Blackwell Family Kitty Barry From Jenkins, AM[*Am Jenken*] Lucknow Lodge, St Thomas Road, Berea, Durban Feby 5 1900 My dear Miss Barry How glad I was to hear from you and to find you were all well. Lilian of course you know is in England. And I hear she is much better. her partner is come out a very nice woman - all there and able to hold her own with any one - I hope she will make it a success Lilians break down has of course muchat the savage cruelty and wanton destruction; these people I hear, were turned out of their nice homes & grounds, imprisoned in a ravine 4 days - their hair used for locks - and for 4 hours led like ears wound over tnow with rifles at their heads hooted by the faces and every low epithet hurled at them. all because they were English women - - however they are now improving and looking so much better & happier - we have plenty to do for others and no time for selfishness - You know far more than we do of the war as the censorship is so strict that we have no news for days after you have the news in England — Very kind love to you both - Believe me Wun-tar Yours very truly A. M Jenkins. How is Lacey —upset the practise - but I think Dr. Williams will soon pull it together - I had talked of coming again to England but I do not think I shall - my rheumatism & heart weakness will I think prevent my doing so - at present my home is full of refugees - 6 - 4 prisoners from Pretoria who suffered gross insults from the Boers - one a lady 90-years of age - you need not ask which side I am - English to the back home - and if you were here you would indeed be fierce