BLACKWELL FAMILY LUCY STONE Article: 1845No. 2 Could there not be paper money in the country consistently? There might which should be counter issued for government dues would be attended with the loss of sustaining the system, and the danger of issuing too many counters. Difference between bills of exchange and credit money. Why are not bills of exchange just the same as [new] credit money? Why don't they destroy the standard of value? Bills of exchange are to merchandise what certificates are to specie (1) They are not used as money so they do not effect the currency. They are drawn against convertible money, and so can increase only as fast as convertible money does. Distribution of Wealth. In production, labor capital and land comprise. There must be a certain proportion of each. The laborer must have a share or he will not work ie. wages Necessary wages = such a rate as will enable the laborer to procure the necessaries of life, and render him respectable in the community in which he lives. Wages must vary in different [countries?] If the wages are [less?] than the standard the population will decrease. if it rises above, the population will increase.for it creates restraint. Young men will not marry when there is not the prospect of supporting a family honorably. Moral causes will affect the standard Nominal wages or money wages differs in different countries, and in different parts of the same country. deal or merchandise wages. Men work for commodities, not for money. (two dollars a day in New Orleans) Professional wages differ in different countries. All labor does not receive the same wages. The simple kinds of labor like that with the spade is the cheapest because all can do it. Educated labor commands a high price and the advance is interest on the capital. Skilful labor recieves rent for better brains. Trust labor recieves large pay for the trust [refund?] The wages of males and females differ The fact is too obvious to need note. In the U. S. there is 1/2 difference In France a woman gets only 6 sou a day, while a man gets 25. What are the causes of this difference? Labor is an article of merchandise and subject to the same laws of supply and demand as all other things. It is a universal law and unchangeable. There must be a decrease of supply or an increased demand or the price of labor will be low. The unhealthiness of the trade ought to affect the price of labor Statistics show the ages [wages] of the different professions. Farmers 64. Blacksmiths 54 Shoemakers 43. teachers 36 [?] 29 Labor of want and labor of luxury. (1) Female labor is more restricted than men (2) It is more dispensable i e. might be dispensed with. Men can do every kind of work. - mechanical, commercial, literary, &c Women are confined almost exclusively to domestic operations and the lower branches of education. There are as many women as men in any given community, so that the wages must be low [?] being confined to so few branches. There is a great supply in proportion to the effective demand A large part of female labor is for ornaments and luxury. There is as great a demand for female as for male but it must be at a certain price. Let the price be increased and the demand is reduced. Enlarge the sphere of womans labor and its price will increase. A woman may get the same pay as a man if she does the same labor [and does it as well] Then she does not come into market as a laborer but as a capitalist. (1) It requires less effort & strength to perform the labor of females But clerks and professional men, who do the lightest labor get the greatest pay. The customs of soc. - - They dont pay beans they have not the means - - - Price is the value of any commodity expressed in money. The price knows more than all the legislators in the world.Wages are higher in U.S. than in England (1) Because there is more intelligence (2) More political influence (3) More freedom of industry (4) More self respect (5) A wider public domain May workmen combine to raise the price of [labor?]? they may. It is a natural right. They have a right to and the legislation to incorporate them If capital may be incorporated They have a right to incorporate their labor but all monopoly is wrong It is a false principle to incorporate wealth. No corporations for manufactures exist in England, or [about?] Island Corporations destroy individuality - have no soul. but are immortal May the legislature pass laws regulating the hours of labor They may, but it will be of no avail. - Interest. Save for a [?] [?] regulating usury, except in Greece. At present there are none in England Laws against usury can never be observed because they are contrary to nature. Her laws have always increased the rate of interest (1) by increasing the evil. C E. of the lands for 8 he et contrary to law he may be sued and that liability makes a high interest. (2) By driving timid and scrupulous lenders out of the market (3) by rendering [?] [?] infamous. So a man must [?] large [?] in toll. [?] etc. to pay for his loss of reputation. (4) By introducing direct instead of circuitous lending (5) As a consequence of all this it operates directly against the borrower [?] don't emigrate Profit. Profits are the net income of the capital employed —differ in different countries & in different parts of the same country. Profits are in [?] [them? than?] in the younger states. In any given country there is an equality of profits in [crossed out] all kinds of business. - -Rent Rent is a sum [?] for [the?] natural and inherent powers of the soil. - Rent of