to Miss Edwards 2 0 5 Kenisard Concert 8 8 omnibus ticket 3 0 7 Stamps for Essay 3 0 8 House - - 3 0 0 12 Kitty for London 3 0 0 For Medical Annual 7 6 " Royal Free 1 1 0 " Hospital Orations 6 0 15 House 3 0 0 wrappers 8¼ 17 To Bexhill Total, £ 8 125 15 8 9Monthly Cash Account Date APRIL 1899 Received £ s. d. April 17 three penny stamps 10 .0 string & paper 10 18 Envelopes 4 Restaurants 1 7 20 omnibuses 8 cake 2 22 House 3 0 0 23 Church 1 0 25 London & back &c 19 0 28 Paper 1 4 "" [?] house 6 29 Sub: to girls House 10 6 Non Kitty Saving Bank 10[5] 0 0 House 3 0 0 May 1 Paid Ethel 1. 0 0 For Journey C. 1. 0 0 2 To London &c 1 0 0 4 Penny stamps 10 0 Bexhill [1??]0 Total, £ 22.7 10 May, Monthly Cash Account. Date. April, 1899. Paid £ s. d. 4 Taxes Poor Rate 2 0 0 Gammon Bill 6 13 9 6 House 3 0 0 Vetarinay [?] 2 2 0 Social Purity 5 0 9 ointment 1 0 coke & coal 2 13 9 lecture 1 10 Naylor 10 1. 13 House 3 0 0 Kitty for Northampton 2 10 0 omnibuses 4 Knitting needles 4 15 Omnibus &c 10 17 thread- cake [p] envelopes 2 4 19 Postage on Scientific Method 4 Church 1 0 Total, £ 127Monthly Cash Account. Date. May, 1899. Received. £ s. d. 22 For weeks house 1 12 1 expence to Sarah- 24 Polly wages 2 months 1 13 4 27 House 3 0 0 omnibuses 4 29 To [?] &c 2 2 church in the Wood June 1 Paid Ethel for May 1 0 0 Tea &c 2 6 Registry 1 0 3 House 3 0 0 omnibuses 6 5 Stockings & gloves 6 7 Stamps 2 day 6 0 hair pins &c 4 6 Pier 2 0 7 " 2 0 8 Kitty for 1/2 year 6 0 0 Total, £ 128 Monthly Cash Account. Date. June May[this word crossed through] 1899. Paid £ s. d. 10 House 3 0 0 13 Party to Pompadour 4 1 concert 15 checque for medical 10 6 dinner Library subcript [1?] 1 0 making slippers 12 6 Viella 6 11 12 3 penny stamps 6 0 for essays 19 penny stamps 2 6 waist coats 7 10½ belt ribbon & 2 0 omnibus 24 paid bonnet 14 2 House 3 0 0 26 paid Ethel 1 0 0 for June 27 London & Womens Congress cabs &c 2 0 0 Total, £ I 129 Monthly Cash Account. Date. June, 1899 Received July £ s. d. 1 House 3 0 0 2 Lucy 2 3 To London 1 0 0 2 cabs 5 Twilled calico & 14 0 pattern 6 envelopes 1 8 House 3 0 0 omnibus for three 2 6 10 Stamps for pamphlets 3 0 penny slippers 3 0 coat &c 4 14 6 camphor 1 6 12 Penny & foreign stamp 13 6 Osborne printing 3 6 13 Postal order 1 1/2 15 House 3 0 0 17 Percy Hill 1 10 0 18 Digging grave &c 10 0 Total, £ 130 Monthly Cash Account. Date. June, 1899. Paid. 19 To London £ s. d. &c 15 0 22 House. omnibuses 3 0 [?] 24 Flannel drawers 6 9 Kitty for London 1 0 0 26 Photo frames 10 Pearl buttons 1 6 29 House 3 0 0 frame for Burr 4½ omnibuses 2 [?Risaily] touret [?latle] 2 31 Dress Material &c pins 16 11 August 1 K. to [?Cantuterbury] 8 0 3 To London & cabs 17 3 Ethel for July 1 0 0 4 Post cards 6 Blouses & veil 6 5 1½ House 3 0 0 Total, £ 131 Monthly Cash Account. Date. July, 1899. Received. £ s. d. 8 cab to [?Rothenberger] 2 5 10 Kitty [?] advance 6 0 0 wages Lucy 15 4 11 boots 4 0 12 House 3 0 0 2 pr gloves 4 0½ penny stamps 5 0 16 [?Corn] cutter 3 4 Dress maker 1 0 1 17 House 3 0 0 Tickets to Edinburgh 6 0 0 small items 2 0 Aug 18 Cab to station Tour in Scotland 45 " " " " " " Total, £ 132 Monthly Cash Account. Date. July, 189. Paid. -September- £ s. d. 18 Postage & mill board 9 tart &c 4 19 Registry office Dakin 1 6 Review of Reviews 6 20 Apel Registry 3 6 print dresses [?] 9 271/4 3 pr stockings 6. 9 21 Longman & Co 1 11 9 House 3 0 0 23 Tunbridge Wells &c 10 0 omnibuses &c 1 0 28 To Sarah for sum 10 0 given to [?] Border plants 3 0 cakes 6½ 30 House 3 0 0 October 2 To London & 1 0 0 cabs Total, £ Hotel bill 133 11 6 Monthly Cash Account. Date, AUGUST, 1899. Received. October £ s. d. 5 Taxes. Millening 5 10 11 repairing of shoes 7 6 Kitty's birthday 5 0 0 6 Memorial stone 13 6 Insurance 9 0 7 House & Coal 4 0 0 Lecture 1 6 9 Claremont library 1 0 10 For little graves 2 0 13 Penny stamps 10 0 14 Lecture- &c 1 10 House 3 0 0 cake 4 16 Dolan Halifax 15 0 17 omnibuses & grapes 1 1 18 Kitty for London 10 0 Self Tunbridge Wells 5 3 Stamped writing paper 5 6 134 Monthly Cash Account. Date. AAUGUST, 1899. Paid £ s. d. 20 Lecture tickets 7 6 cake 4 21 House 3 0 0 22 church 6 24 ribbon - - 4 omnibus & cake 10 25 Promised Mrs S Tubbs 1 0 0 Brosck 6 28 House 3 0 0 Omnibuses 30 London &c 1 0 0 November 1 cheques to Stubbs 2 0 0 & Sheres 2 Davanport Jones 6 8 Envelopes 8 9 [?Stamps] 3 2½ 4 Covering umbretta 8 8 omnibuses 6 account book Total, £ 1 135 Monthly Cash Account Date. SEPTEMBER, 1899 Received. November £ s. d. 4 House 3 0 0 5 Review of Reviews 6 omnibuses 4 6 Richards bill 10 0 &c 7 Poor rate tax 2 2 8 " checque for Teale Slate 6 9 9 9 omnibus 6 10 House 3 0 0 Lecture 1 6 11 church 6 15 omnibus 1 16 Teale hood [??] 1 9 17 To London with 1 10 0 " cabs &c 18 House 3 0 0 extra 1 15 0 20 postage Pamphlets 1 6 and book Black Veil 2 11½ omnibus Total, £ 1 136 [?] Monthly Cash Account. Date. SEPTEMBER, 1899. Paid £ s. d. 21 Museum [?sub:] 5 0 23 omnibuses 6 24 House 2 5 0 Nork for printing 4 5 6 25 scissors 2 3 26 church 6 27 yard of net 1 1¾ cake 9 28 Posting pamphlets 1 6 concert tickets 4 0 29 [?Workman] 2 0 30 House [?Ice 1.] 1 0 0 Chocolate 5 1 December 2 House 3 0 0 5 To London & cabs 1 2 0 7 cake 6 8 Gammon's bill 7 6 5 apel cards & Christmas [?] 16 6 9 House Total, £ 3 0 0 Music 137 3 0 Monthly Cash Account. Date. October, 1899. Received. 9 Lecture 1 6 £ s. d. Coal 2 5 0 omnibuses 6 11 Black repp. 1 20½ 13 franked journey C 1 0 0 15 Gardener 2 6 For House Expences with stamps 5/ 5 0 0 food for tea 1 4 19 Kitty for self 6 0 0 " The New Evangelion 3 9 20 Soap liniment 4 22 photo frame omnibus 2 6 lanoline &c 23 House 3 0 0 omnibuses 4 25 Christmas presents 10 0 Polly & Tate 5 0 26 Postman [?3] 3 0 [? Parder ] post 2 6 Total, £ 138 Monthly Cash Account. Date OCTOBER, 1899 Paid 26 Cabs to Anna 6 0 £ s. d. Rev Mr Saunders 10 0 for the poor 27 Mending watch 4 0 30 House 3 0 0 Sherry 3 0 Total, £ 139- Sums due . - Monthly Cash Account. DATE. NOVEMBER, 1899. RECEIVED. £. s. d. Jan January July from [S????e] ----------- 48 Guardian [Ass???] - . New S Wales 2 ---------------------------------- Aug February and [July] Sheppard ------------ 10 London & NW railway ____________________________ April George [Sep] 54 Oct ____________________________ May----- George [Oct] 18 Nov: City of Melbourne 2 _______________________________ June Annuity [Dec] 19 Dec. Half year Total £ 1[5?]3 2 140 Whole year 306 Monthly Cash Account. Date. November, 1899. Paid £ s. d. £ 306 pr annum or [£ 2.10 pr month] £25.10 per month Total, £ 141[*-Annual Subscriptions-*] Monthly Cash Account Date. December 1899. Received. £ s. d. [*pd.*] ---- Reg. Med Club 10 6 [*0*] withdrew this year [*pd*] ----- Authors Society 1 1 0 [*pd*] Personal Rights 10 0 [[*pd*] Pd] Vigilance Ass: 1 1 0 [*pd*] ----- Salvation Army. [5]1 6 0 [*pd*] Social Purity 5 0 [*pd*] ----- Land Nationalisation 1 1 0 Womens Med Mag? [*0*] with drawn [*pd*] ------ Psychical Research 1 1 0 [*pd*] --------- Humanitarian League 1 1 0 [Pioneer Club] [?] [*pd*] ----- Dogs Home 2 0 0 pd --- Royal Free Hospital 1 1 0 pd PSPA Colam 1 1 0 pd Clapham M[?] 1 1 0 p[?] cutting 1 1 0 145 [*---Donations*] Monthly Cash Account. Date. DECEMBER 1899 Paid £ s. d. Pd Hastings Extention 5 0 International Federates 5 0 0 pd Zoophilists 7 0 Hackbridge dogs 2 0 0 [April 5th Ethel Simmons] [Began as Secretary] Total, £ 143Cash Account--Yearly Abstract. Received Paid. £ s. d. £ s. d. january----- February---- March-------- April---------- May--------- June------- July-------- August---- September-- October---- November-- December--- Total, £ 144 International Remedies by W. Alter addressed to De L[?] on the 18th of May 1864 by dir H. Drummond Wolff (Madrid) 6d of Edward Stand[?ard] 26[?29] Cockspur Street, CX. S.W.Highland Tour. 1899.Highland Tour 1899 Aug 21 to Sep 15 This note book bought in Edinburgh. Notes of tour begin on page 41.At Edinburgh Monday Aug. 21st Wrote letters & then out with Kitty until past 4 p.m. Bought guide book — wandered about the old Town then found our way onto Calton Hill where we rested on the grass, admiring the magnificent site — but a disappointing mist came up, through which Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crag were dimly visible. Then we lunched at Darlings restaurant and afterwards made two rounds on top of omnibuses - 1st the Melville Drive by the charming suburb of Beaufort Road with a very fine view of Arthur's Seat in the distance Then by another omomnibus top to the port of Leith - a dingy business quarter, but where large steamers & crowded [?] were lying at anchor. We saw the Royal Infirmary & Medical quarter in the distance. Very glad to rest and get three cups of tea. Wrote Browne Creighton Anna — 3 Tuesday 22nd Drove to Holy road Then to Queen's Drive round Salisbury Crags & Arthur's Seat. Very fine, although the mist hindered the most extensive view. Lunched restaurant in Prince's St. — I took car back being tired, whilst Kitty went shopping, and came back feeling quite at home in Auld Reekie. We saw the soldiers drilling on the Castle Rock. Canoeing down the Closcs and Wynds of Cannongate, I wondered why epidemics do not decimate the inhabitants!5 Wednesday 23rd Made our way to the Royal Infirmary & Medical School University - past Heriot's Hospital – a long way off – then [to the?] old Medical School where I procured a syllabus of the Lectures - then to Old Grey Friars Church, scene of old Covenantor tragedies – To Summers for lunch then back to rest, sun very hot, with heavy haze. Bought fruit & cake for our tomorrow's visitor.Passed The Simpson Maternity Memorial created in honour of Sir James Simpson. 