Blackwell Family George W. Blackwell Blackwell, Alice Stone 1905-11Geo W. Blackwell Gardner, Mass. July 6. 1905 Rec 11 1905 with Int. $50 Dear Alice Herewith I send my Check for $50, interest due this day on the $2000 note you hold- All here are well- Mr. L. seems to me to be entirely well, and this apparent feebleness seems to me largely the result of lack of sufficient interest to serve as a stimulus to bodily and mental activity. We have had a week of fine weather for Emma's trip to the Adirondack Country, which, I am glad to say, she much enjoyed. About a week hence we expect to leave for Chilmark. I rather regret that, being so far on the way as Portland,you should not go on to Alaska- I believe that you do not care much for New Countries and Scenery, but Henry would, I feel sure, enjoy it. I have little late family news-Elizabeth is, I suppose, just setting out for Scotland; Emily writes from York Cliffs in good spirits - Chilmark is nearly abandoned for the present - Howard contemplates a Visit to a New Hampshire town for a while - Later he may join us in Chilmark, where "in desolation cold, the " "Desert Serpent dwells pretty" "Nearly alone". Afly G. W. B.5 Clement Circle Cambridge, Mass. April 14/10 Dear Alice, I wrote you on Apr 8th enclosing bills, to be returned to me with check to pay them. Also again on the 10th April about renovations proposed by Mr Vickery on premises 18 + 30 Sewall St + on 2 + 6 Walker Place- to know whether Mr Vickery should go on with them- I have no response to either as yet. Emma & Florence set out last night for Washington, they are probably now attending the first meeting of the Convention- I hope theyhave as beautiful weather as we have & may get enjoyment out of the trip- All here are well Affty, G. W. B. 5 Clement Circle Cambridge, Mass. April 16/10 Dear Alice, I have brought the appraiser of the damage to Quitsa Barn up from $75.00 to $90.00, which I think is not an unfair adjustment. I think from all I can learn that the barn is in the better condition than before the lightning struck it. At all events it was not worthwhile to take any legal proceedings for $13.00 Please sign the enclosed receipt opposite the two red marks and return it to me; when I will at once (over)for a check to your order for the $90.- Nothing this morning from Emma. They were evidently too much occupied to write, so dropped 3 postals into the mail, forgetting to put stamps on them; so our only word from them is a notice from the Washington PO that such postals await us & will be forwarded upon receipt of the postage, which I have this morning sent.- All well here Affly G.W.B. 46 Brewster St.- Cambridge, Mass. July 4/11 Dear Alice Enclosed I send chk for $50. ~ 6 mos. int. to July 6th on my note for $2.000- In a few days I will send you the $750 for Kitty's indebtedness. This hot weather is very uncomfortable. Think what it would be in a cramped city flat? Don't be premature in deciding on any movement. You would be the loser in almost any change. Affly G.W.BWest Tisbury, Mass. Sep. 29/11 Dear Alice Enclosed I send chk for $75.00, being 6 mos. int. to Sep 30th 1911, for which please send receipt. This is on my $3000 note. I hope your new residence may prove acceptable though you are not nearer to your office than you are in Dorchester and for attending meetings in the city you are no better off. Do you get heat, light &c. without extra charge?- I am sorry I cannot offer any help in the morning, but I cannot- My condition remains the same & I am physically weak. Well! Good luck to you- Yours affectionately G.W.B.G W Blackwell $3.000 00/100 East Orange N.J. March 30th 1905 One year after date, I promise to pay to Alice S. Blackwell or order three thousand dollars, with interest thereon payable sum: annually at the rate of five percent per annum, for value received- Geo. W. Blackwell