BLACKWELL FAMILY Henry B. Blackwell Rogers, SethLetter from Henry B. Blackwell to Seth Rogers. Nov. 6, 1868 (dated Box 299 P.O. New York) My dear friend: Your letter of 31st Ulto. came duly to hand yesterday, & we feel equally glad to learn that you have made satisfactory arrangements for your Florida Home, & that yourself & friends feel so well satisfied with the shape in which you have finally put it. Lucy & I have felt no desire to be "relieved" from our pledge to aid the matter in its present form to the extent of two hundred & fifty dollars, & will therefore merely say that if, in the course of its prosecution, you need it, you may draw on us through Ludlow Patton at 15 days sight at any time. We congratulate you on the auspicious result of the Presidential Election, which I think will materially aid you in establishing yourself happily in Florida and in attracting Northern invalids [there] thither. "Let us have peace." On the opposite page you will see Lucy's & my own suggested programme to the Mass. friends. It seems to us the right thing to do.With best wishes for your success, & kind regards to your wife & family, I remain dear Sir, Your friend, Henry B. Blackwell. (Dr. Seth Rogers was at excellent man at whose sanitarium at Pomfret Conn we stayed at one time. His daughter Belle was a pupil of Jane Andrews in Newburyport at the time when I was - a fine, high minded, frank, wholesome girl, [with a] large, with rosy cheeks & a curly brown head. A.S.B.) Mrs. Rebecca Watson writes to H.B. Blackwell from Jamaica Plain, Mass., Dec 2, 1868: Your very kind letter of Nov. 28 reached me yesterday. I cannot sufficiently thank you for the very tempting home you offer me in your delightful family. I think you did not under-