BLACKWELL FAMILY [SUJECT FILE: Lucy Stone CORRESP] LUCY STONE (Mary Gray Peck) [*play*] Testimonial from Mary Gray Peck. Dec.30, 1937. My dear M.W.P. - Many a time and oft I've meant to write you since a half-dozen of us read thru at a sitting the delectable "Lucy Stone" chronicle: It's great and stirring stuff taken out of a great life. The reason I have delayed is that I wanted to re-read it before writing you. Now that I have a copy I haven't had a minute to bless myself with, and, now I'm writing without rereading! But in a way that's all to the good. I can now, a month after reading tell what scenes stand out in my mind. Well, they all do! A couple because of dramatic weakness, the rest by reason of vivid interest. The ones that pall on me are the courtship and the epilog. I should be inclined to have the courtship described in Scene V instead of presented in Scene IV, but I see you were irresistibly tempted by the mixed humor and pathos of the episode. I cannot enough praise Scenes I, II, III, and VI. Altogether you've done a stunning thing and I hope it will become a standing piece in the feminist repertoire henceforth and forevermore!! I just can't write any longer, must be off to an appointment. Thanks for giving me a highly prized gift. Wishing you a busy and successful New Year, Most admiringly and affectionately, M. G. P. (Mary Grey Peck) From Mary Gray Peck Many a time and oft I've meant to write you since a half-dozen of us read through at a sitting the delectable "Lucy Stone" chronicle! It's great and stirring stuff taken out of a great life. ...... I Cannot enough praise Scenes 1,2, 3 and 6. Altogether you've done a stunning thing and I hope it will become a standing piece in the feminist repertoire henceforth and forevermore.