Blackwell Family Subject File Financial Papers 1880 Henry B. Blackwell1880- Oct 11 Deposit $5.000." of F. L. Ames amo. ) Our Note in his favor - 4 mos. ) Date Oct. 11. No. 6. Due Feb 14 '81) Oct. 21. deposit by 1.000 Transfer fee) ) Schenectady Payments ) Cot. 29 Bills Pay. Our Note No. 11 Oct. 26. 60 dp. ord. F. L. Ames Due 12.25 - 28 5.000 Nov. 2 Bills Pay. Our note N. 14 Nov. 2 30 dp ord F. L. Ames Due. 12/5 5.000 _________ Forward 16.000 __________ $3000 00/100 Oct 12 1880 Transfer check to Merchants Bank Portland No. 1 3000 - $ Beets Oct. 12 1880#C. Schopmeier Schenectady N. Y. 10 1840 T 3 75. $ 40.58 Seed 3.50 _____ Beet Raising W [?} 37.08 .54 ______ No. 2. 36.54 36 54 ______ $ Beets Oct 12 1880 Joseph Hannigan Schenectady 8 1000 T 3 75 31.75 - Seed 3.50 - Weigh. .43 3.93 ______ No. 3 27.82 27.82 ________ 3064.36 1880. Nov. Brot. forward 16.000 " 10 Transfer from Merchts. Nat. Bk Portland. — Check No. 1003. 500 " 15 Our Note No. 16 Nov. 15. and F L. Ames 3 odp. of Mchts. Nat. Bk. Portland Due Dec. 15/18 — 2 5.000 " Over 21500 " Beets — $ 3.064 36 Oct.12. 1880. Chas. P. Sanders Schenectady 23.1400 T. 3 3/4 cents 88.59 — Seed 5.25 [?] — Weigh 1.18 [?] 6.43 No 4 82 16 82.16 Beets— $ Oct.12. 1880. Wm. Dougall Schencetady 4.720 T. 3 3/4 16.23 [?] — Seed 3.50 [?] — Weigh .22 [?] 3.72 12.51 No. 5 12 51 [*Nov. 1. — Chk. No. 85. Remitted for supplements Statement Oct. 12 3.32*] Beets. $ Oct.12. 1880. John H Voorhus [*P.O. Mill Point Montgomery Co. N.Y.*] Tribes Hill N.Y. 14.808 T. 4 " $57.44 — Seed 11. " 20.31 — Weigh .71 No. 6 [*Cancelled*] — Frt. 8.60 [37 13] 20.31 37.13. 3.159 03Oct. 12 $ P.O Meie Pouit Co. Montgomery Montgomery N.Y *[3159 03]* *[Reli.]* J. H Voorhees 188 *[Juibes Hill afy]* [?] 112o L. 3.75 140.l7 [?] .60 22.50 [W????] S 1.88 24.38 [?][?][?] 115.49 50 No. 7 *[50. [?]/65.79]* *[[65 49]]* Oct. 12 $ Reli. J. H Voorhees Juibes Hill afy N.Y P.O Meie Pouit Montgomery Co. 188 14.808 L.e4 54.44/140.14 37.1120 .e 3 3/4 -Seed 11. -[?] 18.47 -[?] 2.59 32.06 [?][?][?] *[165.55 50.]* No. 8 Balance 115.55 [?] Oct 12. $ Reli. J. H Voorhees Juibes Hill afy N.Y P.O Meie Pouit Montgomery Co. 188 14.808 L.e4 54.44/140.14 37.1120 .e 3 3/4 -Seed 11. 197.61 W -[?] 22.22 35.81 -[?] 2.59 [?][?][?] *[161.80 50.]* No. 9 *[111 80 3.270 83]* Balance [?] 111.80 Oct. 12. $Beets 3270.83 John Miller Fort Hunter N.Y. 188 21.1748 [J??] 3 3/4 81.64 -Seed 3.50$ -Frt11.74$ -Weigh 1.08$ 16.32 $65.35 N.o. 10 Oct. 12. $Beets E.H. Schopmeier 188 Fort Hunter N.Y. 37.1293 [?] 3.75 140.91[?] -Seed- 15.45 -Frt- 13.13 -Weigh- [?88] [?] 