BLACKWELL FAMILY ELIZABETH BLACKWELL From Goff A.[1898] April 28th Dear Dr Blackwell I must write to tell you how enchanted I am with your book: you have by writing it added one more item to the debt of gratitude the public already owes you. I am so glad to find you are sofond of music - her one passion. Even when I was so fortunate as to enjoy the privilege of your acquaintance & care even if not that came before I ever met you I had a deep reverence for you, this look would make our closeness for all of the delightful young lady who with such an appreciation of fun as well as of her high calling, set such an example & did such truly wonderful work by her strong purpose & high religious sense That day when you took your ? ? ? ? precious ?. As it must be to all who ? you-[written in vertical margin: Goff '98] it is most touching & affecting from the wisdom & dignity displayed by you & the intense reverence you inspired. Excuse me for troubling you with all of I could not ? complimentary esteem - & allow me ???? sincerely yrs A Goff