BLACKWELL FAMILY Kitty Barry From Timms, Elsie"Post Office" 25 George Street Hastings England Sunday February 12th, 1922 My dear Miss Barry I am so sorry that I have not written to you for such a long time, but I wish you to believe that it is not because I have forgotten you, far from that, but really my life is so fully occupied, that I do not seem to have half enough time to do what I should like to. First of all I must say I cannot really grasp the fact that you have flown so many miles away from us. How I should have loved to have seen you before you went, now it seems I shall never see you again, for America is so far off. Yes, thank you, I received the parcel quite safely from Scotland, the photograph of yourself I was delighted with, and the little ornaments adorn the chest of drawers in my bedroom, where they are to me a constant reminder of you. Next, many many thanks for pretty cards received at Christmas time, also for the one last week. I have often wondered are you still in touch with Esther & Nellie. Please do not think me inquisitive, but I am interested to learn who your private secretary is, have you someone who is a real companion to you. I do hope so. My mother sends kind love and wishes to be remembered to you, also my brothers, who are quite men now, I do not think you would know them. I am enclosing you two handkerchiefs, I thought you would like something from England perhaps you might use them and think of me. It has been intensely cold here this last week, but the winter is passing rapidly away. oh dear! how short life really is. We have got a sweet little dog. I am sure you would love him, a black & tan terrier, and a most knowing young customer, now nearly two years old, we have had him since a puppy. I will now conclude, more another time, with best wishes and much love from Your ever sincere little friend Elsie TimmsTo Mors J. Huckle 19 Vicarage Rd Kings Langley August 4th 1920 Herts. My dear Miss Barry, What a long time since I have written to you, or heard from you. I though as I have plenty of time on my hands just at present I would send you a few lines. I have been very unwell for several months, and the doctor advised a month's complete rest away from postal work to avoid a breakdown, hence the above address where I have been for nearly a fortnight. The boys are both home now, and settled once again to civilian life. Teddie has gone back to his former employment, but Sonnie is with Mother doing my work until my strength returns. How are you getting along? I should love to hear from you again. We have been having dreadful weather since I have been here, nothing but rain, which is not very acceptable to one spending a holiday in the heart of the country.. I am enclosing you one or two views of Kings Langley, I thought you you would like to have them, knowing your passion for pictures of any kind. George St remains much about the same, there is one good old landmark missing in the form of Mr Thomas, who has retired and left Hastings altogether. I will also say kind remembrance from my Mother & both boys I am sure they would wish it if they knew I were writing to you. Goodbye dear Miss Barry. Best love from Your every sincere little friend Elsie Timms.