a house is profit on capital on it is interest if you please to call it that Effect of monopoly - land becomes individual property - Land [?] [?] a higher rent near cities - often arises from the [?] of population - or from accidental good from railroads because it brings us & our [?] nearer cities.No. 1 Mr. Culler of Edinburgh is the present head of the system of P. E. Political Economy is the science of wealth and is to the state what domestic economy is to the family - P. E. differs from politics Wealth is anything in which mankind place a value. Anything, to be valuable must be deniable, and cost labor. [??]tality does not give value. Bills are the representation of value. P. E. is the science of values. [?] is the only source of value & the demand. Value is the ability to be exchanged for something else. What can not be exchanged, is of no value. P. E. treats of the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth. Production is the exchanging one value for another. And is divided into, Agricultures which includes Fisheries, and Mines. Manufactures and Commerce. 4-5% of all production is from exchange. All production is the result of labor. Capital is the resolution of labor. Capital is accumulated labor. Capital is wealth employed in its production. Fixed and circulating capital. Fixed capital is the part that cannot be readily transferred to something else. Circulating capital may be. Capital is formed by the accumulation of labor. Land when appropriated is wealth. It has that about it which makes it wealth. Labor is the effort of human beings to create value. Division of labor means that in the production of a single article a number of persons are employed. Advantages of division of labor are (1) Increased dexterity. : : 900 : 4800 (2) The saving of going from one piece of labor to another (3) It facilitates the invention and improvement of machinery. (4) It shortens the time necessary to learn a trade (5) The better adaptation of physical and mental powers. (6) It gives advantage for mental and social improvement (7) As a consequence of all these advantages is increased production, which benefits all mankind. The limits of the division of labor are (1) the nature of the business (2) There must be a greater amount of capital (3) Demand. If there is a small demand it will never be an object to make a division. Disadvantages (1) It contracts the human mind - [?] herd (2) It renders man helpless and dependent. [?] [?] the problem. How can manufactures be carried to their ne plus ultra and not destroy human beings? (3) The unwholesomeness of the employment Unproductive labor is that which does not result in value to the individual who performs it. Productive labor is that which does result in benefit to the individual who performed it. There is no such thing as a class of unproductive laborers. What are the laws that govern the application of labor to Capital? (1) Capital will be most successfully applied to labor when there is a clear proportion of each. Capital must increase in proportion to the population, or there is a diminution of capital. (2) When each is sure of its full reward (3) When property is generally divided. (4) When there is general intelligence among the people. (5) Perfect freedom of industry when all all are at liberty to choose what form of labor they please. Machinery - its agency in the production of values. it is inconceivable. The manufacturing power is said to be 200,000,000. Natural agents do not give value to anything - only utility - reduce the cost. [?] [?] saving machinery - machinery of trade [?] is carrying on business for the role of [?]. Commerce is a mode of trade. Barter is a direct exchange Traffic is a sort of personal trade. Commerce is always on a large scale and generally on the water. Trade includes all the business of a country. Simple State of society - The labor saving machinery of trade has two functions (1) an instrument of exchange (2) a standard of value - the yard stick of trade. An instrument of exchange becomes a standard of value, because it can measure value. Wheat is not as good a standard as might be be had (1) because it is cumbersome & not easily moved from place to place. (2) It is perishable, depreciating in value each year. (3) Variable in quality (4) Variable in quantity Iron used as a standard but not a good one. Oxen too. 4½ - Sheep. Gold and silver are the best instruments of exchange and standards of value. (1) Because they have a uniformity of value, varying less from year to year than anything else and are a standard upon which future obligations should be based. (2) Their portability - great value in small bulk (3) Divisibility - fused without loss. (4) Malleability - (5) Impressibility (6) Uniformity of quality (7) Alloyability (8) [?]onorousness. (9) Specific gravity. (10) Beauty & utility (11) Universal diffusion. (12) Plentiful. Gold & Silver the Sacred merchandise of the world. Coinage Government should coin and a law be made that this coin should be lawful tender. When the option of coinage was made in the U. S. two standards which should be lawful tender were made viz. gold and silver, and they were always to bear the same relation to each other. A certain number of grains of gold were always be equal to a certain number of grains of silver. Gold and silver are real wealth. Because they are desirable, and cost labor. In what manner is the division of labor in manufactures applied to [the] Commerce Bank. = a place [where?] money is left. Check. = an order. by which deposits are