BLACKWELL FAMILY KITTY BARRY FROM Ward, HaroldHay, please return this. K.B. 10, Hillworton Road, Rugby [*Harold Ward*] Dec. 3d 1893 - Dear Miss Barry - Very many thanks for your kind letter, which was forwarded from home. I have not heard from or of Aunt Lilly for a very long time, in fact the only member of the family I ever do hear from is Aunt Gwennie. The run for the big cup (in the photo you mentioned) is coming off again next week, but I am sorry to say I am notto run this year. Father evidently thinks a new college scholarship is something to be put in cotton wool, & he seems to have a great aversion to 'the Crick' - that is the name of the run; it is about 13 miles in length, so it is rather a grind. We have had tremendous frosts the last few days, but I think it is thawing nicely now, just in time to avert skating. We were fearing that all football & hunting & such like things were at an end for a long time to come. It is years since I have seen any of the Mother's family. I hope, however, that I may be in Liverpool next holidays, & have a chance of seeing Aunt Gwennie. I enjoyed very greatly reading your letter about the mother herself. I seldom hear so much about her at a time, and I remember very little of her myself, & very vaguely. I only once remember being at Abercarn[e] - that was some years ago, for one afternoon. I wish I could see your pointers - I fear I am not a very keen shot yet (I never kill anything), but I love horses & dogs - Father is not doing very well just now in the horsey line - I fear he [has been] made an unlucky [in] purchase of a hunter a year or so ago, & the old ones, good as they are, are getting old. We hope, though, soon to go to Gloucestershire, to live near Cheltenham in a good hunting country - but you have probably heard of all that from Father. You have probably heard somethingof Rugby from Henry Harvey -- He left, I expect, a year or two before I came here, in September '89 -- He would have left, I suppose, in July '88 or '87 -- I had not heard his name before -- I wonder what house he was in - I am in Morice's. he may have been under [?] Morice in the VIth form. I was second on the list of New College, Corpus, & Magdalen (combined) scholarships, & the first was another Rugbeian, & a great friend of mine __ Rather good for Rugby. It is post-time now, so I must stop - I hope we shall meet some day. Please let me know if ever you happen to pass through Rugby & have any time to spend here,-- Rugby Stadiom is a most objectionable place to spend time --, & meanwhile believe me yours affectionately Harold R Ward