BLACKWELL FAMILY LUCY STONE Garrison, William LloydThe Liberator - June 25, 1852 Prof. Fairchild - Correction. West Brookfield, June 22, 1852 Friend Garrison: Will you please give the accompanying letter, from Prof. Fairchild, of Oberlin, a place in the Liberator? It is due to him, and to the truth. The statements, which I am glad his is able to so fully disprove, were made to me by a theological student of Oberlin, in whose veracity I have the fullest confidence; but who, it seems, had been misinformed, or had misunderstood the facts. Prof. Fairchild thinks I should have inquired of him as to the truth of such a "slander", before I made it public. The event shows that it would have been better; though, from the character of my informant, I believed it, just as I should if the same statement had been made to me by Prof. Fairchild himself, relative to another. Up to that time, I had had great respect for him, and heard the statement sadly, feeling that we all need to pray, "Lead us not into temptation", for "Earth's best Find but in flight their safety." It was not from "ill will" toward Prof. Fairchild, for I have none; nor from a desire to injure the institution with which he is connected, for I have no such desire; nor did "the excitement of the moment betray me into a mistake". The whole subject, relative to Oberlin was incidental; growing out of the letter of President Mahan, that appeared in the Glasgow Examiner. What I said was designed as proof added to that which undeniably exists, that it is not without reason that the agents of the Anti-Slavery Society find fault with the church of Oberlin. I am glad that the fact I stated is not a fact, as well for the sake of Oberlin, as for the slave's sake; for Oberlin has now, more than it can ever answer to the slave, in its fellowship of those who fellowship slaveholders. Yours, for truth and justice, Lucy Stone