withdrawn. A certificate of deposit shows that the bearer of it has money in the bank. Bills of exchange are orders for the transfer of values 19/20 of the means of exchange is bills. Money is needed merely to settle balances. Direct exchange. Indirect exchange. Bills of exchange are the thermometer of the business world. - bills are at par discount or premium as the case may be. Foreign trade is our interchange of commodities between different nations. All commerce is of that kind. Every nation must buy, in order to sell, and sell, in order to buy. and every nation must buy as much as it sells, and vice versa. If money were paid for exchange, all the money in the country would not pay for two years of importation Buy cash for balances. Money must increase with the population Home trade. is the interchange of commodities, between parts of the same country. Which is most profitable foreign or domestic trade? - that is most profitable which employs or requires most capital and labor. so either may be most profitable as case is Does commerce enrich a nation? Not directly, but indirectly by stimulating production. The wealth of a nation is equal to the extent of thecapital and labor employed. It is no more in commerce. than in any thing else. Balance of trade is ascertained from the custom house [statistics] certificate. If we import more than we export, it is not a loss but a gain to us (Dont see [Law? how?]) The goods are invoiced here. and in the European market. The imports must not exceed the efforts It is not [an evil?] to export [specie?] to pay a debt abroad. The sooner it is paid the better. If we ship [specie?], we diminish the price of products at home. Why would it not be matter of [company?] to import 50 millions of [specie?]? Injustice = by the carrying trade is meant the carrying goods for different nations from one country to another. and it increases the wealth of a country - One nation does not gain by commerce. what the other nation looses. What we gain, is the use of our own labor and capital in commerce. The real balance of trade is what we import more than we export. or vice versa All foreign trade is not direct Circuitous voyages - Exchange in England 7 1/2 to 10 1/2 percent. The reason why we pay so much premium is the difference in the Standard of currency. We reckon 4-6 for what they reckon to half penny. Credit is the use which in man gives to another of a portion of Capital in consideration of compensation in dividends. and is produced by the general confidence we have in each others honesty and ability. In rural communities it is safest. Credit system [fund's?] more in this country than in any other. It is an ocean not current. Its advantages are (1) it facilitates exchange. (2) it enables a person with little or no capital to commence trade (3) it promotes industry (4) circulates commodities, without gold and silver. Its disadvantages are (1) It enables the idle to rob the industrious. (2) It holds out great inducement to extravagance. (3) It induces men to speculate unprofitably.(4) It operates as a great tax on the community - It is an immutable law of the credit system, that those who do pay for their goods, must also pay for those who do not pay. - Importer - Jobber - Retailer = 15 per cts. The first 30.00.000 goes to sustain useless merchants - lawyers. All bankruptcy is to be traced entirely to the credit system. (with all its evils.) Is credit malum in [so]? no in the existing state of society it seems to be a means of increasing production. Credit may be employed legitimately when he who lends is sure to get back principal and interest and when good will result to the man who borrows. He may borrow with advantage for Capital but never for consumption. - Interest is a cancer Does credit need any stimulus? no [?] because the lender has notion enough in the profit that will allow to him and the borrower hopes by a fortunate investment of borrowed capital to make a fortune. - show - fashion - present gratification. Currency is the actual money of the world. Value money, and credit money [was?] a mixed currency. Value money is that which has absolute value in itself, as gold & silver. Credit money is that which performs its office of real money, but is only a substitute for it. Amsterdam bank 1609 Hamburg bank 1619. These banks deal in value money only. Credit is divided into two classes, governmental and commercial. Credit may be traced to China where certificates of deposit were given, and the money spent. [?] money A.D. 960 Merchandise deposits 1022 Assignee payable in three years 1171 Venice bank, at the time of the Crusades. [?] forced loans incorporated in banks. - 1798 closed the bank of Venice 1407 the bank of Genoa 1484 Count issued English bank 1693 1763 Austria issued promissory notes to Maria Theresa. 1793 120 [bars?]