30.76 110.15 No. 11 110 15 Oct.12. Beets Boyd R. Hudson Fort Hunter N.Y. 14.420 J.e 3.74 A88 -Seed 1.88 -Frt 4.92 -Weigh .86 4.66 4.66 56.49 N.o. 12 3503.12Oct 12. $ Beets 3.503 12 cane C.E. Jerpason John V. Putman 188 Tribes Hill N.Y. 15.870 Seed 3.50 Amount 5.20 Weigh .76 48.24 Oct 14, 1880 E.H Sehofuneir Tribes Hill NY 34132 15^532 3.50 $53.28 $113.25 Beets 3.913.76 Oct 14 [*188*]0 Jolen ?& Patterson Schenectady NY 3 100 at 3.50 $10.65 3 1610 " 3 75 13.95 24.60 w Less note seed 3.50 w Lower 7.50 w [*No *] 16) Half Weighing fee .35 w 11.35 13.25 v 13.25 Oct. 15 $ Beets J. D. Todd [*188] Coaticook 3.247 J. 4.50 $13.99 - Seed 1.75 w 12.24 [* No.*] 17 12.24 Oct. 15 $ Beets New Cleveland [*188] Coaticook 6.140 J. 4 1/2 $27.28 w - Seed 1.25 w 26.03 [* No.*] 18 26.03 3965.28 Oct. 15 3.965 28 $ Beets John Palin Coaticook 2.980 T.. 4'r 188 Sid 10.98 e 1.75 e 9,23 No. 19. Oct. 15. $ Beets 9.23 Alex V Recora Coaticook 1. 1470 4.50 Deed 188 7.45 e 1.75 e 5.70 No 20 5.70 Oct. 15 $ Beets Wm G. Hall Halleville N,Y, 75 E 1685 18-T.c 4 -seed- 7"e -weight-93 e -Freight-12.19 e 20.12 54.88 No. 21 54.88 JsJ for Zooller Mon Oct 20 Check N. 22 4035.09 Oct 20 $ 4035.09 Wm. G. Hall 188 Halleville, N.Y. Weight of Beets 44.005 lbs, Beets Oct. 15. 42.005 Adol 2.000 lbs w4" $3.57e 3.57 No. 22 Oct 20 $57.69 57.69 J.H. Bronson 188 Amsterdam NY Weight Beets 46135=20 1335 3.50 $72.082 Less Frt to Schenectady 15 3.08 11.92 Less 5 ots toward Weghting 1.063 Less Seed 10.89 2 3.50 2 14.39 2 No. 23 $16.47 Nicholas B. Nione Oct 20 1880 Schenectady Ny 1760 12960 lbs= 3.50 $20.25 2 less seed 3.50 2 .28 2 3.78 16 4.112 No 24 4112 82 $57 77/100 C.H. Toll Agt Oct 20 1880 Schenetady 42540 lbs = 18 2220/Tons a 350 $66.47 L[?]seed 7.75 1/2 weighing .95 8.70 57 77 No. 25 $17 87/100 EH Shopmeier Oct 20 1880 Fort Hunter NY 15777 lbs = 7 97 tonds 3.50/24.65 Freight 7.50 Less " @ 15c 1.07 6.43 6.78 21 62 " 1/2 Weighing 5 cts 35 Add 1/2 Car load No. 26 17.87 [17 87] 375 $21.62 $ R W. Berning oct 20 1880 Fort Hunter N.Y. 7.1626 J. . 3 72 - $27.04 - Seed 2.94 Freight 1/2 car 2.75 12 c/ton 1 07 2.68 No. 27 21 07 Weighg 5- 35 5.97 5.97 21.07 4213 28$53. 93/100 4.213 28 Oct 21 1880 Kanhardt Ho [?] on Mixer Braker + Kuiver a/c Pottcna Madivery [?] Ceimbria No. 28 53 93 $1.83 Oct 21 1880 Perle, Mason R R Apt Lantee O[?] Conne[?] on wa[?]h[??]p Fowarding 12/[?] Beeto No.29 183 $2.00 Oct 22 1880 War Hill North Bercoiek Mo No. 30 s[?]tf in [?]ui $5.25 [?] bad $5.00 on his beet paid for 16th 2 4.27 04 $4.00 4271 04 Oct 22 1880 Comms for 1879 / 80 W J Fernald No 31 4 11 Oct 22 Beeh Henry Plater 188 Schenectady N.Y. 3.865 J. 3.50 $11.85w - Seed 3.50 3.66 - Half wage .16 8.19 No 32 8 19 Oct. 22 $ Beeh Wm Haselo /188 Schenectady N.Y. 1.2080 J. 3. $6.75w - Seed 1.75w - Weekley .052w $4.95 No 33 4.95 4.288 18$4.93 [4288 18] Oct 23 1880 M N Piller, Brook Ne 25 4. 