7 Aug 24 Thursday Wrote Mrs Dall for her sympathetic letter. Miss Jebb came to see us urged our going to St Andrews. Kitty's cold very heavy. After lunch we took the Queen's Drive then tea at Renton restaurant – then sat in the Garden and saw Miss Jebb off to St. Andrews.Back view of Edinburgh Cobblestones Laidlaw's Drive Music Shop — Children at [?] Melodious chimes & Sweet tuneful whistling at five o'clock — gradual waking of city to life [?] of Friday 25th Wrote to Bank with cheaques and Mrs. C.H. Dall. Omnibus car to Comely Bank, then car by Inver [?] to Arboretum & Botanical Gardens — Electric Cable. Lunched at Jenner's. By Brake to the Forth Bridge – a gigantic steel structure – 14 enormous stone square pillars – with three characteristic structures spanning the center of the Forth. The cable cars seem very satisfactory.9 Saturday 26th Awoke in very dazed condition Went to Cork's office and also to Waverley station to enquire about our further trips. To the Mounds, and after sitting in the Garden. Purchased flannel at Mc Larens shop. Lunched at Jenners. To the Castle under a guide with a boys school. Examined Ramsay Gardens & Arthur Thomson on 2nd floor. A wonderful crowd of people everywhere. Processions of shepherds Foresters &c with banners and music – calledto find when Dr Ballantyne Can be seen to with to to South Park Juniper Green – Very hot and close. 11 Sunday Aug 27. With Kitty to St John's Church – – an unsatisfactory service and sermon. It rained as we came out. Went to East Meadows to hear the german band at 6:15 – found three different field preachers haranging crowds. The people came in their thousands, filling the six converging avenues leading to the Meadows. We stood and watched the curious sight – with dogs racing and peoplelying on the grass, and the very fine Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags beyond. The Royal Infirmary close by. Came back by St Giles and Waverley Bridge; down Princes St; finding everywhere crowds of people. Wrote Creighton Browne 13 Monday Aug. 28 Bought Waterproofs at McLaren & Renton's. Lunched at Jenners. Received the sad news of poor Mary Sallers death. Rain from time to time Wrote Anna– Humphrey. Jebb15 Tuesday Aug 29 Excursion to Melrose and Abbotsford Driving in a brake to poor Scots unhappy speculation. The Eildon Hills were a very fine dominating feature of the landscape. The Tweed bounded the garden grounds – its murmur often heard. Fine tracing of St Melrose Abbey. Wrote Ballantyne, McLaren.17 Wednesday 30 Left cloak to be shortened. Bought Highland town ticket To Newington House. Bracket Avenue to lunch with Dr Agnes McLaren. had very interesting conversation — a remarkable woman.19 Thursday 8, To Stirling, passing the grand Ochill range. Sat on [?] of South Battery (against orders) a really splendid view of the Mountain [?] plain through which the Forth wandered. The light & shadows sweeping over the [?] mountain chain, seemed worth the journey from Hasting – Ben Lomond distinctly visible. Distressed by the enormous masses of sheep penned in innumerable pens, or driven wildly through the streets.Sep 1, Friday Once more to Castle to Battery & Queen Mary overlook Then across the lowlands to Aberfoyle – with the grand Highlands surrounding. Ben Lomond getting nearer at the time. Thrifty farming gathering in crops Lovely weather. Ben Lomond & put on their day caps on. Fine ride on coach to Aberfoyle well worth taking – by Lake Katrine Then steamer on Lake Lomond most beautiful – then rain in which we arrived at the Inversnaid – saturated with beauty but very tired. 21 Sep 2, Saturday Sound sleep by rushing waterfall – took the 9 a.m. steamer to Tarbet – But the place so beautiful, we resolved to spend Sunday here. Took a walk toward Binion with beautiful views and hills [gathered] gathered heath and oak leaves in remembrance. passing way to Rob Roy's Cave. Steamer to Balloch station by return sail the whole length of Loch Lomond – Very fine Captain's dog – seagulls – Wrote Mrs BrowneSep 3rd Sunday. Rain & Scotch mist all – so did not go to St Kentigern Church service at noon, as proposed. Kitty read from the monastory – and then we took a really delightful walk to the Waterfall which was doubled by the rain – fine effects of light, though sun did not shine. Sent a descriptive letter to Anna, to be forwarded to [?] 23 Sep 4 Monday. Left beautiful Enversnaid up the Loch for Adui, where we took train for Fort William, a three hours ride over outlying table land of the Grampians. Part of the line from Bridge of [ocdy] Ochy to Rannoch was the most desolate country I ever saw – hummocky mooreland and bogs – extensive enough to hide the bold mountain ridges that only occasionally came into view. The prospect became ever bolder, as we approached Lake Linney – and Fort William was finely situated and the Station Hotel so finely placed that we determined to rest there. Our bedroom commandsadmirable views of Lake and Mountains on two sides. We fetched the letters awaiting us at the post. I retired — very tired. Anna – Browne – Bell Bank with cheque Tuesday – 25 Sep 5. Tuesday. Most beautiful view from our room at the Station Hotel – but I wanted to rest – so we walked through the village & bought silk for styles – and then wandered on to a pleasant hill and rested in the delicious air. Wrote letters. In the afternoon found a delightful road by the Lake side – towards Inverness – with seats – and nice houses in large gardens on the other side – delicious air. A lovely place to bring children.Sep 6. Wednesday A memorable day on Ben Nevis. Drove to the foot. When I walked part of the way up, and sat on a boulder, above a comfortable stone farm house surrounded with trees whilst Kitty walked on A most impressive scene the rugged Ben Nevis chain, seamed with [?torture] tracks, with soft mossy grass up to the varied peak tops – group of trees dotted at the foot, where stone wall kept stones from rolling down. The sound of mowing in the oat field by the farmer – an occasional sheep bleat, the Nevis stream [peaty?] brown encircling the farm-stead, and winding along the beautiful [*at Fort William*] [*27*] Ben Nevis glen. But it is a 3 hours rugged walk and we resolved to stay another day, and secure a pony for me. Walked for hours about the pleasant neighborhood, sitting by the lovely Loch Linnhe, and examining the charmingly situated houses where apartments can be had. Sat in the drawing room and listened to two old military fogies discussing inevitable war with Transvaal in spite of "Peace Mongers" – England sure to win in long run" — I doubt their judgment. Very tired – and slept wellSep 7 Thursday. Alas! for hopes of ascent the lovely weather of yesterday changed to heavy fog, which blots out the encircling mountains with rain. Cleared up later & took a fine walk by Lakeside. Old boatman told us the fine opposite hill range was called Treslik – a part of the Argour district – Invernesshire, then Argylshire. The Bens were most beautiful in their varied cloud garments, with the birds singing, and young gulls uttering a plaintive musical note — extensive 29 Lakeside crafts stretched along the foot of the Treslik Range in the Argour country – a law was passed a few years ago, to give permanence to the Fen holders. A dense misty rain came down in the late afternoon. We decided to stay until Monday.Friday Sep. 8 We drove up the Glen Nevis -- a memorable scene -- clear cloudy weather with sun glimpses-- ten miles -- the first part through most beautiful avenues of fine oak elm birch &c. with strath each side the Nevis fed by mountain streams in the glen -- the road following its windings, then ascending, the Bens becoming wilder the sides grooved by water courses now dry -- at the head of the glen, rested the horse -- I rested on the hill side my 31 feet studied by a mossy boulder -- lying on the steep fresh grass filled with wet growths -- The grand mountains all around; but the head of the glen blocked and commanded by a tremendous mountain barrier. Kitty continued on the rough way, whilst I enjoyed the silence broken only by the sound of a white foam stream coming from a tremendous height -- Enormous boulder on whose abraded top a little fill of vegetation had grown upSaturday 9th By rail to Benavie in rain. Saw the starting of the steamer on the Caledonia canal.