BLACKWELL FAMILY ELIZABETH BLACKWELL GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE From Col. Harvey Coombe Sunday 23 July 93 Oakland Dear Madam I am very sorry to learn that you have been inconvenienced; but the Land over which the footpath you mention [Tues?] does not belong to us: and I cannot interfere; more especialy as this JW [Wrates?] is a most disagreable Brute. Murphy is his Brother in Law and Bailiff - I was not aware that you were at Herst Farm or would have called on you to see if I could be of any assistance in any way - Mrs Combe is an invalid and cannot get about much - but my son will call this afternoon as I am unfortunately going out - I am the more anxious to see you as our mutual friend Susan Dusant had so often spoken of you - I know all the family well Father, Mother, Mary Ann & &c to quote D W Henry I [?] If you are going to stop at Herst we shall be delighted to see you here to luncheon, tea, or anything; and you on your Day may go[* Col Harvey Coombe *] all over the Park or anywhere else you like - Regretting not having known that you were at Herst before Believe me Y sincerely E Blackwood Dr Elizabeth Blackwood Herst Farm