295 71 $2 Oct 23 1880 If W. Pierce East Pepperill Mass In full soliplinp & forward in Belts No. 37 225 63 $26.- 100 Oct 23 1880 J. H. Brandon Amsterdam N/Y/ 7. [?] & Weigley } 2625 .38 No. 38 Cost of Belts 26 63 at [Sch?] 02 #11 Oct 25 188 Geo L Wilson Plalim Apt Haverlutt N H No. 29 11 02 Conew on 72./4 tous Beets 4335 61$4 50 Oct 25 1880 John Miller Fort Hunter NY 1/2 Car too Much clip d him 3 75 1/2 " " " " Vonkees 3 75 No. 40 w 7 50 $3 35/100 Oct 25 1880 F B Shaw Corinna Me New Leine Frowl Trip 21/2 Tour Beets 3.19 Postotye .16 No. 41 3.35 $1000. 00/100 Oct 20 /1880 Foausfer cheeck Carloto Merchts BR Portland No. 42 1000 Over 5.436$3.30 5.346 46 Oct 26 1880 H A Williams RR Apt 22 tons Beets 1879 & 1880 No. 43 3.36 $4.00 Oct 26, 1880 Jacob Seitz Repair Thermometers No. 44 4.00 $2.58/100 Oct 26 1880 W. H Lewit Ln for weighing fowarding Beets No. 45 w 2.58 5,356.40 5356 40 $4 15/100 Oct 26 1880 J W Ribinson RR Agt Dover Me Com weighing & forwarding 27 tons Beets $4.00 Postage .10 46 4.15 $109. 23/100 Oct 27 1880 J D Campbell 1480 Schenectady NY 70920 [at?] 31 . a 3 50 110.81 less ./2 weighing at 10c 1.58 No. 47 109.23 $26.95 Oct 27 1880 David Fluni 18805=8 885 tons Schenectady NY Beets at 3.50 less seed $2 29.38 ½ Weighing 43 48 1 43 26.95 26 95 5496 73 $44 57/100 [*5496 73*] Oct 27 1880 EH Shopine[???] First Hunter 32489 = 14 1129$10. 20/100 Oct 27 1880 Won Green Stockenlady NY Goods and 10.405637 80 $734, 52 Oct 28 qw oof Nov. 1. 1880. 18008 Interst acct. Pd. F. L. Ames Interst from Oct. 13 79 to Nov, 1 '80 on Maine Beet Sugar Co No. Notees Oct. 13. 79 5.000. 53.00 5.000. $10.000 12 mo, 18 dys 7% $734.52 $2 \40 Oct 28 1990 F N Jordan RR Agt $3 75 6380 32 100 Oct, 30 Oct 28 1880 [?] J. W. Strout Void [?] Oct.28 Rects (receipts) 6521 65 Levi D. Chamberlain 188 Sent G,O. Doak Dixville _____________________________________ 8.2032 % 4 1/2 $40.06 ? Reid 3.50 ? _____________________________________ 36.56 N0 sg______ 36 56 $ Rects Oct 28 1880 Lyman Martin Dixville Sent G D.Doak 2. 2013 L. 4 1/2 $13.02 Recd .88 No. 12.14 12.14 bo. Rects Oct. 28. 188 Sent G.O Doak Danl Gibson Dixville 3.769 L4 1/2 15.03 Recd . 88 No. 61. 14.15 14.15 6.588+50 6584 50 $Beets Oct. 28 Sent G. O Dook 188_ Orrin P. Terrill Dixville 4 663 Tc 4½ 19.32 seed 1.75 No. 17.57 14.54 62. $Beets Oct. 28. 188_ Edgar Lang Richby 9.1711 Tc 4½ $43.92 seed 3.50 No. 63. 