— In the afternoon fine weather a glorious sail down Loch Linnhe past Ardgour to Ballachulish – spent two hours waiting for next boat. Walked by lovely Lake side road to Temperance hotel a nice little place where the good woman gave us tea — sat on the little terrace with a charming view — then back by sunset, gradually fading into clear night. With fine star light stars 33 particularly brilliant – wind fresh & keen – but K & I sat at the stern with backs to on of the big chimneys which warmed us nicely. Ballachulish a charming quiet spot to stay in. Also Howardennan on Lake Lomond, worth thinking of.Sep 10. Sunday To Free Kirk service which was very unsatisfactory. Walked with K over our hill down to the lake, by lovely road. Sat for a couple of hours by the Loch, where the perfect stillness of the water gave the most wonderful reflections of light. With much regret, said good by to Ben-na-Kiel – (the Barometer) which was in beautiful clearness packed. Wrote McLaren 35 Monday Sep 11. Left Fort William by steamer down Loch Linnhe – in rain & mist – by Ardgour & Ballachulish – to Crinan Canal; where we changed steamer — 13 Lochs cyclopean work — wonderful reflection of light in the clear water – seagulls following steamer – breakfasted on board. At Ardshaig changed steamer – Loch Fyne – then final strech to Dunoon – weather cleared country fine. Varied foliage & magnificent trees on Canal. Loch Fyne Distillery. Beautiful sail to Dunoon, but"Highland," interesting, farther farther -- To Craigendoren Pier. Splendid Kyles of Bute! impossible to describe -- between Ardshaig & Dunoon reached Edinburgh about 7 p.m. passing Dumbarton at Linlithgow -- put up at Cockburn Hotel but could not sleep for r.r. 37 Tuesday 12 Sep Changed our quarters to the Clarendon on a quiet room I called by appointment on Dr. Ballantyne at 24 Melville St. Had a long hour's interesting conversation He disapproves of vivisection on religious grounds -- has been looked on askance by the profession -- is Prof[?] of midwivey for the Women's Extra mural School -- We were both very tired --Wednesday 13th Miss Kitty to choose photos -- and buy tartan handkerchiefs Wrote to Ethel Harsey & Lilian Jenkins, by the Drawing room bay window which commands the noble Castle Rock above the fine trees of Princes Gardens -- Some showers; and hopelessly misty for any excursion to Calton Hill. 34 Thursday 14 Met Miss Jebb Left for Lock at a m taking first a new delightful walk around the base of the noble Castle Rock. Coast scenery at North Berwick and Berwick, fine and interesting -- crossed Scottish border alas! Slept at York where we again visited the cathedral -- and waked all around the city walls -- more than a mile I should thinkFriday 15 [Met W] Left by 10 5 train for London thence for Hastings arriving a little after six o'clock and found house in good order and Sarah ready to greet us. Thus successfully ends our memorable Hieland tours --. We miss our little Burr 41 August 18'.. A comfortable journey from Hastings to Kings Cross. Thence by Great Northern for York. Ferns - Catte - Peterborough - fog and rain at Doncaster which cease at York where we had a very enjoyable afternoon & evening -- & musical service in the grand Cathedral long walk on City Wells - St. Mary's Abbey. King James' Palace - many churches - Kitty read P.U.S. on the pleasant garden of the Station Hotel - excellent bedroom - fine hotel. beautiful chimes & church bellsItinerary of our Scotch Tour. To York -- Edinburgh by Berwick -- Melrose & Abbotsford -- Stirling with Ben Lomond By Lake Katrine -- Loch Lomond Inversnaid Rob Roy's Cave Steamed to Balloch & back Sailed to Ardhue -- Rail to Fort William passing the desolate country from Bridges of Orchy to Rannoch Prospect over bolder to Loch Linnhe on which Fort William stands -- Drove to Ben Nevis -- Walks by Lake side -- 43 Up Glen Nevis -- Sail to Ardgour and Ballachulish -- Down Loch Linnhe to Crinan Canal -- [changing ?] Steamer through 13 locks [wh] to Ardsharag where changed steamers for Loch Tyne, then to Dunoon -- then to Craigendoren pier Through Kyles of Bute by Rothsay Then said to Edinburgh --45 Aug 19th, off for Edinburgh - Curious broken country between Darlington & New Castle dreary Bensham -- Pits and their settlements -- black soil most dreary Coast Road gave occasional glimpses of clear green North Sea, with sand & stone hills dipping into the sea -- Cheviots on the distance -- Berwick a large town -- Sottish Borderland rather bare but much cultivated -- Reached enormous Edinburgh Station in misty rain -- crowded with people -- found our trunk in lost baggage room. disappointed at Miss Low's -- put up at 11 Walker St -- took a [*47*]49 walk up Princes St to Post Office -- back by ominbus -- very tired to bed. Aug 20 Watched milk carts from my bedroom window Laidlaw's Dairy grey morning. Aug 20 Sunday. To St Giles Cathedral where we stood with a crowd of people till the doors opened at 11 30 -- a fine building very old -- a Scotch service with hearty singing -- Rather good sermon. In the later afternoon we sat for a couple of hours in51 Princes' Garden at foot of Castle Rock; setting on the grass, and watching the crow so enjoying the fine park like gardens. Many sitting on the grass. Very pleasant --From Stirling to Callander thence to [Inversnaid] Trossachs Loch Katrine - [?ccuring] bed ether at Trossachs Hotel or Inversnaid - Lake [?los] From Inversnaid by rail to Fort Williams--Letham Grange near Arbroath where Swanley students are working under Head Gardner- "Ledeard" at the farm so called on the northern side of Lochard the lovely waterfall described in Waverly. four or five miles from Aberfoyle. The Loch Awe hotel - at Loch Awe station.August Thur 17 September F. 18 Wed 6 - Sat 19 Thurs 7- Sun 20 Fri 8- M 21 Sat 9- T 22 Sun 10 W 23 Tues 12 Th 24 Wed 13 F 25 Thur 14 Sat 26 Fri 13 Sun 27 Sat 16 Mon 28 Sun 17 Tues 29 Mon 18 Wed 30 Thur 31 Fri 1 Sat 2 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tues 5 Brass Memorial Tablet, on Pillar in St. Giles Cathedral. To James Hannay Dean of this Cathedral. The first and last who read the Service Book in this Church 1616 to 1646. Dedicated in these Happier Times by his Descendants.12 ask all only me about death rate - water - sewage- Government - police - Prohibition - women voting - women students - or Thomson & Geddes1897 189[5]7******************************************* _____________________________________________________ C. & J. PENNY'S .. LONDON .. Almanack AND Diary 1897. *No. 10.* Golden Number .. .. 17 | Dominical Letter .. .. C Epact .. .. .. .. 26 | Roman Indiction .. .. 10 Solar Cycle .. .. .. 2 | Julian Period .. .. .. [?]610 LONDON: Published by H. W. CRANE & Co., 63, GOSWELL ROAD. --*-- Price 6d. ******************************************************lJanuary, 1897. On Gonorrheal Infection in Women by William Japp Sinclair MA. MD. H. K. Lewis 136. Gower St N.C. January, 1897. F.1. Circumcision. Stock Exchange Closed. Dull – misty. Wm Ross lunched here. Ede Annie Browne food bank Bank – Booth – Jebb with letter. To: Salt & Bell about Science & Soul. Sa. 2.. Fine. Salt. Rogers, Harry, Sam, Emily, & [?]JANUARY, 1897. Su. 3. Fine Marian illness – evening seizure Browne – Salt & Bell – George paper M. 4. Received news of Marian apoplectic attack – poor thing – such a sad interview! Kitty searched for nurse I by each found household worn out and rightly onerous. Anna swore Mother was present! Said goodbye to Wm Ross. Tu. 5. Rain Wrote a careful letter to Carpenter Gave funds [?] Dudley Road Cab to [?] [?] – 35 Dudley Road – Richardson Carpenter – George – Jeb St W. 6. To see poor Marian. Sam & Emily about remittance to [?] [Richardson. Jeb St with [?]] [?] JANUARY, 1897. Th. 7. Hale [?] – Browne – Barber – Bell Brocklehurst – [?] Smith – Boole Fr. 8. Rain To Marian Creighton – George. Beale – Beeby – Browell – Browne Sa. 9. mixed. Sent out lecture circulars &cJANUARY, 1897. Su. 10. 