BLACKWELL FAMILY Henry B. Blackwell FINANCIAL PAPERSMaine Sugar Beef Co H.B. Blackwell's RecordsPortland, Maine, May 11, 1878 A duly called meeting of the parties to an agreement dated April 23, 1878 for the formation of manufacturing corporation, under the provisions of Chapter 48. Sections 18 and 19 and 20, to engage in the manufacture and sale of sugar in the State of Maine from beets raised in the State of Maine, to be entitled the Maine Beet Sugar Company, was held this day, at 9 AM at the office of [?] George S. Hunt and Co., No. 111 Commercial Street, Portland, pursuant to the following agreement and call duly advertised in the Portland Daily Press, a newspaper published in Portland. [Newspaper clipping] The following parties to theSaid agreement were present: George S. Hunt, of Portland, Me Ernest Theodore Geunert, of " " Henry B. Blackwell, of Boston, Mass Albert Palmer, of Boston, was represented by Henry B Blackwell, his attorney. George S. Hunt was chosen to act as chairman and Ernest Theodore Geunert was chosen to act as Secretary. The originals of the foregoing Agreement and Notice, together with the following certificate of publication under which the meeting was held were lead by Charles P, Mattocks, of Portland, Attorney for the above named associates. accordance with the provisions Revised Statutes of Maine 48 Section 18, 19, and 20. of Statues amendatory {{eligible}} Upon the reading of the foregoing agreement notice, and certificate, upon motion of Henry B. Blackwell it was Voted -- That the parties to said Agreement organize themselves into a corporation under the provisions of Chapter 48, Section 19, 20, and 18 of the Revised Statues of Maine. Voted - That the corporate name of said Corporation shall be the "Maine Beet Sugar Company. Voted - That the purposes of said Corporation shall be the manufacture in State of Maine of sugar from beets raised in the State of Maine and the sale of the same. Voted - That the Capital stock of said Corporation shall be Twenty thousand dollars in amount, subject to be increased to an amount not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand dollars. Voted That the Capital Stock of Twenty Thousand dollars shall be divided into Two hundred shares of One hundred dollars each and any increase of said Capital Stock shall be divided in the same proportion and fixed at the same par value. Voted that the following code of By-Laws shall be and hereby are adopted for the government of this Corporation. By-Laws of the Maine Beet Sugar Company. Stock Article 1. The stock and property of the Corporation shall be divided into two hundred shares of One hundred dollars each, and new shares may be created for the purpose ofincreasing the Capital stock to any amount not exceeding Two hundred thousand dollars, but no new shares shall be issued without a vote of the stockholders. Stockholders Article 2. Stockholders shall be entitled to a certificate or certificates expressing the number of shares owned by each said stockholder, under the seal of the Corporation and signed by the President and Treasurer, and such certificate shall be in the form following: Maine Beet Sugar Company No __ Portland Me ____ Shares Be it known that ___of ___ is Proprietor of ___ shares in the Capital Stock of the Maine Beet Sugar Company Witness the seal of the Company this ___ day of ___ A.D. ___ Seal Witness ______________ ______________________ President ______________________ Treasurer And the form of the transfer of shares in the said Corporation shall be as follows, viz: For value received, I hereby sell and transfer to _____ of _____ _____ shares in the Maine Beet Sugar Company, Dated at ___ this ___ day of ___ ____A.D. ___ Witness ______ And on any transfer being made and recorded by the Treasurer and the old certificate surrendered, a new certificate shall be issued according to the interest of the parties; but no certificate shall be issued for any fractional part of a share. Meetings Article 3. The Annual meeting of the stockholders shall be held in Portland on the first Monday in May in each year at such time and place as the directors may designate for that purpose. Special meetings may be called when a majority of the directors deem it expedient and such special meetings shall be called by the Secretary on the written application of stockholders owning in the aggregate not less than fifteen percent of the stock for the time being. At all meetings of the stockholders persons holding or representing a proxy a majority of the shares of stock of the Corporation shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and absent stockholders may appear and vote by proxy appointed in writing. At meetings of the directors a majority shall constitute a quorum.Officers Article 4. The officers of the said Corporation shall be three directors chosen by the stockholders, a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who may also be, either of them one of the three directors. The said officers (except the President) shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting of the Corporation, and all officers shall hold their offices until others are chosen in their stead. The President shall be chosen by the directors form among their number. President Article 5. The President shall preside at all meetings of the stockholders and directors and in case of his absence or disability a President Pro Tempore shall be chosen. He shall also sign all certificates of stock issued by the Corporation. Directors Article 6. The directors shall appoint the Superintendent, who may be one of their number and who shall have the general oversight of the Corporation. They shall fix and determine the compensation of the officers of the Corporation. They shall have power from time to time to declare such dividends of profits as the accounts of the Corporation shall warrant and as they shall deem best. They shall also have power to authorize their agents from time to time to make drafts on the Treasurer for such sums as shall be required to meet the expenditures necessary in prosecuting the operations of the Corporation. They shall hold their meetings at such times and places as the President may appoint, or as shall be determined by a majority of them. The Secretary of the Company shall be Secretary of the Board ex officio, and he shall keep a faithful record of all their acts, votes, and proceedings; and shall also give such notices of the meetings of the directors as they shall fix and determine. Treasurer Article 7. