Subject File - Lucy Stone correspondence (C) BLACKWELL FAMILY LUCY STONECowbridge May 11, '39 Dear Mrs. Stontial- I want to tell you how very much I enjoyed my evening with "Lucy Stone," and I hope you will tell the lady whose tickets I had. My mother was a Pioneer lecturer and writer in behalf 2. of Suffrage, and was a personal friend of Lucy Stone and a regular writer for the Womans Journal. Though a much younger woman she spoke on the same platform with Lucy Stone, Mary A. Livermore and Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. I have some of the bills advertising some of these meetings. So you caners- etc were awfully good- so natural! Miss Blackwell spoke so beautifully and her voice came out so well! It was fine to be there on the "First Night" and it will be a remembrance I am glad to have. Very sincerely yours, Winifred Miller Claflin 3. see how interesting the play was to me and how I could appreciate the fidelity to the facts of Lucy Stone's life, in every line. My mother had told them all to me. I thought the parts were very well taken, Mr. Blackwell, specially good. And I thought the ensembles- the audience that was listening to the anti-slavery speak-