Harry B. Blackwell Financial PapersKnow all men by these presents that we George Lorman and Lizzia Lorman, his wife in her right of the city of Boston, County of Suffolk and commonwealth of Massachusetts in consideration of Seven hundred and fifty dollars paid by Henry B. Blackwell of city, county, and commonwealth aforesaid. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Henry B Blackwell his heirs and assigns a certain piece or parcel of land situated in that part of the city of Quincy, Norfolk County Massachusetts known as Atlantic together with the improvements and buildings thereon, being lot numbered ten (10) shown on a plan entitled "Plan of land belonging to Timberlake and Small Quincy, Mass dated August 1899 and made by Perry Lawton, civil engineer, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Bellings Street adjoining lot numbered One (1) on said plum, thence running in a northerly direction along the lines of lots numbered one (1), two (2), three (3), and four (4) on said plan one hundred and thirty two (132) feet, to lot numbered seven (7) on said plan, thence turning and running in a westerly direction along the line of said lot numbered seven (7) thirty eight (38) feet to lot numbered nine (9) on said plane, thence turning and running in a Southerly direction along the line of said lot numbered nine (9) one hundred and thirty two (132) feet to said Northerly side of Billings Street, thence turning and running in an Easterly direction along said Northerly side of Billings Street thirty eight (38) feet to the point of beginning, containing 5016 square feet of land.And we herby for ourselves and our heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the grantee and his heirs and assigns that said Lizzie Lorman lawfully seized in fee-simple of the granted premises, that they are free from all incumbrances, except a certain note and mortgage for Three thousand five hundred dollars ($3500) that we have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and that we will and our heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the guarantee and his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons except as above stated. Provided nevertheless that if she, or her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, shall pay unto the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty dollars. in one year[s] from this date, with interest semi-annually at the rate of eight per cent per annum, all which payments both of principal and of interest, are to made in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness; and until such payment shall pay all taxes and assessments, to whomsoever laid or assessed, whether of the granted premises or any interest therein or on the debt secured herby; shall kept the buildings on said premises insured against fire in a sum not less then Five thousand dollars, for the benefit of the grantee and his executors, administrators, and assigns in such form and at such insurance offices as they shall approve, and, at least two days before the expiration of any policy on said premises, shall deliver to him or them a new and sufficient policy to take place of the one so expiring; and shall not commit or suffer any strip or waste of the granted premises, or any breach of any covenant herein contained, then this deed, as all our note of even date herewith, signed by us whereby We promise to pay to the grantee or order the said principal sum and instalments of interest in gold coin as aforesaid at the times aforesaid shall not be void. No acceptance of any payment of principal or interest in any other currency than gold coin as aforesaid shall be deemed to be a waiver of the right to demand that subsequent payments shall be made in gold coin as aforesaid. But upon any default in the performance or observance of the foregoing condition, the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, many sell the granted premises, or such portion thereof as may remain subject to this mortgage in case of any partial release hereof, together with all improvements that may be thereon, by public auction in said Quincy first publishing a notice of the time and place of sale once each week for three successive weeks in some one newspaper published in said Quincy the first publication to be not less than twenty-one days before the day of the sale, an may convey the same by proper deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers absolutely and in fee simple; and such sale shall forever bar us and all persons claiming under us from all right and interest in the granted premises, whether at law or in equity. And out of money arising from such sale the grantee or his representative shall be entitled to retain all sums them secured by this deed, whether them, or thereafter payable, including all costs, charges, and expenses incurred or sustained by them by reason of any default in the performance or observance of the said condition, rendering the surplus, if any, to Lizzie Lorman or her heirs or assigns; and we hereby, for ourselves and our heirs and assigns, covenant with this grantee and his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns that, in case a sale shall be made under the foregoing power, we or they will upon request execute acknowledge, and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a deed or deeds of release confirming such sale. It is agreed that grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, or any person or persons in their behalf, may purchase at any sale made as aforesaid, and that no other purchaser shall be answerable for the application of the purchase money; and that, until default in the performance or observance of the condition of this deed, she and her heirs and assigns may hold and enjoy the granted premises and receive the rents and profits thereof. In witness whereof We the said George Lorman and Lizzie Lorman his wife is her right hereunto set our hands and seals this Second day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of [?] C. Curtiz Geo Lorman Lizzie Lorman. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk 88. Boston July 5, 1910. Then personally appeared the above-named Lizzie Lorman and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed, before me -- [W?] C Curtiz Justice of the Peace. Dedham July 6, 1900, 9h [m] A.M. Received and entered with Norfolk. Attest: Edwd L. Burdakin. Asst. Register208 $450 July 2 1900 2 years 8% George Lorman & Lizzie Lorman in her right to Henry B Blackwell REGISTRY OF DEEDS, COUNTY OF NORFOLK, DEDHAM, - MASS. JUL 6 1900 Rec'd 9.00 a.m. [*125*] Mortgage, (GOLD.) [???]