BLACKWELL FAMILY ELIZABETH BLACKWELL From Grove Macmillan's MagazineMACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE Grove. Lower Sydenham, S.E. May 10 1880 My dear madam I think you will find very much [?] inside of this [?]. The things the paper send home The wrongs were - 1. A just deal had been paid before - was quite[?] trite and applied as much to men doctors as women. 2. Was too abstract. English H[?] are important if abstractions and all prior 10 Statements of principles for one fact 3. It was too eloquent - a littletoo "tall" - if you will permit me the word - in place It is so difficult for a nation of one country to hit the taste of that of another that I come to be allowed an insurmountable task especially when as in your case, the nation of a young country is attacking an old one. I hope you will not think me rude, in what I have said - I don't mean to be so - but as you wished me to say what I really meant I thought I had better do so. Let me know if I can [serve?] you - and please never hesitate to apply to me in [?] Yours [?[ S Trove Please let me correct one misapprehension however. I am an english woman, my early life was spent in Bristol - I have lived and studied and worked so much in England, that in America I am considered a thorough english woman - and I come now, hoping to be of some service to my native land, with a real feeling of home and kinship to all around me.I thank you very much for your [?] + kindly letter which is just what I hoped for - I see clearly the faults you point out as a magazine article - I think I shall not attempt to publish it, although the main argument requires urging at present. When there is so much confusion of thought as to the kind of education that women should receive. Evidently a spoken address takes a different form from a written article for I have given the substance of this address on two occasions to an audience of highly cultivated men & women, and carried them completely with me, but then one warms an audience by a shared enthusiasm which might easily seem stilted in simple reading.