Blackwell Family Kitty Barry Fischer-Lette, MarieMy dear Miss Barry is it not very remarkable that two so eminently rare women should be born and go asleep almost at the same year Dr. Backwell and Miss Florence Nightingale both 1820 - 1910! -- They both have followed their Master's footstep "what you have done unto the least of these my brethren "You have done unto me! et. St. M. 25. 40 Of each of them I write a short Life account and intend to have it printed as a small book with the portraits of each of them. Poor F. Nightingale she was almost forgotten as her work knoked her down. I hope to make her alive again. I intend to mention Dr. Blackwell's books she gave they may be a good example for the present generation. I like to add your letter. the beautiful description at the funeral. may I undersign your name? There is one name I can not well read I at the head of 6 other ladies with Mr David Yellowbeen (?) I think this way to give earth to earth takes away part of the mournfullness! Will you kindly answer those questions? You read in your papers about the visit of English Workmen at Frankfurt a/M. I was present at the reception Mr. Braithwaite knew me again after 10 years. Miss Mariane Dyer is a sincere friend of mine. I remain dear Miss Barry yours very truly M. F L.Dear Miss Barry, I hope you got my letter, just now I find among my papers your kind letter from last year and the photo of our venerable friend! You know she presented me with several of her books I give them to the Library of the Anatomical Institution (University) here. there they will be appreciated by many. Do write to me! please. Frau Fischer-Lette 28 Bendleist Berlin W. 18/VII.[stamped and canceled postcard address side] Postkarte England Miss K. Barry Rock House Exmouth place HastingsDear Miss Barry, I am sure these two lives will do well in all countries to be read. Use Dr. Blackwell and Miss Nightingale. I intend to have them printed under one cover. Yes please send me the book you speak of. I can return it afterwards, because I gave the 6 books I have to one of our most well known Doctors, that hemay say a few recommending words about to be added to the Lifesketch. I think you may well say her book. I think the best use for the House would be to make it a resting place for tired medical women, just for a recreation stay. Yes I can read your letter very well. After my book is published I shall send you a copy. Our Empress also takes interest. I had the honor and the pleasure to have on my journey a little conversation with her. the Lady of honor who was present said I was just writting the life of the oldest Lady Doctor. Her Majesty listened with interest. I hope to send Her also a copy when done.I have done it. With many thanks dear Miss Barey very sincerely Yours Frau Fisher-Lette 28 Beusslest., Berlin W. 3/Sept.28 Beusslest. Berlin W. Dear Miss Barey, Many thanks I received the Newspapeer: The Woman's Jounal with Uncle Henr's Likness. also the one of Dr. Elizabeth aged 38. and that of 82 (.2) : in the Christian Herald. I suppose that latter one I shall have in my Lifeskechs as I fear I can not have both it makes printing so very expensive, and I have to do it myself. Than You did send me one Dr. Blackwell sitting paper in hand? Or shall I take that one for the Life I intend to write? 7 SeptemberYou remember that I have staying with you, when returning from Chicago in Summer 1893. I painted your House in my Sketschbook, says: Rock-House Hastings. Sussex Exmouth place 10/VII 1893. In the same Sketshbook another painting East Cliff. Hastings Sunday 9. VII looking down from the pulpit. You know. Dr. Blackwell just to say that was her pulpit and the 2 dogs kept order, that not unfair things should be done on a Sunday morning. I fancy I was with you also in 1899. The first international Congress against the white slave traffic.I should like best You would make the House a Halyday retread for medical Ladies, a stay of rest for some time Do you set a stone or Cross to the grave, and and Inscription, and which? I buried during the last 2 years two Sisters. the one was a widow left 3 Sons, who burried her at the side of her late husband the other was, helas! for 20 year an Invalidde inmind and body. She lived in an asylum. I went to see her every week. She is buried near my parents here in Berlin. I had written on her grave stone: Corinthian 12 v. 13 For now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face . . . . . My dear Husband is buried in Wilesden Lane Cemetery: I wish I could come to London to see if the grave is all right. Many thanks for the book. I shall read it carefully after I have done these 2 Life sketches from Dr. Blackwell and Florence Nightingale [ *Yours very sincerely M. Fischer-Lette* ] 28 Bendler st. Berlin W. 22/r11 1910 My dear Miss Barry, I ought to have known long ago about the death of my venerable friend. Revelation 14. 13, That they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them. That her works may be useful for others I take as my priviledge. Dr. Blackwell had presented me in the course of years, we knew each other with several of her most useful writings. She even gave me the permition to translate if I wished. Now I gave the books to the Professor of Physiologie], who also lectured some winters to Women to insert them in the Library of the Anatomical Institution. [ *From Fischer Lette* ]I must tell you how we knew each other. In 1873 I was asked if I would execute colored Drawings to the med. profession, either enlarged for the Lecture room or from patients. As I have been a diciple of the brush from Childhood I gladly excepted the offer. At what date I met Dr Elizabeth and her Sister Emily first I do not remember. But I never missed an oppurtunity to listen to her addresses and because a bussy member of the moral reform union, which delegated me in 1893 to Chicago. On my way back to England I was Dr Backwell's guest at her House. My Sketsh - book is my truest Diary There is the picture of the pretty Rock House with the date 9. VII. 1893. and an other Sketsh keeps the memorable underline: Looking down from the pulpit 10 July 1893. Once again I was guest in 1899. My Sketshbook says Window view from Dr. Blackwell's House 8. VII. 99. You presented me with the figures of two fishermen.I wrote a short article of her Life just now for the professor he knew of her and seems to be very interested, but now after the kind notes you gave me I might write a more detailed life as it is most interesting especially also her work during the American war. Should any notes come into your hand, it might not give you and trouble to forward such to me. I wrote a life of Miss Butler wich is very much appreciated also by her Majesty. You see by the letters of my books in what way I write. With many thanks for your letter I remain dear Miss Barry yours very sincerely M. Fischer LetteFor the next week Frau Fisher Lette Hotel Stadt Dresden Kassel. Hessen Kassel after that date. 28 Bendleist. Berlin W. Dear Miss Barry, may we not say with reverance And their works do follow them. The exemple of ourvenerable friend may do good to many, who just begin this study of the human body as the Temple of God. Please do send me some more particulars 1/ At what date is Dr Elizabeth Blackwell born? what was the 2/ occupation of her father 3/ and of her brothers? 4/ what was the name of her mother? 5/ did she found the Hospital at New York? I fancy it was a children's Hospital! I was there comming from Chicago in 1893. 6/ did Dr. Blackwell found the Hospital for women? in London near King's Cross. I did visit at it. One of the Lady - Doctors was Mrs Sturge? and other interesting particulars. will you kindly send me. I have a number of her books one of the first med. men here will give me his opinion about it. The Life of Miss Butler I wrote, pleased our Maj: the Empress very much and she will be likewise interested about Dr. Blackwell. With sincere gratitude and friendship your's Truely Frau Marie Fischer LetteThe two pretty fishermen you gave me are adorning my side board. I suppose you are going to remain in the House. I was present when Dr Blackwell bestowed it on You. You's very truly Frau Marie Fischer - Lette 28 Beusslest. Berlin W.