1st Sunday after Epiphany. To Marian who seemed to one in a dangerous condition. Schmahl. M. 11. Hilary Sittings begin. Beale. Thomson. Beedy. Tu. 12. fog K & I by cab to Marian. Card to George - Frances W. 13. Heavy fog. Dr Harvey, Booty, Paget. 18 JANUARY, 1897. Th. 14. Dull. To Marians. wrote for her. Purchased Resources. Brocklehurst. Stock. Reason. F. 15. Oblivion – a day lost. Sa. 16. To Murray about Anna's cheque To Dudley Road – talked to Ada. Interviewed by Mrs E. A. Pratt. 19JANUARY, 1897. Su. 17. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. Snow on all the rooves. Browne. Bell M. 18. Tu. 19. Foggy. Morrison. good lecture. W. 20. Dry Sir James Paget 10-12 30 5 Park Square West – Regent Park – 112 Gresham House Old Broad St 1 30 to 2 p.m. Poor Frances greatly excited about her experience in seeing Marian. JANUARY, 1897. Th. 21. Frances returned home, still in violent excitement against Anna & Dr Locke. Anna utterly denies all she says. Tubbs – Pirkis – Flower. Macdonald – Estcourt – Schmahl. F. 22. Salt. Beale. Sa. 23. Buried in Snow. a very heavy driving fall. No cabs obtainable. Kitty braved and enjoyed the snow. George, E Carpenter Brocklehurst Freer – Tubbs – Bramwell. 21JANUARY, 1897. Su. 24. Third Sunday after Epiphany. through snow to Marian – in brilliant sunshine. Creighton – Macdonald – Broadbent. M. 25. Conversion of St. Paul. Fine clearing snow To Dudley Road Dr Emily – Bennett – Dr Savage with Human Element. Tu. 26. Fine Mrs Dannreuther & Hubert called on To Dr Lough – thence to Anna Dudley Road – poor Marian! Piercy Evans. Crawford – Creighton for book – Salt. W. 27. Isolda came to lunch London School of Medicine, Annual To Dudley Road – 4 30 Hursey – Dall – Zackrzewski 22 JANUARY, 1897. Th. 28. To Nurses Home - Saunders St Leonard. then to poor Marian very miserable. Crawford – Bell – Boyle F. 29. To Dudley Road early. Psychical Research 4 p.m. Sam – George – Tubb – Mosley To Bank Marian's cheque which I cashed. Sa. 30. N Vigilance – Wm Booth – Mosley. 23JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1897. SU. 31 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. M. February 1 To Dudley Road Salt with cheque TU. 2 Purification B.V.M. Ass of Medical Women 8 p.m. W. 3 Dull. My birthday - letters from Estcourt & Frances - heard from Lillie - Schmahl with promissory to translate Human Element Estcourt. Levy. 24 FEBRUARY, 1897. TH. 4 Miss Butterworth for an hour - [?] Marian- much improved. F. 5 Rain all day. Young Men's X Asso: 3 p.m. for Miss Mosley- Mrs Tubbs, Mrs Liddeard &c George card. Salt - Pirkis - Browne - Ellen SA. 6 Dull. steady rain To Marian suffering much - Anna in bed. [?] - Bramwell -Salt, [?] To [?] K/28 566.034 7/6 St Bar. 25FEBRUARY, 1897. SU. 7. Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. Burrows (with Glycogen) George with receipt M. 8. Half Quarter Day. Dull Bank 2 Exchanges Tu. 9. The last Trust H.S. meeting full attendance [L.B. Trust 2 30 p.m. S. Purity Office] Tuppeney Berry Milne Bramwell. W. 10. Returned home after breakfast with Dr Macdonald and interesting has in the Trust Very tired! 26 FEBRUARY, 1897. TH. 11. Fog & rain- [Miss Butterworth worked for an hour] To Marian Bealer Bramwell, Bank Browne, Circular to Trustees - Pirkis F.12 Dry- foggy- in London for the day Long talk with Mr Salt at Mr Sharpe's 2 30 Trust meeting appointment of Executive. very tired. SA. 13. Dull. To Dudley Road. Browne Macdonald Beale Salt 27FEBRUARY, 1897. Su. 14. Septuagesima Sunday. Tuppeney- Pioneery Work to HL Library M. 15. Waited 2 hours for Dr Lough at Dudley Road - Stapley - Hawes - Carne Ross TU. 16 Christo theosophical 4.p.m. Herron- Butler- Emily, W.17 Fine - Butterworth.- Dudley Road. - Lennox Browne Bell Browne 28 FEBRUARY, 1897 TH. 18. -Fine. To Bell- MacDonald- Royal Free Hospital -4.30 F.19. Rainy. Card at Dr Crawford.- Returned home- George. Booty- SA. 20. Mixed To Dudley Road- Stanley Boyd- Bell- Turner- Levy 29FEBRUARY, 1897. Su. 21. Sexagesima Sunday. M. 22. Fine Butterworth - Bord F. N. Breakell about portrait- Thring with checque-Wright ditto- Tu. 23. Dull Kitty to London- Browne -Berdoe. W. 24. St. Matthias Dull cold- Levy- Creighton-Lennox Browne- February, 1897. Th. 25. Dull-cold [Personal Right. A Liberal Club] Amos, Browne-Tubbs. Carpenter F. 26. Dry cold- To see Marian-shewed her [?tery] Pieczynoka-Salt, Bede Macdonald. Murdoch. George. Harry. Strickland S. 27. Fine Mrs Strickland called for advice Browne. FEBRUARY-MARCH, 1897 SU. 28 Ellen. To Marcan M. MARCH 1 St. David. Fly Fishing begins. TU. 2. Shrove Tuesday. Wm Boole Registered Women 8 p.m. W. 3 Ash Wednesdsay Society of authors 4:30 20 Harvard[?] Square Beale - Bordoe -Zooph to Nettie MARCH, 1897. TH. 4 To London, calling of Great Queen St. New Hospital Annual 3:30 p.m. introduced to Wm Creighton F. 5 To poor Sir B. W. Richardson's house which is being dismantled. Trust Ex 2:30 a cordial reception from Lennox Browne Talk with Salt - Committee rather exhausting - Hour very tired [Salt - Pratt - Strickland Macdonald - Beale - Sharpe] SA 6. Rain To see poor Marian - Soaked coming home [Mr Strickland gave advise] [Browne] Aaron Powell with subscription. Kitty to GeorgeMARCH, 1897. Su. 7. First Sunday in Lent. Ember Week. Coë- Lennox Broom- Estcourt- Peatr. M. 8. Nursing cold Lennox Browne Beals Tu. 9. Some rain nursing cold. W. 10. Ember Day. Prince of Wales married, 1863. Fine To Dudley Road by cab- Misses Edwards & Beth ann Mrs Newcome called in Beale- Bell- Browne 34 MARCH, 1897. Th. 11. Fine To settle domestic difficulties at Dudley Road- North Stanofeld F. 12. Ember Day. Storm & shine. George- Colam- Herald Golden Age- Wilson 26 Gower St. Butler Pratt S. 13. Ember Day. Dull To Dudley road- painful interview with Anna- Marian failing. 35March, 1897. Su. 14. 2nd Sunday in Lent. Mrs Newcomb - and the Dannreuthers M. 15. Storm & Sun - Marian in Bank £56. 4. 5. To Dudley Road - Butler - Beale - Returned M's bank book. Colam. Tu. 16. To 32 Sackville St. Humanitarian League - Rev Mr Lilley - W. 17. St. Patrick. Rainy- Dr Coryn 62 Queen Anne St Cavendish Square - 1 King St Butler Stansfeld Mcclaren Stuart &c - returned home - 36 March, 1897. Th. 18. Mixed - To Dudley Road. Boole - Salt - Thorne - Creighton - Carpenter. Lennox Browne F. 19. Fine Roberts Austin - Mosley - Browne - Coryn - Sam - Thorpe - George pamphlet Sa. 20. Vernal Equinox. To Marian - Pirkis - 37MARCH, 1897 M. 22. Dull Wilson- Thorne- Med: Magazine TU. 23 Dull To Marian [?]cso Traut Dr Conyn Tenner Browne- Salt W. 24 Wellington College 3 p.m Miss Mosby M/20 178518 Miss Ritchie (checque) Lowthime MARCH, 1897 TH. 25 With Kitty to Marion's. Tubbs - Butterworth F. 26 Called on Mr. Tubbs George S.27 To Marian Creagh- Turner- Tubbs-MARCH, 1897. Su. 28. Fourth Sunday in Lent. M. 29. Tu. 30. Mrs Thorne 1.30 Bank Clapham Maternity 3 p.m. Repeal Conference. 11 a.m. The Mission of Judaism 4.p.m. W. 31. National Health Annual 4 p.m. 53 Berners St. 40 APRIL, 1897. Th. 1. Heavy rain To Marian- [Genl Creagh] To Dudley Road Central Pacific coupon due. F. 2. Fine Genl Creagh called. long talk I insisted on up holding Ideals he seemed hopeless- but jubilant over the new regulation. The poor Swintons made a long call Browne. Carpenter card- Forsaith. Sa. 3. Cold rain- [Mr Turner 3.30] George. 41APRIL, 1897. Su. 4. Passion Sunday. Poor Marian - a sad visit M. 5. Quarter Sessions begin. Hail and sunshine - French paper to Emily Ross, Coote, [?] Coryn McCall Thomson, Bell, Bramwell. Tu. 6. Plastered Kitty for a nasty bronchial cold - To Dudley Road - W. 7. Dull cold - rain - Forsaith. Macgregor - Brocklehurst - 42 April, 1897. Th. 8. Cold wind - some rain [Mrs Turner Rydal Mount] [Cloudesley Road St Leonards] [330 p.m.] Appel- Wright Mosley. Bank £55.6.2 [?] 25. F. 9. Lady Day. Fire Insurance ceases. Bramwell. Jebb. Sa. 10. Mrs Turner 330 small but I hope promising meeting - how I wish I had the gift of extemporaneous speaking! 43APRIL, 1897. Su. 11. Palm Sunday. Very fine sunshine - Turner - M. 12. Dull Frances came down for the night - To Dudley Road - Browne, Papillon - Tu. 13. [Dr McCall meeting - 165] [Clapham Road] Herbert Burrows - Emily Frish with photo - W. 14. Hilary Sittings end. Eyre & [?] - Appel - Browne - Bell - Thomson - 44 APRIL, 1897. Th. 15. Maundy Thursday. To Marian - her face was changed. Nurse Clanston called here - F. 16. Good Friday. Bramwell - Frist. Gregory, Major Mayne Sa. 17. Easter Eve. Rainy Paid Secretary to May 4th. To Dudley Road to settle nursing difficulties. Beal - Swinton - Squire - Keef 45APRIL, 1897. Su. 18. Easter Sunday. Fine. crowds of people - Gabb - Loch - M. 19. Easter Monday. Bank Holiday. [Row with nursing arrangements] To poor Marian - hopeless weary suffering - busy with my my address on C D. A. Kitty absorbed by Hickmans - Swinton - Tu. 20. Easter Tuesday. Dull. Nursing row - Engaged Mrs Salton for tomorrow - The Swintons spent the afternoon [Phillips - A.E. Shaen -] W. 21. Dull - corrected proof for Animals Friend - To Dudley Road - top of omnibus cabs unattainable - announce the new arrangement - Phillips - Shaen - 46 APRIL, 1897. Th. 22, Dull. To Dudley Road- omnibuses over crowded- Ellen- F. 23. St. George. Schmahl, card to Alice. Kenell Ass: Ross. Thomson, Gabb. Forsaith. Sa. 24. To Dudley Road- read Little Woodman & his Dog Casen to Marian- Macdonald- Greek Fund. 47APRIL, 1897. Su. 25. 