-10 Atlantic House & Lot, 96 & 98 Billings St. From the office of _____________________________________________ SOLD BY M. R. WARREN COMPANY, Publishers of the "Standard" Law Blanks, No. 336 Washington Street, Boston. (A) Form 148. mail Grantee 3 Park St. B-Secured by Mortgage of Real Estate in Atlantic city of Quincy to be recorded in Norfolk Registry of Deeds. $750.00 Boston July 2, 1900 [189] For Value Received We jointly and severally Promise to pay to Henry B Blackwell or order, the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars x/100 in two years from this date with interest to be paid semi-annually, at the rate of eight per centum per annum, during said term, and for such further time as said principal sum, or any part thereof shall remain unpaid. all of which payments both of principal and of interest are to be made in gold coin of the United States of America, of the present standard of weight and fineness. Signed in presence of } Geo Lorman [Wld. C Curtis?] } Lizzie Lorman M. R. Warren, Stationer, 336 Washington Street, BostonWithout recourse on me Henry B Blackwell [*recpt att*] We hererby certify that on the Twenty Eight day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and three we were present and saw Alice Stone Blackwell the Assignee of the mortgage named in a certain mortgage given by George Lorman and Lizzie Lorman his wife in her right to Henry B Blackwell dated July 2nd A.D. 1900, and recorded in Norfolk Registry of Deeds, libro 874, [folio] [?] 238, make an open, peaceable, and unopposed entry on the premises described in said mortgage, for the purpose by [him] her declared, of foreclosing said mortgage for breach of the condition thereof. Effie Lynch Danforth Grace B. Blackwell Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk ss. December 28 1903. Then personally appeared the above-named Effie Lynch Danforth and Grace B. Blackwell and made oath that the above certificate by them subscribed is true, before me. Frederick J Stark Justice of the Peace. Dedham, Dec. 28, 1903. 4 h 15 m. P.M. Received and entered with Norfolk Deeds, libro 964, folio 219, and reference made, as by law required. Attest, Edwd L. Burdakin. Asst. Register933 Ave-10 Quincy Entry to foreclose Mortgage. Estate George and Lizzie Lorman Dated December 28th 1903 REGISTRY OF DEEDS, COUNTY OF NORFOLK, DEDHAM, --MASS. DEC 28 1903 Rec'd 4:15 P.M. .38 [Rec'd .30] return to From the office of Frederick J Stanton 825 Devonshire St. BostonKnow all men by these presents that Henry B Blackwell of Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts the mortgage named in a certain mortgage given by George Lorman and Lizzie Lorman his wife in her right to me dated July 2nd A.D. 1900 and recorded with Norfolk Registry of Deeds, book 874 page 238, in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable considerations [dollars] paid by Alice Stone Blackwell of said Boston the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby assign, transfer, and set over unto the said Alice Stone Blackwell the said mortgage deed, the real estate thereby conveyed, and the note and claim thereby secured.. To have and to hold the same to the said Alice Stone Blackwell and her heirs, and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever; subject nevertheless, to the conditions therein contained and to redemption according to law. To witness whereof, I hereto set my hand and seal this Twelfth day of December A.D. 1903 Signed and sealed in presence of Henry B. Blackwell Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk ss. Boston December 14 1903 Then personally appeared the above-named Henry B Blackwell and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me. Frederick J Stark Justice of the Peace. Dedham Dec. 14, 1903, at 4 o'clock and 13 minutes P.M. Received and entered Norfolk Deeds book 963 page 539. Attest. Edwd L. Burdakin Asst. Register531 Henry B Blackwell to Alice Stone Blackwell REGISTRY OF DEEDS, COUNTY OF NORFOLK, DEDHAM. -- MASS. DEC 14 1903 Rec'd 4.13 P.M Assignment of Mortgage. .38 From the Office of Frederick JStanton 825 Devonshire St. Boston SOLD BY T. H. BALL, LAW STATIONER, 24 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, No. 420 Mail H B. Blackwell 3 Park St302-303 Estate of George and Lizzie Lorman to Alice Stone Blackwell (96 Billings St. Atlantic) REGISTRY OF DEEDS, COUNTY OF NORFOLK, DEDHAM, -- MASS. JAN 12 1904 Rec'd 9:00 a.m. Deed under Power IN Power-of-Sale Mortgage. 1.38 [Recd 1.25] [*mail*] From the Office of Frederick J. Stark 82 Devonshire St. Boston SOLD BY T. H. BALL, LAW STATIONER, 24 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON.Whereas Geroge Lorman and Lizzie Lorman his wife in her right of Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, did by mortgage deed, dated July 2nd 1900 and recorded in Norfolk Registry of Deeds, book 874 page 238 convey the real estate hereinafter described, to Henry B. Blackwell who has assigned the same to me by a deed recorded with Norfolk Deeds and whereas in and by said mortgage deed the grantee therein named, his executors, administrators, or assigns were authorized and empowered upon any default in the performance or observance of the condition of said mortgage to sell the said premises, with all improvements that might be thereon, at public auction in Quincy in said County of Norfolk first publishing a notice, as therein required, and to convey the same by proper deed or deeds to the purchase or purchases absolutely and in fee simple; and whereas there has been such default, and notice has been published, and a sale has been made, as will more particularly appear in and by the affidavit hereto subjoined. Now therefore know all men, that I said Alice Stone Blackwell by virtue and in execution of the power contained in said mortgage deed as aforesaid, and of every other power, we hereto enabling, and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred Dollars to me paid by Alice Stone Blackwell of said Boston the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Alice Stone Blackwell and her heirs and assigns forever, all and singular, the premises conveyed by the aforesaid mortgage deed, namely: A certain piece or parcel of land situated in that part of the City of Quincy Norfolk County Massachusetts known as Attaintee together with the improvements and buildings therein being lot numbered Ten (10) shown on a [?] entitled Plan of land belonging to Timber lake and Snull Quincy Mass. dated August 1899 and made by Perry [?]antore Civil Engineer bounded and described as follows viz. Beginning at a point on the Northerly side of Billings street adjoining lot numbered One (1) on said plan thence running in a Northerly direction along the lines of lots numbered One(1) Two (2) Three (3) and Four (4) as said plan One Hundred and Thirty Two (132) feet to lot numbered Seven (7) on said plans.To have and to hold the same to the said Alice Stone Blackwell and her heirs and assigns to their own use and behoof forever. In witness whereof, I the said Alice Stone Blackwell hereunto set my hand and seal this Eleventh day of January in the year one thousand nine hundred and four Signed and sealed in presence of Alice Stone Blackwell Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk January 11, 1904 Then personally appeared the above-named Alice Stone Blackwell and acknowledge the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed; before me, Frederick S. Stark Justice of the Peace. Dedham Jan 12, 1904. At 9 o'clock [and minutes] A.M. Received and entered with Norfolk Deeds, book 965 page 106. Attest. Edwd L. Burdakin Astt. Register Affidavit. I Alice Stone Blackwell Assignee of the mortgage named in the foregoing deed, on oath depose and say, that default has been made in the payment of the principal sum and interest mentioned in the condition of the mortgage deed above referred to, the said money when it became payable, not having been at the time, or at any other time, paid or tendered to any person authorized to receive the same; and that, pursuant to the provisions of said mortgage and to the requirements of the Statues of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I published once a week for three successive weeks, to wit: on the Nineteenth day of December A.D. 1903 and on the Twenty Fourth (24th) day of December AD 1903 and on the First day of January AD 1904in the Quincy Daily Ledger a newspaper published in Quincy aforesaid, a notice of which the following is a true copy: Frederick J Stark - - Auctioneer. 