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the financial affairs of the Corporation, under the supervision of the directors. He shall sign and seal all certificates of stock issued by the Corporation. He shall have the custody of the Seal of the Company and publish the semi-annual and all other statements required by law. He shall pay out money and make and negociate such promissory notes and bills of exchange for such purposes as the operations of the Company may require; provided that all notes give by the Treasurer shall be approved by the President as one of the directors. He shall annually make a full statement of the affairs of the Corporation to the annual meeting and shall make like statements as often as and when required by the Directors. He shall keep a record of all the certificates of stock which shall be issued and record all transfers of shares of the Corporation and shall give a bond with securities satisfactory to the directors, if required by them, for such sum as they may deem proper, for the faithful discharge of his duties as Treasurer. Secretary Article 8. The Secretary shall give notice of the time and place of all meetings of the stockholders of said Corporation by depositing in the Post office in Portland seven days at least before the time appointed for such meeting a written or printed notice there of addressed to each and every stockholder, and the entry on the records of the Corporation by the Secretary that he has given such notice shall be conclusive notice of the fact. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to make all the returns required by law to be made by him. He shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties. He shall keep a faithful record of all the doings of the Corporation and directors, if required to do so, and shall keep or cause to be kept the books of the Corporation and shall faithfully discharge all other duties incumbent upon him as Secretary. Vacancy Article 9. In case any vacancy shall occur in the office of Secretary, Treasurer, or Directors, the same may be filled at a special meeting of the Corporation to be called for that purpose; and in case of a vacancy in the office of Secretary or Treasurer the Directors shall appoint a Secretary or Treasurer pro tempore until such meeting can be called and hold and the vacancy filled. Seal Article 10. The Seal of the Corporation shall be a circle on which shall be the name of the Corporation and the figures 1848 and such other divice as the directors may decide. Alterations Article 11. No alterations shall be made in these By-laws except at a legal meeting of the Corporation in the call for which, notice shall be given that such alteration is to be considered and voted upon, and at such meetings not less than one half of the capital stock shall be represented. The By-laws having been adopted as above it was Voted. That a subscription by now opened For the Twenty thousand dollars stock. The following Agreement was then drawn up and signed. We, the undersigned herby, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained, [hereby] mutually agree to take the amount of capital stocks in the "Maine Beet Sugar Company" set against our [?] respective names, the [?same] as below On motion of Henry B. Blackwell it was Voted. To elect officers in accordance with the By-laws to serve until the first Monday in May 1879 or until their successors are chosen. A ballot was then taken; the whole number of votes cast was 190. Georg S. Hunt, Henry B. Blackwell and Ernest Theodore Gennert were unanimously chosen directors. By the same number of votes Henry B. Blackwell was then chosen Treasurer. By the same number Ernest Theodore Gennert was then chosen Secretary. The Secretary was then sworn as follows: State of Maine county of Cumberland. SS. Personally appeared Ernest Theodore Gennert Secretary of the Main Beet Sugar Company and being duly sworn according to law made oath that he would well and faithfully perform the dities of his office as Secretary as aforesaid Ernest Th. Gennert Secretary of the Main Beet Sugar Company Portland May 11 1878 Portland May 11th AD 1878 Subscribed and sworn to before me Charles P [?dis] Justice of the Peace The Stockholders' meeting then adjourned. POWER OF ATTORNEY. For Sale by Loring, Short & Harmon, Stat Know all Men by these [*Ernest Th Gennert Secretary ] sThat I, Albert Palmer, of Boston, in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts do hereby make, constitute and appoint Henry B. Blackwell, of said Boston to be my true, sufficient, and lawful Attorney , for me and my name and for my use to subscribe to the capital stock of manufacturing corporation to be organized under the laws of the State of Maine for the manufacture and sale of beet sugar to be known as the Maine Beet Sugar Company to an amount to exceeding the sum of one thousand dollars in cash, and further in my name and for my use to sign written articles of agreement for the Establishment of such corporation as provided by chapter forty eight of the Revised Statutes of Maine and for me and in my name to vote for or against any and all questions made at the meetings held for organizing said corporation and likewise to vote upon [?] of officers of said corporation. Hereby giving and granting unto my Attorney full power and authority to execute and deliver all instruments and papers; and generally to do and perform all such acts, matters, and things, as shall be necessary or proper in the full execution of the powers and authority herein and hereby granted: and herby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney may lawfully do by virtue hereof. Witness my hand and seal, this twentieth day of April A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Catharine Wilde} Albert Palmer Power of Attorney. Albert Palmer to H B Blackwell Apr. 20. 1878Directors Meeting Portland May 11. 1878 Immediately after the adjournment of the stockholders meeting a meeting of the directors of the Maine Beet Sugar Company was convened at the office of Messrs George S. Hunt & Co. No. lll Commercial St. Portland. Present George S Hunt, Henry B. Blackwell, and Ernest Theodore Geunert. On motion of George S Hunt , Henry B. Blackwell took the chair and on motion of Ernest Theodore Geunert an election for President was ordered by ballot. George S. Hunt was unanimously elected President. It was voted to call in the entire cash capital from the stockholders immediately. The meeting then adjourned till Monday May 13. at 9 AM. Ernest Th Geunert Director's Meeting On Monday May 13 at 9 AM, the directors met at the office of George S. Hunt & Co. No 111 Commercial St Portland according to adjournment- present George S. Hunt, Henry B. Blackwell and Ernest Theodore Geunert. The treasurer reported that he had collected from the stockholders on Saturday May 11. 