40.42 $Beets Oct. 28 /188 G.A. Hartwell Gowntplow 9.93 J. 4 1/2 #41.08w -Reed 3.50 w No. 64 34.58 37.58 6.680 07 $ Beets 6679 07 Oct. 28 188_ John Fagues Dixville '80 Oct. 28. S Beets 6691 20 Chester Cleveland 188_ Coaticooke 1.1255 T. 4.12 $7.02 _ Deed 3.50 3.52 No. 69 $ Beets E. H. Todd 188_ Coaticooke 7 773 T. 4 12 $ 32,96 - Seed 5.25 Pulp 22." No. 70 27.25 5 71 5.71 $ Beets G.W. Wilson 188_ Coaticooke 9 20 T. [41?]] 1.84 - seed 1.75 No. - Expense p. in stamps. .09 6.70[0] 43 Oct. 28 '80 $ Beets 6700 43 Gel. L. Wright 188_ Dixville 14 458 T. 4 ½ $6391 seed 1.75 62 16 No. 71 62 16 $Beets J.B. Duplaise Dixville 188_ 3 16 T. 1 12 13.53 seed 2.63 No.72 10 90 $ Beets Louis Palardis 188_ Coaticooke 1.10 T. 4 12 4.52 seed .88 3.64 3 64 No. 73 6777 13 10.90 [?] of.28.'80 $ Beets 6777 13 S.A. Baldwin 188 Dixville 5.2213 J.c 4[?] 26.92 w seed 4 w 19.92 No. 74 19 92 $ Beets [W?] Wright 188 Dixville 3.455 J His 14.41 w [?] 1.75 w No. 75 12 66 12.66 $ Beets L. O. Swanson. 188 Waterville 10.1219 J. c His 47.43 w seed 7.75 w No. 76 39 68 39.68 6849 39 Dec 2.9. 80 Pres Chuley A88 1840 Oct. 29 '80 $ Amt 6870.38 T.M. Govern 188 Waterville 1.285 [?] 4% $5.04 [?] $3.50 No. 80 1.57 1.57 $ Books[?] A. Rocques 1.88 Waterville 2.1093 L. 4 $11.18 send 4.02 4.18 Oct, 30 $ H.L. De Forrest 188_ Schenectady Remitted him on acct. No. 82 800.00 7,676.58 Oct. 30 1880 $________________ |||| 7.676 ||||| 58 [Illegable] 18810.720 54 $ Beets Nov. 1 E Beruhard Agt / 188_ Scheuealad of y. 19.245 j. 3 1/2 66.87 -Seed 5.00 -[?] .95 5.95 60.92 86. 60.92 $ Beets L. H. Flanders 188_ Coaticook 1190 J. 412 $2.38 Dust G. OSoak No. 84 2.38 $ Beets L.J. Blauduin 188_ Coaticook 1650 J. c. 4 $3.30 Dust. G. OSoak $Beth Nov. 1. '80 A88 W. Wiggett Waterville 2403 S Hip. 1980 List G.O No. 89 $Beck G. A88Supplementary $29.44 10801 94 Settlement Nov 2 1880 E Howard Fort Hunter NY Add 7/8 car 6.56 No. 92 √ 29 44 Post[gade?] 63 7.19 Commis on 22 25 22 1/4 acres $6 50 Nov 2 1880 C Fenderson Wilton Me Commis on 43 tons Beets No. 93 √ 6 50 $4.500." Nov. 3. -- 1880. Transfer to Merch[ets?] Nat. Bk. Portland No. 94 √ 4.500 " 15.337 88 $36.38 15334 88 Nov 3 /1880 Expense 4 Both gasoline Bill Oct 13 1880 No. 95 Gilbert & Barker mouf 9Co. w 36.38 $10. 37/100 Nov 3 1880 N B Ross 11th Apt Jhiuroh Mass. 67 1/2 Town o 150 No.96 $10.37 $10.12 + .25 postage $10. 5th Nov 3 1880 Oluoey Taylor Apt W. Waterville Me 10.56 No. 97 Full Of Chalfes on 70 town Beets at 15c + 5ct honer 15.395 19 [?] full of charges for 70 [?] [Beets?] at 15c & [?][?] Machinery Nov. 4. 1880 G. M. Mitchell & Co. Belting Bill 30 Aug No. 98 32.56 $4.85/100 Nov 4th 1880 A W. Valentine Bal due [?] Beets 6.60+1.75 [Leer?] seed No. 99 4.85 $4.50 Nov 4 1880 A Moseley Apt Etna Me [?] 30 [?] [Beets?] 