CATT, Carrie Chapman GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Clayton, Clara C. [*Please return to Mrs. Catt*] MRS. CLARA C. CLAYTON, President 1620 So. 25th St., Lincoln, Nebr. REV. IVA M. INNIS, Vice-President Eagle, Nebr. MRS. AGNES D. ROBERTS, Treasurer 1922 So. 51st St., Omaha, Nebr. MRS. EXIA E. MAXEY, Recording Sec. 1617 L St. Lincoln, Nebr. MRS. MARY LEE SEIBERT, Corresponding Sec. Chapman, Nebr. Nebraska Woman's Christian Temperance Union Office of President Mrs. Clara C. Clayton 1620 South 25th Street Lincoln, Nebraska June 11 1927 Mrs.Carrie Chapman Catt, 171 Madison Ave., New York Dear Mrs.Catt, When Mrs. Hartley received your letter some time ago asking for any information available concerning D.A.R. activities , she talked with me about it and the only source from which we could get such information seemed to be the D.A.R. state chairman of National Defense ,Mrs.B.G.Miller of Crete Nebraska . She had been broadcasting vto the world in general that she was a member of the National Defense Committee and had offered to show me all the literature she had along this line if I would go down and spend the day with her . I did not get to see her until a day before the Woman Citizen containing your article on this subject had been printed . However I am writing this letter hoping that some thing I have learned may be of service to you . When I was thirteen years old , I heard you speak at Neligh Nebraska , [wh] where I was attending school and since that date you have been to me the personification of all desirable feminine attributes . I wonder if yo u realize how many woman rejoice that you have lived. I had hoped to see you become Vice President of the United States at least . I did not think we dared to ask for the office of president for a woman but I did feel that we might venture on the other . Whether that ever comes to you or not ,the womanhood of the country is better because you have led them [us] in their thinking . Mrs B.G.Miller was appointed by the State Regent to serve as State Chairman of National Defense last year . So far as I know she has not been reappointed by the new Regent and I understand that all officers and chairmen automatically lose their places on April 23rd . However Mrs Miller is more active than she has been during the preceding year .I asked her many questions and she answered all of them unhesitatingly . In the afternoon she had invited a number of other women to join us so we had a n open discussion. Not one of us shared her sentiments .She explained that it was her duty to search out communists who were insinuating themselves into every organization and getting themselves elected to office so that they might control the policies of the organization.She declared that thee were two in their own D A.R. chapter, and of course I supposed she has had me classified long ago . She receives daily reports from "key men" which she evidently regards as law and gospel . and she makes many reports of so many things that I am in doubt as to their being read by any national committee . But the very fact that she thus acts the part of a detective - her own designation- makes her a menace to the community , since she takes herself so seriously and seems to consider that upon her shoulders rests the very foundation of our government .As to the nature of things reported there[s] seems to be a wide range . She told me about sending in the name of a university instructor who teaches that the Old Testament is only a collection of legends . -this on the ground that a communist is against the Bible and for atheism .She asked for a copy of a letter a I had read to her written by a former state officer condemning a Senator of an adjoining state , that she might send it oj to Washington .Both men were of the same political faith . And she told me that our present Lieutenant Governor is not be trusted for reasons which she has reported. Naturally much of this is untrue . I cannot believe that a national committee would give heed to such trivial matters . She tells the women there [t] that she is paid and she gives them to understand that the government pay s her but I did not ask her about that . After my conference with her . I talked with the former State Regent of the D.A.R. in Nebraska . Mrs C.S.Paine of Lincoln .Her term of office expired on April 23rd and she is now a national officer . She told me that she received the daily reports of key men but threw them in the waste basket . She appears to know nothing about the activities of Mrs Miller and other D.A R members seem ignorant also . Mrs Paine admitted having appointed Mrs Miller as chairman but said that she had regretted her action and would ask that she be retired now that her term was concluded. I am puzzled however as I find that the two do not agree on several points and I am coming to the opinion that there must be a larger National Defense Committee . Perhaps you know about i t . Mrs Miller tells me that on this committee are representatives of about thirty or forty patriotic organizations but that the D .A.R. member is always the chairman . Mrs Paine said she knew nothing of such a committee ; that the only one she knew about was the committee of the D.A.R. alone and so far as she knew there were no other organizations represented . I have heard Mrs McGlasson the state president of the American Legion Auxialiary state that she was a member of the National Defense Committee and she mentioned the D.A.R in connection with it .Mrs Miller tells me that there are chairmen in every county . Mrs Paine sa ys they have no county chairmen . Mrs Miller claims to be paid - although we have no proof of that . Mrs Paine says the .D.A.R. pays no one . So we have come to the conclusion that there is a National Commi ttee of Defense composed of representatives of many groups - perhaps including the Manufacturer's Association . Mrs Paine knows nothing of this . She is a personal friend of mine and I would trust her absolutely . Mrs Miller tells the women of her town that she may be a delegate to any convention of women by virtue of her position on the national committee and that it is her duty to take the lead on the delegation . She urges the women to state through the papers that they know of the incompetency of certain leaders who are in collusion with the commnuists . Mrs Paine is of the[n] opinion that the woman is mentally unbalanced . I doubt this but think she is not mentally poised. I certainly think that if other persons acting in similar capacities in other states act as she does . we face a real menace . I have found others just as strong in their convictions One . -Col.Frank Eager of Lincoln stated publicly that "While I know that Mrs Clayton who is my friend is not a communist . she is being mis led by them ." He told me after ward that he had the proof and I asked hm to produce it he said he would be willing . to show me what he had . As to the literature in Mrs Miller's possession. I think I did not see any that you have not seen . The only one that I could trace directly to the D.A.R. was "The Common Enemy " and responsibility is so vaguely fixed tha t it is hard to be absolutely sure.I suppose you have that . There were several attacking the "Woman's Lobby" that were printed at 210 Newbury St Boston Mass., by the Public Service League . Another was issued by "Better American Foundation" from 724 S.Spring St Los Angeles California. One that contained as many misstatements as any other was a mimeographed manuscript prepared by H .A.Junk and sent to her fr9m Washington .It bore no street address and carried the endorsement of no organization. Mrs Miller has asked me to arrange a meeting for her with Stanley High whose name appears as one of the communists in one of the pamphlets. Stanley High is visiting his parents here and I think I will try to arrange a meeting. She asked me to be present at the interview and added "It is mu duty to talk with him" I wish I could be of more service. If there is any further way in which I can be of assistance I would be glad to do so. Your article in the Woman Citizen was clear, convincing and left nothing to be added. I am concerned that more people will not be able to read it. I wish that it might be given wider circulation. Hoping that some thing of this may help and that you may see the results of your labors in this regard. I am. yours sincerely Clara C. Clayton [*We think that your series of articles should be printed in leaflet form so that they might be given wider circulation*] Transcribed and reviewed by volunteers participating in the By The People project at