1878, after the adjournment of the Stockholders meeting the sum of Twenty thousand dollars in cash in full of their respective subscriptions and had deposited the same in the Merchants National Bank of Portland to the credit of the Maine Beet Sugar Company. On the motion of Ernest Th. Geunert, the Treasurer was instructed to pay to Mr George S. Hunt the sum of Five hundred eighty two 64/100 dollars for cash advanced in payment of freight and charges on beet seed. At the suggestion of the President it was then Voted to purchase from Ernest Th. Geunert for the sum of Ten thousand dollars an assignment in favor of the Maine Beet Sugar Company of a contract for a grant held by him from the Governor and Council of the State of Maine for bounty upon sugar manufactured in Maine from beets raised in the State of Maine, also his conveyance to the Maine Beet Sugar Company of the right to use and enjoy without charge forever all patents which he now has or may hereafter obtain for machinery or processes applicable to the drying of beets and the manufacture of beet sugar, also his services as Superintendent and Manager of the works of said Maine Beet Sugar Company for one year and until a nett profit of fifty percent has been earned upon the capital stock. It was then Voted that the Treasurer pay to Ernest Th. Geunert the sum of Ten thousand dollars for conveyance and assignment of sundry considerations made by him and accepted by us this day Portland Me May 13 1878. Henry B. Blackwell Directors Geo S. HuntVoted that Henry B. Blackwell and Ernest Th. Geunert or either of them shall be a committee to negotiate with the Forest City Sugar Refining Company for a lease of their buildings and machinery and premises for a period not exceeding six months for the purpose of working up the crop of beets now planted and about to be planted, with power to complete and execute a contract for the leave of the same. Voted That steps be taken to contract with farmers in the state of Maine to plant say 500 acres with beets for account of this Company at prices not exceeding four dollars per ton. Ernest Th Geunert Sect [the right to his services without further compensation excepting his travelling expen for a year and until a nett profit of fifty per cent has been earned upon the capital stock of said Company and instrc our Treasurer to] Portland March 25. 1879 A special meeting of the stockholders was held this day at 8 PM, at the office of George S. Hunt & Co, No 111 Commercial St, in accordance with a notice given by the Secretary at the request of George S. Hunt and Henry B Blackwell stockholders owning more than fifteen per cent of the stock for the time being, which application was as follows: Portland March 17. 1879 To Ernest Th Geunert Secry Maine Beet Sugar Co You are directed to call a meeting of the stockholders Maine Beet Sugar Co at your convenience not later than the 28th Inst. & within the limits of a certain contract between Mr Geunert and Mr Hunt. Very respectfully Geo S. Hunt Henry B Blackwell Present George S. Hunt owner of 30 shares Henry B Blackwell " " 78 " Ernest Th. Geunert " " 75 " After a general consideration and discussion of the past transactions, present financial condition, and future prospects of the Corporation it was voted unanimously, 1. Voted that the stock of the Maine Beet SugarCompany be increased Twenty Thousand dollars so as to make a total capital stock of Forty thousand dollars. 2 Voted That in consideration of the services [?] rendered by E.J. Geunert in inducing the subscription of new stock necessary to the continued prosecution of the business, the Maine Beet Sugar Co hereby releases paid Geunert from his obligation to continue his services to the said Company without compensation until a nett profit of fifty per cent shall be earned, and also cancels the third clause of his Bill of Sale of May 13. 1878 so this corporation, and so much of the second clause of said Bill of Sale as relates to future patents and improvements not necessary to the perfecting of Battery and Kiln, also to pay him the sum of $450. in full of all demands against the Maine Beet Sugar Co. 3 Voted That the President and the Treasures be authorized to agree to and accept a lease of the Glass House property for one, two, three, four, or five years with the privilege of purchase. 4. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to enter into a new lease for two parts of years with the Forest City Sugar Refining Co. for the continued use of the premises heretofore occupied by the Main Beet Sugar Co. 5 Voted that the President, the Secretary and Superintendent, and the Treasurer of the Company make their joint affidavit to the quantity of sugar made by our Company during the past year in accordance with the books of the Company;- such affidavit to be as follows: Office Maine Beet Sugar Co. 111 Commercial St. Portland March 25/79 We the undersigned, officers of the Maine Beet Sugar Co. hereby certify that we have completed the manufacture of sugar from the crop of 1878 and that we have kept accurate account of the same. The quantity of Sugar Beets raised in the State of Maine and many featured by us under our contract is Of green Beets 1065 470 lbs. green "dried" 900 480 " 1965 950" The sugar from the green Beets was 93517 " " " " dried " " 87534 Total 181051 lbs. Entitling the Main Beet Sugar Co. to a Bounty of $1810. 51/100 for the crop of 1878. The qualities of sugar sold were as follows; Refined Granulated 10 871 Refining 170 780 Total 181 051 Signed Geo S. Hunt Pres. Ernest Th. Gennert Secy + Supt Henry B. Blackwell Treasr I hereby certify that above statement of quantity of sugar manufactured is correct from Beets (signed) Joseph A Bacher Supt Forest City Sugar Refinery6 Voted that the President of the Company be authorized to pay Ernest [Th.?] Gennert for 25 Bags Electoral Seed omitted by the latter in his [?] of cost. On motion of H.B. Blackwell the meeting then adjourned. [?] Secretary + [?] [?] Maine Beet Sugar Company Stockholders Meeting Portland Tuesday April 8.18.1879 A special meeting of stockholders of the Maine Beet Sugar Company duty notified was held this day at 3 p.m, at the office of George S. Hount Hoo, No 111 Commerical Street Portland in accordance with a notice mailed by the Secretary March [23th] 21th at the request of George S. Hount and Henry B. Blackwell Stockholders owning more than fifteen per cent of the Captial Stock for the time being, which application [?] as follows: " Portland March 25. 1879 "To Ernest [?] Gennert Secretary of Maine Beet Sugar Company You are directed to call a meeting of the stockholders of the Maine Beet Sugar Company on Tuesday April 8. 1879 at the office of George S. Hunt Hoo, No 111 Commerical St Portland at 3 PM., for the purpose of seeing if the stockholders will vote to increase the capital stock of the said company Twenty thousand dollars, that is to say to increase the Capital stock to Forty thousand dollars, and to see if said stockholders will notify all acts done by the directors of the said Company [?] its organization, and for such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Geo S. Hunt Henry B Blackwell " The President George S. Hunt called the meeting to order and stated the object. All the stock of the Company was represented by the following parties: _ George S. Hunt, Henry B Blackwell for himself, Henry B Blackwell for Albert Palmer by proxy hereto attached, Henry B Blackwell for B.