82 Devonshire Street, Room 31, Boston MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By Virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed given by George Lorman and Lizzie Lorman his wife, in her right to Henry B. Blackwell dated July 2d. 1900, and recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the County of Norfolk. Book 874 , page 238 will be sold at public auction, on the premises on SATURDAY, the ninth day of January, 1904, at Four o'clock in the afternoon, for a breach of the conditions of said mortgage, all and singular the premises conveyed by said mortgage deed, namely: A certain piece or parcel of land situated in that part of the City of Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, known as Atlantic, together with the improvements and buildings thereon, being lot numbered Ten (10) shown on a plan entitled Plan of land belonging to Timberlake and Small Quincy, Mass,, dated August, 1899, and made by Perry Lawton, Civil Engineer, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Billings street, adjoining lot numbered One (1) on said plan, thence running in a northerly direction along the lines of lots numbered One (1) Two (2) Three (3) and Four (4) on said plan one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet to lot numbered Seven (7) on said plan; thence turning and running in a westerly direction along the line of said lot numbered Seven (7) thirty-eight (38) feet to lot numbered nine (9) on said plan; thence turning and running in a southerly direction along the line of said lot numbered Nine (9) one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet to said northerly side of Billings street; thence turning and running in an easterly direction along said northerly side of Billings street, thirty-eight (38) feet to the point of beginning containing 5,016 square feet of land. Said premises are sold subject to a mortgage of $3,500.00 and accrued interest, also subject to all unpaid taxes and assessments if any there be. $200.00 will be required to be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time and place of sale, the balance in ten days on delivery of the deed at the office of Frederick J. Stark, 82 Devonshire street, Room 31, Boston Alice Stone Blackwell, Assignee of said mortgage Dec. 19. 3t--19-24-1 And I further depose and say that the pursuant to said notice, and at the time and place therein appointed, on the premises, while the said default continued, I sold the premises conveyed by said mortgage deed at public auction by Frederick J Stark a duty licensed auctioneer, to Alice Stone Blackwell named in the foregoing deed, for the sum of Five Hundred dollars, which amount was bid by the said Alice Stone Blackwell and was the highest bid made therefor at said auction, and I have this day delivered to said Alice Stone Blackwell the foregoing deed of said mortgaged premises. Witness my hand this Eleventh day of January A.D. 1904 Alice Stone Blackwell Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk SS. January 11th 1904 Then personally appeared the above-named Alice Stone Blackwell and made oath that the foregoing statement by her subscribed is true; before me Frederick J Stark Justice of the Peace. Dedham Jan 12, 1904. At 9 o'clock [and __ minutes] A.M. Received and entered with Norfolk Deeds book 965 page 107 and reference as made by law required. Attest: Edward L. Burdakin Asst. Register302-303 Memorandum Norfolk County Registry of Deeds. Dedham, Mass. John H. Burdakin, Register Edward L. Burdakin, Asst. Register Jan. 12, 1904 To Frederick J Stark Esq. Recording Deed under Power Lorman to Blackwell 1.38 Postage .02 1.40 Recd 1.25 bal Due .15 Jan. 13, 1904 Rec'd payment J.H. Burdakin Reg (w)Requested bill Dedham July 29/1908 3 Woolsey Block Jamaica Plain Care of Mrs Cleverstrom 7 P.M. Mr. William[?son] will call on me ___ Saturday 3 P.M. at 6 Beacon St Room 1018 Mr Schute Telephone Number 1568 Ring 4 Dorchester lives at 59 Wales Place Dorchester lawyer is Mr Gerin Room 805 Tremont BldgAtlantic July 31, 1902 Mr. Henry B Blackwell To John Ramsdell Dr. Commission for selling house to J.E. Williamson $75.00 Received payment John RamsdellJohn Ramsdell $75 Com Paid July 31 1908 on sale of 96&98 Billings St. Collector's Office Whereas, James H. Cunningham Collector of Taxes for the City of Quincy, County of Norfolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the year of 1905, did sell and convey certain real estate to Harlow N. Rogers by deed dated June 7 1905 and recorded in the Norfolk Registry of Deeds in Book 1001 Page 562 for the non-payment of a sewer assessment assessed, thereon to Lizzie Lorman in the year 1903, which real estate is described as follows, via: A certain parcel of land containing five thousand, sixteen (5,016) square feet, with buildings thereon, situated upon Billings Street and bounded easterly by land now or late of Vimberlake and Small, northerly by land now or late of George Lorman, westerly by land now or late or George Lorman, and southerly by Billings Street. And Whereas Lizzie Lorman at Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts was assessed March 4, 1903, as owner of said property, and Whereas Alice Stone Blackwell of Boston, County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts alleges that she is now the owner of said property, and as owner thereof desires to reedem the same from the sale in persuanance of Chapter 13, of the Revised Laws, as amended by Chapter 443, of the Acts of 1902. And Whereas the said Alice Stone Blackwell has this day paid to me the following sums to redeem said property from said sale to wit: Amount for which it was sold $33.91 Interest at 8% from date of sale 68 Examination of Title Date of Release 3.00 Recording 1.35 Additional sum as per statue 1.00 $39.94 Therefore, I, James H. Cummingham Collector of Taxes for the said City of Quiney for the year 1905 hereby certify that I have received from the said Alice Stone Blackwell the said sum of thirty nine dollars and ninety four cents, ($39.94) for the purpose aforesaid. Dated this third day of August A.D. 1905 Witness Margaret A Farell. James H. Cunningham Collector of Taxes for the City of QuincyDEDHAM, MASS., Aug 7", 1905. at 11 o'clock and 27 minutes AM. Received and Entered with Norfolk Deeds, Vol. 1006 Page 179 Attest: Edwd L Burdakin Asst. Register. 