Blackwell Family Henry B. Blackwell Financial Papers[*10 M?? ?*] Boston, Jan 4th 1905 Received form Henry B. Blackwell Three hundred forty two no/100 Dollars the same to be deducted from the first payment due on contract for three houses to be built on Walker Place at Atlantic (City of Quincy) Mass - this money to be applied as follows for brick as per bill $192 no/100 stone foundation and excavation $ $ Adelard Phaneuf, Builder P. W. BARRY, BEALE & CO., 108 WASHINGTON ST., COR. ELM, BOSTON. Telephone 1791 Haymarket Office of The Woman's Journal No. 3 Park Street, Room 16 Boston, Mass., May 12 1906 Adelard Phaneuf Dear Sir By terms of contract the Atlantic houses with grading of street & back yards, sidewalks, &c, ready for occupancy were to be complete [April?] 15. Nearly a month has elapsed, the renting season is almost over, the houses are about to be assessed for taxation--nothing is being done. They cannot be rented or mortgages negociated for want of completion. Please attend to it at once, or I shall claim damages for non-fulfilment of contract. May I, at your expense, on a/c [(as already by your orders for [?] of water & seascape)] of contract, advertise & rent the houses at $25. each? and will you authorize me to go ahead & complete the houses & street & back yards &c, & charge the expense against the contract. Let me hear from you at once. Why don't you move into the middle house at once, if you intend to do so? Respy Henry B Blackwell[*??*] March 31st 1906. Mr. Henry B. Blackwell Please pay to E. J. Vickery the Sum of four hundred dollars and charge the Same to my account for Building 3 houses at Atlantic (Quincy) Mass. Adelard Phaneuf Rec'd payment of the written amount Four Hundred Dollars for order of Adelard Phaneuf on a/c 3 Atlantic houses. E. J. Vickery Jan 29 1906[*4 11 ?*] Boston, Jan 26th, 1906 Received from H. B. Blackwell Four hundred no/100 Dollars on acc of 3d payment on Brick block at (Atlantic, City of Quincy) the same to be paid to E. J. Vickery for carpentry work - $ Adelard Phaneuf F. W. BARRY, BEALE & CO., 108 WASHINGTON ST., COR. ELM, BOSTON[*? 15 ?*] Boston April 6- 1906 Mr. H. B. Blackwell Dear Sir Please pay to Mr. E. J. Vickery the sum of Seven hundred and fifty 00/100 dollars ($750.00) and charge the same to my a/c of mortgage and contracts on Block of houses at Atlantic as per Adelard Phaneuf April 7 1906 Recvd. amt. of within order Edward J. Vickery[*Se 16 MJ*] Boston Mass - April 27, 1906 Lo Henry B. Blackwell Pay to E. J. Vickery the Sum of seven hundred and fifty $ dollars. for labor and Material furnished. And charge the same to my account for building 3 houses at Atlantic Mass (Walker Place) and Mortgage on Same Adelard Phaneuf 46 "Cornhill" Rec'd in full of above order as endorsed on opp page Boston May 24, 1906 Edward J Vickery$750. order from Adelard Phaneuf Apl 27, 1906 Apl 28. Painter 60. [Hars?] 30. Carp labor 70. [Ste??) a/c 50. Steam 200. Rec'd Boston Apl 28, 1906 on a/c of written order Four Hundred & Ten Dollars Edward J. Vickery Bal of painting 53. Paper hanging labor 42. Electric work bal 25 Cords & Poles 39.90 [Bre??] - Paper Net 29.50 Shades 24.00 213.40 Hardware H[??]t 50.00 263.40 Rec'd Boston May 12. 1905 on a/c of the written order for bills above named Two Hundred sixty three 40/100 Dollars Edward J Vickery For - Coal 33.00 Plastic Slate 31.20 Electric bal 15 79.20 [*Se 17 MJ*] Boston Mass June 14th 1906 Mr. Henry Blackwell Dear Sir I have examined the bill of Thomas White to you for grading in from of the block on Walker Place Atlantic Mass and find that it is not accurate both in amount of time charged and amount of pay per day for same - It is a fraud and I will not pay it. What I will pay after a careful survey of it is the $41.38 which is at least 1/3 more than the work is worth after adding the cost of my man who had the care of the the Houses and work on this work with him. Respectfully yours Adelard Phaneuf. Adelard Phaneef June 14, 1906 (white) $41.3826 Sewall St. - DorchesterOffice of A. S. Brown, Jr. Insurance Agency 85 Water St., Boston Tel. Main 118 119 January 8, 1914 Alice Stone Blackwell, Monadnock Street, Dorchester, Mass. Dear Madam: - In accordance with your letter, I am enclosing herewith policy #59399 Home Insurance Company renewing $4500 in the name of Mabel S. Vickery and yourself as mortgage on a house at 26 Sewal Street, Dorchester. I have forwarded the bill for this policy to Mr. Vickery. Yours respectfully, A. S. Brown Jr. Note and contract Mabel Slade Vickery for house Sewall St. under construction dated December 18, 1908 Know all Men by these Presents that I Henry B Blackwell, the mortgagee named in a certain mortgage given by Mabel Slade Vickery to me dated December 18 A.D. 1908, and recorded with Suffolk Deeds, book 3353 page 524, in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable considerations dollars paid by Alice