[?]. Sturtevant by proxy hereto attached, Henry B. Blackwell for [?] J. Stuart by proxy hereto attached James D. [?] for Ernest [?] Gennert by proxy hereto attached. _ the whole number of shares represented as afore was two hundred. In the offence of the Secretary, Henry B. Blackwell was unanimously chosen Secretary pro tempore. On motion of James D. [?] representing Ernest [?]. Gennert it was unanimously voted: _ That the stock of the Maine Beet Sugar Com- pany be increased Twenty Thousand Dollars so as to make a total capital stock of Forty thousand dollars. On motion of James D [?] as afore it was unanimously voted: _ That in consider- nation of the services [?] by Ernest [?] Gennert in in- ducing the subscription of new stock necessary to the continued prosecution of the business, the Maine Beet Sugar Company hereby [?] said Gennert from his obligation to continue his services to the said Company without compensation until a new profit of fifty per cent shall be earned and also cancels the third section of his bill of sale of date May 13. 1878, to this corporation, and so much of the second clause of said bill of sale as relates to future patents and improvements not necessary to the perfecting of Battery and Kiln, also to [?] him the sum of Four hundred and fifty dollars in full [?] demands [?] the Maine Beet Sugar Company. On motion of James D. [?] as [?] it was unanimously voted:_ That the President and the Treasurer be authorized to agree to and accept a lease of the glass House property for once, two, three, four, or five years with the privilege of purchase. On motion of James D. [?] as above it was unanimously voted:_ That the Treasurer be authorized to enter into a new lease for two parts of years with the Forest City Sugar Refining Com. [?] for the continued use of the premises heretofore oc- cupied by the Maine Beet Sugar Company. On motion of James D. [?] as [?] it was unanimously voted:_ That the joint [?] made by the President, the Secretary and Superintendent, and the Treasurer of the Company to the quantity of sugar made by our Company during the past year in accordance with the books of the Company be forwarded to the Governor and Council and payment [?] of the same_ the said [?] being as follows "Office Maine Beet Sugar 111 Commercial St Portland March 25. 1879 We the redesigned officers of the Maine Beet Sugar Company hereby certify that we have completed the manufacture of sugar from the crop of 1878 and that we have [?] accurate account of the same. The quantity of sugar beets [?] in the State of Maine and manufactured by us under run contract is Of green beets 1065 470 lbs. [?] green "dried" 900 480 " " dried Total green Beets 1965 950 pounds (over)The Sugar from the green Beets was 93517 lbs The Sugar from the dried Beets was 87534 lbs Total 181047 lbs. Signed Geo S. Hunt President Ernest Th Geunert Secretary & Superintendent Henry B. Blackwell Treasurer On Motion of James D Hessenden as above it was unanimously voted: - That the action of the President of the Company in paying Ernest Th. Geunert for 25 Sacks of Electoral Seed omitted by the latter on his estimate of cost be approved. On motion of H. B. Blackwell the meeting then adjourned. The proxies used at the above meeting are attached hereto and form a part of the record of the same Know all men by these presents that I the undersigned stockholder in the Maine Beet Sugar Company of Portland, Me. do hereby appoint Henry B Blackwell my true and lawful attorney with power of substitution for me and in my name to vote at the meeting of the stockholders of the said Company for the purpose of seeing if the stockholders will vote to increase the capital stock of said Company twenty thousand dollars, that is to say to increase the present stock to forty thousand dollars and to see if said stockholders will ratify all acts done by the Directors of said Company since its organization and for such other business as may properly come before said meeting, to be held at No 111 Commercial St in Portland Maine on the eighth day of April next at three o'clock P.M. or at any adjournment thereof, with all the powers I should possess if I were personally present - my stock being $500. I also authorize him to represent me at any subsequent special or regular meeting. s. Boston March 29 1897 Witness Jos A Dadman Wm J Stuart Know all men by these presents that I the undersigned stockholder in the Maine Beet Sugar Company of Portland, Me. do hereby appoint Henry B. Blackwell my true and lawful attorney with power of substitution for me and in my name to vote at the meeting of the stockholders of the said Company for the purpose of seeing if the stockholders will vote to increase the capital stock of said Company twenty thousand dollars, that is, to say to increase the present stock to forty thousand dollars and to see if said stockholders will ratify all acts done by the directors of said Company since its organization and for such other business as may properly come before said meeting to be held at No 111 Commercial Street in said Portland, Maine on the eighth day of April next at three o'clock P.M. or at any adjournment thereof, with all the powers I should possess if I were personally present - my stock being one thousand dollars in said Company. I also authorize him to represent me at any subsequent special or regular meeting. Boston Ma March 29 1897 Witness Isabel F. Newell Albert Palmer Know all men by these presents that I the undersigned stockholder in the Maine Beet Sugar Company of Portland, Maine do hereby appoint Henry B Blackwell my true and lawful attorney with power of substitution for me and in my name to vote at the meeting of the stockholders of the said Company for the purpose of seeing if the stockholders will vote to increase the capital stock of said Company twenty thousand dollars, that is to say to increase the present capital stock of said Company to forty thousand dollars and to see if said stockholders will ratify all acts done by the Directors of said Company since its organization and for such other business as may properly come before said meeting, to be held at No 111 Commercial Street in Portland Maine on the eighth day of April next at three o'clock P.M. or at any adjournment thereof, with all the powers I should possess if I were personally present - my stock being two hundred dollars in said Company. I also authorize him to represent me at any subsequent special or regular meeting. Boston Mass March 29 1879 Witness Lilla R. Stuntevant Bert P Sturtevant[SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY.] Know all Men by these Presents, that I, Ernest Th Geunert hereby constitute and appoint James D Lessenden of Portland Me true and lawful attorney for me and in .... name and stead to represent me and vote as my proxy at a meeting of the Maine Beet Sugar Company (at the office) to be held at the office of George S. Hunt on April 8th 1879 at three P.M or at any adjournments thereof Also at any subsequent annual or special Stock holders meeting of the Maine Beetsugar Company. Hereby granting unto my said attorney full power and authority to act in and concerning the premises as fully and effectually as I might do if personally present. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April on the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine Signed and sealed in presence of G. Geunert. Ernest Th Geunert (sd) The B Blackwell owner of 28 Shares (sd) Geo S Hunt owner of 30 Shares [Procured?] Mar 27, 1874 to Ernest Th Geunert, [?] Beet Sugar Co. In accordance with the forgoing request you are hereby directed to call the meeting above mention at the time and place stated in the foregoing request. (Id) Geo S Wurt[?] President & Director (Id) HB Blackwell, Director [?] Mar. 27, 1879 To Stockholdesr the Beet Sugar Co. Sir: In accordance with the forgoing request and under (you) which are hereby made a part of this notices. You are hereby notified that a meeting of the stockholders of said company will be held at the time and place and for the purposes stated in the foregoing request. Ernest W GeuertPortland, Mar. 27, 1879 To Earnest Th. Geunert Secy. Me. Beet Sugar Co. Portland. Sirs - We the undersigned being [?] of more than fifteen per cent of the stock of said company, believing that some question might be raised as to the legality of the meeting of the stockholders of this company held March 25, 1879, hereby request you to call a meeting of the stockholders of said company at the office of George S. [?] Co. No. 111 Commercial Street Portland, at three o'clock p.m. April 8th 1879 to see if said stockholders will vote to increase the capital stock of said company twenty thousand dollars - that is, to say, to increase the present stock to forty thousand dollars and to see if said stockholders will ratify all acts done by the Directors of said Company since its organization and for such other business as may properly come before said meeting. (over)Portland May 5, 1879 The regular annual meeting of the Maine Beet Sugar Co. was held in Portland on Monday, May 5 at 7.30 PM., at the office of the Company No 111 Commercial St for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and for such action as might be deemed advisable, in accordance with notice dated April 28 and mailed to every stockholder by Henry B Blackwell acting as Secretary pro tem. under appointment of a special meeting of the stockholders held April 8. 1879 at which all the stock was represented in person or by proxy and in the absence of Ernest Th Geunert who was in California - Said notice having been duly mailed in accordance with the bye-laws. There were present in person George S Hunt and Henry B Blackwell, also by their proxies Albert Palmer, ' W J Stuart, and B H Sturtevant. It was voted that the meeting adjourn to meet at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the office of the Maine Beet Sugar Company and that Mr George S. Hunt notify Mr James D Hessenden of Portland as proxy for Ernest Th Geunert, of said adjournment and invite him to attend the said adjourned meeting. The meeting adjourned accordingly Henry B. Blackwell Secretary pro tem Portland May 6. 1879 The adjourned regular annual meeting of the Maine Beet Sugar Company met at the office of the Company, No 111 Commercial St Portland at 4 o'clock PM on Tuesday May 6, being at the time and place of adjournment. There were present in person George S. Hunt, and Henry B Blackwell, also by their proxies Albert Palmer, W. J. Stuart, and B. F. Sturtevant. The stock represented was as follows George S. Hunt 87 shares Henry B. Blackwell 86 shares Albert Palmer 10 shares B. H. Sturtevant 2 shares W. J Stuart 5 shares Total Stock represented 190 shares The President Mr George S. Hunt called the meeting to order, and read the following letter from Mr Ernest Th. Geunert resigning his position as Secretary and Superintendent and dated Alvarado California, April 19, 1879.Dear Sir I hereby place in your hands, to be transmitted to the Board of Directors of our Company, my resignation as Gen Superintendent and Secretary to take place at once! I consider it but just that I should do so first: so as to let those who perform that work and have the responsibility for it, have also the Credit for what they accomplish, and second: As I held that position since January 1th 1879 only nominally and have necessarily to be absent for half a year, I am even not able to lay before the annual meeting of the Stockholders an exposé of the affairs of the Company, which are unknown to me. Yours very respectfully Ernest Th GennertE. T. Gennert AprilThe letter of Mr Gennert having been read it was voted that the resignation be accepted and attached to the recordds. Directors for the coming year were then elected by ballot. But before the ballot was taken the Treasurer states that the proposed increase of capital stock in the Maine Beet Sugar Company had been subscribed by the following parties. George S. Hunt $10000. Frederic L. Ames 6000. Henry B. Blackwell 4000. And that of this subscription stock had already been issued to the following parties. George S. Hunt $4000. Frederic L. Manes 4000. and that the capital for the same had been paid into his hands by the said Hunt and Ames. A ballot was then taken for directors with teh following result. George S. Hunt received 190 shares vote Frederic L. Ames received 190 " " Henry B. Blackwell received 190 " " being the total amount of stock represented at the meeting, and these gentlemen were declared elected. A ballot was then taken for Secretary with the following result. Henry B Blackwell received 190 shares vote and was declared elected Secretary. A ballot was then taken for Treasurer with the following result; Henry B. Blackwell received 190 shares vote and was declared elected Secretary. The Treasurer fo the Company presented the Books with a report containing a trial balance sheel drawn off from the same, and after examination it was unanimously voted. "That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and placed on file." It was then unanimously voted "That the action of the directors during the past year be ratified and approved." It was then moved and voted "that the meeting do now adjourn." And the meeting adjourned accordingly Henry B. Blackwell} Secretary} Directors Meeting - Portland May 6. 1879 Immediately after the adjournment of the Stockholders annual meeting a meeting of the Directors was held at the office of the Co. No 111 Commercial Street. It was voted "That George S. Hunt be elected President for the ensuing year." The meeting then adjourned. Henry B. Blackwell Secretary State of Maine Cumberland County. SS. Personally appeared Henry B. Blackwell Secretary of the Maine Beet Sugar Company and being duly sworn according to Law made oath that hewould well and faithfully perform the duties of his office as Secretary as aforesaid. Henry B. Blackwell Portland M. May 8 1879 Subscribed and sworn to Before me Charles P. Mattrcks Justice of the Peace. Directors Meeting Portland June 11. 