277 Alice Stone Blackwell Henry B. Blackwell [*mail*] #3 Park St. Room # 16 Tax title redeemed & recorded house & lot 86 Billings St Altantic Mass REGISTRY OF DEEDS, COUNTY OF NORFOLK, DEDHAM. -- MASS. AUG 7 1905 Rec'd 11.27 a.m. 50Coupon No. 2 $2.00 On the 1st day of December, 1910, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer at its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2.00) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refunding Bond No. 327 J. O. Bentall SECRETARY This Coupon Good for only One dollar and Seventeen Cents May [10?] [?] Coupon No. 3 $2.00 On the 1st day of December, 1911, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer at its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2.00) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refunding Bond No. 327 J. O. Bentall SECRETARY Coupon No. 4 $.200 On the 1st day of December, 1912, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer at its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2.00) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refunding Bond No. 327 J. O. Bentall SECRETARY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS No. 327 $50.00 4% IMPROVEMENT AND REFUNDING BOND OF Worker's Publishing Society TOTAL ISSUE, $50,000.00 For Value Received, the Workers Publishing Society hereby acknowledges its indebtedness to the bearer in the principal sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, and promises on surrender hereof to pay said sum at its office in the City of Chicago, on December 1st, 1912, and also to pay interest thereon, at the rate of 4% per annum, according to the tenor of the four coupons hereto attached. This Bond is one of the series of Two Thousand (2000) Bonds of said Society, of like date, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars, and numbered consecutively from No. 1 to No. 2000, both inclusive, all of which Bonds are equally secured by a Chattel Mortgage and Deed of Trust bearing even date herewith, and executed by said Society to Marcus H. Taft, Trustee, of and upon all of the machinery, equipment and other goods and property of said Society, mentioned in said Chattel Mortgage and Deed of Trust, subject to the terms and conditions of which Chattel Mortgage and Deed of Trust this Bond, with coupons thereto attached, is issued. This Bond shall not be obligatory until the certificate endorsed thereon shall be signed by said Trustee or his successor in trust. In Witness Whereof said Workers Publishing Society has caused its Corporate Seal to be hereunto attached, and these Presents to be signed in its name by its President and Secretary, this 1st day of December, 1908. WORKERS PUBLISHING SOCIETY By B Berlyn PRESIDENT J. O. Bentall SECRETARY The Undersigned hereby certifies that the above Bond is one of the Series described in the Chattel Mortgage and Deed of Trust mentioned in said Bond. Marcus Hitch TRUSTEECoupon No. 2 $2.00 On the 1st day of December 1910, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer of its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2,000) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refund Bond No. 327 Jo. Betell Coupon No. 3 $2.00 On the 1st day of December 1911, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer of its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2,000) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refund Bond No. 327 Jo. Betell Coupon No. 4 $.200 On the 1st day of December 1912, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer of its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2,000) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refund Bond No. 327 Jo. Betell UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS No. 328 $50.00 4% IMPROVEMENT AND REFUNDING BOND OF Worker's Publishing Society TOTAL ISSUE, $50,000.000 For Value Received, the WORKERS PUBLISHING SOCIETY hereby acknowl- edges in indebtedness to the bearer in the principal sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, and promises on surrender hereof to pay said sum at its office in the City of Chicago, on December 1st 1912, and also to pay interest thereon, at the rate of 4% per annum, according to the tenor of the four coupons hereto attached. This Bond is one of the series of Two Thousand (2000) Bonds of said Society, of like date amounting in the aggregate to the sun of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars and numbered consecutively from No. 1 to No. 2000, both inclusive, all of which Bonds are equally secured by a Chattel Mortgage and Deed of Trust bearing even date herewith, and executed by said Society to Marcus H. Taft, Trustee, of and upon all of the machinery, equipment and other goods and property of said Society mentioned in said Chattel Mort- gage and Deed of Trust, subject to the terms and conditions of which Chattel Mortage and Deed of Trust the Bond, with coupons thereto attached is issued. This Bond shall not be obligatory until the certificate endorsed thereon shall be signed by said Trustee or his successor in trust. In Witness Whereof said Workers Publishing Society has caused its Corporate Seal to be hereunto attached, and these Presents to be signed in its name by its President and Secretary, the 1st day of December, 1908. WORKER PUBLISHING SOCIETY By B Berlyn PRESIDENT Jo Bentell SECRETARY The Undersigned hereby certifies that the above Bond is one of the Series described in the Chattel Mortgage and Deed of Trust mentioned in said Bond. Marcus Hitch TRUSTEE Coupon No. 2 $2.00 On the 1st day of December 1910, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer of its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2,000) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refund Bond No. 327 Jo. Betell Coupon No. 3 $2.00 On the 1st day of December 1911, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer of its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2,000) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refund Bond No. 327 Jo. Betell Coupon No. 4 $.200 On the 1st day of December 1912, the Workers Publishing Society will pay to the bearer of its office in the City of Chicago, on surrender hereof, the sum of Two ($2,000) Dollars for one year's interest on its Improvement and Refund Bond No. 327 Jo. Betell UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS No. 1520 $50.00 4% IMPROVEMENT AND REFUNDING BOND OF Worker's Publishing Society TOTAL ISSUE, $50,000.000 For Value Received, the WORKERS PUBLISHING SOCIETY hereby acknowl- edges in indebtedness to the bearer in the principal sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, and promises on surrender hereof to pay said sum at its office in the City of Chicago, on December 1st 1912, and also to pay interest thereon, at the rate of 4% per annum, according to the tenor of the four coupons hereto attached. This Bond is one of the series of Two Thousand (2000) Bonds of said Society, of like date amounting in the aggregate to the sun of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars and numbered consecutively from No. 1 to No. 2000, both inclusive, all of which Bonds are equally secured by a Chattel Mortgage and Deed of Trust bearing even date herewith, and executed by said Society to Marcus H. Taft, Trustee, of and upon all of the machinery, equipment and other goods and property of said Society mentioned in said Chattel Mort- gage and Deed of Trust, subject to the terms and conditions of which Chattel Mortage and Deed of Trust the Bond, with coupons thereto attached is issued. This Bond shall not be obligatory until the certificate endorsed thereon shall be signed by said Trustee or his successor in trust. In Witness Whereof said Workers Publishing Society has caused its Corporate Seal to be hereunto attached, and these Presents to be signed in its name by its President and Secretary, the 1st day of December, 1908. WORKER PUBLISHING SOCIETY By B Berlyn PRESIDENT Jo Bentell SECRETARY The Undersigned hereby certifies that the above Bond is one of the Series described in the Chattel Mortgage and Deed of Trust mentioned in said Bond. Marcus Hitch TRUSTEEOur own house do the policies conflict? 