Blackwell Family Kitty Barry Smith, AnnieBorough of Hastings Women's Liberal Association [*Org.] President: The Hon. Mrs. Freeman-Thomas, "Ratton," Willingdon, Sussex. Hon. Sec.: Mrs. Felton Smith, 58, High Street, Hastings. Hon. Treasurer: Miss Love, 11, Cambridge Road, Hastings. 2-6-10 Dear Miss Barry, It was with profound regret I saw that your dear friend & our much respected citizen had passed away. Please allow me to express my personal sympathy with you in your great bereavement. Also the respectful sympathy of the members of the W.L.A. who have been taught to revere Dr. Blackwell as a Pioneer armory women, & one who never lost her Womanliness. If you are having any Public Service we as an Association should like to attend & pay our last respects. Yours most sincerely, Annie L. Felton Smith