BLACKWELL FAMILY Henry .B. Blackwell Blackwell, Kitty BarryOffice of The Woman's Journal, No. 3 Park Street. Boston, May 6 1897 Dear Kitty I mailed yesterday to Anna a draft of Brown Bros & Co on London for L 20 x 8 x 2, at her urgent request altho. I sent her a draft March 27, for proceeds of $100. and this present draft makes the third one applicable to this year. In my letter to Anna of yesterday (dated April 29) I gave her the dates at which I have sent her drafts for $100 for more than three years past for all of which she has written acknowledging receipt. Altho I have been irregular in times of remittance, I have not allowed her matter to be arrears. It is a pity that her mind having so little to occupy it, exercises its activity in self torment over so simple a matter as a quarterly receipt of $100 from me. We are all cold. The weatheris now singularly beautiful. Apples, pears, plums & cherries all in bloom at once, with peach trees - something I never saw before. Usually peach blossoms come first; then cherries, plums, apples and pears in regular sequence. I rejoice this morning in the news of a Greek victory at Pharsalos and lament over the defeat of the arbitration treaty by the U.S. Senate. I took dinner day before yesterday on my 72 birthday with George & Emma, Howard, Anna & Frances at Cambridge. Alice was with me. We read all the letters lately received from you and Dr. Elizabeth & Anna. The day before that I spent in New York & Brooklyn taking breakfast with Sam & Nettie & the four unmarried daughters Ethel, Edith, Grace & Agnes. A Miss Harris of of Montclair N Jersey was there on a visit_ Ethel seems to have quite recovered her health & spirits. I took dinner & a late supper with Emily who also seems well. No special news. Yours affy. Love to all. Henry B BlackwellThis is to be kept by the purchaser of the Draft Boston, May 5th, 1897 Brown Brothers and Co. have issued their bill on Mess is Brown, Shirley and Co. London. No. 7617 for L 20-8-2 in favor of Anna Blackwell American Bank Note Co. New-York.Anna Blackwell on a/c with F.R. Blackwell Sent her Jan 19 1894 $100 Apl 7 " 100 July 19 " 100 Oct 20 " 100 Jan 12 1895 100 Apl 13 " 100 July 13 " 100 Nov 18 " 100 Dec 16, 1985 100 Mch 23 1986 100 June 10 1896 100 dft Aug 25 x Sept 1896 120 dft Aug 25 x Dec 1896 100 Mch 27 1897 100 May 5 " 100 The two drafts marked with a x were bought by me soon after we return from England & one of them held until after McKinley's election & then sent irregularly. Hence Anna's perplexity. One of them came back being payable to my order for my endorsement.[Release of Mortgage]W. C. T. U. Franchise Department. Mrs Louise C. Purington, M.D., National Supt. Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, Associate. Lecturers. Miss Frances E. Willard, The Temple, Chicago. Mrs. Susan S. Fessenden, 171 Tremont Street, Boston. Mrs. Mary E. Haggart, California, Pa. Lady Henry Somerset, The Temple, Chicago. Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, 510 Rialto Building, Kansas City, Mo. Miss E.U. Yates, Round Pond, Me. 3 Park St., Boston, Mass., Jan 18 1897 Dear Kitty Thank you for enclosing to me my last draft mailed to Anna in December which I omitted to endorse. Please see that Aunt Anna sends it to her bank on deposit and whether she deposited my previous check for £ 24 x 13 x 10 mailed to her in September 1896 and dated Aug. 25. 1896- I bought the two drafts the same day and this one I retained not knowing what the result of the Presidential election might be. I am very much grieved at what Anna calls Aunt Marian's stroke of apoplexy and what you call aslight stroke of paralysis. It is wonderful how Marian rallies with such unexpected vitality. I hope it may turn out not so severe as you at first expected_ But you are quite right in going to their help financially_ In future I shall only revisit through yourself or Dr. Elizabeth. We are all well except for slight colds and indispositions. Next week (Jan 22) Alice and I start for the National Convention at Des Moines, Iowa I expect to be away about two weeks. Returning about Feby 5. I spent this evening with George and Emma. Howard is convalescent from the measles_ The two little girls seem well. Don't fail to read the charming little story called [*"The Magic Wheel" which I mailed to Marian a few weeks ago. I fear it did not reach her before her last attack_ With love to all. Yours affectionate [?mele] Henry B Blackwell]slight state of paralysis. It is wonderful how Mariam rallies with such unexpected vitality. I hope it may turn out not so severe as you at first expected - But you are quite right in going to their help financially. In future I shall only remit through yourself or Dr Elizabeth. We are all well except slight colds & indispositions. Next week (Jan 22) Alice & I start for the National Convention at Des Moines, Iowa & expect to be away about two weeks. returning about Feby 5. I spent this evening with George & Emma. Howard is convalescent from the measles. The two little girls seem well. Dont fail to read the charming little story called "The Magic Wheel" which I mailed to Marian a few weeks ago. I fear it did not reach her before her last attack. With love to all. Your affectionate uncle Henry B Blackwell