199 [rep?] policy with Dary 202 [???] 16 Sewall Harde policy with Mrs Parker 220 [rep?] [?] where is policy? EB Field 214 " " policy McLeod 226 " " E.B. Manning 19 Clarmount 31 Hollin St 29 [Harka?] policy with 331 Clemente Parker 4 Blackwell 6 " 12 " Steares? Blood policy with Thomas + Berry Burr Stephens Bryout 3 charge over his 96/98 Bilings Cohasset Sav Bank Cottage Chilmark $1200 Smith House H2 1750 2800 3250 2000 3000 12500Office of The Woman's Journal No. 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass., ........................ 190" Henry B. Blackwell 3 March 20. Atwood Foreclosure & bill of Geo A Dary recd Spt 21/92Memorandum of Agreement entered into Boston April 27, 1894 by and between John W. Rumball party of first part and Henry B Blackwell party of second part. Whereas Said Rumball agrees to convey to said Blackwell the house & lot occupied by said Rumball as a residence corner Blackwell + Bowmans Streets Dorchester District subject to the taxes of 1893 and to interest on first mortgage since January 28, 1894 and to the unpaid principal and interest of 20 and 30 mortgages and otherwise unencumbered, and said Blackwell agrees to pay for the same the sum of One hundred and thirty dollars and also said Rumballs note promising to pay One Hundred Dollars on which $45 has been paid ___ the kitchen ranges and conventions to be left in the house ___ possession to be given May 1, 1894 + deed and money to be exchanged where permission is given the [unpaid] insurance policy for unexpired time to be assigned to said Blackwell. John H Rumball Henry B Blackwell OFFICE OF The Woman's Journal, NO. 3 PARK STREET. Boston, 1894.$255 00/100 Rev Boston Nov 18, 1899 from H B Blackwell on a/c house no 7 1st payt Gilmartin Digging total $95.00 on a/c house no 8 Digging $35.00 on a/c house no 6 Labor $7500 paint & hardware $5000 Total $225.00Mr. B. is to met Harrard Bro's at the Resitered of Deed at 11 0'Clock tomorrow 140 80 220$270 00/100 Lizzie Larman 6, 7, 8 9 & 10 $250. Nov 27, 199 Recd Boston Nov. 27, 1899 from H B Blackwell the following sums For order given Hugh Gilmartin on a/c of house No 8 ..... $75.00 For paper labor & mantils on No. 6 .. $131.00 For Digging lime & cement No. 9 ... 19.00 '' Digging No. 9 35.00 " Digging No. 10 10.00 Making wall $270.00 Lizzie LormanOffice of The Woman's Journal No. 3 Park Street Boston, ............. 189 ALL CLAIMS FOR ALLOWANCE MUST BE MADE WITHIN 10 DAYS FROM DATE OF BILL. Curtis V Pope Lumber Co. Builders' Supplies 774 Albany Street Branch Yards: 18 Station Street, Roxbury 260 Freeport Street, Dorchester. E.W. Cottle President Benjamin Pope, Treasurer Boston Nov 1, 1999 Sold to Mr. H.B. Blackwell for a/c Mrs Lizzie Lorman House 6 Balance 1.09 Oct 28 no 8 C.B.M. Pme 30 6.2 & Chicatown Bill rendered 12932 Paid Deo 18/99 Curtis & Pope L Co. [????] 825 Plumbing 540 Finish 200 Foundation 230 Paint Hardware 180 Labour 360 Doors + Windows 200 Piazza stoop 30 Mantels 24 [Watt?] 20 Paper 40 ----------------- 2605 750 335522 {???] in Roxbury 474 1150 foundations 4000 [?????] ---------------- 5100 2900 --------------- 8000 800 ---------------- 8820 230 800 --------------- 1030 1450 1450 $8200 Curtis Pope [????] Bostn $136.00 on a/c [????] ? 130 $600 920 3200 2900 -------- 7020 800 --------- 7800 Lizzie Loman Paid on house 46 Dec 18, 1899 Insurance Boston Nov. 1901 Mr. Henry B Blacwell To CHARLES K. NICHOLS, DR. 40 Water Street Nov. 15 F. L. Bood American Lus co 386309. 5 Bowman A. $22.50 20 H.B. + A.B. Blackwell " " 31638 31 Holli A. 30 27 H.B. Blackwell Queen " 989615 Blackwell Bowman Pa. $22.50 ------------ 75 Paid Nov. 11 Charles K. Nichole for Gordon Chas K. Nichols B. Insurance $67.50 P Nov 13, 1901Secured by Mortgage M.R. WARREN, STATIONER, BOSTON. $1500 Boston August 1st 1891 To value received we promise to pay to Henry B Blackwell or order, the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars as follows Twenty five dollar September 1st 1891, and fifty nine payments thereafter of twenty-five dollars each on the first days of each successive month from this date with interest semi-annually at the rate of five percent annum, during said term, and for such further time as said principal sum, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid. The financial and interest of this note are to be paid in gold coin of the United States of the foresent standard of weight and fineness notwithstanding and how which may make anything else a tender in payment of debts or in the equivalent of such coin in current finds to such amount as shall at time of the respective payments suffice for the purchase of so much pure gold as may be contained in such coin. William B. Atwood Geo. A. DaryKnow all men by these presents, that we William B. F. Atwood of Boston in the bounty of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Lillie Ella Atwood wife of said William B. F. in her right ____________________________________ in consideration of Seven Hundred and thirty (730) dollars to Lillian Ella paid by Henry B. Blackwell of said Boston ______________________ the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Henry B. Blackwell, a certain parcel of land situated in that part of said Boston called Dorchester, bounded and described as follows, to rut, Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of a new Street called Blackwell Street, two hundred and fifty nine (250) feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Neponset Avenue, at the South Westerly car- ten of land of said Lillie Ella Atwood, hence running northerly along the line of said last named land, nighty-nine and 12 (89 1/2) feet, to land of one Newhall; thence turning and running Westerly along the line of said Newhall's land, forty and 10/100 (40 10/100) feet; hence turning and running Southerly at right angles with said Blackwell Street, ninety-three (93) feet to the line of said Street; themes turning and running Easterly along the line of said Black- well Street, forty (40) feet to the point of beginning, containing three thousand six hundred and fifty (3650) square feet of land. Bring the same premises conveyed to said Lillie Ella Atwood by said Henry B. Blackwell by deed of even date herewith and this mortgage is given to secure a part of the purchase money named in said deed. Said premises are conveyed with a right of way oven said Black- well Street to said Neponset Avenue for all the usual purpose for which public streets are used. To have and to hold the granted premises, with all the privilege and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said Henry B Blackwell and his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever.And we hereby for ourselves and our heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the grantee and his heirs and assigns that said Lillie Ella Atwood is lawfully seized in fee-simple of the granted premises, that they are free from all incumbrances, that we have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and that we wll and our heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the grantee and his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demand