1st Sunday after Easter. Low Sunday. St. Mark. Mrs Dannreuther called - Coe - M. 26. Coe. book - Tu. 27. Easter Sittings begin. To London called on Bell - Beale a friendly meeting my paper well received Dr McCall's meeting 5 pm Slept at Charing Cross Hotel - W. 28. Heavy for slight sprinkle returned home writing to Sheppard and Hammond - Phillips 48 April-May, 1897. Th. 29. Dull - Kitty for day to London To Dudley Road - alas! F. 30. Fine - McLaren - McCall - Beale - Browne - Dolan - Forsaith Sa. May 1. St. Philip and St. James. Lovely morning sunshine - Sycamore in full blossom Horse chesnut in bud - To Dudley Road - took Don's photo up. McLaren. D 49MAY, 1897. SU. 2. 2nd Sunday after Easter. lovely day. chemist. Bland. Moschelles. Shaen. Forsaith M. 3. Royal Academy opens. [Fine] Mixed Terminate annual engagement with Miss Butterworth - To Dudley Road - read poems to Marian - [St Martins 8 p.m Col Colville] Card to Harry TU. 4. Fine The gorse and maples, fine Registered Med: Women 8 - p.m on the proposed imposition of the C.D.A. in India. Letter to Alice - Forsaith. W. 5. rain to 77 Porchester Terrace - then home Col Colsen on Horses. 50 MAY, 1897. TH. 6. To Dudley Road - saw Marian. Called at Hydes for Mrs. Browne. McCall. Millett - Bagater - Stapley. H.B.B. F. 7. Miss Grace called for boys Club - shocking state of things revealed by recruiting sergeant. S.C.B. Gabb - Bank Kyle - Dantes - Clouson - Browne. SA. 8. Horse Chesnuts in full bloom Called on Dr Marshall who independently contradicted reports - To Dudley Road with Dons photo - 51MAY, 1897. Su. 9. 3rd Sunday after Easter. Half Quarter Day. Lough - Brown - Marshall - Grace M. 10. Butterworth To Marian Miss S Mosley Tu. 11. The broom and lilacs in glorious blossom To Bank- calling at Garett [?] Mr Corbet - 4.p.m.- Very interesting Mr Sullivan [?] park - L.B. Trust 230 Mr Sharpe's Butterworth W. 12. Pleasant Sore throat - [?] 3/34 460.836 Walker with book. Anderson. Browne - Bank - Thomson- 52 MAY, 1897. Th. 13. Butterworth - [Thomson] F. 14. Butterworth - To Nock printers Thorne - George - Emily Sa. 15. Miss Butterworth corrected proof [?] Nock with copy - To Dudley Road - Dr Clarke - Browne - 53MAY, 1897. SU. 16. 4th Sunday after Easter. Dull Cold wind Jebb Stuart with cheque - Gabb- M.17 Butterworth Schmahl- Bennett - posted literature- George & Sam - Commonwealth- TU. 18 To Dudley Road. Schmahl. Estcourt . Coe. Knock - per Blake- Browne W.19 began distribution of C.V.A. Address. To Marian - very weak - read religious poetry to her. MAY, 1897 TH. 20 To London. Mr. Estcourt Called at Mrs Browne. F. 21 To Repeal meeting - met Mme Schmahl - Very fine address from Mr Stuart - Called on Mr Anderson about the College meeting -- and home. SA. 22 Butterworth- Bramwell. Browne. EstcourtMay, 1897. Su. 23. Rogation Sunday. To Unitanan Church left not for him M. 24. Queen Victoria born, 1819. Rogation Day. Butterworth 7th? ReV Gardner Preston Called sad visit to Mariane Stock - Tubbs- Tu. 25. Rogation Day. Butterworth 8th paid £1.0.0. To Marian - alas! Dr Loch W. 26. Rogation Day. Indian meeting- Stock with P.O. order Salter— 56 May, 1897. Th. 27. Ascension Day. Butterworth /. To Marian—Very Sad— Anderson —Scharlieb— F. 28. Butterworth 2– George—Browne—Bell— Sa. 29. Rainy afternoon Mr Bryant impudent letter! Posted foreign addresses— Henderson—Estcourt— 57May—June, 1897. Su. 30. Sunday after Ascension. To Dudley Road— Browne Preston. Bank. McCall. Appel M. 31. Butterworth 3. Mr Preston called—also The Nurse. Tu. June 1. To London— Called on Henderson— To Womens Medical Society— W. 2. Mohammedan Year 1315 commences. Returned home—Very Tired— To Dudley Road. 58 June, 1897. Th. 3. Misty & close— Called on Dr Shaw about constitution Stanley Boyd with checque— Newcombe. Bell. Gabb —Creighton with checque Schmahl — F. 4. Easter Sittings end. Butterworth 4 To Dudley Road— Harry about Emily— Sa. 5. Annie Browne. Creighton with address. Dr Campbell Black. 59June, 1897. Su. 6. Whitsun Day. Ember week. To "Chapel"! good discourse. Scatcherds Browne - Lewis with address -Tubbs M. 7. Whit Monday. Bank Holiday. Crowds of people. Nurses' conscience! To Dudley Road - painful visit. R. Estcourt failed to arrive. Bell. Richardson. Salt. Tu. 8. Whit Tuesday. Dull cold. Mr Estcourt arrived - Mme Schmahl - long talk - To Dudley Road - W. 9. Ember Day. Rain M. Bois and the Schmahls [?] interviewed me Creighton - Helen Wilson with addresses. 60 June, 1897. Th. 10. Long talk with Mme Schmahl To Dudley Road. F. 11. St. Barnabas. Ember Day. Fine. Dudley Road - Mme Schmahl in bed but pouring of Mr Schmahl- Emily - Bell. Browne. Campbell Black - Sa. 12. Ember Day. M Schmahl with message. To Dudley Road. read hymns. 61June, 1897. Su. 13. Trinity Sunday. Miss Hall called. & Schmahls to say adieu. Campbell Black & Glen. Sullivan pamphlets. M. 14. Very hot. Roland Estcourt returned home. Alas for his condition. To Dudley Road - Social Questions Society 8 p.m. Tubbs. Browne. Tu. 15. Trinity Sittings begin. Fine Mrs Kelly & friend called - Dudley Road. M asleep - Preston - Binns - Browne - Mosley George with Anderson invitation W. 16. rain then fine opening ceremony at harbours Bank - Browne - Nock - 62 June, 1897. Th. 17. Corpus Christi. Fine - cooler - To Dudley Road - Proof of Harry & Lucy's protest - Tagart - Butterworth - F. 18. Rainy Butterworth 5. Bank with draft - Henderson. Sa. 19. To Dudley Road - Carpenter - Bruins protest 63JUNE, 1897. Su. 20. 1st Sunday after Trinity. Accession, 1837. Browne with Poster M. 21. Longest Day. Mrs Tubbes to consult on [?] Lewis order for book. Strickland. Tu. 22. Butterworth 6. Bells & Flags for Jubilee! Browne - Bell. Mosley. W. 23. Hot, misty- Bank with checque 65 JUNE, 1897. Th. 24. St. John Baptist. Midsummer Day. Caplene here. Memorial meeting 330 Stuart , Anderson. Salt Maria Grey . Browne. Campbell Black. F. 25. Butterworth 7 paid to date [Ms Jebbs for stable loaner home]. Ordered new dress- extravagant! Anderson. Bunting Sinclair - Wilson - Browne. Forscitti Sa. 26. Thunderstorm- To station for Dr Helen Wilson but missed her. She spent the evening here. E 65June, 1897. Su. 27. 2nd Sunday after Trinity. To Mr Preston's Chapel. Dr Helen Wilson left us M. 28. Quarter Sessions begin. Coronation Day. a pleasant call from Mr Preston about Miss Taggart - To Marian - Tu. 29. St. Peter. To London. Miss Colenso. Prize distribution Royal Free 430 Mrs Martindale - W. 30. Returned home - bought blouse - called at Dr Walker's - Mrs Browne from Haslemere - [Browne - Salter-] [Shaen - Bell -Jex - Blake Hammond] Address to Lord & Miers 66 July, 1897. Th. 1. Hot - To Dudley Road Dr. McLaren. Browne - Salter - Fischer Lette - Shaen - Bell - Jex Blake - Hammond. F.2. To dressmaker. Library - called at Richards - Browne. Sa.3. Dog Days begin. throat trouble at night. Dr Black - Browne 67July, 1897. Su. 4. 3rd Sunday after Trinity. To F.C. Church - Leppington - Kelly - Heath Saunders Saunders [?] M. 5. Mrs Fischer Lette came. Heaton Memorial 530 p.m. at the School. Tu. 6. Rainy a year ago I tried to give chloroform to my poor suffering Don. Dr McLaren speaks at Mrs Scharlieb's. Lord. Browne. W. 7. [Dentist] Lough McLaren 68 July, 1897. Th. 8. To Dentist. 4 p.m Shuttleworth Boden - [?]. Salt - Browne - F. 9. Midsummer Fire Insurance ceases. Pleasant. To Dudley Road - Marian very weak. Dentist 530 Howard for birthday Appel - Kelly - Zackrzewska pamphlets Sa. 10. [Stormy] - Browne - Gaskell - [?] - 69July, 1897. Su. 11. 4th Sunday after Trinity. To Free Christian - Creighton - Preston - Walker M. 12. Social Questions Society 8.pm. Bank with checque - George with cutting Tu. 13. Dr J. Walker. long talk. Dr Appel in the evening - Mr Sharpes' Chambers - L.B.Trust 230 at [Social Purity Office.] Salt - 330 W. 14. Exhausting talk with Mrs Browne Returned home Ladies dinner to gentlemen at the Grafton Galleries. - Butterworth - Booth - 70 July, 1897. Th. 15. St. Swithin. Very fine Miss Butterworth resumed work! To Dudley Road - & Dentist - Stanley Boyd - Bateson Womens Journal Creighton Mrs - Dr Walker - Anna - F. 16. Drove to cemetery with Kitty - Butterworth 2. Gott with pamphlets - Salt - Hall - Coote - White with pamphlets Sa. 17. A year ago my dear old Don died. How keenly I miss him? To Dudley Road. - Stanley Boyd - Schmahl - [*It was really Sat 18th - 96.