1879 A meeting of the Directors of the Maine Beet Sugar Company was held at the call of the President at the office of the Maine Beet Sugar Company, No 111 Commercial Street, June 11. 1879 at 3 P.M. _ Present George S. Hunt, Frederic L. Ames and Henry B. Blackwell. The President called the meeting to order. The Treasurer made a statement of the general financial condition and prospects of the Company. The unexpectedly large acreage of Beets contracted for, being more than twelve hundred acres he thought would require a correspondingly large additional investment in machinery and fixtures for working the same. It would also require a considerable amount of active capital. The Directors were of opinion that a further increase of capital stock would be necessary to the extent of Ten Thousand Dollars, and that if this was obtained, the active capital could be had. I notice hereto attached was then addressed and handed to the Secretary and the meeting then adjourned. Portland June 11 1879 To Henry B Blackwell Secretary Maine Beet Sugar Company The undersigned stockholders of Maine Beet Sugar Company representing more than fifteen per cent of the capital stock of said Company hereby instruct you to call a meeting of stockholders in Portland at the office of the Company on Friday June 20. at 10 A.M. for the purpose of considering an increase of capital stock and such other business a [ma] is necessary for the completion of the financial arrangements for the coming crop. Henry B. Blackwell Secretary Maine Beet Sugar Co. [*Fred. L. Ames Geo S. Hunt*]Stockholders Meeting Portland June 20 1879 A special meeting of the stockholders of the Maine Beet Sugar Company having been duly called by the Secretary in accordance with instructions given to him in writing on the 11th [?] by George S. Hunt and Frederic L. Ames representing more than fifteen percent of the stock of said Company, the meeting took place at the time and place appointed and was adjourned by the President for want of a quorum to meet on Tuesday at 10:30 A.M. June 24th 1879. Henry B Blackwell Secretary Adjourned Stockholders Meeting The adjourned stockholders meeting met at 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday, June 24, at the office of the Maine Beet Sugar Company, No 111 Commercial St. Portland. All the stock was represented in person or by proxies. George S. Hunt called the meeting to order. The Treasurer stated the financial condition of the Company as requiring the increase of capital stock from Forty thousand dollars to Fifty thousand dollars to provide additional machinery necessary for working the larger quantity of Beets than anticipated the contracts exceeding twelve hundred acres. Upon condition of such increase the temporary use of active capital for the purchase and working of Beets was probably to be had. On motion of Mr. Lessender representing the interest of Ernest M. Gennert, the meeting adjourned till Thursday June 26, at 3 PM., at same place. Henry B Blackwell Secretary [?land] Me June 24, 18799 Adjourned Stockholders Meeting The Adjourned Stockholders' Meeting of 20th and 24th [?] met at 3 PM. Thursday June 26 at the office of the Maine Beet Sugar Company No 111 Commercial St Portland. All the stock was represented in person or by proxies as follows: George S. Hunt representing his own stock Henry B. Blackwell representing his own stock and by proxies the stock of Fred. L. Ames, W. J. Stuart, Albert Palmer and B L Sturtevant, James D. Lessender representing by proxy the stock of Ernest M. Gennert. George S. Hunt as president called the meeting to order. The Treasurer again stated the financial condition and needs of the Company as requiring an increase of the Capital stock from Forty thousand dollars to fifty thousand dollars, in order to provide additional machinery necessary for working the larger quantity of Beets than at first anticipated, the contracts exceeding 1200 acres. Said increase of Ten thousand dollars stock was then voted, no vote being cast against it. The stockholders meeting then adjourned. Portland Me. June 26 1879 Henry B Blackwell Secretary[*partial Newspaper clipping: For Sale. New houses in Centre Deering, near horse ca New house with 8 rooms, stable, 1-2 acre land, at Allen's Corner, one mile from horse car New house on Pearl street, Woodford's Corne all of the above will be sold low. ----- For Exchange for a Farm Property in Portland. One of the pleasantest stands in Yarmouth lage; house addition and stable, all school church and post. by N.S. GARDINER, Real Estate Agent, Centennial Bloc*] Directors' Meeting January 19 1880 A meeting of the Directors of the Maine Beet Sugar Company was held at the call of the President at the office of Fred L. Ames, Equitable Building Boston January 19. 1880 at 2.30 P.M. President George S. Hunt, Frederic L. Ames, and Henry B Blackwell. The President called the meeting to order. The Treasurer made a statement of the general financial condition and prospects of the Company as shown by its books and accounts. It was then unanimously Voted 1. That the Treasurer purchase X Beet Seed sufficient for contracts for not less than 2000 acres and make contracts not exceeding 2600 acres. Voted 2. That we shall not be justified by the financial condition of the Company in declaring any dividend on the stock this year. Voted 3. That the Treasurer be authorized in case sufficient contracts are obtained, to order such changes and additions to the machinery and buildings as will increase the working capacity to 200 Tons of Beets per day - such expenditures not to exceed the amount of State Bounty. Voted 4. That in consideration of services rendered by the Treasurer during the past year the sum of $2800. (Twenty Eight Hundred Dollars) be placed in his credit on account on the ledger. Voted 5. That Messrs Hunt and Blackwell be authorized to make the best arrangements possible to retain the services of Joseph A. Bacher as Superintendent of the factory during the coming campaign. The meeting then adjourned. Henry B Blackwell Secretary GEORGE S. HUNT, President HENRY B. BLACKWELL, Treasurer Office of the MAINE BEET SUGAR COMPANY. 