of all persons. Provided nevertheless that if we, or our heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall pay unto the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, the sum of Seven hundred and thirty (730) dollars in five (5) years from this date, with interest semi-annually at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum, and until such payment shall pay all taxes and assessments, to whomsoever laid or assessed, whether on the granted premises or on any interest therein or on the debt secured herby; and shall not commit or suffer any strip or waste of the granted premises or any breach of any covenant herein contained; then this deed, as also one note of even date herewith, signed by us whereby we promise to pay to the grantee or order the said principal sum and installments of interest at the times aforesaid shall be void. But upon any default in the performance or observance of the foregoing condition, the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, may sell the granted premises ,or such portion thereof as may remain subject to this mortgage in case of any partial release hereof, together with all improvements that may be thereon, by public auction in said Boston first publishing a notice of the time and place of sale once each week for three successive weeks in some newspaper published in said Boston and may convey the same by proper deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchases absolutely and in fee simple; and such sale shall forever bar us and all persons claiming under us from all right and interest in the granted premises, whether at law or in equity. And out of money arising from such sale the grantee or his representative shall be entitled to retain all sums them secured by this deed, whether then or thereafter payable, including all costs, charges, and expenses incurred or sustained by them by reason of any default in the performance or observance of the said condition, rendering the surplus, if any, to said Lillie Ella or her heirs or assigns; and we hereby, for ourselves and our heirs and assigns, covenant with the grantee and his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, that, in case a sale shall be made under the foregoing power, we or hey will upon request execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a deed or deeds of release confirming such sale. And it is agreed that the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, or any person or persons in their behalf, may purchase at any sale made as aforesaid, and that no other purchaser shall be answered for the application of the purchase money; and that, until default in the performance of observance of the condition of this deed we and our heirs and assigns may hold and enjoy the granted premises and receive the rents and profits thereof. In witness whereof we the said William B.J. Atwood and Lillie Ella Atwood hereunto set our hands and seats this twelfth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of the fronted form of insurance and down and homestead clause stricken out, Geo. A. Dary to [?] Wm. B. J. Atwood Lillian Ella Atwood Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk SS. Boston May 20th 1891. Then personally appeared the above-named Lillie Ella Atwood and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed, before me Geo A. Dary Justice of the Peace. Boston, May 20th 1891, at 11 o'clock and 20 minutes A.M. Received and entered with Suffolks Deeds, libro 1996 Page 474 Attest: [?] S. Semple Register474 2 8574 William B. F. Atwood and Lillie Ella Atwood his wife in her right to Henry B. Blackwell. Suffolk Registry of Deeds MAY 20 1891 RECEIVED FOR RECORD. 11.20 am Mortgage. [?] [?] From the office of George A. Dary 5 Pemberton Sq. SOLD BY M. R. WARREN, Publisher of the "Standard" Law Blanks, No. 336 Washington St., Boston [PARCHMENT.] [*Foreclosed July 1874*]No. 3926 Office of HOLBROOK & FOX Auctioneers and Agents for the Purchase, Sale, and Leasing of REAL ESTATE, COLLECTION OF RENTS, AND NEGOTIATION OF MORTGAGES/ No. 12 Post Office Square/ Boston, June 26th 1894 Mr Geo A. Fisher, Atty. for H. B. Blackwell To HOLBROOK & FOX, Dr. To Advertising Mortgage sale, Atwood Blackwell St. in Traveller Commissions 11.50 5 ----------- 16.50 Received Payment July 18, 1894 [???????????] Know all men by these presents, that we William B. F. Atwood of Boston in the bounty of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Lillie Ella Atwood wife of said William B. F. in her right, ________________________________ in consideration of Fourteen hundred (1400) dollars to said Lillie Ella paid by Henry B. Blackwell of said Boston ______________________ this receipt whereof its hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey into the said Henry B. Blackwell the following described lot of land with the honor and other improvements thereon situated on that foart of said Boston called Dorchester, viz Beginning at a point in the northerly line of a new Street called Blackwell Street two hundred and nineteen (219) feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Treponset Avenue, hence running northerly eighty six (86) feet at right angels with said Blackwell Street to the line of land of one newhall thence turning and running Westerly along the line of said newhall's land about forty and 15/100 (40 15/100) feet; thence turning and running Southerly at right angels with said Blackwell Street eighty mine and 1/2 (89 1/2) feet to the line of said Blackwell Street, thence turning and running Easterly along the line of said Blackwell Street forty (40) feet to the [????] of begin- ning, together with a right of way over said Blackwell Street to said hefonset Avenue for all the usual fourfooes for which public streets are used. Being the same premises conveyed to said Lille Ella Atwood by said grantee by deed dated April 29, 1891 and recorded with Suffolk Deeds in Book 1993 page 625 and by deed from said grantee to said Lillie Ella of even date herewith and herewith to be recorded ________________ Said foregoes are conveyed subject to a mortgage given by said grantors to the Institutions for Savings in Rorbury and its vicinity of even date herewith and herewith to be recorded, made to secure the payment of twenty five hundred (2500) dollars. To have and to hold the granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said Henry B. Blackwell and his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever. And we hereby for ourselves and our heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the grantee and his heirs and assigns that said Lillie Ella is lawfully seized in fee-simple of the granted premises, that they are free from all incumbrance except said mortgage that we have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and that we will and our heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend to the grantee and his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons, [strike through] except those claiming by reason of said mortgage [strike through end] Provided nevertheless that if we, or our heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, shall pay unto the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, the sum of Fourteen hundred (1400) dollars in two months from date one hundred and twenty (120) in three months from date