*] 71July, 1897. Su. 18. 5th Sunday after Trinity. Dr. Creighton - Kelly - Medical Reprints. M. 19. To Dudley Road - Browne - Returned pamphlet to Kelly - Tu. 20. Butterworth - Mrs Dall. Shield - Emily paper - Walker memorial - W. 21. Kitty to London - Dr S E White 72 July, 1897. Th. 22. Butterworth 3. To Dudley Road Salt S E White with annotated pamphlet. F. 23. Butterworth 4 Emily Burfoot - Alice - Forsaith. Routh. George - Schmahl with checque Sa. 24. Surprised by new doctor 73July, 1897. Su. 25. St. James. 6th Sunday after Trinity. Spoke at Quaker meeting Cay - Appel - Salt - M. 26. Butterworth 5 Obliged to [?] nurse - To stone Mason at Dudley Road Macmillan - Schmahl - Nock Tu. 27. Butterworth 6. To Dentist Creighton - Stott - W. 28. Butterworth 7 A friendly call from Dr Cay. To Nock. Routh. White. 74 July, 1897. Th. 29. [Miss Butterworth 8] Mrs Preston called To Dudley Road. a letter from Dr C, which crossed mine. F. 30. Miss Butterworth [9] 8 corrected page from Dr C. George. Browne Lewis with [?] Sa. 31. Game Certificates expire. Miss Butterworth [1] 9 Recd 6 copies of Ronier Work from publishers Monk & Co (masons) accepted Aberdeen [?] Sladen - with [?items] and Pioneer Worker Dr Creighton [George] Sam & card. 75August, 1897. Su. 1. 7th Sunday after Trinity. Lammas Day. To Unitarian Chapel. Felicia S. called - Mead. Black M. 2. Bank Holiday. Butterworth 10 Paid Phillip - Browne- Tu. 3. Butterworth 1. correcting for 2nd edition of Medical Responsibility Mrs Newcomb called Nock - Appel - W. 4. Met Dr Coy by appointment - Cooper Oakley - 76 August, 1897. Th. 5. Butterworth 2 Dudley Road Creighton with Pioneer Works - F. 6. change of address. Humanitarian League 53 Chancery Lane 2nd Floor. east side corner of Southampton Buildings The Hospital Sa. 7. Butterworth 3. finished revising manuscript. To Dudley Road. 77AUGUST, 1897. SU. 8. 8th Sunday after Trinity. Maclaren M. 9. To Dudley Road. read Alice's Scotts heroines to Marian - Coote - Walker - Browne - Walker with book - Alice & pamphlets to her friends Tu. 10. Sat on hill for an hour after tea with K. & Burr - Leppington - W. 11. Half Quarter Day. met Dr Cay at poor Marians [?] Farm - Labourers 3. p.m. 30 Lincoln Inn Fields. corrected proof. 78 August, 1897. Th. 12. Trinity Sittings end. Grouse Shooting begins. To Dudley Road F. 13. Sharpe - Pearce, Annie. Routh. Millett checque Sa. 14. To Dudley Road - called on Anna, sad interview. Leppington - Harry. Emily - George - posted Friday - 79AUGUST, 1897. Su. 15. 9th Sunday after Trinity. A peasant tree Christian service. Rorsaith- Sabb M. 16. [?] probably return to London. [Museum Annual [?] 430] To Dudley Road- called in Anne! Schmall. Annie Browne Seage [?] Tu. 17. Butterworth 4 Covte. W. 18. Met Dr Cay at Dudley Road- Noets with [?] Butterworth- Kelly with poinphets Boyd with cheoque - Nook. 80 AUGUST, 1897. Th. 19. Butterworth 5. Mr Preston called save him Pioneer walk Pollarian read, tirem's seed and - Bank with z checquer- Browne - Swinlov - Walker with Memorial - Address W Emily. F. 20. Equinoctial storm - Sodbold- Creeghton- White- Cloreston Sa. 21. Sinclur Lette with pamphlet - Jebb - Macrae with checque. Sohmahl with pamphlet- F 81August, 1897. Su. 22. 10th Sunday after Trinity. Horsenwill - M. 23. Butterworth 6. Mrs Preston delighted with Pioneer Work Brown - T. 24. St. Bartholomew. [Butterworth] Churchill - George. W. 25. Butterworth 7 - To Dudley Road - Lilly arrived To Welsh Concert. Sainsbury card 82 August, 1897. Th. 26. To London 53 Chancery sent Address to Salt To Bank - Encouraging talk with Dr Creighton who will cordially help me. - F. 27. To poor Marian - Hindley card - Brown To George Sa. 28. To Marian who hardly knows me [? responsive] 83AUGUST - SEPTEMBER, 1897. Su. 29. 11th Sunday after Trinity. Creighton - M. 30. Butterworth 8 To Dudley Road - poor Marian slowly suffocating! Good day with Postal order [?] 4883420 Tu. 31. Marian died at half past seven this morning - K & I went up to see her peaceful face - Mrs Browne - Cards to brothers & sisters - Frances W. SEPTEMBER 1. Partridge Shooting begins. Bumbledom & Certificate Frances came down - To Necropolis. Creighton. 84 SEPTEMBER, 1897. Th. 2. Frances very warmhearted - returned home - She and Titterton will attend at Wolking - and perhaps occupy Marian's house for awhile - F. 3. Circular letter - through Harry - officiating clergyman - Goodday - wrote to Mead - Mrs David Richardson. Sa. 4. For Kings own Stapley Goodday - Hindley - 85September, 1897. Su. 5. 12th Sunday after Trinity. Mr. Ransom to preach. James Wood Allen. Creighton - M. 6. Butterworth 9 at 8 o'clock K and I said a last farewell to poor Marian's earthly vesture, which was taken to Woking - These cremation arrangements repelled us both - Browne. 12 Addresses to Fischer Lette. Tu. 7. Family. Goodday (book) Browne. W.8. Nativity B.V.M. Butterworth 10 Pd 86 September, 1897. TH. 9. Sam - Bucher - Hooker. Necropolis - L.C.B. Bank (checque) F.A. Rutherford - F. 10. To the Spa -115 - Dr. Creighton SA. 11. Lovely weather called on Miss [?] three hours stroll enjoyed - Browne Blyth - Kitty - 87September, 1897. Su.12.13th Sunday after Trinity. Ember Week. Lovely day - enjoyed Dr. Creightons long visit - M. 13. Very fine day - but I felt lonely - so returned home in the afternoon - after making lodging enquiries To K Estcourt - Tu.14. Dull Saw Ann about resigning Marian's house Frances, ditto - Browne - Forsaith Creighton - [100] 50 pamphlets to W. 15. Ember Day. Butterworth 1. [*X*] Harry Titterton ill - 88 September, 1897. Th. 16. Read a little but eyes very tired. F. 17. Ember Day. Butterworth 2 - Sa. 18. Ember Day. Met Newberry & Midmer - about giving up Marian's house. Frances - 89September, 1897. Su. 19. 14th Sunday after Trinity. To Free Christian Church. Blyth - M. 20. Butterworth 3. Bell - Colam - Arthur Tucker- Creighton - H.T. George - Coryn - Tu. 21. St. Matthew. An unexpected call from Nannie L Smith - a very pleasant conference. To Dudley Road to decide on the distribution of Marian's possessions! Circular & private to George- W. 22. Butterworth 4. Lectures to George - Signed Memorial of Medical Women. J/95 627303-5/0 to Bell. 90 September, 1897. Th. 23. Autumnal Equinox. lovely day. clearing Marian's house! Alas poor Anna! called at Gas Co. and received furniture here. Miss Greenhill made a friendly call Creighton - F. 24. Emily. Sa. 25. Call from Rev Gardner Preston Shoesmith to see furniture - To the empty house - Anna better Paid Mary £30. Colam. Coryn pamphlet. Browne Vini. Lough. Mary 91September, 1897. Su. 26. 15th Sunday after Trinity. To F.C. Church - introduced to Miss Roland Browne. Baker. M. 27. Jewish Year 5658 commences. Butterworth 5. Boyle. Longmans. Boyd. Creighton Shoosmith Tu. 28. called on Miss Robinson & Miss Greenhill. Miss Mosley & Miss [?] Walker called. Florence. W. 29. St. Michael and all Angels. Michaelmas Day. Butterworth [7] 6 Creighton - 92 September-October, 1897. Th. 30. [clearing Marian's house! Alas for Anna!] [called at Gar Co & received furniture] [at home] [Miss Greenhill made a friendly call] Browne. [Creighton] Mead. Baxter- F. October 1. Pheasant Shooting begins. To London - Oculist - Bank Necropolis - Dr Creighton to dinner walked on Embankment. Opening of Medical School 730 Central Pacific Coupon due. Sa. 2. To Gower St seeing Mrs Fawcett - called at St Ormon St. returned home. [Colam.] [Browne. Vini. Lough - Mary-] 93October, 1897. Su. 3. 16th Sunday after Trinity. Frances - M.4. [Kitty's birthday]. - Butterworth - 7 called on Anna - Annie Browne. sent Council vote - Newberry. Tu.5. Kitty's birthday - Salt with checque - Creighton. Browne. W. 6. To London with Kitty to see Dr Macdonald & the aurist - Mrs Lewis- 94 October, 1897. Th. 7. To Alice with Purity extract - 6 pamphlets to Mrs Booth Liverpool [Dr Helen Boyle] Campbell Black - [Mrs [?]] Annie - Boyle - Salt. F. 8. Birthday card to Ey B. Newbury with checque. Dr Helen Boyle to lunch? [?]: to College- Cady Stanton. [Annie] Richardson - To Guardian Co Sa. 9. Dull. Dr Creighton came down. 95OCTOBER, 1897. Su. 10. 