BLACKWELL FAMILY KITTY BARRY GARRETT, MAY B.[*MB Garrett*] -Aug 31. 97 Dear Miss Barry Pray by D B Blackwell [*& Miss Anna*] [*&*] & accept all my sympathy. Great is the [?] if such a tie although [dissolutive?] is relief toThe sufferer. With best regards to [?] my friend & kindest love [?] [?] [?] Miss [ ] [ ] & a friend [*Thurs? [ ] new [ ], where I shall be [ ] of Mr & Mrs [Holden?]Thanks for note. "Silver & gold have I none." I always say when appealed to, "but such as I have, that give I under thee." ie a bankrupt or two!! I shd like to call on you & Dr sometimes but the only time I cd do so is just when you are both taking an airing. I never go out after tea being then busy with my books. Affectly Yr MBG [?] si seulement cette [?] & digne femme pouvait trouver mon asile chez vous! May GPost Card This space may be used for printed or written matters for Inland use only. Only the address to be written here [cancelled stamp on upper left] Mary Garrett Miss Barry Rock House Emonte Place local