seventy (70) dollars in four months from date seventy (70) dollars and at the end of each month thereafter twenty (20) dollars the whole sum to be paid within five (5) years from this date, with interest semi-annually at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum, and until such payment shall pay all taxes and assessment, to whomsoever laid or assessed, whether on the granted premises or on any interest therein, or on the debt secured hereby; shall keep the buildings on said premises insured against fire in a sum not less than Five hundred (500) dollars, for the benefit of the grantee his executors. administrators, and assigns, in such form and at such insurance offices as they shall approve; and shall not commit or suffer any strip or waste of the granted premises, or any breach of any covenant herein contained; then this deed, as also our note of even date herewith, signed by us whereby we promise to pay to the grantee or order the said principal sum instalments of interest at the times aforesaid, shall be void. But upon any default in the performance or observance of the foregoing condition, the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, may sell the granted premises, or such portion thereof as may remain subject to this mortgage in case of any partial release hereof, together with all improvements that may be thereon, by public auction in said Boston may convey the same by proper deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers absolutely and in fee simple; and such sale shall forever bar us and all persons claiming under us from all right and interest in the granted premises, whether at law or in equity. And out of money arising from such sale the grantee of his representatives shall be entitled to retain all sums then secured by this deed, whether then or thereafter payable, including all costs, charges and expenses incurred or sustained by them by reason of any default in the performance or observance of the condition, rending the surplus, if any, to said Lille Ella or her heirs or assigns; and we hereby, for ourselves and our heirs and assigns, covenant with the grantee and his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns that, in case a sale shall be made under the foregoing power, we or they will upon request execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a deed or deeds of release confirming such sale. And it is agreed that the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, or any person or persons in their behalf, may purchase at any sale made as aforesaid, and that no other purchaser shall be answerable for the application of the purchase; and that, until default in the performance or observance of the condition of this deed we and our heirs and assigns may hold and enjoy the granted premises and receive the rents and profits thereof. [strike through] And for the consideration aforesaid ...... do hereby release unto the said grantee and ... heirs and assigns all right of or to both dolver and homestead in the granted premises [strike through ends] In witness whereof we the said William B.F. Atwood and Lillie Ella Atwood hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty-ninth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of "Lillie Ella" written over an erasure and eight written words stricken out on second page and the printed form of dower and homestead clause stricken out.) Geo. A. Dary to both William B. H. Atwood Lillie Ella Atwood Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk ss. Boston May 20, 1891. Then personally appeared the above-named Lillie Ella Atwood and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed, before me - Geo. A. Dary, Justice of the Peace. Boston May 20th, 1891, at 11 o'clock and 20 minutes A.M. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds, libro, 1996 folio Page 469. Attest: [?] S Semple Register.469 3 8572 William B. J. Atwood and Lillie Ella Atwood his wife in her right to Henry B. Blackwell Suffolk Registry of Deeds MAY 20 1891 RECEIVED FOR RECORD. 11.20 am Mortgage. From the office of Geroge A. Dary 5 Pemberton Saf. SOLD BY M. R. WARREN, Publisher of "Standard" Law Blanks, No. 336 Washington St., Boston. [PARCHMENT.]Secured by Mortgage of Real Estate in Dorchester District to be recorded in Suffolk Registry of Deeds. 1400.00 Boston, Mass April 29, 1891 For Value Received, We jointly and severally Promise to pay Henry B Blackwell or order, the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars 00/100 in Sixty month payments from this date, with interest to be paid semi-annually, at the rate of five per centum per annum, during said term, and for such further time as the said principal sum, or any part thereof shall remain unpaid. Payments to be made as follows: in one month from date $20; in two months from date $120, in three months from date $70; in four months from date $70; and at the end of each month thereof $20; the whole sum to be paid within five years from this date. Signed in presence of W.D. CC. Curtis Lillie Ella Atwood William B.F. Atwood M.R. WARREN, Stationer, 336 Washington Street, Boston.From E. J. Vikery 20 Montello St Dorchester, Mass For. [Safa?] at Bountwell Ave. Miss Alice Stone Blackwell [3 Mandmock St Dorchester, Mass][Sold by C.K. DARLING, Law Stationer, 15 Exchange Street, Boston. WARRANTY DEED] Know all Men by these Presents, That I Jacob Flinn of Dorchester county of Norfolk + commonwealth of Massachusetts gentleman IN CONSIDERATION of three hundred dollars to me paid by George Vinton of Dorchester county and commonwealth aforesaid trader the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said George Vinton a piece of parcel of land situated on said Dorchester containing five eights of an acre more or less described and bounded as following: commencing on the Neponset turnpike at stake and stones thence easterly bounded on the said Flinn's land twelve nods to a stake and stone thence south only on land of the said Flinn nine rods and four feet to a stake + stone thence westerly on the said Flinn's land ten nods and twelve feet to a stake and stone to the said turnpike thence northerly on the said turnpike eight rods to the first mentioned bound or however otherwise bounded TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted premises, with the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said Vinton his heirs and assigns, to his + their use and behoof forever. And I the said Jacob Flinn for myself and my heirs, Executors, and Administrators, do covenant with the said Vinton his heirs and assigns, this I am lawfully seized the fee of the afore-granted premises; that they are free from all incumbrances that I have a good right to sell and convey the same to the said Vinton heirs and assigns forever as aforesaid; that I will and my heirs, executors, and administrators shall Warrant AND Defend the same to the said Vinton his heirs and against the lawful claims and demands and demands of all persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I the said Jacob Flinn and wife of the said Jacob in testimony of relinquishment of her right of claim of dower in afore granted premises. have hereunto set our hand and seal this twentieth day of November in the year eight hundred and forty three. Jacob Flinn (seal) B. M. Flinn (seal) Executed [signed, sealed] and delivered in the presence of us. Seth Crane Ira Fosted. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Norfolk ss. May 2 18 [6]44. Then personally appeared the above named Jacob Flinn and acknowledged the [above] within instrument to be his free act and deed. Before me, Saml. P. Scond JUSTICE OF THE PEACE May 6, 1844 Recd entered & examined by Emos Foord Reg. Copied from Norfolk Records File 146 fol 236 Attest James Foord Reg WARRANTY DEED. From Jacob Flinn To George Vinton Dates Nov. 20/43. [186] - Copy - one other deed later carring pat 5 Park St.S.A. Carlton, President Chs. R. Batt, Cashier. The National Security Bank Boston March 1 of 1886 $417.00/100 [Esq. Cashier.] [Dear Sir] Received of George Vinton Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars and four months interest on same seven dollars in full of principal and interest of a mortgage of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars on property in Dorchester District on Neponset avenue opposite Boutwell avenue and I agree to cancel and discharge the said mortgage within thirty days from date as authorized by J.N. Damon as trustee for Mrs. Whittmore. Also received of George Vinton Sixty Dollars in full of interest to date on another mortgage of Three Thousand Dollars held by the same parties. John A. FolsomKnow all Men by these Presents that the Franklin Savings Bank of the City of Boston, the mortgage named in a certain mortgage given by Jacob McLellan Morrison, Sarah L. Morrison, wife of said Jacob in her right dated August 26 A. D. 1892, and recorded with Suffolk Deeds, libro 2080 [folio] page 312, hereby acknowledges that it has received from Henry B. Blackwell the present owner of the estate [the mortgagor] named in said mortgage, full payment and satisfaction of the same; and in consideration thereof it hereby cancels and discharges said mortgage, and releases and quitclaims unto the said Henry B. Blackwell and his heirs and assigns forever all interest acquired under said mortgage in the premises thereby conveyed. In witness whereof the said Franklin Savings Bank of the City of Boston, has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, acknowledged, and delivered in its name and behalf of Ebenezer Alexander, its Treasurer, this 2d day of June A. D. 1893. Sign and sealed in the presence of } E. A. Stone Franklin Savings Bank of the City of Boston by Eben. Alexander Treasurer Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk ss. June 2d 189 . Then personally appeared the above-named Ebenezer Alexander and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of the Franklin Savings Bank of the City of Boston, before me.— Edwin A. Stone Justice of the Peace. Boston June 2 1893, at 11 o'clock and 48 minutes A.M. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds, libro 2133. [folio] page 288 Attest: [Shay?] S. Semple Register.288 11198 FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK OF THE CITY OF BOSTON, to Hen. B Blackwell 2080-312 Suffolk Registry of Deeds, JUN 2 1893 RECEIVED FOR RECORD. 11.48 A.M. Discharge of Mortgage. CORPORATION FROM THE OFFICE OF GEO. A. FISHER, Attorney, 53 Devonshire Street, Boston.Know all men by these presents that I, Prescott C. Gates guardia of [?] P. Gates and Edith H.. Gates the assignees of a certain mortgage given by Sarah L. Morrison [?] to Mabel F. [?] dates March 13th A.D. 1882 and recorded with Suffolk Deeds, libro 555 folio 33, do hereby acknowledge that I have I have received from [strike through] the mortgagors named in said mortgage, full payment and satisfaction of the same; and in consideration thereof I do hereby cancel and discharge said mortgage, and release and quitclaim unto the said Sarah L. Morrison and her heirs and assigns forever, the premises thereby conveyed. In witness of I hereunto set my hand and seal this twentieth day of August A.D. 1892. Signed and sealed in the presence of [signature]. Prescott C. Gates, guardians of Thayer P. Gates and of Edith H. Gates. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [?] ss. August 22d 1892. Then personally appeared the above-named Prescott C. Gates guardians of Thayer P. Gates and of Edith H. Gates and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me - [signature] Justice of the Peace. Boston Aug 29 1891, at 11 o'clock and 56 minutes A.M. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds, libro 2080 folio Page 312 Attest: [signature] Register.312 1 17400 Prescott C. Gates to Sarah L. Morrison 1555-33 Suffolk Registry of Deeds, AUG 29 1892 RECEIVED FOR RECORD. 11.56 a.m. Discharge of Mortgage. From the office of Box 22 SOLD BY T. H. BALL, LAW STATIONER, 49 Court Street, Boston.Know all men by these presents that We Sarah L. Morrison in her own rights and Jacob McLellan Morrison her husband of the city of Boston County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts in consideration of Seven Hundred and Twelve 80/100 dollars paid by Henry B. Blackwell of city county and commonwealth aforesaid the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the said Henry B. Blackwell a certain parcel of land with the building thereon situated at the Northwesterly corner of Centre and Adams Streets in Dorchester district of said Boston [?] Commencing on the Northerly line of said Centre street at a point eighty (80) feet easterly of the property now or late of Jones, then running easterly along the line of said Centre street forty-eight 86/100 (48 86/100) feet in a curve, thence following the curve twelve 40/100 (12 40/100) feet to the line of Adams Street, thence northerly along the westerly line of said Adams street ninety eight (12/10 98 12/100_ feet to the middle of the proposed private way to be twenty (20) feet wide, thence westerly along the centre of said proposed private way eight two 12/100 (82 12/100) feet then turning and running Southerly one hundred and six 06/100 (106 06/100) feet to the northerly line of said Centre street at the place if Beginning, containing seven thousand one hundred and twenty-seven 91/100 (7127 91/100) square feet of land being lot numbered three (3) on a map recorded or to be recorded at the Suffolk Registry of Deeds. To have and to hold the granted premises, wit hall the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said Henry B. Blackwell and his heirs and assigns, to their own an behoof forever. In witness whereof we the said Sarah L. Morrison ad Jacob McLellan Morrison her husband hereunto set out hands and seals this fifteenth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety four. Signed and sealed in the presence of Sarah L. Morrison and Jacob McLellan Morrison Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Norfolk ss. January 17th 1894. The personally appeared the above-named Sarah L. Morrison and Jacob McLellan Morrison and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to their free act and deed, before me - Henry B. [?] Justice of the Peace Boston Jan 17, 1894, 11h, 12m A.M. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds, libro 2175 Page 219 Attest: {signature] Register.219. 1136 Sarah L. Morrison and Jacob McLellan Morrison to Henry B Blackwell Suffolk Registry of Deeds, JAN 17 1894 RECEIVED FOR RECORD. 11.12 AM Release. Mail Grantee #3 Park St City From the office of SOLD BY M. R. WARREN, Publisher of the "Standard" Law Blanks, No. 336 Washington Street, Boston. 5-16-'93