Stone Blackwell the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby assign, transfer, and set over unto the said Alice Stone Blackwell the said mortgage deed, the real estate thereby conveyed, and the note and claim thereby secured. To have and to hold the same to the said Alice Stone Blackwell and her heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever; subject nevertheless to the conditions therein contained and to redemption according to law. In witness whereof I hereto set my hand and seal this 29th day of January A.D. 1909 Signed in the presence of Henry b Blackwell Commonwealth of Massachusetts Suffolk ss. January 29 1909. Then personally appeared the above-named Henry B Blackwell and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me. John W Johnson Notary Public [Justice of the Peace] 190 , at o'clock and minutes M. Received and entered Deeds, book page Attest, Register.H.B.B to A.S.B Assignment of Mortgage From the Office of Published by Damon of Boston GEO E. DAMON COMPANY TEL 1376 HAY 13 PEMBERTON SQ No. 145 Suffolk Registry of Deeds, Wm. T. A. Fitzgerald, Register PEMBERTON SQUARE, BOSTON BOSTON, MASS JAN 8 1 30 PM 1909 Henry B. Blackwell, Esq., 6 Beacon Street, Boston Mabel Slade Vickery To Henry B. Blackwell Mortgage $2500, Recorded Suffolk deeds Jan 4, 1909 Assigned to Alice Stone Blackwell Jan 29, 1909 Memorandum of Agreement between Henry B Blackwell of Boston , Mass. party of the first part and Mabel Slade Vickery of Chicago, Ill. party of second part Witnesses That Henry B Blackwell aforesaid agrees to pay to Edward J. Vickery of said Boston the sum of Two Thousand Dollars on demand by him at the times and on conditions as follows: $500. when house now being constructed by said E. J. Vickery for Mabel Slade Vickery on Sewall St lot this day conveyed to said Mabel Slade Vickery by said Blackwell is boarded in; $500 when outside is completed ready for plastering; with chimney $500 when plastering is completed with standing finish, sashes, etc $500 in 30 days after completion with 3 furnaces, (2) two bathrooms water closets set tubs and ranges painting, porcelain tubs, plumbing, ranges, decorating, etc, ready for occupancy free from liens or possibility of liens according to plans attached hereto. Said Mabel Slade Vickery agrees to accept such payments when made in full of all demands against said Blackwell for obligations given him on said house & lot. Witness our hands Dec 18, 1908 Signed in Henry B. Blackwell duplicate Mabel Slade VickeryDuplicate Agreement Henry B Blackwell Mabel Slade Vickery Dec 18 1908Know all men by these presents that We Josiah H. Carter, Arthur E. Carter, Frederick A. Hinckley and Elizabeth C. Hinkley wife of said F. A. Hinckley in her own right in consideration of one dollar to us paid by Henry B. Blackwell of Boston Mass. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the said Henry B. Blackwell his Heirs and Assigns all that parcel of land situated in that part of Boston formerly Dorchester being a part of the premises described in a mortgage given by Josiah H. Carter to Albert F Whittemore dated Jany. 10 - 1876 and recorded in book 1309 folio 239 Suffolk Deeds. Said Whittemore having released certain portions to Arthur E. Carter and Elisabeth C. Hinkley See release of May 14 1877 recorded in Lib. 1375 folio and one dated May 1 - 1880 [Lib} recorded in Liber 1491 folio 5. Suffolk registry. Being the same premises conveyed to said Blackwell by Deed of Albert F. Whittemore dated Jany. 10 - 1882 to be recorded herewith. To have and to hold the granted premises, with all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said H. B. Blackwell and his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever. In witness whereof We the said Josiah H Carter, Arthur E Carter Frederick A Hinckley and Elizabeth C Hinckley Said Arthur being unmarried hereunto set our hands and seals this Sixteenth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and [seventy] Eighty two. Signed and Sealed in the presence of RB Leighton - (to J.H.C.) Josiah H. Carter Arthur E. Carter Elizabeth C Hinckley Frederic A. Hinckley Commonwealth of Massachusetts Know all men by these presents that We Josiah H. Carter, Arthur E. Carter, Frederick A. Hinckley and Elizabeth C. Hinkley wife of said F. A. Hinckley in her own right in consideration of one dollar to us paid by Henry B. Blackwell of Boston Mass. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the said Henry B. Blackwell his Heirs and Assigns all that parcel of land situated in that part of Boston formerly Dorchester being a part of the premises described in a mortgage given by Josiah H. Carter to Albert F Whittemore dated Jany. 10 - 1876 and recorded in book 1309 folio 239 Suffolk Deeds. Said Whittemore having released certain portions to Arthur E. Carter and Elisabeth C. Hinkley See release of May 14 1877 recorded in Lib. 1375 folio and one dated May 1 - 1880 [Lib} recorded in Liber 1491 folio 5. Suffolk registry. Being the same premises conveyed to said Blackwell by Deed of Albert F. Whittemore dated Jany. 10 - 1882 to be recorded herewith. To have and to hold the granted premises, with all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said H. B. Blackwell and his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever. In witness whereof We the said Josiah H Carter, Arthur E Carter Frederick A Hinckley and Elizabeth C Hinckley Said Arthur being unmarried hereunto set our hands and seals this Sixteenth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and [seventy] Eighty two. Signed and Sealed in the presence of RB Leighton - (to J.H.C.) Josiah H. Carter Arthur E. Carter Elizabeth C Hinckley Frederic A. Hinckley Commonwealth of Massachusetts Suffolk ss. Boston Jany. 31st 18[7]82. Then personally appeared the above-named Josiah H. Carter and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me, Royal B. Leighton Justice of the Peace Boston Feby 3d, 18[7]82 3.h 42m P. M. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds, libro 1550 folio 272. Attest: Sha[?] St. Semple Register[*272*] [*1274*] Josiah H. Carter et. al. to Henry B. Blackwell [*No-*] SUFFOLK REGISTRY OF DEEDS FEB 3. 43 3 1/2 1882 COURT SQUARE BOSTON Release. From the office of 1538 - 272 JOSIAH H. CARTER 31 STATE STREET (Room 5) BOSTON. SOLD BY M. R. WARREN, LAW STATIONER No. 21 MILK STREET, BOSTON This policy is not assignable for purposes of collateral security: but for such purpose, it is to be made "payable in case of loss," etc., by endorsement on its face. In cases of actual sale and transfer of title, leave having been previously obtained, the form subjoined may be used, which must be executed at the time of said transfer. The Phenix Insurance Company hereby consent that the interest of _____ in the within Policy, subject to all the terms and conditions therein mentioned and referred to, be assigned to ___________ _______19 _______________ Agents. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ________ hereby transfer, assign, set over unto ______ and ______ assigns, all ___ ___title and interest in this Policy, and all advantages to be derived therefrom. Witness ______ had and seal this ____ day of _____ 19 Sealed and delivered in the presence of ____________{L. S.} FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ________ hereby transfer, assign, set over unto ______ and ______ assigns, all ___ ___title and interest in this Policy, and all advantages to be derived therefrom. Witness ______ had and seal this ____ day of _____ 19 Sealed and delivered in the presence of ____________{L. S.} RECEIPT FOR RETURN PREMIUM $ __________ ___________19 In consideration of the sum of __________ to ________ paid by ____________ Agent of the PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, this policy is hereby acknowledged, cancelled and surrendered to the said Company [*$500 - On Stable 13 Blackwell St.*] Expires 21st day of September 1914 Premises #13 Blackwell St. Dorch. No. 2338 PHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLY N.Y. Capital, $1,500,000. Alice Stone Blackwell Amount Insured $500. Premium $5. OFFICE: TEL MAIN {6817 {1197 HENRY A. GORDON & CO. INSURANCE AGENCY, 93 Water Street, BOSTON, MASS. Richard B. Perrin, Mgr. 2338 $500 Five Alice Stone Blackwell Five Hundred frame stable building #13 Blackwell Street Dorchester District, Boston, Mass. five years twenty first September nine twenty first September fourteenPHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, N.Y. This Company shall not be liable beyond the actual value of the insured property at the time any loss or damage happens. In consideration of Five Dollars, To be paid by the insured, hereinafter named, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do insure Alice Stone Blackwell and her legal representatives against Loss or Damage by Fire to the amount of Five Hundred Dollars, On frame stable building and additions including Plate Glass and Fresco Work, Gas, Water and steam Pipes, Lighting and Heating Apparatus, Storm Doors, Outside Windows, Blinds, Screens and Awnings, whether in position of stored inside Building, and all Landlord's Fixtures and improvements, including yard fences, situate #13 Blackwell street, Dorchester District, Boston Mass. Privilege is granted to make ordinary alterations and repairs, it being expressly agreed and made a condition of this policy that extraordinary alterations, additions and repairs shall not be made in or upon the premises insured, or containing the property insured, and that (any custom of trade or business to the contrary notwithstanding) no paint or similar substance shall be removed by burning in or about said premises without the consent of this Company endorsed on this policy. Permission is given for