17th Sunday after Trinity. Mr Newcombe to tea - theologicial discussion - I must try to connect NDC M. 11. Dr Creighton returned to London Butterworth. Bell. Maitland Tu. 12. Lovely day Butterworth _ 8 W. 13. Dull - cold - Butterworth 9. Sight troublesome - T Christian pamphlet Boyd - Walker - Appel - 96 OCTOBER, 1897. TH. 14. Michaelmas Fire Insurance ceases. To Lunbridge Wells with Mrs Browne at Ermestein - Strolled on Common F. 15. returned home Walker - Alice - Browne - Bank with enclosures SA. 16. "Returned to Anna, her "release paper" from our deed box." Dictated, by. Dr E. B. Bryan with checque. Creighton - McCall - Cope Nettie G 97OCTOBER, 1897. SU. 17. 18th Sunday after Trinity. Fine. Currie - Bank - M. 18. St. Luke. Quarter Sessions begin. Social Problems 545 TU. 19. To Clapham to see Dr McCall - called at Dr Beale's - lunched with Dr C. too crowded - Christ Theosophical 4 p.m. Mr Allen - full meeting of many friends - Mr Stapley with [?] W. 20. Called at Harley St on Mrs Boyd - Pleasant interview at No 34. before returning.- 98 October, 1897. TH. 21. Fine Kitty left for Northampton - Brodnam canvassing - To Dudley Road. alas! Bank with Exchange bill £55.13.5 Kitty. Salt. Frances. Creighton. Lansdell. Forsaith F. 22. Butterworth 10 To Scatcherd - Gray Coop. George. Estcourt. Dall. Avery Sa. 23. Miss Garretts article Jan 25/1870 [?PMG] Butterworth 11. with home copying - Pd Barry. Barr. Landsell with checque W. J. Thissleton Dyer - 99October, 1897. Su. 24. 19th Sunday after Trinity. M. 25. Michaelmas Sittings begin. To London in the afternoon - Dined at Charing with Dr. C but could come to no satisfactory way of [?] the Trust - disappointing - Dr. Coryn - 1st Lecture - quite successful Annie very hospitable - Tu. 26. returned home - missed Kitty - Monk - Jebb - W. 27. Mrs Browne comes to [?] Robertson [?] Butterworth 1. a little work at home. Cards to Bell, Annie [?] Coryn. Kitty - Boole. Cuttle pamphlet Dr C sent beautifully bound History of Epidemics October, 1897. Th. 28. St. Simon and St. Jude. Fine Mrs Preston called. asked for photo! Called on Mrs Browne - To Monk. - Schmahl - Kitty - Titterton - Gertrude Simmons - F. 29. Fine - Butterworth 2 - Took tea with Mrs Browne - Wood Allen - St. Anthony Mandsley - Mosley - Bell with leaflet Sa. 30. Fine- Called on Mrs Browne - Creighton with checque. 101October - November, 1897. Su. 31. 20th Sunday after Trinity. Game Certificates expire. To Free Christian Church - To Mrs. Browne - M. November 1. All Saints' Day. Stock Exchange closed. Miss Mosley's protege before 10 - Voting - Miss Butterworth - 3 George - Boole Annie - Mosly- Tu. 2. Browne - Mandoly - Titterton - Barratt - Kitty 2. Nettie Zoophilist W.3. Fine but cold Miss Butterworth 4 Called on Mrs Browne Creighton - Kitty Annie Salt - Allen with book -? November, 1897. Th.4. F. 5. Ask about 1115 trans meeting [?] train Get bank book - Dr Mansley 12-1. 12 Queen St. Mrs Boyd about 2. 134 Harding St Dr Appel will help Sa. 6. To meet Titterton at Brookwood. 103November, 1897. Su. 7. 21st Sunday after Trinity. McCall - Boole - Bridges - Bell - M. 8 Rainy. C. Wood - Rev Mr Saunders Bugoter- sent list of Marians bills to George. Creighton - Butterworth Tu. 9. Prince of Wales' Birthday, 1841. Foggy Lord Mayor's Day Butterworth 4 Our street in a dreadful mess. Bank with checque & bank books. [L.B. Trust 2.30 Mr Sharpe's] Bank - Bell - Boole - [George]. W. 10. Took "The Adult" to Mrs Brown Pagan edition. To Mrs Browne. [Essex Hall 8 p.m. Ed Carpanter-] sent George the signed papers by Titterton Good letters from Drs Bridges & Creighton.- 104 November, 1897. Th. 11. Martinmas. Half Quarter Day. Dull To Mrs Browne - Bridges - Creighton - Allen - Salt F. 12. Dull - useful criticism from Dr Creighton - Kitty's accounts to George - Truelove & Hanson 8/36 3276033/0 Sa. 13. Stormy - splendid starlight - Mrs Browne - Creighton - A & C Black - Butterworth- 105November, 1897. Su. 14. 22nd Sunday after Trinity. Meteors - M. 15. Meteors - Butterworth. [4 or] 5? Tu. 16. Meteors - called at Mrs Stapley pleasant interview with D. Creighton rested of Temple station. Trust meeting to [?] Lord Mayor Day - Christ theosophical 4 p.m.. Dr Bridges 4-5 very cordial visit - W.17. Rainy - Drove to Dr. Coryn's - then to St. Ormond St - then to Humanitarian League - and to station home - 106 November, 1897. Th. 18. To Police Court with Kitty - called twice on Mrs Browne - Annie. Creighton - Mosley - Brodhurst F. 19. Butterworth - 6. Wrote George to let poor Ellen have any money that might be due to me from Marian's Estate - Mrs Browne - Janes - Salt - Monk - Black- Sa. 20. Annie - Bell - Bridges - Maudsley- 107November, 1897. Su. 21. 23rd Sunday after Trinity. Dull- Dolan - Bell - Rother r.r. Ellen poor thing. M. 22. Dull Voted - municipal - To Mrs Browne Salt- Black, Stapley - Chronicle - Edwards Tu. 23. To West Central Hotel - 8 p.m. to tea ? Dr C Black. 2nd lecture 5 p.m. a great shock. dine downtown - a pleasant visit from Dr. C. at Porchester Terrace then to Gatte's - W. 24. Heavy London to fog To Dr Banlocke then to Dr Stapley - Then home. 108 November, 1897. Th. 25. Fog & rain- Disagreeable attack of vertigo. [To Ore Mrs Browne] Creighton - Appel- Williams & Deacon with Bankers paper [?] Salt. Anna. Banlocke. F. 26. Fine. To Mrs Browne. Maudsley. Pamphlet Australia Sa. 27. Rainy. Bought Pier tickets. Dr Creighton came down - much talk. 109NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1897. Su. 28. 1st Sunday in Advent. Mixed. much talk - called on Mrs Browne Salt. M. 29. Fine gusty- Dr Crighton left. encouraged - To Mrs Browne with manuscript. Salt. Tu. 30. St. Andrew. To town with Mrs Browne. Called for bank book - Christo theosophical Corbet 4 p.n. Full meeting - W. December 1. To Dr Helen Webb - out-53 Chancery Lane - Dr Creighton unable to call- 110 DECEMBER, 1897. Th. 2. Deposited £100 - Returned home - F. 3. Mixed Butterworth 7 read The Ideal in Judaism, by Rev Morris Joseph - Present a photo Agnes & Tom. Sa. 4. Butterworth 8. and home work ordered 12 photograph's of Marian - Miss Jebb to tea. Browne 111DECEMBER, 1897. Su. 5. 2nd Sunday in Advent. worked on essay eyes troubled M. 6. Rainy Bought Christmas things- Christian with P. order- Tu. 7. Frances. W. 8. Rainy- Willett with draft-Barratt Cooper Mosley. McCall. Walker 112 December, 1897. Th. 9. Agnes to be married- Geddes- Monk with check Bell with Geddes [?Edits] F. 10. Gale- Directed envelopes for Thomson lecture Creighton - George - Mosley - Sa. 11. Paul & Ethel came down Miss Mavis to tea- H 113DECEMBER, 1897. SU. 12. 3rd Sunday in Advent. Ember Week. Rain all day. M. 13. Paul & Ethel left us - Butterworth Mrs. William Blackwell! Hussey TU. 14. Dull - Butterworth 1. Ross with book - Henderson. Beale. 30 lecture cards. Walker, Barrate. Bank with check W. 15. Ember Day. With K. to Bonbow - Wrote Mrs Bell about the Black fiasco. Creighton with newspaper extract of Dr Black 's unluckynotice - 114 December, 1897. Th. 16. Butterworth 2 - read Dr Blacks address, which I sent to Bell Rev. Mr Anthony - Tubbs - Sharpe with signature - Browne - F. 17. Ember Day. Fine Sent Marian's photo and post cards to all the American households- Necropolis with checque. Sa. 18. Ember Day. Creighton - Forsaith - Coote-DECEMBER, 1897. Su. 19. 4th Sunday in Advent. Dr. McLarun slept here. Thorne enclosing Mrs. Boole's letter. M. 20. Fine but windy Bell Tubbs, [?] Tu. 21. St. Thomas. Michaelmas Sittings end. Call at bank for Melbourne City fund Very pleasant call from Dr. Creighton make him pour out tea. [?] Author Thomson 3:00 lecture W. 22. Fine. Chronicle [?]fund. DECEMBER, 1897. Th. 23. Very fine Mrs Tubbs to call 11:30 Dr. Creighton to evening meal long [?] Bank with cheaque Autobiography to [?] Holden Browne chronicle dinner party F. 24. Fine. Dr. C [might be Creighton] took a long-cards and books from friends. DC (might be Dr. Creighton [?] T Tubbs. Sa. 25. Christmas Day. Very fine. DC took a most enjoyable walk on Beady Head Talked [?] p.m. com paring views [?] diverse. 117 DECEMBER, 1897. Su. 26. 1st Sunday after Christmas. St. Stephen. Pleasant intercourse Dr. C really widely read. Mrs [?] called M. 27. St. John. Bank Holiday. Dull & raw but improved. Pleasant invitation from Mrs Tubbs with Dr. C to Mrs. Tubbs pleasant visit walked back with him in a half gale. [?] [?] Tu. 28. Holy Innocents. Dr. C returned to London after his pleasant visit. Sent his history of [?] to Mrs. Tubbs. W. 29. Very rough weather a half gale. A thoughtful criticism of my last chapter from Dr. C. Schmahl-Bell-[?] [?] DECEMBER, 1897. TH. 30 A whole gale all night Indegestion all day. Dr. Walker on [?] Memorial. Creighton Frances F. 31. With K to pay for carpet overcharges Read Tom Jones! Amusing expression May Swinton-Blyth Butterworth. Browne-Allan Sheppard [?] Send Marian[?] to Ellise. 