15c $4.50 No. 100 4.50 15.437 10 $1 10/100 Nov 4 1880 E C Lowe [?Stn] Apt MCRR Comm on 7 tons Beets a/5 $105 Postage 05 No 101 ∑ 1 10 $2 75 Agents Com Nov. 4 1880 H W. Bullard St n Apt OCRR Sherborn Mass Com on forwarding 18 tons Beets No. 102 Agents Com. -- ∑ 2 75 Nov 5. 1880 [?Wodwick Me?] remitted B [?Dharmhomy?] √ 50 c ∑ Com on [?] Beets " Philip Wilson 2 30 " ∑ " " " " East Newport Me sent in postage stamps [ckg on petty cash] Credit Expense $3 70 post. stamps .80 ∑ Nov 5 1880 S B Palmer Saco [?] Me No. 103 ∑ √ 3 70 15.444 65 $13 00 15.444 65 Nov 5 1880 J Flanders RR Apt Averhill Mass 2 full [?wa?king] & forwarding Beets No. 104 ∑ √ 13 " $1.50/100 Nov 5 1880 Quin Chase Whitefield NH. (See a/c ex[?] charges from Lisbon) No. 105 ∑ 1 50 414.25/100 Nov. 6 1880 Gilbert Barker Mang Co [Gariline?] Bill transferred by Forest City Sugar Refinery No. 106 √ 14 25 [15 50] 15.473 40 $17 50 15.473 40 D N. & B. Goodwin Nov 6 1880 a/c Beet Raising 1880 Seed a/c No. 107 17 50 $43 81 Petty Cash 1880 Paid HBB as per petty Cash book Expenses to date No. 108 43 81 Nov. 8. $Beets John S. Schermerhorn 188 Schenectady 28.580 T. 3 50 $98.89 - seed 5.25 - sower 7.50 - Half [?] 1.41 14.16 84 733 5¢ 109. 84.73 15.619 44$10.00 Nov 9 1880 Wm K. White Apt B+M RR Noter NH Township75 [???] Beets of [????] No. 110 $5.00 Nov 9 1880 Forest[???] Packing Co for construction packing No. 111 $40.00 Nov 9 1880 Ranken Scale Eradicator Co Fresh B[??] used by MBS Co No. 112$4.60 Nov 9 1880 Ezra Brabury Weghip of Founding Beets No. 113 $82.68 Nov 9 Andrew McMullen , NY No. 114 $7.05 Nov 9 1880 E Bowley Hooverville Mair$616. 20/100 15.768 77 Nov 10 1880 H.S. De Forest Schenectady NY a/c [B] S De Forest No 116 616 20 $25. 88/100 Nov 10th 1880 CE Ferguson (Tribe's Hill) Fort Hunter NY a/c Agts Comms. No. 117 25.88 $25. 00/100 Nov 9 1880 SC. Blackwell a/c Services to date No. 118 25 " 16.435 85$21 45/100 16.435 85 Nov 12 1880 J.B. Goodwin Newburyport Mass. 10 cts per ton on 158 tons 15.80 30 16 10 No. 119 [21.45] $6.70 Nov. 12 1880 Agents Commission A.F. Knight Fairfield Services No. 120 6.70 $4 35/100 Nov 15 1880 Geo G. Hatels Wells Me 2210 tons Weighings 86 [?a/c] No. 121 4.35 164.63$3 50/100 Nov 16 1880 L H Bateman RRRyt Mill River Mass No. 122 Friendship Thursday 22/2 Loves Beets $ 6 38/100 Nov 16 1880 J. H Bowney Ho Honorship Boots $1 80/100 Nov 16 188 g w. Stapleton$5.35/100 Nov 16 1880 Elmore + Richards 4 Murray New York No. 125 w (check) 5 |35 $27.50/100 Nov 16 1880 BS. Martin No. w (x'ed out with check) 25 |53 $19.57/100 Nov 17 1880 L.A. Shear Stnagh Warren Me Commus on Beets No. 127 w 19 | 57 Nov. 17. 