BLACKWELL FAMILY From Haeon, N. ELIZABETH BLACKWELLSunrise Christchurch N. 2. January 1st 1884 My dear Madam, I must again thank you for your very kind + handsome present of your pamphlets. They have arrived safely. I am giving them away carefully to a few medical gentlemen + clergymen, + I believe it has thereby do more good than by offering them for sale in a shop.any money that I can make by their sale, after paying expenses, I shall give to our worthy chaplain who has already devoted himself to the dawn of "True Manliness"+ has given many lectures on the principles + after the fashion of the [achievement of the White Cross Army?] Again Thanking You, I am with best wishes for the New Year Yours Truly, Mrs. HaconHospital for the Insane Sunnyride Christchurch New Zealand August 5th, 1886 Dr. Eliz Blackwell Madam I have read your Pamphlet on the Human Elements in Sex + I wish to express by now my admiration for the very proper manner in which you have handled a most difficult subject and to wish you every means in further work on the subject. I quite agree with you that we men may rely safely on theMaternal insisted + I only wish that mothers gave good instruction & their married daughters. Accept please my respectful regards I am Yours Faithfully, Mrs Hacon 30 20 _______________ 365/ 600(1.7 1/2 365 _________ 235 11.4 1/2 12 __________ 360/ 2820 (7 7520 _______ .320 3/11.4 1/2 _________ 2.