. Wm. borrowed certificates of debt. - depreciated [?] to - P. G invaded Florida 1792 Mandate allowed a person to takepossession of public property to the [amt] amt. of the mandate. Credit money of [bar?] to pay its [?] bills Mixed currency of Commerce Speculation banking = American Banking system. Mass bank 1784 (1) object What does a bank create? Credit, just to the extent that it issues bills. England bank see the merchants deposit their money in this bank - The merchants all pay their notes on the bank. - notes may never be paid at a certain time a head, this a labor saving machine On what principle are more bills issued than specie? On the doctrine of chances, hoping that all the bills will not come in at once. ::1:20 What is the result of this expansion. Bills rise - double money is in circulation. - it is expected, the bills are sent to the bank for specie and then perhaps they fail. What is the object to issue more bills? To get interaction money it has not in its possession. It is clear gain to circulate double the amount of specie. Objective (1) It seems to make the currency fluctuating. The Ohio bank went in a few years from 12 million to 11/2 Mass. currency is stable, and simple Complex bank Natural tides - fluctuating. (2) This kind of currency stimulates credit. When paper money is plenty the banks pay a nice discount long paper i.e. to pay a long time a [?] or 10 and 18 men this credit. When money is not plenty, there is less paid for goods. it is in an inverse ratio. People purchase with the premise to pay by and by. When the explosion comes a long stagnation follows the contraction. Will come down less than the specie. (3) It is destructive to the arrangements for trade and business generally When the currency has been expanded in this way. the first thing will be an increased demand for merchandise - this makes more laborers - the demand increases and the crash comes. As agricultural products are diminished the price increases. but the price of labor increases, so that the gain is not so great. (4) These arrangements to cause money bankrupting, and failures in business. Is the laborer just as well off when the price of [labor], goods, and of course of labor is increased? His labor does not rise in proportion to the rise of merchandise. because labor can't be monopolised the laborer loses. - the merchant and manufacturers make the money. Labor falls sooner. than other commodities because other commodities, are more [held?]a life held by the capitalists. But the laborer must have daily sale because he must eat today. They are worse off when the labor is high U S. Bank [?] 1816 loaned from four different branches 60 millions and the bank contracted. (1) Their clients in cities feel the effect of bank contractions first (2) Manufacturers and country merchants. (3) Laborers. (4) Agriculturalists The bankrupted of any nation are just in proportion to its credit money. France has the soundest mixed currency in the world. The portion of bills to specie 5 bankruptcies only 15 in 100. While in England 55 in 100 Scottish bank is bad. bankruptcies 65 in 100. U.S. money fluctuates more than any where else. Bankruptcies 90 in 100. 1840 500,000 bankrupts oweing 60 millions (5) It transfers large amounts to speculators and swindlers. The bank had no increased between 1833 & 37. to 3 hundred millions (6) It is demoralizing (1) by exciting avarice and acquisition. (2) Speculation (3) [?] all sense of obligation of the sacredness of contracts. (4) [?] (bank officers plunder the banks to the amt. of 80 millions.) (1) By holding large reserves of money that belong to others (2) Seeing others make money by the use of it. (3) The property seems to belong to a bank or corporation. and to no individual and this appears to be common property. (4) Temptation. - borrows clandestinely - hope to make money enough to pay soon are detected and ruined. The directors speculate with the funds of the bank. 7) More banks deal in exchange and thus destroy the thermometer of trade so that it cannot be relied on. All the bank in this country deal in exchange. England bank exchange & speculate immensely - cotton crop draft - keep in the money. U.S. bank - It centralizes capital - makes its own terms. so that those who borrow pay large interest if they get money make short loans - [?]. - From the Ohio bank 169 persons received loans to almost 2 millions. - 1 out of 506 got a loan and for this the people were taxed enormously 9) Examinations to the public - 900 Before 1840 1727 Counterfeits - Bills bear out. it grant amt of bills all never returned to the bank There are 53 fictitious banks 10) Failures of banks. [?] to "45. 154 banks had failed in the sum of 100 millions of capital and they lost the bills besides 10) Injurious effect on public expenditures [?] and extravagance always exist just in proportion to the credit money. 11) It perpetuates slavery - for slavery affects production unfavorably. and thus affects the currency (12) The impracticality of regulating the banksLaws (13) The banks may be used as political engines - advantages of credit money? Most popular arguments in favor of banks (1) Make money plenty; and very soon can it change the standard of value and does [best?] to the public 2) Create capital - but it does not. 3) Banks make business [?] I [?] dull. 4) If cheaper medium of circulation than [?] - but the wear and tear of bills and of conscience is dear. 5) Banks regulate exchange - not now 6) Helps young men. - rich without merit and poor without crime. 7) What could we do without banks? It is quite obvious that [?] [?] has no confidence in banks. Government has nothing to do with the currency, but too [?] money. A value money bank should be a bank of deposit. subject to have the money withdrawn by check or otherwise, but it should never loan. Certificate on such banks are at a little more than [Jan?]. One pd [a???prise] = 950 dollars The revenue of the Hamburg bank supports the government of the city. 8 millions have been coined in the U. S. A in this month's. CouldLucy Stone [Obu??] 1845 Composition #1House, at Boston September A. D. 1[9] why said Motion s such notice to be g in the Boston Trav twenty-fifth day o[f] paid, forthwith a p to said Receiver. September 9, 1952 Copy, Attest:—