the installation and for the use of such Wires, Lights and Apparatus of any Electric Light or Electric Power System, located in or on the insured premises, as have been or shall be approved by the Boston Fire Underwriters' Union, or New England Insurance Exchange. Vacancy or non-occupancy shall not vitiate this policy if the within described building is within the city of Boston, or if the within described building is located within 500 feet of a public hydrant and is also under the protection and supervision of a police and fire department of any other city or town. If the above conditions are not complied with, permission is granted for vacancy and non-occupancy limited to a total period of not exceeding four months in any one year. Permission is given to keep not exceeding one quart of benzine of naphtha on the premises at any one time for domestic purposes only. This policy also covers direct loss or damage to the property insured by lightning (meaning thereby the commonly accepted use of the term "lightning," and in no case include loss or damage by cyclone, tornado or windstorm), whether fire ensues or not; it being made a condition of this contract that any loss or damage to dynamos, exciters, lamps, switches, motors, or other electrical appliances or devices, such as may be caused by lightning or other electrical currents, artificial or natural, is expressly excluded, and that this Company is liable only for such loss or damage to them as may occur in consequence of fire originating outside of the appliance or device itself. It is also a condition of this contract that if there is other insurance upon the property damaged, this Company shall be liable only for such proportion of any direct loss or damage by lightning (except as above stated) as the amount hereby insured bears to the whole amount insured thereon, whether such other insurance contains a similar clause or not. Other insurance permitted without notice until requested. Attached to and forming part of Policy No. 2338 of the Phenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn, N.Y. Aui Bullaud H Agent. HENRY A. GORDON, 93 WATER ST., BOSTON.Know all men by these presents that I, Fred'k. H. Jackson of Somerville, County of Middlesex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in consideration of one dollar and other valuable considerations paid by Richard L. Casey of Boston, County of Suffolk, in said Commonwealth the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the said Richard L. Casey A certain parcel of land with all the buildings thereon and all fixtures contained in said buildings in Boston, Mass. in that part known as Dorchester on Sewall Street and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Southerly by Sewall Street about fifteen (15) feet, Easterly by a line running northerly from said street through the center of the brick partition wall between houses numbered six (6) and eight (8) in the numbering of said Sewall Street seventy-two (72) feet to a passageway seven (7) feet wide, northerly by said passageway about fifteen (15) feet, and westerly by lands of Murphy and McLeod seventy-two (72) feet, containing about 1080 square feet of land, be the same more or less, together with the right of using said passageway in common with others for all purposes common to such passageways. Being lot six (6) as shown on a plan recorded and entitled "Compiled Plan of Land, Pope's Hill, Dorchester, Oct. 19, 1905", or however otherwise said premises may be bounded and described. This conveyance is made subject to a mortgage for twenty- five hundred dollars, held by the Wildey Savings Bank, and a second mortgage now amounting to eight hundred and sixty dollars held by Henry B. Blackwell. Being the same premises conveyed to me by deed of Emma F. Odell, dated Nov. 16, 1908 and duly recorded with Suffolk deeds. To have and to hold the granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said Richard L. Casey and his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever. And I do hereby, for myself and my heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the said grantee and his heirs and assigns that the granted premises are free from all incumbrances made by me and that I will and my heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the said grantee and his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under me but against none other. And for the consideration aforesaid I, Minnie C. Jackson, wife of Fred'k. H. Jackson do hereby release unto the said grantee and his heirs and assigns all right of or to both dower and homestead in the granted premises, and all rights by statutes and all other rights therein. In witness whereof we the said Fred'k. H. Jackson and Minnie C. Jackson hereunto set our hands and seal this ninth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and eight. Signed and sealed in presence of Fred'k H. Jackson Minnie C. Jackson Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk ss. December 9, 1908. Then personally appeared the above-named Fred'k. H. Jackson and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me - Remy C Fuller Justice of the Peace. Boston, March 22, 1909 at 12 h 12 m. P.M. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds, book 3350 page 85 Attest: JM T. A. Fitzgerald Register.85 7673 60 Fred'k. H. Jackson to Richard L. Casey Suffolk Registry of Deeds MAR 22 1909 RECEIVED FOR RECORD 12.12 PM QUITCLAIM DEED. COMPARED Mail Henry B. Blackwell 6 Beacon St From the office of Fred'k. H. Jackson, #45 Tremont St. SOLD BY T. H. BALL, LAW STATIONER, 72 DEVONSHIRE STREET, BOSTON No. 604 Know all Men by these Presents that I, Richard L. Casey of Boston in our County of Suffolk in consideration of one dollar and other considerations paid by Alice Stone Blackwell of said Boston the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said Alice Stone Blackwell a certain parcel of land with all the buildings thereon, and all fixtures in said buildings situated in the Dorchester District of said Boston, on Sewall Street , and bounded and described as follows, to wit: southerly by Sewall street about fifteen feet; easterly by a line running northerly from said street through the center of the brick partition wall between houses numbered 6 and 8 in the numbering of said Sewall street, seventy-two feet to a passageway seven feet wide; northerly by said passageway about fifteen feet; and westerly by lands of Murphy and McLeod seventy-two feet. Containing about 1080 square feet of land, more or less; together with the right of using said passageway in common with others for all purposes common to such passageways. Being lot 6 as shown on a plan recorded and entitled Compiled Plan of land, Pope's Hill, Dorchester, Oct 19, 1905. This conveyance is made subject to a mortgage of twenty-five hundred dollars to the Wildey Savings Bank, and a second mortgage amounting to eight hundred and sixty dollars held by Henry B. Blackwell. Being the same premises conveyed to me by Frederick H. Jackson by deed dated December 9, 1908. To have and to hold the granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said Alice Stone Blackwell and her heirs and assigns to their own use and behoof forever. And I do hereby myself and my heirs, executors, and administrators covenant with the said grantee and her heirs and assigns that the granted premises are free from all incumbrances made or suffered by me, except as aforesaid and that I will and my heirs, executors and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the said grantee and her heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through, or under me, except as aforesaid, but against none other. And for the consideration aforesaid I, Nellie M. Casey, wife of said Richard L. Casey do hereby release unto the said grantee and her heirs and assigns all right of or to both dower and homestead in the granted premises and all rights by statute therein, and all other rights and interests therein. In witness whereof, We the said Richard L. Casey and Nellie M. Casey hereunto set our hands and seals this nineteenth day of March in the one thousand nine hundred and nine Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Richard L. Casey Nellie M. Casey Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk ss. March 22, 1909. Then personally appeared the above named Richard L. Casey and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me - Chas. W. Cushing Justice of the Peace. Boston, March 22, 1909 12 h 12 m P.M. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds book 3350 Page 87. Attest: Wm. T. A. Fitzgerald Register. [*2*] 87 61 7674 Richard L. Casey to Alice Stone Blackwell Suffolk Registry of Deeds MAR 22 1909 RECEIVED FOR RECORD 1212 PM Quitclaim Deed. COMPARED Mail Henry B. Blackwell 6 Beacon St From the Office of C. W. Cushing PUBLISHED BY Damon of Boston GEO. E. DAMON COMPANY TEL. 1376 HAY. 13 PEMBERTON SQ. No. 136 Know all men by these presents that I, Emma F. Odell wife of Ira Herbert Odell of the city of Boston, County of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts in consideration of Nine Hundred Dollars paid by Henry B. Blackwell of city, county and commonwealth aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the said Henry B. Blackwell, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns a certain parcel of land with all the buildings thereon and all fixtures contained in said buildings in Boston Mass., in that part known as Dorchester on Sewall St and bounded and described as follows, to wit Southerly by Sewall street about fifteen (15) feet, Easterly by a line running northerly, from said street through the centre of the brick partition wall between houses numbered Six and eight in the numbering of said Sewall