Blackwell Family Lucy Stone Family Cottage Stone, Kate (Mrs. Luther Stone)[*I can send these to your mother L. S.*] [*Kate Stone Petersham Mass Rec Mch 29/86*] Petersham Mar 26 -1886 Dear Aunt Lucy As Luther did not seem to get time to answer your kind letter, I thought may be you would be glad to hear from me. Luther did not forget to write but there was so many things that he wanted to see to before going away, and he would get so tired that when it came night he thought he could not write and so lie down for a nap. As to Luthers going west I did not know what was best he had always wanted to go west to see the country, and as he had a chance to go and not make himself any the poorer, I told him I would not stand in his way, for I knew if he shd no like he could get home again, and that is more [*Mrs. Luther Stone Dana Mass Box 29.*]then many a man can do that goes west I think he is now old enough so that he will try and be careful and keep his health he is aware of the danger there is in making so great a change and will try and guard against it. Willie Webb was not well when he left home he was getting ready to die long before he went west, but he didnot know it of course We have quite a little family to take care of and to fit them to take care of themselfs as them grow up, we felt there had got to a change of some kind. The farm is small and the seasons bad. there was not enough for two families to live on. Luther was very sorry to leave his Father and Mother but he could do more for them away as far as money went then he could if he staid here at home, his Mother tooked it to heart very much his going and I can not blame her he is all the child she has and has always had him with her, it is no wonder that she mourns for her boy, but what ever was best for to do[?] I think she ought to be willing to let he do[?]. I had a letter from him yesterday it was wrote Sunday and he only arrived there Saturday night so he did not and could not write how he was going to like he stood the journey nicely. He will I am sure write you when he get a little rested or before very long, his address in Plainview Nebraska in the elkhorn valley northern part of Nebraska Pierce County. Mr. Luther Stone Plainview Pierce County Nebraska. My little girls are well only just now they are having hard colds, baby Lucy is a good baby she was five months old today and she weighs sixteen pounds and a quarter. I do not nurse her. The other two didnot do very well till they were weened the oldest one weighs thirty five and a half and the next one twenty nine and three quarters. Thier names are Bertha, ClaraBlanche. The Clara is for cousin Clara, Barlow, and Lucy. I thought to let grandpa name the baby and he wanted to name it Lucy for his Sister. I was willing I thought may be it would please all to have it named for some of the Stone family. Many thanks for the many things that you have sent to me and mine from time to time. The little girls are always pleased when you send them Books or cards. I have written you a long letter for the first one hope you will not tire reading it. Am sorry that you are so lame and in so much pain. Grandpa is poorly he fell on the ice and hurt his shoulder and it pains him a good deal he says he can sympathize with you. Love to all from all. Yours truly Kate Stone