129 Commercial St. Portland, Feby 12 1880 We, the Undersigned, officers of the Maine Beet Sugar Co. hereby certify that we have completed the manufacture of sugar and molasses from the crop of 1979 - and that we have kept accurate account of the same - Exclusive of 120 tons of Second quality sugar & syrup now in process of crystallization, we have made and sold from Sugar Beets raised in the State of Maine under our contract (1188228 lbs) one million one hundred and eighty eight thousand two hundred and twenty eight pounds of sugar. The amount of Beets raised in Maine and used by us as above is 7875 Tons. Geo. S. Hunt President Henry B. Blackwell Secretary & Treasurer[?STATEMENT] OF THE MAINE BEET SUGAR CO. July 28, 1879. Capital stock subscribed, $50,000 Capital stock paid in, 45,000 Capital invested in real estate, buildings, machinery, &c., 20,000 The company owe nothing. [Signed] GEORGE S. HUNT, President. CUMBERLAND Ss. Portland, July 28, 1879. Subscribed and sworn before me. [Signed] JOSEPH P. THOMPSON, Justice of the Peace. Semi-Annual Statement Portland Rolling Mills. Amount of assessments paid in, $300,000 Amount of existing capital, 300,000 Amount of debts due, 234,692 46 Amount of capital invested in real estate, machinery, &c., 300,020 Amount of last valuation by assessors, 206,250 J. W. LEAVITT, Treasurer. Portland, July 29, 1879. STATE OF MAINE. CUMBERLAND CO, Ss: July 29, 1879. Subscribed and sworn before me. HUBBARD W. BRYANT, Justice of the Peace. Director's Meeting January 19 1880 [?] of the Directors of the Maine Beet [?]to his credit on the ledger. Voted 5. That Messrs Hunt and Blackwell be authorized to make the best arrangement possible to retain the services of Joseph A. Bacher as Superintendent of the factory during the coming campaign. The meeting then adjourned - Henry B. Blackwell Secretary Office of the Maine Beet Sugar Company. 129 Commercial St. Portland Feby 12 1880 We, the Undersigned, officers of the Maine Beet Sugar Co. hereby certify that we have completed the manufacture of sugar and molasses from the crop of 1879 - and that we have kept accurate account of the same - Exclusive of 120 tons of second quality sugar & syrup now in process of crystallization, we have made and sold from Sugar Beets raised in the State of Maine under our contract (1.188228 lbs) one million one hundred and eighty eight thousand two hundred and twenty eight pounds of sugar - The amount of Beets raised in Maine and used by us as above is 7875 Tons. Geo S. Hunt President Henry B. Blackwell Secretary & Treasurer Stockholder's Meeting Portland May 3. 1880 The regular annual meeting of the Maine Beet Sugar Co was held in Portland on Monday May 3. 1880, at 7.30 PM, at the office of George S. Hunt & Co No 111 Commercial St, in accordance with notice mailed more than seven days before said meeting to every stockholder, in accordance with the bylaws, by the Secretary There were present in person George S. Hunt representing 97 shares, H B Blackwell representing his own 121 " also by proxy for Fred L. Ames 110 " also by proxy for Albert Palmer 10 " also by proxy for W J Stuart 10 " also by proxy for B F Sturtevant 2 " present also Daniel F Emery representing his 100 "; also Wm M Sargent representing by proxy 50 " belonging to Ernest Th Geunert making 500 shares represented in person or by proxy - the entire capital of the Company- The Treasurer presented the following statement of ledger balances drawn from books of the Company to April 1 1880. He also briefly reported additional transactions to date. Emquiries were made by Mr Wm M Sargent in behalf of Ernest Th Geunert, in regard to the condition and management of the business which were answered by the President. In motion of Mr Sargent it was voted to authorize the Treasurer to contract with H.S. De Forest of Schenectady [?] for not over 100 George S. Hunt, President Henry B. Blackwell, Treasurer Maine Sugar Beet Company Ledger Balanced Portland March 31 188- Franchise 10000 Credits Seed a/c 4001.54 Capital 50000 Kiln at Presque Isle 3522.95 Portland Machinery 46092.21 Merchandise 12905.49 Beet Raising 1880 151.82 Expenses 1880 824.14 Agents Commissions 1880 4 Geo S Hunt & Co 454.09 Cash 3556.71 Forest City Sugar Refinery 4566.14 H B Blackwell 2593.21 Ernest Th Geunert 25 W.W. Harris 125 Geo Brock 1290.51 John H Campbell 155 S.M. Bixby & Co 266.80 D M. Dunham 9.66 Profit & Loss 2365.34 Deficiencies due 270.14 Bills Payable 20000 Claims 364.26 Cumberland Bone Co 425.96 Molasses Suspense a/c 3458.25 J.W. Allyn 32.34 Scale in Scarboro 69 W.F. Dresser 35 87253.26 87253.26 acres in accordance with proposition made by De [?] on [?] of An election by ballot was there held with the following result- For [Der??tor] George S. Hunt received 450 votes Frederic L. Ames " 450 " Henry B. Blackwell " 450 " For Secretary Henry B Blackwell received 450 votes For Treasurer Henry B Blackwell received 450 votes- Mr. Sargeut not voting- & no votes being cast against them the above gentlemen were declared elected- The meeting then adjourned. Henry B Blackwell secretary ? 450 " Henry B Blackwell " 450 " For Secretary Henry B Blackwell received 450 votes For Treasurer Henry B Blackwell received 450 votes - Mr Sargent not voting - & no vote being cast against them the above gentlemen were declared elected - The meeting then adjourned. Henry B. Blackwell secretary Know all Men bt these presents: THAT I Ernest Th. Gennert of the City of Los Angelese, State of California have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents fo make, constitute and appoint William M. Sargent Esq. of the City of Portland, State of Maine my true and lawful attorney .. for me and in my name.., pleace adn stead, Tp represent me at the stockholders meetings of the Maine Beetsugar company of Portland, State of Maine, to vote at said meetings in my stead as my proxy, at any question which may arise, and to do than and at any other time any act necessary to protect me in my rights and interest as Stock,holder and possessor of Fifty shares of the Capital Stock of said Maine Beetsugar Company while I revoce any proxy previous,ly given by me to any other person or persons. Giving and Granting unto my said Attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as if I might or could do it personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney William M Sargent Esq shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand .. and seal.. the twentieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and [seventy] eighty Signed, sealed and Delivered in the Presence of } Ernest Th Gennert Bancroft's Blank, No. 827. - SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY. A. G. BANCROFT & CO. Booksellers and Stationers, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. John Harrison} Director's Meeting January 24 1881 A meeting of the Directors of the Maine Beet Sugar Company was held at the call of the President at the office of Fred. L. Ames Equitable Building Boston January 19. 1881 at 2 PM Present George S. Hunt, Frederick L Ames and Henry B. Blackwell A statement of the finances of the Company was made by the Treasurer and a meeting of stockholders was [called] voted in accordance with the following notice attached hereto marked "A." It was voted that in recognition of the services of the Treasurer during the last year the salary of Twenty Eight Hundred Dollars placed to his credit by him on the ledger is hereby authorized and approved in addition to his actual expenses incurred for the business. The meeting then adjourned. Henry B Blackwell secretary We the undersigned being all the directors of the above named company hereby acknowledge due and legal notice of the same. Boston January 24. 