Street, Seventy-two (72) feet to a passageway seven feet wide; northerly by said passage.way about fifteen (15) feet, and westerly by lands of Murphy and McLeod Seventy-two feet, containing about 1080 square feet of land, be the same more or less, together with the right of using said passageway in common with others for all purposes common to such passageways. Being Lot 6 as shown on a plan recorded and entitled "Compiled Plan of Land, Pope's Hill, Dorchester, Oct 19, 1905, or however otherwise said premises may be bounded and described. To have and to hold the granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said Henry B. Blackwell and his heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever.And I hereby for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the grantee and his heirs and assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee-simple of the granted premises, that they are free from all incumbrances, except a mortgage given to the Wildey Savings bank dated October 16 1905 for Twenty Five hundred dollars that I have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and that I will and my heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the grantee and his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons, except as above. Provided nevertheless that if I, or my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, shall pay unto the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars in forty five monthly payments of Twenty Dollars each beginning on the first day of November 1908 and payable monthly thereafter together with interest quarterly on sums unpaid at the rate of five per cent a year. [in ... years] from this date [with interest semi-annually at the rate of ... per cent per annum,] all which payments, both of principal and of interest, are to be made in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness; and until such payment shall pay all taxes and assessments, to whomsoever laid or assessed, whether on the granted premises or on any interest therein or on the debt secured hereby; shall keep the buildings on said premises insured against fire in a sum not less than Three thousand five hundred dollars for the benefit of the grantee and his executors, administrators, and assigns in such form and at such insurance offices as they shall approve, and, at least two days before the expiration of any policy on said premises, shall deliver to him or them a new and sufficient policy to take the place of the one so expiring; and shall not commit or suffer any strip or waste of the granted premises, or any breach of any covenant herein contained, -- then this deed, as also my note of even date herewith, signed by me whereby I promise to pay to the grantee or order the said principal sum and instalments of interest in gold coin as aforesaid and at the times aforesaid shall be void. No acceptance of any payment of principal or interest in any other currency than gold coin as aforesaid shall be deemed to be a waiver of the right to demand that subsequent payments shall be made in gold coin as aforesaid. But upon any default in the performance or observance of the foregoing conditions, the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, may sell the granted premises or such portion thereof as may remain subject to this mortgage in case of any partial release hereof, together with all improvements that may be thereon, by public auction in said Boston first publishing a notice of the time and place of sale once each week for three successive weeks in some one newspaper published in said Boston the first publication to be not less than twenty-one days before the day of sale, and may convey the same by proper deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers absolutely and in fee simple; and such sale shall forever bar me and all persons claiming under me from all right and interest in the granted premises whether at law or in equity. And out of money arising from such sale the grantee or his representatives shall be entitled to retain all sums then secured by this deed, whether then or thereafter payable, including all costs, charges, and expenses incurred or sustained by them by reason of any default in the performance or observance of the said condition, rendering the surplus, if any, to me or my heirs or assigns; and I hereby, for myself and my heirs and assigns, covenant with the grantee and his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns that, in case a sale shall be made under the foregoing power, I or they will upon request execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a deed or deeds or release confirming such sale. And it is agreed that the grantee, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, or any person or persons in their behalf, may purchase at any sail made as aforesaid, and that no other purchaser shall be