119Monthly Cash Account. Date. January, 1897. Received. £ s. d. 1 Gaordian interest to Marian 2 10 0 2 House 3 0 0 Burr's nail 5 0 4 cab 2 0 5 [Sib?] St pamphlets 1 0 Cab 2 4 Polly's sisters 1 0 Kitty for Marian 5 0 0 6 Cab 2 2 7 Cab &c 2 6 9 House 3 0 0 [Grates] Tanner 2 5 0 fire grates 11 0 10 Cab 2 0 12 Cab 2 0 14 Cab -Polly to lecture 2 0 16 House & coal 5 0 0 Osbourne printing 7 6 Total, £ 120 Monthly Cash Account. Date. January, 1897. Paid. £ s. d. penny stamps 10 9 cab 2 4 23 House 26 Hart 16 " Vine 3 14 " Whittaker 3 0 11 " Dentist 1 8 0 " Taxes by checque 5 18 10 Cab 2 6 book postage 2 26 cab 2 6 Vine-Whittaker 6 14 11 28 Marian checque 10 14 10 27 Cab 1 0 28 omnibus 4 30 House 3 0 0 cab &c 2 3 Feb 1 omnibus tickets 3 0 cards 4 6 cab 2 Total, £ 121 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. FEBRUARY, 19897. RECEIVED. 2 Cab - 2 6 5 Mosley meeting 10 0 cab to meeting 1 6 6 House - - 3 0 0 cab to [Dudly?] [K?] 2 0 pens cards [omnibus?] 9 London & back 1 0 0 12 In London for the day 15 0 13 House 3 0 0 15 Taxes 3 12 0 omnibus & cab 2 2 Book post 4 1/2 Tuning piano 1896 12 0 18 Subscript to [Ragd?] [?] 1 1 0 London 1 1 0 20 [?armor] repair 2 6 1 23 Kitty to London 1 10 0 Society of authors 1 1 0 Medical annual 2 6 Charity organization 10 0 Total, 122 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. FEBRUARY, 1897. PAID. 25 Coal & [coke?] Boys club 5 0 Gas - - 11 0 86 Polly two months 1 30 0 [d?] 24 [?] 27 House - 3 0 0 78 Cab 2 6 March - 6 House 3 0 0 To Philanthropist 1 1 6 To Coe & L. [Br??y] 9 8 Paid Butterworth 1 5 0 10 Phillips for [?] 6 6 0 " Cab 3 0 " Omnibus tickets 3 0 11 Penny stamps 10 0 House - 3 0 0 16 Cab - 2 6 Subscription [Col?] 1 1 0 Total, 123Monthly Cash Account Date. MARCH, 1897. RECEIVED. £ s. d. F. Tharpe C. to. C. 10 0 20th House suit, by order 3 0 0 24 Clapham Maternity 1 1 0 by checque 25 Cab to Mrs Tubbs 4 0 27 House 3 0 0 30 London 1 5 0 April 1 cab 3 0 House 3 0 0 4 cab-- 3 0 5 1 1/2 tons coal 2 2 6 [guantee trammer?] 3 0 post cards 1 0 8 postage 5 10 cab to Mrs Turners 6 6 House 3 0 0 post cards &c 6 0 Total, £ 124 Monthly Cash Account. Date. March,1897. Paid. £ s. d. cab for Florence 3 0 17 cab to Dudley Road 2 6 penny cards 10 0 House 3 0 0 paid Sec: till May 4 2 10 0 18 cab to Dudley Road 2 0 23 Kennel Ass. 1 0 0 24 Polly 2 month wages 1 10 0 " Greek Fund 5 0 0 " House 3 0 0 cab 2 0 omnibus tickets 3 0 24 cab to Dudley Road 2 6 26 Kitty for self 6 0 0 May. 1 House 3 0 0 6th Taxes 1 12 0 Paper 7 1 1/2 corn protector 6 Total, £ 125Monthly Cash Account. Date. April, 1897. Received. May L s. d. 7 Boys Club B & B. 10 0 [Taxes ] 1 8 House 3 0 0 [? appen] & omnibus 1 0 poor woman 6 11. London & back 1 3 6 12 Kitty as secretary 10 0 13 Cab 2 0 14 cab to printer 3 0 15 cab to Dudley Road 2 6 House 3 0 0 omnibuses 7 22 House 3 0 0 stamps 1 0 0 25 Knock printing bill 3 18 [6] " Miss Butterworth 1 0 0 26 Elliot Stock 3 3 omnibus tickets 3 0 Total, £ 126 Monthly Cash Account. Date. April, 1897. Paid. £ s. d. 29 1/2 penny stamps 10 0 House 3 0 0 omnibuses 3 [? Pench ] Simmons 8 10 1/2 Cab-- 3 6 x [Cabs] To London 1 5 0 June 1 Cab to Dudley Rd 2 0 [Material peticoat] [8 10 1/2] 3 cab 2 6 5 House 3 0 0 Library subscrip 1 1 0 6 Chapel! 1 0 Service Book 2 6 House 3 0 0 11 Schmahl hotel bill 6 2 6 omnibus tickets 3 0 14 gloves 3 5 Total, £ 127Monthly Cash Account. DATE. MAY, 1897. RECEIVED. June. L s. d. 19 [comthevakin?] 5 0 House 3 0 0 21 Cab 4 0 25 Paid Secretary 17 6 26 House 3 0 0 27 Chapel 10 0 28 London cab 1 0 0 [BCoure?] 3 11 1/2 July 3 House 3 0 0 4 Church 2 6 Heath [Sanderson?] 10 0 Penny stamps 10 0 [?ischap] Lette 7 1/2 9 Omnibus ticket 3 0 Service - 2 0 16 To Cemetery House 3 6 0 Stamps Total, 10 0 128 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. July MAY, 1897. PAID. L s. d. 7 House 3 0 0 Omnibus tickets 3 0 23 Foreign stamps 2 6 24 House 3 0 0 28 Omnibuses 4 black ribbon 29 Postal order 5 0 Cards - post 1 0 31 House 3 0 0 August 2 Paid [Sec?] 1 5 0 7 House 3 0 0 9 [Baskill?] 9 3 omnibus tickets 3 0 sponge cakes 3 13 postage 3 14 House 3 0 0 18 Chapel 1 0 Total, I 129Monthly Cash account Date June, 1897. Received £ s. d. 17 Polly for holiday 2 0 21 House 3 0 0 Stamps 10 0 Welsch chair £ 1.1.0 22 Church 1 0 23 Mr Preston [10 0] 24 Wages 10 0 watch key omnibus 6 6 Cab for self & doctor on 23rd 4 6 24 Polly wages to date 1 10 0 28 House 3 0 0 26 To London 1 0 0 29 To church 1 0 25 Welsh Chair 2 6 31 Cab to Dudley Road 2 6 Kitty for Ethel [Chris?] 5 0 0 1/2 penny stamps 10 0 Cay lecture - - Total, £ 130 Date [August] September Paid £ s. d. 4 Local rates 3 4 0 House-- 3 0 0 Omnibus 7 8 Butterworth 1 5 0 9 Poodle & Oil 3 6 10 To Tunbridge Wells 5 8 Cabs Return 4 0 Hotel bills &c 3 0 0 18 House 3 0 0 Penny stamps 10 0 19 Church ---- 1 0 20 Postal order 5 1 book & arnnica 3 22 omnibuses 1 0 23 Calls for Marian 4 8 25 House 3 0 0 29 Paper &c 2 8 half penny stamps 10 0 Total, £ 131 October 2nd /House/ 3 Pounds 2nd /So London Hotel/ 2 Pounds 2nd /Medical Booth/ 2 Pounds 5th /Birthday present/ 5 Pounds 9th /House/ 3 Pounds 9th /Stamps/ 10 Shillings 11th /?Ante?/ 5 Pounds 14th /Lunbridge Wells of ?/ 7 Shillings 16th / 19th /Kitty/ 6 Pounds 20th /So London Bank/ 1 pound 5 Shillings 21st /?Petty? for Journey/ 3 Pounds 5 Shillings 21st /Museum/ 5 Shillings 23rd /Sarah for ?horses?/ 2 Pounds 23rd /Polly MacWegan to date/ 1 Pound 10 Shillings 23rd / ?Laredsell? / 5 Pounds 6 Shillings 4 Sixpence 23rd /Butterworth to date/ 1 Pound 10 Shillings 25th /London and Back/ 1 Pound 27th /Lounges/ 2 Shillings 9 Sixpence 28th /Taxes Prorate/ 1 Pound 12 Shillings 28th /Ommbakes/ 8 Sixpence 30th /House/ 2 Pounds 31st /Church/ 2 Shillings November 6th /To London (?)/ 1 Pound 6th /Marketing/ 2 Pounds 6th/ (?) / 10 Shillings 12th/?Forboth to date?/ 6 Shillings 13th /House/ 3 Pounds 13th /Jerusalem ?/ 3 Shillings 13th /Chapel/ 1 Shillings 18th /Address ?/ 4 Sixpence 18th /Police ?/ 5 Shillings 19th /Sasbile 1st Oct/ 1 Pound 19 Shillings 3 Sixpence 20th /House/ 3 Pounds ? / Coal/ 2 Pounds 10 Shillings 6 Sixpence Monthly Cash Account. DATE. AUGUST, 1897. RECEIVED. Nov [Brother?] r. n. 5 0 0 22 Dr Dolan 7 6 envelopes & stamps 6 6 23 To London, cabs & [?] 2 0 0 25 Dr Appel 1 0 0 29 [Lighh?] [Rother?] 14 0 0 Dec 1 To Town & [?] 1 0 0 [Gane?] checque for 100 4 Butterworth 1 10 6 House - 3 0 0 6 Carpet square 2 0 9 Tree of Eden 3 6 [?] 6 0 Life of Tennyson 1 16 0 present [?] 5 Paid Butterworth 1 16 6 11 House - 3 0 0 15 omnibuses 8 Coal 1/2 ton 1 6 0 Total, 134 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. AUGUST, 1897. PAID. 17 foreign stamps 5 0 [Dinner?] [?] 1 0 0 23 House 2 weeks 6 0 0 31 Carpet 2 5 9 Polles wage 2 months due 1 10 0 on Dec 24 Total, 135 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. | SEPTEMBER, 1897 | RECEIVED. | | £ | s. | d. | Total, £ | | | 136 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. | SEPTEMBER, 1897 | PAID. | | £ | s. | d. | Total, £ | | | 137Monthly Cash Account. DATE. | OCTOBER, 1897 | RECEIVED. | | £ | s. | d. | Total, £ | | | 138 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. | OCTOBER, 1897 | PAID. | | £ | s. | d. | Total, £ | | | 139Monthly Cash Account. DATE. | NOVEMBER, 1897 | RECEIVED. | | £ | s. | d. | Total, £ | | | 140 Monthly Cash Account. DATE. | NOVEMBER, 1897 | PAID. | | £ | s. | d. | Total, £ | | | 141Monthly Cash Account Date December, 1897 Paid [pound sterling sign transcribed as L] L s d January subscriptions Psychical Research 1 1 0 Farm Colony [?] 5 0 0 20 Land Nationalists 1 1 0 27 Personal Rights 1 1 0 30 National Vigilan 1 1 0 Feb 2 Humanitarian League 1 1 0 Royal Tree 1 1 0 22 Authors Society 1 1 0 23 Charity organization 10 0 March R.S.P.A. 1 1 0 15 Girls Home 10 6 Clapham Maternity 1 1 0 26 Social Party 10 0 Cash Account --Yearly Abstract. _________________________________ __________________________________ _________________ | RECIEVED. | PAID. _____________________________________________________________ | | [?] | s. | d. Began Feb 4 | Butterworth [?] Secretary January............... | February............. | Feb 4 [?] 1.50 per month | '' 6 MARCH.................. | " 8 JANUARY............... | FEBRUARY............ | Feb 4 5.0 per month | 6 MARCH................. |" 8 APRIL............ | MAY............ JUNE............. AUGUST............ SEPTEMBER............. OCTOBER........... NOVEMBER............... DECEMBER................. Total, [?] _________________________________________________________ 144 ______________________________________________________________________________ C. & J. PENNY'S IMPROVED DIARY FOR 1897. No. 10_ LONDON: H. W. CRANE & Co., 63, GOSWELL ROAD. PRICE SIXPENCE.