1881 Fred L Ames Geo S. Hunt Henry B. Blackwell Portland Feby 2. 1881 A special meeting of the stockholders was held this day at 3 oclock PM, at the office of the Company 129 Commercial Street, in accordance with the following notice and for the purposes mentioned therein. (Copy of Notice) Office Maine Beet Sugar Co. Portland Me. January 24. 1881 Dear Sir In accordance with the request of Messrs. George S. Hunt and Frederic L. Ames, owners of more than fifteen per cent of the stock of the Maine Beet Sugar Company I am instructed to notify you that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Maine Beet Sugar Company is called to meet at Portland Me on Wednesday Feby 2. 1881 at 3 P.M. at the office of the Company No 129 Commercial St to provide means to pay the debts of the Company and to authorize the sale of the Company's property for that purpose if the stockholders deem it expedient to do so. Your attendance is requested. Yours Respy H. B. Blackwell Secretary M. B. S. C. A notice like the foregoing having been mailed with postage prepaid in the Portland Post office by the Secretary on the 25th day of January 1881 addressed to each of the stockholders at his place of residence the following stock was represented:- Fred L. Ames $12000. Henry B Blackwell 11100. Geo S. Hunt 9700. Daniel [?] Emery 10000. W. J. Stuart 1000 Total $43800. At 3 PM the meeting was called to order by the President. Present Hunt Blackwell and Emery Upon motion itwas voted that the Treadwear render a report of the standing of the Company, which he did as follows:- Approximate Condition of the Company We owed Jany 1.. 1881 Bills Payable $36496.96 Rent Glass house to May 1 500. Dug an open a/[?]/84 (Forest City Sugar Refinery) 4377.05 (HB Blackwell) 2800.00 Expenses on 2d Sugars say 500.00 Interest &c unpaid say 500.00 $45174.01 ________ We had January 14 1881 Machinery & Buildings which cost $58271.21 Cash on hand $741.63 Bills Receivable 940.41 2d Sugars & Syrup say 12500.00 1/2 Claims say $1350 675.00 Bounty 7000.00 [?13/2] tons Beet Seed say 5500.00 360000 lbs Bone Black 4500.00 31857.04 [?] _______ _________ Balance deficiency say 13816.97 In January (14) 1881 Portland Machinery a/c owed 58271.21 " August 1880 " " " " 46401.34 __________ Showing an increased investment $11869.87 In 1880 We have made contracts with 1221 farmers in Maine, N.H., Mass, Vt. & NY. and have received Beets at 180 RR Stations and have received and worked about 7041 tons (2000 lbs) of washed sliced beets in the Battery & have paid for about the same number of gross tons Season's Work 1880 An analysis of a ledger Final Balance Jany 14 1881shows accounts [substantially] as follows: Debits Credits Beet Raising $43098.64 Profit on seed say $400 00 Agents Comms. do 1726.14 " Superphosphate 324.43 WW Harris " " 365.64 " Implements 95.43 Claims on farmers do 901.89 Merchandise (Super) 63258.40 Expenses 16669.63 [? Lenie] Waste 430.20 Labor 12742.26 Pulp 2911 61 Fuel 7636.89 1/2 [?claims] say 450.95 _______ Addl Bone Black 1200.00 67871.02 Interest 1680.04 Add 2d Sugars & Insurance 594.72 Mols. say 50 Hhds Sugar _______ $86615.85 300 Hhds [?Mols] 12500.00 _________ Add Wear & tear charges 80371.02 of Machinery $11869.87 Bounty 7000.00 An additions say 4000.00 7869.87 Portable Sop 8114.70 _________ __________ Expenses still to pay say 1000.00 _________ __________ 95485.72 95485.72 ========== ========= An Analysis of above shows the approximate cost of Beets to have been Beet Raising $43098.64 Agents Comms 1726.14 Approximate Cost of Manufacturing has been say WW Harris 365.64 Rent $4500.00 Labor 12742.26 1/2 of claims 450.94 Fuel 7636.89 Expenses of Cannery 3512.50 Hhds Sugar 650 1175.00 or [?] 525. $6 53 per ton __________ gas 500.00 Salaries travelling rent $49153.86 Bone Black 1200.00 portage freight di Le or $7.50 per ton Water 450.00 Cartage 1800.00 Stationary & printing Expenses 5482.13 Salaries, [???] repairs &c Taxes 250.00 $49153.86 Repairs & 45880.91 Changes in 450.95 Machinery 7869.87 ____________ Interest 1680.04 95485.72 Insurance 594.72 _________ $4588091. which reporton motion was accepted and ordered to be filed with the Secretary. It was then voted unanimously that the directors be authorized and empowered to dispose of the assets of the Company real and personal at public or private sale at their discretion in whole or in part so far as they may find necessary or advisable for the payment of the foregoing and all other indebtedness of the Company and that all deeds and conveyances necessary to the transfer of titles under such sales shall be signed by the President and Treasurer. Upon motion it was voted that a certified copy of the record of the meeting be served personally upon each stockholder of record of the Company, not represented at the meeting personally or by proxy- Henry B. Blackwell Secretary MBSCo Stockholders Meeting The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Maine Beet Sugar Company was called by the Secretary by a notice, mailed from the Portland Post Office more than one week previous to each stockholder, to meet at the office of the Company 129 Commercial St Portland on Monday evening May 16 at 7.30PM. The meeting was called to order by Daniel F Emery at the time and place appointed. In the absence of the Secretary, E.D. Winchenbaugh was chosen Sec. pro tem. There not being a quorum present it was voted to adjourn till 7.30 PM on Monday May 30 at the office of Geo. S. Hunt, 111 Know all men by these Presents, that I the undersigned, Stockholder in the Maine Beet Sugar Company do hereby appoint Henry B Blackwell my true and lawful Attorney, with power of substitution, for me and in my name, to vote at the meeting of the Stockholders in said Company, to be held at Portland Me May 16th /81 or at any adjournment thereof, with all the powers I should possess if personally present, hereby revoking all previous proxies. May 13 1881 Witness Alex Millar Fred L. AmesCommercial St. Portland. Adjourned Stockholders' Meeting On Monday evening, May 30, 1881, at 7 30 P. M., the stockholders of the Maine Beet Sugar Co. met according to adjournment at the office of George S. Hunt, No 111 Commercial St Portland. The following stock was represented personally due by proxy Daniel F Emery $10000. George S. Hunt 9700. W. J. Stuart 1000. F. L Ames 12000. H B Blackwell 11100. $43800. The following gentlemen were unanimously elected directors of the Maine Beet Sugar Co. George S Hunt Fred S. Ames Henry B. Blackwell each of the above receiving the votes of 438 shares Henry B. Blackwell was then unanimously reelected secretary and treasurer of the Maine Beet Sugar Co, receiving the votes of 438 shares. The meeting then adjourned. Henry B. Blackwell Secretary Maine Beet Sugar Co