answerable for the application of the purchase money; and that, until default in the performance of observance of the condition of this deed, I and my heirs and assigns may hold and enjoy the granted premises and receive the rents and profits thereof. [And for the consideration aforesaid] And for the consideration aforesaid I Ira Herbert Odell husband of said Emma F. Odell do hereby release unto to the said grantee and his heirs and assigns all my right as tenant by this curtesy in the above granted premises [do hereby release unto the said grantee and .... heirs and assigns all of or to both dower and homestead in the granted premises, and all other rights and interests therein.] In witness whereof We the said Emma F Odell and Ira Herbert Odell hereunto set our hands and seals this 28th day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and eight. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Emma F. Odell. Ira Herbert Odell Commonwealth of Massachusetts Suffolk ss. Boston Sept 28th 1908. Then personally appeared the above-named Emma F. Odell and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed, before me. Frederick I. Stark Justice of the Peace. Boston Sept. 29, 1908 11 h 55 m AM. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds, book 3311, page 182. Attest: Wm. T. A. Fitzgerald Register [*[1 Walker Place]*] [*2 Box 7*] 182 [*#6 Sewall St Dorchester*] 25770 Emma F. Odell to Henry B. Blackwell Mortgage. (Gold) Suffolk Registry of Deeds SEP 29 1908 RECEIVED FOR RECORD. 11.55 AM From the office of COMPARED SOLD BY HOBBS & WARREN CO., Publishers of the "STANDARD" LAW BLANKS, No. 336 Washington St., Boston. Form 148 $900.00/100 Boston, Mass Sept 28 1908 For Value Received, I Emma F Odell Promise to pay to Henry B. Blackwell or order the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars 00/100 in 45 monthly payments of $20 each [from this date] commencing November 1 1908 with interest to be paid [semi]quarter-annually, at the rate of 5 per centum per annum during said term, and for such further time as the said principal sum, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid, with privilege of making prepayment if desired. The principal and interest to be payable in gold coin of the United States of America Signed in the presence of Frederick I. Stark Emma F. Odell. J. L. FAIRBANKS & CO., Stationers, 288 Washington Street, Boston Secured by Mortgage of Real Estate in Dorchester District of Boston to be recorded in Suffolk Registry of Deeds. Know all men by these presents that I, Henry B. Blackwell of the city of Boston, County of Suffolk, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts in consideration of One dollar and other valuable considerations paid by Emma F. Odell wife of Ira Herbert Odell of city, county and commonwealth aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the said Emma F. Odell, her heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns: [A certain parcel of land with all the buildings thereon and all fixtures contained in said buildings in Boston Mass., in that part known as Dorchester on Sewall Street and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Southerly by Sewall Street about fifteen (15) feet, Easterly by a line running northerly from said street through the centre of the brick partition wall between houses numbered Six (6) and eight (8) in the numbering of said Sewall Street, Seventy-two (72) feet to a passageway seven (7) feet wide, northerly by said passageway about fifteen (15) feet, and westerly by lands of Murphy and McLeod Seventy-two feet, containing about 1080 square feet of land, be the same more or less, together with the right of using said passageway in common with others for all purposes common to such passageways. Being Lot Six (6) as shown on a plan recorded and entitled "Compiled Plan of Land, Pope's Hill, Dorchester, Oct 19, 1905, or however otherwise said premises may be bounded and described.] To have and to hold the granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said Emma F. Odell and her heirs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever.And I hereby for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the grantee and her heirs and assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee simple of the granted premises, that they are free from all incumbrances except a mortgage given to the Wildey Savings Bank dated Oct 16, 1905 for Twenty five hundred dollars that I have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and that I will and my heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the grantee and her heirs and assigns forever against lawful claims and demands of all persons, except as above. [And for the consideration aforesaid ........ hereby release unto the grantee and .... heirs and assigns all right of or to both dower and homestead in the granted premises, and all other rights and interests therein.] In witness whereof I the said Henry B. Blackwell being a widower hereunto set my hand and seal this 28th day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and eight. Signed and sealed in the presence of Henry B Blackwell Commonwealth of Massachusetts Suffolk ss. September 28th 1908. Then personally appeared the above-named Henry B. Blackwell and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed before me - Frederick I. Stark Justice of the Peace. Boston Sept. 29, 1908 11 h 55 m A.M. Received and entered with Suffolk Deeds, Book 3311 page 181. Attest: Wm. T. A. Fitzgerald. Register. 181 [*6 Sewall St Box 7*] 25769 Henry B. Blackwell to [*Steven Aaron Brown, 119 Dudly Sr*] Emma F. Odell Suffolk Registry of Deeds SEP 29 1908 RECEIVED FOR RECORD. 11.55 AM Warranty Deed COMPARED. From the office of ...................... HOBBS & WARREN CO. PUBLISHERS STANDARD LAW BLANKS BOSTON - MASS Form 101Telephone 1791 Haymarket Office of The Woman's Journal [No. 3 Park Street, Room 16] 6 Beacon St Room 1018 Boston, Mass., Dec 2 1908 Rec'd of F. H. Jackson Twenty Dollars 2d Installment on principal of $900. 2d mortgage on house 6 Sewall St Dorchester, leaving $860. in principal of mortgage still unpaid Henry B Blackwell Thanks. HARRY L. PORTER, PRESIDENT FRED'K H JACKSON, TREASURER TELEPHONE 727 HAYMARKET Massachusetts Realty Company (INCORPORATED) REAL ESTATE SALES AGENTS FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY AUCTIONEERS 43 TREMONT STREET, ROOMS 406-7-8 BOSTON, MASS. Dec 10, 1908 Mr. R. L. Casey Boston, Mass. Dear Sir: - I enclose you herewith receipt of Henry B. Blackwell for the last payment on second mortgage on the estate #6 Sewall St., Dorchester. Also enclosed find deed of Henry B. Blackwell to Emma F. Odell, which I thought you might like to have. Respectfully yours, F. H. Jackson IMPORTANT. Be Sure To bring or send this notice with the payment. It will save time for both parties. Make checks and money orders payable to Wildey Savings Bank. Business Hours, 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. INTEREST NOTICE. 1676 $56.25 interest on note held by the WILDEY SAVINGS BANK, 52 Boylston Street, Boston, and secured by mortgage on property located 8 Sewall St Dor. will be due April 15, 1908, and prompt payment is requested. J Lawrence Martin, Treasurer. [stamp] Wildey Savings Bank Paid Apr 8 1908 Boston, Mass.Hoyt C. Fuller 3 Park St Boston, Mass IMPORTANT. Be Sure To bring or send this notice with the payment. It will save time for both parties. Make checks and money orders payable to Wildey Savings Bank. Business Hours, 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. INTEREST NOTICE. 1677 $56.25 interest on note held by the WILDEY SAVINGS BANK, 52 Boylston Street, Boston, and secured by mortgage on property located 10 Sewall St Dor. will be due April 15, 1908, and prompt payment is requested. J Lawrence Martin, Treasurer. [stamp] Wildey Savings Bank Paid Apr 8 1908 Boston, Mass. IMPORTANT. Be Sure To bring or send this notice with the payment. It will save time for both parties. Make checks and money orders payable to Wildey Savings Bank. Business Hours, 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. INTEREST NOTICE. 1678 $100. interest on note held by the WILDEY SAVINGS BANK, 52 Boylston Street, Boston, and secured by mortgage on property located 12 Sewall St Dor. will be due April 15, 1908, and prompt payment is requested. J Lawrence Martin, Treasurer. [stamp] Wildey Savings Bank Paid Apr 8 1908 Boston, Mass.Henry B. Blackwell #3 Park St Boston Mass Henry B. Blackwell 3 Park St Boston MassWe hereby certify that on the 5th day of March in the year one thousand nine hundred and nine we were present and saw Henry B. Blackwell of city of Boston, county of Suffolk, Commonwealth of Massachusetts the mortgagee named in a certain mortgage given by Emma F. Odell of city, county and commonwealth aforesaid to Henry B Blackwell dated September 28 A.D. 1908, and recorded in Suffolk Registry of Deeds, book 3311, page 182, make an open, peaceable, and unopposed entry on the premises described in said mortgage, for the purpose, by him declared, of foreclosing said mortgage for breach of the condition thereof. Alice Stone Blackwell Timothy Sweney Commonwealth of Massachusetts Suffolk ss. Boston Mch 10 1909. Then personally appeared the above-named Alice Stone Blackwell and Timothy Sweney and made oath that the above certificate by them subscribed is true, before me - Wm. [O]. C. Curtis Justice of the Peace ........... 190 , ....h....m....M. Received and entered with......... ....Deeds, book ..... page......., and Reference made, as by law required. Attest: ............. Register. Entry to Foreclose Mortgage. Estate 6 Sewall St, Dorchester Dated March 5 1909 From the Office of Sold by the Pemberton Law Stationery Co., 13 Pemberton Square, Boston No. 151