1880 $Beets $42 90 16525 13 David Flinn Jr. 188 Schenectady N Y 12.2140 T. 3.50 $45.30 Half [?Weight] .65 No. 128 _____________ ______ 44.65 42 90 Seed GH Flinn 175 ______ 42.90 ===== $11 81/100 Nov. 17 1880 H.S. De Forest Schenectady NY No. 129 11 81 $46 48/100 Nov 19 1880 Gossler &Co For 195 20 Reedesmark for [?Maschneueufalnik] Riedel 46 48 No. 130 a/c Portland Machinery In full of Mixed & Breaker 16.626 32$21 38/100 Nov 19 1880 Waldo Bros. 57 Kelog Borton $12 03 Nov 19 1880 Elmore Richards N York Chem $1500 00/100 Nov 19 1880 Boleoell Bro. M a/c machinery No. 133 Forward 21500.00 Checks not in Dec 1. 1880 13 - 48.24 29 - 1.83 39 - 11.02 54 - 22.54 80 - 1.54 90 - 4.38 cancelled 91 - .62 95 - 36.38 101 - 1.10 105 - 1.50 106 - 14.25 110 - 10 119 - 16.10 122 - 3.50 127 - 19.54 128 - 42.90 _______ $235.53 Dec 1. 1990 Bal to agree with Bank Book.[20939 54] $3 00/100 308 84 Nov 24 1880. Edward R Rocoe Proiton h moaider N [??]NE RR Jreipht on Mixer [?] Bxealler } No. 137 E. 3 00 from hanne Klien $83 00/100 Nov 24 1880 Rauken Encedicatas Coo. Exeter N. H. 1 1/2 Bbls. Eradicater 86$ E. 83 " leis 1 1/2 Empty. Bbls 3.00 No. 138 $24 00/100 Nov 25 1880 ej. W. Parker am Gliuton Me No. 139 E 24 " Mdse/49 $9. E Aqtn [[?]]/80 15. E 20418 84$24.75 $9.30 Nov. 30, 1880 Nov 30, 1880 Walte Williams J. A Barr Bill Lycelsior ??? Thomaston No. 140 ???? ????? E.v 24.75 Apt Comms No. 142 $4.57 Over Ev. 9.30 Nov 30, 1880 J. Agrephton Thomaston Worship ??? boots Apts. Commons No. 141 E.v 4.57 $197 01/100 [20888 07] 457 40 Dec 1. 1880 Leonard & Ellis 149 Broad St Boston No. 143 E 197 01 [*2108508*] $__________________________________________ Seedant. 188__________ G Gattenaude for G O Doak, See settlement check N.90 — [* Rust G O Doak*] to refund sud not furnished by Nov [?] $1.75 [1, 75] No. 144 — 1 75 Checks recalled and cancelled [Credit To G. O. Doak 10].75 [21.086 83] [also To Do] Ams. check 90 recalled & cancllled $4.38 6.13 [6 13] [21.080 70] [* Memorandum — The amount of these checks now cancelled and deducted has been charged to But raising the check No. 144 The are correctly balanced by the Entries below —*] Beet Raising 1880. [188] G. O. Doak Coaticook 3 1530 T. - 4.50 16. 60 E Hubert Pattinaude " 2.1944 -12.88 E — seed 1.75E 11. 13 Agents Com. G. O. Doak Coaticook for var statemt Letter Book 10 Dec. 226 T. Buts from Canada @25 56.50 5 Cans Pulp @ 2 90 14.50 71. " E — Seed 104. 86 G. O. Doak for statemts 189. H Taphin 2.50 nospaid notes 26.41 — — — — -Less - 217.91 Feed Notes 164.88 — Implements 53.03 E 656 16 — Pulp Sown _ _ _ 7.50 E 2 Cars _ _ _ 44.8 — Expense Stamps to balance .33 E 104. 86 [21.080 70]